$(document).ready(function(){ $(".closeLayerButton").live('click', function(e) { $(this).parent().slideToggle(200); $(".menuButton").removeClass("menuButtonActive"); $(".menuButton").addClass("menuButtonNormal"); }); }); </script> <?php if (isPrint()) { return; } //require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/MENU_dates.php"; //require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/MENU_countries.php"; $dateLegend = ""; $allTimesDisplay = 0; if ($op != 'comp') { if (!$CONF['seasons']['use_season_years']) { $season = 0; } } if ($season) { $dateLegend .= _SEASON . ' ' . $season; } else { if ($year && $month && $day && $op == "list_flights") {
function listCategory($legend, $header, $category, $key, $formatFunction = "") { global $pilots; global $Theme, $countries; global $moduleRelPath; global $CONF_compItemsPerPage; global $page_num, $pagesNum, $startNum, $itemsNum; global $op, $cat; global $countHowMany; global $tabID; global $sort_funcs_pilots; global $CONF; global $dateLegend; uasort($pilots, $sort_funcs_pilots[$category]); $legendRight = ""; // show all pilots up to $CONF_compItemsPerPage if ($tabID == makeSane($_GET['comp'], 1)) { $defaultTabStr = " tabbertabdefault"; } else { $defaultTabStr = ""; } $tabID++; echo "<div class='tabbertab {$defaultTabStr}' title='{$legend}'>"; if ($countHowMany > 0) { $legend .= " (" . $countHowMany . " " . _N_BEST_FLIGHTS . ")"; } else { $legend .= " (" . $dateLegend . ")"; } echo "<table class='listTable listTableTabber' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>\n \t\t\t<tr><td class='tableTitleExtra' colspan='" . ($countHowMany + 4) . "'>{$legend}</td></tr>"; ?> <tr> <td class="SortHeader" width="30"><?php echo _NUM; ?> </td> <td class="SortHeader"><div align=left><?php echo _PILOT; ?> </div></td> <td class="SortHeader" width="70"><?php echo $header; ?> </td> <?php for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $countHowMany; $ii++) { ?> <td class="SortHeader" width="55">#<?php echo $ii; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td class="SortHeader" width="50"> </td> </tr> <?php $i = 1; foreach ($pilots as $pilotID => $pilot) { if ($i < $startNum + 1) { $i++; continue; } if ($i > $startNum + $CONF_compItemsPerPage) { break; } // if ($i>$CONF_compItemsPerPage) break; if (!$pilot[$category]['sum'] || !count($pilot[$category]['flights'])) { continue; } $sortRowClass = $i % 2 ? "l_row1" : "l_row2"; if ($i == 1) { $bg = " class='compFirstPlace'"; } else { if ($i == 2) { $bg = " class='compSecondPlace'"; } else { if ($i == 3) { $bg = " class='compThirdPlace'"; } else { $bg = " class='{$sortRowClass}'"; } } } $pilotIDinfo = str_replace("_", "u", $pilotID); echo "<TR {$bg}>"; echo "<TD>" . $i . "</TD>"; echo "<TD nowrap><div align=left id='{$arrayName}" . "_{$i}' class='pilotLink'>"; if (!isPrint()) { echo "<a class='betterTip' id='tpa0_{$pilotIDinfo}' href=\"javascript:pilotTip.newTip('inline', 0, 13, '{$arrayName}" . "_{$i}', 200, '" . $pilotID . "','" . addslashes($pilot['name']) . "' )\" onmouseout=\"pilotTip.hide()\">" . $pilot['name'] . "</a>"; } else { echo "<a class='betterTip' id='tpa0_{$pilotIDinfo}' href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'pilot_profile', 'pilotID' => $pilotID)) . "' >" . $pilot['name'] . "</a>"; } if ($pilot['NACid'] && $pilot['NACmemberID'] && $pilot['NACclubID'] && $CONF['NAC']['display_club_details_on_pilot_list']) { echo " <a class='betterTip' id='tpa1_{$pilotIDinfo}' href=\"javascript:nop();\"><img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_nac_member.gif' align='absmiddle' border=0></a>"; } echo "</div></TD>"; if ($formatFunction) { $outVal = $formatFunction($pilot[$category]["sum"]); } else { $outVal = $pilot[$category]["sum"]; } echo "<TD>" . $outVal . "</TD>"; $i++; $k = 0; unset($pilotBrands); $pilotBrands = array(); if ($countHowMany > 0) { foreach ($pilot[$category]['flights'] as $flightID) { $val = $pilot['flights'][$flightID][$key]; $glider = $pilot['flights'][$flightID]['glider']; $country = $countries[$pilot['flights'][$flightID]['country']]; $thisFlightBrandID = $pilot['flights'][$flightID]['brandID']; if ($thisFlightBrandID) { $pilotBrands[$thisFlightBrandID]++; } $flightComment = $pilot['flights'][$flightID]['comment']; if (!$val) { $outVal = "-"; } else { if ($formatFunction) { $outVal = $formatFunction($val); } else { $outVal = $val; } } // $descr=_GLIDER.": $glider, "._COUNTRY.": $country"; if ($val) { if ($flightComment) { $flightCommentStr = "<br>({$flightComment})"; } else { $flightCommentStr = ''; } echo "<TD><a class='betterTip' id='tpa2_{$flightID}' href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "' alt='{$descr}' title='{$descr}'>" . $outVal . $flightCommentStr . "</a>"; //echo " <a class='betterTip' id='tpa2_$flightID' href='".$moduleRelPath."/GUI_EXT_flight_info.php?op=info_short&flightID=".$flightID."' title='$descr'>?</a>"; echo "</TD>"; } else { echo "<TD>" . $outVal . "</TD>"; } $k++; if ($k >= $countHowMany) { break; } } if ($k != $countHowMany) { for ($j = $k; $j < $countHowMany; $j++) { echo "<TD>-</TD>"; } } } else { //only detect most used glider brand foreach ($pilot[$category]['flights'] as $flightID) { $thisFlightBrandID = $pilot['flights'][$flightID]['brandID']; if ($thisFlightBrandID) { $pilotBrands[$thisFlightBrandID]++; } } } arsort($pilotBrands); $flightBrandID = array_shift(array_keys($pilotBrands)); $gliderBrandImg = brands::getBrandImg($flightBrandID, '', $cat); echo "<td align='center'>{$gliderBrandImg}</td>"; } // next pilot echo "</table>"; echo '</div>'; }
// // Copyright (c) 2004-2010 by Andreadakis Manolis // // This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. // // $Id: BLOCKS_end.php,v 1.15 2012/01/16 07:21:22 manolis Exp $ // //************************************************************************ ?> </td> <td valign=top> <!-- right side blocks --> <?php global $CONF; if ($CONF['display']['blocks']['right_side'] && !isPrint()) { // render right side blocks $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/blocks"; $blocksList = array(); if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}") && $file != "." && $file != ".." && strtolower($file) != "cvs") { array_push($blocksList, $file); } } closedir($handle); } global $side_blocks_html; $side_blocks_html = ""; if (count($blocksList)) { sort($blocksList);
echo $moduleRelPath; ?> /img/sprite_flags.png) no-repeat left top ; } img.icons1 { background: url(<?php echo $moduleRelPath; ?> /img/sprite_icons1.png) no-repeat left top ; } <?php } ?> --> </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $moduleRelPath; ?> /templates/<?php echo $PREFS->themeName; ?> /sprites.css"> <?php if (!isPrint()) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/MENU_top_menu.php"; } ?> <div class="main_text" align="left" style="clear:both;padding:0;margin:0"> <a name="top_of_page" ></a> <div id="dialogWindow" class="jqmWindow"></div>