public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'base64': $image = new Ajde_Resource_Image($this->attributes['filename']); $image->setWidth($this->attributes['width']); $image->setHeight($this->attributes['height']); $image->setCrop($this->attributes['crop']); $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:imageBase64')); $controller->setImage($image); $controller->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'], null)); $controller->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'], null)); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'html': $image = new Ajde_Resource_Image($this->attributes['filename']); $image->setWidth($this->attributes['width']); $image->setHeight($this->attributes['height']); $image->setCrop($this->attributes['crop']); $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:image')); $controller->setImage($image); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'image': return false; break; } // TODO: throw new Ajde_Component_Exception('Missing required attributes for component call'); }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'list': $options = issetor($this->attributes['options'], array()); $crud = new AjdeCrud($this->attributes['model'], $options); $crud->setAction('list'); return $crud; break; case 'edit': $options = issetor($this->attributes['options'], array()); $id = issetor($this->attributes['id'], null); $crud = new AjdeCrud($this->attributes['model'], $options); $crud->setId($id); $crud->setAction('edit/layout'); return $crud; break; case 'mainfilter': $controller = Controller::fromRoute(new Route('_core/crud:mainfilter')); $controller->setCrud($this->attributes['crud']); $controller->setRefresh(issetor($this->attributes['refresh'], false)); return $controller->invoke(); } // TODO: throw new Exception(); }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'base64': $image = new AjdeResourceImage($this->attributes['filename']); $image->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'])); $image->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'])); $image->setCrop(String::toBoolean(issetor($this->attributes['crop'], true))); $controller = Controller::fromRoute(new Route('_core/component:imageBase64')); $controller->setImage($image); $controller->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'], null)); $controller->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'], null)); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'html': return self::getImageTag($this->attributes['filename'], issetor($this->attributes['width']), issetor($this->attributes['height']), String::toBoolean(issetor($this->attributes['crop'], true)), issetor($this->attributes['class'], ''), issetor($this->attributes['lazy'], false), issetor($this->attributes['absoluteUrl'], false)); break; case 'image': return false; break; } // TODO: throw new Exception('Missing required attributes for component call'); }
function updateRessources($db, $ressources, $startdate = null, $enddate = null, $GMT = "+1 hour") { if ($startdate == null) { $startdate = date("Y-m-d"); } if ($enddate == null) { $enddate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+30 days")); } $nb = array(); foreach ($ressources as $ressource) { $ical = new ICal('' . $ressource . '&projectId=1&calType=ical&firstDate=' . $startdate . '&lastDate=' . $enddate); $events = $ical->events(); $insertNb = 0; purge_events($db, $ressource); if ($events) { foreach ($events as $event) { $export_d = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", strtotime($GMT, $ical->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($event['DTSTAMP']))); $start_d = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($GMT, $ical->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($event['DTSTART']))); $start_t = date("H:i:s", strtotime($GMT, $ical->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($event['DTSTART']))); $end_d = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($GMT, $ical->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($event['DTEND']))); $end_t = date("H:i:s", strtotime($GMT, $ical->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($event['DTEND']))); $description = desc2json($event['DESCRIPTION']); $req = $db->prepare('insert into events (UID,ressource, StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, Title, Location, Description,Export) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); $res = $req->execute(array(issetor($event['UID']), $ressource, $start_d, $start_t, $end_d, $end_t, $event['SUMMARY'], issetor($event['LOCATION']), $description, $export_d)); $insertNb += $res; } } $nb[$ressource] = $insertNb; } $req = $db->prepare("UPDATE ressources r inner join events e on r.number = e.ressource set r.last_sync = e.Export"); $req->execute(); return $nb; }
public function invoke($action = null, $format = null) { $timerKey = Ajde::app()->addTimer((string) $this->_route); $action = issetor($action, $this->getAction()); $format = issetor($format, $this->getFormat()); $emptyFunction = $action; $defaultFunction = $action . "Default"; $formatFunction = $action . ucfirst($format); if (method_exists($this, $formatFunction)) { $actionFunction = $formatFunction; } elseif (method_exists($this, $defaultFunction)) { $actionFunction = $defaultFunction; } elseif (method_exists($this, $emptyFunction)) { $actionFunction = $emptyFunction; } else { $exception = new Ajde_Exception(sprintf("Action %s for module %s not found", $this->getAction(), $this->getModule()), 90011); Ajde::routingError($exception); } $return = true; if (method_exists($this, 'beforeInvoke')) { $return = $this->beforeInvoke(); if ($return !== true && $return !== false) { // TODO: throw new Ajde_Exception(sprintf("beforeInvoke() must return either TRUE or FALSE")); } } if ($return === true) { $return = $this->{$actionFunction}(); if (method_exists($this, 'afterInvoke')) { $this->afterInvoke(); } } Ajde::app()->endTimer($timerKey); return $return; }
public function validate($options = array()) { $fieldsArray = $this->_model->getTable()->getFieldProperties(); $fieldOptions = array(); foreach ($fieldsArray as $fieldName => $fieldProperties) { $fieldOptions[$fieldName] = array_merge($fieldProperties, issetor($options[$fieldName], array())); } $valid = true; $errors = array(); $this->_initValidators($fieldOptions); foreach ($this->_model->getValidators() as $fieldName => $fieldValidators) { foreach ($fieldValidators as $fieldValidator) { /* @var $validator Ajde_Model_ValidatorAbstract */ $value = null; if ($this->_model->has($fieldName)) { $value = $this->_model->get($fieldName); } $result = $fieldValidator->validate($fieldOptions[$fieldName], $value); if ($result['valid'] === false) { if (!isset($errors[$fieldName])) { $errors[$fieldName] = array(); } $errors[$fieldName][] = $result['error']; $valid = false; } } } $this->_errors = $errors; return $valid; }
private function _initValidators($fieldOptions) { foreach ($fieldOptions as $fieldName => $fieldProperties) { switch (issetor($fieldProperties['type'])) { case Db::FIELD_TYPE_DATE: $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Date()); break; case 'sort': case Db::FIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC: $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Numeric()); break; case Db::FIELD_TYPE_TEXT: $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Text()); break; case Db::FIELD_TYPE_ENUM: $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Enum()); break; case Db::FIELD_TYPE_SPATIAL: $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Spatial()); break; default: break; } if (issetor($fieldProperties['isRequired']) === true && issetor($fieldProperties['default']) == '') { $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Required()); } if (issetor($fieldProperties['isUnique']) === true) { $this->_model->addValidator($fieldName, new Unique()); } } }
/** * When execute is called record the time it takes and * then log the query. * * @param array $input_parameters * * @throws Ajde_Db_Exception * @throws Ajde_Exception * * @return PDO result set */ public function execute($input_parameters = null) { $log = ['query' => '']; if (config('app.debug') === true) { //$cache = Ajde_Db_Cache::getInstance(); if (count($input_parameters)) { $log = ['query' => vsprintf(str_replace('?', '%s', $this->queryString), $input_parameters)]; } else { $log = ['query' => '[PS] ' . $this->queryString]; } // add backtrace $i = 0; $source = []; foreach (array_reverse(debug_backtrace()) as $item) { try { $line = issetor($item['line']); $file = issetor($item['file']); $source[] = sprintf('%s. <em>%s</em>%s<strong>%s</strong> (%s on line %s)', $i, !empty($item['class']) ? $item['class'] : '<unknown class>', !empty($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : '::', !empty($item['function']) ? $item['function'] : '<unknown function>', $file, $line); } catch (Exception $e) { } $i++; } $hash = md5(implode('', $source) . microtime()); $log['query'] = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(\'#' . $hash . '\').slideToggle(\'fast\');" style="color: black;">' . $log['query'] . '</a>'; $log['query'] .= '<div id="' . $hash . '" style="display: none;">' . implode('<br/>', $source) . '</div>'; } // start timer $start = microtime(true); try { //if (!$cache->has($this->queryString . serialize($input_parameters))) { $result = parent::execute($input_parameters); //$cache->set($this->queryString . serialize($input_parameters), $result); // $log['cache'] = false; //} else { // $result = $cache->get($this->queryString . serialize($input_parameters)); // $log['cache'] = true; //} } catch (Exception $e) { if (substr_count(strtolower($e->getMessage()), 'integrity constraint violation')) { throw new Ajde_Db_IntegrityException($e->getMessage()); } else { if (config('app.debug') === true) { if (isset($this->queryString)) { dump($this->queryString); } dump('Go to ' . config('app.rootUrl') . '?install=1 to install DB'); throw new Ajde_Db_Exception($e->getMessage()); } else { Ajde_Exception_Log::logException($e); die('DB connection problem. <a href="?install=1">Install database?</a>'); } } } $time = microtime(true) - $start; $log['time'] = round($time * 1000, 0); Ajde_Db_PDO::$log[] = $log; return $result; }
public static function getLinkTemplateFilename($type, $format = 'null') { if (Ajde::app()->getDocument()->hasLayout()) { $layout = Ajde::app()->getDocument()->getLayout(); } else { $layout = new Ajde_Layout(Config::get("layout")); } $format = issetor($format, 'html'); return LAYOUT_DIR . $layout->getName() . '/link/' . $type . '.' . $format . '.php'; }
public function formUploadHtml() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $optionsId = md5(serialize($options)); $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Form'); $session->set($optionsId, $options); $this->setAction('form/upload'); $this->getView()->assign('name', $this->getName()); $this->getView()->assign('optionsId', $optionsId); $this->getView()->assign('optionsMultiple', issetor($options['multiple'], false)); $this->getView()->assign('inputId', $this->getInputId()); $this->getView()->assign('extraClass', $this->getExtraClass()); return $this->render(); }
public static function dump($var, $collapse = false) { $i = 0; $line = null; foreach (debug_backtrace() as $item) { $source = sprintf("%s. dumped from <em>%s</em>%s<strong>%s</strong> (line %s)", count(self::$dump) + 1, !empty($item['class']) ? $item['class'] : '<unknown class> (in <span style=\'font-size: 0.8em;\'>' . $item['args'][0] . '</span>)', !empty($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : '::', !empty($item['function']) ? $item['function'] : '<unknown function>', $line); $line = issetor($item['line'], null); if ($i == 2) { break; } $i++; } self::$dump[$source] = array($var, $collapse); }
public function process() { // TODO: check for required attributes // if (!array_key_exists('library', $this->attributes) || !array_key_exists('version', $this->attributes)) { // throw new Ajde_Component_Exception(); // } if (array_key_exists('library', $this->attributes)) { $this->requireJsLibrary($this->attributes['library'], $this->attributes['version']); } elseif (array_key_exists('action', $this->attributes)) { $this->requireResource(Ajde_Resource_Local::TYPE_JAVASCRIPT, $this->attributes['action'], issetor($this->attributes['format'], null), issetor($this->attributes['base'], null), issetor($this->attributes['position'], null), issetor($this->attributes['arguments'], '')); } elseif (array_key_exists('filename', $this->attributes)) { $this->requirePublicResource(Ajde_Resource_Local::TYPE_JAVASCRIPT, $this->attributes['filename'], issetor($this->attributes['position'], null), issetor($this->attributes['arguments'], '')); } elseif (array_key_exists('url', $this->attributes)) { $this->requireRemoteResource(Ajde_Resource_Local::TYPE_JAVASCRIPT, $this->attributes['url'], issetor($this->attributes['position'], null), issetor($this->attributes['arguments'], '')); } }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'local': $this->requireResource(Ajde_Resource_Local::TYPE_STYLESHEET, $this->attributes['action'], issetor($this->attributes['format'], null), issetor($this->attributes['base'], null), issetor($this->attributes['position'], null), issetor($this->attributes['arguments'], '')); break; case 'public': $this->requirePublicResource(Ajde_Resource_Local::TYPE_STYLESHEET, $this->attributes['filename'], issetor($this->attributes['position'], null), issetor($this->attributes['arguments'], '')); break; case 'font': $url = Ajde_Resource_GWebFont::getUrl($this->attributes['fontFamily'], issetor($this->attributes['fontWeight'], array(400)), issetor($this->attributes['fontSubset'], array('latin'))); $resource = new Ajde_Resource_Remote(Ajde_Resource::TYPE_STYLESHEET, $url); $this->getParser()->getDocument()->addResource($resource, Ajde_Document_Format_Html::RESOURCE_POSITION_TOP); break; } }
public static function dump($var, $expand = true) { $i = 0; $line = null; foreach (debug_backtrace() as $item) { try { $source = sprintf('%s. dumped from <em>%s</em>%s<strong>%s</strong> (line %s)', count(self::$dump) + 1, isset($item['class']) ? is_object($item['class']) ? get_class($item['class']) : $item['class'] : '<unknown class> (in <span style=\'font-size: 0.8em;\'>' . print_r($item['args'][0]) . '</span>)', !empty($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : '::', !empty($item['function']) ? $item['function'] : '<unknown function>', $line); $line = issetor($item['line'], null); } catch (Exception $e) { } if ($i == 2) { break; } $i++; } self::$dump[$source] = [$var, $expand]; }
public static function getLinkTemplateFilename($type, $format = 'null') { if (Ajde::app()->getDocument()->hasLayout()) { $layout = Ajde::app()->getDocument()->getLayout(); } else { $layout = new Ajde_Layout(config('layout.frontend')); } $format = issetor($format, 'html'); $dirPrefixPatterns = [APP_DIR, CORE_DIR]; foreach ($dirPrefixPatterns as $dirPrefixPattern) { $prefixedLayout = $dirPrefixPattern . LAYOUT_DIR; if (self::exist($prefixedLayout . $layout->getName() . '/link/' . $type . '.' . $format . '.php')) { return $prefixedLayout . $layout->getName() . '/link/' . $type . '.' . $format . '.php'; } } return false; }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'render': $image = new Image($this->attributes['filename']); $image->setWidth($this->attributes['width']); $image->setHeight($this->attributes['height']); $image->setCrop(String::toBoolean($this->attributes['crop'])); $controller = Controller::fromRoute(new Route('_core/component:imageBase64')); $controller->setImage($image); $controller->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'], null)); $controller->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'], null)); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; } // TODO: throw new Exception('Missing required attributes for component call'); }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'form': $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:form')); $controller->setFormAction($this->attributes['route']); $controller->setFormId(issetor($this->attributes['id'], spl_object_hash($this))); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); $controller->setInnerXml($this->innerXml); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'ajax': $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:formAjax')); $formAction = new Ajde_Core_Route($this->attributes['route']); $formAction->setFormat(issetor($this->attributes['format'], 'json')); $controller->setFormAction($formAction->__toString()); $controller->setFormFormat(issetor($this->attributes['format'], 'json')); $controller->setFormId(issetor($this->attributes['id'], spl_object_hash($this))); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); $controller->setInnerXml($this->innerXml); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'upload': $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:formUpload')); if (!isset($this->attributes['options']) || !isset($this->attributes['options']['saveDir']) || !isset($this->attributes['options']['extensions'])) { // TODO: throw new Ajde_Component_Exception('Options saveDir and extensions must be set for AC.Form.Upload'); } $controller->setName($this->attributes['name']); $controller->setOptions($this->attributes['options']); $controller->setInputId(issetor($this->attributes['id'], spl_object_hash($this))); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'embed': $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('form/view.html')); $controller->setId($this->attributes['id']); return $controller->invoke(); break; } // TODO: throw new Ajde_Component_Exception(); }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'list': $options = issetor($this->attributes['options'], array()); $crud = new Ajde_Crud($this->attributes['model'], $options); $crud->setAction('list'); return $crud; break; case 'edit': $options = issetor($this->attributes['options'], array()); $id = issetor($this->attributes['id'], null); $crud = new Ajde_Crud($this->attributes['model'], $options); $crud->setId($id); $crud->setAction('edit'); return $crud; break; } // TODO: throw new Ajde_Component_Exception(); }
public function save() { // check all changed fields $modelName = get_class($this); $shadowModel = new $modelName(); /* @var $shadowModel Ajde_Model */ $shadowModel->loadByPK($this->getPK()); if ($shadowModel->_hasMeta) { $shadowModel->populateMeta(); } // old values $oldValues = $shadowModel->values(); foreach ($oldValues as &$oldValue) { @($oldValue = (string) $oldValue); } // populate meta of current model, but don't override if ($this->_hasMeta) { $this->populateMeta(false, false); } // new values $newValues = $this->values(); foreach ($newValues as $k => &$newValue) { if ($k == 'meta_4') { // die('hier'); } @($newValue = (string) $newValue); } // ignore fields foreach ($this->_ignoreFieldInRevision as $ignoreField) { unset($oldValues[$ignoreField]); unset($newValues[$ignoreField]); } // ignore fields foreach ($this->_ignoreFieldInRevisionIfEmpty as $ignoreField) { if (!isset($newValues[$ignoreField]) || empty($newValues[$ignoreField])) { unset($oldValues[$ignoreField]); unset($newValues[$ignoreField]); } } if ($diffs = array_diff_assoc($oldValues, $newValues)) { foreach ($diffs as $diffField => $diffValue) { $revision = new RevisionModel(); $revision->model = $this->getModelName(); $revision->foreignkey = $this->getPK(); $revision->user = UserModel::getLoggedIn(); $revision->field = $diffField; $revision->old = issetor($oldValues[$diffField]); $revision->new = issetor($newValues[$diffField]); $revision->insert(); } } return parent::save(); }
function update($p) { $permSet = array(); if (!empty($p['pm'])) { foreach ($p['pm'] as $k => $v) { $permSet[$k] = $v == 'on' ? true : cInt($v); } } $this->id = isPostor('id'); $this->acr = cInt(isPostor('acr', 0)); $this->acw = cInt(isPostor('acw', 0)); if (!isset($permSet['esv.def']) && !isset($permSet['ews.def'])) { $permSet['esv.def'] = true; } if ($this->id == 1) { $this->acr = 99; $this->acw = 99; $adm = array('esv.def' => issetor($permSet['esv.def'], false), 'ews.def' => issetor($permSet['ews.def'], false)); $permSet = $adm; } $this->name = trim(isPostor('name')); $this->desc = isPostor('desc'); $this->props["pm"] = $permSet; if (empty($this->name)) { gzClient::begin()->eAlert("Error:!Name is not empty...")->send(); } $data = array('userg_name' => $this->name, 'userg_description' => $this->desc, 'userg_acr' => $this->acr, 'userg_acw' => $this->acw, 'rec_update' => NOW, 'userg_props' => json_encode($this->props)); if (empty($this->id)) { $data['rec_update'] = NOW; $data['rec_create'] = NOW; g::DB()->aInsert($data, 'sg_user_group'); } else { g::DB()->aUpdate($data, 'sg_user_group', 'userg_id', $this->id); g::cacheSet('UGROUP' . $this->id, $this); } //gzData::uGroupInfo(true); gzClient::begin()->redirect("cpanel.usergroup")->endSend(); }
public function updatePayment() { // PHP 4.1 // read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd' $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); $req .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } // post back to PayPal system to validate $header = ''; $header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen($this->isSandbox() ? 'ssl://' : 'ssl://', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); // assign posted variables to local variables $item_name = issetor($_POST['item_name']); $item_number = issetor($_POST['item_number']); $payment_status = issetor($_POST['payment_status']); $payment_amount = issetor($_POST['mc_gross']); $payment_currency = issetor($_POST['mc_currency']); $txn_id = issetor($_POST['txn_id']); $receiver_email = issetor($_POST['receiver_email']); $payer_email = issetor($_POST['payer_email']); Model::register('shop'); $secret = issetor($_POST['custom']); $transaction = new TransactionModel(); $changed = false; if (!$fp) { // HTTP ERROR } else { fputs($fp, $header . $req); while (!feof($fp)) { $res = fgets($fp, 1024); if (strcmp($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) { if (!$transaction->loadByField('secret', $secret)) { Log::log('Could not find transaction for PayPal payment with txn id ' . $txn_id . ' and transaction secret ' . $secret); return array('success' => false, 'transaction' => null); } // check the payment_status is Completed // accept Pending from PayPal (eChecks?) $acceptPending = true; if ($payment_status == 'Completed' || $acceptPending && $payment_status == 'Pending') { $details = 'AMOUNT: ' . $payment_amount . PHP_EOL . 'CURRENCY: ' . $payment_currency . PHP_EOL . 'PAYER_EMAIL: ' . $payer_email . PHP_EOL . 'RECEIVER_EMAIL: ' . $receiver_email . PHP_EOL . 'TXN_ID: ' . $txn_id . PHP_EOL; // update transaction only once if ($transaction->payment_status != 'completed') { $transaction->payment_details = $details; $transaction->payment_status = 'completed'; $transaction->save(); $changed = true; } // Write pending to Log if ($payment_status == 'Pending') { Log::log('Status is Pending but accepting now. PayPal payment with txn id ' . $txn_id . ' and transaction secret ' . $secret); } return array('success' => true, 'changed' => $changed, 'transaction' => $transaction); } else { if ($transaction->payment_status != 'refused') { $transaction->payment_status = 'refused'; $transaction->save(); $changed = true; } Log::log('Status is not Completed but ' . $payment_status . ' for PayPal payment with txn id ' . $txn_id . ' and transaction secret ' . $secret); } // check that txn_id has not been previously processed // check that receiver_email is your Primary PayPal email // check that payment_amount/payment_currency are correct // process payment } else { if (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) { if (!$transaction->loadByField('secret', $secret)) { // secret not found anyway $transaction = null; Log::log('Could not find transaction for PayPal payment with txn id ' . $txn_id . ' and transaction secret ' . $secret); } else { // log for manual investigation if ($transaction->payment_status != 'refused') { $transaction->payment_status = 'refused'; $transaction->save(); $changed = true; } Log::log('Validation failed for PayPal payment with txn id ' . $txn_id); } } } } fclose($fp); } return array('success' => false, 'changed' => $changed, 'transaction' => $transaction); }
protected function extension() { $path_info = pathinfo($this->_source); return strtolower(issetor($path_info['extension'])); }
$res = get_tasks($db, $group, $from); break; case "addTask": if (!isset($p->title)) { $res = array('status' => false, 'msg' => "NO PARAMETERS"); } else { $res = array('status' => add_task($db, issetor($p->title), issetor($p->description), issetor($p->deadline), issetor($p->worklevel), issetor($p->groupe), issetor($p->UID)), 'msg' => "{$p->title} est ajouté"); } break; case "deleteTask": if (!isset($p->id)) { $res = array('status' => false, 'msg' => "NO PARAMETERS"); } else { $res = array('status' => deleteTask($db, issetor($p->id)), 'msg' => "{$p->title} est supprimée"); } break; case "editTask": if (!isset($p->id)) { $res = array('status' => false, 'msg' => "NO PARAMETERS"); } else { $res = array('status' => editTask($db, issetor($p->title), issetor($p->description), issetor($p->deadline), issetor($p->worklevel), issetor($p->groupe), issetor($p->UID), $p->id), 'msg' => "{$p->title} est modifiée"); } break; default: $res = array("ACTION NOT FOUND"); } echo json_encode($res); } else { $res = array("NO ACTION SET"); echo json_encode($res); }
private function submission($crudId, $id) { $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Crud'); /* @var $crud Ajde_Crud */ $crud = $session->getModel($crudId); // verify that we have a valid crud model if (!$crud) { return ['success' => false]; } /* @var $model FormModel */ $model = $crud->getModel(); $model->setOptions($crud->getOptions('model')); // Get POST params $post = Ajde_Http_Request::globalPost(); $id = issetor($post['id']); // verify that we have a valid form model if (!$id) { return ['success' => false]; } // load form $model->loadByPK($id); $model->populate($post); // validate form Ajde_Event::trigger($model, 'beforeCrudSave', [$crud]); if (!$model->validate($crud->getOptions('fields'))) { return ['operation' => 'save', 'success' => false, 'errors' => $model->getValidationErrors()]; } // prepare submission $values = []; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'meta_') { $metaId = str_replace('meta_', '', $key); $metaName = MetaModel::getNameFromId($metaId); $values[$metaName] = $value; } } $entryText = ''; foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $entryText .= $k . ': ' . $v . PHP_EOL; } $submission = new SubmissionModel(); $submission->form = $id; $submission->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $submission->user = Ajde_User::getLoggedIn(); $submission->entry = json_encode($values); $submission->entry_text = $entryText; $success = $submission->insert(); if ($success === true) { // Destroy reference to crud instance $session->destroy($crudId); // set message for next page Ajde_Session_Flash::alert(trans('Form submitted successfully')); $mailer = new Ajde_Mailer(); // send email to administrator $body = 'Form: ' . $model->displayField() . '<br/><br/>' . nl2br($entryText); $mailer->SendQuickMail(config(''), config(''), config('app.title'), 'New form submission', $body); // send email to user $email = $model->getEmail(); /* @var $email EmailModel */ $email_to = $model->getEmailTo(); /* @var $email MetaModel */ $email_address = issetor($post['meta_' . $email_to->getPK()]); if ($email->hasLoaded() && $email_to->hasLoaded() && $email_address) { $mailer->sendUsingModel($email->getIdentifier(), $email_address, $email_address, ['entry' => nl2br($entryText)]); } } return ['operation' => 'save', 'id' => $model->getPK(), 'displayField' => $model->get($model->getDisplayField()), 'success' => $success]; }
public function getFieldOptions($fieldName, $fieldProperties = []) { $fieldsOptions = $this->getOptions('fields'); $fieldOptions = issetor($fieldsOptions[$fieldName], []); return array_merge($fieldProperties, $fieldOptions); }
private static function _getHashFromSession($token) { $tokenDictionary = self::_getTokenDictionary(); return issetor($tokenDictionary[$token], ''); }
public static function getRequest() { return issetor($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); }
/** * @param string|null $action * @param string|null $format * * @throws Ajde_Exception * @throws Exception * * @return mixed */ public function invoke($action = null, $format = null) { $timerKey = Ajde::app()->addTimer((string) $this->_route); $action = issetor($action, $this->getAction()); $format = issetor($format, $this->getFormat()); $method = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); $tryTheseFunctions = []; $formatFunction = $action . ucfirst($format); $defaultFunction = $action . 'Default'; $emptyFunction = $action; $tryTheseFunctions[] = $formatFunction . ucfirst($method); $tryTheseFunctions[] = $defaultFunction . ucfirst($method); $tryTheseFunctions[] = $emptyFunction . ucfirst($method); $tryTheseFunctions[] = $formatFunction; $tryTheseFunctions[] = $defaultFunction; $tryTheseFunctions[] = $emptyFunction; $invokeFunction = ''; foreach ($tryTheseFunctions as $tryFunction) { if (method_exists($this, $tryFunction)) { $invokeFunction = $tryFunction; break; } } // dump(get_class($this) . '::' . $invokeFunction); if (!$invokeFunction) { $exception = new Ajde_Core_Exception_Routing(sprintf('Action %s for module %s not found', $this->getAction(), $this->getModule()), 90011); Ajde::routingError($exception); } $return = true; if (method_exists($this, 'beforeInvoke')) { $return = $this->beforeInvoke(); if ($return !== true && $return !== false) { // TODO: throw new Ajde_Exception(sprintf('beforeInvoke() must return either TRUE or FALSE')); } } if ($return === true) { $return = $this->{$invokeFunction}(); if (method_exists($this, 'afterInvoke')) { $this->afterInvoke(); } } Ajde::app()->endTimer($timerKey); return $return; }
public static function trace(Exception $exception, $output = self::EXCEPTION_TRACE_HTML) { if (Ajde::app()->hasDocument() && Ajde::app()->getDocument()->getFormat() == 'json') { $output = self::EXCEPTION_TRACE_LOG; } if ($exception instanceof ErrorException) { $type = "PHP Error " . self::getErrorType($exception->getSeverity()); } elseif ($exception instanceof Ajde_Exception) { $type = "Uncaught application exception" . ($exception->getCode() ? ' ' . $exception->getCode() : ''); } else { $type = "Uncaught PHP exception " . $exception->getCode(); } switch ($output) { case self::EXCEPTION_TRACE_HTML: if (ob_get_level()) { ob_clean(); } $traceMessage = '<ol reversed="reversed">'; self::$firstApplicationFileExpanded = false; foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $item) { $arguments = null; if (!empty($item['args'])) { ob_start(); var_dump($item['args']); $dump = ob_get_clean(); $arguments = sprintf(' with arguments: %s', $dump); } $traceMessage .= sprintf("<li><em>%s</em>%s<strong>%s</strong><br/>in %s<br/> \n", !empty($item['class']) ? $item['class'] : '<unknown class>', !empty($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : '::', !empty($item['function']) ? $item['function'] : '<unknown function>', self::embedScript(issetor($item['file'], null), issetor($item['line'], null), $arguments, false)); $traceMessage .= '</li>'; } $traceMessage .= '</ol>'; $exceptionDocumentation = ''; if ($exception instanceof Ajde_Exception && $exception->getCode()) { $exceptionDocumentation = sprintf("<div style='margin-top: 4px;'><img src='//" . Config::get('site_root') . "public/images/_core/globe_16.png' style='vertical-align: bottom;' title='Primary key' width='16' height='16' /> <a href='%s'>Documentation on error %s</a> </div>", Ajde_Core_Documentation::getUrl($exception->getCode()), $exception->getCode()); } $exceptionMessage = sprintf("<div style='background-color:#F1F1F1;background-image: url(\"//" . Config::get('site_root') . "public/images/_core/warning_48.png\"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 10px 10px; border: 1px solid silver; padding: 10px 10px 10px 70px;'><h3 style='margin:0;'>%s:</h3><h2 style='margin:0;'>%s</h2> Exception thrown in %s%s</div><h3>Trace:</h3>\n", $type, $exception->getMessage(), self::embedScript($exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine(), $arguments, false), $exceptionDocumentation); $exceptionDump = ''; if (class_exists("Ajde_Dump")) { if ($dumps = Ajde_Dump::getAll()) { $exceptionDump .= '<h2>Dumps</h2>'; foreach ($dumps as $dump) { ob_start(); var_dump($dump[0]); $exceptionDump .= ob_get_clean(); } } } $style = false; if (file_exists(MODULE_DIR . '_core/res/css/debugger/handler.css')) { $style = file_get_contents(MODULE_DIR . '_core/res/css/debugger/handler.css'); } if ($style === false) { // For shutdown() call $style = 'body {font: 13px sans-serif;} a {color: #005D9A;} a:hover {color: #9A0092;} h2 {color: #005D9A;} span > a {color: #9A0092;}'; } $style = '<style>' . $style . '</style>'; $message = $style . $exceptionDump . $exceptionMessage . $traceMessage; break; case self::EXCEPTION_TRACE_LOG: $message = 'Request ' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . " triggered:" . PHP_EOL; $message .= sprintf("%s: %s in %s on line %s", $type, $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine()); foreach (array_reverse($exception->getTrace()) as $i => $line) { $message .= PHP_EOL; $message .= $i . '. ' . issetor($line['file']) . ' on line ' . issetor($line['line']); } break; } return $message; }
$x->post_dec_prop(N); $t = end_test($t, '$this->x--', $overhead); $x->isset_prop(N); $t = end_test($t, 'isset($this->x)', $overhead); $x->empty_prop(N); $t = end_test($t, 'empty($this->x)', $overhead); $x->call(N); $t = end_test($t, '$this->f()', $overhead); $x->read_const(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = Foo::TEST', $overhead); create_object(N); $t = end_test($t, 'new Foo()', $overhead); read_const(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = TEST', $overhead); read_auto_global(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $_GET', $overhead); read_global_var(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $GLOBALS[\'v\']', $overhead); read_hash(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $hash[\'v\']', $overhead); read_str_offset(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $str[0]', $overhead); issetor(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $a ?: null', $overhead); issetor2(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $f ?: tmp', $overhead); ternary(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $f ? $f : $a', $overhead); ternary2(N); $t = end_test($t, '$x = $f ? $f : tmp', $overhead); total($t0, "Total");