<span class="hide-search-label"><?php 
echo __('Hide Search Form');
        <a href="<?php 
echo url('exhibit-builder/items/browse');
" id="view-all-items" class="green button"><?php 
echo __('View All Items');
        <div id="page-search-form" class="container-twelve">
$action = url(array('module' => 'exhibit-builder', 'controller' => 'items', 'action' => 'browse'), 'default', array(), true);
echo items_search_form(array('id' => 'search'), $action);
        <div id="item-select"></div>
    <div id="cover-image-options">
      <button type="button" id="change-selected-item"><?php 
echo __('Change Selected Item');
      <div class="options">
        <div id="cover-image-item-options"></div>
      <div id="attachment-save">
        <button type="submit" id="choose-cover-image"><?php 
echo __('Choose');
コード例 #2

 * The edit query view for a specific Timeline.
$timelineTitle = metadata($neatline_time_timeline, 'title');
$title = __('Neatline Time | Edit "%s" Items Query', strip_formatting($timelineTitle));
$head = array('bodyclass' => 'timelines primary', 'title' => $title);
echo head($head);
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$query = unserialize($neatline_time_timeline->query);
if ($query && is_array($query)) {
    echo __('The &#8220;%s&#8221; timeline displays items that match the following query:', $timelineTitle);
    echo item_search_filters($query);
echo items_search_form(array(), current_url());
echo foot();
コード例 #3
ファイル: browse.php プロジェクト: GerZah/plugin-Geolocation
$title = __("Browse Items on the Map") . ' (' . html_escape($totalItems) . ' ' . __('total') . ')';
echo head(array('title' => $title));
echo item_search_filters();
echo pagination_links();

<div id="geolocation-browse">
echo $this->googleMap('map_browse', array('list' => 'map-links', 'params' => $params));
    <div id="map-links"><h2><?php 
echo __('Find An Item on the Map');
$overlays = GeolocationPlugin::GeolocationConvertOverlayJsonForUse();
if ($overlays) {
    $overlay = -1;
    echo '<div>' . '<span style="display:inline-block;"><h4>' . __("Select Map Overlay:") . ' </h4></span> ' . '<span style="display:inline-block;"><form>' . get_view()->formSelect('geolocation[overlay]', $overlay, null, $overlays["jsSelect"]) . '</form></span>' . '<span id="ovlOpacSlider" style="display:inline-block; width: 10em; margin-left:1em;"></span>' . '</div>';

<div id="search_block">
echo items_search_form(array('id' => 'search'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
</div><!-- end search_block -->

echo foot();