function index($json, $callback) { //echo $callback."({result: 'ok'})"; //$json = json_encode($json); // 利用 PHP(5) 內建的 json_encode 將資料轉成 json 格式 //echo urldecode($json).'<br />'; $ary = null; $ary = json_to_object($json); //$ary = json_decode($json); $data = array('foo' => $ary->value, 'bar' => 'ABCDEFG', 'baz' => array(52, 97)); $json = '{ "foo": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "bar": "ABCDEFG", "baz": [52, 97] }'; display_jsonp($callback, $data); // // //$pos = stripos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '='); // 取得 = 號的位置 // $pos = stripos($a, '='); // 取得 = 號的位置 // //$jsonp = ($pos === false) ? '' : substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $pos+1); // 擷取 = 後面的字串 // $jsonp = ($pos === false) ? '' : substr($a, $pos+1); // 擷取 = 後面的字串 // echo "{$jsonp}({$json})"; // 輸出 /* ?>{ "foo": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "bar": "ABCDEFG", "baz": [52, 97] }<?php */ }
/** * 實際建立log的方法 * @param String $json * @return type */ private function _create_log($json) { if ($json === FALSE) { return FALSE; } //$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //print_r($_POST); /* if (!isset($_POST["json"])) { $data = false; //$this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); echo "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; return; } $json = $_POST["json"]; */ $data = json_to_object($json); //取得參考網址資料跟位於session的user //$url = $this->url; $user = $this->user; //取得來自$json的範圍資料 $action = $data->action; $note = $data->note; //$t = "\u6578\u4f4d\u5716\u66f8\u9928\u6982\u8aaa"; //test_msg(kals_json_encode($note)); kals_log($this->db, $action, $note); context_complete(); set_ignore_authorize(false); $data = true; //$this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); return $data; }
public function delete($json, $callback = NULL) { $annotation_id = json_to_object($json); if (is_null($annotation_id)) { $data = FALSE; return $this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); } //set_ignore_authorize(true); $annotation = new Annotation($annotation_id); $this->_delete_annotation($annotation); set_ignore_authorize(true); context_complete(); $data = true; return $this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); }
public function register($json, $callback) { $data = json_to_object($json); //test_msg('authentication.register before find_user'); $user = $this->user->find_user($this->url, $data->email); //test_msg('authentication.register after find_user'); //$output = NULL; //$output['login'] = FALSE; $output = $this->_create_default_data(); //$action = 8; $action = "register.success"; $user_id = NULL; if (isset($user) && $user->has_password() === FALSE) { //handle_error('user_already_exist'); $output['error'] = 'user_already_existed'; //$action = 9; $action = ""; } else { $user = $this->user->create_user($this->url, $data->email); $user->set_password($data->password); //test_msg('auth.regiester after create_user', $user->get_id()); $user->update(); //test_msg('auth.regiester after update password', $user->get_id()); $output = $this->_parse_user_output($user, FALSE); //test_msg('auth.regiester after _parse_user_output', $output['user']); $user_id = $user->get_id(); } kals_log($this->db, $action, array('user_id' => $user_id)); context_complete(); $this->_display_jsonp($output, $callback); }
public function like($json, $callback) { $data = json_to_object($json); $annotation_id = $data->annotation_id; $annotation = new Annotation($annotation_id); $is_like = $data->is_like; $user = $this->user; if (is_null($annotation_id) || is_null($is_like) || is_null($user) || $annotation->get_user()->equals($user)) { $data = show_error('Permission deny.'); return $this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); } //test_msg("before like", $annotation->get_like_count()); set_ignore_authorize(true); if ($is_like === TRUE) { $annotation->add_like($user); } else { $annotation->remove_like($user); } //test_msg("after like", $annotation->get_like_count()); //計算分數吧 $this->_setup_scores($annotation); //log區 $array_data = $annotation_id; $action = 22; if ($is_like == FALSE) { $action = 23; } $user_id = NULL; if (isset($user)) { $user_id = $user->get_id(); } kals_log($this->db, $action, array('memo' => $array_data, 'user_id' => $user_id)); //$annotation->update(); context_complete(); set_ignore_authorize(false); $data = TRUE; return $this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); }
/** * context所需資訊 * @param String $json * @param String $callback */ function info($json, $callback = NULL) { if (is_null($callback)) { $callback = $json; $json = NULL; } //分析json if (isset($json)) { $input_data = json_to_object($json); if (isset($input_data->anchor_navigation_type)) { $type = $input_data->anchor_navigation_type; $GLOBALS['context']->set_anchor_navigation_type($type); } } $data = array(); $data['KALS_language'] = $this->_load_lang(); $data['Window_profile'] = array('sex' => array(0, 1, 2), 'locale' => array('zh_tw', 'en_us')); require_once 'authentication.php'; $authentication = new authentication(); $data['KALS_authentication'] = $authentication->default_data(); //$data['KALS_view_manager'] = $this->_load_viewes(); // 20140517 Pulipuli Chen //$data['webpage_id'] = get_context_webpage()->get_id(); /** * @author Pulipuli Chen <*****@*****.**> 20150117 * 不,不能這樣做 * 要把navigation data拆開來之後再做快取 * 快取網址要搭配 webpage_id 跟 user_id */ //$this->output->cache($this->config->item('')); $this->_display_jsonp($data, $callback); }
public function update_profile($json, $callback) { $data = json_to_object($json); $user = get_context_user(); $output = FALSE; if (isset($user)) { $user->set_name($data->name); $user->set_locale($data->locale); $user->set_sex($data->sex); $user->update(); kals_log($this->db, 10, array('user_id' => $user->get_id(), 'memo' => array('name' => $data->name, 'locale' => $data->locale, 'sex' => $data->sex))); context_complete(); $output = TRUE; } $this->_display_jsonp($output, $callback); }
/** * 搜尋標註 * @param string $json * @param type $callback * @return type */ function search_annotation($json, $callback = NULL) { /** * @author Pulipuli Chen 20141111 * 測試很長時間才回應搜尋結果用的 */ //sleep(3); /** * 檢查SQL用 * @author Pulipuli Chen <*****@*****.**> 20141114 */ //$enable_profiler = true; $enable_profiler = false; if ($enable_profiler == TRUE) { $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); } if (is_string($json)) { $data = json_to_object($json); //把js丟過來的資料(search)包成物件data,內含 // search_range,keyword,新增order_by //test_msg($json); //test_msg($data); } else { $data = $json; } $reuqest_scope_collection = isset($data->limit) && isset($data->offset) === false; //$reuqest_scope_collection = true; //test_msg("reuqest_scope_collection", array($reuqest_scope_collection) ); // $user = get_context_user(); $url = $this->url; //存放目前data來源的頁面連結 // $search = new Search_annotation_collection($url); //Search_annotation_collection→Search_engine $search = new Search_annotation_collection(); //Search_annotation_collection→Search_engine if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all = new Search_annotation_collection(); } /** * 限定搜尋範圍只在來源的網頁 */ $search->set_target_referer_webpage(); if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all->set_target_referer_webpage(); } //test_msg("輸入資料", $json); //$data->search_range = "annotation_anchor"; //測試用 if (isset($data->query_field) === FALSE) { $data->query_field = "note"; } switch ($data->query_field) { case "annotation_user_name": //示範用 //$search->set_target_user(new User(1701)); $search->set_search_user_name($data->query_value); if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all->set_search_user_name($data->query_value); } break; case "note": //標註內容 if ($data->query_value != "" && $data->query_value != "*") { $search->set_search_note($data->query_value); if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all->set_search_note($data->query_value); } } break; case "annotation_type": //標註類型 if ($data->query_value !== "custom") { $search->set_target_type($data->query_value); if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all->set_target_type($data->query_value); } } else { $exclude_type_list = $data->exclude_type_list; $search->set_exclude_type_list($exclude_type_list); if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all->set_exclude_type_list($exclude_type_list); } } break; case "annotation_anchor_text": $search->set_search_anchor_text($data->query_value); if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $search_all->set_search_anchor_text($data->query_value); } break; } // 6 [ order by ] 設定排序方式(order_by_id,大小|小大 )-data內要有order_by的選項 //test_msg('6 [ order by ]', isset($data->order_by)); //order_by的typ類型e在Search_order_collection if (isset($data->order_by) === FALSE) { $data->order_by = "update"; } //test_msg($data->order_by); if ($data->order_by == 'update') { $search->add_order(6, TRUE); } else { if ($data->order_by == 'create') { $search->add_order(7); } else { if ($data->order_by == 'responded') { $search->add_order(4); $search->set_target_topic(true); } else { if ($data->order_by == 'liked') { $search->add_order(3); } else { if ($data->order_by == 'scope') { $search->add_order(2); } else { $search->add_order(2, TRUE); } } } } } // // if (isset($data->order_by) === FALSE OR $data->order_by != 'update') // { // $search->add_order (6, TRUE); // if (isset($search_id)) { // $search_id->add_order (6, TRUE); // } // } //輸出 $totally_loaded = TRUE; if (isset($data->limit)) { $totally_loaded = FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // 7 [ offset ] //test_msg('7 [ offset ]', isset($data->offset)); if (isset($data->offset)) { $search->set_offset($data->offset); } // 8 [ limit ] //test_msg('8 [ limit ]', array(isset($data->limit),$data->limit)); if (isset($data->limit)) { //test_msg("設定限制 limit", $data->limit); $search->set_limit($data->limit); //$search_id在此不作設限 } // ------------------------------------------ //不作limit的情況下讀完,表示完全讀取 if (isset($data->limit) && ($reuqest_scope_collection && $search->length() == $search_all->length() || $search->length() === 0)) { $totally_loaded = TRUE; } //test_msg('Search Length', $search->length()); //test_msg($url); //test_msg($this->webpage->filter_webpage_id($url)); $annotation_collection = array(); foreach ($search as $search_annotation) { $annotation_data = $search_annotation->export_webpage_data($url); //把Data export到目前的頁面上 array_push($annotation_collection, $annotation_data); } // $search_annotation = new Annotation(783); // $annotation_data = $search_annotation->export_webpage_data($url); //把Data export到目前的頁面上 // array_push($annotation_collection, $annotation_data); // -------------- // -------------- $output_data = array('annotation_collection' => $annotation_collection, 'totally_loaded' => $totally_loaded); /** * 取得搜尋結果的位置 */ if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $scope_collection = $search_all->get_result_scope_coll(); $scope_collection_json = $scope_collection->export_webpage_data(get_context_webpage()); $output_data['scope_collection'] = $scope_collection_json; } if ($reuqest_scope_collection && isset($data->show_total_count) && $data->show_total_count === TRUE) { if ($reuqest_scope_collection) { $output_data['total_count'] = $search_all->length(); } else { if (count($annotation_collection) === 0) { $output_data['total_count'] = 0; } else { $output_data['total_count'] = count($annotation_collection); } } } //log區 $action = 30; switch ($data->query_field) { case "annotation_user_name": $action = 31; break; case "annotation_type": //標註類型 $action = 32; break; case "annotation_anchor_text": $action = 33; break; } if ($data->query_field == "note" && $data->query_value == "*" && $data->order_by == "update") { // 搜尋最新標註 $action = 34; } $log_message = array("query_value" => $data->query_value, "order_by" => $data->order_by); if (isset($output_data['total_count'])) { $log_message['total_count'] = $output_data['total_count']; } kals_log($this->db, $action, $log_message); context_complete(); if ($enable_profiler != TRUE) { return $this->_display_jsonp($output_data, $callback); } }