<?php define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); define('PLUGINSDIR', ROOT . "/plugins"); define('VARDIR', ROOT . "/var"); include ROOT . "/functions.php"; if (!isallowed()) { die('您不允许使用该工具'); } #base on shopex 48 $configfile = ROOT . "/../config/config.php"; if (file_exists($configfile)) { define('SHOPEXVER', 48); include $configfile; } else { $configfile = ROOT . "/../include/mall_config.php"; #convert to shopex48 format if (file_exists($configfile)) { define('SHOPEXVER', 47); include $configfile; define('DB_USER', $dbUser); define('DB_PASSWORD', $dbPass); define('DB_NAME', $dbName); define('DB_HOST', $dbHost); define('DB_PREFIX', $_tbpre); define('DB_CHARSET', MYSQL_CHARSET_NAME); } else { msg("找不到数据库配置文件"); die; } }
Started on: <span style="color:blue"><?php echo date("l, jS \\of F Y h:i A", strtotime($row[7])); ?> </span>, Expired on: <span style="color:blue"><?php echo date("l, jS \\of F Y h:i A", strtotime($row[6])); ?> </span> </div> <div> <a class="viewporg" prgid="<?php echo $prgindx + $row[0]; ?> ">View Details</a> <?php if (isallowed($row[0], $loginfo->getUserId())) { ?> <a class="taketest" prgid="<?php echo $prgindx + $row[0]; ?> ">Take Test</a> <?php } ?> </div> </p> </div> <?php } mysql_free_result($res); ?>
/** * shows the image in filename depending on servers disabled functions. * requires filetype * * @param string filename */ function myreadfile($filepath, $filetype = "image/gif") { if (isallowed("readfile")) { Header("Content-type: {$filetype}"); @readfile($filepath); } else { if (isallowed("fpassthru")) { $fp = fopen($filepath, 'rb'); Header("Content-type: {$filetype}"); Header("Content-Length: " . filesize($filepath)); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); } else { Header("Location: {$filepath}"); } } }