public function register() { if (is_post()) { $this->loadHelper('Validator'); if (captcha()) { $data = ['email' => validate('email', 'email'), 'username' => validate('required', 'username'), 'password' => password_hash(validate('required', 'register_token'), PASSWORD_BCRYPT), 'token' => str_rand(40)]; if (validator($data)) { if ($this->user->checkExistUser($data['email'])) { $data2 = ['firstname' => validate('required', 'firstname'), 'lastname' => validate('required', 'lastname'), 'nickname' => validate('required', 'nickname'), 'major' => validate('required', 'major')]; if (validator($data2)) { $this->user->createUser($data, $data2); $validate = $this->user->validate($data['email'], $_POST['register_token']); if (!empty($validate)) { $_SESSION['auth'] = $validate; $_SESSION['user'] = $this->user->getDetail($validate['id']); cache_forgot('user.members.' . user('major')); cache_forgot('user.get.members.' . user('major')); } } } } } } return redirect(''); }
public static function install_check() { //Check the cache folder if (!Backend::checkConfigFile()) { if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid') && function_exists('posix_getegid')) { if ($group = posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid())) { $group = $group['name']; } } $values = array('file' => Backend::getConfigFileLocation(), 'group' => isset($group) ? $group : false); Backend::addContent(Render::file('config_value.fix_config.tpl.php', $values)); return false; } if (self::get('settings.ConfigValueSet')) { return true; } if (is_post()) { $result = true; foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { $name = str_replace('_', '.', $name); if (in_array($name, array('application.Title', 'application.Moto', 'application.HelpBoxContent', 'application.Description', 'author.Name', 'author.Email', 'author.Website'))) { if (!self::set($name, $value)) { Backend::addError('Could not set ' . $name); $result = false; } } else { var_dump('Rejected:', $name); } } self::set('settings.ConfigValueSet', $result); Controller::redirect(); } Backend::addContent(Render::file('config_value.values.tpl.php')); return false; }
/** * Show a simple confirmation form */ public static function confirm($label) { if (is_post()) { if (isset($_POST['confirm_yes'])) { return true; } else { if (isset($_POST['confirm_no'])) { return false; } } } ?> <?php print_header(); ?> <div id="confirm_form"> <?php \Meta\Core\Form::open(); ?> <h2><?php echo $label; ?> </h2> <input type="submit" name="confirm_yes" value="Sim" /> <input type="submit" name="confirm_no" value="Nao" /> <?php \Meta\Core\Form::close(); ?> </div> <?php print_footer(); ?> <?php exit; }
public function action_create() { if (is_post()) { $parameters = get_previous_parameters(); $object = new CommentObj(); $object = $object->fromRequest(); $object['foreign_id'] = empty($object['foreign_id']) ? reset($parameters) : $object['foreign_id']; $object['foreign_table'] = empty($object['foreign_table']) ? table_name(get_previous_area()) : $object['foreign_table']; //If we don't have a logged in user, create a dummy account if (!BackendUser::check()) { $query = new SelectQuery('BackendUser'); $query->filter('`email` = :email'); if ($old_user = Controller::getVar('user')) { $existing_user = $query->fetchAssoc(array(':email' => $old_user['email'])); } switch (true) { case $existing_user && $existing_user['confirmed'] && $existing_user['active']: //Attribute quote to user? Seems risque, actually, if I know a user's email address, I can just attribute to him. Auth first Backend::addError('Comment not added. Please login first'); return false; break; case $existing_user && !$existing_user['confirmed'] && $existing_user['active']: //Unregistered user commented before $object['user_id'] = $existing_user['id']; break; default: case !$existing_user: $user_data = array('name' => $old_user['name'], 'surname' => '', 'email' => $old_user['email'], 'website' => $old_user['website'], 'username' => $old_user['email'], 'password' => get_random(), 'confirmed' => 0, 'active' => 1); $user = self::getObject('BackendUser'); if ($user->create($user_data)) { $object['user_id'] = $user->array['id']; $url = SITE_LINK . '/?q=backend_user/confirm/' . $user->array['salt']; $app_name = ConfigValue::get('Title'); $message = <<<END Hi {$user->array['name']}! Thank you for your comment on {$app_name}. An account has automatically been created for you. To activate it, please click on the following link: {$url} Please note that you don't need to do this for your comments to show, but this account will be deleted if it isn't confirmed in a weeks time. Regards END; send_email($user->array['email'], 'Thank you for your comment.', $message); } else { Backend::addError('Could not create user to add Comment'); return false; } break; } } $object = array_filter($object, create_function('$var', 'return !is_null($var);')); Controller::setVar('obj', $object); } return parent::action_create(); }
public function stage4() { if (is_post()) { if (Installer::stage4()) { return redirect('complete'); } } render('stage4'); }
function entry_password_edit() { $model = model::load('user'); $_POST['user_id'] = $this->user_id; if (is_post() && $model->edit_password($_POST) === false) { $this->assign['message'] = $model->message; } $this->display('password_edit'); }
function entry_comment() { $feed_mod = model::load('feed'); $feed_mod->init('comments'); if (is_post()) { $feed_mod->edit($_POST); } $this->assign['comment'] = $feed_mod->get($_GET); $this->display('comment_edit'); }
function fromRequest() { $data = parent::fromRequest(); if (is_post() && array_key_exists('mime_type', $data)) { if (!empty($data['meta_info']['mime']) && $data['mime_type'] != $data['meta_info']['mime']) { $data['mime_type'] = $data['meta_info']['mime']; } } return $data; }
public static function checkConfiguration() { // configuration installer manager $cfgFile = abspath('app/config.php'); if (file_exists($cfgFile)) { return; } ?> <h2>Please configure the database</h2> <form method="POST"> <label>Database host</label> <input type="text" name="DB_HOST" value="localhost"> <br/> <label>Database user</label> <input type="text" name="DB_USER" value="root"> <br/> <label>Database password</label> <input type="text" name="DB_PASS" value=""> <br/> <label>Database name</label> <input type="text" name="DB_NAME" value="reservic"> <br/><br/> <input type="submit" value="Install configuration file"> </form> <?php // write config file if (is_post()) { // check database connectivity try { $dbh = new \PDO('mysql:host=' . $_POST['DB_HOST'] . ';dbname=' . $_POST['DB_NAME'], $_POST['DB_USER'], $_POST['DB_PASS']); } catch (\Exception $e) { ?> <h2>Database connection error: <?php echo $e->getMessage(); ?> </h2><?php exit; } // create config file content $content = "<?php\n"; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $content .= "define('{$key}', '{$val}');\n"; } // try write config file if (!file_put_contents($cfgFile, $content)) { ?> <h2>The file <?php echo $cfgFile; ?> is not writable! Please set write permission for the app/ folder</h2> <?php exit; } Flash::success(t('Database configuration saved.')); redirect(page_home()); } exit; }
function entry_admin_edit() { $model = model::load('user'); if (is_post() && !$model->edit($_POST)) { $this->assign['message'] = $model->message; } if ($_GET['user_id']) { $this->assign['admin'] = $model->get($_GET); } $this->display('admin_edit'); }
public function post_create($id = false) { $result = parent::post_create(); if ($result instanceof ContentObj) { /* TODO This can easily "overwrite" existing urls */ if (is_post() && Component::isActive('BackendQuery')) { BackendQuery::add($result->array['name'], 'content/display/' . $result->array['id']); } } return $result; }
public function add_message() { $this->moduleTag = 'message'; if (is_post()) { $data = $this->check_message(); $info = $this->model->add_message_info($data); if (!$info) { response_code('-1'); } response_code('1'); } }
public function p($action = null, $id = null) { switch ($action) { case 'news': if (is_post()) { $gbn = new \app\models\GbNews(); $data = array('title' => $_POST['title'], 'content' => $_POST['content']); if ($_POST['active'] === 'on') { $data['active'] = 1; } else { $data['active'] = 0; } if (!empty($_POST['action'])) { $data['id'] = $_POST['id']; $gbn->update($data); cache_forgot('home.gbnews'); cache_forgot('p.gbn.' . $data['id']); } else { $gbn->create($data); cache_forgot('home.gbnews'); } return redirect('admin/p/news'); } else { $gbn = new \app\models\GbNews(); $gbn = $gbn->all(); $data = empty($gbn) ? array() : $gbn; return $this->view('admin/gbnews', compact('data')); } break; case 'write': if (!empty($id)) { $id = intval($id); $news = new \app\models\GbNews(); $news = $news->getNews($id); if (empty($news)) { return $this->view('errors/404'); } return $this->view('admin/gbnews_write', compact('news')); } return $this->view('admin/gbnews_write'); break; case 'destroy': echo $_POST['id']; if (is_post()) { $news = new \app\models\GbNews(); $news->remove($_POST['id']); } break; default: return redirect('admin'); break; } }
/** */ function edit() { $a = $this->_get_info(); if (!$a) { return _404(); } $a['back_link'] = url('/@object'); $form_id = 'content_form'; jquery(' var form_id = "' . $form_id . '"; var bak_action = $("form#" + form_id).attr("action"); var preview_url = "' . url_user('/dynamic/preview/static_pages/' . $a['id']) . '"; $("[type=submit].preview", "form#" + form_id).on("click", function() { $(this).closest("form").attr("target", "_blank").attr("action", preview_url) }) $("[type=submit]:not(.preview)", "form#" + form_id).on("click", function() { $(this).closest("form").attr("target", "").attr("action", bak_action) }) '); // Prevent execution of template tags when editing page content $exec_fix = ['{' => '{', '}' => '}']; $keys_to_fix = ['text']; foreach ((array) $keys_to_fix as $k) { if (false !== strpos($a[$k], '{') && false !== strpos($a[$k], '}')) { $a[$k] = str_replace(array_keys($exec_fix), array_values($exec_fix), $a[$k]); } } $a = (array) $_POST + (array) $a; if (is_post()) { foreach ((array) $keys_to_fix as $k) { if (false !== strpos($_POST[$k], '{') && false !== strpos($_POST[$k], '}')) { $_POST[$k] = str_replace(array_values($exec_fix), array_keys($exec_fix), $_POST[$k]); } } } $_this = $this; return form($a, ['hide_empty' => true, 'id' => $form_id])->validate(['__before__' => 'trim', 'name' => ['required', function (&$in) use($_this) { $in = $_this->_fix_page_name($in); return (bool) strlen($in); }, function ($name, $tmp, $d, &$error) use($_this, $a) { $id = db()->from($_this::table)->where('locale', $a['locale'])->where('name', $name)->get_one('id'); if ($id && $id != $a['id']) { $error = t('Page with this name and locale already exists'); } return $error ? false : true; }], 'text' => 'required'])->update_if_ok(self::table, ['name', 'text', 'page_title', 'page_heading', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_desc', 'active'], 'id=' . $a['id'])->on_before_update(function () use($a, $_this) { module_safe('manage_revisions')->add(['object_name' => $_this::table, 'object_id' => $a['id'], 'old' => $a, 'new' => $_POST, 'action' => 'update']); })->on_after_update(function () { common()->admin_wall_add(['static page updated: ' . $a['name'], $a['id']]); cache_del('static_pages_names'); })->container($this->_get_lang_links($a['locale'], $a['name'], 'edit'))->text('name')->textarea('text', ['id' => 'text', 'cols' => 200, 'rows' => 10, 'ckeditor' => ['config' => _class('admin_methods')->_get_cke_config()]])->text('page_title')->text('page_heading')->text('meta_keywords')->text('meta_desc')->active_box()->save_and_back()->preview(); }
function entry_register() { $model = model::load('user'); if (is_post()) { if ($model->register($_POST)) { header('Location: /'); } else { $this->assign['message'] = $model->message; $this->display('message'); exit; } } $this->display('register'); }
/** */ function change_debug() { if (!DEBUG_MODE) { return; } if (is_post()) { $_SESSION['debug_console_light'] = intval((bool) $_POST['debug_console_light']); $_SESSION['locale_vars_edit'] = intval((bool) $_POST['locale_edit']); # $_SESSION['stpls_inline_edit'] = intval((bool)$_POST['stpl_edit']); return js_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 0); } $a = $_POST + $_SESSION; return form($a)->active_box('debug_console_light', ['selected' => $_SESSION['debug_console_light']])->active_box('locale_edit', ['selected' => $_SESSION['locale_vars_edit']])->save(); }
function entry_add_node() { $node_mod = model::load('node'); if (is_post()) { $node_id = $node_mod->add_node($_POST, $this->user_id); if ($node_id) { header('Location: /index.php?view=feed&node_id=' . $node_id); } else { $this->assign['message'] = $node_mod->message; $this->display('message'); } } else { $this->display('edit_node'); } }
public function add() { if (is_post()) { $_data = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $value['time'] = date('D, d M Y'); $_data[] = implode(':|', $value); } if ($this->update($this->current_name, $_data)) { return redirect('ledger/summary'); } } else { return $this->view('ledger/add'); } }
public function upme_reset_module_settings() { global $upme_admin; if (is_post() && is_in_post('current_tab')) { if (isset($upme_admin->default_module_settings[post_value('current_tab')])) { $current_options = get_option('upme_options'); foreach ($upme_admin->default_module_settings[post_value('current_tab')] as $key => $value) { $current_options[$key] = $value; } update_option('upme_options', $current_options); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'success')); exit; } } }
/** * edit_user * * @param mixed $id the unique identifier * * @access public * @return string */ function edit_user($id) { i_am_logged(); $user = fetch_or_404('User', $id); if (is_post()) { $user->fromArray($_POST); if ($user->isValid()) { $user->save(); return redirect('/user/page/' . $user->id); } else { $errors = array(); $errors['user'] = get_errors($user); } } return render('user_edit.tpl', compact('user', 'errors')); }
function entry_sys_config_edit() { $model = model::load('sys_config'); if (is_post()) { if ($_POST['sys_config_id'] && !$model->insert($_POST)) { $this->assign['message'] = $model->message; } if ($_GET['sys_config_id'] && !$model->update($_POST)) { $this->assign['message'] = $model->message; } } if ($_GET['sys_config_id']) { $this->assign['sys_config'] = $model->get($_GET); } $this->display('sys_config_edit'); }
/** * Controller的init方法会被自动首先调用 */ public function init() { // 如果是ajax请求,关闭html输出 // if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { /** * 是否返回Response对象, 如果启用, 则Response对象在分发完成以后不会自动输出给请求端, 而是交给程序员自己控制输出. * @see */ Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->returnResponse(TRUE); /** * 关闭自动Render. 默认是开启的, 在动作执行完成以后, Yaf会自动render以动作名命名的视图模板文件. * @see */ Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); $this->IS_POST = is_post(); $this->testmodel = new TestModel(); }
public function add() { if (is_post()) { // $file = "tmp/domain_name"; // $domain_name = $_POST['domain_name']; // $name = $_POST['name']; // $git = $_POST['git']; // // add record to db // $sql = "insert into vhost values(null, '$name', '$git', '$domain_name', '/var/www/$name', '/etc/apache2/sites-available/$name')"; // db_exec($sql); // $content = $_POST['vhost_conf']; // write_file($file, $content); // system("./conf_bin " . "tmp/domain_name ". $domain_name.".conf"); } else { $this->view("vhost_add.php"); } }
public function pictures($action = null) { $_path = APP_PATH . 'contents/major/' . user('major') . '/'; if (role_check()) { switch ($action) { case 'remove-all': if (chdir($_path)) { $files = glob('*.*'); foreach ($files as $key => $value) { unlink($value); unlink('thumbs/' . preg_replace('/\\.[A-z]+/', '', $value) . '.jpg'); echo "Delete {$value} success. <br/>"; } } break; case 'remove': if (is_post()) { if (chdir($_path)) { if (unlink($_POST['pic']) && unlink('thumbs/' . $_POST['name'] . '.jpg')) { echo '1'; } } } break; default: if (!file_exists($_path)) { mkdir($_path, 0777, true); mkdir($_path . 'thumbs', 0777, true); } if (chdir($_path)) { $files = @glob('*.*', GLOB_BRACE); $data = array(); foreach ($files as $key => $file) { $data[$key] = array('name' => $file, 'size' => filesize($file)); } unset($files); $json = json_encode($data); if (chdir(APP_PATH)) { return $this->view('major/pictures', compact('json')); } } break; } } }
public function run() { if (is_post()) { $pattern = '/(\\/auth\\/signin\\/|\\/auth\\/register\\/)/'; if (!preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { if (empty($_POST['csrf_token']) || empty($_COOKIE['csrf_token'])) { header("HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required"); exit; } else { if ($_POST['csrf_token'] !== $_COOKIE['csrf_token']) { header("HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required"); exit; } } unset($_POST['csrf_token']); } } }
public function edit_coupon() { $this->moduleTag = 'coupon'; $quan_id = input_int($this->input->get('quan_id'), 1, FALSE, 0); if ($quan_id) { $info = $this->model->get_coupon_info_by_id($quan_id); } if (is_post()) { $data = $this->check_coupon(); $data['quan_id'] = input_int($this->input->post('quan_id'), 1, FALSE, 0); $rs = $this->model->edit_coupon($data); if (!$rs) { response_code('-1'); } response_code('1'); } $this->viewData = array('info' => $info); }
/** * 我的铺子 */ public function inninfo() { $inn_info = $this->model->get_inn_info_by_inn_id($this->token['inn_id']); if ($inn_info) { if (is_post()) { $check_info = $this->check_inn_info_value(); $changedkeys = array_diff_assoc($check_info, $inn_info); if ($changedkeys) { $changedkeys['inn_id'] = $this->token['inn_id']; $changedkeys['update_by'] = $this->token['user_id']; $this->model->update_inn_info($changedkeys); } response_msg('1'); } } else { response_msg('2007'); } response_data($inn_info); }
/** */ function edit() { $a = $this->_get_info(); if (!$a) { return _404(); } $a['redirect_link'] = url('/@object/@action/@id'); $a['back_link'] = url('/@object'); // Prevent execution of template tags when editing page content $exec_fix = ['{' => '{', '}' => '}']; $keys_to_fix = ['head_text', 'full_text']; foreach ((array) $keys_to_fix as $k) { if (false !== strpos($a[$k], '{') && false !== strpos($a[$k], '}')) { $a[$k] = str_replace(array_keys($exec_fix), array_values($exec_fix), $a[$k]); } } $a = (array) $_POST + (array) $a; if (is_post()) { foreach ((array) $keys_to_fix as $k) { if (false !== strpos($_POST[$k], '{') && false !== strpos($_POST[$k], '}')) { $_POST[$k] = str_replace(array_values($exec_fix), array_keys($exec_fix), $_POST[$k]); } } } $_this = $this; return form($a)->validate(['__before__' => 'trim', 'title' => 'required', 'head_text' => 'required', 'full_text' => 'required', 'url' => 'required', 'locale' => 'required'])->on_post(function () { if (strlen($_POST['url'])) { $_POST['url'] = preg_replace('~[\\s/]+~', '-', trim($_POST['url'])); } if (strlen($_POST['title']) && !strlen($_POST['url'])) { $_POST['url'] = common()->_propose_url_from_name($_POST['title']); } else { if (!strlen($_POST['head_text']) && strlen($_POST['full_text'])) { $_POST['head_text'] = _truncate($_POST['full_text'], 200, false, false); } } })->update_if_ok(self::table, ['title', 'head_text', 'full_text', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_desc', 'url', 'active', 'locale'])->on_before_update(function () use($a, $_this) { module_safe('manage_revisions')->add(['object_name' => $_this::table, 'object_id' => $a['id'], 'old' => $a, 'new' => $_POST, 'action' => 'update']); })->on_after_update(function () { common()->admin_wall_add(['news updated: ' . $a['id'], $a['id']]); })->text('title')->textarea('head_text', ['cols' => 200, 'rows' => 5, 'ckeditor' => ['config' => _class('admin_methods')->_get_cke_config()]])->textarea('full_text', ['cols' => 200, 'rows' => 20, 'ckeditor' => ['config' => _class('admin_methods')->_get_cke_config()]])->text('url')->text('meta_keywords')->text('meta_desc')->locale_box('locale')->active_box()->save_and_back(); }
/** * faq_edit * * @param string $id unique identifier for te FAQ * * @access public * @return string */ function faq_edit($id) { $data = array(); $faq = Faq::fetch($id); if (!$faq) { throw new NotFoundException(); } if (is_post()) { $faq->fromArray($_POST); if ($faq->isValid()) { $faq->save(); return redirect('/faq/list'); } else { $data['errors'] = array(); $data['errors']['faq'] = format_error($faq); } } $data['faq'] = $faq; return render('faq_form.tpl', $data); }
/** * page_edit * * @param string $slug the unique url slug for the page * * @access public * @return string */ function page_edit($slug) { $data = array(); $page = Pages::fetchBySlug($slug); if (!$page) { throw new NotFoundException(); } if (is_post()) { $page->fromArray($_POST); if ($page->isValid()) { $page->save(); return redirect('/page/list'); } else { $data['errors'] = array(); $data['errors']['page'] = format_error($page); } } $data['page'] = $page; return render('page_form.tpl', $data); }