コード例 #1
function lab_1cl_demo_installer_admin_init()
    if (lab_get('page') == 'laborator_demo_content_installer' && ($pack_name = lab_get('install-pack'))) {
        $pack = lab_1cl_demo_installer_get_pack($pack_name);
        if ($pack) {
            if (is_plugin_active('wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php')) {
                update_option('lab_should_activate_wp_importer', true);
                wp_redirect(admin_url('admin.php?page=laborator_demo_content_installer&install-pack="' . sanitize_title($pack_name)));
            require 'demo-content-install-pack.php';
コード例 #2
function laborator_coming_soon_mode()
    global $current_user;
    $maintenance_mode = get_data('maintenance_mode');
    $coming_soon_mode = get_data('coming_soon_mode');
    $manage_options = current_user_can('manage_options');
    if ($coming_soon_mode && $manage_options == false || lab_get('view-coming-soon')) {
    if ($maintenance_mode && $manage_options == false || lab_get('view-maintenance')) {
コード例 #3
    $portfolio_query_args['order'] = 'ASC';
    foreach ($masonry_items_list as $item) {
        if (isset($item['item']) && $item['item'] instanceof WP_Post) {
            $portfolio_query_args['post__in'][] = $item['item']->ID;
// Posts per page
if ($items_per_page && $items_per_page != 0) {
    $portfolio_query_args['posts_per_page'] = $items_per_page;
} else {
    $portfolio_query_args['posts_per_page'] = get_option('posts_per_page');
$portfolio_query_args['posts_per_page'] = apply_filters('lab_portfolio_items_per_page', $portfolio_query_args['posts_per_page']);
// Get Category
if ($category_id = lab_get('portfolio-category')) {
    $portfolio_query_args['portfolio_category'] = $category_id;
// Current Page
if ($page > $paged) {
    $paged = $page;
if ($paged > 1) {
    $portfolio_query_args['paged'] = $paged;
// Unset unwanted query arguments like page name and id
if (isset($portfolio_query_args['pagename'])) {
if (isset($portfolio_query_args['page_id'])) {
コード例 #4
function laborator_custom_css_page()
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css_lg'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css_lg');
        laborator_set_custom_css($laborator_custom_css, 'lg');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css_md'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css_md');
        laborator_set_custom_css($laborator_custom_css, 'md');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css_sm'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css_sm');
        laborator_set_custom_css($laborator_custom_css, 'sm');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css_xs'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css_xs');
        laborator_set_custom_css($laborator_custom_css, 'xs');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css_less'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css_less');
        laborator_set_custom_css($laborator_custom_css, 'less');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['laborator_custom_css_sass'])) {
        $laborator_custom_css = post('laborator_custom_css_sass');
        laborator_set_custom_css($laborator_custom_css, 'sass');
        $success = true;
    if (isset($success)) {
		<div class="updated">
				<strong>Changes have been saved.</strong>
    $codemirror_path = THEMEURL . "inc/lib/laborator/custom-css-lib/codemirror-4.7/";
    $custom_css = laborator_get_custom_css();
    $custom_css_lg = laborator_get_custom_css('lg');
    $custom_css_md = laborator_get_custom_css('md');
    $custom_css_sm = laborator_get_custom_css('sm');
    $custom_css_xs = laborator_get_custom_css('xs');
    $custom_css_less = laborator_get_custom_css('less');
    $custom_css_sass = laborator_get_custom_css('sass');
    $current_tab = 'main';
    if (lab_get('tab') == 'responsive') {
        $current_tab = 'responsive';
    if (lab_get('tab') == 'less') {
        $current_tab = 'less';
    if (lab_get('tab') == 'sass') {
        $current_tab = 'sass';
<!-- CodeMirror -->
<script src="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "lib/codemirror.js";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "lib/codemirror.css";
" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "theme/neo.css";
" type="text/css">

<!-- Search -->
<script src="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "addon/search/searchcursor.js";
<script src="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "addon/search/search.js";

<!-- Dialog -->
<script src="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "addon/dialog/dialog.js";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "addon/dialog/dialog.css";
" type="text/css">

<!-- Mode -->
<script src="<?php 
    echo $codemirror_path . "mode/css/css.js";

<div class="wrap">

	<h2 id="main-title">Custom CSS</h2>

	<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper woo-nav-tab-wrapper">
		<a href="?page=<?php 
    echo lab_get('page');
&tab=main" class="nav-tab<?php 
    echo $current_tab == 'main' ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
">General Style</a>
		<a href="?page=<?php 
    echo lab_get('page');
&tab=responsive" class="nav-tab<?php 
    echo $current_tab == 'responsive' ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
		<a href="?page=<?php 
    echo lab_get('page');
&tab=less" class="nav-tab<?php 
    echo $current_tab == 'less' ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
		<a href="?page=<?php 
    echo lab_get('page');
&tab=sass" class="nav-tab<?php 
    echo $current_tab == 'sass' ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
		<a href="<?php 
    echo home_url();
" target="_blank" class="nav-tab nav-tab-right">Preview Site</a>

    if ($current_tab == 'main') {
	<h3>Apply your own stylesheet here</h3>

	<form method="post">
		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css" name="laborator_custom_css" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css;
		<button type="submit" class="button button-primary save" name="save_changes">Save Changes</button>

	<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = function()
		var cmirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css"), {
				lineNumbers: true,
				autofocus: true,
				mode: "css",
				theme: "neo",
				tabSize: 4,
				indentUnit: 4,
				indentWithTabs: true
			body = document.body,
			html = document.documentElement;

		var height = Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight ) - 340;

		cmirror.setSize("100%", height);

    } elseif ($current_tab == 'responsive') {
	<h3>Targeting custom screen sizes</h3>

	<form method="post">
				Minimum Screen Size: <strong>1200px</strong>

			LG - Large Screen

		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css_lg" name="laborator_custom_css_lg" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css_lg;

				Minimum Screen Size: <strong>992px</strong>

			MD - Medium Screen

		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css_md" name="laborator_custom_css_md" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css_md;

				Minimum Screen Size: <strong>768px</strong>

			SM - Small Screen

		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css_sm" name="laborator_custom_css_sm" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css_sm;

				Maximum Screen Size: <strong>768px</strong>

			XS - Extra Small Screen

		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css_xs" name="laborator_custom_css_xs" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css_xs;

		<script type="text/javascript">
		window.onload = function()
			var cmirror1 = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css_lg"), {lineNumbers: true, mode: "css", theme: "neo", tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 4, indentWithTabs: true}),
				cmirror2 = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css_md"), {lineNumbers: true, mode: "css", theme: "neo", tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 4, indentWithTabs: true}),
				cmirror3 = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css_sm"), {lineNumbers: true, mode: "css", theme: "neo", tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 4, indentWithTabs: true}),
				cmirror4 = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css_xs"), {lineNumbers: true, mode: "css", theme: "neo", tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 4, indentWithTabs: true});

			cmirror1.setSize("100%", "100%");
			cmirror2.setSize("100%", "100%");
			cmirror3.setSize("100%", "100%");
			cmirror4.setSize("100%", "100%");

		<button type="submit" class="button button-primary save" name="save_changes">Save Changes</button>
    } elseif ($current_tab == 'less') {
	<h3>Apply your own style in <a href="http://www.lesscss.org/" target="_blank">LESS</a> language</h3>

	<form method="post">
		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css_less" name="laborator_custom_css_less" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css_less;
		<button type="submit" class="button button-primary save" name="save_changes">Save Changes</button>

	<script src="<?php 
        echo $codemirror_path . "mode/sass/sass.js";
	<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = function()
		var cmirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css_less"), {
				lineNumbers: true,
				autofocus: true,
				mode: "sass",
				theme: "neo",
				tabSize: 4,
				indentUnit: 4,
				indentWithTabs: true
			body = document.body,
			html = document.documentElement;

		var height = Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight ) - 340;

		cmirror.setSize("100%", height);
    } elseif ($current_tab == 'sass') {
	<h3>Apply your own style in <a href="http://sass-lang.com/" target="_blank">SASS</a> language</h3>

	<form method="post">
		<textarea class="large-text code" id="laborator_custom_css_sass" name="laborator_custom_css_sass" rows="10" placeholder="Loading code editor..."><?php 
        echo $custom_css_sass;
		<button type="submit" class="button button-primary save" name="save_changes">Save Changes</button>

	<script src="<?php 
        echo $codemirror_path . "mode/sass/sass.js";
	<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = function()
		var cmirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("laborator_custom_css_sass"), {
				lineNumbers: true,
				autofocus: true,
				mode: "sass",
				theme: "neo",
				tabSize: 4,
				indentUnit: 4,
				indentWithTabs: true
			body = document.body,
			html = document.documentElement;

		var height = Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight ) - 340;

		cmirror.setSize("100%", height);

	<p class="explain">
		For better experience with CSS Editor:<br />

		Start Searching:
		<code>Ctrl-F / Cmd-F</code>
		<br />

		Find next:
		<code>Ctrl-G / Cmd-G</code>
		<br />

		Find previous:
		<code>Shift-Ctrl-G / Shift-Cmd-G</code>
		<br />

		<code>Shift-Ctrl-F / Cmd-Option-F</code>
		<br />

		Replace all:
		<code>Shift-Ctrl-R / Shift-Cmd-Option-F</code>

	<p class="footer">
		* The CSS written here will not be lost when you update the theme. <br />
		* Please be aware as by doing customisation (in theme files) if something happens like miss-editing files the responsibility is yours and we won't support you on finding the problem, as we are only guiding you how to get the results you need. <br />
		* Sometimes you need to add <code>!important</code> rule to overwrite the default value set by theme, example: <code>font-size: 18px <strong>!important</strong></code>.

	<p class="laborator-copyrights clear">&copy; <strong>Custom CSS</strong> plugin created by <a href="http://laborator.co/" target="_blank">Laborator.co</a></p>

		#main-title {
			margin-left: 10px;
			margin-bottom: 5px;

		form h4 {
			margin: 0;
			margin-bottom: 3px;
			padding: 5px 15px;
			text-transform: uppercase;
			background: #fff;
			border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;

		form h4 small {
			float: right;
			color: #999;

		form h4 small strong {
			color: #111;
			text-decoration: underline;

		form .CodeMirror + h4,
		form textarea + h4 {
			margin-top: 25px !important;

		.CodeMirror {
			border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
			min-height: 150px;

		.CodeMirror .CodeMirror-scroll {
			min-height: 150px;

		.wp-core-ui .button-primary.save {
			margin-top: 15px;

		.updated {
			margin-top: 15px !important;

		p.footer {
			margin-top: 25px;
			font-size: 11px;
			color: #777;
			width: 70%;

		p.footer code {
			font-size: 11px;

		p.explain {
			float: right;
			font-size: 11px;
			width: 25%;
			text-align: right;

		p.explain code {
			color: #444;
			font-size: 10px;
			text-transform: uppercase;

		.nav-tab-right {
			float: right;
			top: 2px;
			position: relative;
			margin-right: -5px;

		.laborator-copyrights {
			margin: 0;
			font-size: 11px;
			position: relative;
			border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
			padding-top: 8px;
			color: #888;
			margin-bottom: 5px;
			margin-top: 5px;