コード例 #1
function get_option_array($load_unavailable = false)
    $default_options = array('global_options' => array('pagelines_custom_logo' => array('default' => THEME_IMAGES . '/logo-platformpro.png', 'default_free' => THEME_IMAGES . '/logo-platform.png', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '270', 'inputlabel' => 'Upload custom logo', 'title' => 'Custom Header Image', 'shortexp' => 'Input Full URL to your custom header or logo image.', 'exp' => 'Optional way to replace "heading" and "description" text for your website ' . 'with an image.'), 'pagelines_favicon' => array('default' => CORE_IMAGES . "/favicon-pagelines.ico", 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '16', 'title' => 'Favicon Image', 'shortexp' => 'Input Full URL to favicon image ("favicon.ico" image file)', 'exp' => 'Enter the full URL location of your custom "favicon" which is visible in ' . 'browser favorites and tabs.<br/> (<strong>Must be .png or .ico file - 16px by 16px</strong> ).'), 'twittername' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Your Twitter Username', 'title' => 'Twitter Integration', 'shortexp' => 'Places your Twitter feed in your site (<em>"Twitter for WordPress" plugin required</em>)', 'exp' => 'This places your Twitter feed on the site. Leave blank if you want to hide or not use.<br/><br/><strong>Note: "Twitter for WordPress" plugin is required for this to work.</strong>'), 'site_design_mode' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'full_width', 'type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('full_width' => array("name" => "Full-Width Design Framework"), 'fixed_width' => array("name" => "Fixed-Width Design Framework", "version" => "pro")), 'inputlabel' => 'Site Design Mode', 'title' => 'Site Design Mode', 'shortexp' => 'Choose between full width HTML or fixed width HTML', 'exp' => 'There are two css design modes available for ' . THEMENAME . '.<br/><br/><strong>Full-Width Mode</strong> Full width design mode allows you to have aspects of your site that are the full-width of your screen; while others are the width of the content area.<br/><br/><strong>Fixed-Width Mode</strong> Fixed width design mode creates a fixed with "page" that can be used as the area for your design.  You can set a background to the page; and the content will have a seperate "fixed-width" background area (i.e. the width of the content).'), 'pagelines_touchicon' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '60', 'title' => 'Apple Touch Image', 'shortexp' => 'Input Full URL to Apple touch image (.jpg, .gif, .png)', 'exp' => 'Enter the full URL location of your Apple Touch Icon which is visible when ' . 'your users set your site as a <strong>webclip</strong> in Apple Iphone and ' . 'Touch Products. It is an image approximately 57px by 57px in either .jpg, ' . '.gif or .png format.'), 'pagebg' => array('default' => '#FFFFFF', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'body #page', 'css_prop' => 'background', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code', 'title' => 'Page Content Background Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the background color of the page content area', 'exp' => 'Use this option to quickly change the color of the page content background.<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> For advanced background effects, we recommend using custom CSS.'), 'bodybg' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'css_prop' => 'background', 'selectors' => 'body, body.fixed_width', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code', 'title' => 'Body Background Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the color of the body', 'exp' => 'Use this option to quickly change the color of the page body, in full-width mode; this is only apparent in the footer. In fixed-width mode this includes the background.<br/><br/> <strong>Note:</strong> For advanced background effects, we recommend using custom CSS.')), 'template_setup' => array('template_setup' => array('type' => 'options_info', 'layout' => 'full', 'exp' => '<p>"Template Setup" is where you set up the various templates for your site (e.g. sidebars, page-templates, etc..).</p>' . '<p>Your templates structure can be configured using theme "sections" which are drag-and-drop bits of HTML that can moved around in your theme.</p>' . '<p><strong>To Use:</strong> Select the template you would like to edit in the drop down menu. Once you have your template selected, you will see a list of its current displayed sections on the left of the "drag and drop" area, and sections that are available to use on the right.<br />' . 'To activate sections in your template, just drag the section you want to use to the "Displayed Page Content Area" column. To remove a section, just drag the section back to the "Available/Disabled" column on the right.</p>'), 'templates' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'templates', 'layout' => 'full', 'title' => THEMENAME . ' Template Setup', 'shortexp' => 'Drag and drop control over your website\'s templates.<br/> Note: Select "Hidden by Default" to hide the section by default; and activate with individual page/post options.'), 'resettemplates' => array('default' => '', 'inputlabel' => __("Reset Template Section Order", 'pagelines'), 'type' => 'reset', 'callback' => 'reset_templates_to_default', 'title' => 'Reset Section Order To Default', 'layout' => 'full', 'shortexp' => 'Changes your template sections back to their default order and layout (options settings are not affected)')), 'layout_editor' => array('layout_default' => array('default' => "one-sidebar-right", 'type' => 'layout_select', 'title' => 'Default Layout Mode', 'layout' => 'full', 'shortexp' => 'Select your default layout mode, this can be changed on individual pages.<br />Once selected, you can adjust the layout in the Layout Builder.', 'exp' => 'The default layout for your site; your blog page will always have this layout. Dimensions can be changed using the content layout editor.'), 'layout' => array('default' => 'one-sidebar-right', 'type' => 'layout', 'layout' => 'full', 'title' => 'Content Layout Editor', 'shortexp' => 'Configure the default layout for your site which is initially selected in the Default Layout Mode option in Global Options. <br/>This option allows you to adjust columns and margins for the default layout.'), 'resetlayout' => array('default' => '', 'inputlabel' => __("Reset Layout", 'pagelines'), 'type' => 'reset', 'callback' => 'reset_layout_to_default', 'title' => 'Reset Layout To Default', 'layout' => 'full', 'shortexp' => 'Changes layout mode and dimensions back to default')), 'header_and_nav' => array('icon_position' => array('version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'text_multi', 'inputsize' => 'tiny', 'selectvalues' => array('icon_pos_bottom' => array('inputlabel' => 'Distance From Bottom (in pixels)', 'default' => 21), 'icon_pos_right' => array('inputlabel' => 'Distance From Right (in pixels)', 'default' => 1)), 'title' => 'Social Icon Position', 'shortexp' => 'Control the location of the social icons in the branding section', 'exp' => 'Set the position of your header icons with these options. They will be relative to the "branding" section of your site.'), 'rsslink' => array('default' => true, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Display the Blog RSS icon and link?', 'title' => 'News/Blog RSS Icon', 'shortexp' => 'Places News/Blog RSS icon in your header', 'exp' => ''), 'icon_social' => array('version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'text_multi', 'inputsize' => 'regular', 'selectvalues' => array('facebooklink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your Facebook Profile URL', 'default' => ''), 'twitterlink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your Twitter Profile URL', 'default' => ''), 'linkedinlink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your LinkedIn Profile URL', 'default' => ''), 'youtubelink' => array('inputlabel' => 'Your YouTube Profile URL', 'default' => '')), 'title' => 'Social Icons', 'shortexp' => 'Add social network profile icons to your header', 'exp' => 'Fill in the URLs of your social networking profiles. This option will create icons in the header/branding section of your site.')), 'blog_and_posts' => array('blog_layout_mode' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'magazine', 'type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('magazine' => array("name" => "Magazine Layout Mode", "version" => "pro"), 'blog' => array("name" => "Blog Layout Mode")), 'inputlabel' => 'Post Layout Mode', 'title' => 'Blog Post Layout Mode', 'shortexp' => 'Choose between magazine style and blog style layout.', 'exp' => 'Choose between two magazine or blog layout mode. <br/><br/> <strong>Magazine Layout Mode</strong><br/> Magazine layout mode makes use of post "clips". These are summarized excerpts shown at half the width of the main content column.<br/>  <strong>Note:</strong> There is an option for showing "full-width" posts on your main "posts" page.<br/><br/><strong>Blog Layout Mode</strong><br/> This is your classical blog layout. Posts span the entire width of the main content column.'), 'full_column_posts' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 2, 'type' => 'count_select', 'count_number' => get_option('posts_per_page'), 'inputlabel' => 'Number of Full Width Posts?', 'title' => 'Full Width Posts (Magazine Layout Mode Only)', 'shortexp' => 'When using magazine layout mode, select the number of "featured" or full-width posts.', 'exp' => 'Select the number of posts you would like shown at the full width of the main content column in magazine layout mode (the rest will be half-width post "clips").'), 'posts_page_layout' => array('type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('fullwidth' => array('name' => 'Fullwidth layout', 'version' => 'pro'), 'one-sidebar-right' => array('name' => 'One sidebar on right'), 'one-sidebar-left' => array('name' => 'One sidebar on left'), 'two-sidebar-right' => array('name' => 'Two sidebars on right', 'version' => 'pro'), 'two-sidebar-left' => array('name' => 'Two sidebars on left', 'version' => 'pro'), 'two-sidebar-center' => array('name' => 'Two sidebars, one on each side', 'version' => 'pro')), 'title' => "Posts Page-Content Layout", 'shortexp' => "Select the content layout on posts pages only", 'inputlabel' => 'Posts Page Layout Mode (optional)', 'exp' => 'Use this option to change the content layout mode on all posts pages (if different than default layout).'), 'thumb_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('thumb_blog' => array('inputlabel' => 'Posts/Blog Page', 'default' => true), 'thumb_single' => array('inputlabel' => 'Single Post Pages', 'default' => false), 'thumb_search' => array('inputlabel' => 'Search Results', 'default' => false), 'thumb_category' => array('inputlabel' => 'Category Lists', 'default' => true), 'thumb_archive' => array('inputlabel' => 'Post Archives', 'default' => true), 'thumb_clip' => array('inputlabel' => 'In Post Clips (Magazine Mode)', 'default' => true)), 'title' => 'Post Thumbnail Placement', 'shortexp' => 'Where should the theme use post thumbnails?', 'exp' => 'Use this option to control where post "featured images" or thumbnails are used. Note: The post clips option only applies when magazine layout is selected.'), 'byline_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('byline_author' => array('inputlabel' => 'Author', 'default' => true), 'byline_date' => array('inputlabel' => 'Date', 'default' => true), 'byline_comments' => array('inputlabel' => 'Comments', 'default' => true), 'byline_categories' => array('inputlabel' => 'Categories', 'default' => false)), 'title' => 'Post Byline Information (Blog Mode and Full-Width Posts Only)', 'shortexp' => 'What should be shown in post bylines?', 'exp' => 'The byline shows meta information about who wrote the post, what category it is in, etc... Use this option to control what is shown.'), 'excerpt_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('excerpt_blog' => array('inputlabel' => 'Posts/Blog Page', 'default' => true), 'excerpt_single' => array('inputlabel' => 'Single Post Pages', 'default' => false), 'excerpt_search' => array('inputlabel' => 'Search Results', 'default' => true), 'excerpt_category' => array('inputlabel' => 'Category Lists', 'default' => true), 'excerpt_archive' => array('inputlabel' => 'Post Archives', 'default' => true)), 'title' => 'Post Excerpt or Summary Handling', 'shortexp' => 'Where should the theme use post excerpts when showing full column posts?', 'exp' => 'This option helps you control where post excerpts are displayed.<br/><br/> <strong>About:</strong> Excerpts are small summaries of articles filled out when creating a post.'), 'pagetitles' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Automatically show Page titles?', 'title' => 'Page Titles', 'shortexp' => 'Show the title of pages above the page content.', 'exp' => 'This option will automatically place page titles on all pages.'), 'continue_reading_text' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'Continue Reading', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Continue Reading Link Text', 'title' => '"Continue Reading" Link Text (When Using Excerpts)', 'shortexp' => 'The link at the end of your excerpt.', 'exp' => "This text will be used as the link to your full article when viewing articles on your posts page (when excerpts are turned on)."), 'content_handling' => array('type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('content_blog' => array('inputlabel' => 'Posts/Blog Page', 'default' => false), 'content_search' => array('inputlabel' => 'Search Results', 'default' => false), 'content_category' => array('inputlabel' => 'Category Lists', 'default' => false), 'content_archive' => array('inputlabel' => 'Post Archives', 'default' => false)), 'title' => 'Full Post Content', 'shortexp' => 'In addition to single post pages and page templates, where should the theme place the full content of posts?', 'exp' => 'Choose where the full content of posts is displayed. Choose between all posts pages or just single post pages (i.e. posts pages can just show excerpts or titles).'), 'post_footer_social_text' => array('default' => 'If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Post Footer Social Links Text', 'title' => 'Post Footer Social Links Text', 'shortexp' => 'The text next to your social icons', 'exp' => "Set the text next to your social links shown on single post pages or on all " . "posts pages if the post footer link is set to 'always sharing links'."), 'post_footer_share_links' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check_multi', 'selectvalues' => array('share_facebook' => array('inputlabel' => 'Facebook Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_twitter' => array('inputlabel' => 'Twitter Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_delicious' => array('inputlabel' => 'Del.icio.us Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_mixx' => array('inputlabel' => 'Mixx Sharing Icon', 'default' => false), 'share_digg' => array('inputlabel' => 'Digg Sharing Icon', 'default' => true), 'share_stumbleupon' => array('inputlabel' => 'StumbleUpon Sharing Icon', 'default' => false)), 'inputlabel' => 'Select Which Share Links To Show', 'title' => 'Post Footer Sharing Icons', 'shortexp' => 'Select Which To Show', 'exp' => "Select which icons you would like to show in your post footer when sharing " . "links are shown.")), 'sidebar_options' => array('sidebar_no_default' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Hide Sidebars When Empty (no widgets)', 'title' => 'Remove Default Sidebars When Empty', 'shortexp' => 'Hide default sidebars when sidebars have no widgets in them', 'exp' => 'This allows you to remove sidebars completely when they have no widgets in them.'), 'sidebar_wrap_widgets' => array('default' => 'top', 'version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'select', 'selectvalues' => array('top' => array("name" => 'On Top of Sidebar'), 'bottom' => array("name" => 'On Bottom of Sidebar')), 'inputlabel' => 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets Position', 'title' => 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets', 'shortexp' => 'Choose whether to show the sidebar wrap widgets on the top or bottom of the sidebar.', 'exp' => 'You can select whether to show the widgets that you place in the sidebar wrap template in either the top or the bottom of the sidebar.')), 'footer_options' => array('footer_logo' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => THEME_IMAGES . '/logo-platformpro-small.png', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => '100', 'inputlabel' => 'Add Footer logo', 'title' => 'Footer Logo', 'shortexp' => 'Show a logo in the footer', 'exp' => 'Add the full url of an image for use in the footer. Recommended size: 140px wide.'), 'footer_more' => array('default' => "Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to join the discussion by leaving " . "comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the <a href='" . get_bloginfo('rss2_url') . "'>RSS feed</a>.", 'type' => 'textarea', 'inputlabel' => 'More Statement In Footer', 'title' => 'More Statement', 'shortexp' => 'Add a quick statement for users who want to know more...', 'exp' => "This statement will show in the footer columns under the word more. It is for users who may want to know more about your company or service."), 'footer_terms' => array('default' => '&copy; ' . date('Y') . ' ' . get_bloginfo('name'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'inputlabel' => 'Terms line in footer:', 'title' => 'Site Terms Statement', 'shortexp' => 'A line in your footer for "terms and conditions text" or similar', 'exp' => "It's sometimes a good idea to give your users a terms and conditions " . "statement so they know how they should use your service or content.")), 'text_and_fonts' => array('gfonts' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => false, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Use Google Fonts API', 'title' => 'Use Google Fonts API', 'shortexp' => 'Use the Google Fonts API to add cross-browser fonts to your site', 'exp' => 'Google has recently released a new API for including new "web safe" fonts on your site. To learn more about it, visit the <a href="http://code.google.com/webfonts">Google Fonts homepage</a>.'), 'gfonts_families' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'Crimson+Text|Droid+Sans', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Google Font Families', 'title' => 'Google API: Font Family or Families', 'shortexp' => 'The fonts used with the Google API', 'exp' => 'Use this option to setup various Google fonts (Google fonts must be activated).  Learn more on the Google Font <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/webfonts/docs/getting_started.html#Quick_Start">Quick Start</a> page.'), 'typekit_script' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => "", 'type' => 'textarea', 'inputlabel' => 'Typekit Header Script', 'title' => 'Typekit Font Replacement', 'shortexp' => 'Typekit is a service that allows you to use tons of new fonts on your site.', 'exp' => 'Typekit is a new service and technique that allows you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' . 'Visit <a href="www.typekit.com" target="_blank">Typekit.com</a> to get the script for this option. Instructions for setting up Typekit are <a href="http://typekit.assistly.com/portal/article/6780-Adding-fonts-to-your-site" target="_blank">here</a>.'), 'fontreplacement' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => false, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Use Cufon font replacement?', 'title' => 'Use Cufon Font Replacement', 'shortexp' => 'Use a special font replacement technique for certain text', 'exp' => 'Cufon is a special technique for allowing you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' . THEMENAME . ' is equipped to use it.  Select this option to enable it. Visit the <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a>.'), 'font_file' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => THEME_JS . '/calluna.font.js', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Cufon replacement font file URL', 'title' => 'Cufon: Replacement Font File URL', 'shortexp' => 'The font file used to replace text.', 'exp' => 'Use the <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a> to generate a font file for use with this theme.  Place it in your theme folder and add the full URL to it here. The default font is Museo Sans.'), 'replace_font' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'h1', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'CSS elements for font replacement', 'title' => 'Cufon: CSS elements for font replacement', 'shortexp' => 'Add selectors of elements you would like replaced.', 'exp' => 'Use standard CSS selectors to replace them with your Cufon font. Font replacement must be enabled.'), 'headercolor' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '#000000', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, .fpost .post-title h2 a', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code', 'title' => 'Text Header Color (H1,H2, etc...)', 'shortexp' => 'Change the color of your titles and subtitles', 'exp' => 'Use "hex" colors. For example #000000 for black, #3399CC for light blue, ' . 'etc... Visit <a href="http://html-color-codes.com/">this site</a> for a reference.'), 'linkcolor' => array('default' => '#225E9B', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'a, #subnav_row li.current_page_item a, #subnav_row li a:hover, #grandchildnav .current_page_item > a, .branding h1 a:hover, .post-comments a:hover, .bbcrumb a:hover, 	#feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-lightbg a, #feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-nobg a', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code:', 'title' => 'Text Link Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the default color of your links as well as other similar elements.', 'exp' => 'Select a hex color for your site\'s text links.'), 'linkcolor_hover' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'selectors' => 'a:hover,.commentlist cite a:hover,  #grandchildnav .current_page_item a:hover, .headline h1 a:hover', 'inputlabel' => 'Hex Code:', 'title' => 'Text Link Hover Color', 'shortexp' => 'Change the default color of your links when users hover over them.', 'exp' => 'Select a hex color for when users hover over text links.')), 'custom_code' => array('partner_link' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Enter Partner Link', 'title' => 'PageLines Partner Link', 'shortexp' => 'Change your PageLines footer link to a partner link', 'exp' => 'If you are a <a href="http://www.pagelines.com/partners">PageLines Partner</a> enter your link here and the footer link will become a partner or affiliate link.'), 'forum_options' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Show bbPress Forum Addon Options', 'title' => 'Activate Forum Options', 'shortexp' => 'If you have integrated a PageLines bbPress forum, activate its options here.', 'exp' => 'This theme has some integrated options for its bbPress forum addon (if installed).'), 'customcss' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => 'body{}', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'CSS Rules', 'title' => 'Custom CSS', 'shortexp' => 'Insert custom CSS styling here (this will override any default styling)', 'exp' => '<div class="theexample">Example:<br/> <strong>body{<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;color:  #3399CC;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;line-height: 20px;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;font-size: 11px<br/>}</strong></div>Enter CSS Rules to change the style of your site.<br/><br/> A lot can be accomplished by simply changing the default styles of the "body" tag such as "line-height", "font-size", or "color" (as in text color).'), 'google_ie' => array('default' => false, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Include Google IE Compatibility Script?', 'title' => 'Google IE Compatibility Fix', 'shortexp' => 'Include a Google JS script that fixes problems with IE.', 'exp' => 'More info on this can be found here: <strong>http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/</strong>.'), 'headerscripts' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'Headerscripts Code', 'title' => 'Header Scripts', 'shortexp' => 'Scripts inserted directly before the end of the HTML &lt;head&gt; tag', 'exp' => ''), 'footerscripts' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'Footerscripts Code or Analytics', 'title' => 'Footer Scripts &amp; Analytics', 'shortexp' => 'Any footer scripts including Google Analytics', 'exp' => ""), 'asynch_analytics' => array('version' => 'pro', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'layout' => 'full', 'inputlabel' => 'Asynchronous Analytics', 'title' => 'Asynchronous Analytics', 'shortexp' => 'Placeholder for Google asynchronous analytics. Goes underneath "body" tag.', 'exp' => ""), 'hide_introduction' => array('default' => '', 'version' => 'pro', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => '', 'inputlabel' => 'Hide the introduction?', 'title' => 'Show Theme Introduction', 'shortexp' => 'Uncheck this option to show theme introduction.', 'exp' => "")));
    if (!pagelines_option('hide_introduction') && VPRO) {
        $welcome = array('_welcome' => array('theme_introduction' => array('type' => 'text_content', 'layout' => 'full', 'exp' => get_theme_intro()), 'hide_introduction' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => '', 'inputlabel' => 'Hide the introduction', 'title' => 'Remove This Theme Introduction', 'shortexp' => 'Remove this introduction from the admin.', 'exp' => "This introduction can be added back under the 'custom code' tab (once hidden)...")));
    } else {
        $welcome = array();
    if (pagelines_option('forum_options')) {
        $forum_options = array('forum_settings' => array('forum_tags' => array('default' => true, 'type' => 'check', 'inputlabel' => 'Show tags in sidebar?', 'title' => 'Tag Cloud In Sidebar', 'shortexp' => 'Including post tags on the forum sidebar.', 'exp' => 'Tags are added by users and moderators on your forum and can help people locate posts.'), 'forum_image_1' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'inputlabel' => 'Upload Forum Image', 'imagepreview' => 125, 'title' => 'Forum Sidebar Image #1', 'shortexp' => 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar', 'exp' => "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."), 'forum_image_link_1' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Image Link URL', 'title' => 'Forum Image #1 Link', 'shortexp' => 'Full URL for your forum image.', 'exp' => "Add the full url for your forum image."), 'forum_image_2' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'image_upload', 'imagepreview' => 125, 'inputlabel' => 'Upload Forum Image', 'title' => 'Forum Sidebar Image #2', 'shortexp' => 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar', 'exp' => "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."), 'forum_image_link_2' => array('default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Image Link URL', 'title' => 'Forum Image #2 Link', 'shortexp' => 'Full URL for your forum image.', 'exp' => "Add the full url for your forum image."), 'forum_sidebar_link' => array('default' => '#', 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Forum Image Caption URL', 'title' => 'Forum Caption Link URL (Text Link)', 'shortexp' => 'Add the URL for your forum caption (optional)', 'exp' => "Text link underneath your forum images."), 'forum_sidebar_link_text' => array('default' => 'About ' . get_bloginfo('name'), 'type' => 'text', 'inputlabel' => 'Forum Sidebar Link Text', 'title' => 'Forum Sidebar Link Text', 'shortexp' => 'The text of your image caption link', 'exp' => "Change the text of the caption placed under your forum images.")));
    } else {
        $forum_options = array();
    	Merge preset functions
    $optionarray = array_merge($welcome, $default_options, $forum_options);
    	Load Section Options
    // Comes before, so you can load on to 'new' option sets
    $optionarray = array_merge(load_section_options('new', 'top', $load_unavailable), $optionarray, load_section_options('new', 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
    foreach ($optionarray as $optionset => $options) {
        $optionarray[$optionset] = array_merge(load_section_options($optionset, 'top', $load_unavailable), $options, load_section_options($optionset, 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
    return apply_filters('pagelines_options_array', $optionarray);
コード例 #2
function get_option_array( $load_unavailable = false ){
	$default_options = array();
	$default_options['global_options'] = array(
				'email_capture'	=> array(
						'default'		=> '',
						'version'		=> 'free',
						'type' 			=> 'email_capture',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Email Address',
						'title'			=> 'Email Updates',						
						'shortexp' 		=> 'Optionally sign up for email updates and notifications.',
						'exp' 			=> 'Adding your email here will allow us to send you email notifications about updates and new software from PageLines'
				'pagelines_custom_logo' => array(
					'default' 		=> PL_IMAGES.'/logo-platformpro.png',
					'default_free'	=> PL_IMAGES.'/logo-platform.png',
					'type' 			=> 'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> '270',
					'inputlabel' 	=> 'Upload custom logo',
					'title'			=> 'Custom Header Image',						
					'shortexp' 		=> 'Input Full URL to your custom header or logo image.',
					'exp' 			=> 'Optional way to replace "heading" and "description" text for your website ' . 
							    		'with an image.'
				'pagelines_favicon'	=> array(
					'default' 	=> 	PL_ADMIN_IMAGES . "/favicon-pagelines.ico",
					'type' 		=> 	'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> 	'16',
					'title' 	=> 	'Favicon Image',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 	'Input Full URL to favicon image ("favicon.ico" image file)',
					'exp' 		=> 	'Enter the full URL location of your custom "favicon" which is visible in ' .
								'browser favorites and tabs.<br/> (<strong>Must be .png or .ico file - 16px by 16px</strong> ).'
				'twittername' => array(
					'default' => '',
					'version' => 'pro',
					'type' => 'text',
					'inputlabel' => 'Your Twitter Username',
					'title' => 'Twitter Integration',
					'shortexp' => 'Places your Twitter feed in your site.',
					'exp' => 'This places your Twitter feed on the site. Leave blank if you want to hide or not use.'
				'pagelines_touchicon'	=> array(
					'version' 	=> 'pro',
					'default' 	=> '',
					'type' 		=> 	'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> 	'60',
					'title' 	=> 'Apple Touch Image',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Input Full URL to Apple touch image (.jpg, .gif, .png)',
					'exp'		=> 'Enter the full URL location of your Apple Touch Icon which is visible when ' .
							  'your users set your site as a <strong>webclip</strong> in Apple Iphone and ' . 
							  'Touch Products. It is an image approximately 57px by 57px in either .jpg, ' .
							  '.gif or .png format.'
if ( get_option( 'pagelines_email_sent') ) unset($default_options['global_options']['email_capture']);
		Get Template Setup - Drag & Drop Interface
	$default_options['template_setup'] = array(
				'template_setup'	=> array(
					'type'		=> 'options_info',
					'layout' 	=> 'full',
					'exp' 		=> '<p>"Template Setup" is where you set up the various templates for your site (e.g. sidebars, page-templates, etc..).</p>'.
							  '<p>Your templates structure can be configured using theme "sections" which are drag-and-drop bits of HTML that can moved around in your theme.</p>'.
							  '<p><strong>To Use:</strong> Select the template you would like to edit in the drop down menu. Once you have your template selected, you will see a list of its current displayed sections on the left of the "drag and drop" area, and sections that are available to use on the right.<br />'.
							  'To activate sections in your template, just drag the section you want to use to the "Displayed Page Content Area" column. To remove a section, just drag the section back to the "Available/Disabled" column on the right.</p>', 
				'templates'		=> array(
					'default'	=> '',
					'type'		=> 'templates',
					'layout'	=> 'full',
					'title'		=> THEMENAME.' Template Setup',						
					'shortexp'	=> 'Drag and drop control over your website\'s templates.<br/> Note: Select "Hidden by Default" to hide the section by default; and activate with individual page/post options.',
					'docslink'	=> 'http://www.pagelines.com/docs/template-setup', 
					'vidtitle'	=> 'Template Setup Overview'
				'resettemplates' => array(
					'default'	=> '',
					'inputlabel'	=> __("Reset Template Section Order", 'pagelines'),
					'type'		=> 'reset',
					'callback'	=> 'reset_templates_to_default',
					'title'		=> 'Reset Section Order To Default',	
					'layout'	=> 'full',					
					'shortexp'	=> 'Changes your template sections back to their default order and layout (options settings are not affected)',
		Get Layout Editing Tools
	$default_options['layout_editor'] = array(
				'layout_default' => array(
					'default' 	=> "one-sidebar-right",
					'type' 		=> 'layout_select',
					'title' 	=> 'Default Layout Mode',	
					'layout' 	=> 'full',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Select your default layout mode, this can be changed on individual pages.<br />Once selected, you can adjust the layout in the Layout Builder.',
					'exp' 		=> 'The default layout for your site; your blog page will always have this layout. Dimensions can be changed using the content layout editor.',
					'docslink'	=> 'http://www.pagelines.com/docs/editing-layout'
				'layout' => array(
					'default'	=> 'one-sidebar-right',
					'type'		=> 'layout',
					'layout'	=> 'full',
					'title'		=> 'Content Layout Editor',						
					'shortexp'	=> 'Configure the default layout for your site which is initially selected in the Default Layout Mode option in Global Options. <br/>This option allows you to adjust columns and margins for the default layout.',
				'resetlayout' => array(
					'default'	=> '',
					'inputlabel'	=> __("Reset Layout", 'pagelines'),
					'type' 		=> 'reset',
					'callback'	=> 'reset_layout_to_default',
					'title' 	=> 'Reset Layout To Default',	
					'layout'	=> 'full',					
					'shortexp'	=> 'Changes layout mode and dimensions back to default',
	$default_options['design_control'] = array(	
				'site_design_mode'	=> array(
					'version'	=> 'pro',
					'default'	=> 'canvas',
					'type'		=> 'select',
					'layout'	=> 'full',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'canvas'	=> array("name" => "Full-Width Design With Canvas"),
						'full_width'	=> array("name" => "Full-Width Design Framework"),
						'fixed_width'	=> array("name" => "Fixed-Width Design Framework", "version" => "pro")
					'inputlabel'	=> 'Site Design Mode',
					'title'		=> 'Site Design Mode',						
					'shortexp'	=> 'Choose between full width HTML or fixed width HTML',
					'exp'		=> 'There are three css design modes available for '.THEMENAME.'. Each allows a different style of design.<br/><br/><strong>Full-Width Mode With Canvas</strong> This design mode has a full-width page area, and a canvas area behind your content that can be controlled seperately.<br/><br/><strong>Full-Width Mode</strong> Full width design mode allows you to have aspects of your site that are the full-width of your screen; while others are the width of the content area.<br/><br/><strong>Fixed-Width Mode</strong> Fixed width design mode creates a fixed with "page" that can be used as the area for your design.  You can set a background to the page; and the content will have a seperate "fixed-width" background area (i.e. the width of the content).',
					'vidlink'	=> 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/hnaXANV0nlk?hd=1', 
					'vidtitle'	=> 'Design Control Overview'
				'page_colors'		=> array(
					'title' 	=> 'Basic Layout Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'The Main Layout Colors For Your Site',
					'exp' 		=> 'Use these options to configure the main layout colors for your site.<br/><br/>This theme as two background elements, the "page" or content area and the "body" which sits behind the page area, you can set their colors individually here.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'bodybg'	=> array(				
						'default' 	=> '#000000',
						'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
						'selectors'	=> 'body, body.fixed_width',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Body Background Color <small>Shown Behind Page Content Area (e.g. In Footer)</small>',
					'pagebg'		=> array(				
						'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
						'selectors'	=>	'body #page, .sf-menu li, #primary-nav ul.sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active, .commentlist ul.children .even, .alt #commentform textarea',
						'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page Background Color <small>The Background Of Page Area</small>',
					'page_content_bg'	=> array(				
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
						'selectors'	=>	'.canvas #page-canvas',
						'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page Canvas Background Color <small>The Background Color Site Content (Canvas Mode Only)</small>',
					'border_layout'		=> array(				
						'default' 	=> '#E9E9E9',
						'selectors'	=>	'hr, .fpost, .clip_box, .widget-title, #buddypress-page .item-list li, .metabar a, #morefoot .widget-title, #site #dsq-content h3, .post.fpost .entry, #soapbox .fboxinfo,  #primary-nav #nav_row, .fpost.sticky',
						'css_prop'	=> 'border-color',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Border Color - Layout Borders and Dividers <small>Borders In Layout, Against Page Background</small>',
				'page_background_image' => array(
					'title' 	=> 'Site Background Image (Optional)',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Setup A Background Image For The Background Of Your Site',
					'exp' 		=> 'Use this option to apply a background image to your site. This option will be applied to different areas depending on the design mode you have set.<br/><br/><strong>Positioning</strong> Use percentages to position the images, 0% corresponds to the "top" or "left" side, 50% to center, etc..',
					'type' 		=> 'background_image',
					'selectors'	=> '.canvas #page, .full_width #page, body.fixed_width'
				'text_colors'		=> array(
					'title' 	=> 'Page Text Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Control The Color Of Text Used Throughout Your Site',
					'exp' 		=> 'These options control the colors of the text throughout the page or content area of your site.<br/><br/>Certain text types are designed to contrast with different box elements and are meant to be used with hover effects.<br/><br/>Experiment to find exactly how colors are combined with text on your site.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'headercolor'	=> array(		
						'default' 	=> '#000000',
						'selectors'	=> 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a, a.site-title, .entry-title a, .entry-title a:hover, .widget-title a:hover, h3.widget-title a:hover',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Text Header Color <small>Titles, H1,H2, etc...</small>',
					'text_primary' => array(		
						'default' 	=> '#000000',
						'selectors'	=>	'#page, .tcolor1, #subnav ul li a:active, .commentlist cite a, #breadcrumb a, .metabar a:hover, .post-nav a:hover, .post-footer a, #buddypress-page #object-nav ul li a, #buddypress-page table.forum .td-title a, #buddypress-page #subnav a:hover, #buddypress-page #subnav li.current a, #twitterbar a, #carousel .carousel_text, #site #dsq-content .dsq-request-user-info td a, #pagination .wp-pagenavi a:hover, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .current, #featurenav a.activeSlide, .content-pagination a:hover .cp-num',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Primary Text Color <small>The Main Text Color Used Throughout The Site</small>',
					'text_secondary' => array(
						'default' 	=> '#AFAFAF',
						'selectors'	=>	'.tcolor2, .lcolor2 a, .subhead, .widget-title,  .post-edit-link, .metabar .sword, #branding .site-description, #callout, #commentform .required, #postauthor .subtext, #buddypress-page .standard-form .admin-links, #wp-calendar caption, #carousel .thecarousel, #pagination .wp-pagenavi span.pages, .commentlist .comment-meta  a,  #highlight .highlight-subhead, .content-pagination span, .content-pagination a .cp-num, .searchform .searchfield',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Secondary Text Color <small>Used In Subtitles, Widget Titles, Nav, Etc...</small>',
					'text_tertiary' => array(	
						'default' 	=> '#777777',
						'selectors'	=>	'.tcolor3, .lcolor3 a, .main_nav li a,  .widget-title a, h3.widget-title a, #subnav_row li a, .metabar em, .metabar a, .tags, #commentform label, .form-allowed-tags code, .rss-date, #breadcrumb, .reply a, .post-nav a, .post-nav a:visited, .post-footer, .auxilary a, #buddypress-page .standard-form .admin-links a, #twitterbar .content .tbubble, .widget ul.twitter .twitter-item, .cform .emailreqtxt,.cform .reqtxt, #pagination .wp-pagenavi a, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .current, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .extend, .main_nav ul.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited, #featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page - Tertiary Text Color <small>Used In Navigation, Hover effects</small>',
				'link_colors' => array(
					'title' 	=> 'Link Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Control The Color Of Links',
					'exp' 		=> 'These options control the colors of the links throughout the page or content area of your site.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'linkcolor' => array(
							'default'	=> '#225E9B',
							'selectors'	=>	'a, #subnav_row li.current_page_item a, #subnav_row li a:hover, #grandchildnav .current_page_item > a, .branding h1 a:hover, .post-comments a:hover, .bbcrumb a:hover, 	#feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-lightbg a, #feature_slider .fcontent.fstyle-nobg a',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Text Link Color <small>Color Of Links Throughout Your Site</small>',						
						'linkcolor_hover' => array(
								'default' 	=> '#0F457C',
								'selectors'	=> 'a:hover,.commentlist cite a:hover,  #grandchildnav .current_page_item a:hover, .headline h1 a:hover',
								'inputlabel' 	=> 'Text Link Hover Color <small>Color Of Links When Hovered Over</small>',						
				'element_colors_primary' => array(
					'title' 	=> 'Primary Site Element Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Setup The Colors For Common Elements Used On Your site',
					'exp' 		=> 'Site elements are the basic contrast elements of your site. For example: selected navigation items, feature footer, blockquotes, etc...<br/><br/>This option sets the most commonly used element color.. it is used with form inputs, blockquotes, etc...',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'box_color_primary'	=> array(				
							'default' 	=> '#F7F7F7',
							'selectors'	=>	'#feature-footer, .main-nav li.current-page-ancestor a, .main-nav li.current_page_item a, .main-nav li.current-page-ancestor ul a, .main-nav li.current_page_item ul a, #wp-calendar caption, #buddypress-page #subnav, #buddypress-page .activity .activity-inner, #buddypress-page table.forum th, #grandchildnav.widget, blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, .commentlist .alt, #wp-calendar #today, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, .post-nav, .current_posts_info, .post-footer,  #twitterbar, #carousel .content-pad, .success, .sf-menu li li, .sf-menu li li, .sf-menu li li li, .content-pagination a .cp-num, .hentry table .alternate td',
							'css_prop'	=> 'background',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Box Color - Primary Elements <small>The Main Contrast Color Between Page Background And Site Elements</small>',
						'border_primary' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#E9E9E9',
							'selectors'	=>	'ul.sf-menu ul li, .post-nav, .current_posts_info, .post-footer, blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, #grandchildnav.widget, .fpost .post-thumb img, .clip .clip-thumb img, .author-thumb img, #carousel .content ul li a img, #carousel .content ul li a:hover img, #feature-footer',
							'css_prop'	=> 'border-color',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Primary Elements Border <small>Standard Border For Site Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Box Color)</small>',
						'border_primary_shadow' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#DDDDDD',
							'selectors'	=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'	=> array(
								'border-left-color'	=> 'blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, #grandchildnav.widget, fpost .post-thumb img, .clip .clip-thumb img, .author-thumb img', 
								'border-top-color'	=> 'blockquote, input, textarea, .searchform .searchfield, .wp-caption, .widget-default, #buddypress-page div.activity-comments form .ac-textarea, #buddypress-page form#whats-new-form #whats-new-textarea, #grandchildnav.widget, fpost .post-thumb img, .clip .clip-thumb img, .author-thumb img',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Primary Elements Shadow <small>Shadow Effect On Some Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Border)</small>',
						'border_primary_highlight' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
							'selectors'	=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'	=> array(
							'border-left-color'	=> '#feature-footer .feature-footer-pad', 
							'border-top-color'	=> '#feature-footer .feature-footer-pad',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Primary Elements Highlight <small>Highlight Effect On Some Elements (Make Slightly Lighter Than Box Color)</small>',
						'text_shadow_color' => array(				
							'default' 	=> '#FFFFFF',
							'selectors'	=> 'multi_property',
							'css_prop'	=> array(
								'text-shadow'	=> '#feature-footer, #grandchildnav li a, #grandchildnav .current_page_item  ul li a, #buddypress-page #object-nav ul li a',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Text Shadow Color <small>Used To Create An Indented Effect On Selected Text</small>',
				'element_colors_secondary' => array(	
					'title' 	=> 'Secondary Site Element Colors',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Setup Colors For Elements Designed To Contrast With The Primary Elements (Hover Effects, etc...)',
					'exp' 		=> 'The secondary elements are designed to contrast with the primary elements. For example, a navigation hover effect, or calendar subheading.',
					'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'box_color_secondary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#F1F1F1',
							'selectors'		=>	'#wp-calendar thead th, #buddypress-page #object-nav, .item-avatar a, .comment blockquote, #grandchildnav .current_page_item a, #grandchildnav li a:hover, #grandchildnav .current_page_item  ul li a:hover, #carousel .carousel_text, pagination .wp-pagenavi a, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .current, #pagination .wp-pagenavi .extend, .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover, #featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause, .content-pagination .cp-num, .content-pagination a:hover .cp-num, ins',
							'css_prop'		=> 'background',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Box Color - Secondary Site Elements <small>Recommended Slightly Darker/Lighter Than Primary Element Color</small>',
					'border_secondary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#DDDDDD',
							'selectors'		=> '#featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause',
							'css_prop'		=> 'border-color',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Secondary Elements <small>Around Secondary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker)</small>',
					'border_secondary_shadow' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#CCCCCC',
							'selectors'		=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'		=> array(
								'border-left-color'		=> '#featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause', 
								'border-top-color'		=> '#featurenav a, #feature-footer span.playpause',
					'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Secondary Elements Shadow <small>Shadow Effect On Secondary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Border)</small>',
				'element_colors_tertiary' => array(	
					'title' 		=> 'Tertiary Site Element Colors',						
					'shortexp' 		=> 'Setup Colors For Elements Designed To Contrast With The Secondary Elements',
					'exp' 			=> 'The tertiary elements are usually designed to contrast with the secondary elements. For example, a hover or selected effect that occurs over a primary element. Example: Feature Footer, selected navigation (dots, names, etc..)',
					'type' 			=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'box_color_tertiary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#E1E1E1',
							'selectors'		=>	'#buddypress-page #object-nav ul li a:hover,#buddypress-page #object-nav ul li.selected a, #buddypress-page #subnav a:hover, #buddypress-page #subnav li.current a, #featurenav a.activeSlide',
							'css_prop'		=> 'background',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Box Color - Tertiary Site Elements <small>Slightly Darker/Lighter Than Secondary Element Color</small>',
						'border_tertiary' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#CCCCCC',
							'selectors'		=> '#featurenav a.activeSlide',
							'css_prop'		=> 'border-color',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Tertiary Elements <small>Around Tertiary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker)</small>',
						'border_tertiary_shadow' => array(				
							'default' 		=> '#999999',
							'selectors'		=>	'multi_property',
							'css_prop'		=> array(
								'border-left-color'		=> '#featurenav a.activeSlide', 
								'border-top-color'		=> '#featurenav a.activeSlide',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Border Color - Tertiary Elements Shadow <small>Shadow Effect On Tertiary Box Elements (Make Slightly Darker Than Border)</small>',
				'footer_text_colors' => array(
					'title' 		=> 'Footer/Body Text Colors',						
					'shortexp' 		=> 'Control The Color Of Text In The Footer or Body Background Of Your Site',
					'exp' 			=> 'These options control the colors of the text in the footer of your site.',
					'type' 			=> 'color_multi',
					'selectvalues'	=> array(
						'footer_text' => array(
							'default'		=> '#999999',
							'selectors'		=>	'#footer, #footer li.link-list a, #footer .latest_posts li .list-excerpt',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Text Color <small>Default Color Of Text In The Footer</small>',						
						'footer_highlight' => array(
							'default' 		=> '#FFFFFF',
							'selectors'		=>	'#footer a, #footer .widget-title,  #footer li h5 a',
							'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Highlight Text <small>Used With Links, Titles, etc..</small>',						
						'footer_text_shadow_color' => array(
							'default' 		=> '#000000',
							'selectors'		=> 'multi_property',
							'css_prop'		=> array(
								'text-shadow-top'	=> '#footer, .fixed_width #footer',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Text Shadow Color <small>Used To Create An Indented Effect On Footer Text</small>',
		Typography related options
	$default_options['typography'] = array(
				'type_headers' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'georgia',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Text Headers',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style Your Site\'s Header Tags (H1, H2, H3...)',
						'exp' 		=> 'Set typography for your h1, h2, etc.. tags. <br/><br/><strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> These options make use of the <a href="http://code.google.com/webfonts" target="_blank">Google fonts API</a> to vastly increase the number of websafe fonts you can use.',
						'pro_note'	=> 'The Pro version of this framework has over 50 websafe and Google fonts.'
				'type_primary' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'georgia', 
						'type'		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'body, .font1, .font-primary, .commentlist',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Primary Font',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style The Standard Type Used In Your Site (body)',
						'exp' 		=> 'Set typography for your primary site text. This is assigned to your site\'s body tag. <br/><br/> <strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts',
						'pro_note'	=> 'The Pro version of this framework has over 50 websafe and Google fonts.'
				'type_secondary' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'lucida_grande',
						'kern'		=> '0.10em',
						'transform'	=> 'uppercase',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> '.font2, .font-sub, ul.main-nav li a, #secondnav li a, .metabar, .subtext, .subhead, .widget-title, .post-comments, .reply a, .editpage, #pagination .wp-pagenavi, .post-edit-link, #wp-calendar caption, #wp-calendar thead th, .soapbox-links a, .fancybox, .standard-form .admin-links, #featurenav a, .pagelines-blink, .ftitle small',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Secondary Font ',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style Your Site\'s Secondary or Sub Title Text (Metabar, Sub Titles, etc..)',
						'exp' 		=> 'This options sets the typography for secondary text used throughout your site. This includes your navigation, subtitles, widget titles, etc.. <br/><br/> <strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts',
						'pro_note'	=> 'The Pro version of this framework has over 50 websafe and Google fonts.'
				'type_inputs' => array(
						'version' 	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'courier_new',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'input[type="text"], input[type="password"], textarea, #dsq-content textarea',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Inputs and Textareas',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Select and Style Your Site\'s Text Inputs and Textareas.',
						'exp' 		=> 'This options sets the typography for general text inputs and textarea inputs. This includes default WordPress comment fields, etc.. <br/><br/> This option makes use of the <a href="http://code.google.com/webfonts">Google fonts API</a> to vastly increase the number of websafe fonts you can use.<br/><strong>*</strong> Denotes web safe fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google fonts<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> the "preview" pane represents the font in your current browser and OS. If developing locally, Google fonts require an internet connection.',
				'typekit_script' => array(
						'default'	=> "",
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Typekit Header Script',
						'title'		=> 'Typekit Font Replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Typekit is a service that allows you to use tons of new fonts on your site.',
						'exp'		=> 'Typekit is a new service and technique that allows you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' .
								 'Visit <a href="www.typekit.com" target="_blank">Typekit.com</a> to get the script for this option. Instructions for setting up Typekit are <a href="http://typekit.assistly.com/portal/article/6780-Adding-fonts-to-your-site" target="_blank">here</a>.'
				'fontreplacement' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Use Cufon font replacement?',
						'title'		=> 'Use Cufon Font Replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Use a special font replacement technique for certain text',
						'exp'		=> 'Cufon is a special technique for allowing you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' .
								 THEMENAME.' is equipped to use it.  Select this option to enable it. Visit the <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a>.'
				'font_file'	=> array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Cufon replacement font file URL',
						'title'		=> 'Cufon: Replacement Font File URL',
						'shortexp'	=> 'The font file used to replace text.',
						'exp'		=> 'Use the <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a> to generate a font file for use with this theme.  Place it in your theme folder and add the full URL to it here. The default font is Museo Sans.'
				'replace_font' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 'h1',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'CSS elements for font replacement',
						'title'		=> 'Cufon: CSS elements for font replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Add selectors of elements you would like replaced.',
						'exp'		=> 'Use standard CSS selectors to replace them with your Cufon font. Font replacement must be enabled.'
		Header and Navigation Related Options
	$default_options['header_and_nav'] = array(
				'icon_position' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type'		=> 'text_multi',
						'inputsize'	=> 'tiny',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'icon_pos_bottom'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Distance From Bottom (in pixels)', 'default'=> 21),
							'icon_pos_right'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Distance From Right (in pixels)', 'default'=> 1),
						'title'		=> 'Social Icon Position',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Control the location of the social icons in the branding section',
						'exp'		=> 'Set the position of your header icons with these options. They will be relative to the "branding" section of your site.'
				'rsslink' => array(
						'default'	=> true,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Display the Blog RSS icon and link?',
						'title'		=> 'News/Blog RSS Icon',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Places News/Blog RSS icon in your header',
						'exp'		=> ''
				'icon_social' => array(
						'type'		=> 'text_multi',
						'inputsize'	=> 'regular',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'facebooklink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your Facebook Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
							'twitterlink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your Twitter Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
							'linkedinlink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your LinkedIn Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
							'youtubelink'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Your YouTube Profile URL', 'default'=> ''),
						'title'		=> 'Social Icons',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Add social network profile icons to your header',
						'exp'		=> 'Fill in the URLs of your social networking profiles. This option will create icons in the header/branding section of your site.'
				'nav_use_hierarchy' => array(
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Use Child Pages For Secondary Nav?',
						'title'		=> 'Use Child Pages for Secondary Nav',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Use this options if you want child pages in secondary nav, instead of WP menus.',
						'exp'		=> ''
		Options related to the blog and posts pages (category, archives, etc...)
	$default_options['blog_and_posts'] = array(
				'blog_layout_mode'		=> array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 'magazine',
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'magazine'	=> array("name" => "Magazine Layout Mode", "version" => "pro"),
							'blog'		=> array("name" => "Blog Layout Mode")
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Post Layout Mode',
						'title'		=> 'Blog Post Layout Mode',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Choose between magazine style and blog style layout.',
						'exp'		=> 'Choose between two magazine or blog layout mode. <br/><br/> <strong>Magazine Layout Mode</strong><br/> Magazine layout mode makes use of post "clips". These are summarized excerpts shown at half the width of the main content column.<br/>  <strong>Note:</strong> There is an option for showing "full-width" posts on your main "posts" page.<br/><br/><strong>Blog Layout Mode</strong><br/> This is your classical blog layout. Posts span the entire width of the main content column.'
				'full_column_posts'		=> array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 2,
						'type'		=> 'count_select',
						'count_number'	=> get_option('posts_per_page'),
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Number of Full Width Posts?',
						'title'		=> 'Full Width Posts (Magazine Layout Mode Only)',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'When using magazine layout mode, select the number of "featured" or full-width posts.',
						'exp'		=> 'Select the number of posts you would like shown at the full width of the main content column in magazine layout mode (the rest will be half-width post "clips").'
				'posts_page_layout' => array(
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'fullwidth'		=> array( 'name' => 'Fullwidth layout', 'version' => 'pro' ),
							'one-sidebar-right' 	=> array( 'name' => 'One sidebar on right' ),
							'one-sidebar-left'	=> array( 'name' => 'One sidebar on left' ),
							'two-sidebar-right' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Two sidebars on right', 'version' => 'pro' ),
							'two-sidebar-left' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Two sidebars on left', 'version' => 'pro' ),
							'two-sidebar-center' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Two sidebars, one on each side', 'version' => 'pro' ),
						'title'		=> "Posts Page-Content Layout",
						'shortexp'	=> "Select the content layout on posts pages only",
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Posts Page Layout Mode (optional)',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to change the content layout mode on all posts pages (if different than default layout).'
				'thumb_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'thumb_blog'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Posts/Blog Page', 'default'=> true),
							'thumb_single'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Single Post Pages', 'default'=> false),
							'thumb_search' 		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Search Results', 'default'=> false),
							'thumb_category' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Category Lists', 'default'=> true),
							'thumb_archive' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Post Archives', 'default'=> true),
							'thumb_clip' 		=> array('inputlabel'=>'In Post Clips (Magazine Mode)', 'default'=> true),
						'title'		=> 'Post Thumbnail Placement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Where should the theme use post thumbnails?',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to control where post "featured images" or thumbnails are used. Note: The post clips option only applies when magazine layout is selected.'
				'byline_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'byline_author'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Author', 'default'=> true),
							'byline_date'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Date', 'default'=> true),
							'byline_comments'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Comments', 'default'=> true),
							'byline_categories' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Categories', 'default'=> false),
						'title'		=> 'Post Byline Information (Blog Mode and Full-Width Posts Only)',
						'shortexp'	=> 'What should be shown in post bylines?',
						'exp'		=> 'The byline shows meta information about who wrote the post, what category it is in, etc... Use this option to control what is shown.'
				'excerpt_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'excerpt_blog'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Posts/Blog Page', 'default'=> true),
							'excerpt_single'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Single Post Pages', 'default'=> false),
							'excerpt_search'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Search Results', 'default'=> true),
							'excerpt_category' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Category Lists', 'default'=> true),
							'excerpt_archive' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Post Archives', 'default'=> true),
						'title'		=> 'Post Excerpt or Summary Handling',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Where should the theme use post excerpts when showing full column posts?',
						'exp'		=> 'This option helps you control where post excerpts are displayed.<br/><br/> <strong>About:</strong> Excerpts are small summaries of articles filled out when creating a post.'
				'pagetitles' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Automatically show Page titles?',
						'title'		=> 'Page Titles',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Show the title of pages above the page content.',
						'exp'		=> 'This option will automatically place page titles on all pages.'
				'continue_reading_text' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> 'Continue Reading',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Continue Reading Link Text',
						'title'		=> '"Continue Reading" Link Text (When Using Excerpts)',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'The link at the end of your excerpt.',
						'exp' 		=> "This text will be used as the link to your full article when viewing articles on your posts page (when excerpts are turned on)."
				'content_handling' => array(
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'content_blog'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Posts/Blog Page', 'default'=> false),
							'content_search'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Search Results', 'default'=> false),
							'content_category' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Category Lists', 'default'=> false),
							'content_archive' 	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Post Archives', 'default'=> false),
						'title'		=> 'Full Post Content',
						'shortexp'	=> 'In addition to single post pages and page templates, where should the theme place the full content of posts?',
						'exp'		=> 'Choose where the full content of posts is displayed. Choose between all posts pages or just single post pages (i.e. posts pages can just show excerpts or titles).'
				'post_footer_social_text' => array(
						'default'	=> 'If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Post Footer Social Links Text',
						'title'		=> 'Post Footer Social Links Text',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'The text next to your social icons',
						'exp'		=> "Set the text next to your social links shown on single post pages or on all " . 
								 "posts pages if the post footer link is set to 'always sharing links'."
				'post_footer_share_links' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check_multi',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'share_facebook'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Facebook Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_twitter'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Twitter Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_twitter_cache'=>array('inputlabel'=>'Enable twitter short urls', 'default'=> false),
							'share_delicious'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Del.icio.us Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_mixx'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Mixx Sharing Icon', 'default'=> false),
							'share_reddit'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Reddit Sharing Icon', 'default'=> true),
							'share_digg'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Digg Sharing Icon', 'default'=> false),
							'share_stumbleupon'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'StumbleUpon Sharing Icon', 'default'=> false)
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Select Which Share Links To Show',
						'title'		=> 'Post Footer Sharing Icons',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Select Which To Show',
						'exp'		=> "Select which icons you would like to show in your post footer when sharing " . 
								 "links are shown."
				'excerpt_tags' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> '<p><br><a>',
						'type' 		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Allowed Tags',
						'title' 	=> 'Allow Tags in Excerpt',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Control which tags are stripped from excerpts.',
						'exp' 		=> 'By default WordPress strips all HTML tags from excerpts. You can use this option to allow certain tags. Simply enter the allowed tags in this field. <br/>An example of allowed tags could be: <strong>&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a&gt;</strong>. <br/><br/> <strong>Note:</strong> Enter a period "<strong>.</strong>" to disallow all tags.'
		Sidebar and widget related
	$default_options['sidebar_options'] = array(
				'sidebar_no_default' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Hide Sidebars When Empty (no widgets)',
						'title'		=> 'Remove Default Sidebars When Empty',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Hide default sidebars when sidebars have no widgets in them',
						'exp'		=> 'This allows you to remove sidebars completely when they have no widgets in them.'
				'sidebar_wrap_widgets' => array(
						'default' 	=> 'top',
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type' 		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'top'		=> array("name" => 'On Top of Sidebar'),
							'bottom'	=> array("name" => 'On Bottom of Sidebar')
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets Position',
						'title' 	=> 'Sidebar Wrap Widgets',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Choose whether to show the sidebar wrap widgets on the top or bottom of the sidebar.',
						'exp' 		=> 'You can select whether to show the widgets that you place in the sidebar wrap template in either the top or the bottom of the sidebar.'
		Footer related options
	$default_options['footer_options'] = array(
				'footer_logo' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> PL_IMAGES.'/logo-platformpro-small.png',
						'type'		=> 'image_upload',
						'imagepreview'	=> '100',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Add Footer logo',
						'title'		=> 'Footer Logo',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Show a logo in the footer',
						'exp'		=> 'Add the full url of an image for use in the footer. Recommended size: 140px wide.'
				'footer_more' => array(
						'default'	=> "Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to join the discussion by leaving " . 
								"comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the <a href='".get_bloginfo('rss2_url')."'>RSS feed</a>.",
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'More Statement In Footer',
						'title'		=> 'More Statement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Add a quick statement for users who want to know more...',
						'exp'		=> "This statement will show in the footer columns under the word more. It is for users who may want to know more about your company or service."
				'footer_terms' => array(
						'default' 	=> '&copy; '.date('Y').' '.get_bloginfo('name'),
						'type' 		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Terms line in footer:',
						'title' 	=> 'Site Terms Statement',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'A line in your footer for "terms and conditions text" or similar',
						'exp' 		=> "It's sometimes a good idea to give your users a terms and conditions statement so they know how they should use your service or content."
	$misc_settings = array();
	$misc_settings['misc_settings'] = array(
				'partner_link' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Enter Partner Link',
						'title'		=> 'PageLines Partner Link',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Change your PageLines footer link to a partner link',
						'exp'		=> 'If you are a <a href="http://www.pagelines.com/partners">PageLines Partner</a> enter your link here and the footer link will become a partner or affiliate link.'
				'google_ie' => array(
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Include Google IE Compatibility Script?',
						'title'		=> 'Google IE Compatibility Fix',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Include a Google JS script that fixes problems with IE.',
						'exp'		=> 'More info on this can be found here: <strong>http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/</strong>.'

				'forum_options' => array(
						'default' 	=> '',
						'type' 		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Show bbPress Forum Addon Options',
						'title' 	=> 'Activate Forum Options',
						'shortexp'	=> 'If you have integrated a PageLines bbPress forum, activate its options here.',
						'exp' 		=> 'This theme has some integrated options for its bbPress forum addon (if installed).'

				'disable_ajax_save' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Disable AJAX Saving?',
						'title'		=> 'Disable AJAX Saving',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Check to disable AJAX saving.',
						'exp'		=> "Check this option if you are having problems with AJAX saving. For example, if design control or typography options aren't working"
				'inline_dynamic_css' => array(
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Make Dynamic CSS Inline?',
						'title'		=> 'Inline Dynamic CSS',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Makes Dynamic CSS Load Inline, Resolves Caching Issues',
						'exp'		=> "If you are having problems with layout, design control and typography, you may have caching issues on your server. Make dynamic.css 'inline' for fast relief. Note: there is a small performance issue with this."

				'enable_debug' => array(
						'default' => '',
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type' => 'check',
						'inputlabel' => 'Enable debug settings tab?',
						'title' => 'PageLines debug',
						'shortexp' => 'Show detailed settings information.',
						'exp' => "This information can be useful in the forums if you have a problem."

				'hide_introduction' => array(
						'default' => '',
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'type' => 'check',
						'inputlabel' => 'Hide the introduction?',
						'title' => 'Show Theme Introduction',
						'shortexp' => 'Uncheck this option to show theme introduction.',
						'exp' => ""

		Custom Scripts, Customization, Option related options...
	$custom_code = array();
	$custom_code['custom_code'] = array(
				'customcss' => array(
						'version' 	=> 'pro',
						'default' 	=> 'body{}',
						'type' 		=> 'textarea',
						'layout' 	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'CSS Rules',
						'title' 	=> 'Custom CSS',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Insert custom CSS styling here. It will be stored in the DB and not overwritten. <br/>Note: The easiest way to customize your site is using "Base" the child theme for PlatformPro.',
						'exp' 		=> '<div class="theexample">Example:<br/> <strong>body{<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;color:  #3399CC;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;line-height: 20px;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;font-size: 11px<br/>}</strong></div>Enter CSS Rules to change the style of your site.<br/><br/> A lot can be accomplished by simply changing the default styles of the "body" tag such as "line-height", "font-size", or "color" (as in text color).', 
						'docslink'	=> 'http://www.pagelines.com/docs/changing-colors-fonts', 
						'vidtitle'	=> 'View Customization Documentation'

				'headerscripts' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'layout'	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Headerscripts Code',
						'title'		=> 'Header Scripts',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Scripts inserted directly before the end of the HTML &lt;head&gt; tag',
						'exp'		=> ''
				'footerscripts' => array(
						'default'	=> '',						
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'layout'	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Footerscripts Code or Analytics',
						'title'		=> 'Footer Scripts &amp; Analytics',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Any footer scripts including Google Analytics',
						'exp'		=> ''
				'asynch_analytics' => array(
						'version'	=> 'pro',
						'default'	=> '',
						'type'		=> 'textarea',
						'layout'	=> 'full',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Asynchronous Analytics',
						'title'		=> 'Asynchronous Analytics',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Placeholder for Google asynchronous analytics. Goes underneath "body" tag.',
						'exp'		=> ''
	if(!pagelines_option('hide_introduction') && VPRO){
		$welcome = array(
				'_welcome' => array(
						'theme_introduction'	=> array(
							'type'		=> 'text_content',
							'layout'	=> 'full',
							'exp'		=> get_theme_intro()
						'hide_introduction'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'check',
							'inputlabel'	=> '',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Hide the introduction',
							'title'		=> 'Remove This Theme Introduction',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Remove this introduction from the admin.',
							'exp'		=> "This introduction can be added back under the 'custom code' tab (once hidden)..."
	}else{$welcome = array();}
	if( pagelines_option('forum_options') ){
		$forum_options = array(
				'forum_settings' => array(
						'forum_tags'		=> array(
							'default'	=> true,
							'type'		=> 'check',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Show tags in sidebar?',
							'title'		=> 'Tag Cloud In Sidebar',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Including post tags on the forum sidebar.',
							'exp'		=> 'Tags are added by users and moderators on your forum and can help people locate posts.'
						'forum_image_1'		=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'image_upload',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Upload Forum Image',
							'imagepreview'	=> 125,
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Image #1',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar',
							'exp'		=> "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."
						'forum_image_link_1' => array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Image Link URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Image #1 Link',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Full URL for your forum image.',
							'exp'		=> "Add the full url for your forum image."
						'forum_image_2' => array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'image_upload',
							'imagepreview'	=> 125,
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Upload Forum Image',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Image #2',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar',
							'exp'		=> "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."
						'forum_image_link_2'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Image Link URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Image #2 Link',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Full URL for your forum image.',
							'exp'		=> "Add the full url for your forum image."
						'forum_sidebar_link'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '#',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Forum Image Caption URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Caption Link URL (Text Link)',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add the URL for your forum caption (optional)',
							'exp'		=> "Text link underneath your forum images."
						'forum_sidebar_link_text' => array(
							'default'	=> 'About '.get_bloginfo('name'),
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Forum Sidebar Link Text',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Link Text',
							'shortexp'	=> 'The text of your image caption link',
							'exp'		=> "Change the text of the caption placed under your forum images."
	}else{$forum_options = array();}
		Custom Options
	$custom_options = array( 'custom_options' => apply_filters('pagelines_custom_options', array()) );
		Merge preset functions
	$optionarray = array_merge($welcome, $default_options, $forum_options);

		Load Section Options
	// Comes before, so you can load on to 'new' option sets
	$optionarray =  array_merge(load_section_options('new', 'top', $load_unavailable), $optionarray, load_section_options('new', 'bottom', $load_unavailable), $misc_settings, $custom_code);
	if(isset($custom_options['custom_options']) && !empty($custom_options['custom_options']))
		$optionarray = array_merge($optionarray, $custom_options);
	foreach($optionarray as $optionset => $options){
		$optionarray[$optionset] = array_merge( load_section_options($optionset, 'top', $load_unavailable), $options, load_section_options($optionset, 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
	return apply_filters('pagelines_options_array', $optionarray); 
コード例 #3
ファイル: config.options.php プロジェクト: robbiespire/paQui
function get_option_array( $load_unavailable = false ){
	$default_options = array();
	$default_options['general_settings'] = array(
				'epanel_custom_logo' => array(
					'default' 	=> THEME_IMAGES.'/logo.png',
					'type' 		=> 'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> '270',
					'inputlabel' 	=> 'Upload custom logo',
					'title'		=> 'Custom Header Logo',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 'Input or upload your own logo url.',
					'exp' 		=> 'Upload a logo for your theme, or specify the image address of your online logo. (http://yoursite.com/logo.png)'
				'epanel_favicon'	=> array(
					'default' 	=> 	CORE_IMAGES."/favicon-epanel.ico",
					'type' 		=> 	'image_upload',
					'imagepreview' 	=> 	'16',
					'title' 	=> 	'Favicon Image',						
					'shortexp' 	=> 	'Input Full URL to favicon image ("favicon.ico" image file)',
					'exp' 		=> 	'Enter the full URL location of your custom "favicon" which is visible in ' .
								'browser favorites and tabs.<br/> (<strong>Must be .png or .ico file - 16px by 16px</strong> ).'
				'epanel_theme'		=> array(
						'default'	=> 'default_skin',
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'	=> array(
							'default_skin'	=> array("name" => "Default Skin"),
							'skin2'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 2"),
							'skin3'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 3"),
							'skin4'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 4"),
							'skin5'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 5"),
							'skin6'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 6"),
							'skin7'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 7"),
							'skin8'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 8"),
							'skin9'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 9"),
							'skin10'	=> array("name" => "Patter Skin 10"),
							'skin11'	=> array("name" => "Non Wide Skin"),
							'custom'		=> array("name" => "Custom Skin")
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Select a skin',
						'title'		=> 'Theme Style',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can choose a different skin.',
						'exp'		=> 'Choose between various available skins. <br/><strong>Note :</strong> if you want to customize the skin of this theme you can choose the option &quot;Custom Skin&quot; than use the light editor tab to customize the layout, however we recommend to directly edit .css file using code editors.'
				'enable_related' => array(
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Show Featured Products?',
						'title'		=> 'Show featured products in Product Single Page?',
						'shortexp'	=> '',
						'exp'		=> 'Enable Featured products slider in product single page.'
			'related_title' => array(
					'default' 	=> 'Related Products',
					'type' 		=> 'text',
					'inputlabel' 	=> 'Scroller Heading',
					'title' 	=> 'Scroller Heading Title (Product Single Page)',
					'shortexp' 	=> '',
					'exp' 		=> 'Customize the heading title for the single product page scroller.' 

	$cufon_path = TEMPLATEPATH . '/js/cufon/';
	$alt_cufon = array();
	if ( is_dir($cufon_path) ) {
	    if ($cufon_dir = opendir($cufon_path) ) { 
	        while ( ($cufon_file = readdir($cufon_dir)) !== false ) {
	            if(stristr($cufon_file, ".js") !== false) {
	                $alt_cufon[] = $cufon_file;
	$theme_url =  get_bloginfo('template_url');
	$google_fonts = array(			
					"droid_sans" => "Droid Sans",
					"droid_mono" => "Droid Sans Mono",
					"irish" => "Irish Growler",
					"walter" => "Walter Turncoat",
					"chewy" => "Chewy",
					"cherry_cream" => "Cherry Cream Soda",
					"font_diner" => "Fontdiner Swanky",
					"sunshiney" => "Sunshiney",
					"permanent" => "Permanent Marker",
					"sbell" => "Schoolbell",
					"home_apple" => "Homemade Apple",
					"slackey" => "Slackey",
					"luck" => "Luckiest Guy",
					"crush" => "Crushed",
					"kranky" => "Kranky",
					"crafty" => "Crafty Girls",
					"salt" => "Rock Salt",
					"soon" => "Coming Soon",
					"corben" => "Corben",
					"calli" => "Calligraffitti",
					"orbi" => "Orbitron",
					"unke" => "Unkempt",
					"lek" => "Lekton",
					"buda" => "Buda",
					"benth" => "Bentham",
					"nerry" => "Merriweather",
					"cabin" => "Cabin",
					"cousine" => "Cousine",
					"vibur" => "Vibur",
					"coda" => "Coda",
					"gruppo" => "Gruppo",
					"tinos" => "Tinos",
					"lato" => "Lato",
					"rale" => "Raleway",
					"cove" => "Covered By Your Grace",
					"arimo" => "Arimo",
					"cop" => "Copse",
					"sync" => "Syncopate",
					"arvo" => "Arvo",
					"hand" => "Just Another Hand",
					"pro" => "Anonymous Pro",
					"down" => "Just Me Again Down Here",
					"lob" => "Lobster",
					"geo" => "Geo",
					"pt" => "PT Sans",
					"ubuntu"  => "Ubuntu",
					"unifra" => "UnifrakturMaguntia",
					"neu" => "Neuton",
					"cook" => "UnifrakturCook",
					"alle" => "Allerta",
					"crim" => "Crimson Text",
					"kenia" => "Kenia",
					"phil" => "Philosopher",
					"cup" => "Cuprum",
					"puri" => "Puritan",
					"jose" => "Josefin Sans",
					"nobile" => "Nobile",
					"mol" => "Molengo",
					"all" => "Allerta Stencil",
					"im" => "IM Fell Great Primer",
					"reen" => "Reenie Beanie",
					"yanone" => "Yanone Kaffeesatz",
					"old" => "Old Standard TT",
					"canta" => "Cantarell",
					"allan" => "Allan",
					"cardo" => "Cardo",
					"vol" => "Vollkorn",
					"inco" => "Inconsolata",
					"sni" => "Sniglet",
					"dseri" => "Droid Serif",
					"tang" => "Tangerine",
					"ofl" => "OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT",
					"josla" => "Josefin Slab",
					"neuc" => "Neucha",
					"kri" => "Kristi",
					"mount" => "Mountains of Christmas");
		Typography related options
	$default_options['typography'] = array(
				'fontreplacement' => array(
						'default'	=> false,
						'type'		=> 'check',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Use Cufon font replacement?',
						'title'		=> 'Use Cufon Font Replacement',
						'shortexp'	=> 'Use a special font replacement technique for certain text',
						'exp'		=> 'Cufon is a special technique for allowing you to use fonts outside of the 10 or so "web-safe" fonts. <br/><br/>' .
								 THEMENAME.' is equipped to use it.  Select this option to enable it. Visit the <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a>.'
				'google_font_url'		=> array(
						'default'	=> 'Droid Sans',
						'type'		=> 'select_same',
						'selectvalues'	=> $google_fonts, 
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Google Font Api Normal Text',
						'title'		=> 'Google Font Replacement',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Choose a font from the google font api',
						'exp'		=> 'If you have disabled cufon then you can use the google font api as font replacement. <br/><br/> Preview each font at the <a href="http://www.google.com/webfonts?subset=latin">following url</a>'
				'google_font_url_headings'		=> array(
						'default'	=> 'Droid Serif',
						'type'		=> 'select_same',
						'selectvalues'	=> $google_fonts, 
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Google Font Api Headings',
						'title'		=> 'Google Font Replacement',						
						'shortexp'	=> 'Choose a font from the google font api',
						'exp'		=> 'If you have disabled cufon then you can use the google font api as font replacement. <br/><br/> Preview each font at the <a href="http://www.google.com/webfonts?subset=latin">following url</a>'
				'font_normal_text' => array(
						'default' 	=> array(
						'font' 		=> 'lucida_grande',
						'type' 		=> 'typography',
						'selectors'	=> 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Select Font',
						'title' 	=> 'Typography - Normal Text Font',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Here you can customize the font for normal text',
						'exp' 		=> 'Set typography for your normal text (p)tag. <br/><br/><strong>*</strong> Denotes Web Safe Fonts<br/><strong>G</strong> Denotes Google Fonts<br/><br/><strong>Note:</strong> These options make use of the <a href="http://code.google.com/webfonts" target="_blank">Google fonts API</a> to vastly increase the number of websafe fonts you can use.',
				'font_file'	=> array(
						'default'	=> TEMPLATEPATH.'/js/',
						'type'		=> 'text',
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Cufon replacement font file URL',
						'title'		=> 'Cufon: Replacement Font File URL',
						'shortexp'	=> 'The font file used to replace text.',
						'exp'		=> 'Use the <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a> to generate a font file for use with this theme.  Place it in your theme folder and add the full URL to it here. The default font is Museo Sans.'
						'cufon_font_file'		=> array(
								'default'	=> 'Lato_400-Lato_700.font.js',
								'type'		=> 'select_same',
								'selectvalues'	=> $alt_cufon, 
								'inputlabel'	=> 'Cufon replacement font file',
								'title'		=> 'Cufon Font File',						
								'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize the font file for heading text',
								'exp'		=> 'Choose beetwen an *unlimited* number of cufon fonts, you can generate your own cufon font on <a href="http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/">Cufon site</a>  <br/><br/> Upload your own cufon generated font via ftp in <strong>'.$theme_url.'/js/cufon'.'</strong>'
	// Navigation settings
	$easing_fx = array(
	// Menu manager not required for this theme
	$default_options['menu_manager'] = array(
		'menu_hide_speed' => array(
				'default'	=> '500',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Submenu Hide Speed',
				'title'		=> 'Header Main Menu submenu hide speed',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Customize the submenu hide speed',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the hiding time (in ms). Note : 1000ms = 1 second."
		'menu_show_speed' => array(
				'default'	=> '750',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Submenu Show Effect Speed',
				'title'		=> 'Header Main Menu submenu show effet speed',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Customize the submenu show effect hide speed',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the show effect speed time (in ms). Note : 1000ms = 1 second."
		'menu_effect_hide_speed' => array(
				'default'	=> '350',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Submenu Hide Effect Speed',
				'title'		=> 'Header Main Menu submenu hide effet speed',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Customize the submenu hide effect hide speed',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the hide effect speed time (in ms). Note : 1000ms = 1 second."
		'menu_show_easing'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'easeInCirc',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $easing_fx, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Submenu Show Effect',
				'title'		=> 'Submenu Show Effect',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize the show effect of your main menu.',
				'exp'		=> 'Here you can customize the show effect of your main menu. This is the hover effect, if you want to preview each effect <a href=http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/>go here</a>.'
		'menu_hide_easing'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'easeOutCirc',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $easing_fx, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Submenu Hide Effect',
				'title'		=> 'Submenu Hide Effect',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize the hide effect of your main menu.',
				'exp'		=> 'Here you can customize the hide effect of your main menu. This is the hover(out) effect, if you want to preview each effect <a href=http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/>go here</a>.'
	); */
	// Homepage Setup Settings
	$default_options['homepage_settings'] = array(
		'home_slider'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'static',
				'type'		=> 'select',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'static'	=> array("name" => "Static Picture No Slide"),
					'nivo'		=> array("name" => "Nivo Slider"),
					'bx'     => array("name" => "BX Slider")
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Homepage Slider Type',
				'title'		=> 'Homepage Slider Type',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose wich slider you need for your homepage',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose between different sliders available for your homepage, you can find more slide settings into the "Home Slider" component from your wordpress admin menu.'
		'slide_static_picture' => array(
			'default' 	=> THEME_IMAGES.'/static_picture.png',
			'type' 		=> 'image_upload',
			'imagepreview' 	=> '250',
			'inputlabel' 	=> 'Homepage Static Picture',
			'title'		=> 'Homepage Static picture',						
			'shortexp' 	=> 'Input the url or upload your own homepage static picture url.',
			'exp' 		=> 'Upload a picture for your homepage static area or simply paste the url into the input field. Recommended max width is 950px.<br/><br/> Note : the recommended width is only for the static picture! Other sliders type automatically resize pictures.'
		'slider_height' => array(
				'default'	=> '360',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Homepage slider height',
				'title'		=> 'Homepage Slider Height',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Customize the homepage slider height',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the homepage slider height. <strong>Note : this affects every other slider type but not the static picture.</strong>"
		'enabled_intro_text' => array(
				'default'	=> true,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Enable Homepage Intro Text?',
				'title'		=> 'Enable homepage introduction text ?',
				'shortexp'	=> 'Enable or disable homepage introduction text',
				'exp'		=> 'Check this option to enable the homepage text below the main slider.'
		'intro_text' => array(
				'default'	=> '<h2>Express Store is an extremely versatile theme with a myriad of options and styles</h2> <p>Aliquam venenatis enim in mi iaculis in tempor lectus tempor et convallis erat pellentesque.</p> ',
				'type'		=> 'textarea',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Homepage intro text',
				'title'		=> 'Homepage intro text',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Customize the text of the homepage intro bar text',
				'exp' 		=> "Here you can customize the text of the homepage intro bar, the one below the slider."
		'enabled_product_slider' => array(
				'default'	=> true,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Enable Homepage Product Slider ?',
				'title'		=> 'Enable homepage product slider ?',
				'shortexp'	=> 'Enable or disable homepage product slider',
				'exp'		=> 'Check this option to enable the homepage product scroller below the main slider.'
		'home_scroller_position'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'top',
				'type'		=> 'select',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'top'	=> array("name" => "Show Product Slider Below homepage slider"),
					'bottom'		=> array("name" => "Show produc slider below homepage content area")
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Product Slider Position',
				'title'		=> 'Homepage Product Slider Position',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose where you want to show the homepage product slider',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose where you want to show the homepage product slider'
		'home_product_slider'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'custom',
				'type'		=> 'select',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'custom'	=> array("name" => "Custom Flexible Management"),
					'store_scroll_mode'		=> array("name" => "Grab Featured Products From The Catalog")
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Homepage Product Slider Content',
				'title'		=> 'Homepage Product Slider Content',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose how to populate the content of the homepage product slider. <br/><br/> <strong>Custom Flexible Management :</strong> using this method you\'ll have full control on your homepage scroller, you can even use this scroller for something else other than products, to add items using this way you have to use the <a href="#">Product Scroller Component</a> <br/><br/> <strong>Grab Featured Products :</strong> using this method the scroller will automatically grab featured products from your catalog.'
	// store homepage template settings
	$default_options['store_homepage'] = array(
		'store_info' => array(
			'type'		=> 'text_content',
				'layout'	=> 'full',
				'exp'		=> '<strong>The following settings affects only on a specific page template (Homepage Store) if you want to show the store within the homepage, create a page and as page template select "Homepage Store"!</strong> <br/><br/>
				There are other ways you can set your homepage. For example you can show the entire catalog without the sections contained in the homepage (slider, scroller, etc. ..), or you can show only featured products, it\' up to you.<br/><br/><strong>Note: a few settings (like grabbing specific products) doesn\'t affect the "Homepage Store Catalog With Sidebar" page template</strong>'
		'store_info2' => array(
			'type'		=> 'text_content',
				'layout'	=> 'full',
				'exp'		=> '<strong><h3>Grabbing Products On The Homepage Store Template</h3></strong>
				The homepage store template was built to be flexible to give users the possibility to display any type of product. You can choose what kind of products to display on the homepage by selecting from the options below.<br/><br/>
				<strong>Grab Recent Products :</strong> which displays the products most recently added to the catalog.<br/><br/>
				<strong>Displays a specific category :</strong> wich displays products from a specifc category (given the ID)<br/><br/>
				<strong>Displays Featured Products From Your Catalog :</strong> which displays the featured products from your catalog.<br/><br/>
				<strong>Displays On Sale Products From Your Catalog :</strong> which displays the products that have a Sale Price or a promotion that applies to the product.'
		'store_home_catalog_mode' => array(
				'default'	=> 'default',
				'type'		=> 'select',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'default'	=> array("name" => "Grab Every Product From Your Catalog."),
					'latest'		=> array("name" => "Grab Recent Products"),
					'singular'	=> array("name" => "Displays a specific category."),
					'featured' => array("name" => "Displays Featured Products From Your Catalog"),
					'on_sale' => array("name" => "Displays On Sale Products From Your Catalog"),
				'inputlabel'	=> 'What kind of products you want on the homepage ?',
				'title'		=> 'Grabbing Products On The Homepage Store Template',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose how to populate the content of the store homepage <br/><br/> <strong>For additional informations please read the info above this option.</strong>'
		'store_home_catid' => array(
				'default'	=> '',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Singular Category ID',
				'title'		=> 'Grab Products From A Specific Category',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> "If you have choosed to show products ONLY from one category, here you can type the ID number of the category. <br/><br/><strong>You Can find the category ID here :</strong>"
		'store_home_catalog_limit' => array(
				'default'	=> '10',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Homepage Store Products Limit',
				'title'		=> 'Products Limit On The Homepage',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> "Choose how many products you want to display on the homepage store template."
		'store_home_catalog_order' => array(
				'default'	=> 'newest',
				'type'		=> 'select',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'title'	=> array("name" => "Order Products By Title"),
					'newest'		=> array("name" => "Order Products By Newest"),
					'oldest' => array("name" => "Order Products By Oldest"),
					'random'	=> array("name" => "Random Products Order"),
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Store Homepage Products Order',
				'title'		=> 'Homepage Store Template Products Order',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose how to order products of the store homepage.<br/><br/>'
		'store_home_handler' => array(
				'type'		=> 'check_multi',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'store_home_summary'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Enable Product Summary on Homepage', 'default'=> true),
					'store_home_read_more'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Enable Read Details Link on Homepage', 'default'=> true),
					'store_home_sale_show_text' => array('inputlabel' => 'Show Sale Text Before Sale Price on Homepage', 'default' => true),
					//'store_home_buy_button' => array('inputlabel' => 'Show Add To Cart Button on Homepage', 'default' => false),
				'title'		=> 'Homepage Store Products Layout',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Use these options to control which elements are shown on the homepage store layout. <br/><br/> 
				<strong>Product Summary :</strong> check this option to show a product summary below the product thumb, you can customize the summary of each product into the product page.<br/><br/> '
		'store_home_sale_text' => array(
				'default'	=> 'Save !',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Sale Price Text',
				'title'		=> 'Custom Sale Price Text',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> "If you have choosed to show the &quot;sale&quot; text before the sale price, here you can customize it."
	// Homepage slider settings
	$nivo_fx = array ("sliceDown","sliceDownLeft","sliceUp","sliceUpLeft","sliceUpDown","sliceUpDownLeft","fold","slideInRight","slideInLeft","boxRandom","boxRain","boxRainReverse","boxRainGrow","boxRainGrowReverse");
	$default_options['nivo_slider_settings'] = array (
		'nivo_fx'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'random',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $nivo_fx, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Nivo Slider Effect',
				'title'		=> 'Nivo Slider Effect',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose an effect for your nivo slider',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose an effect for your nivo slider'
		'nivo_slices' => array(
				'default'	=> '15',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Nivo Slider Slices',
				'title'		=> 'Nivo Slider Slices for animations',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize Nivo Slider slices',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize Nivo Slider slices"
		'nivo_anim_spd' => array(
				'default'	=> '500',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Animation Speed',
				'title'		=> 'Nivo Slider Animationa Speed',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize Nivo slider animation speed',
				'exp' 		=> "Here you can customize Nivo slider animation speed"
		'nivo_pause_time' => array(
				'default'	=> '3000',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Slide Delay',
				'title'		=> 'Nivo Slider Slide Delay',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize nivo slider slide delay',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the nivo slider slide delay"
		'nivo_pause_hover' => array(
				'default'	=> true,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Enable Pause on hover on Nivo Slides ?',
				'title'		=> 'Enable Pause on hover on Nivo Slides ?',
				'shortexp'	=> 'Enable or disable Pause on hover on nivo slides',
				'exp'		=> 'Check this option to enable Pause on hover on nivo slides'
	// cycle slider settings
	$cycle_fx = array(
	$bx_mode = array("horizontal","vertical","fade");
	$default_options['bx_slider_settings'] = array (
		'bx_mode'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'horizontal',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $bx_mode, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Bx Slider Mode',
				'title'		=> 'Bx Slider Mode',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose an effect for your cycle slider',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose an effect for your cycle slider <br> You can preview each effect at <a href="http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/browser.html" target="_blank">the following page</a>'
		'bx_fx_spd' => array(
				'default'	=> '500',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Bx Slider Effect Speed',
				'title'		=> 'Bx Slider Effect Speed',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize the bx slider effect speed',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the bx slider effect speed"
		'bx_easing'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'fade',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $easing_fx, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'BX Slider Transition Easing Fx',
				'title'		=> 'BX Slider Transition Easing Fx',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose the transition easing effect',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose an effect for your bx slider slide transition <br/> Note: if you have enabled the Fade mode, the easing effect won\' work.</a>'
		'bx_pause' => array(
				'default'	=> false,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Stop the slider on mouse hover ?',
				'title'		=> 'Stop the slider on mouse hover ?',
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose if you want to stop the slider on mouse hover',
				'exp'		=> 'Check this option to stop the slider on mouse hover'
		'bx_delay' => array(
				'default'	=> '3000',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Bx Slider Slide Delay',
				'title'		=> 'Bx Slider Slide Delay',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize bx slider slide delay',
				'exp' 		=> "integer - in ms, the duration between each slide transition"
		'cycle_fx'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'fade',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $cycle_fx, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Cycle Slider Effect',
				'title'		=> 'Cycle Slider Effect',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose an effect for your cycle slider',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose an effect for your cycle slider <br> You can preview each effect at <a href="http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/browser.html" target="_blank">the following page</a>'
		'cycle_easing_check' => array(
				'default'	=> false,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Enable Easing Effect On Transition ?',
				'title'		=> 'Enable Easing Effect On Transition ?',
				'shortexp'	=> 'Enable or disable the easing effect on slide transition',
				'exp'		=> 'Check this option to enable the easing effect on each slide transition, you can choose the easing effect from the option below.'
		'cycle_easing'		=> array(
				'default'	=> 'jswing',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $easing_fx, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Cycle Easing Effect',
				'title'		=> 'Cycle Easing Effect',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose an easing effect for your transitions',
				'exp'		=> 'To use this option you must enable the option above this one, then you can choose the easing transition effect-'
		'cycle_delay' => array(
				'default'	=> '3000',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Cycle Slider Slide Delay',
				'title'		=> 'Cycle Slider Slide Delay',						
				'shortexp'	=> 'Here you can customize cycle slider slide delay',
				'exp' 		=> "Change the number to customize the cycle slide delay"
		'cycle_pause' => array(
				'default'	=> false,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Stop the slider on mouse hover ?',
				'title'		=> 'Stop the slider on mouse hover ?',
				'shortexp'	=> 'Choose if you want to stop the slider on mouse hover',
				'exp'		=> 'Check this option to stop the slider on mouse hover'

	// Customer Area Settings
	$of_pages = array();
	$of_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order');    
	foreach ($of_pages_obj as $of_page) {
	    $of_pages[$of_page->ID] = $of_page->post_name; }
	$of_pages_tmp = array_unshift($of_pages);
	$default_options['customer_area'] = array(
		'store_info_general_acc' => array(
			'type'		=> 'text_content',
				'layout'	=> 'full',
				'exp'		=> '
				This section gives you the ability to customize certain sections of the customer area of your store.'
		'customer_area_links' => array(
				'default'	=> '',
				'type'		=> 'check_multi',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'area_account'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show My Account Link', 'default'=> true),
					'area_downloads'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show Downloads Area Link', 'default'=> true),
					'area_orders'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show Order History Link', 'default'=> true),
					'area_custom'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show Additional Custom Link', 'default'=> false),
					'area_logout'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show Logout link', 'default'=> true),
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Select Which Links To Show',
				'title'		=> 'Customer Area/Widget Available Links',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> "Select which links you would like to show in your customer area. <br/><br/><strong>Please Note: </strong>if you enable or disable any link from here it will be available/unavailable into the account widget too."
		'custom_link_text' => array(
				'default'	=> 'FAQs',
				'type'		=> 'text',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Custom Link Text',
				'title'		=> 'Custom Additional Link For The Customer Area',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'If you choosed to display an additional link into your customer area here you can customize the link label.'
		'enable_customer_area_link' => array(
				'default'	=> true,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Show the customer area back link',
				'title'		=> 'Show the customer area back link',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Choose if you want to show the customer area link into the account profile editor page.'
		'custom_page_content'		=> array(
				'default'	=> '',
				'type'		=> 'select_same',
				'selectvalues'	=> $of_pages, 
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Custom Page Content Grabber',
				'title'		=> 'Grab Custom Page Content from a page',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'In order to give more flexibility to the content of this page, <strong>you must first create a new page</strong> and add the contents, after which select the page you just created using this option.'
		'store_info_general_acc2' => array(
		'type'		=> 'text_content',
			'layout'	=> 'full',
			'exp'		=> '<h4>Customer Area Link Customization</h4>
			This section gives you the ability to customize the description below each link into the customer area. <br/><strong>Please note :</strong> when you customize the Fourth link you must edit the css skin file in order to see the link icon.<br/><br/> First of all open your stylesheet file (based on the selected skin) under the css folder and edit the "li" class at line 1218. You have to assign the new class name based on your new text link label.<br/><br/>
			For example if your link label is "FAQs" the class is .FAQs, if your text label is "My Custom Link" the class is .My.Custom.Link'
		'link_description' => array(
				'type'		=> 'text_multi',
				'inputsize'	=> 'regular',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'first_link_desc'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'First Link Text Description', 'default'=> 'Add your custom description using the theme options panel.'),
					'second_link_desc'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Second Link Text Description', 'default'=> 'Add your custom description using the theme options panel.'),
					'third_link_desc'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Third Link Text Description', 'default'=> 'Add your custom description using the theme options panel.'),
					'fourth_link_desc'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Fourth Link Text Description', 'default'=> 'Add your custom description using the theme options panel.'),
					'fifth_link_desc'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Fifth Link Text Description', 'default'=> 'Add your custom description using the theme options panel.'),
				'title'		=> 'Customer Area Links Description',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Here you can customize the description for each link inside the customer area. <strong>Html is allowed</strong><br/><br/> Remember : when you customize the Fourth link you must edit the css skin file in order to see the link icon. <br/><br/> For example if your link label is "FAQs" the class is .FAQs, if your text label is "My Custom Link" the class is .My.Custom.Link'
		'profile_edit_additional_content' => array(
				'default' 	=> '',
				'type' 		=> 'textarea',
				'layout' 	=> 'full',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Profile Editor Additional Content',
				'title' 	=> 'Customer Profile Editor Additional Content',
				'shortexp' 	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> 'By default the customer profile editor page shows only profile fields, but you can add additional content using this field. <strong>Html allowed.</strong>', 
	$default_options['general_store_layout'] = array(
		'store_main_settings' => array(
				'default'	=> '',
				'type'		=> 'check_multi',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'show_category_name'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show category name on store pages ?', 'default'=> true),
					'show_product_sorter'		=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show Product Sorter ?', 'default'=> true),
					'show_product_summary'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Show Product Summary ?', 'default'=> true)
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Select Elements You Want To Show',
				'title'		=> 'Store Main Page Layout Settings',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> "Select which elements you would like to show in your store main page. <br/><br/> <strong>Category Name : </strong> Choose if you want to show the category name on each store page (catalog, store category, product page etc...).<br/><br/> <strong>Product Sorter : </strong> Choose if you want to show the product sorter form on your store.."
		'store_main_sale_text' => array(
				'default'	=> 'Save !',
				'type'		=> 'text_small',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Sale Price Text',
				'title'		=> 'Custom Sale Price Text',						
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> "If you have choosed to show the &quot;sale&quot; text before the sale price, here you can customize it."

		'catalog_pic_resize_method' => array(
		'default'	=> 'matte',
		'type'		=> 'select',
		'selectvalues'	=> array(
			'matte'	=> array('name'=>'Automatically Resize Picture', 'default'=> true),
			'crop'		=> array('name'=>'Crop Catalog Pictures', 'default'=> true),
		'inputlabel'	=> 'Resize Method',
		'title'		=> 'Store Product Main Image Resize Method',						
		'shortexp'	=> '',
		'exp'		=> "Select which resize method you want to use for the catalog and product category page."
		'product_pic_set' => array(
				'type'		=> 'text_multi',
				'inputsize'	=> 'medium',
				'selectvalues'	=> array(
					'inner_width'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Main Thumb Width', 'default'=> '240'),
					'inner_height'	=> array('inputlabel'=>'Main Thumb Height', 'default'=> '300'),
				'title'		=> 'Single Product Page Main Picture Sizes',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Here you can customize the size of the main picture of your product. These sizes will affect only the main picture of the single product page. <br/><br/><strong>Just type the value without &quot;px&quot;</strong>'
		'show_free_shipping' => array(
				'default'	=> true,
				'type'		=> 'check',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Show the message ?',
				'title'		=> 'Show a free shipping message',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Check the option if you want to show a free shipping message if the product has the free shipping option enabled.'
	$default_options['contact_page'] = array(
		'contact_ok' => array(
				'default' 	=> 'Your inquiry has been successfully sent to us.',
				'type' 		=> 'textarea',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Contact Form Confirm',
				'title' 	=> 'Contact Form Confirmation Message',
				'shortexp' 	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> 'Here you can customize the message that appears after the email has been sent, using the contact form.' 
		'custom_email' => array(
				'default' 	=> '*****@*****.**',
				'type' 		=> 'text',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Your Email Address',
				'title' 	=> 'Contact Form Email Address',
				'shortexp' 	=> '',
				'exp' 		=> 'Email where you\'ll receive messages from the contact page' 
		Footer related options
	$default_options['footer_options'] = array(
				'footer_columns' => array(
						'default'	=> 'three',
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'two'		=> array( 'name' => 'Footer With 2 Widgetized Columns' ),
							'three' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Footer With 3 Widgetized Columns' ),
							'four'	=> array( 'name' => 'Footer With 4 Widgetized Columns' ),
						'title'		=> "Widgetized footer columns",
						'shortexp'	=> "Select how many widgetized columns you want",
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Select how many widgetized columns you want',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to select how many widgetized columns you want into your footer, remember to use widgets to add content to your footer.'
				'footer_left_content' => array(
						'default'	=> 'content',
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'content'		=> array( 'name' => 'Add Your Custom Content' ),
							'menu' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Display A Wordpress Powered Menu' ),
						'title'		=> "Footer Bottom Left Content",
						'shortexp'	=> "Footer Bottom Left Content",
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Footer Bottom Left Content',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to select wich content you want to display into the footer below widgetized columns (left side)'
				'custom_footer_left_content' => array(
						'default' 	=> 'EXPRESS - STORE &copy; 2011 EnovaStudio.org',
						'type' 		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Bottom Left Custom Content',
						'title' 	=> 'Footer Bottom Left Custom Content',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Footer Bottom Left Custom Content',
						'exp' 		=> 'If you have choosed to display your own custom content, use this field to add your content (Xhtml Allowed)' 
				'footer_right_content' => array(
						'default'	=> 'content',
						'type'		=> 'select',
						'selectvalues'=> array(
							'content'		=> array( 'name' => 'Add Your Custom Content' ),
							'menu' 	=> array( 'name' => 'Display A Wordpress Powered Menu' ),
						'title'		=> "Footer Bottom Right Content",
						'shortexp'	=> "Footer Bottom Right Content",
						'inputlabel'	=> 'Footer Bottom Right Content',
						'exp'		=> 'Use this option to select wich content you want to display into the footer below widgetized columns (right side)'
				'custom_footer_right_content' => array(
						'default' 	=> '',
						'type' 		=> 'textarea',
						'inputlabel' 	=> 'Footer Bottom Right Custom Content',
						'title' 	=> 'Footer Bottom Right Custom Content',
						'shortexp' 	=> 'Footer Bottom Right Custom Content',
						'exp' 		=> 'If you have choosed to display your own custom content, use this field to add your content (Xhtml Allowed)' 
	$misc_settings = array();
	// Import & Export theme options 
		Custom Scripts, Customization, Option related options...
	$custom_code = array();
	$welcome = array();
	$default_options['light_editor'] = array(
		'page_colors'		=> array(
			'title' 	=> 'Basic Layout Colors',						
			'shortexp' 	=> 'The Main Layout Colors For Your Site',
			'exp' 		=> 'Use these options to configure the main layout colors for your site.<br/><br/> Using this light editor you can change some basic settings of the layout, however we suggest to manually edit css skin files this is the best way if you want to customize the layout of this theme.',
			'type' 		=> 'color_multi',
			'selectvalues'	=> array(
				'bodybg'	=> array(				
				'default' 	=> '#000000',
				'css_prop'	=> 'background-color',
				'selectors'	=> 'body, body.fixed_width',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Body Main Background Color',
			'headings_color'		=> array(				
				'default' 	=> '#000000',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Layout Headings Text Color',
			'menu_link_hover'	=> array(				
				'default' 	=> '#727171',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Main Menu Selected And Hover Color',
			'menu_link'	=> array(				
				'default' 	=> '#AEAEAE',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Main Menu Link Color',
			'content_link'	=> array(				
				'default' 	=> '#A7193B2',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Page Content Area Links Color',
			'content_text'	=> array(				
				'default' 	=> '#717171',
				'inputlabel' 	=> 'Content Page Text Color',
		'background_custom_img' => array(
			'default' 	=> '',
			'type' 		=> 'image_upload',
			'imagepreview' 	=> '270',
			'inputlabel' 	=> 'Upload Background Picture',
			'title'		=> 'Custom Background Picture',						
			'shortexp' 	=> '',
			'exp' 		=> 'Upload a custom background picture for your website, you can add additional background rules using the field below.'
		'additional_bg_rules'	=> array(
				'default'	=> 'repeat',
				'type'		=> 'text',
				'inputlabel'	=> 'Additional Rules',
				'title'		=> 'Custom Additional background rules',
				'shortexp'	=> '',
				'exp'		=> 'Use this field to add additional background rules repeat-x or repeat etc...'
	if( epanel_option('forum_options') ){
		$forum_options = array(
				'forum_settings' => array(
						'forum_tags'		=> array(
							'default'	=> true,
							'type'		=> 'check',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Show tags in sidebar?',
							'title'		=> 'Tag Cloud In Sidebar',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Including post tags on the forum sidebar.',
							'exp'		=> 'Tags are added by users and moderators on your forum and can help people locate posts.'
						'forum_image_1'		=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'image_upload',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Upload Forum Image',
							'imagepreview'	=> 125,
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Image #1',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar',
							'exp'		=> "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."
						'forum_image_link_1' => array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Image Link URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Image #1 Link',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Full URL for your forum image.',
							'exp'		=> "Add the full url for your forum image."
						'forum_image_2' => array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'image_upload',
							'imagepreview'	=> 125,
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Upload Forum Image',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Image #2',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add a 125px by 125px image to your forum sidebar',
							'exp'		=> "Spice up your forum with a promotional image in the forum sidebar."
						'forum_image_link_2'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Image Link URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Image #2 Link',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Full URL for your forum image.',
							'exp'		=> "Add the full url for your forum image."
						'forum_sidebar_link'	=> array(
							'default'	=> '#',
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Forum Image Caption URL',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Caption Link URL (Text Link)',
							'shortexp'	=> 'Add the URL for your forum caption (optional)',
							'exp'		=> "Text link underneath your forum images."
						'forum_sidebar_link_text' => array(
							'default'	=> 'About '.get_bloginfo('name'),
							'type'		=> 'text',
							'inputlabel'	=> 'Forum Sidebar Link Text',
							'title'		=> 'Forum Sidebar Link Text',
							'shortexp'	=> 'The text of your image caption link',
							'exp'		=> "Change the text of the caption placed under your forum images."
	}else{$forum_options = array();}
		Custom Options
	$custom_options = array( 'custom_options' => apply_filters('epanel_custom_options', array()) );
		Merge preset functions
	$optionarray = array_merge($welcome, $default_options, $forum_options);

		Load Section Options
	// Comes before, so you can load on to 'new' option sets
	$optionarray =  array_merge(load_section_options('new', 'top', $load_unavailable), $optionarray, load_section_options('new', 'bottom', $load_unavailable), $misc_settings, $custom_code);
	if(isset($custom_options['custom_options']) && !empty($custom_options['custom_options']))
		$optionarray = array_merge($optionarray, $custom_options);
	foreach($optionarray as $optionset => $options){
		$optionarray[$optionset] = array_merge( load_section_options($optionset, 'top', $load_unavailable), $options, load_section_options($optionset, 'bottom', $load_unavailable));
	return apply_filters('epanel_options_array', $optionarray); 