コード例 #1
 * Get the user's information
 * @return array
function kp_getUserData()
    // Get the user from the visit table (if they exist)
    $ip = kp_determineIP();
    // Trim the ip if they passed an invalid address
    if (strlen($ip) > 63) {
        $ip = substr($ip, 0, 63);
    // We get the user agent and save it so we can ignore bots in our recommendations
    $ua = "";
    if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
        $ua = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
        if (strlen($ua) > 127) {
            $ua = substr($ua, 0, 127);
    return array("ip" => $ip, "ua" => $ua);
コード例 #2
 * The following functions render each box on the setting page
function kp_advancedSettingsBox()
    $kp_Tracking = get_option("kp_Tracking", "none");
    $kp_TrackingCode = get_option("kp_TrackingCode", "");
    $kp_BlockedIps = get_option("kp_BlockedIps", "");
    if ($kp_BlockedIps == __("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx # Example IP Address")) {
        $kp_BlockedIps = "";
	<div id="advancedSettingsBox" class="postbox">
	<h3 class="hndle" style="font-size:15px; padding:7px 10px 7px 10px; cursor:default;"><span><?php 
    _e("Advanced Settings");
	<div class="inside">
	<form method="post" action="options.php">
    // Outputs a nonce for the form
		<input type="radio" name="kp_Tracking" value="none"<?php 
    checked($kp_Tracking == "none");
 id="kp_Tracking-none" />
		<label for="kp_Tracking-none"><?php 
    _e("Do not track clicks on recommended posts with analytics");
		<input type="radio" name="kp_Tracking" value="custom"<?php 
    checked($kp_Tracking == "custom");
 id="kp_Tracking-custom" />
		<label for="kp_Tracking-custom"><?php 
    _e("Analytics tracking code");
 &nbsp; </label>
		<input type="text" name="kp_TrackingCode" value="<?php 
    echo $kp_TrackingCode;
" id="kp_TrackingCode" style="width:50%;" onkeyup="kp_removeDoubleQuotes(this);" />
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function kp_removeDoubleQuotes(elem) {
			elem.value = elem.value.replace('"', "'");
		<div style="display:inline;">
			 <a href="#" id="OptionalInformationShowLink" onclick="this.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('OptionalInformationShowLink').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('OptionalInformationHideDiv').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('OptionalInformationHideLink').style.display = 'inline'; return false;" style="display:inline;"><?php 
    _e("What is this?");
			 <a href="#" id="OptionalInformationHideLink" onclick="this.style.display= 'none'; document.getElementById('OptionalInformationHideDiv').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('OptionalInformationShowLink').style.display = 'inline'; return false;" style="display:none;"><?php 
		<div id="OptionalInformationHideDiv" style="margin-left:25px; display:none;">
    _e("Tracking code is added to the onclick event for links. For example, for Google Analytics use: <pre>try { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '" . __('Kindred Posts') . "', '" . __("Click") . "', '{post_slug}']); } catch (e) {}; </pre><div>You can track the following information:<ul style=\"margin-left:15px;\"><li>{post_id}: The id of the post</li><li>{post_url}: The permalink of the post</li><li>{post_title}: The title of the post</li><li>{post_author}: The author of the post</li><li>{post_slug}: A url friendly version of {post_title}</li></ul></div>");
		<div style="margin-left:25px;">
    _e("NOTE: You can only use single quotes within the tracking code.");

	<h4><label for="kp_BlockedIps"><?php 
    _e("Ignore visits from the following IP Addresses");
    _e("Only put one IP Address per line");
    _e("You can add comments by putting a # after the IP Address");
	<textarea name="kp_BlockedIps" id="kp_BlockedIps" rows="5" style="width:100%;" placeholder="<?php 
    _e("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx # Example IP Address");
    echo $kp_BlockedIps;
</textarea><br />
    _e("Your current IP Address is " . kp_determineIP());
	<p class="submit">
		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e("Save Changes");
" />