コード例 #1

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コード例 #2
 * Load config file
 * @param   string   $path                         the configuration file path
 * @param   boolean  $load_user_configuration_dir  do we have to parse all user configuration files ? No for upgrade for example...
 * @return  array    [ badges , files ]
function config_load($load_user_configuration_dir = true)
    $badges = false;
    $files = false;
    // Read config file
    $config = get_config_file();
    if (is_null($config)) {
        return array($badges, $files);
    // Get badges
    $badges = $config['badges'];
    // Set user constant
    foreach ($config['globals'] as $cst => $val) {
        if ($cst == strtoupper($cst)) {
            @define($cst, $val);
    // Set unset constants
    // Set time limit
    @set_time_limit(MAX_SEARCH_LOG_TIME + 2);
    // Append files from the USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR
    if ($load_user_configuration_dir === true) {
            $userfiles = new RegexIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD), '/^.+\\.(json|php)$/i', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
            foreach ($userfiles as $userfile) {
                $filepath = realpath($userfile[0]);
                $c = get_config_file($filepath);
                if (!is_null($c)) {
                    foreach ($c as $k => $v) {
                        $fileid = get_slug(str_replace(PML_CONFIG_BASE, '', $filepath) . '/' . $k);
                        $config['files'][$fileid] = $v;
                        $config['files'][$fileid]['included_from'] = $filepath;
    // Oups, there is no file... abort
    if (!isset($config['files'])) {
        return array($badges, $files);
    // Try to generate the files tree if there are globs...
    $files_tmp = $config['files'];
    $files = array();
    foreach ($files_tmp as $fileid => $file) {
        $path = $file['path'];
        $count = max(1, @(int) $file['count']);
        $gpaths = glob($path, GLOB_MARK | GLOB_NOCHECK);
        if (count($gpaths) == 0) {
        } else {
            if (count($gpaths) == 1) {
                $files[$fileid] = $file;
                $files[$fileid]['path'] = $gpaths[0];
            } else {
                $new_paths = array();
                $i = 1;
                foreach ($gpaths as $path) {
                    $new_paths[$path] = filemtime($path);
                // The most recent file will be the first
                arsort($new_paths, SORT_NUMERIC);
                // The first file id is the ID of the configuration file then others files are suffixed with _2, _3, etc...
                foreach ($new_paths as $path => $lastmodified) {
                    $ext = $i > 1 ? '_' . $i : '';
                    $files[$fileid . $ext] = $file;
                    $files[$fileid . $ext]['oid'] = $fileid;
                    $files[$fileid . $ext]['odisplay'] = $files[$fileid . $ext]['display'];
                    $files[$fileid . $ext]['path'] = $path;
                    $files[$fileid . $ext]['display'] .= ' > ' . basename($path);
                    if ($i >= $count) {
    // Remove forbidden files
    if (Sentinel::isAuthSet()) {
        // authentication is enabled on this instance
        $username = Sentinel::getCurrentUsername();
        $final = array();
        // Anonymous access only
        if (is_null($username)) {
            foreach ($files as $fileid => $file) {
                $a = $fileid;
                // glob file
                if (isset($files[$fileid]['oid'])) {
                    $a = $files[$fileid]['oid'];
                if (Sentinel::isLogAnonymous($a)) {
                    $final[$fileid] = $file;
        } else {
            foreach ($files as $fileid => $file) {
                $a = $fileid;
                // glob file
                if (isset($files[$fileid]['oid'])) {
                    $a = $files[$fileid]['oid'];
                if (Sentinel::userCanOnLogs($a, 'r', true, $username) || Sentinel::isLogAnonymous($a)) {
                    $final[$fileid] = $file;
        $files = $final;
    // Fix missing values with defaults
    foreach ($files as $fileid => $file) {
        foreach (array('max' => LOGS_MAX, 'refresh' => LOGS_REFRESH, 'notify' => NOTIFICATION) as $fix => $value) {
            if (!isset($file[$fix])) {
                $files[$fileid][$fix] = $value;
    // Finally sort files
    if (!function_exists('display_asc')) {
        function display_asc($a, $b)
            return strcmp($a["display"], $b["display"]);
    if (!function_exists('display_desc')) {
        function display_desc($a, $b)
            return strcmp($b["display"], $a["display"]);
    if (!function_exists('display_insensitive_asc')) {
        function display_insensitive_asc($a, $b)
            return strcmp($a["display"], $b["display"]);
    if (!function_exists('display_insensitive_desc')) {
        function display_insensitive_desc($a, $b)
            return strcmp($b["display"], $a["display"]);
    switch (trim(str_replace(array('-', '_', ' ', 'nsensitive'), '', SORT_LOG_FILES))) {
        case 'display':
        case 'displayasc':
            usort($files, 'display_asc');
        case 'displayi':
        case 'displayiasc':
            usort($files, 'display_insensitive_asc');
        case 'displaydesc':
            usort($files, 'display_desc');
        case 'displayidesc':
            usort($files, 'display_insensitive_desc');
            # do not sort
    return array($badges, $files);