$Form->switch_layout('none'); echo '<table cellspacing="0" class="compose_layout" align="center"><tr>'; $display_title_field = $edited_Item->get_type_setting('use_title') != 'never'; if ($display_title_field) { // Display title $field_required = $edited_Item->get_type_setting('use_title') == 'required' ? $required_star : ''; echo '<td width="1%" class="label">' . $field_required . '<strong>' . T_('Title') . ':</strong></td>'; echo '<td width="97%" class="input">'; $Form->text_input('post_title', $item_title, 20, '', '', array('maxlength' => 255, 'style' => 'width: 100%;')); echo '</td>'; } else { // Hide title $Form->hidden('post_title', $item_title); } // -- Language chooser BEGIN -- $locale_options = locale_options($edited_Item->get('locale'), false, true); if (is_array($locale_options)) { // We've only one enabled locale. // Tblue> The locale name is not really needed here, but maybe we // want to display the name of the only locale? $Form->hidden('post_locale', $locale_options[0]); //pre_dump( $locale_options ); } else { // More than one locale => select field. echo '<td width="1%" class="label">'; if ($display_title_field) { echo ' '; } echo '<strong>' . T_('Language') . ':</strong></td>'; echo '<td width="1%" class="select">'; $Form->select_options('post_locale', $locale_options, '');
/** * [callback function] Returns an <option> set with default locale selected * * @param string default value */ function locale_options_return($default = '') { $r = locale_options($default, false); return $r; }
$Form->end_fieldset(); $Form->end_form(array(array('', 'actionArray[confirm_update]', T_('Confirm')), array('', 'actionArray[abort_update]', T_('Abort')))); } else { // show main form $Form = new Form($pagenow, 'loc_checkchanges'); $Form->begin_form('fform'); $Form->add_crumb('locales'); $Form->hidden('ctrl', 'locales'); $Form->hidden('action', 'update'); $Form->hidden('loc_transinfo', $loc_transinfo); $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Regional settings') . get_manual_link('locales-tab')); if (!isset($locales[$Settings->get('default_locale')]) || !$locales[$Settings->get('default_locale')]['enabled']) { // default locale is not enabled param_error('newdefault_locale', T_('Note: default locale is not enabled.')); } $locale_options = locale_options($Settings->get('default_locale'), false); $Form->select_input_options('newdefault_locale', $locale_options, T_('Default locale'), T_('Overridden by browser config, user locale or blog locale (in this order).')); // $Form->select( 'newdefault_locale', $Settings->get('default_locale'), 'locale_options_return', T_('Default locale'), T_('Overridden by browser config, user locale or blog locale (in this order).')); $Form->end_fieldset(); $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Available locales') . get_manual_link('locales-tab')); echo '<p class="center">'; if ($loc_transinfo) { global $messages_pot_file_info; $messages_pot_file_info = locale_file_po_info($locales_path . 'messages.pot'); $messages_DB_info = $DB->get_var('SELECT COUNT(iost_ID) FROM T_i18n_original_string'); echo '<a href="' . $pagenow . '?ctrl=locales&loc_transinfo=0">' . T_('Hide translation info'), '</a><br /><br />'; $Form->output = false; $button_generate_POT_file = $Form->button(array('submit', 'actionArray[generate_pot]', T_('(Re)generate POT file'), 'SaveButton')); $button_import_POT_file = $Form->button(array('submit', 'actionArray[import_pot]', T_('(Re)import POT file'), 'SaveButton')); $Form->output = true; echo sprintf(T_('# strings in .POT file: %s - # strings in DB: %s '), $messages_pot_file_info['all'] . ' ' . $button_generate_POT_file, $messages_DB_info . ' ' . $button_import_POT_file) . '<br />';