コード例 #1
ファイル: subscriptions.php プロジェクト: dasklney/traq
  * Toggles the subscription.
  * @param string  $type Subscription type (Project, Milestone, Ticket)
  * @param integer $id   Subscribed object ID
 public function action_toggle($type, $id)
     switch ($type) {
         // Project
         case 'project':
             // Delete subscription
             if (is_subscribed($this->user, $this->project)) {
                 $sub = Subscription::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('user_id', $this->user->id), array('type', 'project')))->exec()->fetch();
             } else {
                 $sub = new Subscription(array('type' => "project", 'project_id' => $this->project->id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'object_id' => $this->project->id));
             // Milestone
         // Milestone
         case 'milestone':
             // Get milestone
             $milestone = Milestone::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('slug', $id)))->exec()->fetch();
             // Delete subscription
             if (is_subscribed($this->user, $milestone)) {
                 $sub = Subscription::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('user_id', $this->user->id), array('type', 'milestone'), array('object_id', $milestone->id)))->exec()->fetch();
             } else {
                 $sub = new Subscription(array('type' => "milestone", 'project_id' => $this->project->id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'object_id' => $milestone->id));
             // Milestone
         // Milestone
         case 'ticket':
             // Get ticket
             $ticket = Ticket::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('ticket_id', $id)))->exec()->fetch();
             // Delete subscription
             if (is_subscribed($this->user, $ticket)) {
                 $sub = Subscription::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('user_id', $this->user->id), array('type', 'ticket'), array('object_id', $ticket->id)))->exec()->fetch();
             } else {
                 $sub = new Subscription(array('type' => "ticket", 'project_id' => $this->project->id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'object_id' => $ticket->id));
コード例 #2
ファイル: messages.php プロジェクト: ASDAFF/myprofile
 $ret .= "<table>\n";
 $ret .= "<tr class=\"" . $bg_style . "\"><td colspan=\"2\"><hr class=\"hr-msg\" /><br/></td></tr>\n";
 $ret .= "<tr valign=\"top\" class=\"" . $bg_style . "\">\n";
 $ret .= "   <td width=\"80\" align=\"center\">\n";
 $ret .= "       <a href=\"view?webid=" . urlencode($row['from_uri']) . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img title=\"" . $name . "\" alt=\"" . $name . "\" width=\"48\" src=\"" . $pic . "\" style=\"padding: 0px 0px 10px;\" /></a>\n";
 $ret .= "   </td>\n";
 $ret .= "   <td>";
 $ret .= "       <table>\n";
 $ret .= "       <tr valign=\"top\">\n";
 $ret .= "           <td><b><a href=\"view?webid=" . urlencode($row['from_uri']) . "\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-color: black;\">" . $name . "</a></b> <small style=\"color: grey;\">" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['date']) . "</small></td>\n";
 $ret .= "       </tr>\n";
 $ret .= "       <tr>\n";
 $ret .= "           <td class=\"message\"><p>" . $text . "</p></td>\n";
 $ret .= "       </tr>\n";
 $ret .= "       <tr><td><br/>\n";
 if (is_subscribed($row['from_uri'])) {
     $ret .= "           <input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" name=\"reply\" value=\" Reply \">";
 if ($new == 1) {
     $ret .= "           <input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" name=\"read\" value=\" Mark as read \">";
 } else {
     if ($new == 0) {
         $ret .= "           <input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn\" name=\"unread\" value=\" Mark as unread \">";
 $ret .= "           <input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-danger\" name=\"delete\" value=\" Delete \"> ";
 $ret .= "           </td>\n";
 $ret .= "       </tr>\n";
 $ret .= "       <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
 $ret .= "       </table>\n";
 $ret .= "   </td>\n";
コード例 #3
ファイル: subscribeModule.php プロジェクト: CMPUT391/c391proj
    $submit = $_POST['sensors'];
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        if (!empty($submit) and in_array($row['SENSOR_ID'], $submit)) {
            add_subscription($conn, $row['SENSOR_ID'], $pid);
        } else {
            remove_subscription($conn, $row['SENSOR_ID'], $pid);
    echo "Subscribed to selected sensors. (Total:" . count(get_subscribed_sensors($conn, $pid)) . ")";
echo "<table border='1' class='table table-hover'>";
echo "<tr><td>Subscribed</td><td>SENSOR_ID</td><td>LOCATION</td></tr>";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    if (is_subscribed($conn, $row['SENSOR_ID'], $pid)) {
        echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='sensors[]' value='" . $row['SENSOR_ID'] . "' checked></td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['SENSOR_ID'] . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['LOCATION'] . "</td></tr>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='sensors[]' value='" . $row['SENSOR_ID'] . "'></td><td>" . $row['SENSOR_ID'] . '</td><td>' . $row['LOCATION'] . '</td></tr>';
echo "</table>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary' name='submit' value='submit'>";
echo "</form>";
	<a href="MainPage.php" class="btn btn-primary">Back</a>
コード例 #4
ファイル: common.php プロジェクト: manishkhanchandani/mkgxy
 * Return info about the current document as associative
 * array.
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function pageinfo()
    global $ID;
    global $REV;
    global $USERINFO;
    global $conf;
    // include ID & REV not redundant, as some parts of DokuWiki may temporarily change $ID, e.g. p_wiki_xhtml
    // FIXME ... perhaps it would be better to ensure the temporary changes weren't necessary
    $info['id'] = $ID;
    $info['rev'] = $REV;
    if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) {
        $info['userinfo'] = $USERINFO;
        $info['perm'] = auth_quickaclcheck($ID);
        $info['subscribed'] = is_subscribed($ID, $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
        $info['client'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
        // if some outside auth were used only REMOTE_USER is set
        if (!$info['userinfo']['name']) {
            $info['userinfo']['name'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
    } else {
        $info['perm'] = auth_aclcheck($ID, '', null);
        $info['subscribed'] = false;
        $info['client'] = clientIP(true);
    $info['namespace'] = getNS($ID);
    $info['locked'] = checklock($ID);
    $info['filepath'] = realpath(wikiFN($ID));
    $info['exists'] = @file_exists($info['filepath']);
    if ($REV) {
        //check if current revision was meant
        if ($info['exists'] && @filemtime($info['filepath']) == $REV) {
            $REV = '';
        } else {
            //really use old revision
            $info['filepath'] = realpath(wikiFN($ID, $REV));
            $info['exists'] = @file_exists($info['filepath']);
    $info['rev'] = $REV;
    if ($info['exists']) {
        $info['writable'] = is_writable($info['filepath']) && $info['perm'] >= AUTH_EDIT;
    } else {
        $info['writable'] = $info['perm'] >= AUTH_CREATE;
    $info['editable'] = $info['writable'] && empty($info['lock']);
    $info['lastmod'] = @filemtime($info['filepath']);
    //load page meta data
    $info['meta'] = p_get_metadata($ID);
    //who's the editor
    if ($REV) {
        $revinfo = getRevisionInfo($ID, $REV, 1024);
    } else {
        $revinfo = isset($info['meta']['last_change']) ? $info['meta']['last_change'] : getRevisionInfo($ID, $info['lastmod'], 1024);
    $info['ip'] = $revinfo['ip'];
    $info['user'] = $revinfo['user'];
    $info['sum'] = $revinfo['sum'];
    // See also $INFO['meta']['last_change'] which is the most recent log line for page $ID.
    // Use $INFO['meta']['last_change']['type']==='e' in place of $info['minor'].
    if ($revinfo['user']) {
        $info['editor'] = $revinfo['user'];
    } else {
        $info['editor'] = $revinfo['ip'];
    // draft
    $draft = getCacheName($info['client'] . $ID, '.draft');
    if (@file_exists($draft)) {
        if (@filemtime($draft) < @filemtime(wikiFN($ID))) {
            // remove stale draft
        } else {
            $info['draft'] = $draft;
    return $info;
コード例 #5
ファイル: forum_forum.php プロジェクト: Turante/boincweb
function show_forum($forum, $start, $sort_style, $user)
    $gotoStr = "";
    $nav = show_page_nav($forum, $start);
    if ($nav) {
        $gotoStr = "<div align=\"right\">{$nav}</div><br />";
    echo $gotoStr;
    // Display the navbar
    start_forum_table(array("", tra("Threads"), tra("Posts"), tra("Author"), tra("Views"), "<nobr>" . tra("Last post") . "</nobr>"));
    $sticky_first = !$user || !$user->prefs->ignore_sticky_posts;
    // Show hidden threads if logged in user is a moderator
    $show_hidden = is_moderator($user, $forum);
    $threads = get_forum_threads($forum->id, $start, THREADS_PER_PAGE, $sort_style, $show_hidden, $sticky_first);
    if ($user) {
        $subs = BoincSubscription::enum("userid={$user->id}");
    // Run through the list of threads, displaying each of them
    $n = 0;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($threads as $thread) {
        $owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($thread->owner);
        $unread = thread_is_unread($user, $thread);
        //if ($thread->status==1){
        // This is an answered helpdesk thread
        if ($user && is_subscribed($thread, $subs)) {
            echo '<tr class="row_hd' . $n . '">';
        } else {
            echo '<tr class="row' . $n . '">';
        echo '<td width="1%"><nobr>';
        if ($user && $thread->rating() > $user->prefs->high_rating_threshold) {
            show_image(EMPHASIZE_IMAGE, "This message has a high average rating", "Highly rated");
        if ($user && $thread->rating() < $user->prefs->low_rating_threshold) {
            show_image(FILTER_IMAGE, "This message has a low average rating", "Low rated");
        if ($thread->hidden) {
            echo "[hidden]";
        if ($unread) {
            if ($thread->sticky) {
                if ($thread->locked) {
                    show_image(NEW_IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED, "This thread is sticky and locked, and you haven't read it yet", "sticky/locked/unread");
                } else {
                    show_image(NEW_IMAGE_STICKY, "This thread is sticky and you haven't read it yet", "sticky/unread");
            } else {
                if ($thread->locked) {
                    show_image(NEW_IMAGE_LOCKED, "You haven't read this thread yet, and it's locked", "unread/locked");
                } else {
                    show_image(NEW_IMAGE, "You haven't read this thread yet", "unread");
        } else {
            if ($thread->sticky) {
                if ($thread->locked) {
                    show_image(IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED, "This thread is sticky and locked", "sticky/locked");
                } else {
                    show_image(IMAGE_STICKY, "This thread is sticky", "sticky");
            } else {
                if ($thread->locked) {
                    show_image(IMAGE_LOCKED, "This thread is locked", "locked");
        echo "</nobr></td>";
        $titlelength = 48;
        $title = $thread->title;
        if (strlen($title) > $titlelength) {
            $title = substr($title, 0, $titlelength) . "...";
        $title = cleanup_title($title);
        echo '<td class="threadline">
			<a href="forum_thread.php?id=' . $thread->id . '"><strong>' . $title . '</strong></a>
			<br /></td>';
        $n = ($n + 1) % 2;
        echo '<td class="numbers leftborder">' . ($thread->replies + 1) . '</td>
			<td class="author leftborder">' . user_links($owner) . '</td>
			<td class="numbers leftborder">' . $thread->views . '</td>
			<td class="lastpost leftborder">' . time_diff_str($thread->timestamp, time()) . '</td>
    echo "<br />{$gotoStr}";
    // show page links
コード例 #6
ファイル: forum_forum.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc
function show_forum($forum, $start, $sort_style, $user)
    $page_nav = page_links("forum_forum.php?id={$forum->id}&amp;sort={$sort_style}", $forum->threads, THREADS_PER_PAGE, $start);
    echo $page_nav;
    start_forum_table(array("", tra("Threads"), tra("Posts"), tra("Author"), tra("Views"), "<nobr>" . tra("Last post") . "</nobr>"));
    $sticky_first = !$user || !$user->prefs->ignore_sticky_posts;
    // Show hidden threads if logged in user is a moderator
    $show_hidden = is_moderator($user, $forum);
    $threads = get_forum_threads($forum->id, $start, THREADS_PER_PAGE, $sort_style, $show_hidden, $sticky_first);
    if ($user) {
        $subs = BoincSubscription::enum("userid={$user->id}");
    // Run through the list of threads, displaying each of them
    $n = 0;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($threads as $thread) {
        $owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($thread->owner);
        if (!$owner) {
        $unread = thread_is_unread($user, $thread);
        //if ($thread->status==1){
        // This is an answered helpdesk thread
        if ($user && is_subscribed($thread, $subs)) {
            echo '<tr class="row_hd' . $n . '">';
        } else {
            // Just a standard thread.
            echo '<tr class="row' . $n . '">';
        echo "<td width=\"1%\" class=\"threadicon\"><nobr>";
        if ($thread->hidden) {
            show_image(IMAGE_HIDDEN, tra("This thread is hidden"), tra("hidden"));
        } else {
            if ($unread) {
                if ($thread->sticky) {
                    if ($thread->locked) {
                        show_image(NEW_IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED, tra("This thread is sticky and locked, and you haven't read it yet"), tra("sticky/locked/unread"));
                    } else {
                        show_image(NEW_IMAGE_STICKY, tra("This thread is sticky and you haven't read it yet"), tra("sticky/unread"));
                } else {
                    if ($thread->locked) {
                        show_image(NEW_IMAGE_LOCKED, tra("You haven't read this thread yet, and it's locked"), tra("unread/locked"));
                    } else {
                        show_image(NEW_IMAGE, tra("You haven't read this thread yet"), tra("unread"));
            } else {
                if ($thread->sticky) {
                    if ($thread->locked) {
                        show_image(IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED, tra("This thread is sticky and locked"), tra("sticky/locked"));
                    } else {
                        show_image(IMAGE_STICKY, tra("This thread is sticky"), tra("sticky"));
                } else {
                    if ($thread->locked) {
                        show_image(IMAGE_LOCKED, tra("This thread is locked"), tra("locked"));
                    } else {
                        show_image(IMAGE_POST, tra("You read this thread"), tra("read"));
        echo "</nobr></td>";
        $title = cleanup_title($thread->title);
        //$titlelength = 9999;
        //if (strlen($title) > $titlelength) {
        //    $title = substr($title, 0, $titlelength)."...";
        echo "<td class=\"threadline\"><a href=\"forum_thread.php?id={$thread->id}\"><b>{$title}</b></a><br></td>";
        $n = ($n + 1) % 2;
        echo '
            <td class="numbers">' . ($thread->replies + 1) . '</td>
            <td>' . user_links($owner, BADGE_HEIGHT_SMALL) . '</td>
            <td class="numbers">' . $thread->views . '</td>
            <td class="lastpost">' . time_diff_str($thread->timestamp, time()) . '</td>
    echo "<br>{$page_nav}";
    // show page links
コード例 #7
ファイル: preferences.php プロジェクト: ASDAFF/myprofile
            $_SESSION['user_hash'] = null;
            $_SESSION['feed_hash'] = null;
            $ret .= $_SESSION['myprofile']->unsubscribe();
        // Unsubscribe from receiving email notifications
        if (isset($_REQUEST['email']) || $_REQUEST['email'] == 'on') {
            $ret .= $_SESSION['myprofile']->subscribe_email();
        } else {
            if (!isset($_REQUEST['email']) || $_REQUEST['email'] == 'off') {
                $ret .= $_SESSION['myprofile']->unsubscribe_email();
// display form if we are not registered
if (!is_subscribed($_SESSION['webid'])) {
    $ret .= "<h2><strong>Manage notifications</strong></h2>\n";
    $ret .= "<form name=\"manage\" method=\"post\">\n";
    $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subscribe\" value=\"1\">\n";
    $ret .= "<table border=\"0\">\n";
    $ret .= "<tr><td>Would you like to register in order to receive notifications?</td></tr>\n";
    $ret .= "<tr><td><br/><input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Register\"></td></tr>\n";
    $ret .= "</table>\n";
    $ret .= "</form>\n";
} else {
    $ret .= "<h1>The URI for your Wall is <a href=\"" . $base_uri . "/wall?user="******"\">" . $base_uri . "/wall?user="******"</a></h1>\n";
    $check_email = '';
    if (is_subscribed_email($_SESSION['webid']) == true) {
        $check_email = 'checked';
    $check_subscription = 'checked';
コード例 #8
 * Return info about the current document as associative
 * array.
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function pageinfo()
    global $ID;
    global $REV;
    global $RANGE;
    global $USERINFO;
    global $conf;
    global $lang;
    // include ID & REV not redundant, as some parts of DokuWiki may temporarily change $ID, e.g. p_wiki_xhtml
    // FIXME ... perhaps it would be better to ensure the temporary changes weren't necessary
    $info['id'] = $ID;
    $info['rev'] = $REV;
    if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) {
        $info['userinfo'] = $USERINFO;
        $info['perm'] = auth_quickaclcheck($ID);
        $info['subscribed'] = is_subscribed($ID, $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], false);
        $info['subscribedns'] = is_subscribed($ID, $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], true);
        $info['client'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
        // set info about manager/admin status
        $info['isadmin'] = false;
        $info['ismanager'] = false;
        if ($info['perm'] == AUTH_ADMIN) {
            $info['isadmin'] = true;
            $info['ismanager'] = true;
        } elseif (auth_ismanager()) {
            $info['ismanager'] = true;
        // if some outside auth were used only REMOTE_USER is set
        if (!$info['userinfo']['name']) {
            $info['userinfo']['name'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
    } else {
        $info['perm'] = auth_aclcheck($ID, '', null);
        $info['subscribed'] = false;
        $info['client'] = clientIP(true);
    $info['namespace'] = getNS($ID);
    $info['locked'] = checklock($ID);
    $info['filepath'] = fullpath(wikiFN($ID));
    $info['exists'] = @file_exists($info['filepath']);
    if ($REV) {
        //check if current revision was meant
        if ($info['exists'] && @filemtime($info['filepath']) == $REV) {
            $REV = '';
        } elseif ($RANGE) {
            //section editing does not work with old revisions!
            $REV = '';
            $RANGE = '';
            msg($lang['nosecedit'], 0);
        } else {
            //really use old revision
            $info['filepath'] = fullpath(wikiFN($ID, $REV));
            $info['exists'] = @file_exists($info['filepath']);
    $info['rev'] = $REV;
    if ($info['exists']) {
        $info['writable'] = is_writable($info['filepath']) && $info['perm'] >= AUTH_EDIT;
    } else {
        $info['writable'] = $info['perm'] >= AUTH_CREATE;
    $info['editable'] = $info['writable'] && empty($info['lock']);
    $info['lastmod'] = @filemtime($info['filepath']);
    //load page meta data
    $info['meta'] = p_get_metadata($ID);
    //who's the editor
    if ($REV) {
        $revinfo = getRevisionInfo($ID, $REV, 1024);
    } else {
        if (is_array($info['meta']['last_change'])) {
            $revinfo = $info['meta']['last_change'];
        } else {
            $revinfo = getRevisionInfo($ID, $info['lastmod'], 1024);
            // cache most recent changelog line in metadata if missing and still valid
            if ($revinfo !== false) {
                $info['meta']['last_change'] = $revinfo;
                p_set_metadata($ID, array('last_change' => $revinfo));
    //and check for an external edit
    if ($revinfo !== false && $revinfo['date'] != $info['lastmod']) {
        // cached changelog line no longer valid
        $revinfo = false;
        $info['meta']['last_change'] = $revinfo;
        p_set_metadata($ID, array('last_change' => $revinfo));
    $info['ip'] = $revinfo['ip'];
    $info['user'] = $revinfo['user'];
    $info['sum'] = $revinfo['sum'];
    // See also $INFO['meta']['last_change'] which is the most recent log line for page $ID.
    // Use $INFO['meta']['last_change']['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT in place of $info['minor'].
    if ($revinfo['user']) {
        $info['editor'] = $revinfo['user'];
    } else {
        $info['editor'] = $revinfo['ip'];
    // draft
    $draft = getCacheName($info['client'] . $ID, '.draft');
    if (@file_exists($draft)) {
        if (@filemtime($draft) < @filemtime(wikiFN($ID))) {
            // remove stale draft
        } else {
            $info['draft'] = $draft;
    // mobile detection
    $info['ismobile'] = clientismobile();
    return $info;
コード例 #9
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: rberger/Graphite-Tattle
function action_buttons($alert_config) {
    global $username;
  $results = '';
  if ($username == $alert_config['owner']) {
    $results .= '<a href="edit_alert.php?nid='. $alert_config['nid'] . '">Edit Alert</a> | ';
  if (is_subscribed($username,$alert_config['nid'])) {
    $results .= '<a href="modify_subscription.php?nid='. $alert_config['nid'] . '&action=delete">Un-Subscribe</a> | ';
  } else {
    $results .= '<a href="modify_subscription.php?nid='. $alert_config['nid'] . '&action=add">Subscribe</a> | ';

  //need to figure this out differently based on db;
  //if (in_object_key($username,$alert_config->subscribers)){
//    $results .= 'Edit Subscription : ';
//  } else {
    //$results .= 'Subscribe : ';

  return $results;
コード例 #10
ファイル: inc.proc.php プロジェクト: soroluciano/DOFIT_PROD
    } else {
        $_SESSION['return_msg'] = $PHPML_LANG["no_email"];
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "unsubscribe") {
    $query = "SELECT *\n               FROM " . $phpml['dbMembers'] . "\n              WHERE memberid = " . $memberid . "\n                AND md5(email) = '" . $_GET['nid'] . "'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die($PHPML_LANG["error_query"] . ": " . mysql_error());
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $dbFirstName = $row['firstname'];
        $dbLastName = $row['lastname'];
        $dbEmail = $row['email'];
        $dbRegi = $row['regdate'];
        $dbConfirmed = $row['confirmed'];
        $dbApproved = $row['approved'];
        $dbDeleted = $row['deleted'];
        $newEmail = str_replace('@', '[at]', $dbEmail);
        if (is_subscribed($dbEmail)) {
            $query = "UPDATE " . $phpml['dbMembers'] . "\n                     SET email = '" . $newEmail . "',\n                         confirmed = '0',\n                         deleted = '1',\n                         deldate = '" . time() . "',\n                         IP = CONCAT(IP, '," . $ip . "')\n                   WHERE memberid = " . $memberid;
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die($PHPML_LANG["error_query"] . ": " . mysql_error());
            $_SESSION['return_msg'] .= $dbEmail . $PHPML_LANG["unsubscribed"];
            $subscribeLink = $phpml['url_root'] . '/index.php?pg=subscribe';
            $message = $dbEmail . $PHPML_LANG["now_unsubscribed_from"] . $phpml['ListName'] . $PHPML_LANG["compose2"] . ".<br /><br />\n";
            $message .= $PHPML_LANG["subscribe"] . ":<br />\n";
            $message .= $subscribeLink . " <br />\n";
            send_message($dbEmail, $message);
            if ($phpml['adminBcc']) {
                $query = "SELECT *\n                     FROM " . $phpml['dbLists'] . "\n                    WHERE listid    = 1";
                $result = mysql_query($query) or die($PHPML_LANG["error_query"] . mysql_error($query));
                $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                $phpml['FromName'] = $row['listowner'];
                $phpml['FromAddy'] = $row['listemail'];
                $message = "Member has unsubscribed: " . $dbFirstName . " " . $dbLastName . " (" . $dbEmail . ")";