echo ' </li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; ?> <!--AssuntoS Orações--> <?php echo '<ul class="ultecover">'; $readVariad = read("post", "WHERE tipo='post' AND status='1' AND cat_pai= '73' ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT 1,3"); if ($readVariad) { foreach ($readVariad as $var) { echo '<li class="tp bsshadow">'; echo '<span class="data">' . date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($var['data'])) . '</span>'; echo ' <span class="titulo"><a href="' . BASE . '/artigo/' . $var['url'] . '">' . lmWords($var['titulo'], 30) . '</a></span>'; echo ' </li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; echo ' </div>'; ?> </div><!-- Variados --> <div class="internet"> </div>
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header('Location:' . BASE . '/404'); } else { foreach ($readArtigo as $art) { setViews($art['id']); ?> <title><?php echo $art['titulo'] . ' | ' . SITENAME; ?> </title> <meta name="title" content="<?php echo $art['titulo']; ?> " /> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo lmWords($art['content'], 100); ?> " /> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $art['tags']; ?> " /> <meta name="author" content="Wilson Azer Junior" /> <meta name="url" content="<?php echo BASE . '/artigo/' . $art['url']; ?> " /> <meta name="language" content="pt-br" /> <meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" /> </head> <body>
title="editar categoria ' . $cat['nome'] . '"><img src="ico/edit.png" alt="editar categoria ' . $cat['nome'] . '" title="editar categoria ' . $cat['nome'] . '" /></a></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/categoria-subcreate&idpai=' . $cat['id'] . '&uri=' . $cat['url'] . '" title="Criar Sub Categoria"> <img src="ico/new.png" alt="Criar Sub Categoria" /></a></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/categoria&delcat=' . $cat['id'] . '" title="excluir Categoria ' . $cat['nome'] . '"> <img src="ico/no.png" alt="excluir subCategoria ' . $cat['nome'] . '" /></a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $readSubCat = read("categoria", "WHERE id_pai = '{$cat['id']}'"); if ($readSubCat) { foreach ($readSubCat as $subCat) { $tagsSubCat = $subCat['tags'] != '' ? 'ok.png' : 'no.png'; echo '<tr class="subCat">'; echo ' <td >»»' . $subCat['nome'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . lmWords($subCat['content'], '40') . '</td>'; echo ' <td align="center"><img src="ico/' . $tagsSubCat . '" alt="tags da subcategoria" title="' . $subCat['tags'] . '" /></td>'; echo ' <td align="center">' . date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($subCat['data'])) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="center" colspan="2"> <a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/subcategoria-edit&edit=' . $subCat['id'] . '&uri=' . $cat['url'] . '" ' . $subCat['nome'] . '"> <img src="ico/edit.png" alt="editar subCategoria ' . $subCat['nome'] . '" title="editar subCategoria ' . $subCat['nome'] . '" /></a></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/categoria&delsub=' . $subCat['id'] . '" title="excluir Subcategoria ' . $subCat['nome'] . '"> <img src="ico/no.png" alt="excluir subCategoria ' . $subCat['nome'] . '" /></a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tr>'; } }
$inicio = $pag * $maximo - $maximo; if ($cat['id_pai'] != '') { $readArtig = read("post", "WHERE categoria ='{$cat['id']}' AND status = '1' AND tipo= 'post' ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT {$inicio},{$maximo}"); } else { $readArtig = read("post", "WHERE cat_pai= '{$cat['id']}' AND status = '1' AND tipo= 'post' ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT {$inicio},{$maximo}"); } foreach ($readArtig as $art) { $catCon++; echo '<li'; if ($catCon % 4 == 0) { echo ' class="last"'; } echo '>'; getTumb($art["thumb"], $art['tags'], $art['titulo'], 200, 150, '', '', BASE . '/artigo/' . $art['url']); echo ' <p class="data">' . date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($art['data'])) . '</p>'; echo '<p class="titulo"><a title="' . $art['titulo'] . ' "href="' . BASE . '/artigo/' . $art['url'] . '" class="link"> ' . lmWords($art['titulo'], 50) . '</a></p>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; //Paginação $link = BASE . '/categoria/' . $cat['url'] . '/page/'; if ($cat['id_pai'] != '') { readPaginator("post", "WHERE categoria = '{$cat['id']}' AND status= '1' AND tipo = 'post' ORDER BY data DESC", $maximo, $link, $pag); } else { readPaginator("post", "WHERE cat_pai = '{$cat['id']}' AND status= '1' AND tipo = 'post' ORDER BY data DESC", $maximo, $link, $pag); } ?> </div><!-- /categoria --> </section><!-- //content -->
// delete("video","WHERE id = '$idDel'"); } if (file_exists($imgdestroi) && !is_dir($imgdestroi)) { unlink($imgdestroi); } delete("video", "WHERE id = '{$idDel}'"); echo '<span class="ms ok">Publicidade Excluida com sucesso!</span>'; header('Location: index2.php?exe=videos/videos-edit'); } $readVideos = read("video", "ORDER BY id DESC "); if (!$readVideos) { echo '<span class="ms ok">Não existem Videos Cadastrados!</span>'; } else { echo ' <table width="560" border="0" class="tbdados" style="float:left;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="ses"> <td>titulo:</td> <td align="center" colspan="4">Excluir Videos:</td> </tr>'; foreach ($readVideos as $vid) { echo ' <tr>'; echo ' <td>' . lmWords($vid['nome'], 30) . '</td>'; echo ' <td align="center"> <a href="index2.php?exe=videos/videos-edit&iddel=' . $vid['id'] . '" title="excluir"> <img src="ico/no.png" alt="excluir" title="excluir" /></a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } echo ' </table>'; ?> </div><!-- /bloco list -->
} else { echo ' <table width="560" border="0" class="tbdados" style="float:left;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="ses"> <td>titulo:</td> <td align="center">data:</td> <td align="center">categoria:</td> <td align="center">visitas:</td> <td align="center" colspan="4">ações:</td> </tr>'; foreach ($readPost as $posts) { $strIco = $posts['status'] == '0' ? 'ico/alert.png' : 'ico/ok.png'; $strStatus = $posts['status'] == '0' ? 'Ativar' : 'Desativar'; echo ' <tr>'; echo ' <td><a href="' . BASE . '/artigo/' . $posts['url'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . $posts['titulo'] . '">' . lmWords($posts['titulo'], 30) . '</a></td>'; echo ' <td align="center">' . date('d/m/y H:i:', strtotime($posts['data'])) . '</td>'; echo ' <td align="center"><a target="_blank" href="' . BASE . '/categoria/' . getCat($posts['categoria'], 'url') . '" title="' . getCat($posts['categoria'], 'url') . '">' . getCat($posts['categoria'], 'nome') . '</a></td>'; echo ' <td align="center">' . $posts['visitas'] . '</td>'; echo ' <td align="center"><a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/posts-edit&idpost=' . $posts['id'] . '" title="editar"> <img src="ico/edit.png" alt="editar" title="editar" /></a></td>'; echo ' <td align="center"><a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/gallery&idpost=' . $posts['id'] . '" title="postar galeria"> <img src="ico/bg.png" alt="postar galeria" title="postar galeria" /></a></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/posts&pag=' . $pag . '&sts=' . $posts['status'] . '&id=' . $posts['id'] . '" title="' . $strStatus . '"><img src="' . $strIco . '" alt="' . $strStatus . '" title="' . $strStatus . '" /></a></td>'; echo ' <td align="center"> <a href="index2.php?exe=pagina/posts&thumb=' . $posts['thumb'] . '&pag=' . $pag . '&iddel=' . $posts['id'] . '" title="excluir"> <img src="ico/no.png" alt="excluir" title="excluir" /></a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } }