コード例 #1
 // Validate the BOUNCE-TO Alias entries for correct format of their defined values.  BOUNCE-TO ADDRESS must be
 // a valid single IP, and BOUNCE-TO PORT must be either a single port value or a port range value.  Provide
 // detailed error messages for the user that explain any problems.
 if ($_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_net'] && $_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_port']) {
     if (!snort_is_single_addr_alias($_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_net'])) {
         $net = trim(filter_expand_alias($_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_net']));
         $net = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $net);
         $msg = gettext("The FTP Protocol BOUNCE-TO ADDRESS parameter must be a single IP network or address, ");
         $msg .= gettext("so the supplied Alias must be defined as a single address or network in CIDR form.  ");
         $msg .= gettext("The Alias [ {$_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_net']} ] is currently defined as [ {$net} ].");
         $input_errors[] = $msg;
     $port = trim(filter_expand_alias($_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_port']));
     $port = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $port);
     if (!is_port($port) && !is_portrange($port)) {
         $msg = gettext("The FTP Protocol BOUNCE-TO PORT parameter must be a single port or port-range, ");
         $msg .= gettext("so the supplied Alias must be defined as a single port or port-range value.  ");
         $msg .= gettext("The Alias [ {$_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_port']} ] is currently defined as [ {$port} ].");
         $input_errors[] = $msg;
 $engine['bounce_to_net'] = $_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_net'];
 $engine['bounce_to_port'] = $_POST['ftp_client_bounce_to_port'];
 $engine['telnet_cmds'] = $_POST['ftp_telnet_cmds'] ? 'yes' : 'no';
 $engine['ignore_telnet_erase_cmds'] = $_POST['ftp_ignore_telnet_erase_cmds'] ? 'yes' : 'no';
 $engine['bounce'] = $_POST['ftp_client_bounce_detect'] ? 'yes' : 'no';
 $engine['max_resp_len'] = $_POST['ftp_max_resp_len'];
 /* Can only have one "all" Bind_To address */
 if ($engine['bind_to'] == "all" && $engine['name'] != "default") {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("Only one default FTP Engine can be bound to all addresses.");
コード例 #2
 /* item is a normal alias type */
 $wrongaliases = "";
 $desc_fmt_err_found = false;
 for ($x = 0; $x < 4999; $x++) {
     if ($_POST["address{$x}"] != "") {
         $_POST["address{$x}"] = trim($_POST["address{$x}"]);
         if (is_alias($_POST["address{$x}"])) {
             if (!alias_same_type($_POST["address{$x}"], $_POST['type'])) {
                 // But alias type network can include alias type urltable. Feature#1603.
                 if (!($_POST['type'] == 'network' && preg_match("/urltable/i", alias_get_type($_POST["address{$x}"])))) {
                     $wrongaliases .= " " . $_POST["address{$x}"];
         } else {
             if ($_POST['type'] == "port") {
                 if (!is_port($_POST["address{$x}"]) && !is_portrange($_POST["address{$x}"])) {
                     $input_errors[] = $_POST["address{$x}"] . " " . gettext("is not a valid port or alias.");
             } else {
                 if ($_POST['type'] == "host" || $_POST['type'] == "network") {
                     if (is_subnet($_POST["address{$x}"]) || !is_ipaddr($_POST["address{$x}"]) && !is_hostname($_POST["address{$x}"]) && !is_iprange($_POST["address{$x}"])) {
                         $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext('%1$s is not a valid %2$s alias.'), $_POST["address{$x}"], $_POST['type']);
         if (is_iprange($_POST["address{$x}"])) {
             list($startip, $endip) = explode('-', $_POST["address{$x}"]);
             $rangesubnets = ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, $endip);
             $address = array_merge($address, $rangesubnets);
         } else {
コード例 #3
 // Validate the input data expanded above.
 foreach ($input_addresses as $idx => $input_address) {
     if (is_alias($input_address)) {
         if (!alias_same_type($input_address, $_POST['type'])) {
             // But alias type network can include alias type urltable. Feature#1603.
             if (!($_POST['type'] == 'network' && preg_match("/urltable/i", alias_get_type($input_address)))) {
                 $wrongaliases .= " " . $input_address;
     } else {
         if ($_POST['type'] == "port") {
             if (!is_port($input_address) && !is_portrange($input_address)) {
                 $input_errors[] = $input_address . " " . gettext("is not a valid port or alias.");
         } else {
             if ($_POST['type'] == "host" || $_POST['type'] == "network") {
                 if (is_subnet($input_address) || !is_ipaddr($input_address) && !is_hostname($input_address)) {
                     $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext('%1$s is not a valid %2$s address, FQDN or alias.'), $input_address, $_POST['type']);
     $tmpaddress = $input_address;
     if ($_POST['type'] != "host" && is_ipaddr($input_address) && $input_address_subnet[$idx] != "") {
         if (!is_subnet($input_address . "/" . $input_address_subnet[$idx])) {
             $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext('%s/%s is not a valid subnet.'), $input_address, $input_address_subnet[$idx]);
         } else {
コード例 #4
 if ($_POST['sourceport']) {
     $_POST['sourceport'] = trim($_POST['sourceport']);
 if ($_POST['dstport']) {
     $_POST['dstport'] = trim($_POST['dstport']);
 if ($_POST['natport']) {
     $_POST['natport'] = trim($_POST['natport']);
 if ($protocol_uses_ports && $_POST['sourceport'] != "" && !(is_portoralias($_POST['sourceport']) || is_portrange($_POST['sourceport']))) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid port or port alias must be supplied for the source port entry.");
 if ($protocol_uses_ports && $_POST['dstport'] != "" && !(is_portoralias($_POST['dstport']) || is_portrange($_POST['dstport']))) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid port or port alias must be supplied for the destination port entry.");
 if ($protocol_uses_ports && $_POST['natport'] != "" && !(is_portoralias($_POST['natport']) || is_portrange($_POST['natport'])) && !isset($_POST['nonat'])) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid port must be supplied for the NAT port entry.");
 if ($_POST['source_type'] != "any" && $_POST['source_type'] != "(self)") {
     if ($_POST['source'] && !is_ipaddroralias($_POST['source']) && $_POST['source'] != "any") {
         $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid source must be specified.");
 if ($_POST['source_subnet'] && !is_numericint($_POST['source_subnet'])) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid source bit count must be specified.");
 if ($_POST['destination_type'] != "any") {
     if ($_POST['destination'] && !is_ipaddroralias($_POST['destination'])) {
         $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid destination must be specified.");
コード例 #5
            $port = trim(filter_expand_alias($v['bounce_to_port']));
            if (!empty($net) && !empty($port) && snort_is_single_addr_alias($v['bounce_to_net']) && (is_port($port) || is_portrange($port))) {
                $port = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $port);
                // Change port range delimiter to comma for ftp_telnet client preprocessor
                if (is_portrange($port)) {
                    $port = str_replace(":", ",", $port);
                $buffer .= "\tbounce yes \\\n";
                $buffer .= "\tbounce_to { {$net},{$port} }\n";
            } else {
                // One or both of the BOUNCE_TO alias values is not right,
                // so figure out which and log an appropriate error.
                if (empty($net) || !snort_is_single_addr_alias($v['bounce_to_net'])) {
                    log_error("[snort] ERROR: illegal value for bounce_to Address Alias [{$v['bounce_to_net']}] for FTP client engine [{$v['name']}] ... omitting 'bounce_to' option for this client engine.");
                if (empty($port) || !(is_port($port) || is_portrange($port))) {
                    log_error("[snort] ERROR: illegal value for bounce_to Port Alias [{$v['bounce_to_port']}] for FTP client engine [{$v['name']}] ... omitting 'bounce_to' option for this client engine.");
                $buffer .= "\tbounce yes\n";
        } else {
            $buffer .= "\tbounce yes\n";
    } else {
        $buffer .= "\tbounce no\n";
    // Add this FTP client engine to the master string
    $ftp_client_engine .= "{$buffer}\n";
// Trim final trailing newline
コード例 #6
 $desc_fmt_err_found = false;
 if ($tab == "port") {
     $alias_type = $tab;
 } else {
     $alias_type = "host";
 foreach ($tocheck as $impline) {
     $implinea = explode(" ", trim($impline), 2);
     $impip = $implinea[0];
     $impdesc = trim($implinea[1]);
     if (strlen($impdesc) < 200) {
         if (strpos($impdesc, "||") === false && substr($impdesc, 0, 1) != "|" && substr($impdesc, -1, 1) != "|") {
             if ($tab == "port") {
                 // Port alias
                 if (!empty($impip)) {
                     if (is_port($impip) || is_portrange($impip)) {
                         $imported_ips[] = $impip;
                         $imported_descs[] = $impdesc;
                     } else {
                         $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid port or port range."), $impip);
             } else {
                 // IP alias - host or network
                 $iprange_type = is_iprange($impip);
                 if ($iprange_type == 4) {
                     list($startip, $endip) = explode('-', $impip);
                     $rangesubnets = ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, $endip);
                     $imported_ips = array_merge($imported_ips, $rangesubnets);
                     $rangedescs = array_fill(0, count($rangesubnets), $impdesc);
                     $imported_descs = array_merge($imported_descs, $rangedescs);
コード例 #7
 if ($_POST['targetip']) {
     $_POST['targetip'] = trim($_POST['targetip']);
 if ($_POST['sourceport']) {
     $_POST['sourceport'] = trim($_POST['sourceport']);
 if ($_POST['dstport']) {
     $_POST['dstport'] = trim($_POST['dstport']);
 if ($_POST['natport']) {
     $_POST['natport'] = trim($_POST['natport']);
 if ($protocol_uses_ports && $_POST['sourceport'] != "" && !(is_portoralias($_POST['sourceport']) || is_portrange($_POST['sourceport']))) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("You must supply either a valid port or port alias for the source port entry.");
 if ($protocol_uses_ports && $_POST['dstport'] != "" && !(is_portoralias($_POST['dstport']) || is_portrange($_POST['dstport']))) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("You must supply either a valid port or port alias for the destination port entry.");
 if ($protocol_uses_ports && $_POST['natport'] != "" && !is_port($_POST['natport']) && !isset($_POST['nonat'])) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("You must supply a valid port for the NAT port entry.");
 if ($_POST['source_type'] != "any" && $_POST['source_type'] != "(self)") {
     if ($_POST['source'] && !is_ipaddroralias($_POST['source']) && $_POST['source'] != "any") {
         $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid source must be specified.");
 if ($_POST['source_subnet'] && !is_numericint($_POST['source_subnet'])) {
     $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid source bit count must be specified.");
 if ($_POST['destination_type'] != "any") {
     if ($_POST['destination'] && !is_ipaddroralias($_POST['destination'])) {
コード例 #8
 if ($_POST['type'] == "network") {
     if (!is_ipaddr($_POST['address'])) {
         $input_errors[] = "Geçerli bir adres tanımlanmaldır.";
     if (!is_numeric($_POST['address_subnet'])) {
         $input_errors[] = "Geçerli bir subnet bit count tanımlanmalıdır.";
 if ($_POST['type'] == "url") {
     if (stristr($_POST['address'], "http") == false) {
         $input_errors[] = "Bu kaynak için geçerli bir URL sağlamanız gerekir.";
 if ($_POST['type'] == "port") {
     if (!is_port($_POST['address']) && !is_portrange($_POST['address'])) {
         $input_errors[] = "Lütfen port aralığı içinde geçerlibir port tanımlayınız.";
 /* check for name conflicts */
 foreach ($a_aliases as $alias) {
     if (isset($id) && $a_aliases[$id] && $a_aliases[$id] === $alias) {
     if ($alias['name'] == $_POST['name']) {
         $input_errors[] = "Bu takma isimle bir tanımlama mevcuttur.";
 /* check for name interface description conflicts */
 foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $interface) {