function iprm_delete_product($productToDeleteURL) { $podcastArray = iprm_get_option('iprm_podcasts'); $index = array_search($productToDeleteURL, $podcastArray); if ($index !== FALSE) { unset($podcastArray[$index]); } iprm_update_option('iprm_podcasts', $podcastArray); $dbSuccess = iprm_delete_option("iprm_review_cache_history{$productToDeleteURL}"); $dbSuccess = iprm_delete_option("iprm_review_cache{$productToDeleteURL}"); }
function iprm_main_page() { /* LOAD CURRENT */ if (iprm_get_option('iprm_active_product')) { $podcast = new IPRM_Podcast(iprm_get_option('iprm_active_product')); } else { /* COULD NOT LOAD, USE DEFAULT */ $podcast = new IPRM_Podcast(''); } /* DISABLES FOR NON-ADMINISTRATORS */ if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); } $alert = ''; $notice = ''; /* LOAD CURRENT SELECTED PRODUCT */ if (isset($_POST["iprm_product_select"])) { if (isset($_POST["iprm_update_product"])) { $podcast = new IPRM_Podcast($_POST["iprm_product_select"]); } else { if (isset($_POST["iprm_delete_product"])) { /* DEV FAILSAFE.. NEED NEW CONSTRUCTOR THAT TAKES 0 */ $podcast = new IPRM_Podcast(''); $productToDeleteURL = $_POST["iprm_product_select"]; iprm_delete_product($productToDeleteURL); $notice = __('Product removed: ' . $_POST["iprm_product_select"], 'iprm_domain'); } } } else { $podcast = new IPRM_Podcast(iprm_get_option('iprm_active_product')); } // IF NEW ITUNES URL IS ENTERED, UPDATE ACTIVE if (isset($_POST["iprm_update_url"]) && $_POST["iprm_add_url"] != '') { if (filter_var($_POST["iprm_add_url"], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && $_POST["iprm_add_url"] !== '') { $itunes_url = esc_url($_POST["iprm_add_url"]); iprm_update_option('iprm_active_product', $itunes_url); $podcast = new IPRM_Podcast($itunes_url); if ($podcast->itunes_id != '') { $notice = __('Your iTunes URL has successfully been updated.<br>', 'iprm_domain'); $notice .= __('Please click CHECK MANUALLY to check for new reviews now. Otherwise, the next auto-check will be in approximately 4 hours.', 'iprm_domain'); } else { $alert = __('iTunes URL could not be updated. Please check the URL and try again.', 'iprm_domain') . '<br />'; $alert .= '<i>' . __('Example:', 'iprm_domain') . '</i>'; } } else { $alert = __('Invalid iTunes URL.', 'iprm_domain') . '<br />'; $alert .= '<i>' . __('Example:', 'iprm_domain') . '</i>'; } } elseif ($podcast->itunes_id == '') { $notice = __('Please enter your iTunes URL.', 'iprm_domain') . '<br />'; $notice .= '<i>' . __('Example:', 'iprm_domain') . '</i>'; } /* IF CHECK MANUALLY BUTTON IS PRESSED, CHECK FOR REVIEWS */ if (isset($_POST["iprm_check_manually"]) && $_POST["iprm_check_manually"] != '') { $podcast->get_itunes_feed_contents(); } elseif (isset($_POST["iprm_reset_all_data"]) && $_POST["iprm_reset_all_data"] != '') { $podcastArray = iprm_get_option('iprm_podcasts'); /* IF ITS EMPTY IT EQUALS 1 FOR SOME REASON */ if (is_array($podcastArray)) { foreach ($podcastArray as $url_str) { iprm_delete_product($url_str); } } iprm_delete_option('iprm_active_product'); $notice = __('All settings and cache have been cleared.', 'iprm_domain'); } /* IF CACHE IS EMPTY, DISPLAY NOTICE */ if (empty($podcast->reviews) && isset($podcast->itunes_id)) { $podcast->get_itunes_feed_contents(); } /* START OUTPUT */ echo "<div id='iprm_wrapper'>"; echo iprm_display_alert($alert); echo iprm_display_notice($notice); if (isset($podcast->itunes_id)) { echo $podcast->display_itunes_feed_summary(); } ob_start(); ?> <div id="iprm_settings_bar" class="iprm_panel"> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?> " method="POST"> <div id="iprm_input_settings"> <h2><?php _e('Settings', 'iprm_domain'); ?> </h2> <div class="iprm_panel_content"> <h3><?php _e('Product URL', 'iprm_domain'); ?> </h3> <p><?php _e('Adding a new product or manually checking may take a few minutes.', 'iprm_domain'); ?> </p> <input type="url" id="iprm_add_url" name="iprm_add_url" size="80" value="<?php echo $podcast->itunes_url; ?> "> <input class="iprm_button_small" type="submit" name="iprm_update_url" value="UPDATE"> </div> </div> <div id="iprm_crawl_settings"> <h2><?php _e('History', 'iprm_domain'); ?> </h2> <div class="iprm_panel_content"> <h3><?php _e('Recent History', 'iprm_domain'); ?> </h3> <p> <?php $i = 1; if (is_array($podcast->review_cache_history)) { foreach (array_reverse($podcast->review_cache_history) as $item) { $i++; echo $item['time'] . ' Reviews: ' . $item['count'] . '<br />'; if ($i > 5) { break; } } } ?> </p> <p><?php _e('Reviews update automatically every 4 hours.', 'iprm_domain'); ?> </p> <input class="iprm_button_small" type="submit" name="iprm_check_manually" id="iprm_check_manually_btn"value="<?php _e('CHECK MANUALLY', 'iprm_domain'); ?> "> </div> </div> </form> </div> <?php /* DISPLAY REVIEWS FROM CACHE */ if (!empty($podcast->reviews)) { echo $podcast->display_page_reviews(); } ?> <footer> <p>Flag icons by <a href="" target="_blank">IconDrawer</a>.</p> </footer> </div> <?php echo ob_get_clean(); }
function get_itunes_feed_contents() { $this->get_itunes_metadata($this->itunes_url); $new_reviews = array(); $new_settings = array(); /* GET ARRAY OF ALL COUNTRY CODES AND COUNTRY NAMES */ $country_codes = iprm_get_country_data('', ''); /* CHECKS TO MAKE SURE ITUNES PODCAST URL IS DEFINED */ if (isset($this->itunes_id)) { $urls_to_crawl = array(); /* CHECK THROUGH THE REVIEW FEEDS FOR EVERY COUNTRY */ foreach ($country_codes as $item) { $country_code = $item['code']; $url_xml = '' . $country_code . '/rss/customerreviews/id=' . $this->itunes_id . '/xml'; $urls_to_crawl[] = $url_xml; $itunes_json1 = json_encode(wp_remote_get($url_xml)); $data1 = json_decode($itunes_json1, TRUE); $feed_body1 = $data1['body']; $first_review_page_url = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($feed_body1, '<link rel="first" href="', '"/>'); $last_review_page_url = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($feed_body1, '<link rel="last" href="', '"/>'); $current_review_page_url = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($feed_body1, '<link rel="self" href="', '"/>'); $last_review_page_url = trim($last_review_page_url); $first_review_page_url = trim($first_review_page_url); if (strlen($first_review_page_url) != 0) { $firstPage = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($first_review_page_url, '/page=', '/id'); } else { $firstPage = 1; } $countryCodeOnUrl = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($last_review_page_url, '.com/', '/rss'); /* NOTE: WILL GIVE US LINKS AS LAST PAGE, THIS ONLY CONSIDERS LAST PAGE IF IT IS IN THE COUNTRY WE ARE INDEXING */ if (strlen($last_review_page_url) != 0 && $countryCodeOnUrl == $country_code) { $lastPage = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($last_review_page_url, '/page=', '/id'); } else { $lastPage = 1; } $current_entry = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($feed_body1, '<entry>', '</entry>'); /* ONLY CRAWL IF THERE IS AT LEAST ONE REVIEW */ if ($current_entry != "EMPTYSTR") { $urls_to_crawl[] = $current_review_page_url; } if ($firstPage != $lastPage) { $i = 1; while ($i <= $lastPage) { $current_review_page_url = '' . $country_code . '/rss/customerreviews/page=' . $i . '/id=' . $this->itunes_id . '/xml'; $urls_to_crawl[] = $current_review_page_url; $i++; } } } $urls_to_crawl = array_unique($urls_to_crawl); $limiter = 0; foreach ($urls_to_crawl as $url) { $limiter++; if ($limiter > 100) { break; } $itunes_json = json_encode(wp_remote_get($url)); $data2 = json_decode($itunes_json, TRUE); $feed_body = $data2['body']; /* LOOP THROUGH THE RAW CODE */ while (strpos($feed_body, '<entry>') !== false) { /* LOOK AT CODE IN BETWEEN FIRST INSTANCE OF ENTRY TAGS */ $opening_tag = '<entry>'; $closing_tag = '</entry>'; $pos1 = strpos($feed_body, $opening_tag); $pos2 = strpos($feed_body, $closing_tag); $current_entry = substr($feed_body, $pos1 + strlen($opening_tag), $pos2 - $pos1 - strlen($opening_tag)); /* GET REVIEW URL AND REVIEW URL COUNTRY CODE */ $review_url = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<uri>', '</uri>'); $review_url_country_code = substr($review_url, strpos($review_url, 'reviews') - 3, 2); $name = iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<name>', '</name>'); /* ADD NEW REVIEW TO REVIEW ARRAY */ if ($current_entry !== '' && $name != '') { $new_review = array('country' => iprm_get_country_data($review_url_country_code, ''), 'review_date' => iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<updated>', '</updated>'), 'rating' => iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<im:rating>', '</im:rating>'), 'name' => iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<name>', '</name>'), 'title' => iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<title>', '</title>'), 'content' => iprm_get_contents_inside_tag($current_entry, '<content type="text">', '</content>')); /* CHECK TO MAKE SURE THERE IS A RATING AND NAME BEFORE ADDING REVIEW TO ARRAY */ if ($new_review['rating'] == '' || $new_review['name'] == '' || $new_review['name'] == 'EMPTYSTR') { } else { array_push($new_reviews, $new_review); } } /* REMOVE CODE AFTER FIRST INSTANCE OF ENTRY TAGS, SO THE NEXT LOOP ITERATION STARTS WITH THE NEXT INSTANCE OF ENTRY TAGS */ $feed_body = substr($feed_body, $pos2 + strlen($closing_tag)); } } /* DE-DUPE NEW REVIEWS */ $new_reviews = iprm_remove_duplicates_from_review_array($new_reviews); /* ADD CACHED REVIEWS TO NEW REVIEWS */ if (!is_array($this->reviews)) { $this->reviews = array(); } $this->reviews = array_merge($this->reviews, $new_reviews); /* REMOVE DUPLICATES FROM COMBINED REVIEW ARRAY */ $this->reviews = iprm_remove_duplicates_from_review_array($this->reviews); /* SORT REVIEWS ARRAY BY DATE */ foreach ($this->reviews as $key => $row) { $review_date[$key] = $row['review_date']; $review_country[$key] = $row['country']; $review_rating[$key] = $row['rating']; $review_name[$key] = $row['name']; $review_title[$key] = $row['title']; $review_content[$key] = $row['content']; } array_multisort($review_date, SORT_DESC, $review_name, SORT_ASC, $this->reviews); /* ADD TIME AND REVIEW COUNT TO REVIEW CACHE HISTORY */ $review_count = count($this->reviews); $current_time = current_time('mysql'); if (!is_array($this->review_cache_history)) { $this->review_cache_history = array(); } array_push($this->review_cache_history, array('time' => $current_time, 'count' => $review_count)); /* REPLACE OLD REVIEW CACHE HISTORY WITH NEW REVIEW CACHE HISTORY */ $serialStr = serialize($this->review_cache_history); $dbSuccess = iprm_update_option("iprm_review_cache_history{$this->itunes_id}", $serialStr); if (!$dbSuccess) { echo "problem writing history cache"; } $serialStr = serialize($this->reviews); /* REPLACE OLD CACHED REVIEWS WITH NEW CACHED REVIEWS */ $file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/itunes-podcast-review-manager/cache/cache_{$this->itunes_id}.cache"; $fileWrite = file_put_contents($file, $serialStr); if ($fileWrite == false) { echo "problem writing review cache file"; } /* RETURN COMBINED REVIEW ARRAY */ return $this->reviews; } else { //echo "invalid itunes url"; } }
Version: 3.4 Author: Doug Yuen Author URI: License: GPLv2 */ /***************************** * GLOBAL VARIABLES *****************************/ $iprm_current_version = '3.4'; /***************************** * INCLUDES *****************************/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/podcast.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/data-processing-functions.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/display-functions.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/main-page.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/premium-page.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/script-functions.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/upgrade-functions.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/utility-functions.php'; /* CHECK FOR UPGRADE CHANGES */ iprm_update_option('iprm_current_version', $iprm_current_version); iprm_upgrade_check(); add_filter('cron_schedules', 'iprm_cron_add_every_four_hours'); add_action('iprm_schedule', 'iprm_automatic_check'); add_shortcode('iprm', 'iprm_display_as_shortcode'); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'iprm_deactivate'); /* SCHEDULE A CRON JOB TO CHECK FOR REVIEWS EVERY 4 HOURS */ if (!wp_next_scheduled('iprm_schedule')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'four_hours', 'iprm_schedule'); }