コード例 #1
ファイル: JoinLHS.cc.php プロジェクト: gokulp/grokit
function JoinLHS($wpName, $jDesc)
    $rhsAttOrder = [];
    foreach ($jDesc->hash_RHS_attr as $attr) {
        $att = lookupAttribute($attr);
        $rhsAttOrder[$att->slot()] = $attr;
    $jDesc->hash_RHS_attr = $rhsAttOrder;

//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"LHS Lookup", "action":"start"}
extern "C"
int JoinLHSWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;
(WorkDescription &workDescription, ExecEngineData &result) {

    double start_time = global_clock.GetTime();
    // this is the area where all of the intermediate, serialized records are stored
    SerializedSegmentArray serializedSegments [NUM_SEGS];

    // this is the area where all of the records are serialized to;
    // 10K bytes are initially used for this
    char *serializeHere = (char *) malloc (10000);

    // this is the output chunk
    Chunk output;

    // go to the work description and get the input chunk
    JoinLHSWorkDescription myWork;
    myWork.swap (workDescription);
    Chunk &input = myWork.get_chunkToProcess ();

    // get the waypoint ID from the chunk
    int wayPointID = myWork.get_wayPointID ();

    QueryIDSet queriesToRun = QueryExitsToQueries(myWork.get_whichQueryExits ());

    cgAccessColumns($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS, 'input', $wpName);

    BStringIterator myInBStringIter;
    input.SwapBitmap (myInBStringIter);

    // start the iterators for the output columns for LHS; used only if stillShallow = 0
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS_copy as $att => $queries) {
        echo attIteratorType($att);
        echo $att;

    // these manage the output columns that come from the RHS (now stored in the hash table)

    // this is the ouput bitstring
    MMappedStorage myStore;
    Column bitmapOut (myStore);
    BStringIterator myOutBStringIter (bitmapOut, queriesToRun);

    // now we extract all of the hash table segments... after this, myEntries will hold them all
    HashTableView myView;
    myWork.get_centralHashTable ().EnterReader (myView);
    HashTableSegment myEntries[NUM_SEGS];
    myView.ExtractAllSegments (myEntries);

    // this tells us that we are "still shallow"---not making a deep copy of the LHS atts to the output
    int stillShallow = 1;

    // the bitstring that will be exracted from the hash table
    QueryIDSet *bitstringRHS = 0;

    QueryIDSet existsTarget(<?php 
    echo $jDesc->exists_target;
, true);
    QueryIDSet notExistsTarget(<?php 
    echo $jDesc->not_exists_target;
, true);

    // these are all of the attribute values that come from the hash table...
    // for each att we need a pointer as well as a dummy value that the pointer will be set to by default

    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_RHS as $att => $queries) {
    QueryIDSet <?php 
        echo attQrys($att);
        echo $queries;
, true);
        echo attType($att);
        echo $att;
        echo attType($att);
        echo $att;
        echo attType($att);
        echo $att;

    // now actually try to match up all of the tuples!
    int totalNum = 0;
    while (!myInBStringIter.AtEndOfColumn ()) { // TBD, probably this is not working TBD

        // counts how many matches for this query
        int numHits = 0;

        // extract values of attributes from streams
        // now go through the LHS input atts one at a time and extract if it is needed by an active query

        // see which queries match up
        QueryIDSet curBits = myInBStringIter.GetCurrent ();
        curBits.Intersect (queriesToRun);

        QueryIDSet exists; // keeps track of the queries for which a match is found
        QueryIDSet oldBitstringLHS; // last value of bistringLHS

        // if the input query is not empty
        if (!curBits.IsEmpty ()) {


            // compute the hash for LHS
            HT_INDEX_TYPE hashValue = HASH_INIT;
    foreach ($jDesc->LHS_keys as $att) {
            hashValue = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
        echo $att;
_Column.GetCurrent()), hashValue);

            // figure out which of the hash buckets it goes into
            unsigned int index = WHICH_SEGMENT (hashValue);

            // now, go to that index and extract matching tuples!
            HT_INDEX_TYPE curSlot = WHICH_SLOT (hashValue);
            hashValue = curSlot;

            // this loops through all of the possible RHS hits
            while (1) {

                // this is the bitstring that will go in the output
                QueryIDSet bitstringLHS;

                // for safety (in case we look at a bitstring that spans multiple
                // entries that is not done being written by a concurrent writer)
                // empty out the inital bitstring
                ((QueryIDSet *) serializeHere)->Empty ();

                // give safe "shadow" values to all of the RHS attributes
    foreach ($jDesc->hash_RHS_attr as $att) {
        echo $att;
RHS = &<?php 
        echo $att;

                // here we go through and extract the atts one at a time from the hash
                // table.  Note that the atts must be extracted IN ORDER.  That is, the
                // bitstring is first, followed by the att mapped to the lowerest column
                // position, followed by the att mapped to the next lowest, and so on.

                // The Extract function pulls an attribute out of the hash table...
                int lenSoFar = 0, dummy, done;
                int lastLen = myEntries[index].Extract (serializeHere, curSlot, hashValue, wayPointID, BITMAP, dummy, done);

                // if we cannot find a bitstring, there was no tuple here, and we are done
                if (lastLen == 0) {

                // remember the bitstring
                bitstringRHS = (QueryIDSet *) serializeHere;
                lenSoFar += lastLen;

                // next look for other hashed attributes
    foreach ($jDesc->hash_RHS_attr as $att) {
                lastLen = myEntries[index].Extract (serializeHere + lenSoFar, curSlot, hashValue, wayPointID, <?php 
        echo attSlot($att);
, dummy, done);

                // see if we got attribute
                if (lastLen > 0) {
                    Deserialize(serializeHere + lenSoFar, <?php 
        echo $att;
        echo attOptimizedDeserialize($att, $att . "RHSobj", "serializeHere", "lenSoFar");
        echo $att;
RHS = &<?php 
        echo $att;
                    lenSoFar += lastLen;
                } else {
        echo attQrys($att);
                        "Did not find attribute <?php 
        echo $att;
 in active RHS tuple");

                // see if we have any query matches
                bitstringRHS->Intersect (curBits);
                QueryIDSet qBits;
                //printf("TPLLLLL: cust_acctbal = %f    orders_custkey = %d   cust_custkey = %d\n", *customer_c_acctbalRHS, orders_o_custkey_Column.GetCurrent(), *customer_c_custkeyRHS);

    foreach ($jDesc->queries_attribute_comparison as $qClass) {
                // See if any query in query class is eligible for this comparision
                qBits = QueryIDSet(<?php 
        echo $qClass->qClass;
, true);
                if (
                    !qBits.IsEmpty () &&

        foreach ($qClass->att_pairs as $pair) {
            echo $pair->rhs;
RHS == <?php 
            echo $pair->lhs;
_Column.GetCurrent() &&
        /*foreach pair*/
                     1 )
                    bitstringLHS.Union (qBits);
    /*foreach query class*/

                // if any of them hit...
                if (!bitstringLHS.IsEmpty ()) {



                    // see if we need to move from shallow to deep
                    if (numHits == 2 && stillShallow) {

    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        echo attData($att);
_Out.CreateDeepCopy (<?php 
        echo attData($att);
        echo attData($att);
_Out.Insert (<?php 
        echo attData($att);
        echo attData($att);

                        stillShallow = 0;

                    // now, add all of the outputs over... first deal with the LHS input atts
                    // that get copied into output atts
                    if (!stillShallow) {
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        echo attData($att);
_Out.Insert (<?php 
        echo attData($att);
        echo attData($att);


                    // now, deal with the output atts that come from the hash table
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_RHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        echo attData($att);
_Out.Insert (*<?php 
        echo $att;
        echo attData($att);

                    // finally, set the bitmap. We are one element behind
                    if (!oldBitstringLHS.IsEmpty()){
                         myOutBStringIter.Insert (oldBitstringLHS);
                                 myOutBStringIter.Advance ();
                }  // empty bistring

    // compute the true exist queries
    QueryIDSet tmp = existsTarget;
    tmp.Intersect(curBits); // not needed but I'm paranoid

    // compute the true not exits queries
    QueryIDSet tmp2 = curBits;

    // now put everything in bitstringLHS

    if (!oldBitstringLHS.IsEmpty()){
             myOutBStringIter.Insert (oldBitstringLHS);
                 myOutBStringIter.Advance ();

        // at this point, we are done trying to join this tuple... any join results have been
        // written to the output columns.  Note that we don't have to advance in the output data
        // columns; if we are shallow, we don't touch the output columns.  If we are not shallow,
        // if there were no results, we have nothing to write.  HOWEVER, if we are shallow and
        // we did not get a match, we need to add an empty btstring
        if (stillShallow && numHits == 0) {
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_RHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        echo attType($att);
        echo attData($att);
        echo attData($att);
_Out.Insert (tmp_<?php 
        echo attData($att);
        echo attData($att);

        if (oldBitstringLHS.IsEmpty()){ // no not exist and no join match
           myOutBStringIter.Insert (oldBitstringLHS);
               myOutBStringIter.Advance ();

        // lastly, we need to advance in the INPUT tuples
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS as $att => $qrys) {
        echo attData($att);

        // advance the input bitstring
        myInBStringIter.Advance ();

    // DONE!  So construct the output tuple

    // if we are still shallow, put the original data into the output
    if (stillShallow) {
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        Column col_<?php 
        echo $att;
        echo attData($att);
        echo $att;
        output.SwapColumn (col_<?php 
        echo $att;
, <?php 
        echo attSlot($att);
    } else {
    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_LHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        Column col_<?php 
        echo $att;
        echo attData($att);
        echo $att;
        output.SwapColumn (col_<?php 
        echo $att;
, <?php 
        echo attSlot($att);

    foreach ($jDesc->attribute_queries_RHS_copy as $att => $qrys) {
        Column col_<?php 
        echo $att;
        echo attData($att);
        echo $att;
        output.SwapColumn (col_<?php 
        echo $att;
, <?php 
        echo attSlot($att);

    // put in the output bitmap
    myOutBStringIter.Done ();
    output.SwapBitmap (myOutBStringIter);

    // and give back the result
    ChunkContainer tempResult (output);
    tempResult.swap (result);


    PROFILING(start_time, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;
", "LHS_lookup", "%d", totalNum);
    PROFILING(0.0, "HashTable", "fillrate", "%2.4f", HashTableSegment::globalFillRate*100.0);

    // Finish performance counters
    // Use the Set functionality in case we add additional counters later.
    PCounterList counterList;
    PCounter totalCnt("tpi lhs", totalNum, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    PROFILING2_SET(counterList, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    int64_t hFillRate = int64_t(HashTableSegment::globalFillRate * 1000);
    PROFILING2_INSTANT("hfr", hFillRate, "global");

    free (serializeHere);
    return 1;
//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"LHS Lookup", "action":"end"}

コード例 #2
ファイル: grokit_codegen_expr.php プロジェクト: gokulp/grokit
function parseAttribute($ast)
    assert_ast_type($ast, NodeType::ATTRIBUTE);
    $data = ast_node_data($ast);
    $name = ast_get($data, NodeKey::NAME);
    // Look up attribute information in Attribute Manager
    return lookupAttribute($name);
コード例 #3
ファイル: CodeGeneration.php プロジェクト: gokulp/grokit
function cgConstructColumns($atts, $postfix = "")
    foreach ($atts as $attr) {
        $att = lookupAttribute(strval($attr));
        $attName = $att . $postfix;
    MMappedStorage <?php 
        echo $attName;
    Column::Destroyer <?php 
        echo $attName;
        if ($att->type()->destroy()) {
            echo $attName;
_destroyer = [] (Column& c) {
            echo $att->type()->iterator();
        while( !iter.AtUnwrittenByte() ) {
            echo $att->type();
 & val = const_cast< <?php 
            echo $att->type();
& >( iter.GetCurrent() );
        // if attribute must be destroyed
    Column <?php 
        echo $attName;
        echo $attName;
_Column_store, <?php 
        echo $attName;
        echo $att->type()->iterator();
        echo $attName;
        echo $attName;
        echo $att->type();
        echo $attName;
; // Container for value to be written

    // foreach attribute
コード例 #4
ファイル: grokit_codegen_top.php プロジェクト: gokulp/grokit
 function parseClusterWP($ast, $name, $header)
     $res = new GenerationInfo();
     /***************   PROCESS AST   ***************/
     $attr = lookupAttribute(ast_get($ast, NodeKey::PAYLOAD));
     $attrType = $attr->type();
     grokit_assert($attrType->is('clusterable'), 'Attempting to cluster on unclusterable attribute ' . $attr->name());
     /*************** END PROCESS AST ***************/
     // Get our headers
     $myHeaders = $header . PHP_EOL . ob_get_clean();
     $filename = $name . '.cc';
     $res->addFile($filename, $name);
     ClusterGenerate($name, $attr);
     _endFile($filename, $myHeaders);
     return $res;
コード例 #5
ファイル: JoinRHS.cc.php プロジェクト: gokulp/grokit
function JoinRHS($wpName, $jDesc)

//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"RHS Hash", "action":"start"}
extern "C"
int JoinRHSWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;
 (WorkDescription &workDescription, ExecEngineData &result) {

    double start_time = global_clock.GetTime();

    // this is the area where all of the intermediate, serialized records are stored
    SerializedSegmentArray serializedSegments [NUM_SEGS];

    // this is the area where all of the records are serialized to;
    // 10K bytes are initially used for this
    char *serializeHere = (char *) malloc (10000);
    int storageSize = 10000;

    // go to the work description and get the input chunk
    JoinRHSWorkDescription myWork;
    myWork.swap (workDescription);
    Chunk &input = myWork.get_chunkToProcess ();

    // get the waypoint identifier
    unsigned int wayPointID = myWork.get_wayPointID ();

    QueryIDSet queriesToRun = QueryExitsToQueries(myWork.get_whichQueryExits ());

    cgAccessColumns($jDesc->attribute_queries_RHS, 'input', $wpName);

    // prepare bitstring iterator
    Column inBitCol;
    BStringIterator queries;
    input.SwapBitmap (queries);

    int totalNum = 0; // counter for the tuples processed

    // now actually hash all of the tuples!
    while (!queries.AtEndOfColumn ()){
        QueryIDSet qry;
        qry = queries.GetCurrent();

        // extract values of attributes from streams

         if (qry.IsEmpty()){


    foreach ($jDesc->query_classes_hash as $qClass) {
        $attOrder = [];
        foreach ($qClass->att_queries as $att => $qrys) {
            $attr = lookupAttribute($att);
            $attOrder[$att] = $attr->slot();
        // Dealing with join attributes <?php 
        echo implode(",", $qClass->att_list);

        if (qry.Overlaps(QueryIDSet(<?php 
        echo $qClass->qClass;
, true))) {

            HT_INDEX_TYPE hashValue = HASH_INIT;
        foreach ($qClass->rhs_keys as $att) {
            hashValue = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
            echo $att;
), hashValue);
        /*foreach attribute*/

            // figure out which of the hash buckets it goes into
            unsigned int index = WHICH_SEGMENT (hashValue);

            // and serialize the record!  Begin with the bitstring.
            // TBD TBD SS: check if Bitstring takes value that way !
            Bitstring myInBString(<?php 
        echo $qClass->qClass;
, true);

            int bytesUsed = sizeof(Bitstring);

            // Make sure we have the storage...
            if (bytesUsed > storageSize) {
                storageSize = bytesUsed;
                free (serializeHere);
                serializeHere = (char *) malloc (storageSize);

            // do the serialization...
            void *location = (void*)&myInBString;

            // remember the serialized value
            serializedSegments[index].StartNew (WHICH_SLOT (hashValue), wayPointID, 1, location, bytesUsed);

            // now, go thru all of the attributes that are used
        foreach ($attOrder as $att => $slot) {
            $qrys = $qClass->att_queries->{$att};
            if (myInBString.Overlaps(QueryIDSet(<?php 
            echo $qrys;
, true))){

                //bytesUsed = <?php 
            echo attSerializedSize($att, $att);
		bytesUsed = SerializedSize(<?php 
            echo $att;
                if (bytesUsed > storageSize) {
                    storageSize = bytesUsed;
                    free (serializeHere);
                    serializeHere = (char *) malloc (storageSize);

                // and record the serialized value
                //location =  <?php 
            echo attOptimizedSerialize($att, $att, "serializeHere");
		Serialize(serializeHere, <?php 
            echo $att;
                serializedSegments[index].Append (<?php 
            echo $slot;
,(void *) serializeHere, bytesUsed);
        /*foreach attribute*/

    /*foreach query class*/
    /* Is this correct. Should it be inside the loop for the class? */

    // now we are done serializing the chunk
    free (serializeHere);

    // so actually do the hashing... first set up the list of the guys we want to hash
    int theseAreOK [NUM_SEGS];
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SEGS; i++) {
        theseAreOK[i] = 1;

    // this is the set of sample collisions taken from the over-full segments
    HashSegmentSample mySamples;

    // now go through and, one-at-a-time, add the data to each table segment
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SEGS; i++) {
        // first get a segment to add data to
        HashTableSegment checkedOutCopy;
        int whichOne = myWork.get_centralHashTable ().CheckOutOne (theseAreOK, checkedOutCopy);
        theseAreOK[whichOne] = 0;

        // now add the data
        HashSegmentSample mySample;
        if (checkedOutCopy.Insert (serializedSegments[whichOne], mySample)) {

            // if we are in here, it means that the segment was over-full, so note that we will
            // need to empty it out... we record all of the samples
            mySamples.MoveToFinish ();
            mySample.MoveToStart ();
            mySamples.SwapRights (mySample);

        // and then put the segment back in the hash table
        myWork.get_centralHashTable ().CheckIn (whichOne);

    cgPutbackColumns($jDesc->attribute_queries_RHS, 'input', $wpName);


    PROFILING(start_time, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;
", "RHS_hash", "%d", totalNum);
    PROFILING(0.0, "HashTable", "fillrate", "%2.4f", HashTableSegment::globalFillRate*100.0);

    // Finish performance counters
    // Use the Set functionality in case we add additional counters later.
    PCounterList counterList;
    PCounter totalCnt("RHS", totalNum, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;
    PCounter globalCnt("jRHS", totalNum, "global");

    PROFILING2_SET(counterList, "<?php 
    echo $wpName;

    int64_t hFillRate = int64_t(HashTableSegment::globalFillRate * 1000);
    PROFILING2_INSTANT("hfr", hFillRate, "global");

    // now we are finally done!
    JoinHashResult myResult (mySamples);
    myResult.swap (result);
    return 0;

} // JoinRHSWorkFunc_<?php 
    echo $wpName;
//+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"RHS Hash", "action":"end"}
