public function get_fields() { if (is_null($this->fields)) { $this->fields = $this->build_fields(); } return $this->fields; }
public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $xml = null) { parent::__construct($xml); if (is_null($xml)) { return; } }
public function format_time($timestamp, $date_only = false, $date_format = null, $time_format = null, $time_only = false, $no_text = false) { global $forum_date_formats, $forum_time_formats; if ($timestamp == '') { return __('Never'); } $diff = ($this->feather->user->timezone + $this->feather->user->dst) * 3600; $timestamp += $diff; $now = time(); if (is_null($date_format)) { $date_format = $forum_date_formats[$this->feather->user->date_format]; } if (is_null($time_format)) { $time_format = $forum_time_formats[$this->feather->user->time_format]; } $date = gmdate($date_format, $timestamp); $today = gmdate($date_format, $now + $diff); $yesterday = gmdate($date_format, $now + $diff - 86400); if (!$no_text) { if ($date == $today) { $date = __('Today'); } elseif ($date == $yesterday) { $date = __('Yesterday'); } } if ($date_only) { return $date; } elseif ($time_only) { return gmdate($time_format, $timestamp); } else { return $date . ' ' . gmdate($time_format, $timestamp); } }
/** * @return array $routeParameters */ protected function getRouteParameters() : array { if (is_null(self::$routeParameters)) { self::$routeParameters = $this->getController()->getRouteParameters(); } return self::$routeParameters; }
/** * Format the string response, default is to just return the string. * * @param $value * @param $format * * @return formatted string */ public static function string($value, $format = null) { if (is_null($format)) { $format = '%s'; } return sprintf($format, $value); }
/** * Main WP_Currencies instance. * * Ensures only one instance of WP_Currencies is loaded. * * @since 1.4.0 * * @return WP_Currencies */ public static function get_instance() { if (is_null(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
/** * Return a textual error message for a Doctrine error code * * @param int|array integer error code, * null to get the current error code-message map, * or an array with a new error code-message map * * @return string error message */ public function errorMessage($value = null) { if (is_null($value)) { return self::$_errorMessages; } return isset(self::$_errorMessages[$value]) ? self::$_errorMessages[$value] : self::$_errorMessages[Doctrine_Core::ERR]; }
public function getPath($categoryId, $accountId, $delimiter = ' > ') { $account = Mage::helper('M2ePro/Component_Ebay')->getCachedObject('Account', $accountId); $categories = $account->getChildObject()->getEbayStoreCategories(); $pathData = array(); while (true) { $currentCategory = NULL; foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category['category_id'] == $categoryId) { $currentCategory = $category; break; } } if (is_null($currentCategory)) { break; } $pathData[] = $currentCategory['title']; if ($currentCategory['parent_id'] == 0) { break; } $categoryId = $currentCategory['parent_id']; } array_reverse($pathData); return implode($delimiter, $pathData); }
public static function getMage2StoreId($mage1StoreId) { $id = NULL; if (isset($mage1StoreId)) { if (is_null($mage1StoreId)) { $id = 'NULL'; } else { $cacheId = "store_id2_{$mage1StoreId}"; $val = Yii::app()->cache->get($cacheId); if (!$val) { $store1 = Mage1Store::model()->find("store_id = {$mage1StoreId}"); if ($store1) { $store2 = Mage2Store::model()->find("code = '{$store1->code}'"); if ($store2) { $id = $store2->store_id; } } else { $id = $mage1StoreId; } //save to cache for later Yii::app()->cache->set($cacheId, $id, 86400); // one day } else { $id = $val; } } } return $id; }
public function testSystemMethodSignature() { $request = $this->encodeRequest('system.methodSignature', array('system.listMethods')); $result = $this->server->setPayload($request)->serve(); $decoded = $this->decodeResponse($result); $decoded = (array) $decoded; $this->assertCount(1, $decoded); $this->assertEquals('array', $decoded[0]); $request = $this->encodeRequest('system.methodSignature', array('system.methodSignature')); $result = $this->server->setPayload($request)->serve(); $decoded = $this->decodeResponse($result); $decoded = (array) $decoded; $this->assertCount(2, $decoded); $this->assertEquals('array', $decoded[0]); $this->assertEquals('string', $decoded[1]); $method = \Comodojo\RpcServer\RpcMethod::create("test.sum", function ($params) { $a = $params->get('a'); $b = $params->get('b'); return is_null($a) || is_null($b) ? 42 : intval($a) + intval($b); })->setDescription("Sum two integers")->setReturnType('int')->addParameter('int', 'a')->addParameter('int', 'b')->addSignature()->setReturnType('int'); $result = $this->server->methods()->add($method); $request = $this->encodeRequest('system.methodSignature', array('test.sum')); $result = $this->server->setPayload($request)->serve(); $decoded = $this->decodeResponse($result); $decoded = (array) $decoded; $this->assertCount(2, $decoded); $this->assertInternalType('array', $decoded[0]); $this->assertInternalType('array', $decoded[1]); $this->assertCount(3, $decoded[0]); $this->assertCount(1, $decoded[1]); }
public static function getInstance($dbSetting = 'default') { if (is_null(static::$instance)) { static::$instance = new static($dbSetting); } return static::$instance; }
/** * The handler which sets all the values in the dynamic definition. * * @param String $class the Controller class name * @param LaravelSwagger $LS the LaravelSwagger instance. * @throws DynamicHandlerException */ public function handle($class, LaravelSwagger $LS) { /** ************************************* * Default Behaviour * ************************************* * * Loops through all of the linked keys */ foreach ($this->method->keys() as $key) { /** @var mixed $value the value associated with the specific key */ $value = ValueContainer::getValue($class, $key); if (is_string($value)) { //if its a string of a class //if it is a model that has been registered. if (is_subclass_of($value, Model::class) && $LS->hasModel($value)) { $value = "#/definitions/{$value}"; } } //if there is no value then throw an exception if (is_null($value)) { throw new DynamicHandlerException("{$key} value is NULL"); } $this->method->set($key, $value); } }
public function __construct($p_id = null) { if (!is_null($p_id)) { $this->m_data['id'] = $p_id; $this->fetch(); } }
static function get_instance() { if (is_null(static::$instance)) { static::$instance = new self(); } return static::$instance; }
/** * @param User $user * @return bool */ public function is(User $user = null) { if (is_null($user)) { return false; } return $this->username == $user->username; }
/** * @param null $limit * @return Collection */ public function getAll($limit = null) { if (is_null($limit)) { return $this->answer->all(); } return $this->answer->paginate(); }
private function _checkCountry() { //$onepage = $this->getOnepage(); $quote = $this->getOnepage()->getQuote(); $shipping = $quote->getShippingAddress(); $billing = $quote->getBillingAddress(); $default_country = false; $country_id = $shipping->getCountryId(); $helper = Mage::helper('onestepcheckout/checkout'); $enableGeoIp = Mage::getStoreConfig('onestepcheckout/general/enable_geoip'); if ($enableGeoIp == 1) { if (!$helper->getGeoIp()->countryCode) { $countryId = Mage::getStoreConfig('onestepcheckout/general/default_country_id'); } else { $countryId = $helper->getGeoIp()->countryCode; } } else { $countryId = Mage::getStoreConfig('onestepcheckout/general/default_country_id'); } if (is_null($countryId)) { $countryId = Mage::helper('core')->getDefaultCountry(); } $shipping->setCountryId($countryId)->setCollectShippingRates(true)->save(); $billing->setCountryId($countryId)->save(); $shipping->setSameAsBilling(true)->save(); }
/** * Construct new instance of ResourceAssociationType. * * @param string $name Name of the association * @param string $namespaceName NamespaceName of the * association * @param ResourceAssociationTypeEnd $end1 First end of the association * @param ResourceAssociationTypeEnd $end2 Second end of the association */ public function __construct($name, $namespaceName, ResourceAssociationTypeEnd $end1, ResourceAssociationTypeEnd $end2) { $this->_name = $name; $this->_fullName = !is_null($namespaceName) ? $namespaceName . '.' . $name : $name; $this->_end1 = $end1; $this->_end2 = $end2; }
function load($tpl_view, $body_view = null, $data = null) { if (!is_null($body_view)) { if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view)) { $body_view_path = $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view; } else { if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view . '.php')) { $body_view_path = $tpl_view . '/' . $body_view . '.php'; } else { if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $body_view)) { $body_view_path = $body_view; } else { if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'views/' . $body_view . '.php')) { $body_view_path = $body_view . '.php'; } else { show_error('Unable to load the requested file: ' . $tpl_name . '/' . $view_name . '.php'); } } } } $body = $this->ci->load->view($body_view_path, $data, TRUE); if (is_null($data)) { $data = array('body' => $body); } else { if (is_array($data)) { $data['body'] = $body; } else { if (is_object($data)) { $data->body = $body; } } } } $this->ci->load->view('templates/' . $tpl_view, $data); }
public function beforeSave($object) { $defaultShipping = $object->getDefaultShipping(); if (is_null($defaultShipping)) { $object->unsetDefaultShipping(); } }
/** * Embeds a github gist * * @param string $url Gist url: i.e. * @param string $file The name of a particular file from the gist, which should displayed only. * @return string */ public static function gist($url, $file = null) { // url for the script file $url = $url . '.js' . r(!is_null($file), '?file=' . $file); // load the gist return html::tag('script', '', array('src' => $url)); }
/** * Initializes an empty package object * * @param null|string $definition optional package definition xml * @return Mage_Connect_Package */ protected function _init($definition = null) { if (!is_null($definition)) { $this->_packageXml = simplexml_load_string($definition); } else { $packageXmlStub = <<<END <?xml version="1.0"?> <package> <name /> <version /> <stability /> <license /> <channel /> <extends /> <summary /> <description /> <notes /> <authors /> <date /> <time /> <replace /> <compatible /> <dependencies /> </package> END; $this->_packageXml = simplexml_load_string($packageXmlStub); } return $this; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc). * * @see \Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface::transform() */ public function transform($category) { if (is_null($category)) { return ''; } return $category; }
public function setPassword($value) { if (is_null($value) || $value === "") { $this->addToModelState('Password cannot be null'); } $this->_password = $value; }
/** * Retrieve all options array * * @return array */ public function getAllOptions() { if (is_null($this->_options)) { $this->_options = array(array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("no_select"), "value" => 0), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("adult_content"), "value" => 1), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("coupon"), "value" => 2), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("default"), "value" => 3), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("electronic_good"), "value" => 4), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("electronic_software"), "value" => 5), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("gift_certificate"), "value" => 6), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("handling_only"), "value" => 7), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("service"), "value" => 8), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("shipping_and_handling"), "value" => 9), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("shipping_only"), "value" => 10), array("label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("subscription"), "value" => 11)); } return $this->_options; }
function encode($src = null, $dest = null) { if (is_string($src)) { if (is_null($dest)) { if (!($src = fopen($src, 'r'))) { return false; } while (!feof($src)) { echo base64_encode(fread($src, 3 * 1024)); } fclose($src); return true; } else { if (is_a($dest, 'Utils_OutputWriter')) { if (!($src = fopen($src, 'r'))) { return false; } while (!feof($src)) { $dest->write(base64_encode(fread($src, 3 * 1024))); } fclose($src); return true; } } } return false; }
function show_login() { $error_login_empty_password = null; $error_login_empty_user = null; $input_user = ''; $input_password = ''; if (!empty($_POST)) { if (empty($_POST['user'])) { $error_login_empty_user = "******"; } else { $input_user = htmlspecialchars($_POST['user']); } if (empty($_POST['password'])) { $error_login_empty_password = "******"; } else { $input_password = htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']); } if (is_null($error_login_empty_password) && is_null($error_login_empty_user)) { header('Location: ?mode=gallery'); exit(0); } include_once 'view/head.html'; include 'view/login.html'; include_once 'view/foot.html'; } else { include_once 'view/head.html'; include 'view/login.html'; include_once 'view/foot.html'; } }
private function getToken() { if (is_null($this->token)) { $this->token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('john.doe', 'john.doe', 'app', 'domain', 'appUrl', '1'); } return $this->token; }
/** * Output the shortcode. * * @access public * @param array $atts * @return void */ public static function output($atts) { global $wp; // Check cart class is loaded or abort if (is_null(WC()->cart)) { return; } // Backwards compat with old pay and thanks link arguments if (isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['key'])) { _deprecated_argument(__CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__, '2.1', '"order" is no longer used to pass an order ID. Use the order-pay or order-received endpoint instead.'); // Get the order to work out what we are showing $order_id = absint($_GET['order']); $order = wc_get_order($order_id); if ($order->has_status('pending')) { $wp->query_vars['order-pay'] = absint($_GET['order']); } else { $wp->query_vars['order-received'] = absint($_GET['order']); } } // Handle checkout actions if (!empty($wp->query_vars['order-pay'])) { self::order_pay($wp->query_vars['order-pay']); } elseif (isset($wp->query_vars['order-received'])) { self::order_received($wp->query_vars['order-received']); } else { self::checkout(); } }
public function getHash() { if (is_null($this->hash)) { $this->setHash(Util_Secure::generateKey($this->toArray())); } return $this->hash; }