function loadExcel($file = false) { // error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); global $CONFIG, $EXCEL; if (!$file) { return false; } if (!in_array($_FILES[$file]['type'], $EXCEL[0]['filetype'])) { return false; } if (array_key_exists('admin', $CONFIG)) { $this->configkey = 'admin'; } if (array_key_exists('dashboard', $CONFIG)) { $this->configkey = 'dashboard'; } $excel = ""; $filename = $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']; $excelEngine = LIBS . 'excel/excel_reader' . $CONFIG[$this->configkey]['php_ext']; if (is_file($excelEngine)) { require_once $excelEngine; $excel = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($filename); logFile('load excel success'); } else { logFile('excel lib not found'); } return $excel; }
function insert_data($data, $table) { $check = $this->insert($data, $table); logFile($check); if ($check) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function inputgallery($judul, $deskripsi, $namafile, $id_album, $jns_file) { $query = "INSERT INTO gallery(id_album,nm_gallery,jns_file,path_lokasi,deskripsi)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('" . $id_album . "','" . $judul . "','" . $jns_file . "','" . $namafile . "','" . $deskripsi . "')"; //eksekusi query logFile($query); $exec = $this->query($query, 0); //kondisi apabila eksekusi berhasil mengembalikan notif 1, jika gagal mencetak query gagal if ($exec) { return 1; } else { pr('query gagal'); } }
function logout() { global $basedomain; $doLogout = $this->userHelper->logoutUser(); if ($doLogout) { redirect($basedomain . 'logout.php'); exit; } else { redirect($basedomain); logFile('can not logout user'); exit; } }
function inputgallery($judul, $deskripsi, $filename, $id_gmb, $jns_file, $status, $tipe_album) { $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $query = "INSERT INTO gallery(other_id,judul,jns_file,filename,deskripsi,status,date_upload,tipe_album)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('" . $id_gmb . "','" . $judul . "','" . $jns_file . "','" . $filename . "','" . $deskripsi . "','" . $status . "', '{$date}', '" . $tipe_album . "')"; //eksekusi query logFile($query); $exec = $this->query($query, 0); //kondisi apabila eksekusi berhasil mengembalikan notif 1, jika gagal mencetak query gagal if ($exec) { return 1; } else { pr('query gagal'); } }
function dataAset($oldSatker, $newSatker, $debug = false) { /* - ambil aset di satker lama - looping asetid, ambil kode kelompok untuk menentukan no register baru - ambil noregister terakhir di satker baru dengan kode kelompok - bentuk satker, lokasi, no register - insert ke tabel tmp_merger execute - select data dari tmp_merger - update ke tabel masing2 */ $sql = array('table' => "aset AS a", 'field' => "a.Aset_ID, a.kodeKelompok, a.kodeSatker, a.kodeLokasi, a.noRegister, a.TipeAset, a.Tahun", 'condition' => "a.kodeSatker = '{$oldSatker}'"); $aset = $this->db->lazyQuery($sql, $debug); if ($aset) { foreach ($aset as $key => $value) { $listTableAbjad = array('A' => 1, 'B' => 2, 'C' => 3, 'D' => 4, 'E' => 5, 'F' => 6); $sql = array('table' => "aset AS a, satker AS s", 'field' => "a.kodeLokasi, s.NamaSatker", 'condition' => "a.kodeSatker = '{$newSatker}' AND s.kd_Ruang IS NULL", 'joinmethod' => 'LEFT JOIN', 'join' => 'a.kodeSatker = s.kode', 'limit' => 1); $satker = $this->db->lazyQuery($sql, $debug); $table = $this->getTableKibAlias($listTableAbjad[$value['TipeAset']]); $tmpKodeLokasi = explode('.', $satker[0]['kodeLokasi']); $tmpKodeSatker = explode('.', $newSatker); $prefix = $tmpKodeLokasi[0] . '.' . $tmpKodeLokasi[1] . '.' . $tmpKodeLokasi[2]; $prefixkodesatker = $tmpKodeSatker[0] . '.' . $tmpKodeSatker[1]; $prefixTahun = substr($value['Tahun'], 2, 2); $postfixkodeSatker = $tmpKodeSatker[2] . '.' . $tmpKodeSatker[3]; $implLokasi = $prefix . '.' . $prefixkodesatker . '.' . $prefixTahun . '.' . $postfixkodeSatker; $data[$key]['Aset_ID'] = $value['Aset_ID']; $data[$key]['kodeSatker'] = $newSatker; $data[$key]['oldKodeSatker'] = $oldSatker; $data[$key]['NamaSatker'] = $satker[0]['NamaSatker']; $data[$key]['kodeKelompok'] = $value['kodeKelompok']; $data[$key]['kodeLokasi'] = $implLokasi; $data[$key]['TipeAset'] = $listTableAbjad[$value['TipeAset']]; } $totalAset = count($aset); $dataevent = serialize($data); $shufle = str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR'); logFile($dataevent, $shufle); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = array('table' => "tmp_merger", 'field' => "Aset, event, target, data, create_date", 'value' => "{$totalAset}, '{$oldSatker}', '{$newSatker}', '{$shufle}','{$date}'"); usleep(100); $res = $this->db->lazyQuery($sql, $debug, 1); if ($res) { echo "Sukses insert data \n"; } } }
function select_data_selesai($years, $month) { $filter = ""; if ($years and $years != 3) { $filter .= " AND YEAR(tanggal) = '{$years}'"; } if ($month and $month != 15) { $filter .= " AND MONTH(tanggal) = '{$month}'"; } $query = "SELECT COUNT(1) AS total FROM bsn_pengaduan WHERE status = '4' {$filter}"; logFile($query); $result = $this->fetch($query); // pr($result); return $result; }
function forgotPassword() { global $CONFIG; $token = _p('token'); $this->view->assign('status', true); if ($token) { // pr($_POST); $getToken = $this->loginHelper->getUserEmail(_p('email'), true); if ($getToken) { // send mail before activate account $dataArr['email'] = $getToken['email']; $dataArr['username'] = $getToken['username']; $dataArr['password'] = $getToken['password']; $dataArr['token'] = sha1('reset' . $getToken['email']); $dataArr['validby'] = $getToken['email_token']; $dataArr['regfrom'] = 1; $dataArr['reset'] = 1; $inflatData = encode(serialize($dataArr)); logFile($inflatData); $to = $getToken['email']; $from = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT']; // $msg = "To activate your account please <a href='{$basedomain}login/validate/?ref={$inflatData}'>click here</a>"; $this->view->assign('email', $getToken['email']); $this->view->assign('username', $getToken['username']); $this->view->assign('encode', $inflatData); $this->view->assign('content', "reset"); $msg = "<p>Hi " . $getToken['username'] . "!</p>"; $msg .= $this->loadView('emailTemplate'); // try to send mail // pr($getToken); // exit; $sendMail = sendGlobalMail($to, $from, $msg, true); logFile('mail reset account send ' . serialize($sendMail)); $this->view->assign('status', true); } else { $this->view->assign('status', false); } // $this->activityHelper->updateEmailLog(false,$to,'account',0); /*$verifiedData = $this->loginHelper->resetAccount($to); if ($verifiedData){ echo 'true'; }*/ } return $this->loadView('forgot-password'); }
function generateEmail($email = false, $username = false, $regfrom = 1, $token = CODEKIR) { global $CONFIG, $basedomain; if (!$email && !$username) { return false; } $dataArr['email'] = $email; $dataArr['username'] = $username; $dataArr['token'] = sha1('register' . $email); $dataArr['validby'] = $token; $dataArr['regfrom'] = $regfrom; logFile('token ori : ' . $token); $inflatData = encode(serialize($dataArr)); logFile(serialize($dataArr)); $return['to'] = $email; $return['from'] = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT']; $return['subject'] = "[NOTIFICATION]"; $return['msg'] = "To activate your account please <a href='{$basedomain}login/validate/?ref={$inflatData}'>click here</a>"; $return['encode'] = $inflatData; return $return; }
$query2 = "INSERT INTO Satker VALUES (NULL, NULL, '$data->KodeSektor', '$data->KodeSatker', ".$NamaSatker.", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, {$Gudang}, ".$KodeUnit.", '$tmp_kode', ".$KotaSatker.", ".$BuatKIB.",NULL)"; // pr($query2); $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die (mysql_error()); usleep(500); */ // pr($data); // pr($_POST); $tmpKodeRuang ="$data->KodeSatker.$_POST[KodeUnit].$_POST[KodeUPB].$_POST[KodeRuangan]"; $tmp_kode = "$data->KodeSatker.$_POST[KodeUnit].$_POST[KodeUPB]"; $query3 = "INSERT INTO Satker (Satker_ID, Tahun, KodeSektor, KodeSatker, NamaSatker, AlamatSatker, NGO, RAND_ID, IndukSatker, NGO1_ID, NGO2_ID, NGO3_ID, NGO4_ID, CNOTE1, CNOTE2, Gudang, KodeUnit, Tmp_KodeSatker, KotaSatker, BuatKIB, Kd_Ruang, kode) VALUES (NULL, NULL, '$data->KodeSektor', '$data->KodeSatker', ".$NamaSatker.", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, {$Gudang}, ".$KodeUnit.", '$tmpKodeRuang', ".$KotaSatker.", ".$BuatKIB.",{$KodeRuangan},'$tmp_kode')"; // pr($query3); logFile($query3); $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die (mysql_error()); // exit; if ($result3 > 0) echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Sukses'); window.location.href='?page=$_GET[page]&a=v'; </script>" ; else echo '<script type=text/javascript>alert("Gagal");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type=text/javascript>alert("Silahkan mengisi form Ruang");</script>' ; } /* $query = "INSERT INTO Satker VALUES (NULL, NULL, ".$KodeSektor.", NULL, ".$NamaSatker.", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); $query1 = "INSERT INTO Satker VALUES (NULL, NULL, ".$KodeSektor.", ".$KodeSatker.", ".$NamaSatker.", NULL,
function sendGlobalMail($to, $from, $msg, $config = true) { global $CONFIG, $LOCALE; if (!$config) { @mail($to, "[ NOTIFICATION ] Flora Kalbar", $msg, "From: {$from}\n"); return array('message' => 'success send mail', 'result' => true); } require_once LIBS . "PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"; if ($from != '') { $from = $from; } else { $from = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT']; } $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP try { logFile('ready to send mail'); $mail->Host = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_SMTP_HOST']; // SMTP server $mail->SMTPDebug = 1; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier $mail->Host = ""; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server $mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $mail->Username = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT']; // GMAIL username $mail->Password = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD']; // GMAIL password $mail->AddAddress($to); $mail->SetFrom($CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT'], 'No Reply Account'); $mail->Subject = "[ NOTIFICATION ] Flora Kalbar"; $mail->AltBody = 'To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!'; // optional - MsgHTML will create an alternate automatically $mail->MsgHTML($msg); $result = $mail->Send(); logFile('status send = ' . $result); if ($result) { return array('message' => 'success send mail', 'result' => true, 'res' => $result); } else { return array('message' => 'error mail setting', 'result' => false, 'res' => $mail->ErrorInfo); } } catch (phpmailerException $e) { // echo $e->errorMessage(); //Pretty error messages from PHPMailer } catch (Exception $e) { // echo $e->getMessage(); //Boring error messages from anything else! } }
/** * @todo extract zip function basedomain/zip/extract * * @see s_linux_unzip Function * @see unzip Function * @see createFolder Function * @see getContents Function * @see resize & crop Function * @see validateUsername Function * @see imagezip class * * */ function extract($status = NULL, $msg = NULL, $data = NULL) { global $CONFIG; $name = $_POST['imagezip']; $path = ''; $path_file = $CONFIG['default']['upload_path']; //get data user from session $session = new Session(); //$sess_user = $session->get_session(); //$sess_data = $sess_user['ses_user']; $sess_data = $session->get_session(); $username = $sess_data['login']['username']; $personID = $sess_data['login']['id']; $password = $sess_data['login']['password']; if (empty($username) || empty($personID) || empty($password)) { $status = "error"; $msg = "Kesalahan terjadi saat validasi data pengguna, silakan logout kemudian login kembali"; echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'message' => $msg)); exit; } //$email = $_POST['email']; /*$username = $_POST['username']; $validateUsername = $this->validateUsername($username); if($validateUsername['status'] != 'success'){ $status = "error"; $msg = "Error occured while validating username"; echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'message' => $msg)); exit; } $personID = $validateUsername['personID'];*/ // input with email /*$validateEmail = $this->validateEmail($email); if($validateEmail['status'] != 'success'){ $status = "error"; $msg = "Error occured while validating email"; echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'message' => $msg)); exit; } $personID = $validateEmail['personID']; $username = $validateEmail['short_namecode'];*/ //end input with email //move zip file to tmp folder $copy_zip = sftpServices($CONFIG['default']['hostname'], $username, $password, $name); logFile($copy_zip); if (!$copy_zip) { $status = "error"; $msg = "Kesalahan saat mengambil file zip atau file zip tidak ditemukan"; echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'message' => $msg)); exit; } if (!empty($name)) { if (preg_match('#\\.(zip|ZIP)$#i', $name)) { $tmp_path = md5($name); $path_extract = $path_file . 'imgprocess/' . $tmp_path; $file = $path_file . $name; //check file zip exist if (!file_exists($file)) { $status = "error"; $msg = "Sistem tidak dapat menemukan file yang ditentukan"; echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'message' => $msg)); exit; } if ($CONFIG['default']['unzip'] == 's_linux_unzip') { s_linux_unzip($file, $path_extract); } elseif ($CONFIG['default']['unzip'] == 'zipArchive') { unzip($file, $path_extract); } $path_data = 'public_assets/'; //$path_user = $path_data.$username; $path_img = $path_data . '/img'; $path_img_ori = $path_img . '/ori'; $path_img_1000px = $path_img . '/1000px'; $path_img_500px = $path_img . '/500px'; $path_img_100px = $path_img . '/100px'; $toCreate = array($path_img, $path_img_ori, $path_img_1000px, $path_img_500px, $path_img_100px); $permissions = 0755; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { createFolder($toCreate, $permissions); } else { shell_createFolder($toCreate); } $images = $this->GetContents($path_extract); $list = count($images); $dataNotExist = array(); foreach ($images as $image) { $entry = $image['filename']; $path_entry = $image['path']; $len = strlen($path_extract); $folder = substr($path_entry, $len); if (preg_match('#\\.(jpg|jpeg|JPG|JPEG)$#i', $entry)) { $image_name_encrypt = md5(str_shuffle($CONFIG['default']['salt'] . $entry)); $fileinfo = getimagesize($path_entry . '/' . $entry); if (!$fileinfo) { $status = "error"; $msg = "Tidak ada informasi jenis berkas"; } else { $valid_types = array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $valid_mime = array('image/jpeg'); if (in_array($fileinfo[2], $valid_types) || in_array($fileinfo['mime'], $valid_mime)) { $mime = true; } else { $mime = false; } if ($mime) { //check file exist here //$dataExist = $this->imagezip->dataExist($entry); $dataExist = $this->imagezip->imageExist($entry); //add file information to array $fileToInsert = array('filename' => $entry, 'md5sum' => $image_name_encrypt, 'directory' => $folder, 'mimetype' => $fileinfo['mime']); if ($dataExist) { //get detail image $detail_image = $this->imagezip->get_image_by_name($entry); if ($detail_image['md5sum']) { $delete_image = array($path_img_ori . '/' . $detail_image['md5sum'] . '.ori.jpg', $path_img_1000px . '/' . $detail_image['md5sum'] . '.1000px.jpg', $path_img_500px . '/' . $detail_image['md5sum'] . '.500px.jpg', $path_img_100px . '/' . $detail_image['md5sum'] . '.100px.jpg'); //delete old image $this->delete_img($delete_image); } copy($path_entry . "/" . $entry, $path_img_ori . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.ori.jpg'); copy($path_entry . "/" . $entry, $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg'); if (!@copy($path_entry . "/" . $entry, $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg')) { $status = "error"; $msg = error_get_last(); } else { $src_tmp = $path_entry . "/" . $entry; $dest_1000px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg'; $dest_500px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_500px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.500px.jpg'; $dest_100px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_100px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.100px.jpg'; if ($fileinfo[0] >= 1000 || $fileinfo[1] >= 1000) { if ($fileinfo[0] > $fileinfo[1]) { $percentage = 1000 / $fileinfo[0]; $config['width'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[1]; } else { $percentage = 1000 / $fileinfo[1]; $config['width'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[1]; } $this->resize_pic($src_tmp, $dest_1000px, $config); unset($config); } //Set cropping for y or x axis, depending on image orientation if ($fileinfo[0] > $fileinfo[1]) { $config['width'] = $fileinfo[1]; $config['height'] = $fileinfo[1]; $config['x_axis'] = $fileinfo[0] / 2 - $config['width'] / 2; $config['y_axis'] = 0; } else { $config['width'] = $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $fileinfo[0]; $config['x_axis'] = 0; $config['y_axis'] = $fileinfo[1] / 2 - $config['height'] / 2; } $this->cropToSquare($src_tmp, $dest_500px, $config); unset($config); //set new config $config['width'] = 500; $config['height'] = 500; $this->resize_pic($dest_500px, $dest_500px, $config); unset($config); $config['width'] = 100; $config['height'] = 100; $this->resize_pic($dest_500px, $dest_100px, $config); unset($config); //update data $insertImage = $this->imagezip->updateImage($personID, $fileToInsert); } // end if copy } else { //add data information to array array_push($dataNotExist, $fileToInsert); } } } } } $count_dataNotExist = count($dataNotExist); if ($list == $count_dataNotExist) { $status = 'warning'; $msg = 'File berhasil diekstrak. Tidak ada gambar yang sesuai dengan data.'; $data['dataNotExist'] = $dataNotExist; } else { //send dataNotExist information to user $status = 'success'; $msg = 'File berhasil diekstrak.'; $data['dataNotExist'] = $dataNotExist; } deleteDir($path_extract); } else { $status = "error"; $msg = 'Nama file harus file zip'; } } else { $status = "error"; $msg = 'Nama file tidak boleh kosong'; } echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'message' => $msg, 'data' => $data)); exit; }
/** * @todo commit sql transaction * * @return boolean true/false * * */ function commitTransaction() { $this->commit(); logFile('====COMMIT TRANSACTION===='); return true; }
/** * @todo check if twitter of user exist or not * * @param $data = inputted twitter * @return boolean */ function checkTwitter($data) { if ($data == '') { return true; } else { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS total FROM `person` WHERE `twitter` = '" . $data . "' "; $res = $this->fetch($sql, 0); if ($res['total'] > 0) { logFile('Twitter EXIST/'); return false; } } return true; }
$_SESSION['menu-Opt'] = $menuName; //Assign previous session menu name break; } if ($receiver->getMessage() == "000") { $responseExitMsg = "Exit Program!"; $response = loadUssdSender($sessionId, $responseExitMsg); session_destroy(); } if ($receiver->getMessage() == "exit") { $responseExitMsg = "Exit Program!"; $response = loadUssdSender($sessionId, $responseExitMsg); session_destroy(); } else { logFile("Selected response message := " . $responseMsg[$menuName]); logFile("cat" . $_SESSION['cat']); //$response = loadUssdSender($sessionId, $responseMsg[$menuName]); $response = send($sessionId, $responseMsg[$menuName], $address); } } /* Get the session id and Response message as parameter Create sender object and send ussd with appropriate parameters **/ function send($sessionId, $responseMessage, $destinationAddress) { $password = "******"; if ($responseMessage == "000") { $ussdOperation = "mt-fin"; } else { $ussdOperation = "mt-cont";
/** * @todo create new user * * @return $statusName and $msgName = status and message for validating name * @return $statusEmail and $msgEmail = status and message for validating email * @return $statusUsername and $msgUsername = status and message for validating username * @return $statusTwitter and $msgTwitter = status and message for validating twitter */ function doSignup() { global $CONFIG; $data = $_POST; $checkEmail = $this->loginHelper->checkEmail($data['email']); $checkUsername = $this->loginHelper->checkUsername($data['username']); $checkTwitter = $this->loginHelper->checkTwitter($data['twitter']); if ($checkEmail !== true || $checkUsername !== true || $checkTwitter !== true) { $statusEmail = ""; $msgEmail = ""; $statusUsername = ""; $msgUsername = ""; $statusTwitter = ""; $msgTwitter = ""; if ($checkEmail !== true) { $statusEmail = "exist"; $msgEmail = "Email already exist"; } if ($checkUsername !== true) { $statusUsername = "******"; $msgUsername = "******"; } if ($checkTwitter !== true) { $statusTwitter = "exist"; $msgTwitter = "Twitter already exist"; } echo json_encode(array('statusEmail' => $statusEmail, 'msgEmail' => $msgEmail, 'statusUsername' => $statusUsername, 'msgUsername' => $msgUsername, 'statusTwitter' => $statusTwitter, 'msgTwitter' => $msgTwitter)); exit; } // else{ // echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error')); // exit; // } if ($checkEmail && $checkUsername && $checkTwitter) { $signup = $this->loginHelper->createUser($data); // uncomment in server // if ($signup){ $getToken = $this->loginHelper->getEmailToken($data['username']); // send mail before activate account $dataArr['email'] = $data['email']; $dataArr['username'] = $data['username']; $dataArr['password'] = $data['password']; $dataArr['token'] = sha1('register' . $data['email']); $dataArr['validby'] = $getToken['email_token']; $dataArr['regfrom'] = 1; $inflatData = encode(serialize($dataArr)); logFile($inflatData); $to = $data['email']; $from = $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT']; // $msg = "To activate your account please <a href='{$basedomain}login/validate/?ref={$inflatData}'>click here</a>"; $this->view->assign('email', $data['email']); $this->view->assign('username', $data['username']); $this->view->assign('encode', $inflatData); $this->view->assign('content', "pembuatan"); $msg = "<p>Hi " . $data['username'] . "!</p>"; $msg .= $this->loadView('emailTemplate'); // try to send mail $sendMail = sendGlobalMail($to, $from, $msg, true); logFile('mail send ' . serialize($sendMail)); $this->activityHelper->updateEmailLog(false, $to, 'account', 0); // } echo json_encode(array('status' => true)); exit; } exit; }
/** * @todo send user mail * * @return boolean true/false * * */ function sendMail() { ob_start(); // pr('ada'); $checkBefore = $this->activityHelper->getEmailLog(''); // pr($checkBefore);exit; if ($checkBefore) { foreach ($checkBefore as $key => $value) { $dataArr['email'] = $value['receipt']; $getEmail = $this->userHelper->getUserData('email', $value['receipt']); if ($getEmail) { $getUserName = $this->userHelper->getUserappData('id', $getEmail['id'], 0); // $dataArr['username'] = substr(str_shuffle('abcdefghjkmn123456789'), 0, 8) ; $dataArr['username'] = $getUserName['username']; logFile('generate account ' . serialize($dataArr)); $getToken = $this->loginHelper->getEmailToken($dataArr['username']); logFile('get email token ' . serialize($getToken)); $generateMail = $this->activityHelper->generateEmail($dataArr['email'], $dataArr['username'], 2, $getToken['email_token']); if (is_array($generateMail)) { logFile(' generate mail : ' . serialize($generateMail)); $msg = null; $this->view->assign('username', $dataArr['username']); $this->view->assign('email', $dataArr['email']); $this->view->assign('encode', $generateMail['encode']); $msg .= "<p>Hi " . $dataArr['username'] . "!</p>"; $msg .= $this->loadView('emailTemplate'); // try to send mail $sendMail = sendGlobalMail($to, $from, $msg, true); logFile('generate account status '); $sendUserAccount = sendGlobalMail($generateMail['to'], $generateMail['from'], $msg); logFile('generate account success ' . serialize($sendUserAccount)); if ($sendUserAccount['result']) { // usleep(500); $this->activityHelper->updateEmailLog(true, $generateMail['to'], 'account', 1); logFile('send account to email via xls success'); } else { logFile('send account to email via xls failed'); // echo "Person data not complete"; exit; return false; } } else { logFile('generate email failed'); // echo "Person data not complete"; exit; return false; } } else { logFile('user not exist'); } } } else { logFile('email status 1'); // echo "Person data not complete"; exit; return false; } }
mysql_connect(DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPWD) or header('location:errorPage.php&code='); //Select Database mysql_select_db(DB) or header('location:errorPage.php&code='); $result = mysql_query($SQL1) or header('location:errorPage.php&code='); foreach ($_SESSION['EDIT_INVENT']['ligne'] as $key => $row) { if ($row['oldidArticle'] != '' && $row['idArticle'] != '') { $SQL2 = "UPDATE {$table2} SET `ID_ARTICLE`='" . addslashes($row['idArticle']) . "' ,\r\n\t\t\t\t`ID_INVENTAIRE`='" . addslashes($xreference) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t`QTE_INVENTAIRE`=" . addslashes($row['qte']) . " , \r\n\t\t\t\t`UNITE`='" . addslashes($row['unite']) . "' , \r\n\t\t\t\t`TYPE_INVENTAIRE`='" . addslashes($row['typeinventaire']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t`PU_INVENTAIRE`=" . addslashes($row['prixUnit']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t`NUM`={$key} \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_INVENTAIRE='{$xidInvent}' AND ID_ARTICLE='" . addslashes($row['oldidArticle']) . "'"; $result = mysql_query($SQL2) or header('location:errorPage.php&code='); } elseif ($row['oldidArticle'] == '' && $row['idArticle'] != '') { $SQL2 = "INSERT INTO {$table2} (`ID_ARTICLE`, `ID_INVENTAIRE`,`ID_EXERCICE` , `QTE_INVENTAIRE`, `UNITE`, `TYPE_INVENTAIRE`,`PU_INVENTAIRE`,`NUM` ) \r\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('" . addslashes($row['idArticle']) . "' ,'" . addslashes($xreference) . "','{$exercice}', " . addslashes($row['qte']) . ", \r\n\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($row['unite']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['typeinventaire']) . "', " . addslashes($row['prixUnit']) . ", {$key});"; $result = mysql_query($SQL2) or header('location:errorPage.php&code='); } } mysql_close(); //Log fils $log = logFile($_SESSION['GL_USER']['LOGIN'], date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Modification d'un inventaire ID:{$xrefernce} par " . $_SESSION['GL_USER']['LOGIN']); //Add one ligne array_push($_SESSION['EDIT_INVENT']['ligne'], array('oldidArticle' => '', 'idArticle' => '', 'designat' => '', 'prixUnit' => '', 'typeinventaire' => '', 'qte' => '', 'unite' => '')); $_SESSION['EDIT_INVENT']['nbreLigne'] = $xnbreLigne + 1; header('location:editinventaire.php?selectedTab=inputs&id=' . $xrefernce); break; case 'ETAT': $table1 = "stocks_inventaire"; $table2 = "stocks_ligne_inventaire"; $table3 = "stocks_article"; $exercice = $_SESSION['GL_USER']['EXERCICE']; isset($_POST['reference']) ? $xreference = $_POST['reference'] : ($xreference = ''); isset($_POST['article']) ? $xarticle = $_POST['article'] : ($xarticle = ''); isset($_POST['dateDebut']) ? $xdateDebut = $_POST['dateDebut'] : ($xdateDebut = ''); isset($_POST['dateFin']) ? $xdateFin = $_POST['dateFin'] : ($xdateFin = ''); isset($_POST['typeetat']) ? $xtypeetat = $_POST['typeetat'] : ($xtypeetat = '');
function cacheTable() { $pathcache = CODEKIR_TMP . 'table/'; if (!file_exists($pathcache)) { mkdir($pathcache); } $getTableList = $this->getTableList(); if ($getTableList) { foreach ($getTableList as $key => $value) { if (!file_exists($pathcache . $value)) { $sturcture = $this->getTableStructure($value); logFile('create table cache ' . $value); $handle = fopen($pathcache . $value, "a"); fwrite($handle, serialize($sturcture) . "\n"); fclose($handle); } } } }
function register() { global $basedomain, $CONFIG, $LOCALE; $salt = md5('register'); if ($_POST['submit']) { $checkBefore['table'] = "bsn_users"; $checkBefore['condition'] = array('email' => $_POST['email']); $checkDataBefore = $this->contentHelper->fetchData($checkBefore); if ($checkDataBefore) { if ($checkDataBefore) { echo "<script>alert('Email sudah digunakan');window.location.href='{$basedomain}home/register'</script>"; } exit; } $pass = _p('pass'); $pass1 = _p('retypePass'); if ($pass === $pass1) { $_POST['password'] = sha1($salt . $pass . $salt); $_POST['salt'] = $salt; $_POST['n_status'] = 0; $_POST['register_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $_POST['login_count'] = 0; $_POST['type'] = 2; $_POST['email_token'] = $this->token; if ($_POST['receiveNotif']) { $_POST['data'] = serialize(array('getNotif' => 1)); } $signup = $this->contentHelper->saveData($_POST, "_users"); if ($signup) { $data['table'] = "bsn_users"; $data['condition'] = array('email' => $_POST['email']); $checkData = $this->contentHelper->fetchData($data); if ($checkData) { // send mail $dataSend['email'] = $checkData[0]['email']; $dataSend['email_token'] = $checkData[0]['email_token']; $serial = encode($dataSend); $this->view->assign('encode', $serial); $this->view->assign('email', $checkData[0]['email']); $this->view->assign('password', $pass); $this->view->assign('name', $checkData[0]['name']); $this->view->assign('text', "Your request for new account."); $link = "<a href='{$basedomain}home/verified/?token={$serial}'>{$LOCALE['default']['email_verification']}</a>"; $this->view->assign('link', $link); $html = $this->loadView('emailTemplate'); $send = sendGlobalMail(trim($checkData[0]['email']), $CONFIG['email']['EMAIL_FROM_DEFAULT'], $html); logFile($send); if ($send) { redirect($basedomain . 'home/register_confirmation/?status=1'); } } } else { redirect($basedomain . 'home/register'); } } } return $this->loadView('akun/register'); }
public function insert() { global $CONFIG; $post = $_POST; $message = ''; $tbl_locn = 'locn'; $tbl_indiv = 'indiv'; $tbl_obs = 'obs'; $tbl_img = 'img'; $data[$tbl_locn] = array('locality' => $post['locality']); $data[$tbl_indiv] = array('personID' => $post['personID']); $data[$tbl_obs] = array('personID' => $post['personID'], 'localname' => $post['localname']); $data[$tbl_img] = array(); $insertLocn = $this->mspecimen->insertTransaction($tbl_locn, $data[$tbl_locn]); $locn_id = $insertLocn['lastid']; $data[$tbl_indiv]['locnID'] = $locn_id; $insertIndiv = $this->mspecimen->insertTransaction('indiv', $data[$tbl_indiv]); $indiv_id = $insertIndiv['lastid']; $data[$tbl_obs]['indivID'] = $indiv_id; $data[$tbl_img]['indivID'] = $indiv_id; $data[$tbl_img]['personID'] = $post['personID']; $insertObs = $this->mspecimen->insertTransaction('obs', $data[$tbl_obs]); $name = 'image'; $path = ''; $uploaded_file = uploadFile($name, $path, 'image'); //if uploaded if ($uploaded_file['status'] != '0') { logFile('Upload Success'); if (extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info')) { logFile('GD2 is installed. Checking image data.'); $tmp_name = $uploaded_file['full_name']; $entry = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $uploaded_file['real_name']); $image_name_encrypt = md5(str_shuffle($CONFIG['default']['salt'] . $entry)); //check filename //$dataExist = $this->mspecimen->imageExist($personID, $entry); $path_entry = $CONFIG['default']['upload_path']; $src_tmp = $path_entry . "/" . $tmp_name; logFile('Prepare to cropping image'); $path_data = 'public_assets/'; //$path_user = $path_data.$username; $path_img = $path_data . '/img'; $path_img_1000px = $path_img . '/1000px'; $path_img_500px = $path_img . '/500px'; $path_img_100px = $path_img . '/100px'; $fileinfo = getimagesize($path_entry . '/' . $tmp_name); $toCreate = array($path_img, $path_img_1000px, $path_img_500px, $path_img_100px); createFolder($toCreate, 0755); copy($path_entry . "/" . $tmp_name, $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg'); if (!@copy($path_entry . "/" . $tmp_name, $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg')) { logFile('Copy file failed'); $status = "error"; $msg = error_get_last(); } else { logFile('Copy file success'); $dest_1000px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg'; $dest_500px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_500px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.500px.jpg'; $dest_100px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_100px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.100px.jpg'; if ($fileinfo[0] >= 1000 || $fileinfo[1] >= 1000) { if ($fileinfo[0] > $fileinfo[1]) { $percentage = 1000 / $fileinfo[0]; $config['width'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[1]; } else { $percentage = 1000 / $fileinfo[1]; $config['width'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[1]; } $this->resize_pic($src_tmp, $dest_1000px, $config); unset($config); } logFile('Cropping to 1000px image'); //Set cropping for y or x axis, depending on image orientation if ($fileinfo[0] > $fileinfo[1]) { $config['width'] = $fileinfo[1]; $config['height'] = $fileinfo[1]; $config['x_axis'] = $fileinfo[0] / 2 - $config['width'] / 2; $config['y_axis'] = 0; } else { $config['width'] = $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $fileinfo[0]; $config['x_axis'] = 0; $config['y_axis'] = $fileinfo[1] / 2 - $config['height'] / 2; } $this->cropToSquare($src_tmp, $dest_500px, $config); unset($config); logFile('Cropping to square image'); //set new config $config['width'] = 500; $config['height'] = 500; $this->resize_pic($dest_500px, $dest_500px, $config); unset($config); logFile('Cropping to 500px image'); $config['width'] = 100; $config['height'] = 100; $this->resize_pic($dest_500px, $dest_100px, $config); unset($config); logFile('Cropping to 100px image'); //add file information to array /*$fileToInsert = array('filename' => $entry,'md5sum' => $image_name_encrypt, 'directory' => '', 'mimetype' => $fileinfo['mime']); $insertImage = $this->imagezip->updateImage($personID, $fileToInsert);*/ $data[$tbl_img]['filename'] = $entry; $data[$tbl_img]['md5sum'] = $image_name_encrypt; $data[$tbl_img]['mimetype'] = $fileinfo['mime']; $insertImg = $this->mspecimen->insertTransaction('img', $data[$tbl_img]); if ($insertImg) { logFile('Insert Image Success'); } else { logFile('Insert Image Failed'); } $return['status'] = TRUE; $return['message'] = 'Data berhasil disimpan'; } // end if copy unlink($src_tmp); } else { logFile('GD2 is not installed'); $return['message'] = 'Error: Sistem Error. Harap menghubungi tim developer kami.'; } } else { logFile('Upload Image Failed'); $return['message'] = 'Error: ' . $uploaded_file['message']; } echo json_encode($return); exit; }
function generateSoal($idKursus, $idMateri = 1, $n_status = 1, $debug = 0) { $isCourseReady = $this->isCourseReady(); $idUser = $this->user['idUser']; /* $sql = array( 'table'=>"banksoal", 'field'=>"idSoal", 'condition' => " idKursus = {$idKursus} AND idMateri = {$idMateri} AND n_status = {$n_status} ORDER BY RAND()", ); */ $quizLimit = intval($isCourseReady[$idKursus]['jumlahpembagian']); $whatCourse = $isCourseReady[$idKursus]['soalkursus']; $timeCourse = $isCourseReady[$idKursus]['waktu'] * 60; $sumGroupCOurse = count($whatCourse); // pr($isCourseReady); if ($whatCourse) { $i = 1; $tmpCount = array(); foreach ($whatCourse as $key => $value) { if ($i == $sumGroupCOurse) { $jumlahindex = array_sum($tmpCount); $quizLimit = intval($isCourseReady[$idKursus]['maxSoal']) - intval($jumlahindex); } $sql = array('table' => "banksoal", 'field' => "idSoal", 'condition' => " idGrup_kursus = {$value['idGrup_kursus']} AND idKursus = {$value['idKursus']} AND n_status = {$n_status} ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$quizLimit}"); $res[] = $this->lazyQuery($sql, $debug); $tmpCount[] = $quizLimit; $i++; } // db($res); foreach ($res as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $newRes[] = $val; } } } // db($newRes); $userAttempQuiz = $this->userAttempQuiz(); // pr($userAttempQuiz); $countAttemp = $userAttempQuiz[0]['total'] + 1; if ($newRes) { foreach ($newRes as $key => $value) { $listSoal[] = $value['idSoal']; } // db($listSoal); $starttolerance = strtotime($this->date) + 3; // Add 1 hour $tolerancetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $starttolerance); // Back to string $counttime = strtotime($tolerancetime) + $timeCourse; // Add 1 hour $endtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $counttime); // Back to string $soal = serialize($listSoal); /* $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO tbl_generate_soal (idKursus, idMateri, idUser, soal, generate_date, start_date, end_date, n_status) VALUES ({$idKursus}, {$idMateri}, {$idUser}, '{$soal}', '{$this->date}','{$tolerancetime}','{$endtime}', 1) "; */ $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO tbl_generate_soal (idGrupKursus, idUser, soal, generate_date, start_date, end_date, attempt, n_status) \n VALUES ({$idKursus}, {$idUser}, '{$soal}', '{$this->date}','{$tolerancetime}','{$endtime}', {$countAttemp}, 1)\n "; logFile($sql); // pr($sql); // $sql = array( // 'table'=>"tbl_generate_soal", // 'field'=>"idKursus, idMateri, idUser, soal, generate_date, n_status", // 'value' => "{$idKursus}, {$idMateri}, {$idUser}, '{$soal}', '{$this->date}', 1", // ); $resins = $this->query($sql); if ($resins) { /* $sql = array( 'table'=>"tbl_generate_soal", 'field'=>"id, start_date, end_date", 'condition' => " idKursus = {$idKursus} AND idMateri = {$idMateri} AND finish = 0 AND idUser = {$idUser} AND n_status = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", ); */ $sql = array('table' => "tbl_generate_soal", 'field' => "id, start_date, end_date, attempt", 'condition' => " idGrupKursus = {$idKursus} AND finish = 0 AND idUser = {$idUser} AND n_status = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $result = $this->lazyQuery($sql, $debug); // pr($result); return $result; } } else { } return false; }
function parseMasterData($newData = array(), $subtitute = false, $index = 0, $table = 'indiv') { global $C_SPEC; if (empty($newData)) { return false; } $arrTmp = array(); // pr($newData);exit; $sql = array(); $numberTable = array(0); if ($subtitute) { $defineTable = array($index => $table); $startconvert = 0; } else { $defineTable = array(1 => 'det', 2 => 'obs', 3 => 'coll'); $startconvert = 1; } $fieldFetch = array(); $fieldUnique = array(); // Indiv table identified $fieldFetch[0] = array('locnID', 'plot', 'tag', 'unique_key', 'personID'); $fieldConvert[0] = array('tmp_location_key' => 'locnID', 'tmp_person_key' => 'personID'); $fieldUnique[0] = array('unique_key'); // Det table identified $fieldFetch[1] = array('indivID', 'personID', 'det_date', 'taxonID', 'confid', 'notes', 'using'); $fieldConvert[1] = array('tmp_indiv_key' => 'indivID', 'tmp_taxon_key' => 'taxonID', 'tmp_person_key' => 'personID', 'det_notes' => 'notes'); $fieldUnique[1] = array('unique_key'); // Obs table identified $fieldFetch[2] = array('indivID', 'date', 'personID', 'microhab', 'habit', 'dbh', 'height', 'bud', 'flower', 'fruit', 'localname', 'notes', 'char_lf_insert_alt', 'char_lf_insert_opp'); $fieldConvert[2] = array('tmp_indiv_key' => 'indivID', 'tmp_person_key' => 'personID'); $fieldUnique[2] = array('unique_key'); // Coll table identified $fieldFetch[3] = array('dateColl', 'indivID', 'collReps', 'dnaColl', 'notes', 'deposit'); $fieldConvert[3] = array('tmp_indiv_key' => 'indivID', 'indiv_notes' => 'notes'); $fieldUnique[3] = array('indivID'); // Image table identified $fieldFetch[4] = array('indivID', 'personID', 'filename', 'notes'); $fieldConvert[4] = array('tmp_person_key' => 'personID', 'tmp_indiv_key' => 'indivID'); $fieldUnique[4] = array('unique_key'); // Collector table identified $fieldFetch[5] = array('collID', 'personID', 'order'); $fieldConvert[5] = array('tmp_person_key' => 'personID', 'tmp_coll_key' => 'collID'); $fieldUnique[5] = array('unique_key'); $fieldNotNull = array('personID', 'indivID', 'taxonID', 'locnID'); //,'gen','sp','subtype','ssp','auth'); $convert = $startconvert; $dataKey = array(); $returnArr = array(); foreach ($defineTable as $a => $b) { foreach ($newData as $key => $values) { if (in_array($key, $numberTable)) { foreach ($values['data'] as $k => $val) { $keyField = array(); $tmpField = array(); $tmpData = array(); $t_field = array(); $t_data = array(); $t_dataraw = array(); $uniqueKey = array(); $tmpupdate = array(); $fieldKey = @array_keys($fieldConvert[$a]); foreach ($val as $keys => $v) { if (in_array($keys, $fieldKey)) { // check if field excel not same with table DB, run convert field $keyField = $fieldConvert[$a][$keys]; if (in_array($keyField, $fieldFetch[$a])) { $tmpkeyField = $keyField; // check collection libs before $keyData = $this->validateField($defineTable[$key], $keyField, $v); } else { $tmpkeyField = false; } } else { // if field exist in table, then insert to array if (in_array($keys, $fieldFetch[$a])) { $tmpkeyField = $keys; // check collection libs before $keyData = $this->validateField($defineTable[$key], $keyField, $v); } else { $tmpkeyField = false; } } // if field empty don't store to array if ($tmpkeyField) { // pr($tmpkeyField); if ($b == 'indiv') { if (in_array($tmpkeyField, $fieldUnique[$convert])) { if ($keyData) { $uniqueKey = $keyData; } } else { $t_field[] = $tmpkeyField; if (in_array($tmpkeyField, array('plot', 'tag'))) { if ($tmpkeyField == 'plot') { if ($keyData != '') { $t_data[] = "'{$keyData}'"; } else { $t_data[] = "0"; } } if ($tmpkeyField == 'tag') { if ($keyData != '') { $t_data[] = "'{$keyData}'"; } else { $t_data[] = "0"; } } } else { $t_data[] = "'{$keyData}'"; } $t_dataraw[$tmpkeyField] = $keyData; $tmpupdate[] = "`{$tmpkeyField}` = '{$keyData}'"; // pr($tmpkeyField); logFile('data field :' . $tmpkeyField . '=' . $keyData); if (in_array($tmpkeyField, $fieldNotNull)) { // echo 'field '.$tmpkeyField. ' data ='.$keyData; if ($keyData == "") { echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => "Error ! {$b} {$this->locale['default']['upload_xls_error']}")); exit; } } } } else { if (in_array($tmpkeyField, $fieldUnique[$convert])) { if ($keyData) { $uniqueKey = $keyData; } } $t_field[] = $tmpkeyField; if (in_array($tmpkeyField, array('dbh', 'height'))) { if ($tmpkeyField == 'dbh') { if ($keyData != '') { $t_data[] = "'{$keyData}'"; } else { $t_data[] = "0.0"; } } if ($tmpkeyField == 'height') { if ($keyData != '') { $t_data[] = "'{$keyData}'"; } else { $t_data[] = "0.00"; } } } else { $t_data[] = "'{$keyData}'"; } $t_dataraw[$tmpkeyField] = $keyData; $tmpupdate[] = "`{$tmpkeyField}` = '{$keyData}'"; // if unique data field is empty do nothing logFile('data field :' . $tmpkeyField . '=' . $keyData); if (in_array($tmpkeyField, $fieldNotNull)) { if ($keyData == "") { echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => "Error ! {$tmpkeyField} {$this->locale['default']['upload_xls_error']}")); exit; } } } } } /* inject data to table */ if ($b == 'coll') { $t_field[] = 'collCode'; $tmpCode = str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890'); $t_data[] = "'{$tmpCode}'"; // $dataKey[$b][] = $tmpCode; $tmpupdate[] = "`collCode` = '{$tmpCode}'"; logFile('data field :' . $tmpkeyField . '=' . $keyData); if (in_array($tmpkeyField, $fieldNotNull)) { if ($keyData == "") { echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => "Error ! {$b} {$this->locale['default']['upload_xls_error']}")); exit; } } } // pr($tmpkeyField); // generate query $tmpField = implode(',', $t_field); $tmpData = implode(',', $t_data); $update = implode(',', $tmpupdate); $sql[$b][] = "INSERT INTO {$b} ({$tmpField}) VALUES ({$tmpData}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$update} , id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id)"; // $sql[$b][] = "REPLACE INTO {$b} ({$tmpField}) VALUES ({$tmpData})"; $arrTmp[$b]['data'][] = $t_dataraw; if ($uniqueKey) { $dataKey[$b][] = $uniqueKey; } } } $convert++; } } // pr($dataKey); // exit; $returnArr['query'] = $sql; $returnArr['uniqkey'] = $dataKey; $returnArr['rawdata'] = $arrTmp; // pr($returnArr); logFile(serialize($sql)); logFile('parseMasterData success'); return $returnArr; }
function dataIndivId($id) { $sql = "SELECT {$this->prefix} as indivCode, {$this->prefix}_locn.locality as locality, {$this->prefix} as pendata\r\n FROM `{$this->prefix}_indiv` INNER JOIN `{$this->prefix}_person` ON\r\n {$this->prefix}_indiv.personID={$this->prefix} AND {$this->prefix}_indiv.n_status='0'\r\n INNER JOIN `{$this->prefix}_locn` ON\r\n {$this->prefix}_indiv.locnID={$this->prefix}\r\n where {$this->prefix} = '{$id}'"; logFile($sql); $res = $this->fetch($sql, 1); $rowsFilter = $this->fetch("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total"); $rowsTotal = $this->fetch("SELECT COUNT({$this->prefix} AS total FROM `{$this->prefix}_indiv` INNER JOIN `{$this->prefix}_person` ON\r\n {$this->prefix}_indiv.personID={$this->prefix} AND {$this->prefix}_indiv.n_status='0'\r\n INNER JOIN `{$this->prefix}_locn` ON\r\n {$this->prefix}_indiv.locnID={$this->prefix} \r\n where {$this->prefix} = '{$id}'"); if ($res) { foreach ($res as $key => $value) { //print_r($value);exit; $sql = "SELECT md5sum FROM `{$this->prefix}_img` WHERE indivID = {$res[$key]['indivCode']} LIMIT 3"; //pr($sql); $result = $this->fetch($sql, 1); $img = array(); if (is_array($result)) { foreach ($result as $val) { if ($val['md5sum']) { $img[] = $val['md5sum']; } } $res[$key]['img'] = $img; } } } //pr($res);exit; // $return['result'] = $res; // return $return; $dataArray['dataset'] = $rowsFilter['total']; $dataArray['dataTotal'] = $rowsTotal['total']; $dataArray['data'] = $res; return $dataArray; }
function insertData($res, $noKontrak) { $count = 1; foreach ($res as $key => $value) { $sql = array('table' => "aset", 'field' => "*", 'condition' => "Aset_ID = {$value['Aset_ID']} AND TipeAset = 'H'"); $res1 = $this->db->lazyQuery($sql, $debug); if ($res1) { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $actionText = "Mutasi sukses"; $tglProses = "2014-12-31"; $action = 3; $addField = array('changeDate' => $date, 'action' => $actionText, 'operator' => 1, 'TglPerubahan' => $tglProses, 'Kd_Riwayat' => $action, 'Aset_ID_Penambahan' => 0, 'No_Dokumen' => $noKontrak); // pr($value); $field = $this->db->getFieldName('aset', $value['Aset_ID']); $mergeField = array_merge($field, $addField); // pr($mergeField); if ($mergeField) { $ignoreField = array('kodeSatker', 'kodeLokasi'); foreach ($mergeField as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $ignoreField)) { $tmpField[] = $key; $tmpValue[] = "'" . $val . "'"; } if ($key == 'NilaiPerolehan') { $NilaiPerolehan_Awal = "'" . $val . "'"; } if ($key == 'kodeSatker') { $kodeSatker = "'" . $value['SatkerAwal'] . "'"; } if ($key == 'kodeLokasi') { $tmpSatker = explode('.', $value['SatkerAwal']); $tmpLokasi = explode('.', $val); $imp = array($tmpLokasi[0], $tmpLokasi[1], $tmpLokasi[2], $tmpSatker[0], $tmpSatker[1], $tmpLokasi[5], $tmpSatker[2], $tmpSatker[3]); $implode = implode('.', $imp); $kodeLokasi = "'" . $implode . "'"; } } $tmpField[] = 'NilaiPerolehan_Awal'; $tmpField[] = 'kodeSatker'; $tmpField[] = 'kodeLokasi'; $tmpValue[] = $NilaiPerolehan_Awal; $tmpValue[] = $kodeSatker; $tmpValue[] = $kodeLokasi; $fileldImp = implode(',', $tmpField); $dataImp = implode(',', $tmpValue); // pr($fileldImp); // pr($dataImp);exit; $sql = "INSERT INTO log_aset ({$fileldImp}) VALUES ({$dataImp})"; logFile($sql); if ($debug) { pr($sql); exit; } $res = $this->query($sql); if ($res) { // logFile($res); logFile('action = ' . $action); usleep(100); if ($action == 3) { $insert_id = $this->insert_id(); $sqlu = "UPDATE log_aset SET TglPembukuan = '{$tglProses}' WHERE log_id = {$insert_id} LIMIT 1"; logFile($sqlu); $result = $this->query($sqlu); } usleep(100); if ($action == 28) { $insert_id = $this->insert_id(); $sqlu = "UPDATE log_aset SET StatusValidasi = 1, Status_Validasi_Barang = 1, StatusTampil = 1 WHERE log_id = {$insert_id} LIMIT 1"; logFile($sqlu); $result = $this->query($sqlu); } } } } echo "insert data ke -" . $count . "\n"; $count++; } }
<?php /** * (C) Copyright 1997-2013 hSenid International (pvt) Limited. * All Rights Reserved. * * These materials are unpublished, proprietary, confidential source code of * hSenid International (pvt) Limited and constitute a TRADE SECRET of hSenid * International (pvt) Limited. * * hSenid International (pvt) Limited retains all title to and intellectual * property rights in these materials. */ include_once '../../lib/sms/SmsDeliveryReport.php'; include_once '../log.php'; ini_set('error_log', 'sms-delivery-report-error.log'); try { $receiver = new SmsDeliveryReport(); // Create the Receiver object $destinationAddress = $receiver->getDesAddress(); $timeStamp = $receiver->getTimeStamp(); $requestId = $receiver->getRequestId(); $deliveryStatus = $receiver->getDeliveryStatus(); logFile("Sms delivery report received from SDP : "); logFile("[ destinationAddress={$destinationAddress}, timeStamp={$timeStamp}, requestId={$requestId}, deliveryStatus={$deliveryStatus} ]"); } catch (SmsException $ex) { //throws when failed delivery report receiving error_log("ERROR: {$ex->getStatusCode()} | {$ex->getStatusMessage()}"); }
/** * @todo insert image from posted data * */ public function addImg() { global $CONFIG; $data = $_POST; $indivID = $_GET['id']; $name = 'filename'; $path = ''; $uploaded_file = uploadFile($name, $path, 'image'); //if uploaded if ($uploaded_file['status'] != '0') { logFile('Upload Success'); if (extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info')) { logFile('GD2 is installed. Checking image data.'); //validate email and get short_namecode $ses_user = $this->isUserOnline(); $username = $ses_user['login']['username']; $personID = $ses_user['login']['id']; $tmp_name = $uploaded_file['full_name']; $entry = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $uploaded_file['real_name']); $image_name_encrypt = md5($entry); //check filename $dataExist = $this->imagezip->dataExist($personID, $entry); $path_entry = $CONFIG['default']['upload_path']; $src_tmp = $path_entry . "/" . $tmp_name; if (!$dataExist) { logFile('Prepare to cropping image'); $path_data = 'public_assets/'; //$path_user = $path_data.$username; $path_img = $path_data . '/img'; $path_img_1000px = $path_img . '/1000px'; $path_img_500px = $path_img . '/500px'; $path_img_100px = $path_img . '/100px'; $fileinfo = getimagesize($path_entry . '/' . $tmp_name); $toCreate = array($path_img, $path_img_1000px, $path_img_500px, $path_img_100px); createFolder($toCreate, 0755); copy($path_entry . "/" . $tmp_name, $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg'); if (!@copy($path_entry . "/" . $tmp_name, $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg')) { logFile('Copy file failed'); $status = "error"; $msg = error_get_last(); } else { logFile('Copy file success'); $dest_1000px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_1000px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.1000px.jpg'; $dest_500px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_500px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.500px.jpg'; $dest_100px = $CONFIG['default']['root_path'] . '/' . $path_img_100px . '/' . $image_name_encrypt . '.100px.jpg'; if ($fileinfo[0] >= 1000 || $fileinfo[1] >= 1000) { if ($fileinfo[0] > $fileinfo[1]) { $percentage = 1000 / $fileinfo[0]; $config['width'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[1]; } else { $percentage = 1000 / $fileinfo[1]; $config['width'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $percentage * $fileinfo[1]; } $this->resize_pic($src_tmp, $dest_1000px, $config); unset($config); } logFile('Cropping to 1000px image'); //Set cropping for y or x axis, depending on image orientation if ($fileinfo[0] > $fileinfo[1]) { $config['width'] = $fileinfo[1]; $config['height'] = $fileinfo[1]; $config['x_axis'] = $fileinfo[0] / 2 - $config['width'] / 2; $config['y_axis'] = 0; } else { $config['width'] = $fileinfo[0]; $config['height'] = $fileinfo[0]; $config['x_axis'] = 0; $config['y_axis'] = $fileinfo[1] / 2 - $config['height'] / 2; } $this->cropToSquare($src_tmp, $dest_500px, $config); unset($config); logFile('Cropping to square image'); //set new config $config['width'] = 500; $config['height'] = 500; $this->resize_pic($dest_500px, $dest_500px, $config); unset($config); logFile('Cropping to 500px image'); $config['width'] = 100; $config['height'] = 100; $this->resize_pic($dest_500px, $dest_100px, $config); unset($config); logFile('Cropping to 100px image'); //add file information to array $data['filename'] = $entry; $data['md5sum'] = $image_name_encrypt; $data['mimetype'] = $fileinfo['mime']; $data['indivID'] = $indivID; $data['personID'] = $personID; $insertData = $this->insertonebyone->insertTransaction('img', $data); if ($insertData) { logFile('Insert Data Success'); $this->msg->add('s', 'Sukses Memperbarui Gambar'); $session = new Session(); $dataSession = array(); $sess_image = $session->get_session(); if (isset($sess_image['image_sess'])) { logFile('Fetch image session'); foreach ($sess_image['image_sess'] as $data_before) { array_push($dataSession, $data_before); } } array_push($dataSession, $data); $session->set_session($dataSession, 'image_sess'); //$session->delete_session('onebyone'); } else { logFile('Insert Data Failed'); $this->msg->add('e', 'Gagal Memperbarui Gambar'); } } // end if copy } else { logFile('File Image exist'); $this->msg->add('e', 'Data Gambar Telah Ada'); } unlink($src_tmp); } else { logFile('GD2 is not installed'); $this->msg->add('e', 'Sistem Error. Harap menghubungi tim developer kami.'); } } else { logFile('Upload Image Failed'); $this->msg->add('e', $uploaded_file['message']); } //header('Location: ../../browse/editIndiv/?id='.$indivID); redirect($basedomain . '../editIndiv/?id=' . $indivID . '#img'); }
$kib['Kd_Riwayat'] = 77; unset($tmpField); unset($tmpValue); foreach ($kib as $key => $val) { $tmpField[] = $key; $tmpValue[] = "'".$val."'"; } $fileldImp = implode(',', $tmpField); $dataImp = implode(',', $tmpValue); $sql = "INSERT INTO log_{$tabel} ({$fileldImp}) VALUES ({$dataImp})"; $execquery = mysql_query($sql); logFile($sql); if(!$execquery){ $DBVAR->rollback(); echo "<script>alert('Data gagal masuk. Silahkan coba lagi');</script><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url={$url_rewrite}/module/perolehan/kontrak_posting.php\">"; exit; } } // exit; $DBVAR->commit(); echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url={$url_rewrite}/module/perolehan/kontrak_posting.php\">"; exit; ?>
ini_set('error_log', 'sms-app-error.log'); $receiver = new SmsReceiver(); // Create the Receiver object $content = $receiver->getMessage(); // get the message content $address = $receiver->getAddress(); // get the sender's address $requestId = $receiver->getRequestID(); // get the request ID $applicationId = $receiver->getApplicationId(); // get application ID $encoding = $receiver->getEncoding(); // get the encoding value $version = $receiver->getVersion(); // get the version logFile("[ content={$content}, address={$address}, requestId={$requestId}, applicationId={$applicationId}, encoding={$encoding}, version={$version} ]"); $responseMsg; //your logic goes here...... $split = explode(' ', $content); $split_number = explode(':', $address); //split address $tag = "{$split['2']} {$split['3']}"; // set tag name $responseMsg = $split[1]; $time_to_stop = $split[4]; $user_iD = $split_number[1]; $contentarray = $split[0]; $store_data = $split[1]; //echo $responseMsg; // $responseMsg = $user_iD; $update_time = time() + $time_to_stop * 60 * 60;
public function ubahAset($data) { global $url_rewrite; // pr($data);exit; if (isset($data['kodeKelompok'])) { $tblAset['kodeKelompok'] = $data['kodeKelompok']; } if (isset($data['kodeSatker'])) { $tblAset['kodeSatker'] = $data['kodeSatker']; $kodeSatker = explode(".", $data['kodeSatker']); } if (isset($data['kodeLokasi'])) { $tblAset['kodeLokasi'] = $data['kodeLokasi']; } if (isset($data['tglPerolehan'])) { $tblAset['TglPerolehan'] = $data['tglPerolehan']; $tblAset['Tahun'] = date('Y', strtotime($data['tglPerolehan'])); } if (isset($data['tglPembukuan'])) { $tblAset['TglPembukuan'] = $data['tglPembukuan']; } if (isset($data['NilaiPerolehan'])) { $tblAset['NilaiPerolehan'] = $data['Satuan']; } if (isset($data['kondisi'])) { $tblAset['kondisi'] = $data['kondisi']; } if (isset($data['asalusul'])) { $tblAset['AsalUsul'] = $data['asalusul']; } if (isset($data['Kuantitas'])) { $tblAset['Kuantitas'] = $data['Kuantitas']; } if (isset($data['Satuan'])) { $tblAset['Satuan'] = $data['Satuan']; } if (isset($data['Info'])) { $tblAset['Info'] = $data['Info']; } if (isset($data['Alamat'])) { $tblAset['Alamat'] = $data['Alamat']; } $tblAset['UserNm'] = $data['UserNm']; if (isset($data['TipeAset'])) { $tblAset['TipeAset'] = $data['TipeAset']; } $tblAset['kodeKA'] = 1; if (isset($data['kodeRuangan'])) { $tblAset['kodeRuangan'] = $data['kodeRuangan']; } foreach ($tblAset as $key => $val) { $tmpfield[] = $key . "='{$val}'"; } $field = implode(',', $tmpfield); $query = "UPDATE aset SET {$field} WHERE Aset_ID = '{$data['Aset_ID']}' "; //pr($query);exit; $result = $this->query($query) or die($this->error()); if ($data['TipeAset'] == "A") { $tblKib['HakTanah'] = $data['HakTanah']; $tblKib['LuasTotal'] = $data['LuasTotal']; $tblKib['NoSertifikat'] = $data['NoSertifikat']; $tblKib['TglSertifikat'] = $data['TglSertifikat']; $tblKib['Penggunaan'] = $data['Penggunaan']; $tabel = "tanah"; $logtabel = "log_tanah"; $idkey = "Tanah_ID"; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "B") { $tblKib['Pabrik'] = $data['Pabrik']; $tblKib['Merk'] = $data['Merk']; $tblKib['Model'] = $data['Model']; $tblKib['Ukuran'] = $data['Ukuran']; $tblKib['NoMesin'] = $data['NoMesin']; $tblKib['NoBPKB'] = $data['NoBPKB']; $tblKib['NoSeri'] = $data['NoSeri']; $tblKib['Material'] = $data['Material']; $tblKib['NoRangka'] = $data['NoRangka']; $tabel = "mesin"; $logtabel = "log_mesin"; $idkey = "Mesin_ID"; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "C") { $tblKib['JumlahLantai'] = $data['JumlahLantai']; $tblKib['LuasLantai'] = $data['LuasLantai']; $tblKib['Beton'] = $data['Beton']; $tblKib['NoSurat'] = $data['NoSurat']; $tblKib['tglSurat'] = $data['tglSurat']; $tabel = "bangunan"; $logtabel = "log_bangunan"; $idkey = "Bangunan_ID"; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "D") { $tblKib['Panjang'] = $data['Panjang']; $tblKib['Lebar'] = $data['Lebar']; $tblKib['LuasJaringan'] = $data['LuasJaringan']; $tblKib['Konstruksi'] = $data['Konstruksi']; $tblKib['NoDokumen'] = $data['NoDokumen']; $tblKib['tglDokumen'] = $data['tglDokumen']; $tabel = "jaringan"; $logtabel = "log_jaringan"; $idkey = "Jaringan_ID"; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "E") { $tblKib['Judul'] = $data['Judul']; $tblKib['Pengarang'] = $data['Pengarang']; $tblKib['Penerbit'] = $data['Penerbit']; $tblKib['Spesifikasi'] = $data['Spesifikasi']; $tblKib['AsalDaerah'] = $data['AsalDaerah']; $tblKib['Material'] = $data['Material']; $tblKib['Ukuran'] = $data['Ukuran']; $tabel = "asetlain"; $logtabel = "log_asetlain"; $idkey = "AsetLain_ID"; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "F") { $tblKib['JumlahLantai'] = $data['JumlahLantai']; $tblKib['LuasLantai'] = $data['LuasLantai']; $tblKib['Beton'] = $data['Beton']; $tabel = "kdp"; $logtabel = "log_kdp"; $idkey = "KDP_ID"; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "G") { echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url={$url_rewrite}/module/perolehan/kontrak_barang.php?id={$data['id']}\">"; exit; } elseif ($data['TipeAset'] == "H") { echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url={$url_rewrite}/module/perolehan/kontrak_barang.php?id={$data['id']}\">"; exit; } if (isset($data['kodeKelompok'])) { $tblKib['kodeKelompok'] = $data['kodeKelompok']; } if (isset($data['kodeSatker'])) { $tblKib['kodeSatker'] = $data['kodeSatker']; } if (isset($data['kodeLokasi'])) { $tblKib['kodeLokasi'] = $tblAset['kodeLokasi']; } if (isset($tblAset['Tglperolehan'])) { $tblKib['TglPerolehan'] = $tblAset['TglPerolehan']; } if (isset($tblAset['TglPembukuan'])) { $tblKib['TglPembukuan'] = $tblAset['TglPembukuan']; } if (isset($data['Satuan'])) { $tblKib['NilaiPerolehan'] = $data['Satuan']; } $tblKib['StatusTampil'] = 1; if (isset($data['kondisi'])) { $tblKib['kondisi'] = $data['kondisi']; } if (isset($data['AsalUsul'])) { $tblKib['AsalUsul'] = $data['AsalUsul']; } if (isset($data['Info'])) { $tblKib['Info'] = $data['Info']; } if (isset($data['Alamat'])) { $tblKib['Alamat'] = $data['Alamat']; } if (isset($data['Tahun'])) { $tblKib['Tahun'] = $tblAset['Tahun']; } $tblKib['kodeKA'] = 1; if (isset($data['noRegister'])) { $tblKib['noRegister'] = $data['noRegister']; } if (isset($data['kodeRuangan'])) { $tblKib['kodeRuangan'] = $data['kodeRuangan']; } $sqlkib = "SELECT * FROM {$tabel} WHERE Aset_ID = '{$data['Aset_ID']}'"; $sqlquery = mysql_query($sqlkib); while ($dataAset = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlquery)) { $kib_old = $dataAset; } foreach ($tblKib as $key => $val) { $tmpfield2[] = $key . "='{$val}'"; } $field = implode(',', $tmpfield2); // $value = implode(',', $tmpvalue2); $query = "UPDATE {$tabel} SET {$field} WHERE {$idkey} = '{$data[$idkey]}'"; // pr($query);exit; $result = $this->query($query) or die($this->error()); //log $sqlkib = "SELECT * FROM {$tabel} WHERE Aset_ID = '{$data['Aset_ID']}'"; $sqlquery = mysql_query($sqlkib); while ($dataAset = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlquery)) { $kib = $dataAset; } $kib['changeDate'] = date("Y-m-d"); $kib['action'] = 3; $kib['operator'] = $_SESSION['ses_uoperatorid']; $kib['NilaiPerolehan_Awal'] = $kib_old['NilaiPerolehan']; $kib['GUID'] = $data['GUID']; $kib['Kd_Riwayat'] = 25; // pr($kib); unset($tmpField); unset($tmpValue); foreach ($kib as $key => $val) { $tmpField[] = $key; $tmpValue[] = "'" . $val . "'"; } $fileldImp = implode(',', $tmpField); $dataImp = implode(',', $tmpValue); $sql = "INSERT INTO log_{$tabel} ({$fileldImp}) VALUES ({$dataImp})"; logFile($sql); if ($debug) { pr($sql); exit; } $execquery = mysql_query($sql); echo "<script>alert('Data Berhasil Disimpan');</script><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url={$url_rewrite}/module/koreksi/ubah_data_aset.php\">"; exit; }