function getFormFieldList() { $s = ''; $c = ''; $splstr = ''; $fieldName = ''; $splstr = aspSplit(@$_POST, '&'); foreach ($splstr as $key => $s) { $fieldName = lCase(mid($s, 1, inStr($s, '=') - 1)); if ($c != '') { $c = $c . '|'; } $c = $c . $fieldName; } $getFormFieldList = $c; return @$getFormFieldList; }
function upperCaseORLowerCase($content) { $i = ''; $s = ''; $c = ''; $nRnd = ''; $c = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) { $s = mid($content, $i, 1); $nRnd = CInt(rnd() * 1); if ($nRnd == 0) { $c = $c . lCase($s); } else { $c = $c . uCase($s); } } $upperCaseORLowerCase = $c; return @$upperCaseORLowerCase; }
function seo($s, $id) { /* ************************************************ ** ** Neden bilmiyorum, regex'ten hiç hazzetmiyorum... ** ** ************************************************ */ $tr = array('ş', 'Ş', 'ı', 'İ', 'ğ', 'Ğ', 'ü', 'Ü', 'ö', 'Ö', 'ç', 'Ç'); $en = array('s', 's', 'i', 'i', 'g', 'g', 'u', 'u', 'o', 'o', 'c', 'c'); $s = str_replace($tr, $en, $s); $s = strtolower($s); $s = charReplace($s); $s = lCase($s); $s = str_replace("--", "-", $s); $s = trim($s, '-'); /* Belirlenen URL kullanımda mı? */ global $db; $kntr = 0; while ($hoy = current($db->query("SELECT id FROM makaleler WHERE url = '" . $s . ($kntr ? '-' . $kntr : '') . "' AND id <> {$id}")->fetch_row())) { $kntr++; } // Ürkütücü return $s . ($kntr ? '-' . $kntr : ''); }
function displayTemplatesList($content) { $templatesFolder = ''; $templatePath = ''; $templatePath2 = ''; $templateName = ''; $defaultList = ''; $folderList = ''; $splStr = ''; $s = ''; $c = ''; $s1 = ''; $s2 = ''; $s3 = ''; $splTemplatesFolder = ''; //加载网址配置 loadWebConfig(); $defaultList = getStrCut($content, '[list]', '[/list]', 2); $splTemplatesFolder = aspSplit('/Templates/|/Templates2015/|/Templates2016/', '|'); foreach ($splTemplatesFolder as $key => $templatesFolder) { if ($templatesFolder != '') { $folderList = getDirFolderNameList($templatesFolder); $splStr = aspSplit($folderList, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $templateName) { if ($templateName != '' && inStr('#_', left($templateName, 1)) == false) { $templatePath = $templatesFolder . $templateName; $templatePath2 = $templatePath; $s = $defaultList; $s1 = getStrCut($content, '<!--启用 start-->', '<!--启用 end-->', 2); $s2 = getStrCut($content, '<!--恢复数据 start-->', '<!--恢复数据 end-->', 2); $s3 = getStrCut($content, '<!--删除模板 start-->', '<!--删除模板 end-->', 2); if (lCase($GLOBALS['cfg_webtemplate']) == lCase($templatePath)) { $templateName = '<font color=red>' . $templateName . '</font>'; $templatePath2 = '<font color=red>' . $templatePath2 . '</font>'; $s = replace(replace($s, $s1, ''), $s3, ''); } else { $s = replace($s, $s2, ''); } $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'templatename', $templateName); $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'templatepath', $templatePath); $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'templatepath2', $templatePath2); $c = $c . $s . vbCrlf(); } } } } $content = replace($content, '[list]' . $defaultList . '[/list]', $c); $displayTemplatesList = $content; return @$displayTemplatesList; }
function handleCssPX($nValue) { $nValue = lCase(aspTrim($nValue)); if (right($nValue, 1) != '%' && right($nValue, 2) != 'px') { $nValue = $nValue . 'px'; } $handleCssPX = $nValue; return @$handleCssPX; }
function htmlAddAction($content, $jsAction) { $s = ''; $startStr = ''; $endStr = ''; $isHandle = ''; $lableName = ''; $s = $content; $s = PHPTrim($s); $startStr = mid($s, 1, inStr($s, ' ')); $endStr = '>'; $isHandle = true; $lableName = aspTrim(lCase(replace($startStr, '<', ''))); if (inStr($s, $startStr) == false || inStr($s, $endStr) == false || inStr('|a|div|span|font|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|dt|dd|dl|li|ul|table|tr|td|', '|' . $lableName . '|') == false) { $isHandle = false; } if ($isHandle == true) { $content = $startStr . $jsAction . right($s, len($s) - len($startStr)); } $htmlAddAction = $content; return @$htmlAddAction; }
function replaceOneNOLU($content, $SearchStr, $replaceStr) { $LeftStr = ''; $RightStr = ''; $LCaseContent = ''; $SearchStr = lCase($SearchStr); $LCaseContent = lCase($content); if (inStr($LCaseContent, $SearchStr) > 0) { $LeftStr = mid($content, 1, inStr($LCaseContent, $SearchStr) - 1); $RightStr = mid($content, len($LeftStr) + len($SearchStr) + 1, -1); $content = $LeftStr . $replaceStr . $RightStr; } $replaceOneNOLU = $content; return @$replaceOneNOLU; }
function getRParam($content, $lableStr) { $contentLCase = ''; $endS = ''; $i = ''; $s = ''; $c = ''; $isStart = ''; $startStr = ''; $isValue = ''; $content = ' ' . $content . ' '; //避免更精准获得值 $contentLCase = lCase($content); $lableStr = lCase($lableStr); $endS = mid($content, inStr($contentLCase, $lableStr) + len($lableStr), -1); //call echo("ends",ends) $isStart = false; //是否有开始类型值 $isValue = false; //是否有值 for ($i = 1; $i <= len($endS); $i++) { $s = mid($endS, $i, 1); if ($isStart == true) { if ($s != '') { if ($startStr == '') { $startStr = $s; } else { if ($startStr == '"' || $startStr == '\'') { if ($s == $startStr) { $isValue = true; break; } } else { if ($s == ' ' && $c == '') { } else { if ($s == ' ' || $s == '/' || $s == '>') { $isValue = true; break; } } } if ($s != ' ') { $c = $c . $s; } } } } if ($s == '=') { $isStart = true; } } if ($isValue == false) { $c = ''; } $getRParam = $c; //call echo("c",c) return @$getRParam; }
function jsCodeConfusion($content) { $splStr = ''; $i = ''; $YesJs = ''; $YesWord = ''; $Sx = ''; $s = ''; $Wc = ''; $Zc = ''; $s1 = ''; $AspCode = ''; $SYHCount = ''; $UpWord = ''; $UpWordn = ''; $tempS = ''; $DimList = ''; $YesFunction = ''; //函数是否为真 $StartFunction = ''; //开始函数 目的是为了让function default 处理函数后面没有() 20150218 $StartFunction = false; //默认开始函数为假 //If nType="" Then nType = 0 $yesJs = false; //是ASP 默认为假 $YesFunction = false; //是函数 默认为假 $YesWord = false; //是单词 默认为假 $SYHCount = 0; //双引号默认为0 $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); //分割行 $wcType = ''; //输入文本类型,如 " 或 ' $isAddToSYH = ''; //是否累加双引号 $beforeStr = ''; $afterStr = ''; $endCode = ''; $nSYHCount = ''; //循环分行 foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { //循环每个字符 for ($i = 1; $i <= len($s); $i++) { $Sx = mid($s, $i, 1); //Asp开始 if ($Sx == '<' && $Wc == '') { //输出文本必需为空 Wc为输出内容 如"<%" 排除 修改于20140412 if (mid($s, $i + 1, 6) == 'script') { $yesJs = true; //ASP为真 $i = $i + 1; //加1而不能加2,要不然<%function Test() 就截取不到 $Sx = mid($s, $i, 1); $AspCode = $AspCode . '<'; } //ASP结束 } else { if ($Sx == '<' && mid($s, $i + 1, 8) == '/script>' && $Wc == '') { //Wc为输出内容 $yesJs = false; //ASP为假 $i = $i + 1; //不能加2,只能加1,因为这里定义ASP为假,它会在下一次显示上面的 'ASP运行为假 $Sx = mid($s, $i, 8); $AspCode = $AspCode . '/script>'; } } if ($yesJs == true) { $beforeStr = right(replace(mid($s, 1, $i - 1), ' ', ''), 1); //上一个字符 $afterStr = left(replace(mid($s, $i + 1, -1), ' ', ''), 1); //下一个字符 $endCode = mid($s, $i + 1, -1); //当前字符往后面代码 一行 //输入文本 if ($sx == '"' || $sx == '\'' && $wcType == '' || $sx == $wcType || $wc != '') { $isAddToSYH = true; //这是一种简单的方法,等完善(20150914) if ($isAddToSYH == true && $beforeStr == '\\') { if (len($wc) >= 1) { if (isStrTransferred($wc) == true) { //为转义字符为真 //call echo(wc,isStrTransferred(wc)) $isAddToSYH = false; } } else { $isAddToSYH = false; } //call echo(wc,isAddToSYH) } if ($wc == '') { $wcType = $sx; } //双引号累加 if ($sx == $wcType && $isAddToSYH == true) { $nSYHCount = $nSYHCount + 1; } //排除上一个字符为\这个转义字符(20150914) //判断是否"在最后 if ($nSYHCount % 2 == 0 && $beforeStr != '\\') { if (mid($s, $i + 1, 1) != $wcType) { $wc = $wc . $sx; $AspCode = $AspCode . $wc; //行代码累加 //call echo("wc",wc) $nSYHCount = 0; $wc = ''; //清除 $wcType = ''; } else { $wc = $wc . $sx; } } else { $wc = $wc . $sx; } } else { if ($Sx == '\'') { //注释则退出 $AspCode = $AspCode . mid($s, $i, -1); break; //字母 } else { if (checkABC($Sx) == true || $Sx == '_' && $Zc != '' || $Zc != '') { $Zc = $Zc . $Sx; $s1 = lCase(mid($s . ' ', $i + 1, 1)); if (inStr('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', $s1) == 0 && ($s1 == '_' && $Zc != '')) { //最简单判断 $tempS = mid($s, $i + 1, -1); if (inStr('|function|sub|', '|' . lCase($Zc) . '|')) { //函数开始 if ($YesFunction == false && lCase($UpWord) != 'end') { $YesFunction = true; $DimList = getFunDimName($tempS); $StartFunction = true; } else { if ($YesFunction == true && lCase($UpWord) == 'end') { //获得上一个单词 $YesFunction = false; } } } else { if ($YesFunction == true && lCase($Zc) == 'var') { $DimList = $DimList . ',' . getVarName($tempS); } else { if ($YesFunction == true) { //排除函数后面每一个名称 if ($StartFunction == false) { $Zc = replaceDim2($DimList, $Zc); } $StartFunction = false; } } } $UpWord = $Zc; //记住当前单词 $AspCode = $AspCode . $Zc; $Zc = ''; } } else { $AspCode = $AspCode . $Sx; } } } } else { $AspCode = $AspCode . $Sx; } doEvents(); } $AspCode = aspRTrim($AspCode); //去除右边空格 $AspCode = $AspCode . vbCrlf(); //Asp换行 doEvents(); } $jsCodeConfusion = $AspCode; return @$jsCodeConfusion; }
function checkHtmlFormatting($content) { $splStr = ''; $s = ''; $c = ''; $splxx = ''; $nLable = ''; $lableStr = ''; $content = lCase($content); $splStr = aspSplit('ul|li|dt|dd|dl|div|span', '|'); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { $s = PHPTrim($s); if ($s != '') { $nLable = 0; $lableStr = '<' . $s . ' '; if (inStr($content, $lableStr) > 0) { $splxx = aspSplit($content, $lableStr); $nLable = $nLable + uBound($splxx); } $lableStr = '<' . $s . '>'; if (inStr($content, $lableStr) > 0) { $splxx = aspSplit($content, $lableStr); $nLable = $nLable + uBound($splxx); } $lableStr = '</' . $s . '>'; if (inStr($content, $lableStr) > 0) { $splxx = aspSplit($content, $lableStr); $nLable = $nLable - uBound($splxx); } //call echo(ShowHtml(lableStr),nLable) if ($nLable != 0) { $checkHtmlFormatting = false; return @$checkHtmlFormatting; } } } $checkHtmlFormatting = true; return @$checkHtmlFormatting; }
function cutStrNOLU($content, $startStr, $endStr) { $s = ''; $LCaseContent = ''; $nStartLen = ''; $nEndLen = ''; $NewStartStr = ''; $startStr = lCase($startStr); $endStr = lCase($endStr); $LCaseContent = lCase($content); if (inStr($LCaseContent, $startStr) > 0) { $nStartLen = inStr($LCaseContent, $startStr); $s = mid($content, $nStartLen, -1); $LCaseContent = mid($s, len($startStr) + 1, -1); $NewStartStr = mid($s, 1, len($startStr) + 1); //获得开始字符 $LCaseContent = replace($LCaseContent, '<', '<'); //Call eerr("111",LCaseContent) $nEndLen = inStr($LCaseContent, $endStr); aspEcho('nEndLen', $nEndLen); $s = mid($content, $nStartLen, $nEndLen + len($startStr)); //Call Echo(nStartLen,nEndLen) //Call Echo("S",S) $cutStrNOLU = $s; } return @$cutStrNOLU; }
function scanUrl($httpUrl, $toTitle, $codeset) { $splStr = ''; $i = ''; $s = ''; $content = ''; $PubAHrefList = ''; $PubATitleList = ''; $splUrl = ''; $spltitle = ''; $title = ''; $url = ''; $htmlDir = ''; $htmlFilePath = ''; $nOK = ''; $dataArray = ''; $webState = ''; $u = ''; $iniDir = ''; $iniFilePath = ''; $websize = ''; $nSetTime = ''; $startTime = ''; $openSpeed = ''; $isLocal = ''; $isThrough = ''; $htmlDir = '/../网站UrlScan/' . setFileName(getWebSite($httpUrl)); CreateDirFolder($htmlDir); $htmlFilePath = $htmlDir . '/' . setFileName($httpUrl) . '.html'; $iniDir = $htmlDir . '/conifg'; CreateFolder($iniDir); $iniFilePath = $iniDir . '/' . setFileName($httpUrl) . '.txt'; //httpurl="" $webState = 0; $nSetTime = 1; $openSpeed = 0; if (CheckFile($htmlFilePath) == false) { $startTime = now(); aspEcho('codeset', $codeset); $dataArray = handleXmlGet($httpUrl, $codeset); $content = $dataArray[0]; $content = toGB2312Char($content); //给PHP用,转成gb2312字符 $webState = $dataArray[1]; $openSpeed = dateDiff('s', $startTime, now()); //content=gethttpurl(httpurl,codeset) //call createfile(htmlFilePath,content) WriteToFile($htmlFilePath, $content, $codeset); createFile($iniFilePath, $webState . vbCrlf() . $openSpeed); $nSetTime = 3; $isLocal = 0; } else { //content=getftext(htmlFilePath) $content = reaFile($htmlFilePath, $codeset); $content = toGB2312Char($content); //给PHP用,转成gb2312字符 $splStr = aspSplit(getFText($iniFilePath), vbCrlf()); $webState = CInt($splStr[0]); $openSpeed = CInt($splStr[0]); $isLocal = 1; } $websize = getFSize($htmlFilePath); if ($websize == '') { $websize = 0; } aspEcho('isLocal', $isLocal); $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where httpurl=\'' . $httpUrl . '\''); if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) { $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj); connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(httpurl,title,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'' . $toTitle . '\',\'' . $codeset . '\')'); } connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan set webstate=' . $webState . ',websize=' . $websize . ',openspeed=' . $openSpeed . ',charset=\'' . $codeset . '\' where httpurl=\'' . $httpUrl . '\''); //strLen(content) 不用这个,不精准 $s = getContentAHref('', $content, $PubAHrefList, $PubATitleList); $s = handleScanUrlList($httpUrl, $s); //call echo("httpurl",httpurl) //call echo("s",s) //call echo("PubATitleList",PubATitleList) $nOK = 0; $splUrl = aspSplit($PubAHrefList, vbCrlf()); $spltitle = aspSplit($PubATitleList, vbCrlf()); for ($i = 1; $i <= uBound($splUrl); $i++) { $title = $spltitle[$i]; $url = $splUrl[$i]; //去掉#号后台的字符20160506 if (inStr($url, '#') > 0) { $url = mid($url, 1, inStr($url, '#') - 1); } if ($url == '') { if ($title != '') { aspEcho('网址为空', $title); } } else { $url = handleScanUrlList($httpUrl, $url); $url = handleWithWebSiteList($httpUrl, $url); if ($url != '') { $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where httpurl=\'' . $url . '\''); if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) { $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj); $u = lCase($url); if (inStr($u, 'tools/downfile.asp') > 0 || inStr($u, '/url.asp?') > 0 || inStr($u, '/aspweb.asp?') > 0 || inStr($u, '/phpweb.php?') > 0 || $u == '' || inStr($u, 'mailto:') > 0 || inStr($u, 'tel:') > 0 || inStr($u, '.html?replytocom') > 0) { //.html?replytocom 王通网站 $isThrough = 0; } else { $isThrough = 1; //不用true 因为写入数据会有问题 } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(tohttpurl,totitle,httpurl,title,isthrough,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'' . $toTitle . '\',\'' . $url . '\',\'' . left($title, 255) . '\',' . $isThrough . ',\'' . $codeset . '\')'); $nOK = $nOK + 1; aspEcho($i, $url); } else { aspEcho($title, $url); } } } } $scanUrl = $nSetTime; return @$scanUrl; }
function inputTextArea($textName, $valueStr, $width, $height, $helpStr) { $Css = ''; $HeightStr = ''; $width = aspTrim(lCase($width)); if ($width != '') { if (right($width, 1) != '%' && right($width, 2) != 'px') { $width = $width . 'px'; } $Css = ' style=\'width:' . $width . ';\''; } if ($height != '') { if (checkNumber($height)) { //自动加个px像素 $height = $height . 'px'; } $HeightStr = 'height:' . $height . ';'; if ($Css != '') { $Css = replace($Css, ';\'', ';' . $HeightStr . ';\''); } else { $Css = ' style=\'height:' . $height . ';\''; } } $Css = replace($Css, ';;', ';'); //去掉多余的值 $inputTextArea = '<textarea name="' . $textName . '" type="text" id="' . $textName . '"' . $Css . '>' . $valueStr . '</textarea>' . $helpStr; return @$inputTextArea; }
function addEditFile($dir, $fileName) { $filePath = ''; $promptMsg = ''; if (right(lCase($fileName), 5) != '.html' && @$_SESSION['adminusername'] != 'ASPPHPCMS') { $fileName = $fileName . '.html'; } $filePath = $dir . '/' . $fileName; if (CheckFile($filePath) == false) { handlePower('添加模板文件'); //管理权限处理 } else { handlePower('修改模板文件'); //管理权限处理 } //保存内容 if (@$_REQUEST['issave'] == 'true') { createFile($filePath, @$_REQUEST['content']); $promptMsg = '保存成功'; } ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="?act=addEditFile&issave=true"> <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tableline"> <tr> <td height="30">目录<?php echo $dir; ?> <br> <input name="dir" type="hidden" id="dir" value="<?php echo $dir; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>文件名称 <input name="fileName" type="text" id="fileName" value="<?php echo $fileName; ?> " size="40"> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value=" 保存 " /><?php echo $promptMsg; ?> <br> <textarea name="content" style="width:99%;height:480px;"id="content"><?php Rw(getFText($filePath)); ?> </textarea></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php }
function getStrFileType($fileName) { $c = ''; $c = ''; if (inStr($fileName, '.') > 0) { $c = lCase(mid($fileName, inStrRev($fileName, '.') + 1, -1)); if (inStr($c, '?') > 0) { $c = mid($c, 1, inStr($c, '?') - 1); } } $getStrFileType = $c; return @$getStrFileType; }
function XY_handleGetTableBody($action, $tableName, $fieldParamName, $defaultFileName, $adminUrl) { $url = ''; $content = ''; $id = ''; $sql = ''; $addSql = ''; $fieldName = ''; $fieldParamValue = ''; $fieldNameList = ''; $nLen = ''; $delHtmlYes = ''; $trimYes = ''; $defaultStr = ''; $noisonhtml = ''; $intoFieldStr = ''; $valuesStr = ''; $nonull = ''; $fieldName = RParam($action, 'fieldname'); //字段名称 $noisonhtml = RParam($action, 'noisonhtml'); //不生成html $nonull = RParam($action, 'noisonhtml'); //内容不能为空20160716 home if ($noisonhtml == 'true') { $intoFieldStr = ',isonhtml'; $valuesStr = ',0'; } $fieldNameList = getHandleFieldList($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, '字段列表'); //字段名称不为空,并且要在表字段里 if ($fieldName == '' || inStr($fieldNameList, ',' . $fieldName . ',') == false) { $fieldName = $defaultFileName; } $fieldName = lCase($fieldName); //转为小写,因为在PHP里是全小写的 $fieldParamValue = RParam($action, $fieldParamName); //截取字段内容 $id = handleNumber(RParam($action, 'id')); //获得ID $addSql = ' where ' . $fieldParamName . '=\'' . $fieldParamValue . '\''; if ($id != '') { $addSql = ' where id=' . $id; } $content = getDefaultValue($action); $defaultStr = $content; //获得默认内容 $sql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . $addSql; $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql); if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) { $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj); //自动添加 20160113 if (RParam($action, 'autoadd') == 'true') { connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . ' (' . $fieldParamName . ',' . $fieldName . $intoFieldStr . ') values(\'' . $fieldParamValue . '\',\'' . ADSql($content) . '\'' . $valuesStr . ')'); } } else { $id = $rs['id']; $content = $rs[$fieldName]; if (len($content) <= 0) { $content = $defaultStr; connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . ' set ' . $fieldName . '=\'' . $content . '\' where id=' . $rs['id']); } } //删除Html $delHtmlYes = RParam($action, 'delHtml'); //是否删除Html if ($delHtmlYes == 'true') { $content = replace(delHtml($content), '<', '<'); } //HTML处理 //删除两边空格 $trimYes = RParam($action, 'trim'); //是否删除两边空格 if ($trimYes == 'true') { $content = TrimVbCrlf($content); } //截取字符处理 $nLen = RParam($action, 'len'); //字符长度值 $nLen = handleNumber($nLen); //If nLen<>"" Then ReplaceStr = CutStr(ReplaceStr,nLen,"null")' Left(ReplaceStr,nLen) if ($nLen != '') { $content = CutStr($content, $nLen, '...'); } //Left(ReplaceStr,nLen) if ($id == '') { $id = XY_AP_GetFieldValue('', $sql, 'id'); } $url = $adminUrl . '&id=' . $id . '&n=' . getRnd(11); if (@$_REQUEST['gl'] == 'edit') { $content = '<span>' . $content . '</span>'; } //call echo(sql,url) $content = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $content, '', 'span'); $XY_handleGetTableBody = $content; return @$XY_handleGetTableBody; }
function resetAccessData_temp() { handlePower('恢复模板数据'); //管理权限处理 $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn(); $splStr = ''; $i = ''; $s = ''; $columnname = ''; $title = ''; $nCount = ''; $webdataDir = ''; $webdataDir = @$_REQUEST['webdataDir']; if ($webdataDir != '') { if (checkFolder($webdataDir) == false) { eerr('网站数据目录不存在,恢复默认数据未成功', $webdataDir); } } else { $webdataDir = '/Data/WebData/'; } aspEcho('提示', '恢复数据完成'); rw('<hr><a href=\'../index.php\' target=\'_blank\'>进入首页</a> | <a href="?" target=\'_blank\'>进入后台</a>'); $content = ''; $filePath = ''; $parentid = ''; $author = ''; $adddatetime = ''; $fileName = ''; $bodycontent = ''; $webtitle = ''; $webkeywords = ''; $webdescription = ''; $sortrank = ''; $labletitle = ''; $target = ''; $websitebottom = ''; $webTemplate = ''; $webimages = ''; $webcss = ''; $webjs = ''; $flags = ''; $websiteurl = ''; $splxx = ''; $columntype = ''; $relatedtags = ''; $npagesize = ''; $customaurl = ''; $nofollow = ''; $templatepath = ''; $isthrough = ''; $titlecolor = ''; $showreason = ''; $ncomputersearch = ''; $nmobliesearch = ''; $ncountsearch = ''; $ndegree = ''; //竞价表 $displaytitle = ''; $aboutcontent = ''; $isonhtml = ''; //单页表 $columnenname = ''; //导航表 $smallimage = ''; $bigImage = ''; $bannerimage = ''; //文章表 $httpurl = ''; $price = ''; $morepageurl = ''; $charset = ''; $thispage = ''; $countpage = ''; $bigClassName = ''; $startStr = ''; $endStr = ''; $startaddstr = ''; $endaddstr = ''; $sType = ''; $saction = ''; $fieldName = ''; $fieldcheck = ''; //网站配置 $content = GetFText($webdataDir . '/website.txt'); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } if ($content != '') { $webtitle = newGetStrCut($content, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($content, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($content, 'webdescription'); $websitebottom = newGetStrCut($content, 'websitebottom'); $webTemplate = newGetStrCut($content, 'webtemplate'); $webimages = newGetStrCut($content, 'webimages'); $webcss = newGetStrCut($content, 'webcss'); $webjs = newGetStrCut($content, 'webjs'); $flags = newGetStrCut($content, 'flags'); $websiteurl = newGetStrCut($content, 'websiteurl'); if (getRecordCount($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website', '') == 0) { connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website(webtitle) values(\'测试\')'); } connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website set webtitle=\'' . $webtitle . '\',webkeywords=\'' . $webkeywords . '\',webdescription=\'' . $webdescription . '\',websitebottom=\'' . $websitebottom . '\',webtemplate=\'' . $webTemplate . '\',webimages=\'' . $webimages . '\',webcss=\'' . $webcss . '\',webjs=\'' . $webjs . '\',flags=\'' . $flags . '\',websiteurl=\'' . $websiteurl . '\''); } //导航 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/webcolumn/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('导航', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【webtitle】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename'); $columnname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnname'); $columnenname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnenname'); $columntype = newGetStrCut($s, 'columntype'); $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags'); $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid'); $parentid = phpTrim(getColumnId($parentid)); //可根据栏目名称找到对应ID 不存在为-1 //call echo("parentid",parentid) $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle'); //每页显示条数 $npagesize = newGetStrCut($s, 'npagesize'); if ($npagesize == '') { $npagesize = 10; } //默认分页数为10条 $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage'); $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage'); $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage'); $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } //call echo(columnname,nofollow) $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent'); $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn (webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,columnname,columnenname,columntype,sortrank,filename,customaurl,flags,parentid,labletitle,aboutcontent,bodycontent,npagesize,isonhtml,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath) values(\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\',\'' . $columnenname . '\',\'' . $columntype . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $parentid . ',\'' . $labletitle . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $npagesize . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')'); } } } } //文章 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail'); $content = getDirAllFileList($webdataDir . '/articledetail/', 'txt'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('文章', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid'); $parentid = getColumnId($parentid); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $titlecolor = newGetStrCut($s, 'titlecolor'); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $author = newGetStrCut($s, 'author'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename'); $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath'); $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags'); $relatedtags = newGetStrCut($s, 'relatedtags'); $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl'); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage'); $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage'); $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage'); $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle'); $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent'); $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } //价格 $price = getDianNumb(newGetStrCut($s, 'price')); if ($price == '') { $price = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail (parentid,title,titlecolor,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,author,sortrank,adddatetime,filename,flags,relatedtags,aboutcontent,bodycontent,updatetime,isonhtml,customaurl,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath,labletitle,price) values(' . $parentid . ',\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $titlecolor . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $author . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',\'' . $relatedtags . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . now() . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $customaurl . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\',\'' . $labletitle . '\',' . $price . ')'); } } } } //单页 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'OnePage'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/OnePage/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('单页', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $displaytitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'displaytitle'); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename'); $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent'); $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage (title,displaytitle,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,adddatetime,filename,isonhtml,aboutcontent,bodycontent,nofollow,target,templatepath) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $displaytitle . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')'); } } } } //竞价 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/Bidding/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('竞价', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $showreason = newGetStrCut($s, 'showreason'); $ncomputersearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncomputersearch'); $nmobliesearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'nmobliesearch'); $ncountsearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncountsearch'); $ndegree = newGetStrCut($s, 'ndegree'); $ndegree = getNumber($ndegree); if ($ndegree == '') { $ndegree = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding (webkeywords,showreason,ncomputersearch,nmobliesearch,ndegree) values(\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $showreason . '\',' . $ncomputersearch . ',' . $nmobliesearch . ',' . $ndegree . ')'); } } } } //搜索统计 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/SearchStat/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('搜索统计', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl'); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } //call echo("title",title) connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat (title,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,customaurl,target,isthrough,sortrank,isonhtml,nofollow) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $target . '\',' . $isthrough . ',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ')'); } } } } $itemid = ''; $userName = ''; $ip = ''; $reply = ''; $tableName = ''; //评论 //评论 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/TableComment/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('评论', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $tableName = newGetStrCut($s, 'tablename'); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $itemid = getArticleId(newGetStrCut($s, 'itemid')); if ($itemid == '') { $itemid = 0; } //call echo("itemID",itemID) $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $userName = newGetStrCut($s, 'username'); $ip = newGetStrCut($s, 'ip'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } //call echo("title",title) connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment (tablename,title,itemid,adddatetime,username,ip,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $tableName . '\',\'' . $title . '\',' . $itemid . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $userName . '\',\'' . $ip . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')'); } } } } //友情链接 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/FriendLink/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('评论', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl'); $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage'); $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags'); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '0' || lCase($sortrank) == 'false') { $sortrank = 0; } else { $sortrank = 1; } $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } //call echo("title",title) connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink (title,httpurl,smallimage,flags,sortrank,isthrough,target) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $target . '\')'); } } } } //留言 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/GuestBook/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('留言', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【adddatetime】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook (adddatetime,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')'); } } } } //采集网站 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiWeb/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('采集网站', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . 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function getRsUrl($fileName, $customAUrl, $defaultFileName) { $url = ''; //用默认文件名称 if ($fileName == '') { $fileName = $defaultFileName; } //网址 if ($fileName != '') { $fileName = lCase($fileName); //让文件名称小写20160315 $url = $fileName; if (inStr(lCase($url), '.html') == false && right($url, 1) != '/') { $url = $url . '.html'; } } if (aspTrim($customAUrl) != '') { $url = aspTrim($customAUrl); } if (inStr($GLOBALS['cfg_flags'], '|addwebsite|') > 0) { //url = replaceGlobleVariable(url) '替换全局变量 if (inStr($url, '$cfg_websiteurl$') == false && inStr($url, '{$GetColumnUrl ') == false && inStr($url, '{$GetArticleUrl ') == false && inStr($url, '{$GetOnePageUrl ') == false) { $url = urlAddHttpUrl($GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], $url); } } $getRsUrl = $url; return @$getRsUrl; }
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$py[392] = '�����_zhui'; $py[393] = '���_zhun'; $py[394] = '����������������پ��ߪ���������_zhuo'; $py[395] = '��������������������������������������������������������������������_zi'; $py[396] = '��������������������_zong'; $py[397] = '������������۸����_zou'; $py[398] = '����������������������_zu'; $py[399] = '����߬����_zuan'; $py[400] = '��������ީ_zui'; $py[401] = '����ߤ����_zun'; $py[402] = '��������������������������_zuo'; if ($sType == 'ƴ��') { for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) { $s = mid($content, $i, 1); if (inStr('0123456789_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', $s) == false) { for ($j = 0; $j <= uBound($py); $j++) { if (inStr($py[$j], $s) > 0) { $en = mid($py[$j], inStrRev($py[$j], '_') + 1, -1); $en = uCase(left($en, 1)) . right($en, len($en) - 1); $s = $en; break; } } } $c = $c . $s; } $pinYin = $c; return @$pinYin; } if (inStr('|����|���ִ�ӡ|', '|' . $sType . '|') > 0) { $content = lCase($content) . ' '; //���Ӹ��ո����һ����ת�����ˣ��� $splStr = aspSplit($content, ' '); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { if ($s != '') { for ($j = 0; $j <= uBound($py); $j++) { if (inStr($py[$j], '_' . $s) > 0) { $s = mid($py[$j], 1, 1); break; } } } $c = $c . $s; } if ($sType == '���ִ�ӡ') { aspEcho('ƴ��ת����', $c); } $pinYin = $c; } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) { $s = lCase(mid($content, $i, 1)); $En2 = ''; $En3 = $s; if (inStr('0123456789_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', $s) == false) { for ($j = 0; $j <= uBound($py); $j++) { if (inStr($py[$j], $s) > 0) { $en = mid($py[$j], inStrRev($py[$j], '_') + 1, -1); $En2 = uCase(left($en, 1)) . ' '; $En3 = uCase(left($en, 1)) . right($en, len($en) - 1); $En4 = $En3 . ' '; //�ӿո� $s = $en . ' '; break; } } } $c = $c . $s; $c2 = $c2 . $En2; $C3 = $C3 . $En3; $C4 = $C4 . $En4; } if ($sType == '1') { $pinYin = $c; } else { if ($sType == '2') { $pinYin = $c2; } else { if ($sType == '3') { $C3 = uCase(left($C3, 1)) . mid($C3, 2, -1); //����ĸ��д $pinYin = $C3; } else { if ($sType == '4') { $pinYin = $C4; } else { aspEcho('ת���ַ�', $content); aspEcho('ƴ��Сд', aspTrim($c)); aspEcho('����ĸ��д', aspTrim($C4)); aspEcho('ȡ����ĸ', aspTrim($c2)); aspEcho('��˾��', enToCompany($C4)); aspEcho('�ո�����ĸСд', aspTrim(replace($c, ' ', ''))); aspEcho('�ո�����ĸ��д', aspTrim(replace($C3, ' ', ''))); } } } } } return @$pinYin; }
function orAndSearch($addSql, $SeectField, $SearchValue) { $splStr = ''; $s = ''; $c = ''; $SearchValue = regExp_Replace($SearchValue, ' or ', ' Or '); $SearchValue = regExp_Replace($SearchValue, ' and ', ' And '); if (inStr($SearchValue, ' Or ') > 0) { $splStr = aspSplit($SearchValue, ' Or '); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { if ($s != '') { if ($c != '') { $c = $c . ' Or '; } $c = $c . ' ' . $SeectField . ' Like \'%' . $s . '%\''; } } } else { if (inStr($SearchValue, ' And ') > 0) { $splStr = aspSplit($SearchValue, ' And '); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { if ($s != '') { if ($c != '') { $c = $c . ' And '; } $c = $c . ' ' . $SeectField . ' Like \'%' . $s . '%\''; } } } else { if ($SearchValue != '') { $splStr = aspSplit($SearchValue, ' And '); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { if ($s != '') { if ($c != '') { $c = $c . ' And '; } $c = $c . ' ' . $SeectField . ' Like \'%' . $s . '%\''; } } } } } if ($c != '') { if (inStr(lCase($addSql), ' where ') == 0) { $c = ' Where ' . $c; } else { $c = ' And ' . $c; } $addSql = $addSql . $c; } $orAndSearch = $addSql; return @$orAndSearch; }
function handleArray($content, $SplType, $SType) { $splStr = ''; $s = ''; $c = ''; $OKYes = ''; $SType = '|' . lCase($SType) . '|'; $splStr = aspSplit($content, $SplType); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { $OKYes = true; if (inStr($SType, '|nonull|') > 0 && $OKYes == true) { if ($s == '') { $OKYes = false; } } if (inStr($SType, '|norepeat|') > 0 && $OKYes == true) { if (inStr($SplType . $c . $SplType, $SplType . $s . $SplType) > 0) { $OKYes = false; } } if ($OKYes == true) { $c = $c . $s . $SplType; } } if ($c != '') { $c = left($c, len($c) - len($SplType)); } $handleArray = $c; return @$handleArray; }
function getParamValue($content, $paramName) { $LCaseContent = ''; $s = ''; $splStart = ''; $splEnd = ''; $i = ''; $startStr = ''; $endStr = ''; $LCaseContent = lCase($content); $splStart = array('="', '=\'', '='); $splEnd = array('"', '\'', '>'); for ($i = 0; $i <= uBound($splStart); $i++) { $startStr = $paramName . $splStart[$i]; $endStr = $splEnd[$i]; if (inStr($LCaseContent, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($LCaseContent, $endStr) > 0) { $s = StrCut($content, $startStr, $endStr, 2); if ($s != '') { $getParamValue = $s; return @$getParamValue; } } } return @$getParamValue; }
function makeHtmlWebToZip($webDir) { $content = ''; $splStr = ''; $filePath = ''; $c = ''; $fileArray = ''; $fileName = ''; $fileType = ''; $isTrue = ''; $webFolderName = ''; $cleanFileList = ''; $splStr = aspSplit($webDir, '/'); $webFolderName = $splStr[2]; //call eerr(webFolderName,webDir) $content = getFileFolderList($webDir, true, '全部', '', '全部文件夹', '', ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { if (CheckFolder($filePath) == false) { $fileArray = handleFilePathArray($filePath); $fileName = lCase($fileArray[2]); $fileType = lCase($fileArray[4]); $fileName = remoteNumber($fileName); $isTrue = true; if (inStr('|' . $cleanFileList . '|', '|' . $fileName . '|') > 0 && $fileType == 'html') { $isTrue = false; } if ($isTrue == true) { //call echo(fileType,fileName) if ($c != '') { $c = $c . '|'; } $c = $c . replace($filePath, HandlePath('/'), ''); $cleanFileList = $cleanFileList . $fileName . '|'; } } } Rw($c); $c = $c . '|||||'; createFileGBK('htmlweb/1.txt', $c); aspEcho('<hr>cccccccccccc', $c); //先判断这个文件存在20160309 if (CheckFile('/myZIP.php') == true) { aspEcho('', XMLPost(getHost() . '/myZIP.php?webFolderName=' . $webFolderName, 'content=' . escape($c))); } }
function handleDifferenceWebSiteList($httpurl, $urllist) { $website = ''; $splstr = ''; $url = ''; $c = ''; $urlWebsite = ''; $websiteList = ''; $website = lCase(getWebSite($httpurl)); $splstr = aspSplit($urllist, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splstr as $key => $url) { $urlWebsite = lCase(getWebSite($url)); if ($urlWebsite != '' && $website != $urlWebsite && inStr(vbCrlf() . $websiteList . vbCrlf(), vbCrlf() . $urlWebsite . vbCrlf()) == false) { $websiteList = $websiteList . $urlWebsite . vbCrlf(); } } $handleDifferenceWebSiteList = $websiteList; return @$handleDifferenceWebSiteList; }
function foundInArr($strArr, $strToFind, $strSplit) { $arrTemp = ''; $i = ''; $foundInArr = false; if (inStr($strArr, $strSplit) > 0) { $arrTemp = aspSplit($strArr, $strSplit); for ($i = 0; $i <= uBound($arrTemp); $i++) { if (lCase(aspTrim($arrTemp[$i])) == lCase(aspTrim($strToFind))) { $foundInArr = true; break; } } } else { if (lCase(aspTrim($strArr)) == lCase(aspTrim($strToFind))) { $foundInArr = true; } } return @$foundInArr; }