コード例 #1
ファイル: getDislike.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku

require 'libMysqli.php';
require 'libFunction.php';
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
$btih = getBtih();
$result = NULL;
$count = safe_query("SELECT `d_index` FROM `video` WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$result, array('s', $btih));
if ($count != 1) {
    die(json_err('btih_unavailable', -1, 'Error: Video Not Yet Exists, Do You Want to Create It?'));
コード例 #2
ファイル: newLink.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
//echo '<br>';
//echo '<br>';
//	die(json_err('link_count_not_match',-1,'Fatal Error: Link Not Match!'))
$l_index_1[$key_1] = count($linkage_1[$key_1]);
$l_index_2[$key_2] = count($linkage_2[$key_2]);
$linkage_1 = json_encode($linkage_1);
$l_index_1 = json_encode($l_index_1);
$linkage_2 = json_encode($linkage_2);
$l_index_2 = json_encode($l_index_2);
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `linkage` = ?, `l_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('sss', $linkage_1, $l_index_1, $btih_1));
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `linkage` = ?, `l_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('sss', $linkage_2, $l_index_2, $btih_2));
normalFreeze($uid, $const_PointNewLink, $const_DelayNewLink);
exit(json_err('newLink', 0, "Links Created Successfully!"));
コード例 #3
ファイル: newCookie.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
    $result = NULL;
    $count = safe_query('SELECT * FROM `user` ORDER BY `uid` DESC LIMIT 1;', &$result);
    //SELECT * FROM `USER` WHERE `uid` IN (SELECT max(id) FROM `USER`);
    if ($count != 1) {
        die(json_err('user_notexist', -1, 'Error: No Users in Database at All'));
$uid = $result[0]['uid'] + 1;
$key = rand(0, 2147483647);
$time = time() + 0;
$point = 100;
$status = 1;
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query('INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', &$blackhole, array('iiiii', $uid, $key, $time, $point, $status));
if ($count != 1) {
    die(json_err('user_notcreated', -1, 'Error: Failed to Create New Cookie'));
setcookie("uid", $uid, 2147483647);
setcookie("key", $key, 2147483647);
exit(json_err('newCookie', 0, 'New Cookie Begotten!'));
// 用不着关闭MySQL
コード例 #4
ファイル: newVideo.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
$uid = getUid();
$btih = getBtih();
$result = NULL;
$count = safe_query("SELECT `c_index`, `dislike`, `d_index` FROM `video` WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$result, array('s', $btih));
if ($count != 0) {
    die(json_err('btih_created', -1, 'Error: Video Already Exists'));
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("INSERT INTO `video` (`uid`, `time`, `view`, `reply`, `btih`, `comment`, `c_index`, `linkage`, `l_index`, `dislike`, `d_index`) \nVALUES (?, ?, 0, 0, UNHEX(?), '', '[]', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}');", &$blackhole, array('iis', $uid, time(), $btih));
//为一个NOT NULL的整型赋NULL值,结果是0,它并不会出错,参见http://niutuku.com/tech/Mysql/237698.shtml
if ($count != 1) {
    die(json_err('video_notcreated', -1, 'Error: Failed to Create New Video'));
normalFreeze($uid, $const_PointNewVideo, $const_DelayNewVideo);
exit(json_err('newVideo', 0, "Video Created Successfully!"));
コード例 #5
ファイル: getVideo.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
        if ($count < 1) {
            die(json_err('btih_unavailable', -1, 'Error: No Video Submitted Last 7 Days'));
        exit(str_replace('"LOWER(HEX(`btih`))":"', '"btih":"', json_encode($result)));
    case "find":
        $btih = getBtih();
        $result = NULL;
        $count = safe_query("SELECT LOWER(HEX(`btih`)), `time`, `view`, `reply` FROM `video` WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$result, array('s', $btih));
        if ($count != 1) {
            die(json_err('btih_unavailable', -1, 'Error: Video Not Yet Exists, Do You Want to Create It?'));
        exit(str_replace('"LOWER(HEX(`btih`))":"', '"btih":"', json_encode($result[0])));
die(json_err('process_flow', -1, 'Fatal Error: Unexpected Process Flow!'));
コード例 #6
ファイル: libFunction.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
function normalFreeze($uid, $point, $delay)
    $blackhole = NULL;
    $count = safe_query("UPDATE `user` SET `point` = `point` + ?, `time` = `time` + ? WHERE `uid` = ?;", &$blackhole, array('iii', $point, $delay, $uid));
    if ($count != 1) {
        die(json_err('freezing_error', -1, 'Error: Freezing Failed'));
    return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: newComment.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
$new_comment = json_encode($new_comment);
$new_comment .= ',';
$c_index = json_decode($result[0]['c_index'], true);
//json->array(rather than object)
$c_count = count($c_index);
if ($result[0]['reply'] != $c_count) {
    die(json_err('reply_countnotmatch', -1, 'Error: Fatal Error! Counting Does not Match. Please Report to Admin!'));
if ($result[0]['LENGTH(`comment`)'] != $c_index[$c_count - 1][2]) {
    die(json_err('reply_lengthnotmatch', -1, 'Error: Fatal Error! Length Does not Match. Please Report to Admin!'));
$c_index[] = array($uid, $the_time_now, $result[0]['LENGTH(`comment`)'] + strlen($new_comment));
$c_index = json_encode($c_index);
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `reply` = ?, `comment` = CONCAT(`comment`, ?), `c_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('isss', $c_count, $new_comment, $c_index, $btih));
normalFreeze($uid, $const_PointNewComment, $const_DelayNewComment);
exit(json_err('newComment', 0, "Comment Created Successfully!"));
コード例 #8
ファイル: libMysqli.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
function safe_query($query, &$result, $bind_params = NULL)
    /* database consts */
    global $DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PSWD, $DB_NAME, $DB_PORT;
    /* be aware 'const' works ONLY INSIDE of a class definition */
    /* connection */
    $mysqli = new mysqli($DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PSWD, $DB_NAME, $DB_PORT);
    //instantiate mysqli
    /* check connection */
    if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
        $err_info = json_err("db_connect", $mysqli->connect_errno, $mysqli->connect_error);
    /* preparation */
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
    //prepare statement, $query must exist
    /* check preparation */
    if (false === $stmt) {
        //prepare() will return a FALSE on error
        $err_info = json_err("db_prepare", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
        //a BOOLEAN $stmt has no errno or error property
    /* you can set up valuse of the parameters bounded, e.g.
    //$bind_param is transferred byVal, so don't worry.
    $bind_param_by_reference = array(array_shift($bind_params));
    foreach ($bind_params as &$arg) {
        $bind_param_by_reference[] =& $arg;
    /* binding parameters */
    if (false === is_null($bind_params)) {
        //need binding parameters? yes! bool is-null()
        $rc = call_user_func_array(array(&$stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_param_by_reference);
        //stop using class BindParam
        //call_user_func_array() binds parameters either byRef or byVal, whilst $stmt->bind_param() needs first parameter byVal and others by Ref.
        /* check binding */
        if (false === $rc) {
            //bool mysqli_stmt::bind_param
            $err_info = json_err("db_bind_param", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
    /* you can still renew valuse of the parameters bounded, e.g.
    /* execution */
    $rc = $stmt->execute();
    //execute statement
    /* check execution */
    if (false === $rc) {
        //bool mysqli_stmt::execute
        $err_info = json_err("db_execute", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
    /* field_count */
    $rc = $stmt->field_count;
    //int $mysqli_stmt->field_count;
    /* check field_count */
    if ($rc < 1) {
        //no columns bounded
        return $stmt->affected_rows;
    RETURN 0;
    if mysqli returns no columns, function finishes here returning no rows
    it's not an error because $stmt->errno is checked after execution
    /* store_result */
    $rc = $stmt->store_result();
    //store result
    /* check store_result */
    if (false === $rc) {
        //bool mysqli_stmt::store_result
        //it is an erro because execution is correct ,and mysqli did returns something
        $err_info = json_err("db_store_result", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
    /* get metadata */
    $meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
    //it would be a mysqli_result object
    if (false === $meta) {
        //result_metadata() will return a FALSE on error though
        $err_info = json_err("db_result_metadata", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
        //a BOOLEAN $meta has no errno or error property, neither has object mysqli_result
    $bind_results = array();
    $row = array();
    while ($field = $meta->fetch_field()) {
        $bind_results[] =& $row[$field->name];
    // pass by reference!!!
    /* bind_result */
    $rc = call_user_func_array(array(&$stmt, 'bind_result'), $bind_results);
    //call_user_func_array() binds parameters either byRef or byVal, whilst $stmt->bind_result() needs all parameters by Ref.
    /* check binding */
    if (false === $rc) {
        //bool mysqli_stmt::bind_result
        $err_info = json_err("db_bind_result", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
    /* fetch */
    $i = 0;
    while ($stmt->fetch()) {
        $result[$i] = array();
        foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
            $result[$i][$k] = $v;
    /* exit */
    $count_rows = $stmt->affected_rows;
    return $count_rows;
    RETURN $stmt->affected_rows;
コード例 #9
ファイル: newDislike.php プロジェクト: smarteng/OpenDanmaku
$this_uid = $c_index[$cid][0];
if ($this_uid == $uid) {
    die(json_err('uid_invalid', -1, 'Error: You Cannot Dislike Yourself!'));
$this_dislike = $dislike[$cid];
if (in_array($uid, $this_dislike)) {
    die(json_err('dislike_resubmit', -1, 'Error: You Have Already Submitted a Dislike!'));
$this_dislike[] = $uid;
$dislike[$cid] = $this_dislike;
$d_index[$cid] = count($this_dislike);
$dislike = json_encode($dislike);
$d_index = json_encode($d_index);
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `dislike` = ?, `d_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('sss', $dislike, $d_index, $btih));
$now = time();
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `user` SET `point` = (CASE WHEN `point` + ? > 0 THEN `point` + ? ELSE 0 END), \n`time`  = (CASE WHEN `point` + ? > 0 THEN `time` ELSE (CASE WHEN `time` > ? THEN `time` ELSE ? END) + ? END) \nWHERE `uid` = ?;", &$blackhole, array('iiiiiii', $const_PointNewDislike, $const_PointNewDislike, $const_PointNewDislike, $now, $now, $const_DelayRate, $this_uid));
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `user` SET `point` = (CASE WHEN `point` + ? > 0 THEN `point` + ? ELSE 0 END), \n`time`  = (CASE WHEN `point` + ? > 0 THEN `time` + ? ELSE (CASE WHEN `time` > ? THEN `time` ELSE ? END) + ? END) \nWHERE `uid` = ?;", &$blackhole, array('iiiiiiii', $const_PointNewDislike, $const_PointNewDislike, $const_PointNewDislike, $const_DelayNewDislike, $now, $now, $const_DelayRate, $uid));
exit(json_err('newDislike', 0, "Dislike Created Successfully!"));
コード例 #10
ファイル: add-torrents.php プロジェクト: nylen/rtgui
            $err = curl_error($c);
    case 'process_file':
        if (file_exists($r_data) && dirname(realpath($r_data)) === realpath($tmp_add_dir)) {
            print json_encode(process_torrent_data(file_get_contents($r_data), basename($r_data), false));
        } else {
            json_error('Bad path or filename');
    case 'process_magnet':
        $data = @json_decode($r_data, true);
        if (!$data || !$data['url'] || !$data['name'] || !$data['hash']) {
            json_err('Invalid request');
        $data['files'] = array('(Filenames not known for magnet links)' => 0);
        print json_encode(save_add_data($data['hash'], $data));
    case 'add':
        echo <<<HTML
<style type="text/css">
  body {
    background: white;
    color: black;
<script type="text/javascript">
  function closeWindow() {
    if (window.top.hideDialog) {