/** * returns custom documents form fields * * @return string */ public function customDocumentFieldsForm() { $rawServices = $this->altcfg['DOCX_SERVICES']; $availServices = array(); if (!empty($rawServices)) { $rawServices = explode(',', $rawServices); if (!empty($rawServices)) { foreach ($rawServices as $io => $each) { $availServices[__($each)] = __($each); } } } $inputs = la_DatePickerPreset('customdate', date("Y-m-d")); $inputs .= la_tag('br'); $inputs .= la_TextInput('customrealname', __('Real Name'), @$this->userData[$this->userLogin]['REALNAME'], true, '20'); $inputs .= la_TextInput('customphone', __('Phone'), @$this->userData[$this->userLogin]['PHONE'], true, '10'); $inputs .= la_Selector('customservice', $availServices, __('Service'), '', 'true'); $inputs .= la_TextInput('customnotes', __('Notes'), '', true, '20'); $inputs .= la_TextInput('customsum', __('Sum'), @$this->userData[$this->userLogin]['TARIFFPRICE'], true, '10'); $inputs .= la_HiddenInput('customfields', 'true'); $inputs .= la_Submit(__('Create')); $result = la_Form('', 'POST', $inputs, 'glamour'); return $result; }
/** * Forms and returns selector with available services * * @param array $availableServices * @param string $login * @return string */ function AdServicesSelector($availableServices, $login) { $selectData['-'] = '-'; if (!empty($availableServices)) { $allSheduled = GetAllSheduled($availableServices, $login); $allActivated = GetAllActivated($availableServices, $login); foreach ($availableServices as $eachService) { $eq = false; $eachData = explode(":", $eachService); $serviceName = $eachData[0]; $serviceTagID = $eachData[1]; if (!empty($allSheduledl)) { foreach ($allSheduled as $eachShedule) { if ($eachShedule['param'] === $serviceTagID) { $eq = true; } } } if (!empty($allActivated)) { foreach ($allActivated as $eachActivated) { if ($eachActivated['tagid'] === $serviceTagID) { $eq = true; } } } if (!$eq) { $selectData[$serviceTagID] = $serviceName; } } } $selector = la_Selector('tagid', $selectData, '', '', false); $selector .= la_delimiter(); $selector .= la_CheckInput('agree', __('I am sure that I am an adult and have read everything that is written above'), false, false); $selector .= la_delimiter(); $selector .= la_Submit(__('Order')); $form = la_Form('', 'POST', $selector); return $form; }
/** * Returns selector of allowed tariffs to move, except current tariff * * @param string $tc_tariffsallowed * @param string $user_tariff * @return string */ function zbs_TariffSelector($tc_tariffsallowed, $user_tariff) { $params = array(); if (!empty($tc_tariffsallowed)) { foreach ($tc_tariffsallowed as $io => $eachtariff) { if ($eachtariff != $user_tariff) { $params[trim($eachtariff)] = __($eachtariff); } } } $result = la_Selector('newtariff', $params, '', '', false); return $result; }