コード例 #1
ファイル: ldaplib_test.php プロジェクト: alanaipe2015/moodle
 public function test_ldap_addslashes()
     // See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514#section-5.2 if you want
     // to add additional tests.
     $tests = array(array('test' => 'Simplest', 'expected' => 'Simplest'), array('test' => 'Simple case', 'expected' => 'Simple\\20case'), array('test' => 'Medium ‒ case', 'expected' => 'Medium\\20‒\\20case'), array('test' => '#Harder+case#', 'expected' => '\\23Harder\\2bcase\\23'), array('test' => ' Harder (and); harder case ', 'expected' => '\\20Harder\\20(and)\\3b\\20harder\\20case\\20'), array('test' => 'Really \\0 (hard) case!\\', 'expected' => 'Really\\20\\5c0\\20(hard)\\20case!\\5c'), array('test' => 'James "Jim" = Smith, III', 'expected' => 'James\\20\\22Jim\\22\\20\\3d\\20Smith\\2c\\20III'), array('test' => '  <*****@*****.**> ', 'expected' => '\\20\\20\\3cjsmith@example.com\\3e\\20'));
     foreach ($tests as $test) {
         $this->assertSame($test['expected'], ldap_addslashes($test['test']));
コード例 #2
ファイル: auth.php プロジェクト: jeffthestampede/excelsior
  * Creates a new user on LDAP.
  * By using information in userobject
  * Use user_exists to prevent duplicate usernames
  * @param mixed $userobject  Moodle userobject
  * @param mixed $plainpass   Plaintext password
 function user_create($userobject, $plainpass)
     $extusername = core_text::convert($userobject->username, 'utf-8', $this->config->ldapencoding);
     $extpassword = core_text::convert($plainpass, 'utf-8', $this->config->ldapencoding);
     switch ($this->config->passtype) {
         case 'md5':
             $extpassword = '******' . base64_encode(pack('H*', md5($extpassword)));
         case 'sha1':
             $extpassword = '******' . base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($extpassword)));
         case 'plaintext':
             // plaintext
     $ldapconnection = $this->ldap_connect();
     $attrmap = $this->ldap_attributes();
     $newuser = array();
     foreach ($attrmap as $key => $values) {
         if (!is_array($values)) {
             $values = array($values);
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             if (!empty($userobject->{$key})) {
                 $newuser[$value] = core_text::convert($userobject->{$key}, 'utf-8', $this->config->ldapencoding);
     //Following sets all mandatory and other forced attribute values
     //User should be creted as login disabled untill email confirmation is processed
     //Feel free to add your user type and send patches to paca@sci.fi to add them
     //Moodle distribution
     switch ($this->config->user_type) {
         case 'edir':
             $newuser['objectClass'] = array('inetOrgPerson', 'organizationalPerson', 'person', 'top');
             $newuser['uniqueId'] = $extusername;
             $newuser['logindisabled'] = 'TRUE';
             $newuser['userpassword'] = $extpassword;
             $uadd = ldap_add($ldapconnection, $this->config->user_attribute . '=' . ldap_addslashes($extusername) . ',' . $this->config->create_context, $newuser);
         case 'rfc2307':
         case 'rfc2307bis':
             // posixAccount object class forces us to specify a uidNumber
             // and a gidNumber. That is quite complicated to generate from
             // Moodle without colliding with existing numbers and without
             // race conditions. As this user is supposed to be only used
             // with Moodle (otherwise the user would exist beforehand) and
             // doesn't need to login into a operating system, we assign the
             // user the uid of user 'nobody' and gid of group 'nogroup'. In
             // addition to that, we need to specify a home directory. We
             // use the root directory ('/') as the home directory, as this
             // is the only one can always be sure exists. Finally, even if
             // it's not mandatory, we specify '/bin/false' as the login
             // shell, to prevent the user from login in at the operating
             // system level (Moodle ignores this).
             $newuser['objectClass'] = array('posixAccount', 'inetOrgPerson', 'organizationalPerson', 'person', 'top');
             $newuser['cn'] = $extusername;
             $newuser['uid'] = $extusername;
             $newuser['uidNumber'] = AUTH_UID_NOBODY;
             $newuser['gidNumber'] = AUTH_GID_NOGROUP;
             $newuser['homeDirectory'] = '/';
             $newuser['loginShell'] = '/bin/false';
             // IMPORTANT:
             // We have to create the account locked, but posixAccount has
             // no attribute to achive this reliably. So we are going to
             // modify the password in a reversable way that we can later
             // revert in user_activate().
             // Beware that this can be defeated by the user if we are not
             // using MD5 or SHA-1 passwords. After all, the source code of
             // Moodle is available, and the user can see the kind of
             // modification we are doing and 'undo' it by hand (but only
             // if we are using plain text passwords).
             // Also bear in mind that you need to use a binding user that
             // can create accounts and has read/write privileges on the
             // 'userPassword' attribute for this to work.
             $newuser['userPassword'] = '******' . $extpassword;
             $uadd = ldap_add($ldapconnection, $this->config->user_attribute . '=' . ldap_addslashes($extusername) . ',' . $this->config->create_context, $newuser);
         case 'ad':
             // User account creation is a two step process with AD. First you
             // create the user object, then you set the password. If you try
             // to set the password while creating the user, the operation
             // fails.
             // Passwords in Active Directory must be encoded as Unicode
             // strings (UCS-2 Little Endian format) and surrounded with
             // double quotes. See http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=269190
             if (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                 print_error('auth_ldap_no_mbstring', 'auth_ldap');
             // Check for invalid sAMAccountName characters.
             if (preg_match('#[/\\[\\]:;|=,+*?<>@"]#', $extusername)) {
                 print_error('auth_ldap_ad_invalidchars', 'auth_ldap');
             // First create the user account, and mark it as disabled.
             $newuser['objectClass'] = array('top', 'person', 'user', 'organizationalPerson');
             $newuser['sAMAccountName'] = $extusername;
             $newuser['userAccountControl'] = AUTH_AD_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | AUTH_AD_ACCOUNTDISABLE;
             $userdn = 'cn=' . ldap_addslashes($extusername) . ',' . $this->config->create_context;
             if (!ldap_add($ldapconnection, $userdn, $newuser)) {
                 print_error('auth_ldap_ad_create_req', 'auth_ldap');
             // Now set the password
             $newuser['unicodePwd'] = mb_convert_encoding('"' . $extpassword . '"', 'UCS-2LE', 'UTF-8');
             if (!ldap_modify($ldapconnection, $userdn, $newuser)) {
                 // Something went wrong: delete the user account and error out
                 ldap_delete($ldapconnection, $userdn);
                 print_error('auth_ldap_ad_create_req', 'auth_ldap');
             $uadd = true;
             print_error('auth_ldap_unsupportedusertype', 'auth_ldap', '', $this->config->user_type_name);
     return $uadd;
コード例 #3
 function get_users_having_attribute_value($attributevalue)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     //build a filter
     $filter = '(&(' . $this->config->user_attribute . '=*)' . $this->config->objectclass . ')';
     $filter = '(&' . $filter . '(' . $this->config->cohort_synching_ldap_attribute_attribute . '=' . ldap_addslashes($attributevalue) . '))';
     if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
         pp_print_object('looking for ', $filter);
     // call Moodle ldap_get_userlist that return it as an array with Moodle user attributes names
     $matchings = $this->ldap_get_userlist($filter);
     // return the FIRST entry found
     if (empty($matchings)) {
         if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
             pp_print_object('not found', '');
         return array();
     if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
         pp_print_object('found ', count($matchings) . ' matching users in LDAP');
     $ret = array();
     //remove all matching LDAP users unkown to Moodle
     foreach ($matchings as $member) {
         $params = array('username' => $member);
         if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', $params, 'id,username')) {
             $ret[$user->id] = $user->username;
     if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
         pp_print_object('found ', count($ret) . ' matching users known to Moodle');
     return $ret;