コード例 #1
 function Generate($level)
     if ($level <= 3) {
         $num1 = rand(2, 4);
         $num2 = rand(5, 9);
     } elseif ($level <= 6) {
         $num1 = rand(4, 9);
         $num2 = rand(10, 20);
     } else {
         $num1 = rand(10, 20);
         $num2 = rand(10, 20);
     // // Original exercise
     // $num1 = 6;
     // $num2 = 8;
     $mult = $num1 * $num2;
     $lcm = lcm($num1, $num2);
     $correct = $mult == $lcm ? 0 : 1;
     $options = ['Igaz', 'Hamis'];
     $solution = $options[$correct];
     $question = 'Adja meg az alábbi állítás logikai értékét (igaz vagy hamis)!<br />' . 'Ha egy szám osztható $' . $num1 . '$-' . With($num1) . ' és $' . $num2 . '$-' . With($num2) . ', akkor osztható $' . $mult . '$-' . With($mult) . ' is.';
     $page[] = 'Tudjuk, hogy ha egy szám osztható $a$-val, és osztható $b$-vel is, akkor $a$ és $b$ <b>legkisebb közös többszörösével</b> is osztható, amit $[a;b]$-vel jelölünk.';
     $page[] = 'Két szám legkisebb közös többszöröséhez először írjuk fel mindkét szám prímtényezős felbontását!';
     $hints[] = $page;
     $hints[][] = 'Az első szám prímtényezős felbontása: $' . $num1 . '=' . implode('\\cdot', $this->CanonicForm($num1)) . '$, ugyanis:' . $this->Factorization($num1);
     $hints[][] = 'A második szám prímtényezős felbontása: $' . $num2 . '=' . implode('\\cdot', $this->CanonicForm($num2)) . '$, ugyanis:' . $this->Factorization($num2);
     $page = [];
     $page[] = 'Most gyűjtsünk össze minden prímtényezőt a hozzátartozó kitevővel (ha mindkét számban előfordul, akkor a nagyobb kitevőt nézzük): $$[' . $num1 . ';' . $num2 . ']=' . implode('\\cdot', $this->CanonicForm($lcm)) . '=' . $lcm . '$$';
     $page[] = 'Mivel a legkisebb közös többszörös ' . ($lcm == $mult ? 'megegyezik' : 'nem egyezik meg') . ' ' . The($mult) . ' $' . $mult . '$-' . With($mult) . ', ezért az állítás <span class="label label-success">' . strtolower($solution) . '</span>.';
     $hints[] = $page;
     return array('question' => $question, 'correct' => $correct, 'solution' => $solution, 'options' => $options, 'hints' => $hints);
コード例 #2
ファイル: class_npc.php プロジェクト: themiddleearth/RPG.SU
function lcm_arr($items)
    //Input: An Array of numbers
    //Output: The LCM of the numbers
    while (count($items) >= 2) {
        array_push($items, lcm(array_shift($items), array_shift($items)));
    return reset($items);
コード例 #3
ファイル: test13.php プロジェクト: ricardclau/tuenti-contest
function lcm_nums($ar)
    if (count($ar) > 1) {
        $ar[] = lcm(array_shift($ar), array_shift($ar));
        return lcm_nums($ar);
    } else {
        return $ar[0];
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: ezra-obiwale/janet-test
 * Finds the LCM of an array of integers
 * @param array $integers
 * @return int
function lcm(array $integers) {
    if (count($integers) > 1) {
        $a = array_shift($integers);
        $b = array_shift($integers);
        $integers[] = ($a / gcf($a, $b) * $b);
        return lcm($integers);
    else {
        return $integers[0];
コード例 #5
ファイル: ClusterGen.h.php プロジェクト: gokulp/grokit
 *  GI that generates data in clusters, using a specified distribution for each
 *  cluster.
 *  This GI requires the following template arguments:
 *      - 'n' or 0
 *          The number of tuples to generate. Note: this value is per task.
 *          The total number of tuples generated will be n_tasks * n
 *      - 'centers' or 1
 *          A list of configuration for the centers.
 *  The following template arguments are optional:
 *      - 'outputs'
 *          If the outputs of the GI are not given implicitly, they can be
 *          specified in this template argument. The number of dimensions will
 *          be determined by the number of outputs.
 *          All output types must be numeric real types. The default type for
 *          outputs is DOUBLE.
 *      - 'dist.lib' = 'std'
 *          Which library to use for generating distributions.
 *          Valid options are:
 *              - std
 *              - boost
 *      - 'seed' = null
 *          The seed to be used for the random number generator. This seed will
 *          be used to generate the seed for each task, and different runs with
 *          the same seed will produce the same data.
 *      - 'compute.sets' = 1
 *          The number of sets of tuples to compute at once.
 *  Each center configuration is a functor with the form:
 *      dist_name(args)
 *  The following distributions are supported:
 *      { Uniform Distributions }
 *      - uniform(a = 0, b = 1)
 *      { Normal Distributions }
 *      - normal(mean = 0.0, std_dev = 1.0) [ synonyms: gaussian ]
 *      - inverse_gaussian(mean = 1, shape = 1) [ synonyms: inverse_normal ]
 *      { Bernoulli Distributions }
 *      - binomial(t = 1, p = 0.5)
 *      - negative_binomial(k = 1, p = 0.5)
 *      { Poisson Distributions }
 *      - exponential( lambda = 1 )
 *      - gamma(alpha = 1, beta = 1)    [ synonyms: Gamma ]
function ClusterGen(array $t_args, array $outputs)
    $sys_headers = ['array', 'cinttypes'];
    $user_headers = [];
    $libraries = [];
    if (\count($outputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('outputs', $t_args), 'ClusterGen: No outputs specified');
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($t_args['outputs'] as $type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType($type);
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'ClusterGen: Non data-type ' . $type . ' given as output');
            $name = 'output' . $count++;
            $outputs[$name] = $type;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => &$type) {
        if (is_null($type)) {
            $type = lookupType('base::DOUBLE');
        } else {
            grokit_assert($type->is('real'), 'ClusterGen: Non-real datatype ' . $type . ' given as output');
    $myOutputs = [];
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        $myOutputs[$name] = $type;
    $tSize = \count($outputs);
    $seed = get_default($t_args, 'seed', null);
    if ($seed !== null) {
        grokit_assert(is_int($seed), 'ClusterGen: Seed must be an integer or null.');
    } else {
        $user_headers[] = 'HashFunctions.h';
    $distLib = get_default($t_args, 'dist.lib', 'std');
    $distNS = '';
    switch ($distLib) {
        case 'std':
            $sys_headers[] = 'random';
            $distNS = 'std';
        case 'boost':
            $sys_headers[] = 'boost/random.hpp';
            $distNS = 'boost::random';
            $libraries[] = 'boost_random-mt';
            if ($seed === null) {
                // Need random_device
                $sys_headers[] = 'boost/random/random_device.hpp';
                $libraries[] = 'boost_system-mt';
            grokit_error('ClusterGen: Unknown RNG library ' . $distLib);
    $distRNG = 'mt19937';
    $RNGtype = $distNS . '::' . $distRNG;
    $nTuples = get_first_key($t_args, ['n', '0']);
    grokit_assert(is_int($nTuples), 'ClusterGen: the number of tuples to be produced must be an integer.');
    $centers = get_first_key($t_args, ['centers', 1]);
    grokit_assert(is_array($centers), 'ClusterGen: centers must be an array of functors');
    $handleDist = function ($name, $args, $oType) use($distNS) {
        $distName = '';
        $distArgs = [];
        switch ($name) {
            case 'gaussian':
            case 'normal':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'normal_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Normal distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $mean = get_default($args, ['mean', 0], 0.0);
                $sigma = get_default($args, ['std_dev', 'sigma', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($mean), 'ClusterGen: mean parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($sigma), 'ClusterGen: sigma parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $mean = floatval($mean);
                $sigma = floatval($sigma);
                $distArgs = [$mean, $sigma];
            case 'binomial':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'binomial_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Binomial distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $t = get_default($args, ['t', 0], 1);
                $p = get_default($args, ['p', 1], 0.5);
                grokit_assert(is_int($t), 'ClusterGen: t parameter of binomial distribution must be an integer.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($p), 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $p = floatval($p);
                grokit_assert($p >= 0 && $p <= 1, 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be in the range [0, 1]');
                grokit_assert($t >= 0, 'ClusterGen: t parameter of binomial distribution must be in the range [0, +inf)');
                $distArgs = [$t, $p];
            case 'negative_binomial':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'negative_binomial_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Negative Binomial distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $k = get_default($args, ['k', 0], 1);
                $p = get_default($args, ['p', 1], 0.5);
                grokit_assert(is_int($k), 'ClusterGen: k parameter of binomial distribution must be an integer.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($p), 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $p = floatval($p);
                grokit_assert($p > 0 && $p <= 1, 'ClusterGen: p parameter of negative binomial distribution must be in the range (0, 1]');
                grokit_assert($k > 0, 'ClusterGen: k parameter of negative binomial distribution must be in the range (0, +inf)');
                $distArgs = [$k, $p];
            case 'inverse_gaussian':
            case 'inverse_normal':
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Inverse Gaussian distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $mean = get_default($args, ['mean', 0], 1);
                $shape = get_default($args, ['shape', 1], 1);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($mean), 'ClusterGen: mean parameter of inverse gaussian distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($shape), 'ClusterGen: shape parameter of inverse gaussian distribution must be a real number.');
                $mean = floatval($mean);
                $shape = floatval($shape);
                grokit_assert($mean > 0, 'ClusterGen: mean of inverse gaussian distribution must be in range (0, inf)');
                grokit_assert($shape > 0, 'ClusterGen: shape of inverse gaussian distribution must be in range (0, inf)');
                $gen_args = ['output' => $oType, 'ns' => $distNS];
                $distName = strval(lookupResource('datagen::InverseGaussianGen', $gen_args));
                $distArgs = [$mean, $shape];
            case 'uniform':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'uniform_real_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Uniform distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $a = get_default($args, ['a', 0], 0.0);
                $b = get_default($args, ['b', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($a), 'ClusterGen: `a` parameter of uniform distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($b), 'ClusterGen: `b` parameter of uniform distribution must be a real number.');
                $a = floatval($a);
                $b = floatval($b);
                grokit_assert($b >= $a, 'ClusterGen: `b` parameter of uniform distribution must be >= the `a` parameter.');
                $distArgs = [$a, $b];
            case 'exponential':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'exponential_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 1, 'ClusterGen: Exponential distribution takes at most 1 argument.');
                $lambda = get_default($args, ['lambda', 0], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($lambda), 'ClusterGen: `lambda` parameter of exponential distribution must be a real number.');
                $lambda = floatval($lambda);
                grokit_assert($lambda > 0, 'ClusterGen: `lambda` parameter of exponential distribution must be in range (0, +inf).');
                $distArgs = [$lambda];
            case 'gamma':
            case 'Gamma':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'gamma_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Gamma distribution takes at most 2 arguments.');
                $alpha = get_default($args, ['alpha', 0], 1.0);
                $beta = det_default($args, ['beta', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($alpha), 'ClusterGen: `alpha` parameter of gamma distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($beta), 'ClusterGen: `beta` parameter of gamma distribution must be a real number.');
                $alpha = floatval($alpha);
                $beta = floatval($beta);
                $distArgs = [$alpha, $beta];
                grokit_error('ClusterGen: Unknown distribution ' . $name . ' given for center');
        return [$distName, $distArgs];
    $dists = [];
    $distArgs = [];
    $count = 0;
    $oType = '';
    $nCenters = 1;
    foreach ($centers as $val) {
        $cluster = $val;
        if (is_functor($val)) {
            $cluster = [$val];
        } else {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $nCenters = lcm($nCenters, \count($val));
            } else {
                grokit_error('ClusterGen: center descriptions must be functors or list of functors');
        $curDist = [];
        $curDistArgs = [];
        $curDistName = 'distribution' . $count++;
        $oType = strval(current($outputs));
        $iCount = 0;
        foreach ($cluster as $functor) {
            grokit_assert(is_functor($functor), 'ClusterGen: center description must be a functor');
            $vName = $curDistName . '_' . $iCount++;
            $ret = $handleDist($functor->name(), $functor->args(), $oType);
            $curDist[$vName] = $ret[0];
            $curDistArgs[$vName] = $ret[1];
        $dists[$curDistName] = $curDist;
        $distArgs[$curDistName] = $curDistArgs;
    // Determine the default number of sets to compute at a time.
    // We want to generate either $nTuples or 10,000 tuples, depending on which
    // is less.
    $defaultSetsTarget = min($nTuples, 10000);
    $setsToTarget = intval(ceil($defaultSetsTarget / $nCenters));
    $computeSets = get_default($t_args, 'compute.sets', $setsToTarget);
    grokit_assert(is_int($computeSets) && $computeSets > 0, 'ClusterGen: compute.sets must be a positive integer, ' . $computeSets . ' given');
    $className = generate_name('ClusterGen');
    // For some BIZZARE reason, the $outputs array was getting modified while
    // traversing over the $dists array. Making a deep copy of the outputs and
    // then reassigning it seems to fix the issue.
    $outputs = $myOutputs;

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    // The number of tuples to produce per task
    static constexpr size_t N = <?php 
    echo $nTuples;
    static constexpr size_t CacheSize = <?php 
    echo $computeSets * $nCenters;

    // Typedefs
    typedef std::tuple<<?php 
    echo array_template('{val}', ', ', $outputs);
> Tuple;
    typedef std::array<Tuple, CacheSize> TupleArray;
    typedef TupleArray::const_iterator TupleIterator;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $RNGtype;

    // Number of tuples produced.
    uintmax_t count;

    // Cache a number of outputs for efficiency
    TupleArray cache;
    TupleIterator cacheIt;

    // Random number generator
    RandGen rng;

    // Distributions
    // This is the section causing issues.
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
            echo $type;
            echo $vName;
        // foreach distribution
    // foreach cluster set

    // Helper function to generate tuples.
    void GenerateTuples(void) {
    $tIndex = 0;
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        $lCenters = \count($list);
        // $nCenters has been defined to be the LCM of the number of centers in
        // any column, so $lCenter is guaranteed to divide evenly into
        // CacheSize
        for( size_t index = 0; CacheSize > index; index += <?php 
        echo $lCenters;
 ) {
        $index = 0;
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
            echo $tIndex;
>(cache[index + <?php 
            echo $index;
]) = <?php 
            echo $vName;
        // foreach value in tuple
    // foreach distribution
        cacheIt = cache.cbegin();

    // Constructor
    echo $className;
( GIStreamProxy & _stream ) :
        , cacheIt()
        , count(0)
        , rng()
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
        , <?php 
            echo $vName;
            echo implode(', ', $distArgs[$name][$vName]);
        // foreach distribution
    // foreach cluster set

    if (is_null($seed)) {
        echo $distNS;
::random_device rd;
    // if seed is null
        RandGen::result_type seed = <?php 
    echo is_null($seed) ? 'rd()' : "CongruentHash({$seed}, _stream.get_id() )";

        cacheIt = cache.cend();

    // Destructor
    echo $className;
(void) { }

    bool ProduceTuple(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        if( N > count ) {
            if( cacheIt == cache.cend() ) {
    $tIndex = 0;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = std::get<<?php 
        echo $tIndex;
    // foreach output


            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    return array('kind' => 'GI', 'name' => $className, 'output' => $outputs, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'libraries' => $libraries);
コード例 #6
 public static function carmichael_of_factorized($f_list)
     if (extension_loaded('gmp') && USE_EXT == 'GMP') {
         if (count($f_list) < 1) {
             return 1;
         $result = self::carmichael_of_ppower($f_list[0]);
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($f_list); $i++) {
             $result = lcm($result, self::carmichael_of_ppower($f_list[$i]));
         return $result;
     } elseif (extension_loaded('bcmath') && USE_EXT == 'BCMATH') {
         if (count($f_list) < 1) {
             return 1;
         $result = self::carmichael_of_ppower($f_list[0]);
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($f_list); $i++) {
             $result = lcm($result, self::carmichael_of_ppower($f_list[$i]));
         return $result;
     } else {
         throw new ErrorException("Please install BCMATH or GMP");
コード例 #7
ファイル: Tortek.php プロジェクト: zsebtanar/zsebtanar_v4
 function Hints($l, $r, $x)
     $lcm = lcm($r[1], $r[3]);
     if (abs($r[1]) != abs($r[3])) {
         $page[] = 'Hozzuk közös nevezőre az egyenlet jobb oldalát (a közös nevező $' . $lcm . '$ lesz):' . $this->Equation($l, $r, 1);
     $page[] = 'Szorozzuk meg mindkét oldalt $' . $lcm . '$-' . With($lcm) . '!' . $this->Equation($l, $r, 2);
     $page[] = 'Bontsuk fel a zárójeleket mindkét oldalon!' . $this->Equation($l, $r, 3);
     $page[] = 'Vonjuk össze az egynemű tagokat!' . $this->Equation($l, $r, 4);
     $page[] = 'Gyűjtsük össze az $x$-et tartalmazó tagokat jobb oldalra, a többit pedig balra!' . $this->Equation($l, $r, 5);
     $page[] = 'Ha mindkét oldalt leosztjuk az $x$ együtthatójával, azt kapjuk, hogy a megoldás <span class="label label-success">$' . $x . '$</span>.';
     $hints[] = $page;
     return $hints;
コード例 #8
ファイル: chemistry.php プロジェクト: ericvanboven/IMathAS
function chem_makeioniccompound($cation, $anion)
    if (!is_array($cation)) {
        global $chem_cations;
        $found = false;
        foreach ($chem_cations as $c) {
            if ($c[0] == $cation) {
                $cation = $c;
                $found = true;
        if (!$found) {
            echo "Cation not found.";
    if (!is_array($anion)) {
        global $chem_anions;
        $found = false;
        foreach ($chem_anions as $c) {
            if ($c[0] == $anion) {
                $anion = $c;
                $found = true;
        if (!$found) {
            echo "Anion not found.";
    $lcm = lcm($cation[1], $anion[1]);
    $catsub = $lcm / $cation[1];
    if ($catsub == 1) {
        $formula = $cation[0];
    } else {
        if (strpos($cation[0], ' ') !== false) {
            $formula = '(' . $cation[0] . ')';
            $formula .= '_' . $catsub;
        } else {
            if (strpos($cation[0], '_') !== false) {
                //this is Hg_2 only
                $pts = explode('_', $cation[0]);
                $formula = $pts[0] . '_' . $pts[1] * $catsub;
            } else {
                $formula = $cation[0];
                $formula .= '_' . $catsub;
    $ansub = $lcm / $anion[1];
    if ($ansub == 1) {
        $formula .= ' ' . $anion[0];
    } else {
        if (strpos($anion[0], ' ') !== false) {
            $formula .= ' (' . $anion[0] . ')';
            $formula .= '_' . $ansub;
        } else {
            if (strpos($anion[0], '_') !== false) {
                $pts = explode('_', $anion[0]);
                $formula .= ' ' . $pts[0] . '_' . $ansub * $pts[1];
            } else {
                $formula .= ' ' . $anion[0];
                $formula .= '_' . $ansub;
    $name = $cation[2] . ' ' . $anion[2];
    return array($formula, $name);