?> </span> <h1 class="display-inline"><strong><?php echo get_safe_html_user()["search"]["d"]; ?> </strong></h1> </div> <?php } else { ?> <h1 class="phone-hide"><?php echo sprintf(is_user_images() ? _s("%s's Images") : _s("%s's Albums"), get_user()["name_short"]); ?> </h1> <h1 class="phone-show hidden"><?php echo is_user_images() ? _s("Images") : _s("Albums"); ?> </h1> <?php } ?> <?php G\Render\include_theme_file("snippets/tabs"); ?> <?php if (is_owner() or is_admin()) { G\Render\include_theme_file("snippets/user_items_editor"); ?> <div class="header-content-right phone-float-none">
<?php if ((int) CHV\getSetting('theme_logo_height') > 0) { $logo_height = (int) CHV\getSetting('theme_logo_height'); echo '<style type="text/css">.top-bar-logo, .top-bar-logo img { height: ' . $logo_height . 'px; } .top-bar-logo { margin-top: -' . (int) ($logo_height / 2) . 'px; } </style>'; } ?> <?php $open_graph = ['type' => 'website', 'url' => G\get_current_url(), 'title' => CHV\getSetting('website_doctitle', true), 'site_name' => CHV\getSetting('website_name', true), 'description' => CHV\getSetting('website_description', true)]; switch (true) { case function_exists('get_image') and G\is_route("image"): $open_graph_extend = ['title' => get_pre_doctitle(), 'description' => get_image()['description'], 'image' => get_image()['display_url'], 'image:width' => get_image()['width'], 'image:height' => get_image()['height']]; break; case function_exists('get_user') and G\is_route("user"): $open_graph_extend = ['type' => 'profile', 'title' => get_user()['name'], 'description' => sprintf(is_user_images() ? _s("%s's Images") : _s("%s's Albums"), get_user()["name_short"]), 'image' => get_user()['avatar']['url']]; break; case function_exists('get_album') and G\is_route("album"): $open_graph_extend = ['title' => get_album()['name'], 'description' => get_album()['description']]; break; } if ($open_graph_extend) { $open_graph = array_merge($open_graph, $open_graph_extend); } foreach ($open_graph as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { continue; } echo '<meta property="og:' . $k . '" content="' . $v . '">' . "\n"; } ?>