$tit = get_the_title(); // obtengo link y titulo ?> <article class="nota_col1" > <header><h2 class="tit_not tit_post"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> "> <?php echo $tit; ?> </a></h2></header> <p class="txt_not"> <span><?php the_time('d/m/Y - h:i A'); ?> | <?php echo list_cat(); ?> </a> | </span><?php the_excerpt_max_charlength(500); ?> </br> </br><?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry »'); ?> </p> </article> <div id="Zona_J_aux_468x350"> <?php if ($val > 5) { include 'zon_ads/Zona_j_468x100.html'; } else { include 'zon_ads/Zona_j_468x100.html';
case 'modify_feature': modify_feature(); list_feature(); break; case 'list_cat': list_cat(); break; case 'add_cat': add_cat(); break; case 'edit_cat': edit_cat(); break; case 'del_cat': del_cat(); list_cat(); break; case 'list_order': list_order(); break; case 'edit_order': edit_order(); break; case 'modify_order': modify_order(); list_order(); break; case 'list_comment': list_comment(); break; case 'modify_comment':