コード例 #1
  * Validation d'une page.
 public function doValidPage()
     $id_blog = $this->getRequest('id_blog', null);
     $go = $this->getRequest('go', 'preview');
     //die ("go=$go");
     if ($id_blog == null) {
         return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('blog.error.param'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|listBlog')));
     if (!BlogAuth::canMakeInBlog('ADMIN_PAGES', create_blog_object($id_blog))) {
         return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('blog.error.cannotManagePage'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|listBlog')));
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $showErrors = false;
     $pageDAO = CopixDAOFactory::create('blog|blogpage');
     $id_bpge = $this->getRequest('id_bpge', null);
     if (strlen($id_bpge) == 0) {
         $id_bpge = null;
     // On r�cup�re l'utilisateur connect�
     $user = BlogAuth::getUserInfos();
     if ($id_bpge != null) {
         // EDITION D'UNE PAGE
         $page = $pageDAO->get($id_bpge);
         $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', CopixI18N::get('blog.get.edit.page.title'));
         $errors = _dao('blog|blogpage')->check($page);
         if ($errors != 1) {
             // Traitement des erreurs
             $showErrors = true;
         } elseif ($go == 'save') {
             // Modification dans la base
             $page->content_html_bpge = smarty_modifier_blog_format_article($page->content_bpge, $page->format_bpge);
             return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|showBlog', array("id_blog" => $id_blog, "kind" => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'))));
     } else {
         $page = CopixDAOFactory::createRecord('blogpage');
         $page->order_bpge = $pageDAO->getNewPos($id_blog);
         $page->date_bpge = date('Ymd');
         $page->author_bpge = $user->userId;
         $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', CopixI18N::get('blog.get.create.page.title'));
         $errors = _dao('blog|blogpage')->check($page);
         if ($errors != 1) {
             // Traitement des erreurs
             $showErrors = true;
         } elseif ($go == 'save') {
             // Insertion dans la base
             $page->content_html_bpge = smarty_modifier_blog_format_article($page->content_bpge, $page->format_bpge);
             $page->url_bpge = killBadUrlChars($page->id_bpge . '-' . $page->name_bpge);
             //on vide la session
             return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|showBlog', array("id_blog" => $id_blog, "kind" => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'))));
     $tpl->assign('MAIN', CopixZone::process('EditPage', array('id_blog' => $id_blog, 'id_bpge' => $id_bpge, 'page' => $page, 'errors' => $errors, 'showErrors' => $showErrors, 'kind' => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'), 'preview' => $go == 'preview' ? 1 : 0)));
     return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_DISPLAY, $tpl);
コード例 #2
  * Validation d'une cat�gorie.
 public function doValidCategory()
     $id_blog = $this->getRequest('id_blog', null);
     if ($id_blog == null) {
         return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('blog.error.param'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|listBlog')));
     if (!BlogAuth::canMakeInBlog('ADMIN_CATEGORIES', create_blog_object($id_blog))) {
         return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('blog.error.cannotManageCategory'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|listBlog')));
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $categoryDAO = CopixDAOFactory::create('blog|blogarticlecategory');
     $id_bacg = $this->getRequest('id_bacg', null);
     if (strlen($id_bacg) == 0) {
         $id_bacg = null;
     if ($id_bacg != null) {
         $category = $categoryDAO->get($id_bacg);
         $category->id_blog = $id_blog;
         $category->name_bacg = $this->getRequest('name_bacg');
         $category->url_bacg = $this->getRequest('url_bacg');
         if (strlen($category->url_bacg) == 0) {
             $category->url_bacg = killBadUrlChars($category->name_bacg);
         $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', CopixI18N::get('blog.get.edit.category.title'));
         $errors = _dao('blog|blogarticlecategory')->check($category);
         if ($errors != 1) {
             // Traitement des erreurs
             $showErrors = true;
         } else {
             // Modification dans la base
             return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|showBlog', array("id_blog" => $id_blog, "kind" => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'))));
     } else {
         $category = CopixDAOFactory::createRecord('blogarticlecategory');
         $category->id_blog = $id_blog;
         $category->name_bacg = $this->getRequest('name_bacg');
         $category->order_bacg = $categoryDAO->getNewPos($id_blog);
         $category->url_bacg = killBadUrlChars($category->name_bacg);
         if (strlen($category->url_bacg) == 0) {
             $category->url_bacg = killBadUrlChars($category->name_bacg);
         $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', CopixI18N::get('blog.get.create.category.title'));
         $errors = _dao('blog|blogarticlecategory')->check($category);
         if ($errors != 1) {
             // Traitement des erreurs
             $showErrors = true;
         } else {
             // Insertion dans la base
             $category->url_bacg = killBadUrlChars($category->id_bacg . '-' . $category->name_bacg);
             return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|showBlog', array("id_blog" => $id_blog, "kind" => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'))));
     $tpl->assign('MAIN', CopixZone::process('EditCategory', array('id_blog' => $id_blog, 'id_bacg' => $id_bacg, 'category' => $category, 'errors' => $errors, 'showErrors' => $showErrors, 'kind' => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'))));
     return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_DISPLAY, $tpl);
コード例 #3
  * Détermine l' "url_blog" unique d'un blog, à partir de son titre
  * A partir du titre d'un blog, en déduit son "url_blog". Regarde dans la BDD si un blog de même titre n'existe pas déjà pour rendre cette valeur unique (au besoin, ajoute un numéro à la fin pour le rendre unique). Ne doit être appellé qu'à la création d'un blog.
  * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 2006/10/23
  * @param integer $id Id du blog
  * @param string $titre Titre du blog
  * @return string url_blog à stocker dans la BDD. Chaine vide si problème
 public function calcule_url_blog($id, $titre)
     if (strlen($titre) > 97) {
         $titre = substr($titre, 0, 97);
     $titre = killBadUrlChars($titre);
     $exists = true;
     $fusible = 1;
     while ($exists && $fusible < 1000) {
         $id_nom = $titre . ($fusible > 1 ? $fusible : "");
         $sql = "SELECT id_blog FROM module_blog WHERE url_blog='" . addslashes($id_nom) . "'";
         if ($id) {
             $sql .= " AND id_blog!={$id}";
         //print_r ("sql=$sql<br>");
         $p = _doQuery($sql);
         $exists = $p ? true : false;
     if (!$exists) {
         $res = $id_nom;
     } else {
         $res = '';
     return $res;
コード例 #4
  * apply updates to the edited object
 public function _validFromPostProperties(&$toUpdate)
     $arMaj = array('id_blog', 'name_bact', 'sumary_bact', 'content_bact', 'date_bact', 'time_bact', 'author_bact', 'url_bact', 'format_bact');
     foreach ($arMaj as $var) {
         if ($var == 'date_bact') {
             $toUpdate->{$var} = Kernel::_validDateProperties(_request($var));
         } else {
             $toUpdate->{$var} = _request($var);
     if (strlen($toUpdate->url_bact) == 0 && strlen($toUpdate->name_bact) > 0) {
         $toUpdate->url_bact = killBadUrlChars($toUpdate->name_bact);
     if (_request('sticky_bact')) {
         $toUpdate->sticky_bact = _request('sticky_bact');
     } else {
         $toUpdate->sticky_bact = 0;
     if (_request('is_online')) {
         $toUpdate->is_online = _request('is_online');
     } else {
         $toUpdate->is_online = 0;