コード例 #1
ファイル: getSections.php プロジェクト: parkestwins/chimi
Suzanna Vellacott-Ford, Richard Burks
// include general functions
include "functions.php";
// connect to database
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "thebigredmachine") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("chimi") or die(mysql_error());
// get the session ID
$sessionID = getSessionCookie();
// get starting and ending index for slots in the selected room
$startingIndex = $_GET["starting_index"] + 0;
$offset = $_GET["offset"] - 1;
$endingIndex = $startingIndex + $offset;
// get courses and instructors
$courses = jsonString2Obj($_GET["courses"]);
$instructors = jsonString2Obj($_GET["instructors"]);
// fetch new sections from database
$section_result = mysql_query("SELECT courseID, instructorID, slotID, sectionID FROM Section WHERE sessionID='" . $sessionID . "' AND slotID BETWEEN {$startingIndex} AND {$endingIndex} ORDER BY slotID");
$sections = mysql_fetch_all($section_result);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sections); $i++) {
    // find matching course and instructor for new section
    $course = binary_search($courses, 0, $sections[$i][0]);
    $instructor = binary_search($instructors, 0, $sections[$i][1]);
    // append course and instructor to new section
    $sections[$i]['course'] = $course;
    $sections[$i]['instructor'] = $instructor;
// disconnect from database
// return new sections to view
echo json_encode($sections);
コード例 #2
// CARINA Database tbl_solar_image_data
$User_ID = $_SESSION['user_id'];
// OLD hard coded for development & testing
//$Image_Location = "images/testing/20111215_002729_512_0335.jpg";
// Establish connection to database
$con = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error());
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
if (isset($_POST['IMAGE_FILE_NAME'])) {
    $ImageFileName = $_POST['IMAGE_FILE_NAME'];
    $annots_x_NORM = jsonString2Obj($_POST['ANNOTS_X_NORM']);
    $annots_y_NORM = jsonString2Obj($_POST['ANNOTS_Y_NORM']);
    $annots_x_PIXEL = jsonString2Obj($_POST['ANNOTS_X_PIXEL']);
    $annots_y_PIXEL = jsonString2Obj($_POST['ANNOTS_Y_PIXEL']);
    $PixelsX = $_POST['PIXELS_X'];
    $PixelsY = $_POST['PIXELS_Y'];
    $sql = "select 2+2 from dual;";
    $sql .= "INSERT INTO tbl_collaboration(collaboration_id,user_id, cha_ImageLocation,private_cha_PointID, private_cha_XCoordinate_PIXEL, private_cha_YCoordinate_PIXEL, private_cha_XCoordinate_NORM, private_cha_YCoordinate_NORM, time_in ) VALUES ";
    $PointID = 1;
    // $PointID1 = 1;
    echo $PointID;
    foreach ($annots_x_NORM as $index => $x) {
        $sql .= "('" . $PointID . "','{$User_ID}','{$ImageFileName}','" . $PointID . "','" . $annots_x_PIXEL[$index] . "','" . $annots_y_PIXEL[$index] . "','" . $x . "','" . $annots_y_NORM[$index] . "'," . " NOW()),";
        $PointID += 1;
    $sql_trim = substr($sql, 0, -1);
    $result = mysqli_multi_query($con, $sql_trim);
    echo $result;
    if (!$result) {