* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional! > 19 August 2005 * * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Edit * @version $Id: edit_quickupdate.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'edit_quickupdate.php'); require './config.php'; require_once PGV_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php'; loadLangFile("pgv_editor"); if (isset($_POST["preserve_last_changed"]) && $_POST["preserve_last_changed"] == "on") { $update_CHAN = false; } else { $update_CHAN = true; } $addfacts = preg_split("/[,; ]/", $QUICK_ADD_FACTS); usort($addfacts, "factsort"); $reqdfacts = preg_split("/[,; ]/", $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS); $famaddfacts = preg_split("/[,; ]/", $QUICK_ADD_FAMFACTS); usort($famaddfacts, "factsort"); $famreqdfacts = preg_split("/[,; ]/", $QUICK_REQUIRED_FAMFACTS); $align = "right"; if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") { $align = "left"; }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Languages * @version $Id: changelanguage.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'changelanguage.php'); require './config.php'; loadLangFile("pgv_confighelp"); //-- make sure that they have admin status before they can use this page //-- otherwise have them login again if (!PGV_USER_IS_ADMIN) { header("Location: login.php?url=changelanguage.php"); exit; } $action = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'action', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); if (!isset($action) or $action == "") { $action = "editold"; } switch ($action) { case "addnew": $helpindex = "add_new_language_help"; print_header($pgv_lang["add_new_language"]); break;
* * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Admin * @version $Id: edituser.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'edituser.php'); require './config.php'; require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_print_lists.php'; require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php'; // prevent users with editing account disabled from being able to edit their account if (get_user_setting(PGV_USER_ID, 'editaccount') != 'Y') { header('Location: index.php?ctype=user'); exit; } // Load language variables loadLangFile('pgv_confighelp, pgv_admin, pgv_editor'); // Valid values for form variables $ALL_ACTIONS = array('update'); $ALL_CONTACT_METHODS = array('messaging', 'messaging2', 'messaging3', 'mailto', 'none'); $ALL_DEFAULT_TABS = array(0 => 'personal_facts', 1 => 'notes', 2 => 'ssourcess', 3 => 'media', 4 => 'relatives', -1 => 'all', -2 => 'lasttab'); $ALL_THEMES_DIRS = array(); foreach (get_theme_names() as $themename => $themedir) { $ALL_THEME_DIRS[] = $themedir; } // Extract form variables $form_action = safe_POST('form_action'); $form_username = safe_POST('form_username', PGV_REGEX_USERNAME); $form_firstname = safe_POST('form_firstname'); $form_lastname = safe_POST('form_lastname'); $form_pass1 = safe_POST('form_pass1', PGV_REGEX_PASSWORD); $form_pass2 = safe_POST('form_pass2', PGV_REGEX_PASSWORD);
" /> </table> </form> <?php } } } } $ct = count($cart); if ($controller->privCount > 0) { print "<span class=\"error\">" . $pgv_lang["clipping_privacy"] . "</span><br /><br />\n"; } if ($ct == 0) { // -- new lines, added by Jans, to display helptext when cart is empty if ($controller->action != 'add') { loadLangFile("pgv_help"); print_text("help_clippings.php"); echo PGV_JS_START; echo 'var pastefield;'; echo 'function paste_id(value) {pastefield.value=value;}'; echo PGV_JS_END; ?> <form method="get" name="addin" action="clippings.php"> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="topbottombar" style="text-align:center; "> <?php print $pgv_lang["add_individual_by_id"]; print_help_link("add_by_id_help", "qm"); ?> </td>
echo '<option value="', $GEDCOM, '"'; if ($data["header"]["gedcom"] == $GEDCOM) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>', $GEDCOM, '</option'; echo '</select>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td class="topbottombar" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="', $pgv_lang["save"], '" tabindex="', $i++, '" />'; echo ' <input type="button" value="', $pgv_lang["cancel"], '" onclick=window.location="faq.php"; tabindex="', $i++, '" /></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; } } if ($action == "show") { loadLangFile("pgv_faqlib"); $faqs = get_faq_data(); echo '<table class="list_table width100">'; if (count($faqs) == 0) { if (PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN) { echo '<tr><td class="width20 list_label">'; print_help_link("add_faq_item_help", "qm", "add_faq_item"); echo '<a href="faq.php?action=add">', $pgv_lang["add_faq_item"], '</a>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td class="error center">', $pgv_lang["no_faq_items"], '</td></tr>'; } } else { // NOTE: Add a preview link if (PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN) { echo '<tr>';
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Admin * @version $Id: editconfig_help.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'editconfig_help.php'); if (file_exists('./config.php')) { require './config.php'; } else { require './config.dist'; } loadLangFile("all"); require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/help_text_vars.php'; $help = safe_GET('help'); // Make sure this input variable isn't a script if (empty($help)) { exit; } // Quit if this isn't a legitimate request for help if (substr($help, -5) != "_help") { if (substr($help, 0, 5) != 'help_' || substr($help, -4) != '.php') { exit; } } print_simple_header($pgv_lang["config_help"]); print '<span class="helpheader">'; print_text("config_help");
* @author PGV Development Team * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Admin * @version $Id$ */ /** * Initialization */ require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php'; // Is package installed and enabled $gBitSystem->verifyPackage('phpgedview'); include_once PHPGEDVIEW_PKG_PATH . 'BitGEDCOM.php'; $gGedcom = new BitGEDCOM(); // leave manual config until we can move it to bitweaver table require "config.php"; loadLangFile("pgv_help, pgv_admin, pgv_editor, ra_lang, gm_lang, gm_help, sm_lang, sm_help"); // Load language keys require 'includes/help_text_vars.php'; print_simple_header($pgv_lang['help_header']); echo '<a name="top"></a><span class="helpheader">', $pgv_lang['help_header'], '</span><br /><br /><div class="helptext">'; $help = safe_GET('help'); $action = safe_GET('action'); if ($help == 'help_useradmin.php' && $action == 'edituser') { $help = 'edit_useradmin_help'; } if ($help == 'help_login_register.php' && $action == 'pwlost') { $help = 'help_login_lost_pw.php'; } if ($help == 'help_contents_help') { if (PGV_USER_IS_ADMIN) { $help = 'admin_help_contents_help';
function chartDistribution($chart_shows = 'world', $chart_type = '', $surname = '') { global $pgv_lang, $pgv_lang_use, $countries; global $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR1, $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR2, $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR3, $PGV_STATS_MAP_X, $PGV_STATS_MAP_Y; // PGV uses 3-letter ISO/chapman codes, but google uses 2-letter ISO codes. There is not a 1:1 // mapping, so Wales/Scotland/England all become GB, etc. if (!isset($iso3166)) { $iso3166 = array('ABW' => 'AW', 'AFG' => 'AF', 'AGO' => 'AO', 'AIA' => 'AI', 'ALA' => 'AX', 'ALB' => 'AL', 'AND' => 'AD', 'ANT' => 'AN', 'ARE' => 'AE', 'ARG' => 'AR', 'ARM' => 'AM', 'ASM' => 'AS', 'ATA' => 'AQ', 'ATF' => 'TF', 'ATG' => 'AG', 'AUS' => 'AU', 'AUT' => 'AT', 'AZE' => 'AZ', 'BDI' => 'BI', 'BEL' => 'BE', 'BEN' => 'BJ', 'BFA' => 'BF', 'BGD' => 'BD', 'BGR' => 'BG', 'BHR' => 'BH', 'BHS' => 'BS', 'BIH' => 'BA', 'BLR' => 'BY', 'BLZ' => 'BZ', 'BMU' => 'BM', 'BOL' => 'BO', 'BRA' => 'BR', 'BRB' => 'BB', 'BRN' => 'BN', 'BTN' => 'BT', 'BVT' => 'BV', 'BWA' => 'BW', 'CAF' => 'CF', 'CAN' => 'CA', 'CCK' => 'CC', 'CHE' => 'CH', 'CHL' => 'CL', 'CHN' => 'CN', 'CHI' => 'JE', 'CIV' => 'CI', 'CMR' => 'CM', 'COD' => 'CD', 'COG' => 'CG', 'C*K' => 'CK', 'COL' => 'CO', 'COM' => 'KM', 'CPV' => 'CV', 'CRI' => 'CR', 'CUB' => 'CU', 'CXR' => 'CX', 'CYM' => 'KY', 'CYP' => 'CY', 'CZE' => 'CZ', 'DEU' => 'DE', 'DJI' => 'DJ', 'DMA' => 'DM', 'DNK' => 'DK', 'DOM' => 'DO', 'DZA' => 'DZ', 'ECU' => 'EC', 'EGY' => 'EG', 'ENG' => 'GB', 'ERI' => 'ER', 'ESH' => 'EH', 'ESP' => 'ES', 'EST' => 'EE', 'ETH' => 'ET', 'FIN' => 'FI', 'FJI' => 'FJ', 'FLK' => 'FK', 'FRA' => 'FR', 'FRO' => 'FO', 'FSM' => 'FM', 'GAB' => 'GA', 'GBR' => 'GB', 'GEO' => 'GE', 'GHA' => 'GH', 'GIB' => 'GI', 'GIN' => 'GN', 'GLP' => 'GP', 'GMB' => 'GM', 'GNB' => 'GW', 'GNQ' => 'GQ', 'GRC' => 'GR', 'GRD' => 'GD', 'GRL' => 'GL', 'GTM' => 'GT', 'GUF' => 'GF', 'GUM' => 'GU', 'GUY' => 'GY', 'HKG' => 'HK', 'HMD' => 'HM', 'HND' => 'HN', 'HRV' => 'HR', 'HTI' => 'HT', 'HUN' => 'HU', 'IDN' => 'ID', 'IND' => 'IN', 'IOT' => 'IO', 'IRL' => 'IE', 'IRN' => 'IR', 'IRQ' => 'IQ', 'ISL' => 'IS', 'ISR' => 'IL', 'ITA' => 'IT', 'JAM' => 'JM', 'JOR' => 'JO', 'JPN' => 'JA', 'KAZ' => 'KZ', 'KEN' => 'KE', 'KGZ' => 'KG', 'KHM' => 'KH', 'KIR' => 'KI', 'KNA' => 'KN', 'KOR' => 'KO', 'KWT' => 'KW', 'LAO' => 'LA', 'LBN' => 'LB', 'LBR' => 'LR', 'LBY' => 'LY', 'LCA' => 'LC', 'LIE' => 'LI', 'LKA' => 'LK', 'LSO' => 'LS', 'LTU' => 'LT', 'LUX' => 'LU', 'LVA' => 'LV', 'MAC' => 'MO', 'MAR' => 'MA', 'MCO' => 'MC', 'MDA' => 'MD', 'MDG' => 'MG', 'MDV' => 'MV', 'MEX' => 'ME', 'MHL' => 'MH', 'MKD' => 'MK', 'MLI' => 'ML', 'MLT' => 'MT', 'MMR' => 'MM', 'MNG' => 'MN', 'MNP' => 'MP', 'MNT' => 'ME', 'MOZ' => 'MZ', 'MRT' => 'MR', 'MSR' => 'MS', 'MTQ' => 'MQ', 'MUS' => 'MU', 'MWI' => 'MW', 'MYS' => 'MY', 'MYT' => 'YT', 'NAM' => 'NA', 'NCL' => 'NC', 'NER' => 'NE', 'NFK' => 'NF', 'NGA' => 'NG', 'NIC' => 'NI', 'NIR' => 'GB', 'NIU' => 'NU', 'NLD' => 'NL', 'NOR' => 'NO', 'NPL' => 'NP', 'NRU' => 'NR', 'NZL' => 'NZ', 'OMN' => 'OM', 'PAK' => 'PK', 'PAN' => 'PA', 'PCN' => 'PN', 'PER' => 'PE', 'PHL' => 'PH', 'PLW' => 'PW', 'PNG' => 'PG', 'POL' => 'PL', 'PRI' => 'PR', 'PRK' => 'KP', 'PRT' => 'PO', 'PRY' => 'PY', 'PSE' => 'PS', 'PYF' => 'PF', 'QAT' => 'QA', 'REU' => 'RE', 'ROM' => 'RO', 'RUS' => 'RU', 'RWA' => 'RW', 'SAU' => 'SA', 'SCT' => 'GB', 'SDN' => 'SD', 'SEN' => 'SN', 'SER' => 'RS', 'SGP' => 'SG', 'SGS' => 'GS', 'SHN' => 'SH', 'SIC' => 'IT', 'SJM' => 'SJ', 'SLB' => 'SB', 'SLE' => 'SL', 'SLV' => 'SV', 'SMR' => 'SM', 'SOM' => 'SO', 'SPM' => 'PM', 'STP' => 'ST', 'SUN' => 'RU', 'SUR' => 'SR', 'SVK' => 'SK', 'SVN' => 'SI', 'SWE' => 'SE', 'SWZ' => 'SZ', 'SYC' => 'SC', 'SYR' => 'SY', 'TCA' => 'TC', 'TCD' => 'TD', 'TGO' => 'TG', 'THA' => 'TH', 'TJK' => 'TJ', 'TKL' => 'TK', 'TKM' => 'TM', 'TLS' => 'TL', 'TON' => 'TO', 'TTO' => 'TT', 'TUN' => 'TN', 'TUR' => 'TR', 'TUV' => 'TV', 'TWN' => 'TW', 'TZA' => 'TZ', 'UGA' => 'UG', 'UKR' => 'UA', 'UMI' => 'UM', 'URY' => 'UY', 'USA' => 'US', 'UZB' => 'UZ', 'VAT' => 'VA', 'VCT' => 'VC', 'VEN' => 'VE', 'VGB' => 'VG', 'VIR' => 'VI', 'VNM' => 'VN', 'VUT' => 'VU', 'WLF' => 'WF', 'WLS' => 'GB', 'WSM' => 'WS', 'YEM' => 'YE', 'ZAF' => 'ZA', 'ZMB' => 'ZM', 'ZWE' => 'ZW'); } // The country names can be specified in any language or in the chapman code. // Generate a combined list. if (!isset($country_to_iso3166)) { $country_to_iso3166 = array(); foreach ($iso3166 as $three => $two) { $country_to_iso3166[UTF8_strtolower($three)] = $two; } foreach ($pgv_lang_use as $lang => $use) { if ($use) { loadLangFile('pgv_country', $lang); foreach ($countries as $code => $country) { if (array_key_exists($code, $iso3166)) { $country_to_iso3166[UTF8_strtolower($country)] = $iso3166[$code]; } } } } } switch ($chart_type) { case 'surname_distribution_chart': if ($surname == "") { $surname = $this->getCommonSurname(); } $chart_title = $pgv_lang["surname_distribution_chart"] . ': ' . $surname; // Count how many people are events in each country $surn_countries = array(); $indis = get_indilist_indis(UTF8_strtoupper($surname), '', '', false, false, PGV_GED_ID); foreach ($indis as $person) { if (preg_match_all('/^2 PLAC (?:.*, *)*(.*)/m', $person->gedrec, $matches)) { // PGV uses 3 letter country codes and localised country names, but google uses 2 letter codes. foreach ($matches[1] as $country) { $country = UTF8_strtolower(trim($country)); if (array_key_exists($country, $country_to_iso3166)) { if (array_key_exists($country_to_iso3166[$country], $surn_countries)) { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]]++; } else { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] = 1; } } } } } break; case 'birth_distribution_chart': $chart_title = $pgv_lang["stat_2_map"]; // Count how many people were born in each country $surn_countries = array(); $countries = $this->_statsPlaces('INDI', 'BIRT', 0, true); foreach ($countries as $place => $count) { $country = UTF8_strtolower($place); if (array_key_exists($country, $country_to_iso3166)) { if (!isset($surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]])) { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] = $count; } else { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] += $count; } } } break; case 'death_distribution_chart': $chart_title = $pgv_lang["stat_3_map"]; // Count how many people were death in each country $surn_countries = array(); $countries = $this->_statsPlaces('INDI', 'DEAT', 0, true); foreach ($countries as $place => $count) { $country = UTF8_strtolower($place); if (array_key_exists($country, $country_to_iso3166)) { if (!isset($surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]])) { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] = $count; } else { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] += $count; } } } break; case 'marriage_distribution_chart': $chart_title = $pgv_lang["stat_4_map"]; // Count how many families got marriage in each country $surn_countries = array(); $countries = $this->_statsPlaces('FAM'); // PGV uses 3 letter country codes and localised country names, but google uses 2 letter codes. if (!empty($countries)) { foreach ($countries as $place) { $country = UTF8_strtolower(trim($place['country'])); if (array_key_exists($country, $country_to_iso3166)) { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] = $place['tot']; } } } break; case 'indi_distribution_chart': default: $chart_title = $pgv_lang["indi_distribution_chart"]; // Count how many people are events in each country $surn_countries = array(); $countries = $this->_statsPlaces('INDI'); // PGV uses 3 letter country codes and localised country names, but google uses 2 letter codes. if (!empty($countries)) { foreach ($countries as $place) { $country = UTF8_strtolower(trim($place['country'])); if (array_key_exists($country, $country_to_iso3166)) { $surn_countries[$country_to_iso3166[$country]] = $place['tot']; } } } break; } $chart_url = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=" . $chart_shows; $chart_url .= "&chco=" . $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR1 . "," . $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR3 . "," . $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR2; // country colours $chart_url .= "&chf=bg,s,ECF5FF"; // sea colour $chart_url .= "&chs=" . $PGV_STATS_MAP_X . "x" . $PGV_STATS_MAP_Y; $chart_url .= "&chld=" . implode('', array_keys($surn_countries)) . "&chd=s:"; foreach ($surn_countries as $count) { $chart_url .= substr(PGV_GOOGLE_CHART_ENCODING, floor($count / max($surn_countries) * 61), 1); } $chart = '<div id="google_charts" class="center">'; $chart .= '<b>' . $chart_title . '</b><br /><br />'; $chart .= '<div align="center"><img src="' . $chart_url . '" alt="' . $chart_title . '" title="' . $chart_title . '" class="gchart" /><br />'; $chart .= '<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr>'; $chart .= '<td bgcolor="#' . $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR2 . '" width="12"></td><td>' . $pgv_lang["g_chart_high"] . ' </td>'; $chart .= '<td bgcolor="#' . $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR3 . '" width="12"></td><td>' . $pgv_lang["g_chart_low"] . ' </td>'; $chart .= '<td bgcolor="#' . $PGV_STATS_CHART_COLOR1 . '" width="12"></td><td>' . $pgv_lang["g_chart_nobody"] . ' </td>'; $chart .= '</tr></table></div></div>'; return $chart; }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author PGV Development Team * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Privacy * @version $Id: edit_privacy.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'edit_privacy.php'); require './config.php'; require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_print_facts.php'; loadLangFile('pgv_confighelp, pgv_help'); if (empty($ged)) { $ged = $GEDCOM; } if (!userGedcomAdmin(PGV_USER_ID, $ged)) { header('Location: editgedcoms.php'); exit; } $PRIVACY_CONSTANTS = array(PGV_PRIV_NONE => 'PGV_PRIV_NONE', PGV_PRIV_USER => 'PGV_PRIV_USER', PGV_PRIV_PUBLIC => 'PGV_PRIV_PUBLIC', PGV_PRIV_HIDE => 'PGV_PRIV_HIDE'); $action = safe_POST('action', 'update'); $v_new_person_privacy_access_ID = safe_POST('v_new_person_privacy_access_ID', PGV_REGEX_XREF); $v_new_person_privacy_access_option = safe_POST('v_new_person_privacy_access_option', $PRIVACY_CONSTANTS); $v_person_privacy_del = safe_POST('v_person_privacy_del', '1'); $v_person_privacy = safe_POST('v_person_privacy', $PRIVACY_CONSTANTS); $v_new_user_privacy_username = safe_POST('v_new_user_privacy_username', get_all_users()); $v_new_user_privacy_access_ID = safe_POST('v_new_user_privacy_access_ID', PGV_REGEX_XREF);
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Edit * @version $Id: edit_interface.php 6906 2010-02-02 23:46:06Z windmillway $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'edit_interface.php'); require './config.php'; require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php'; loadLangFile("pgv_country"); uasort($countries, "stringsort"); // TODO work out whether to use GET/POST for these // TODO decide what (if any) validation is required on these parameters $action = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'action', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $linenum = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'linenum', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $pid = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'pid', PGV_REGEX_XREF); $famid = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'famid', PGV_REGEX_XREF); $text = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'text', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $tag = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'tag', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $famtag = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'famtag', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $glevels = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'glevels', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $islink = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'islink', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $type = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'type', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $fact = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'fact', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE); $option = safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'option', PGV_REGEX_UNSAFE);
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional! > 12 September 2005 * * @author PGV Development Team * @package PhpGedView * @subpackage Admin * @version $Id: help_text.php 6879 2010-01-30 11:35:46Z fisharebest $ */ define('PGV_SCRIPT_NAME', 'help_text.php'); require './config.php'; loadLangFile('pgv_help, pgv_admin, pgv_editor, research_assistant:lang, googlemap:lang, googlemap:help_text, lightbox:lang, lightbox:help_text, sitemap:lang, sitemap:help_text'); require PGV_ROOT . 'includes/help_text_vars.php'; print_simple_header($pgv_lang['help_header']); echo '<a name="top"></a><span class="helpheader">', $pgv_lang['help_header'], '</span><br /><br /><div class="helptext">'; $help = safe_GET('help'); $action = safe_GET('action'); if ($help == 'help_useradmin.php' && $action == 'edituser') { $help = 'edit_useradmin_help'; } if ($help == 'help_login_register.php' && $action == 'pwlost') { $help = 'help_login_lost_pw.php'; } if ($help == 'help_contents_help') { if (PGV_USER_IS_ADMIN) { $help = 'admin_help_contents_help'; echo $pgv_lang['admin_help_contents_head_help'];