} if (count($errors) == 0) { $target_path = '../' . LS_FILES_DIRECTORY . '/' . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $db_path = LS_FILES_DIRECTORY . '/' . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $result = $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . $lstable . ' SET path = "' . $db_path . '", name = "' . smartsql($defaults['name']) . '", description = "' . smartsql($defaults['description']) . '"'); } if (!$result) { ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=error&sp=mysql'); } else { // Now let us delete the stuff cache file $cachestufffile = '../' . LS_CACHE_DIRECTORY . '/stuff.php'; if (file_exists($cachestufffile)) { unlink($cachestufffile); } ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=success'); } // Output the errors } else { $errors = $errors; } } $LS_USER_FILES = ls_get_files('../' . LS_FILES_DIRECTORY . '/user'); $LS_OPERATOR_FILES = ls_get_files('../' . LS_FILES_DIRECTORY . '/operator'); $FILES_ALL = ls_get_page_info($lstable, '', ''); // Call the template $template = 'files.php'; }
\*======================================================================*/ // Check if the file is accessed only via index.php if not stop the script from running if (!defined('LS_OPERATOR_PREVENT_ACCESS')) { die('You cannot access this file directly.'); } // Check if the user has access to this file if (!LS_USERID_RHINO || !LS_SUPEROPERATORACCESS) { ls_redirect(BASE_URL); } if (!LS_OPERATORACCESS) { ls_redirect(BASE_URL_ORIG); } // All the tables we need for this plugin $errors = array(); $lstable = DB_PREFIX . 'jrc_loginlog'; $LS_LOGINLOG_ALL = ls_get_page_info($lstable, '', ''); // Let's go on with the script if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $defaults = $_POST; if (isset($defaults['delete'])) { $lockuser = $defaults['ls_delete_log']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($lockuser); $i++) { $locked = $lockuser[$i]; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $lstable . ' WHERE id = ' . $locked . ''; $result = $lsdb->query($sql); } if (!$result) { ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=error&sp=mysql'); } else { ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=success'); }
if (!$result) { ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=error&sp=mysql'); } else { // Now let us delete the define cache file $cachestufffile = '../' . LS_CACHE_DIRECTORY . '/stuff.php'; if (file_exists($cachestufffile)) { unlink($cachestufffile); } ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=success'); } // Output the errors } else { $errors = $errors; } } $RESPONSES_ALL = ls_get_page_info($lstable, '', ''); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['insert_lic'])) { $result = $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'setting SET value = CASE varname WHEN "o_number" THEN "' . smartsql($_POST['license']) . '" END WHERE varname IN ("o_number")'); // Now let us delete the define cache file $cachedefinefile = '../' . LS_CACHE_DIRECTORY . '/define.php'; if (file_exists($cachedefinefile)) { unlink($cachedefinefile); } ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=success'); } $pos = strpos(LS_O_NUMBER, 'O-'); if ($pos === false) { $email_body = 'URL: ' . BASE_URL . '<br />Email: ' . LS_EMAIL . '<br />License: ' . LS_O_NUMBER;
} } $CONVERSATION_LS = $lsdata; // Call the template $template = 'readleads.php'; break; default: // Let's go on with the script if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $defaults = $_POST; if (isset($defaults['delete'])) { $lockuser = $defaults['ls_delete_leads']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($lockuser); $i++) { $locked = $lockuser[$i]; $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT convid FROM ' . $lstable . ' WHERE id = "' . smartsql($locked) . '"'); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $lsdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $lstable1 . ' WHERE convid = "' . $row['convid'] . '"'); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $lstable . ' WHERE id = "' . smartsql($locked) . '"'; $result = $lsdb->query($sql); } if (!$result) { ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=error&sp=mysql'); } else { ls_redirect(BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=success'); } } } $LEADS_ALL = ls_get_page_info($lstable, ''); // Call the template $template = 'leads.php'; }