コード例 #1
ファイル: Introduction.php プロジェクト: Halfnhav4/pfff
function pleac_Introduction()
    $entry = stat('/bin/vi');
    $entry = stat('/usr/bin');
    $entry = stat($argv[1]);
    // ------------
    $entry = stat('/bin/vi');
    $ctime = $entry['ctime'];
    $size = $entry['size'];
    // ----------------------------
    // For the simple task of determining whether a file contains, text', a simple
    // function that searches for a newline could be implemented. Not exactly
    // foolproof, but very simple, low overhead, no installation headaches ...
    function containsText($file)
        $status = FALSE;
        if ($fp = fopen($file, 'r')) {
            while (FALSE !== ($char = fgetc($fp))) {
                if ($char == "\n") {
                    $status = TRUE;
        return $status;
    // PHP offers the [currently experimental] Fileinfo group of functions to
    // determine file types based on their contents / 'magic numbers'. This
    // is functionality similar to the *NIX, 'file' utility. Note that it must
    // first be installed using the PEAR utility [see PHP documentation]
    function isTextFile($file)
        // Note: untested code, but I believe this is how it is supposed to work
        $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_NONE);
        $status = finfo_file($finfo, $file) == 'ASCII text';
        return $status;
    // Alternatively, use the *NIX utility, 'file', directly
    function isTextFile($file)
        return exec(trim('file -bN ' . escapeshellarg($file))) == 'ASCII text';
    // ----
    containsText($argv[1]) || die("File {$argv[1]} doesn't have any text in it\n");
    isTextFile($argv[1]) || die("File {$argv[1]} doesn't have any text in it\n");
    // ----------------------------
    $dirname = '/usr/bin/';
    ($dirhdl = opendir($dirname)) || die("Couldn't open {$dirname}\n");
    while (($file = readdir($dirhdl)) !== FALSE) {
        printf("Inside %s is something called: %s\n", $dirname, $file);
コード例 #2
function pleac_Processing_All_Files_in_a_Directory()
    // Conventional POSIX-like approach to directory traversal
    $dirname = '/usr/bin/';
    ($dirhdl = opendir($dirname)) || die("Couldn't open {$dirname}\n");
    while (($file = readdir($dirhdl)) !== FALSE) {
        // ... do something with $dirname/$file
        // ...
    // ------------
    // Newer [post PHP 4], 'applicative' approach - an array of filenames is
    // generated that may be processed via external loop ...
    $dirname = '/usr/bin/';
    foreach (scandir($dirname) as $file) {
        // ... do something with $dirname/$file
        // ...
    // .. or, via callback application, perhaps after massaging by one of the
    // 'array' family of functions [also uses, 'array_update', from earlier section]
    $newlist = array_update(array_reverse(scandir($dirname)), create_function('$filelist, $file', ' ; '), array());
    // And don't forget that the old standby, 'glob', that returns an array of
    // paths filtered using the Bourne Shell-based wildcards, '?' and '*', is
    // also available
    foreach (glob($dirname . '*') as $path) {
        // ... do something with $path
        // ...
    // ----------------------------
    // Uses, 'isTextFile', from an earlier section
    $dirname = '/usr/bin/';
    echo "Text files in {$dirname}:\n";
    foreach (scandir($dirname) as $file) {
        // Take care when constructing paths to ensure cross-platform operability
        $path = $dirname . $file;
        if (is_file($path) && isTextFile($path)) {
            echo $path . "\n";
    // ----------------------------
    function plain_files($dirname)
        ($dirlist = glob($dirname . '*')) || die("Couldn't glob {$dirname}\n");
        // Pass function name directly if only a single function performs filter test
        return array_filter($dirlist, 'is_file');
        // Use, 'create_function', if a multi-function test is needed
        // return array_filter($dirlist, create_function('$path', 'return is_file($path);'));
    // ------------
    foreach (plain_files('/tmp/') as $path) {
        echo $path . "\n";
コード例 #3
function isTextFile($file)
    global $ok_extensions;
    $ext = strtolower(getSuffix($file));
    return in_array($ext, $ok_extensions);
$messages = $file_to_edit = $file_content = null;
$what = 'edit';
$themes = $_zp_gallery->getThemes();
$theme = basename(sanitize($_GET['theme']));
$themedir = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($theme);
$themefiles = listDirectoryFiles($themedir);
$themefiles_to_ext = array();
if (themeIsEditable($theme)) {
    foreach ($themefiles as $file) {
        if (isTextFile($file)) {
            $themefiles_to_ext[getSuffix($file)][] = $file;
            // array(['php']=>array('file.php', 'image.php'),['css']=>array('style.css'))
        } else {
            // $themefile will eventually have all editable files and nothing else
    if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
        if (!in_array($themedir . '/' . $_GET['file'], $themefiles)) {
            $messages['errorbox'][] = gettext('Cannot edit this file!');
        $file_to_edit = str_replace('\\', '/', SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($theme) . '/' . sanitize($_GET['file']));
    // Handle POST that updates a file
    if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'edit_file' && $file_to_edit && !isset($messages['errorbox'])) {
コード例 #4
    if (isTextFile($file)) {
        $path_info = pathinfo($file);
        $themefiles_to_ext[$path_info['extension']][] = $file;
        // array(['php']=>array('file.php', 'image.php'),['css']=>array('style.css'))
    } else {
        // $themefile will eventually have all editable files and nothing else
// Check that the theme is valid to edit
if (!themeIsEditable($theme)) {
    zp_error(gettext('Cannot edit this theme!'));
// If we're attempting to edit a file that's not a text file or that does not belong to the theme directory, this is an illegal attempt
if ($file_to_edit) {
    if (!in_array($file_to_edit, $themefiles) or !isTextFile($file_to_edit) or filesize($file_to_edit) == 0) {
        zp_error(gettext('Cannot edit this file!'));
// realpath() to take care of ../../file.php schemes, str_replace() to sanitize Win32 filenames
// Handle POST that updates a file
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'edit_file' && $file_to_edit) {
    $file_content = sanitize($_POST['newcontent'], 0);
    $theme = urlencode($theme);
    if (is_writeable($file_to_edit)) {
        //is_writable() not always reliable, check return value. see comments @ http://uk.php.net/is_writable
        $f = @fopen($file_to_edit, 'w+');
        if ($f !== FALSE) {
            @fwrite($f, $file_content);