function reserve_temp_order_pixels($block_info, $in_str) { global $label; if (session_id() == '') { return false; } // cannot reserve pixels if there is no session // check if it is free $sql = "select block_id from blocks where banner_id='" . $_REQUEST['BID'] . "' and block_id IN({$in_str}) "; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die($sql . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo js_out_prep($label['check_sel_notavailable'] . " (E432)"); //do_log_entry ($sql); return; } $blocks = explode(',', $in_str); foreach ($block_info as $key => $block) { //$price = get_zone_price($_REQUEST['BID'], $block['map_y']/10, $block['map_x']/10); $price = get_zone_price($_REQUEST['BID'], $block['map_y'] / BLK_HEIGHT, $block['map_x'] / BLK_WIDTH); $currency = get_default_currency(); // enhance block info... $block_info[$key]['currency'] = $currency; $block_info[$key]['price'] = $price; $block_info[$key]['banner_id'] = $_REQUEST['BID']; $total += $price; //mysql_query ($sql) or die (mysql_error().$sql); //echo $key.", "; } //echo 'total:'.$total; //print_r($block_info); //$block_info = serialize($block_info); $sql = "UPDATE temp_orders set price='{$total}' where session_id='" . session_id() . "' "; mysql_query($sql); //echo $sql; // save to file $fh = fopen(SERVER_PATH_TO_ADMIN . 'temp/' . "info_" . md5(session_id()) . ".txt", 'wb'); fwrite($fh, serialize($block_info)); fclose($fh); mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . $sql); }
} else { if (xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf('max_selected')>-1) { <?php $label['max_blocks_selected'] = str_replace('%MAX_BLOCKS%', G_MAX_BLOCKS, $label['max_blocks_selected']); ?> alert('<?php echo js_out_prep($label['max_blocks_selected']); ?> '); } if (xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf('max_orders')>-1) { alert ('<?php echo js_out_prep($label['advertiser_max_order']); ?> '); } hide_block(clicked_block, map_x, map_y, xmlhttp.responseText); } } update_order(); trip_count--; // count down, enable button when 0 //alert(trip_count); if (trip_count <= 0) { document.getElementById('submit_button1').disabled=false;