function before_parse() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['mode'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['mode']) { case 'points_comm_last': $this->pg = show_geo(); //Вывожу $t = new list_viewer(array('dir_name' => 'comms_list_last')); $queries = array(); if (!empty($_SESSION['geolocation']['city'])) { if (!isset($queries[0])) { $queries[0] = array(); } $queries[0][] = str_replace('{city}', "'" . $_SESSION['geolocation']['city'] . "','" . $_SESSION['geolocation']['reg'] . "'", $t->params['ucl_city']); } if (!empty($_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_themes'])) { if (!isset($queries[0])) { $queries[0] = array(); } $queries[0][] = str_replace('{themes}', $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_themes'], $t->params['ucl_themes']); } if (!empty($queries[0])) { $queries[0] = implode(' AND ', $queries[0]); } if (!empty($queries[1])) { $queries[1] = implode(' AND ', $queries[1]); } $repl['queries'] = ' AND (' . implode(') OR (', $queries) . ')'; $t->params['ucl'] = strjtr($t->params['ucl'], $repl); $t->params['page_ctrl'] = 't_pg'; $t->params['vars'] .= '&t_pg=' . intval($_REQUEST['page']); $t->init(); $t->get_maked(); if (empty($t->ctrl['theme'])) { $title = $t->tpl['title_def']; } else { $title = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:theme#t_name?t_url=\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($t->ctrl['theme']) . '\'$shrink=yes'); } $this->pg = str_replace('{title}', $title, $t->pg); //Рекомендовать в списке только для авторизированных if (!empty($_SESSION['Jlib_auth'])) { $rec_func = $t->tpl['rec_func']; } else { $rec_func = ''; } $this->pg = str_replace('{rec_func}', $rec_func, $this->pg); unset($t); break; case 'points_user_subscribed': $t = new list_viewer(array('dir_name' => 'comms_user_subscribed')); $t->get_maked(); $this->pg = str_replace('{title}', $t->tpl['title_users'], $t->pg); //Рекомендовать в списке только для авторизированных if (!empty($_SESSION['Jlib_auth'])) { $rec_func = $t->tpl['rec_func']; } else { $rec_func = ''; } $this->pg = str_replace('{rec_func}', $rec_func, $this->pg); unset($t); break; case 'points_subscribed': $t = new list_viewer(array('dir_name' => 'comms_points_subscribed')); $t->get_maked(); $this->pg = str_replace('{title}', $t->tpl['title_points'], $t->pg); //Рекомендовать в списке только для авторизированных if (!empty($_SESSION['Jlib_auth'])) { $rec_func = $t->tpl['rec_func']; } else { $rec_func = ''; } $this->pg = str_replace('{rec_func}', $rec_func, $this->pg); unset($t); break; case 'points_group': $this->pg = show_geo(); break; case 'send_review': if (empty($_REQUEST['point']) || empty($_REQUEST['text'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'не переданы данные'; return false; } $text = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_REQUEST['text'])); if (strlen($text) > 255) { $tst = strpos($text, ' ', 200); if ($tst > 252) { $tst = 252; } $short = substr($text, 0, $tst) . '...'; } else { $short = $text; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['recomend'])) { //l_id l_weight l_type l_key_obj l_key_u l_date $like = $_REQUEST['recomend'] > 0 ? 1 : -1; $l_id = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:likes', 'replace', array('l_type' => 'pnt', 'l_key_obj' => intval($_REQUEST['point']), 'l_key_u' => $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'l_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'l_weight' => $like)); } else { $like = 0; } //echo '<pre class="debug">'.print_r ( $_REQUEST ,true).'</pre>'; if (!empty($_REQUEST['parent'])) { if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['parent'])) { exit; } $parent = $_REQUEST['parent']; } else { $parent = 0; } $dt = array('com_type' => 'pnt', 'com_key_obj' => intval($_REQUEST['point']), 'com_pid' => $parent, 'com_key_u' => $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'com_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'com_weight' => $like, 'com_text' => $text, 'com_short' => $short); if (!empty($_REQUEST['com_id'])) { $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:comment#com_text,com_short,com_date?com_id=' . intval($_REQUEST['com_id']), 'update', $dt); } else { $com_id = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:comment', 'insert', $dt); if (!empty($com_id)) { } else { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Отзыв не добавлен'; $this->pg = ''; return false; } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['parent']) || !empty($_REQUEST['com_id'])) { $tpl = $this->tpl['send_answer_success']; $ans = str_replace('{com_id}', $com_id, $tpl); $ans = strjtr($ans, $dt); $ans = strjtr($ans, $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']); $this->pg = preg_replace('~\\{[^\\}]+\\}~', '', $ans); } else { $this->pg = $this->tpl['send_review_success']; } break; case 'send_vote': if (empty($_REQUEST['point']) || empty($_REQUEST['recomend'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } $like = $_REQUEST['recomend'] > 0 ? 1 : -1; $l_id = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:likes', 'replace', array('l_type' => 'pnt', 'l_key_obj' => intval($_REQUEST['point']), 'l_key_u' => $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'l_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'l_weight' => $like)); if (mysql_error()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Отзыв не добавлен'; } else { $this->pg = $this->tpl['send_vote_success']; } break; case 'store_profile': /* <pre class="debug">Array ( [Jlib_target] => ajax [pro_name] => Иван [pro_sname] => Бородай [pro_gender] => m [pro_bdate] => [fields] => Array ( [0] => block ) [mode] => store_profile [Jlib_lang] => RU [Jlib_skin] => ) </pre><pre class="debug">Array ( [avatar] => Array ( [name] => [type] => [tmp_name] => [error] => 4 [size] => 0 ) ) </pre> */ $data = array('u_name' => mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['pro_name']), 'u_sname' => mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['pro_sname']), 'u_gender' => '', 'u_bdate' => ''); if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['name']) && empty($_FILES['avatar']['error'])) { $fname = date('ymdhis') . uniqid(''); $tmim = j_make_image($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $fname, array('tmb_x' => '-1', 'tmb_y' => '-1', 'pic_px' => '180', 'pic_py' => '180', 'pic_lx' => '180', 'pic_ly' => '180', 'pic_fix' => 2, 'no_pic' => 'nophoto', 'path' => 'img/users'), false); if ($tmim) { $data['u_img'] = '/img/users/' . $fname . '.jpg'; $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_img_path'] = $data['u_img']; $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_img'] = $data['u_img']; } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pro_gender'])) { $data['u_gender'] = $_REQUEST['pro_gender'] == 'f' ? 'f' : 'm'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pro_bdate'])) { $data['u_bdate'] = date_processor('store', $_REQUEST['pro_bdate'], array('store' => 'Y-m-d', 'display' => 'd.m.Y')); } $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user?u_id=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'update', $data); if (mysql_error()) { $this->pg = $this->tpl['profile_store_fail']; } else { $this->pg = $this->tpl['profile_store_success']; $_SESSION['Jlib_auth'] = array_merge($_SESSION['Jlib_auth'], $data); } $this->pg = strjtr($this->pg, $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']); break; case 'search_points': if (!empty($_REQUEST['val']['reg_new'])) { $this->pg = ''; return true; } //echo '<pre class="debug">'.print_r ( $_REQUEST ,true).'</pre>'; if (empty($_REQUEST['val'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'не передан запрос для поиска'; return false; } if (empty($_REQUEST['query']['reg'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'не передан регион поиска'; return false; } $GLOBALS['result']['val'] = $_REQUEST['val']['query']; $GLOBALS['result']['reg'] = $_REQUEST['val']['reg']; $query = preg_replace('/[\\-+\\/\\_&^%$#*!`"]/', ' ', $_REQUEST['val']['query']); $query = explode(' ', $query); $inp = array(); foreach ($query as $v) { if (!empty($v) && empty($inp[$v])) { $v = strtr($v, array("'" => '`')); mysql_real_escape_string($v); $inp[$v] = "sw_word LIKE '" . $v . "%'"; //$inp[$v]="sw_word = '".$v."'"; } } //array_unshift($inp, "sw_word LIKE '%".implode(' ', $query)."%'"); //echo '<pre class="debug">'.print_r ( $inp ,true).'</pre>'; if (empty($inp)) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Слова не разобраны'; return false; } $inp = '(' . implode(' OR ', $inp) . ')'; $lim = empty($_REQUEST['limit']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['limit']) ? 5 : $_REQUEST['limit']; $ucl = 'sql:search_words_index, point, region #p_id,p_url,p_fsid,p_name,p_img,p_dscr,p_key_reg,p_addr,p_lat,p_lng,p_createdate, count( p_id ) words, (select GROUP_CONCAT(t_name) FROM point2theme,theme WHERE p2t_key_p=p_id AND t_id=p2t_key_t GROUP BY p_id) p_themes ?p_key_reg=r_id AND p_id=sw_key_obj AND sw_obj_type=\'pnt\' AND ' . $inp . ' AND r_url=\'' . $_REQUEST['val']['reg'] . '\' $order=words,p_name direction=desc,asc group=p_id auto_query=no '; if (!($total = $GLOBALS[CM]->run($ucl, 'count'))) { $total = 0; } $GLOBALS['result']['count'] = $total > $lim ? $total - $lim : $total; $repl = array('count' => $GLOBALS['result']['count'], 'total' => $total, 'limit' => $lim, 'val' => $GLOBALS['result']['val'], 'reg' => $GLOBALS['result']['reg']); if ($GLOBALS['result']['count'] > 0) { $q = $GLOBALS[CM]->run($ucl . ' limit=0,' . $lim); $lines = array(); foreach ($q as $v) { $v['url'] = $this->get_url('Jlib_target=point/' . $v['p_url']); $lines[] = strjtr($this->tpl['search_line'], $v); } $this->pg = str_replace('{body}', implode('', $lines), $this->tpl['search_body']); $this->pg = strjtr($this->pg, $repl); } else { $this->pg = $this->tpl['search_noresults']; } unset($GLOBALS['result']['content']); break; case 'show_interest': $this->pg = ''; $data = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:theme LEFT JOIN user2theme ON(u2t_key_t=t_id AND u2t_key_u=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ')'); if (!empty($data)) { $rs = ''; foreach ($data as $v) { $l = strjtr($this->tpl['interest_category'], $v); if ($v['u2t_key_u']) { $l = str_replace('{checked}', 'checked', $l); } $rs .= $l; } $GLOBALS['result']['interests'] = str_replace('{body}', $rs, $this->tpl['interest_category_wrapper']); } else { $GLOBALS['result']['interests'] = ''; } $data = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2user, user #u_id,u_grp,u_url,u_name,u_sname,u_img,u_gender,u_bdate ? u2u_sig=u_id AND u2u_sub=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id']); if (!empty($data)) { $rs = ''; foreach ($data as $v) { $l = strjtr($this->tpl['interest_users'], $v); $rs .= $l; } $rs = str_replace('{checked}', 'checked', $rs); $GLOBALS['result']['users'] = str_replace('{body}', $rs, $this->tpl['interest_users_wrapper']); } else { $GLOBALS['result']['users'] = ''; } $data = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2point, point #p_id,p_url,p_fsid,p_name,p_img,p_dscr,p_key_reg,p_addr ? u2p_key_p=p_id AND u2p_key_u=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id']); if (!empty($data)) { $rs = ''; foreach ($data as $v) { $l = strjtr($this->tpl['interest_points'], $v); $rs .= $l; } $rs = str_replace('{checked}', 'checked', $rs); $GLOBALS['result']['points'] = str_replace('{body}', $rs, $this->tpl['interest_points_wrapper']); } else { $GLOBALS['result']['points'] = ''; } break; case 'send_interest': //if(empty($_REQUEST['themes'])){ $GLOBALS['result']['error']='Data not send'; return false; } $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2theme?u2t_key_u=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' ', 'delete'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['themes'])) { $sql = "REPLACE into user2theme values "; $vals = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['themes'] as $v) { $vals[] = '(' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ', ' . $v . ' )'; } $sql .= implode(',', $vals); $db = init_db(); if (!$db->query($sql)) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Mysql_error1: ' . mysql_error(); return false; } } $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2user?u2u_sub=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' ', 'delete'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['users'])) { $sql = "REPLACE into user2user values "; $vals = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['users'] as $v) { $vals[] = '(' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ', ' . $v . ' )'; } $sql .= implode(',', $vals); if (!$db->query($sql)) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Mysql_error2: ' . mysql_error(); return false; } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['points'])) { $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2point?u2p_key_u=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' ', 'delete'); $sql = "REPLACE into user2point values "; $vals = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['points'] as $v) { $vals[] = '(' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ', ' . $v . ' )'; } $sql .= implode(',', $vals); if (!$db->query($sql)) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Mysql_error3: ' . mysql_error(); return false; } } $this->pg = $this->tpl['send_interest_success']; break; case 'com_alarm': if (empty($_REQUEST['com_id'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } //Смотрю, что за комент if (!($data = $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:comment,point,user o, user s #com_id,com_pid,com_type,com_key_obj,com_key_u,com_date,com_weight,com_text,com_short,com_cachelikes,com_cahecomms, p_id,p_url,p_name,p_img, o.u_id o_id,o.u_url o_url,o.u_email o_email,o.u_name o_name,o.u_sname o_sname,o.u_img o_img, s.u_id s_id,s.u_url s_url,s.u_email s_email,s.u_name s_name,s.u_sname s_sname,s.u_img s_img ?p_id=com_key_obj AND o.u_id=com_key_u AND s.u_id=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' AND com_id=' . intval($_REQUEST['com_id']) . '$limit=0,1 shrink=yes'))) { if (mysql_errno()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = mysql_error(); } $this->pg = ''; return false; } //echo 'data:<pre class="debug">'.print_r ( $data ,true).'</pre>'; exit(); require_once 'lib/class.phpmailer.php'; $tpl = load('mail/com_alarm.htm'); $data['proj_email_name'] = $GLOBALS['Jlib_defaults']['proj_email_name']; $data['proj_email'] = $GLOBALS['Jlib_defaults']['proj_email']; $data['server'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $msg = strjtr($tpl, $data); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = $GLOBALS['Jlib_defaults']['proj_email']; $mail->FromName = $GLOBALS['Jlib_defaults']['proj_email_name']; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AddAddress($GLOBALS['Jlib_defaults']['proj_email']); $mail->Subject = 'Жалоба на комментарий на'; $mail->Body = $msg; $mail->Send(); break; case 'com_del': if (empty($_REQUEST['com_id'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:comment?com_id=' . intval($_REQUEST['com_id']) . ' AND (com_key_u=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' OR \'' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_grp'] . '\'=\'adm\')$limit=0,1 debug=yes', 'delete'); if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1) { if (mysql_errno()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = mysql_error(); } else { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Коментарий не удален.'; } $this->pg = ''; return false; } break; case 'admin_cover': //Проверки if ($_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_grp'] != 'adm') { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Access denied'; return false; } if (empty($_REQUEST['p_id']) || empty($_FILES['cover']['name'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } if (!empty($_FILES['cover']['error'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Upload file error: ' + $_FILES['cover']['error']; return false; } //Работа $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['cover']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $pfn = intval($_REQUEST['p_id']); $fnm = 'img/point/' . $pfn . '_original.' . $ext; if (!($img_nm = j_make_image($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'], $pfn, array('tmb_x' => '-1', 'pic_px' => '1024', 'pic_py' => '1024', 'pic_lx' => '1024', 'pic_ly' => '1024', 'path' => 'img/point/'), false))) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Copy image error'; return false; } if (!($tmb_nm = j_make_image($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'], $pfn, array('tmb_x' => '-1', 'pic_px' => '150', 'pic_py' => '150', 'pic_lx' => '150', 'pic_ly' => '150', 'pic_fix' => 2, 'pic_nm' => 'tmb_{name}', 'path' => 'img/point/'), false))) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Copy tmb error'; return false; } $img_nm = 'img/point/' . $tmb_nm; $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:point#p_img?p_id=' . intval($_REQUEST['p_id']), 'update', array('p_img' => $img_nm)); if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1 && mysql_errno()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = mysql_error(); $this->pg = ''; return false; } $this->pg = $img_nm; break; case 'subscribe': if (empty($_REQUEST['type']) || empty($_REQUEST['obj'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } $o_id = intval($_REQUEST['obj']); $tpl = load('point.htm'); switch ($_REQUEST['type']) { case 'point': $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2point', 'replace', array('u2p_key_u' => $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'u2p_key_p' => $o_id)); $tvar = 'subscribed'; break; case 'user': $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2user', 'replace', array('u2u_sub' => $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'u2u_sig' => $o_id)); $tvar = 'unsubscribe_user'; break; } if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1 && mysql_errno()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = mysql_error(); $this->pg = ''; return false; } $this->pg = str_replace('{p_id}', $o_id, $tpl[$tvar]); $this->pg = str_replace('{u_id}', $o_id, $this->pg); break; case 'unsubscribe': if (empty($_REQUEST['type']) || empty($_REQUEST['obj'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } $o_id = intval($_REQUEST['obj']); $tpl = load('point.htm'); switch ($_REQUEST['type']) { case 'point': $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2point?u2p_key_u=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' AND u2p_key_p=' . $o_id, 'delete'); $tvar = 'not_subscribed'; break; case 'user': $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:user2user?u2u_sub=' . $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'] . ' AND u2u_sig=' . $o_id . '$debug=yes', 'delete'); $tvar = 'subscribe_user'; break; } if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1 && mysql_errno()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = mysql_error(); $this->pg = ''; return false; } $this->pg = str_replace('{p_id}', $o_id, $tpl[$tvar]); $this->pg = str_replace('{u_id}', $o_id, $this->pg); break; case 'like_com': if (empty($_REQUEST['obj'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data not send'; return false; } if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['obj'])) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Data fail'; return false; } $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:likes$debug=yes', 'replace', array('l_weight' => 1, 'l_type' => 'com', 'l_key_obj' => $_REQUEST['obj'], 'l_key_u' => $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_id'], 'l_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); if (mysql_errno()) { $GLOBALS['result']['error'] = 'Mysql error:' . mysql_error(); } $this->pg = 'ok'; break; } } }
function ajax_process() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['mode'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['mode']) { case 'upload_photo': if (!empty($_FILES['avatar'])) { $fnm = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']; if (isset($fnm[0])) { $fnm = $fnm[0]; } $nnm = 'tmp_' . session_id(); if (!empty($this->saller) && $_SESSION['Jlib_auth']['u_grp'] == 'adm') { $nnm = intval($this->saller); } $i = j_make_image($fnm, $nnm, array('path' => 'img/sallers', 'tmb_x' => -1, 'tmb_y' => -1, 'pic_nm' => '{name}', 'pic_px' => 100, 'pic_py' => 100, 'pic_lx' => 100, 'pic_ly' => 100, 'pic_fix' => 2, 'no_pic' => 'nophoto'), false); if ($i && !empty($this->saller)) { $GLOBALS[CM]->run('sql:sallers#s_img?s_id=' . $this->saller . '$auto_query=no', 'update', array('s_img' => 1)); } $this->pg = '<img src="/img/sallers/' . $i . '?id=' . rand(0, 100) . '">'; } else { $this->pg = 'error'; } break; default: $this->pg = str_replace('{error}', '<strong>Ошибка JS</strong> неизвестное значение режима "' . $_REQUEST['mode'] . '"', $this->tpl['js_error']); } } else { $this->pg = str_replace('{error}', '<strong>Ошибка JS</strong> Не передан режим', $this->tpl['js_error']); } }