コード例 #1
ファイル: gab.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function DoTask()
    global $Administrator, $GAME;
    if (!$Administrator) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Not authorised');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'You are not authorised to make use of this page. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    $thenumber = sanitise_int(@$_POST['thenumber']);
    if ($thenumber < -9 or $thenumber > 99 or $thenumber == 0) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Invalid input');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'Expected a nonzero integer between -9 and 99 inclusive, but received ' . $thenumber . '. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    $interval = sanitise_enum(@$_POST['theinterval'], array('MINUTE', 'HOUR', 'DAY'));
    if (@$_POST['whattime'] == 'now') {
        $whattime = 'UTC_TIMESTAMP()';
    } else {
        $whattime = '"LastMove"';
    $time_expr = 'TIMESTAMPADD(' . $interval . ', :thenumber:, ' . $whattime . ')';
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'UPDATE "Game" JOIN "GameInProgress" ON "Game"."GameID" = "GameInProgress"."Game" SET "Game"."LastMove" = ' . $time_expr . ', "GameInProgress"."GIPLastMove" = ' . $time_expr . ' "Game"."GameTicker" = CONCAT("Game"."GameTicker", :tickerconcat:), "Game"."GameTickerNames" = CONCAT("Game"."GameTickerNames", :namesconcat:) WHERE "GameID" = :game:', 'thenumber', $thenumber, 'tickerconcat', '3A' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), 'namesconcat', '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'], 'game', $GAME['GameID']);
    page::redirect(3, 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'], 'Successfully altered clock.');
コード例 #2
ファイル: gak.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function DoTask()
    global $GAME;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'In Progress' and $GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Recruiting Replacement' or !$GAME['PlayersMissingThatMatter']) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('No replacements needed');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'No replacement players are needed for this game at the moment. (Perhaps something happened after you loaded the board page.) Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    $mycol = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'SELECT "Colour" FROM "ReplacementOffer" WHERE "Game" = :game: AND "User" = :user:'******'game', $GAME['GameID'], 'user', $_SESSION['MyUserID']);
    if ($mycol === 'NONE') {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Not currently a candidate replacement');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'You are not currently a candidate replacement. You might be seeing this message because you clicked the button twice. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'DELETE FROM "ReplacementOffer" WHERE "Game" = :game: AND "User" = :user:'******'game', $GAME['GameID'], 'user', $_SESSION['MyUserID']);
    if ($mycol['Colour'] == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '8F' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']);
        $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
    } else {
    page::redirect(3, 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'], 'Successfully withdrew request.');
コード例 #3
ファイル: gamegetdata_board_do.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function callmovetimediff()
    global $GAME;
    $tempvar = $GAME['movetimediff'];
    $GAME['movetimediff'] = 0;
    $GAME['LastEventSQL'] = ', "GameInProgress"."LastEvent" = \'' . date(MYSQL_DATETIME_FORMAT) . '\'';
    return letter_end_number($tempvar);
コード例 #4
ファイル: gal.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function DoTask()
    global $Administrator, $GAME, $unexpectederrormessage;
    if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Recruiting Replacement') {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Current player is not missing');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'The current player is not missing. (Perhaps somebody accepted a replacement player after you had loaded the board page.) Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    if ($GAME['MyColour'] == 50) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Not playing in this game');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'You are not currently playing in this game, so you cannot choose replacement players. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    $ReplacementValid = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['ReplacementOffers']); $i++) {
        if ($GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$i][2] == $GAME['PlayerToMove'] and $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$i][0] == @$_POST['whotoaccept']) {
            $ReplacementValid = $i;
    if ($ReplacementValid === false) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('User ID not found among replacements');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'The submitted user ID was not found among the candidate replacements. (Perhaps the user withdrew his request after you had loaded the board page.) Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    $QR = dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_SINGLEROW, 'SELECT "Name", "Pronoun", "Email", "EmailPrompt" FROM "User" WHERE "UserID" = :user:'******'user', $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$ReplacementValid][0]);
    if ($QR === 'NONE') {
        myerror($unexpectederrormessage, 'Candidate replacements list contains invalid user');
    switch ($QR['Pronoun']) {
        case 'He':
            $RepPronoun = 'A';
        case 'She':
            $RepPronoun = 'B';
            $RepPronoun = 'C';
    $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '8E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$ReplacementValid][0]) . $RepPronoun . letter_end_number($GAME['MyColour']);
    $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= '|' . $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$ReplacementValid][1];
    $GAME['PlayerName'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = $QR['Name'];
    $GAME['KickVote'] = '00000';
    $GAME['GameStatus'] = 'In Progress';
    $GAME['MoveMade'] = 1;
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'DELETE FROM "ReplacementOffer" WHERE "Game" = :game: AND "Colour" = :colour:', 'game', $GAME['GameID'], 'colour', $GAME['PlayerToMove']);
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'INSERT INTO "PlayerGameRcd" ("User", "Game", "GameResult", "Inherited", "GameCounts", "Colour", "NumLongTurns", "CurrentOccupant") VALUES (:user:, :game:, \'Playing\', 1, :counts:, :colour:, 0, 0)', 'user', $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$ReplacementValid][0], 'game', $GAME['GameID'], 'counts', $GAME['ReplacementOffers'][$ReplacementValid][3], 'colour', $GAME['PlayerToMove']);
    if ($QR['EmailPrompt'] and $QR['Email'] != '') {
        $subject = 'Your request to join game number ' . $GAME['GameID'] . ' has been accepted';
        $body = '<p>This is an automated message. One of the players in game number ' . $GAME['GameID'] . ' has accepted your request to join the game as a replacement player. This means that it is now your turn to move; please visit the game\'s page and take your turn. Here is the URL of the game page:</p><p><a href="' . SITE_ADDRESS . 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">' . SITE_ADDRESS . 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '</a></p>' . EMAIL_FOOTER;
        send_email($subject, $body, $QR['Email'], null);
    page::redirect(3, 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'], 'Successfully accepted replacement.');
コード例 #5
ファイル: gat.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function DoTask()
    global $Administrator, $GAME, $unexpectederrormessage;
    if (!$Administrator) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Not authorised');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'You are not authorised to make use of this page. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    $EscapedComment = sanitise_str(@$_POST['AdminComment'], STR_GPC | STR_STRIP_TAB_AND_NEWLINE);
    $EscapedComment = str_replace(array('|', '"'), array('', ''), $EscapedComment);
    $EscapedComment = htmlspecialchars($EscapedComment);
    if ($EscapedComment == '') {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->title_body('Comment is missing');
        $mypage->leaf('p', 'The coment you entered is missing. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.');
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'UPDATE "Game" SET "GameTicker" = CONCAT("GameTicker", :tickerconcat:), "GameTickerNames" = CONCAT("GameTickerNames", :namesconcat:) WHERE "GameID" = :game:', 'tickerconcat', '3B' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), 'namesconcat', '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'] . '|' . $EscapedComment, 'game', $GAME['GameID']);
    page::redirect(3, 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'], 'Successfully added comment.');
コード例 #6
ファイル: nomovesresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function CheckNoMovesShell()
    global $GAME;
    while (CheckNoMoves(99)) {
        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '9H' . letter_end_number($GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][0]]) . letter_end_number($GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][1]]);
        $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
        $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
        $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 0;
        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= 'A';
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
            if ($GAME['TurnOrder'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                $WhereInTurnOrder = $i;
        $EndRound = true;
        for ($i = MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $i > $WhereInTurnOrder; $i--) {
            if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]]) {
                $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i];
                $EndRound = false;
        if ($EndRound) {
            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'scoringresource.php';
コード例 #7
ファイル: developresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function develop($tiletype, $ironsource, $continuing, $thecard)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    if (!$GAME['RemainingTiles'][$tiletype][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
        $errorlist = transtext('memOutOfTiles') . '<br>';
        // "You have run out of industry tiles of the chosen type."
    if ($ironsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']]) {
        $errorlist = transtext('memDevPoor') . '<br>';
        // "You cannot develop, as you cannot afford the iron cube."
    switch ($ironsource) {
        case 90:
            $errorlist .= transtext('memIronNotValid') . '<br>';
            // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
        // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
        case 91:
            $errorlist .= transtext('memIronOnBoard') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot buy iron from the Demand Track,
            // as there is iron available on the board for you to use."
    if ($ironsource == 50) {
        $altironsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altironsource = $ironsource;
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($ironsource == 50) {
            $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
            $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
            if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 8) {
        } else {
            $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] - 1;
            // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
            // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
            if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource]) {
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        if ($continuing) {
            if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '';
            $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
        } else {
            if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                $altgoodoutput = '1J' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput = 'E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($tiletype) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
                $altgoodoutputName = '';
            if ($GAME['RemainingTiles'][0][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][1][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][2][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][3][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] or $GAME['RemainingTiles'][4][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
                $CanGetIronFree = false;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
                    if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 2 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i]) {
                        $CanGetIronFree = true;
                if (!$CanGetIronFree and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']]) {
                    $altgoodoutput .= '9IA';
                } else {
                    $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 1;
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput .= '9IB';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
コード例 #8
ファイル: tileresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function buildtile($wheretobuild, $whattobuild, $coalsource, $ironsource, $card, $doublebuild, $thecardA, $thecardB)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    $TheTechLevel = $GAME['TechLevelArray'][$whattobuild][$GAME['RemainingTiles'][$whattobuild][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]];
    $carddetail = $GAME['carddetailarray'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card]];
    if ($coalsource == 50) {
        $altcoalsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altcoalsource = $coalsource;
    if ($ironsource == 50) {
        $altironsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altironsource = $ironsource;
    if ($TheTechLevel == 9) {
        $errorlist = transtext('memOutOfTiles') . '<br>';
        // "You have run out of industry tiles of the chosen type."
    } else {
        if ($GAME['HasBuilt'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] and !$doublebuild and $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card] > $GAME['TopLocationCard'] and !$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]]) {
            $CannotBuildHere = true;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['GeneralisedVCs']); $i++) {
                if ($GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild] == $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][0] and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][1]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][1]]) or ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 1 and $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][2] or $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][2] == 2) and $GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild] == $GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][1] and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][0]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['GeneralisedVCs'][$i][0]])) {
                    $CannotBuildHere = false;
            if ($CannotBuildHere) {
                if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIndyCardBadR') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot use an industry card to build in that location,
                    // as you have neither connected to the location nor built a tile there."
                } else {
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIndyCardBadC') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot use an industry card to build in that location,
                    // as you have not connected to the location."
        if (!$GAME['SpaceAlwaysExists'][$wheretobuild] and ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'][$wheretobuild]) != $GAME['SpaceExistenceArray'][$wheretobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memSpaceNotThere') . '<br>';
            // "That industry space does not exist (or it no longer exists) in this game."
        if ($GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != $whattobuild and ($whattobuild > 1 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != 5) and ($whattobuild and $whattobuild != 3 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != 6) and ($whattobuild != 2 and $whattobuild != 3 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$wheretobuild] != 7)) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memWrongTileType') . '<br>';
            // "The tile that you attempted to build cannot be built in the chosen industry space."
        if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]] and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memAlreadyInTown') . '<br>';
            // "You have already built an industry tile in that location."
        $StrategicBlockAttempt = false;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock']); $i++) {
            if ($whattobuild == $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i][0] and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i][1]] == 9 and $wheretobuild == $GAME['GeneralisedNoStratBlock'][$i][2]) {
                $StrategicBlockAttempt = true;
        if ($StrategicBlockAttempt) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTacticalBlock') . '<br>';
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild] != $whattobuild) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrSameType') . '<br>';
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9 and $GAME['TechLevels'][$wheretobuild] >= $TheTechLevel) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrTechLevel') . '<br>';
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] == 8 and !$GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCM') . '<br>';
            // "You can never build over an opponent's Cotton Mill."
            // (Prevents building over an orphan Cotton Mill.)
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 8 and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
            switch ($GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild]) {
                case 0:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCM') . '<br>';
                    // "You can never build over an opponent's Cotton Mill."
                case 1:
                    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 8 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CoalInLancs']) {
                        $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCoalCubes') . '<br>';
                        // "You cannot currently build over an opponent's Coal Mine:
                        // the cube scarcity condition is not satisfied."
                    if ($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 4) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
                            if ($GAME['spacetowns'][$i] == $GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild] and ($GAME['tileindustries'][$i] == 1 or $GAME['tileindustries'][$i] == 5) and $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] == 9) {
                                $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrCoalMCOR') . '<br>';
                                // There is a free space in the same location for a Coal Mine.
                                // You cannot build over your opponent's Coal Mine here.
                case 2:
                    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 8 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['IronInLancs']) {
                        $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrIronCubes') . '<br>';
                        // "You cannot currently build over an opponent's Iron Works:
                        // the cube scarcity condition is not satisfied."
                case 3:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrPort') . '<br>';
                    // "You can never build over an opponent's Port."
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memOvrShipyard') . '<br>';
                    // "You can never build over an opponent's Shipyard."
        if (!$doublebuild and $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card] <= $GAME['TopLocationCard'] and $carddetail != $GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memLocnCardBad') . '<br>';
            // "The space where you attempted to build is not in
            // the location named on the card that you tried to use."
        if ($doublebuild and !$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == 1) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memFirstTurnDbl') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot use two cards to build on the first turn of the game."
        if ($doublebuild and $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2 == 1) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('mem2ndActionDbl') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot use two cards to build for your second action of the turn."
        if (!$doublebuild and $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$card] > $GAME['TopLocationCard'] and $carddetail != $whattobuild) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memIndyCardType') . '<br>';
            // "The tile that you attempted to build does not match
            // the industry type of the card that you tried to use."
        if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $whattobuild == 4 and $TheTechLevel == 2) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTech2Shipyard') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build a Tech Level 2 Shipyard during the Canal Phase."
        if ($whattobuild == 4 and $TheTechLevel == 0) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTech0Shipyard') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build a Tech Level 0 Shipyard at any time.
            // These tiles must be developed away before you can build Shipyards."
        if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $TheTechLevel == 1) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memTech1Rails') . '<br>';
            // You cannot build a Tech Level 1 industry tile during the Rail Phase.
        if ($GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            $errorlist .= 'You cannot afford to build that industry tile.<br>';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $coalsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']] or $GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $ironsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']] or $GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] and $coalsource == 50 and $ironsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']] + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']]) {
                $errorlist .= transtext('memTilePoorCubes') . '<br>';
                // Although you can afford to build the chosen industry tile,
                // you cannot afford to buy from the Demand Track(s) the cube(s) needed to build it.
        if ($GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            switch ($coalsource) {
                case 90:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNotValid') . '<br>';
                    // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
                // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
                case 91:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalOnBoard') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                    // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
                // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
                case 92:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNearer') . '<br>';
                case 93:
                    $errorlist .= 'The selected source of coal is not connected to the location where you are trying to build.<br>';
                case 95:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNoPorts') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                    // as the location where you want to build is not connected to a Port."
        if ($GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            switch ($ironsource) {
                case 90:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIronNotValid') . '<br>';
                    // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
                // "The selected source of iron is not valid."
                case 91:
                    $errorlist .= transtext('memIronOnBoard') . '<br>';
                    // "You cannot buy iron from the Demand Track,
                    // as there is iron available on the board for you to use."
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] != 9) {
            destroytile($wheretobuild, 0, 1);
        $GAME['HasBuilt'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
        $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]] = 1;
        $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['PlayerToMove'];
        $GAME['SpaceTile'][$wheretobuild] = $whattobuild;
        $GAME['TechLevels'][$wheretobuild] = $TheTechLevel;
        $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1];
        $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['TileCosts'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1];
        if ($GAME['TileRequireCoal'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            if ($coalsource == 50) {
                $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 8) {
            } else {
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] - 1;
                // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
                // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
                if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource]) {
        } else {
            $altcoalsource = 98;
        if ($GAME['TileRequireIron'][$whattobuild][$TheTechLevel - 1]) {
            if ($ironsource == 50) {
                $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['IronDemand'] < 8) {
            } else {
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource] - 1;
                // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
                // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
                if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$ironsource]) {
        } else {
            $altironsource = 98;
        switch ($whattobuild) {
            case 0:
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 1;
            case 1:
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][0][$TheTechLevel - 1];
                $GAME['CoalInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]]) {
                    if ($GAME['CoalDemand'] >= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]) {
                        $GAME['CoalInLancs'] -= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                        $CoalIncome = 0;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]; $i++) {
                            $CoalIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                        $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 0;
                    } else {
                        $GAME['CoalInLancs'] -= $GAME['CoalDemand'];
                        $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][0][$TheTechLevel - 1] - $GAME['CoalDemand'];
                        $oldcoaldemand = $GAME['CoalDemand'];
                        $CoalIncome = 0;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $oldcoaldemand; $i++) {
                            $CoalIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                    if ($CoalIncome) {
                        $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $CoalIncome;
                        $altcoalsource = 97;
            case 2:
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][1][$TheTechLevel - 1];
                $GAME['IronInLancs'] += $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                if ($GAME['IronDemand'] >= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]) {
                    $GAME['IronInLancs'] -= $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild];
                    $IronIncome = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild]; $i++) {
                        $IronIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                    $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 0;
                } else {
                    $GAME['IronInLancs'] -= $GAME['IronDemand'];
                    $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = $GAME['TileInitialCubes'][1][$TheTechLevel - 1] - $GAME['IronDemand'];
                    $oldirondemand = $GAME['IronDemand'];
                    $IronIncome = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $oldirondemand; $i++) {
                        $IronIncome += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['IronDemand']];
                if ($IronIncome) {
                    $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $IronIncome;
                    $altironsource = 97;
            case 3:
                for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
                    if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$wheretobuild]]) {
                        $GAME['HasPort'][$i] = 1;
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$wheretobuild] = 1;
            case 4:
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        if ($doublebuild) {
            $dbcard = letter_end_number($thecardB);
            $actionnuma = '1H';
            $actionnumb = 'C';
        } else {
            $dbcard = '';
            $actionnuma = '1G';
            $actionnumb = 'B';
        if ($AdminTakingMove) {
            $altgoodoutput = $actionnuma . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecardA) . $dbcard . letter_end_number($whattobuild) . letter_end_number($wheretobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
            $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
        } else {
            $altgoodoutput = $actionnumb . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecardA) . $dbcard . letter_end_number($whattobuild) . letter_end_number($wheretobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource) . letter_end_number($altironsource);
            $altgoodoutputName = '';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
コード例 #9
ファイル: linkresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function buildlink($linktobuild, $coalsource, $buildnum, $thecard)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    if ($GAME['LinkStatus'][$linktobuild] != 9) {
        if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memRailBuilt') . '<br>';
        } else {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalBuilt') . '<br>';
        // "The chosen rail/canal link has already been built."
    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
        if (!$GAME['RailAlwaysExists'][$linktobuild] and ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['RailExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) != $GAME['RailExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memRailNotThere') . '<br>';
            // "That rail link does not exist (or it no longer exists) in this game."
        if (!$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memRailNotConn') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build that rail link, as you have neither connected to nor built in either location."
        switch ($coalsource) {
            case 90:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNotValid') . '<br>';
                // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
            // "The selected source of coal is not valid."
            case 91:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalOnBoard') . '<br>';
                // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
            // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
            // as there is coal available on the board for you to use."
            case 92:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNearer') . '<br>';
            case 93:
                $errorlist .= 'The selected source of coal is not connected to the location where you are trying to build.<br>';
            case 95:
                $errorlist .= transtext('memCoalNoPorts') . '<br>';
                // "You cannot buy coal from the Demand Track,
                // as the location where you want to build is not connected to a Port."
    } else {
        if (!$GAME['CanalAlwaysExists'][$linktobuild] and ($GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) != $GAME['CanalExistenceArray'][$linktobuild]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalNotThere') . '<br>';
            // That canal link does not exist (or it no longer exists) in this game.
        if (!$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] and !$GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalNotConn') . '<br>';
            // "You cannot build that canal link, as you have neither connected to nor built in either location."
    $MoneyWarning = true;
    if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 3) {
        $errorlist .= transtext('memCanalPoor') . '<br>';
        // "You cannot afford to build a canal link."
    if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 5) {
        $MoneyWarning = false;
        $errorlist .= transtext('memRailPoor') . '<br>';
        // "You cannot afford to build a rail link."
    if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $MoneyWarning and $coalsource == 50 and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 5 * $buildnum + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']]) {
        $errorlist .= transtext('memRailPoorCoal') . '<br>';
        // "Although you can afford to build a rail link, you cannot afford
        // to buy from the Demand Track the coal cube needed to build it."
    if (!$GAME['RemainingTiles'][5][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
        if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOutOfRails') . '<br>';
        } else {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memOutOfCanals') . '<br>';
        // "You do not have any rail/canal markers left."
    if ($coalsource == 50) {
        $altcoalsource = 99;
    } else {
        $altcoalsource = $coalsource;
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        $GAME['LinkStatus'][$linktobuild] = $GAME['PlayerToMove'];
        $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= (3 + 2 * $GAME['RailPhase']) * $buildnum;
        $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += (3 + 2 * $GAME['RailPhase']) * $buildnum;
        if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
            if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] < $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]];
            } else {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]];
            if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] or $GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $AssignHasPort = 1;
            } else {
                $AssignHasPort = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $HighCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['CoalNet'][$i] = $LowCoalNet;
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $LowCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['HasPort'][$i] = $AssignHasPort;
            if ($coalsource == 50) {
                $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] -= $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                $GAME['AmountSpent'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']];
                if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 6 or $GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 and $GAME['CoalDemand'] < 8) {
            } else {
                $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] = $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource] - 1;
                // This is written in this way because SpaceCubes is a string consisting of digits
                // (it is not legal to use increment/decrement operators on string offsets).
                if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$coalsource]) {
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            if ($buildnum == 2) {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
                $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            } else {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '1I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild) . letter_end_number($altcoalsource);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
                if (!$GAME['RemainingTiles'][5][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
                    $altgoodoutput .= '9IB';
                } else {
                    if ($GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] < 10) {
                        $altgoodoutput .= '9IC';
                    } else {
                        if ($GAME['CoalInLancs'] or $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] > 9 + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']]) {
                            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumRailLinks']; $i++) {
                                if (($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]] or $GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]]) and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] > 9 + $GAME['cubeprice'][$GAME['CoalDemand']] and $GAME['LinkStatus'][$i] == 9 and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]])) {
                                    $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 1;
                                for ($j = 0; $j < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $j++) {
                                    if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$j] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$j] == 1 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$j] and ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$j]] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$j]] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]]) and ($GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasBuiltInTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailStarts'][$i]] or $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['RailEnds'][$i]]) and $GAME['LinkStatus'][$i] == 9 and ($GAME['RailAlwaysExists'][$i] or $GAME['ModularBoardParts'] & $GAME['RailExistenceArray'][$i])) {
                                        $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 1;
                                        break 2;
                        if (!$GAME['SecondRailMode']) {
                            $altgoodoutput .= '9IA';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] < $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]];
            } else {
                $LowCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]];
                $HighCoalNet = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]];
            if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] or $GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]]) {
                $AssignHasPort = 1;
            } else {
                $AssignHasPort = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $HighCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['CoalNet'][$i] = $LowCoalNet;
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$i] == $LowCoalNet) {
                    $GAME['HasPort'][$i] = $AssignHasPort;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalStarts'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            $GAME['HasLinkedToTown'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['CanalEnds'][$linktobuild]] = 1;
            if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                $altgoodoutput = '1I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild);
                $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
            } else {
                $altgoodoutput = 'D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($linktobuild);
                $altgoodoutputName = '';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
コード例 #10
ファイル: cottonresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function sellcotton($milllocation, $portlocation, $continuing, $thecard)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlistA = '';
    $errorlistB = '';
    $ExclamationMark = 0;
    if ($GAME['SpaceTile'][$milllocation] or $GAME['SpaceStatus'][$milllocation] == 9) {
        $errorlistA .= transtext('memIsNotCM') . '<br>';
        // "The industry space that you specified as the location
        // of the Cotton Mill is not occupied by a Cotton Mill."
    } else {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$milllocation] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
            $errorlistA .= transtext('memCMNotYours') . '<br>';
        } else {
            if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$milllocation]) {
                $errorlistA .= transtext('memCMFlipped') . '<br>';
                // "The Cotton Mill that you specified is already flipped."
    if ($errorlistA == '') {
        if ($portlocation < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
            if ($GAME['SpaceTile'][$portlocation] != 3) {
                $errorlistB .= transtext('memIsNotPort') . '<br>';
                // "The industry space that you specified as the location
                // of the Port is not occupied by a Port."
            } else {
                if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$milllocation]] != $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$portlocation]]) {
                    $errorlistB .= transtext('memPortNotConn') . '<br>';
                    // "The Port location that you specified is not connected to the Cotton Mill that you specified."
                } else {
                    if (!$GAME['SpaceCubes'][$portlocation]) {
                        $errorlistB .= transtext('memPortFlipped') . '<br>';
                        // "The Port in the location that you specified is already flipped."
        } else {
            if (!$GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$milllocation]]) {
                $errorlistB .= transtext('memCMNoPorts') . '<br>';
                // "The specified Cotton Mill cannot sell to the Distant Market, as it is not connected to any Ports."
            } else {
                if ($GAME['CottonDemand'] == 8) {
                    $errorlistB .= transtext('memNoMoreDemand') . '<br>';
    $errorlist = $errorlistA . $errorlistB;
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        if ($SystemActing) {
            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
        } else {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
            } else {
                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
        $append_action_end_note = true;
        if ($portlocation < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']) {
            if ($continuing) {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            } else {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2B' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'G' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . letter_end_number($portlocation);
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            $CheckCtu = true;
        } else {
            if ($continuing) {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2D' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'I' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            } else {
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $altgoodoutput = '2B' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                } else {
                    $altgoodoutput = 'G' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($thecard) . letter_end_number($milllocation) . '9J';
                    $altgoodoutputName = '';
            if ($GAME['CottonDemand'] < 8) {
                $CheckCtu = true;
                $Boost = array(3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0);
                $Boost = $Boost[$GAME['CottonDemand']];
                $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $Boost;
                // If IncomeSpace[...] ends up above 99,
                // it's taken care of by the call to fliptile()
                if (!DMSaleSuccessProbability()) {
                    $GAME['CottonDemand'] = 8;
                    $altgoodoutput .= '9J';
            } else {
                $CheckCtu = false;
                $append_action_end_note = false;
        $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
        if ($CheckCtu) {
            $MillsArray = array();
            $PortsArray = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove'] and !$GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i]) {
                    $MillsArray[] = $i;
                if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 3 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i]) {
                    $PortsArray[] = $i;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($MillsArray); $i++) {
                if ($GAME['HasPort'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$MillsArray[$i]]] and $GAME['CottonDemand'] < 8) {
                    $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 1;
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($PortsArray); $j++) {
                    if ($GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$MillsArray[$i]]] == $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$PortsArray[$j]]]) {
                        $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 1;
                        break 2;
        if (!$GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] and $append_action_end_note) {
            $altgoodoutput .= '9I';
    } else {
        $altgoodoutput = '';
        $altgoodoutputName = '';
    return array($errorlist, '', $altgoodoutput, $altgoodoutputName);
コード例 #11
ファイル: gaj.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function DoTask()
    global $Banned, $GAME;
    if (@$_POST['Counts']) {
        $ToCount = 1;
    } else {
        $ToCount = 0;
    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
        $ToCount = 0;
    $ChosenColour = sanitise_int(@$_POST['colourtoreplace'], SANITISE_NO_FLAGS, 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1);
    $PostFailureTitle = false;
    do {
        if (!$GAME['PlayersMissing']) {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'No missing players';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'There aren\'t any players missing from this game at the moment. (Perhaps something happened after you loaded the board page.) Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
        if ($GAME['GameStatus'] != 'In Progress' and $GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Recruiting Replacement' or !$GAME['PlayersMissingThatMatter']) {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'No replacements needed';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'No replacement players are needed for this game at the moment. (Perhaps something happened after you loaded the board page.) Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
        if (!$GAME['PlayerMissingAndMatters'][$ChosenColour]) {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'Cannot join as selected colour';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'You cannot join this game as the selected colour. (Perhaps something happened after you loaded the board page.) Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
        if ($GAME['MyColour'] != 50) {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'Already playing in this game';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'You cannot join this game as a replacement, because you are already playing in it. Please click <a href="board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to go to the board page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
        if ($Banned) {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'Banned';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'You cannot join this game as a replacement, because you are banned. Please click <a href="lobby.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to return to the lobby page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
        if (in_array($_SESSION['MyUserID'], $GAME['ReplacementOffers_Users'])) {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'Request already received';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'You have already made a request to join this game. You might be seeing this message because you clicked the button twice. Please click <a href="lobby.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to return to the lobby page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
        if (dbquery(DBQUERY_READ_RESULTSET, 'SELECT "User" FROM "PlayerGameRcd" WHERE "User" = :user: AND "Game" = :game:', 'user', $_SESSION['MyUserID'], 'game', $GAME['GameID']) !== 'NONE') {
            $PostFailureTitle = 'You have previously played in this game';
            $PostFailureMessage = 'You have previously played in this game. It is not possible to re-join the game. Please click <a href="lobby.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">here</a> to return to the lobby page, or <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the Main Page.';
    } while (false);
    if ($PostFailureTitle !== false) {
        $mypage = page::standard();
        $mypage->leaf('p', $PostFailureMessage);
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'INSERT INTO "ReplacementOffer" ("Game", "User", "Colour", "ToCount") VALUES (:game:, :user:, :colour:, :tocount:)', 'game', $GAME['GameID'], 'user', $_SESSION['MyUserID'], 'colour', $ChosenColour, 'tocount', $ToCount);
    if ($ChosenColour == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '8A' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']);
        $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
            if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$i] == 1 and !$GAME['PlayerMissing'][$i] and $GAME['EmailPrompt'][$i] and $GAME['Email'][$i] != '') {
                $subject = $_SESSION['MyUserName'] . ' wants to join game number ' . $GAME['GameID'] . ' as a replacement';
                $body = '<p>This is an automated message. ' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'] . ' has asked to join game number ' . $GAME['GameID'] . ' as a replacement. As you are playing in this game, you can choose to accept this request. Here is the URL of the game page:</p><p><a href="' . SITE_ADDRESS . 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">' . SITE_ADDRESS . 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '</a></p>' . EMAIL_FOOTER;
                send_email($subject, $body, $GAME['Email'][$i], null);
    } else {
    page::redirect(3, 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'], 'Successfully requested to join.');
コード例 #12
ファイル: scoringresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function flip_UOCMs()
    // This function runs at the end of each phase if the game has been downsized. It simulates
    // attempting to flip orphan Cotton Mills, in order to avoid unfairness to players who have
    // attempted a Port strategy. It first makes a list of unflipped orphan Cotton Mills,
    // then it makes lists of "good" Ports (those that generate points for the "orphan player")
    // and of "bad" Ports (those that generate points only for the "real" players). Then
    // it goes through four steps to try and flip these Cotton Mills and good Ports.
    // "Desirability" of flipping a tile is evaluated first on how many points it would earn for
    // the "orphan player" (more points is good), then on how many points it would earn for the
    // the "real players" collectively (more points is bad). If two tiles of the same type are
    // tied for desirability, then their relative order is randomised.
    global $GAME;
    $UOCMs_numbers = array();
    $UOCMs_desirability = array();
    $UOCMs_networkcomponent = array();
    $UOCMs_random = array();
    $good_UPs_numbers = array();
    $good_UPs_desirability = array();
    $good_UPs_networkcomponent = array();
    $good_UPs_random = array();
    $bad_UPs_numbers = array();
    $bad_UPs_desirability = array();
    $bad_UPs_networkcomponent = array();
    $bad_UPs_random = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] == 8 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i] and !$GAME['SpaceTile'][$i]) {
            $desirability = flip_UOCMs_evaltile($i);
            if ($desirability > 0) {
                $UOCMs_numbers[] = $i;
                $UOCMs_desirability[] = $desirability;
                $UOCMs_networkcomponent[] = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$i]];
                $UOCMs_random[] = $i;
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$i] != 9 and $GAME['SpaceCubes'][$i] and $GAME['SpaceTile'][$i] == 3) {
            $desirability = flip_UOCMs_evaltile($i);
            if ($desirability > 0) {
                $good_UPs_numbers[] = $i;
                $good_UPs_desirability[] = flip_UOCMs_evaltile($i);
                $good_UPs_networkcomponent[] = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$i]];
                $good_UPs_random[] = $i;
            } else {
                $bad_UPs_numbers[] = $i;
                $bad_UPs_desirability[] = flip_UOCMs_evaltile($i);
                $bad_UPs_networkcomponent[] = $GAME['CoalNet'][$GAME['spacetowns'][$i]];
                $bad_UPs_random[] = $i;
    if (!count($UOCMs_numbers)) {
    array_multisort($UOCMs_desirability, SORT_DESC, $UOCMs_random, $UOCMs_numbers, $UOCMs_networkcomponent);
    array_multisort($good_UPs_desirability, SORT_DESC, $good_UPs_random, $good_UPs_numbers, $good_UPs_networkcomponent);
    array_multisort($bad_UPs_desirability, SORT_DESC, $bad_UPs_random, $bad_UPs_numbers, $bad_UPs_networkcomponent);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($good_UPs_numbers); $i++) {
        // First, for each "good" Port, I try to find the "best"
        // Cotton Mill that's connected to it, and flip them both.
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($UOCMs_numbers); $j++) {
            if ($UOCMs_networkcomponent[$j] == $good_UPs_networkcomponent[$i]) {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '7F' . letter_end_number($UOCMs_numbers[$j]) . letter_end_number($good_UPs_numbers[$i]);
                array_splice($UOCMs_numbers, $j, 1);
                array_splice($UOCMs_networkcomponent, $j, 1);
                array_splice($good_UPs_numbers, $i, 1);
                array_splice($good_UPs_networkcomponent, $i, 1);
    if (!count($UOCMs_numbers)) {
    $NetworkComponents = array_unique($GAME['CoalNet']);
    $NetworkComponentsRenumbered = array();
    foreach ($NetworkComponents as $key => $value) {
        $NetworkComponentsRenumbered[] = $value;
        // array_unique() preserves keys, which I don't want.
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($NetworkComponentsRenumbered); $i++) {
        $PortCMBalance[$NetworkComponentsRenumbered[$i]] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($UOCMs_numbers); $i++) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($bad_UPs_numbers); $i++) {
    while (DMSaleSuccessProbability() == 1) {
        // Second, for as long as success in selling to the Distant Market is assured,
        // I look for Cotton Mills that are in a network component with too many Cotton
        // Mills compared to Ports, and I flip them via the Distant Market. I only need
        // to look for "bad" Ports from this point on, since following the previous step,
        // all unflipped "good" Ports are disconnected from the remaining Cotton Mills.
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($UOCMs_numbers); $i++) {
            if ($GAME['HasPort'][$UOCMs_networkcomponent[$i]] and $PortCMBalance[$UOCMs_networkcomponent[$i]] > 0) {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '7F' . letter_end_number($UOCMs_numbers[$i]) . '9J';
                array_splice($UOCMs_numbers, $i, 1);
                array_splice($UOCMs_networkcomponent, $i, 1);
                continue 2;
    while (DMSaleSuccessProbability() == 1) {
        // Third, for as long as success in selling to the Distant Market is assured,
        // I try to find the "worst" Port and flip, via the Distant Market, any Cotton Mill
        // that's connected to it. The Port concerned is deleted from the array of
        // "bad" Ports when I do this - it can no longer be required, so I eliminate it
        // the better to identify the "worst" Port that I can still be compelled to use.
        for ($i = count($bad_UPs_numbers) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($UOCMs_numbers); $j++) {
                if ($UOCMs_networkcomponent[$j] == $bad_UPs_networkcomponent[$i]) {
                    $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '7F' . letter_end_number($UOCMs_numbers[$j]) . '9J';
                    array_splice($UOCMs_numbers, $j, 1);
                    array_splice($UOCMs_networkcomponent, $j, 1);
                    array_splice($bad_UPs_numbers, $i, 1);
                    array_splice($bad_UPs_networkcomponent, $i, 1);
                    continue 3;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($UOCMs_numbers); $i++) {
        // Fourth, for each Cotton Mill, I try to find the "best" Port
        // that's connected to it, and flip them both.
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($bad_UPs_numbers); $j++) {
            if ($bad_UPs_networkcomponent[$j] == $UOCMs_networkcomponent[$i]) {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '7F' . letter_end_number($UOCMs_numbers[$i]) . letter_end_number($bad_UPs_numbers[$j]);
                array_splice($UOCMs_numbers, $i, 1);
                array_splice($UOCMs_networkcomponent, $i, 1);
                array_splice($bad_UPs_numbers, $j, 1);
                array_splice($bad_UPs_networkcomponent, $j, 1);
    while ($GAME['CottonDemand'] < 8) {
        // Finally, I try to flip the remaining Cotton Mills using the Distant Market,
        // until the demand for cotton runs out.
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($UOCMs_numbers); $i++) {
            if ($GAME['HasPort'][$UOCMs_networkcomponent[$i]]) {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '7F' . letter_end_number($UOCMs_numbers[$i]) . '9J';
                if (drawDMtile()) {
                    array_splice($UOCMs_numbers, $i, 1);
                    array_splice($UOCMs_networkcomponent, $i, 1);
                    if (!DMSaleSuccessProbability()) {
                        $GAME['CottonDemand'] = 8;
                        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '9J';
                    continue 2;
                } else {
                    break 2;
コード例 #13
ファイル: kraftwerk.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function moveexecute($formdetails)
    global $GAME, $SystemActing;
    $errorlist = '';
    $MoveOn = true;
    if ($GAME['DebtMode']) {
        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$formdetails['IndustrySpace']] == 9) {
            $errorlist .= transtext('memNoTileInSpace') . '<br>';
        } else {
            if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$formdetails['IndustrySpace']] != $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                $errorlist .= transtext('memTileNotYours') . '<br>';
            } else {
                destroytile($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], 1, 1);
                $GAME['MoveMade'] = 1;
                $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
        if ($GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] >= 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['TurnOrder'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                    $WhereInTurnOrder = $i;
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 0;
            for ($i = MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $i > $WhereInTurnOrder; $i--) {
                if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]] and $GAME['Money'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]] < 0) {
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $j++) {
                        if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$j] == $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]) {
                            $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i];
                            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 1;
            if (!$GAME['DebtMode']) {
                $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][0];
                $MoveOn = false;
    } else {
        if ($GAME['SecondRailMode']) {
            if ($formdetails['LinkToBuild'] == 50) {
                if ($SystemActing) {
                    $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                } else {
                    if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                    } else {
                        $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                    $ResultArray = array('', '', '2E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName']);
                } else {
                    $ResultArray = array('', '', 'J' . callmovetimediff(), '');
                $GAME['SecondRailMode'] = 0;
            } else {
                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'coalresource.php';
                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'linkresource.php';
                $AssuredCoalSource = ClosestCoal($GAME['RailStarts'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $GAME['RailEnds'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $formdetails['CoalSource']);
                $ResultArray = buildlink($formdetails['LinkToBuild'], $AssuredCoalSource, 2, 50);
            if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
            } else {
                $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
        } else {
            if ($GAME['SecondDevelopMode']) {
                if ($formdetails['TileType'] == 9) {
                    if ($SystemActing) {
                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                        } else {
                            $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                    if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                        $ResultArray = array('', '', '2E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName']);
                    } else {
                        $ResultArray = array('', '', 'J' . callmovetimediff(), '');
                    $GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] = 0;
                } else {
                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'developresource.php';
                    $AssuredIronSource = GetIron($formdetails['IronSource']);
                    $ResultArray = develop($formdetails['TileType'], $AssuredIronSource, 1, 50);
                if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                    $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                    $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
                } else {
                    $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
            } else {
                if ($GAME['ContinueSellingMode']) {
                    if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] == 50) {
                        if ($SystemActing) {
                            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                        } else {
                            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                                $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                            } else {
                                $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                        if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                            $ResultArray = array('', '', '2E' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']), '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName']);
                        } else {
                            $ResultArray = array('', '', 'J' . callmovetimediff(), '');
                        $GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] = 0;
                    } else {
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'cottonresource.php';
                        $ResultArray = sellcotton($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], $formdetails['PortSpace'], 1, 50);
                    if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                        $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
                    } else {
                        $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
                } else {
                    if ($formdetails['CardA'] == 9) {
                        $errorlist .= 'No card selected.<br>';
                    } else {
                        $CardDetailsA = $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardA']]];
                        if ($formdetails['CardB'] == 9) {
                            $CardDetailsB = 50;
                            $passcb = '';
                        } else {
                            $CardDetailsB = $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardB']]];
                            if ($GAME['Round'] == 1 and !$GAME['RailPhase'] or $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2) {
                                $passcb = '';
                            } else {
                                $passcb = letter_end_number($CardDetailsB);
                        switch ($formdetails['MoveType']) {
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                if ($formdetails['MoveType'] and $formdetails['CardB'] == 9) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memNo2ndCard') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    if ($formdetails['MoveType'] and $formdetails['CardB'] == $formdetails['CardA']) {
                                        $ResultArray = array(transtext('memDuplicCard') . '<br>', '', '');
                                        // "You have selected the same card twice. Please select two different cards."
                                    } else {
                                        if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] == 50 or $formdetails['TileType'] == 9) {
                                            $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                        } else {
                                            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'coalresource.php';
                                            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'tileresource.php';
                                            $AssuredCoalSource = ClosestCoal($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], 50, $formdetails['CoalSource']);
                                            $AssuredIronSource = GetIron($formdetails['IronSource']);
                                            $ResultArray = buildtile($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], $formdetails['TileType'], $AssuredCoalSource, $AssuredIronSource, $formdetails['CardA'], $formdetails['MoveType'], $CardDetailsA, $CardDetailsB);
                                $TwoCards = $formdetails['MoveType'];
                            case 2:
                                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'linkresource.php';
                                if ($formdetails['LinkToBuild'] == 50) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
                                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'coalresource.php';
                                        $AssuredCoalSource = ClosestCoal($GAME['RailStarts'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $GAME['RailEnds'][$formdetails['LinkToBuild']], $formdetails['CoalSource']);
                                        $ResultArray = buildlink($formdetails['LinkToBuild'], $AssuredCoalSource, 1, $CardDetailsA);
                                    } else {
                                        $ResultArray = buildlink($formdetails['LinkToBuild'], 50, 1, $CardDetailsA);
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 3:
                                if ($formdetails['TileType'] == 9) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'developresource.php';
                                    $AssuredIronSource = GetIron($formdetails['IronSource']);
                                    $ResultArray = develop($formdetails['TileType'], $AssuredIronSource, 0, $CardDetailsA);
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 4:
                                $ResultArray = array('', '', '');
                                if ($formdetails['LoanAmount'] > 3 or $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - $formdetails['LoanAmount'] < 0) {
                                    $ResultArray[0] .= transtext('memLoanTooBig') . '<br>';
                                if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['NumRounds'] - $GAME['Round'] < 4) {
                                    $ResultArray[0] .= transtext('memLoanTooLate') . '<br>';
                                if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                                    $amount = 10 * $formdetails['LoanAmount'];
                                    $GAME['Money'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] += $amount;
                                    $reducearray = array(0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 12, 12, 14, 14, 16, 16, 18, 18, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24, 26, 26, 28, 28, 30, 30, 30, 33, 33, 33, 36, 36, 36, 39, 39, 39, 42, 42, 42, 45, 45, 45, 48, 48, 48, 51, 51, 51, 54, 54, 54, 57, 57, 57, 60, 60, 60, 60, 64, 64, 64, 64, 68, 68, 68, 68, 72, 72, 72, 72, 76, 76, 76, 76, 80, 80, 80, 80, 84, 84, 84, 84, 88, 88, 88, 88, 92, 92, 92, 92, 96, 96, 96);
                                    for ($i = 0; $i < $formdetails['LoanAmount']; $i++) {
                                        $GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = $reducearray[$GAME['IncomeSpace'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]];
                                    if ($SystemActing) {
                                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                                            $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                                    if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                                        $ResultArray[2] = '2A' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . letter_end_number($formdetails['LoanAmount']);
                                        $ResultArray[3] = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                                    } else {
                                        $ResultArray[2] = 'F' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . letter_end_number($formdetails['LoanAmount']);
                                        $ResultArray[3] = '';
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 5:
                                if ($formdetails['IndustrySpace'] == 50) {
                                    $ResultArray = array(transtext('memBadMoveData') . '<br>', '', '');
                                } else {
                                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'cottonresource.php';
                                    $ResultArray = sellcotton($formdetails['IndustrySpace'], $formdetails['PortSpace'], 0, $CardDetailsA);
                                $TwoCards = 0;
                            case 6:
                                $ResultArray[0] = '';
                                if ($GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2) {
                                    $TwoCards = 0;
                                } else {
                                    if (!$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == 1) {
                                        $TwoCards = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        $TwoCards = 1;
                                        if ($CardDetailsB == 50) {
                                            $ResultArray[0] = transtext('memNo2ndCard') . '<br>';
                                            // No second card selected.
                                        if ($formdetails[CardB] == $formdetails[CardA]) {
                                            $ResultArray[0] = transtext('memDuplicCard') . '<br>';
                                            // "You have selected the same card twice. Please select two different cards."
                                if ($SystemActing) {
                                    $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                } else {
                                    if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                                        $AdminTakingMove = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        $AdminTakingMove = 1;
                                if ($AdminTakingMove) {
                                    $ResultArray[2] = '2C' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']) . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . $passcb;
                                    $ResultArray[3] = '|' . $_SESSION['MyUserName'];
                                } else {
                                    $ResultArray[2] = 'H' . callmovetimediff() . letter_end_number($CardDetailsA) . $passcb;
                                    $ResultArray[3] = '';
                        if ($ResultArray[0] == '') {
                            $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= $ResultArray[2];
                            $GAME['GameTickerNames'] .= $ResultArray[3];
                            if ($TwoCards) {
                                if ($formdetails['CardA'] < $formdetails['CardB']) {
                            $y = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardA']];
                            for ($i = $formdetails['CardA']; $i < $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1; $i++) {
                                $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i] = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i + 1];
                            $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1] = $y;
                            $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
                            if ($TwoCards) {
                                $y = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$formdetails['CardB']];
                                for ($i = $formdetails['CardB']; $i < $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1; $i++) {
                                    $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i] = $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$i + 1];
                                $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][$GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] - 1] = $y;
                                $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
                        } else {
                            $errorlist .= $ResultArray[0];
    if ($errorlist == '') {
        $GAME['MoveMade'] = 1;
        if (!$SystemActing) {
            if ($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == $_SESSION['MyUserID']) {
                $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
        } else {
            $GAME['MoveMadeByPlayer'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 1;
    if ($MoveOn and !$GAME['DebtMode'] and !$GAME['SecondRailMode'] and !$GAME['SecondDevelopMode'] and !$GAME['ContinueSellingMode'] and $errorlist == '') {
        if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] == 1) {
            require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'nomovesresource.php';
            if (CheckNoMoves($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][0])) {
                $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '9H' . letter_end_number($GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][0]]);
                $GAME['DiscardPile'][] = array_pop($GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]);
                $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] = 0;
        $EvenTest = $GAME['HandSize'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']] % 2;
        if (!$EvenTest or !$GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == 1) {
            if ($GAME['NumRounds'] - $GAME['Round'] > 3) {
                if ($GAME['RailPhase'] or $GAME['Round'] != 1) {
                    $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][6] = array_pop($GAME['ShuffledDeck']);
                $GAME['Cards'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']][7] = array_pop($GAME['ShuffledDeck']);
                if ($GAME['AutoSort'][$GAME['PlayerToMove']]) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
                if ($GAME['TurnOrder'][$i] == $GAME['PlayerToMove']) {
                    $WhereInTurnOrder = $i;
            $EndRound = true;
            for ($i = MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $i > $WhereInTurnOrder; $i--) {
                if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$GAME['TurnOrder'][$i]]) {
                    $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i];
                    $EndRound = false;
            if ($EndRound) {
                if ($GAME['Round'] == $GAME['NumRounds']) {
                    if ($GAME['RailPhase']) {
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'scoringresource.php';
                    } else {
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'scoringresource.php';
                        require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'turnorderresource.php';
                } else {
                    require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'turnorderresource.php';
            if ($GAME['RailPhase'] and $GAME['Round'] == $GAME['NumRounds'] and $GAME['GameStatus'] != 'Finished') {
                require_once HIDDEN_FILES_PATH . 'nomovesresource.php';
    return $errorlist;
コード例 #14
ファイル: sgresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function startgame($AutoStart)
    // Within this function, many variables that in other functions would be keys in the $GAME array are instead stand-alone variables.
    // These variables are all ones that get initialised within this function.
    // Some variables, like CurrentPlayers, are keys in the $GAME array as usual.
    // These are variables initialised earlier and stored as usual in $GAME, whose values are required by this function.
    // In a third category there is also $AutoStart, which is the argument of this function.
    global $GAME;
    if ($GAME['InitialTurnOrder'] == 'Random') {
        $j = rand(0, 23);
        $GAME['InitialTurnOrder'] = array('Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, Grey', 'Red, Yellow, Green, Grey, Purple', 'Red, Yellow, Purple, Green, Grey', 'Red, Yellow, Purple, Grey, Green', 'Red, Yellow, Grey, Green, Purple', 'Red, Yellow, Grey, Purple, Green', 'Red, Green, Yellow, Purple, Grey', 'Red, Green, Yellow, Grey, Purple', 'Red, Green, Purple, Yellow, Grey', 'Red, Green, Purple, Grey, Yellow', 'Red, Green, Grey, Yellow, Purple', 'Red, Green, Grey, Purple, Yellow', 'Red, Purple, Yellow, Green, Grey', 'Red, Purple, Yellow, Grey, Green', 'Red, Purple, Green, Yellow, Grey', 'Red, Purple, Green, Grey, Yellow', 'Red, Purple, Grey, Yellow, Green', 'Red, Purple, Grey, Green, Yellow', 'Red, Grey, Yellow, Green, Purple', 'Red, Grey, Yellow, Purple, Green', 'Red, Grey, Green, Yellow, Purple', 'Red, Grey, Green, Purple, Yellow', 'Red, Grey, Purple, Yellow, Green', 'Red, Grey, Purple, Green, Yellow');
        $GAME['InitialTurnOrder'] = $GAME['InitialTurnOrder'][$j];
        // Generate a random initial turn order.
    $TurnOrder = explode(', ', $GAME['InitialTurnOrder']);
    $j = rand(0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1);
    $TurnOrderX = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $TurnOrderX[] = $TurnOrder[$j];
        $j = ($j + 1) % 5;
        // Construct an initial turn order with a random start player;
        // the other colours cycle round according to the predetermined order.
    $colourtonumber = array('Red' => 0, 'Yellow' => 1, 'Green' => 2, 'Purple' => 3, 'Grey' => 4);
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $TurnOrder[$i] = $colourtonumber[$TurnOrderX[$i]];
        // Convert the colour names to the standard numbering system.
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < MAX_PLAYERS) {
        // Push colours that are in the game to the start of the turn order.
        if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$TurnOrder[$i]]) {
        } else {
            $doneshifting = true;
            for ($j = $i; $j < MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $j++) {
                $TurnOrder[$j] = $TurnOrder[$j + 1];
                if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$TurnOrder[$j]]) {
                    $doneshifting = false;
            if ($doneshifting) {
    $j = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        // After the previous operation, some colours are duplicated at the end of the turn order.
        // We replace them with the colours that aren't in the game. After we've done this,
        // $TurnOrder will be an array consisting of the integers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 in some order.
        if (!$GAME['PlayerExists'][$i]) {
            $TurnOrder[$GAME['CurrentPlayers'] + $j] = $i;
    $letters = 'ABCDE';
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $TurnOrderLetters[$i] = $letters[$TurnOrder[$i]];
    $PlayerToMove = $TurnOrder[0];
    // Set the player whose turn it is, as the first player in the turn order.
    if ($AutoStart) {
        $GameTicker = 'A' . letter_end_number(time());
        $GameTickerNames = '';
    } else {
        $GameTicker = 'B' . letter_end_number(time()) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyUserID']) . letter_end_number($_SESSION['MyGenderCode']);
        $GameTickerNames = $_SESSION['MyUserName'] . '|';
    switch ($GAME['CreatorPronoun']) {
        case 'He':
            $ThePronoun = 'A';
        case 'She':
            $ThePronoun = 'B';
        case 'It':
            $ThePronoun = 'C';
    $GameTicker .= letter_end_number(strtotime($GAME['CreationTime'])) . letter_end_number($GAME['GameCreator']) . $ThePronoun;
    $GameTickerNames .= $GAME['GameCreatorName'] . '|';
    $PEnum = 0;
    $playerdetails = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$i]) {
            switch ($GAME['Pronoun_Eng'][$i]) {
                case 'He':
                    $ThePronoun = 'A';
                case 'She':
                    $ThePronoun = 'B';
                case 'It':
                    $ThePronoun = 'C';
            $playerdetails .= letter_end_number($GAME['PlayerUserID'][$i]) . $ThePronoun;
            if ($PEnum) {
                $GameTickerNames .= '|';
            $GameTickerNames .= $GAME['PlayerName'][$i];
            $PEnum += pow(2, $i);
    $GameTicker .= letter_end_number($PEnum) . implode('', $TurnOrderLetters) . $playerdetails;
    // Now we have finished writing the initial details for the game log.
    $TurnOrder = implode('', $TurnOrder);
    // Convert $TurnOrder into a string.
    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 2) {
        $ModularBoardParts = 0;
        if (($GAME['SpecialRules'] & 2) == 0) {
            $ModularBoardParts += 8;
        $ShuffledTiles = '12222334';
        $TwoPlayers = 1;
    } else {
        if ($GAME['GVersion'] == 1) {
            $ModularBoardParts = 7;
        } else {
            $ModularBoardParts = 0;
        $ShuffledTiles = '001122223334';
        $TwoPlayers = 0;
    // Set up some things that depend on whether there are more than two players.
    $RandomLog = '';
    $ShuffledDeck = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($GAME['carddetailarrayb']); $i++) {
        if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] > 2 or !in_array($i, $GAME['CardsToRemove'])) {
            $ShuffledDeck[] = $i;
            // Create the deck of cards to be used in the Canal Phase.
    // Shuffle the deck of cards.
    //  $TranslationString = '';
    //  $TranslationSymbols = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY';
    //  $TranslationSymbolsProgress = 0;
    //  $LastTranslationNumber = $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][0];
    //  for ($i=0;$i<count($GAME['carddetailarrayb']);$i++) {
    //      if ( $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$i] == $LastTranslationNumber ) {
    //          $TranslationString .= $TranslationSymbols[$TranslationSymbolsProgress];
    //      } else {
    //          $LastTranslationNumber = $GAME['carddetailarrayb'][$i];
    //          $TranslationSymbolsProgress++;
    //          $i--;
    //      }
    //  }
    //  for ($i=0;$i<count($ShuffledDeck);$i++) {
    //      $RandomLog .= $TranslationString[$ShuffledDeck[$i]];
    //  }
    //      // The above commented-out section of code allows the ordering of the cards
    //      // in the deck to be recorded. At present, it is not in use. The character
    //      // 'Z' added to RandomLog (on the next line) stands for "card ordering not recorded".
    $RandomLog .= 'Z';
    $ShuffledTiles = str_shuffle($ShuffledTiles);
    $RandomLog .= $ShuffledTiles;
    $RatingTotal = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$i]) {
            $RatingTotal += $GAME['PlayerRating'][$i];
            for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
                $Cards[$i][$j] = array_pop($ShuffledDeck);
            $Cards[$i] = implode('|', $Cards[$i]);
            // Deal 8 cards to each player, and sort them into the standard order.
        } else {
            $Cards[$i] = '';
    $AverageRating = $RatingTotal / $GAME['CurrentPlayers'];
    $AppearancePriority = $AverageRating / 2 + 500;
    $AverageRating = (int) $AverageRating;
    $AppearancePriority = (int) $AppearancePriority;
    // Set up the variables that control how frequently the game appears on the Main Page.
    $Cards = implode(':', $Cards);
    $ShuffledDeck = implode('|', $ShuffledDeck);
    $MoneyAmount = 30 - 5 * $TwoPlayers;
    $Money = $MoneyAmount . '|' . $MoneyAmount . '|' . $MoneyAmount . '|' . $MoneyAmount . '|' . $MoneyAmount;
    if ($GAME['CurrentPlayers'] == 4) {
        $NumRounds = 8;
    } else {
        $NumRounds = 10;
    $LinkStatus = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumCanalLinks']; $i++) {
        $LinkStatus .= '9';
        // Initialise the details of the canal links.
    if (strlen($LinkStatus) % 2) {
        $LinkStatus .= 9;
    $SpaceStatus = '';
    $SpaceTile = '';
    $TechLevels = '';
    $SpaceCubes = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $i++) {
        $SpaceStatus .= '9';
        $SpaceTile .= '0';
        $TechLevels .= '0';
        $SpaceCubes .= '1';
        // Initialise the details of the industry spaces.
    if (strlen($SpaceStatus) % 2) {
        $SpaceStatus .= '9';
        $SpaceTile .= '0';
        $TechLevels .= '0';
        $SpaceCubes .= '1';
    $CoalNet = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $GAME['NumTowns']; $i++) {
        $CoalNet[] = $i;
    $CoalNet = implode('|', $CoalNet);
    $HasPort = implode('', $GAME['ExternalLocations']);
    // Initialise the data for the coal network (all locations are disconnected from one another),
    // and the data describing which locations have Ports (just the external locations).
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'UPDATE "Game" SET "LinkStatus" = UNHEX(:linkstatus:), "SpaceStatus" = UNHEX(:spacestatus:), "SpaceTile" = UNHEX(:spacetile:), "TechLevels" = UNHEX(:techlevels:), "SpaceCubes" = UNHEX(:spacecubes:), "GameStatus" = \'In Progress\', "TurnOrder" = :turnorder:, "Money" = :money:, "AmountSpent" = \'0|0|0|0|0\', "GameTicker" = :gameticker:, "GameTickerNames" = :gametickernames:, "NumRounds" = :numrounds:, "EffectiveNumPlayers" = :currentplayers:, "OriginalPlayers" = :currentplayers:, "ModularBoardParts" = :modularboardparts:, "LastMove" = UTC_TIMESTAMP(), "RandomLog" = :randomlog: WHERE "GameID" = :gameid:', 'linkstatus', $LinkStatus, 'spacestatus', $SpaceStatus, 'spacetile', $SpaceTile, 'techlevels', $TechLevels, 'spacecubes', $SpaceCubes, 'turnorder', $TurnOrder, 'money', $Money, 'gameticker', $GameTicker, 'gametickernames', $GameTickerNames, 'numrounds', $NumRounds, 'currentplayers', $GAME['CurrentPlayers'], 'modularboardparts', $ModularBoardParts, 'randomlog', $RandomLog, 'gameid', $GAME['GameID']);
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'INSERT INTO "GameInProgress" ("Game", "AverageRating", "AppearancePriority", "PlayerToMove", "LastEvent", "Cards", "HasPort", "CoalNet", "ShuffledDeck", "ShuffledTiles", "PlayerToMoveName", "PlayerToMoveID", "GIPTimeLimitA", "GIPTimeLimitB", "GIPLastMove") VALUES (:game:, :averagerating:, :appearancepriority:, :playertomove:, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), :cards:, :hasport:, :coalnet:, :shuffleddeck:, :shuffledtiles:, :playertomovename:, :playertomoveid:, :timelimita:, :timelimitb:, UTC_TIMESTAMP())', 'game', $GAME['GameID'], 'averagerating', $AverageRating, 'appearancepriority', $AppearancePriority, 'playertomove', $PlayerToMove, 'cards', $Cards, 'hasport', $HasPort, 'coalnet', $CoalNet, 'shuffleddeck', $ShuffledDeck, 'shuffledtiles', $ShuffledTiles, 'playertomovename', $GAME['PlayerName'][$PlayerToMove], 'playertomoveid', $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$PlayerToMove], 'timelimita', $GAME['TimeLimitA_Minutes'], 'timelimitb', $GAME['TimeLimitB_Minutes']);
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'DELETE FROM "LobbySettings" WHERE "Game" = :game:', 'game', $GAME['GameID']);
    file_put_contents(NUM_MOVES_MADE_DIR . 'g' . $GAME['GameID'] . '.txt', 0);
    // Set up the number-of-moves file for AJAX requests.
    $MetadatumNames = array('Games-InProgress', 'Games-Total', 'Games-Players' . $GAME['CurrentPlayers']);
    if (!$GAME['Friendly']) {
        $MetadatumNames[] = 'Games-Competitive';
        $MetadatumNames[] = 'Games-Competitive-Players' . $GAME['CurrentPlayers'];
    dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'UPDATE "Metadatum" SET "MetadatumValue" = "MetadatumValue" + 1 WHERE "MetadatumName" IN (\'' . implode('\', \'', $MetadatumNames) . '\')');
    // Update some statistics in the Metadatum table.
    if ($GAME['Email'][$PlayerToMove] != '' and $GAME['EmailPrompt'][$PlayerToMove] and ($GAME['EmailPromptAgain'][$PlayerToMove] or !$GAME['HasBeenEmailed'][$PlayerToMove])) {
        // Email the player who is first to move.
        $subject = 'You\'re first up to make a move';
        $body = '<p>This is an automated message. Game number ' . $GAME['GameID'] . ' has been started, and it\'s you to move first. Here is the URL to the game page:</p><p><a href="' . SITE_ADDRESS . 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '">' . SITE_ADDRESS . 'board.php?GameID=' . $GAME['GameID'] . '</a></p>' . EMAIL_FOOTER;
        send_email($subject, $body, $GAME['Email'][$PlayerToMove], null);
        dbquery(DBQUERY_WRITE, 'UPDATE "User" SET "HasBeenEmailed" = 1 WHERE "UserID" = :userid:', 'userid', $GAME['PlayerUserID'][$PlayerToMove]);
コード例 #15
ファイル: turnorderresource.php プロジェクト: hdp/brass
function DoTurnOrder($dodebtcheck)
    global $GAME;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        if (!$GAME['PlayerExists'][$i]) {
            $GAME['AmountSpent'][$i] = 1000;
    $FlippedTurnOrder = array_flip(str_split($GAME['TurnOrder'], 1));
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
        $ReindexedFlippedTurnOrder[$i] = $FlippedTurnOrder[$i];
        // Without this step, $FlippedTurnOrder has the correct key-value pairs, but they may
        // appear in the wrong order. This results in the call to array_multisort going wrong.
    $whoarray = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    array_multisort($GAME['AmountSpent'], SORT_ASC, $ReindexedFlippedTurnOrder, SORT_ASC, $whoarray);
    $GAME['AmountSpent'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $GAME['TurnOrder'] = implode('', $whoarray);
    if ($dodebtcheck) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
            if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$i]) {
                $GAME['Money'][$i] += $GAME['incomeamounts'][$GAME['IncomeSpace'][$i]];
        $TheDebtors = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_PLAYERS; $i++) {
            if ($GAME['PlayerExists'][$i] and $GAME['Money'][$i] < 0) {
                $mytilesarray = array();
                for ($j = 0; $j < $GAME['NumIndustrySpaces']; $j++) {
                    if ($GAME['SpaceStatus'][$j] == $i) {
                        $repayamount = $GAME['TileCosts'][$GAME['SpaceTile'][$j]][$GAME['TechLevels'][$j] - 1] / 2;
                        $repayamount = (int) $repayamount;
                        $mytilesarray[] = array($j, $repayamount, 0);
                $numberoftiles = count($mytilesarray);
                if ($numberoftiles < 5) {
                    $bitsarray = array(array(1, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 1, 0, 0), array(1, 1, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 1, 0), array(1, 0, 1, 0), array(0, 1, 1, 0), array(1, 1, 1, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 1), array(1, 0, 0, 1), array(0, 1, 0, 1), array(1, 1, 0, 1), array(0, 0, 1, 1), array(1, 0, 1, 1), array(0, 1, 1, 1), array(1, 1, 1, 1));
                    for ($j = 0; $j < pow(2, $numberoftiles) - 1; $j++) {
                        $resultmoney = $GAME['Money'][$i];
                        for ($k = 0; $k < $numberoftiles; $k++) {
                            $resultmoney += $bitsarray[$j][$k] * $mytilesarray[$k][1];
                        if ($resultmoney >= 0) {
                            for ($k = 0; $k < $numberoftiles; $k++) {
                                if (!$bitsarray[$j][$k]) {
                                    $mytilesarray[$k][2] = 1;
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $numberoftiles; $j++) {
                        if (!$mytilesarray[$j][2]) {
                            destroytile($mytilesarray[$j][0], 0, 1);
                            $GAME['Money'][$i] += $mytilesarray[$j][1];
                            $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= letter_end_number($mytilesarray[$j][0]);
                if ($GAME['Money'][$i] < 0 and $numberoftiles > 0) {
                    $TheDebtors[] = $i;
        if (count($TheDebtors)) {
            $GAME['DebtMode'] = 1;
            for ($i = MAX_PLAYERS - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                if (in_array($GAME['TurnOrder'][$i], $TheDebtors)) {
                    $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][$i];
        } else {
            $GAME['PlayerToMove'] = $GAME['TurnOrder'][0];
        $GAME['AltGameTicker'] .= '9G';