function buildLink($wvActionId, $options, $caption) { $lttemp = false; if (isset($_POST["login"])) { if ($_POST["login"] == "1") { $lttemp = true; } } if ($lttemp == true) { //Check that the user is properly logged in $wvuserpasswdmd5ln = qry('user', 'user_password_md5', 'user_name', fv('wvUserName')); if (md5($_SESSION['wvUserPassword']) == $wvuserpasswdmd5ln) { $loginverifiedln = 1; $loginln = 1; } else { $loginverifiedln = 0; err(5); $loginbl = 0; } if ($loginverifiedln == 1) { } else { err(289); $loginln = 0; } } else { $loginln = 0; } $localeid = fv('locale'); if ($loginln == 0) { if ($options == '') { $separator = ''; $options = $options . '&locale=' . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options); } else { $separator = '&'; $options = $options . 'locale=' . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options); } $linkGenerated = itr(38) . $wvActionId . $separator . $options . itr(39) . $caption . itr(40); } else { if ($options == '') { $separator = ''; $options = $options . '&wvSession=' . session_id() . '&' . itr(63) . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options . '&wvSession=' . session_id()); } else { $separator = itr(41); $options = $options . '&' . itr(62) . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options); } $linkGenerated = str_replace('&&', '&', itr(42) . $wvActionId . str_replace(itr(54), itr(43), str_replace('=', itr(44), $options)) . itr(1083) . $caption . itr(1084)); } return $linkGenerated; }
function shorten($content) { if (strlen($content) > 32) { //trim to 64 but round by words $shortenedstring = str_trunc($content, 32) . itr(1493); global $baggage_claim; $baggage_claim->check_luggage('Shortened', 'true'); if (strlen($shortenedstring) > 40) { //trim to 64 $shortenedstring = substr($content, 0, 32) . itr(1493); } } else { $shortenedstring = $content; global $baggage_claim; $baggage_claim->check_luggage('Shortened', 'false'); } return $shortenedstring; }
function unrecognisedAction() { echo itr(46) . $_POST['action'] . itr(47); }
} else { $disambigStr = itr(769) . itr(qry('node_revision', 'node_revision_disambiguation_description', 'node_revision_id', $thisNodeRevId)) . itr(770); } $title = c(shorten(itr(qry('node_revision', 'node_revision_title', 'node_revision_id', $thisNodeRevId))) . $disambigStr); $shortdesc = c(itr(qry('node_revision', 'node_revision_short_description', 'node_revision_id', $thisNodeRevId))); $teststringthing = str_replace('<br>', '', str_replace(': ', '', str_replace('</p>', '', str_replace('<p>', '', str_replace('</strong>', '', $shortdesc))))); if (strlen($teststringthing) === 0) { $separator = itr(858); } else { $separator = itr(859); } if (!isset($thisNodeEntry)) { $thisNodeEntry = null; } $thisNodeEntry = $thisNodeEntry . buildLink('6', '&nodeId=' . $this_node_id . '&', $this_node_id . itr(856) . itr(857) . $title . $separator . $shortdesc) . itr(74); $this_node_id = $this_node_id + 1; } $pageTitle = itr(850) . $start . itr(851) . $end; $nodeList = $thisNodeEntry; $idxNav = buildLink('19', '&st=' . $prevStart . '&', itr(852)) . itr(854) . buildLink('19', '&st=' . $nextStart . '&', itr(853)); $pageBody = $nodeList . itr(855) . $idxNav; } else { if (empty($pageBody) && empty($pageTitle)) { $nothing = 'Oh, *damn*... I dunno what /that/ is...'; $pageBody = itr(22); $pageTitle = itr(23); } else { } } } /* END ACTION DEFINITIONS */
function beginForm($caption, $action_id) { return $caption . itr(1242) . $action_id . itr(1261); }
function newNodeRevisionExecute() { if (fv('nodeDataUploadFlag')) { // echo 'Adding data…'; $tablenamenewdata = "data"; $next_incrementdata = 0; $qShowStatusdata = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$tablenamenewdata}'"; $qShowStatusResultdata = mysql_query($qShowStatusdata) or die("Query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br/>" . $qShowStatusdata); $rowdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($qShowStatusResultdata); $next_incrementdata = $rowdata['Auto_increment']; mysql_query('INSERT INTO `data` (`data_id`, `data_current_revision`) VALUES (NULL, \'' . $next_incrementdata . '\');'); $addedDataId = mysql_insert_id(); // echo 'data number ' . $addedDataId . 'and data revision number '; $fileTempName = $_FILES['uploadeddata']['tmp_name']; mysql_query('INSERT INTO `data_revision` (`data_revision_id`, `data_revision_name`, `data_revision_length`, `data_revision_type`, `data_revision_node_id`, `data_revision_md5`, `data_revision_data_id`, `data_revision_node_edit_id`) VALUES (NULL, \'' . $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadeddata']['name'] . '\', \'' . $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadeddata']['size'] . '\', \'' . fv('dataType') . '\', \'nodeid\', \'' . md5_file($fileTempName) . '\', \'' . $addedDataId . '\', \'not yet known\');'); $targetULDirectory = 'weave/data/' . str_replace(0, '0/', str_replace(1, '1/', str_replace(2, '2/', str_replace(3, '3/', str_replace(4, '4/', str_replace(5, '5/', str_replace(6, '6/', str_replace(7, '7/', str_replace(8, '8/', str_replace(9, '9/', mysql_insert_id())))))))))); mkdir($targetULDirectory, 0700, true); /* $ck = mysql_insert_id(); $subdirs = array(); for ($i = 0;$i < strlen($ck);$i++) $subdirs[] = $ck[$i]; */ $addedDataRevisionId = mysql_insert_id(); // echo $addedDataRevisionId; $targetULDirectory = $targetULDirectory . $addedDataRevisionId . '.wdf'; // echo $targetULDirectory; move_uploaded_file($fileTempName, $targetULDirectory); } else { // echo 'not adding data. '; } $tablenamenewnode = "node_revision"; $next_incrementnode = 0; $qShowStatusnode = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$tablenamenewnode}'"; $qShowStatusResultnode = mysql_query($qShowStatusnode) or die("Query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br/>" . $qShowStatusnode); $rownode = mysql_fetch_assoc($qShowStatusResultnode); $next_incrementnode_revision = $rownode['Auto_increment']; mysql_query('UPDATE `node` SET `node_current_revision` = \'' . $next_incrementnode_revision . '\' WHERE `node_id` =' . fv('nodeId') . ' LIMIT 1 ;'); //INSERT INTO `node` ( `node_id` , `node_current_revision` ) VALUES (' . fv('nodeId') . ', \'' . $next_incrementnode_revision . '\');'); $nodeEditedId = mysql_insert_id(); newintf($_POST['nodeDisplayTitle']); global $newIntfId; $nodeDisplayTitleIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeShortTitle']); global $newIntfId; $nodeShortTitleIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeTitle']); global $newIntfId; $nodeTitleIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeSource']); global $newIntfId; $nodeSourceIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeSortTitle']); global $newIntfId; $nodeSortTitleIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeDescription']); global $newIntfId; $nodeDescriptionIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeDisambiguationDescription']); global $newIntfId; $nodeDisambiguationDescriptionIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeComment']); global $newIntfId; $nodeCommentIntfId = $newIntfId; newintf($_POST['nodeShortDescription']); global $newIntfId; $nodeShortDescriptionIntfId = $newIntfId; $newNodeOwnerId = qry('user', 'user_id', 'user_name', mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['userName'])); $newNodeData = array("node_revision_type" => $_POST['nodeType'], "node_revision_display_title" => $nodeDisplayTitleIntfId, "node_revision_short_title" => $nodeShortTitleIntfId, "node_revision_title" => $nodeTitleIntfId, "node_revision_permissions" => $_POST['nodePermissions'], "node_revision_relationships" => $_POST['nodeRelationships'], "node_revision_source" => $nodeSourceIntfId, "node_revision_sort_title" => $nodeSortTitleIntfId, "node_revision_description" => $nodeDescriptionIntfId, "node_revision_disambiguation_description" => $nodeDisambiguationDescriptionIntfId, "node_revision_metadata" => $_POST['nodeMetadata'], "node_revision_comment" => $nodeCommentIntfId, "node_revision_short_description" => $nodeShortDescriptionIntfId, "node_revision_universe_status" => $_POST['nodeUniverseStatus'], "node_revision_owner" => $newNodeOwnerId, "node_revision_copyright_flag" => $_POST['nodeCopyrightFlag'], "node_revision_morality_flag" => $_POST['nodeMoralityFlag'], "node_revision_personal_flag" => $_POST['nodePersonalFlag'], "node_revision_data_id" => $addedDataId, "node_revision_node_id" => fv('nodeId'), "node_revision_minor_flag" => $_POST['nodeMinorFlag'], "node_revision_time" => getnow()); ins('node_revision', $newNodeData); $nodeRevisionAddedId = mysql_insert_id(); $nodeEditedId = fv('nodeId'); $user = new user(0, '', 0, fv('wvUserName'), 0, '', '', ''); $user->request_content('user_name', fv('wvUserName')); $newnodeeditids = $user->node_edit_ids . itr(1494) . $nodeRevisionAddedId; $user->set_variable('node_edit_ids', $newnodeeditids); return $nodeEditedId; }
function addLink($action, $options, $caption) { $lttemp = false; if (isset($_REQUEST["login"])) { if ($_REQUEST["login"] == "1") { $lttemp = true; } } if ($lttemp == true) { //Check that the user is properly logged in if ($this->checkLogin()) { $loginverifiedln = 1; $loginln = 1; } else { $loginverifiedln = 0; $this->fail("Login not verified: Password does not match stored check — Probably the password provided was incorrect."); $loginbl = 0; } if ($loginverifiedln == 1) { } else { $this->fail("Login error: could not authenticate."); $loginln = 0; } } else { $loginln = 0; } $localeid = fv('locale'); if ($loginln == 0) { if ($options == '') { $separator = ''; $options = $options . '&locale=' . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options); } else { $separator = '&'; $options = $options . 'locale=' . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options); } $linkGenerated = '<a href="ember.php?wintNeeded=emberWebView&wint=1&emAction=' . $action . $separator . $options . '">' . $caption . '</a>'; } else { if ($options == '') { $separator = ''; $options = $options . '&emSession=' . session_id() . '&locale=' . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options . '&emSession=' . session_id()); } else { $separator = itr(41); $options = $options . '&locale=' . $localeid; $options = str_replace('&&', '&', $options); } $linkGenerated = str_replace('&&', '&', '<form action="ember.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="wint" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="wintNeeded" value="emberWebView"><input type="hidden" name="emAction" value="' . $action . str_replace('&', '"><input type="hidden" name="', str_replace('=', '" value="', $options)) . '"><input type="hidden" name="login" value="1"><button type="submit" class="t">' . $caption . '</button></form>'); } return $linkGenerated; }
/* PREFETCH PAGE PARAMETERS */ if (isset($_POST["login"])) { if ($_POST["login"] == "1") { global $login; //Check that the user is properly logged in $userPasswdMd5 = qry('user', 'user_password_md5', 'user_name', fv('wvUserName')); if (md5(fv('wvUserPassword')) == $userPasswdMd5) { $loginverified = 1; $login = 1; } else { $loginverified = 0; err(5); $login = 0; } if ($loginverified !== 1) { err(6); $login = 0; } } else { // itf(7); $login = 0; } } else { $login = 0; } //page title //Prepare data fv('nodeId'); $titleAttr = itr(21); /* END PAGE PARAMETERS */
function new_intf() { global $pageBody; global $pageTitle; if (!isset($wvLocaleString)) { $wvLocaleString = null; } if (!isset($HttpsWPUrl)) { $HttpsWPUrl = null; } $newInterface_exchange = new intf(0, $wvLocaleString, $HttpsWPUrl, ''); global $baggage_claim; $text_object = $baggage_claim->claim_luggage('InterfaceTextObject'); $pageBody = beginForm(itr(1264), itr(1263)) . $text_object->request_content() . finishForm(itr(67)); $pageTitle = itr(81); }
function finishForm($caption) { return itr(286) . session_id() . itr(45) . $caption . itr(60); }
$breadSeparator = itr(1135); if (!isset($nodeRevId)) { $nodeRevId = null; } if (!isset($disambigStr)) { $disambigStr = null; } $nodeBCTitle = $nodeId . itr(1150) . c(shorten(itr(qry('node_revision', 'node_revision_title', 'node_revision_id', $nodeRevId))) . $disambigStr); if (!strlen(fv('nodeId')) > 0) { $nodeNameTag = ""; } else { $nodeNameTag = itr(1136) . buildLink(6, '&nodeId=' . fv('nodeId') . '&', $nodeBCTitle); } if ($wvActionId == 'nodeView') { $actionlinkid = '19'; } else { $actionlinkid = fv('a'); } e(str_replace('&a=6&locale', '&a=19&locale', itr(1139) . buildLink(1, '', itr(1137)) . itr(1158) . $breadSeparator . itr(1158) . buildLink($actionlinkid, '', $wvActionDispName) . $nodeNameTag)); if (!isset($pageMenu)) { $pageMenu = null; } echo $pageMenu; itf(33); echo $pageTitle; itf(34); echo $pageBody; e(res('4.d2')); //Execute script //echo 'passed test'; /* END PAGE */