public function save() { //$form = Helper::createForm($wget=''); $form = Helper::createForm(); $postData = ipRequest()->getPost(); $errors = $form->validate($postData); if ($errors) { // Validation error $status = array('status' => 'error', 'errors' => $errors); return new \Ip\Response\Json($status); } else { // Success Model::save(ipRequest()->getPost('language_id'), ipRequest()->getPost('zone_name'), ipRequest()->getPost('user_id'), ipRequest()->getPost('name'), ipRequest()->getPost('email'), ipRequest()->getPost('link'), ipRequest()->getPost('text'), ipRequest()->getPost('ip'), ipRequest()->getPost('approved'), ipRequest()->getPost('session_id'), ipRequest()->getPost('verification_code'), ipRequest()->getPost('active')); //get page where this widget sits :) $postData = ipRequest()->getPost(); $vcode = $postData['verification_code']; $fullWidgetRecord = \Ip\Internal\Content\Model::getWidgetRecord($postData['wgetId']); $pageTitle = ''; if (isset($fullWidgetRecord['revisionId'])) { $revision = \Ip\Internal\Revision::getRevision($fullWidgetRecord['revisionId']); if (!empty($revision['pageId'])) { $pageTitle = ipPage($revision['pageId'])->getTitle(); } } $stamp = date(__('m/d/Y', 'Comments')) . __(', at ', 'Comments') . date('H:i:s'); //sending email notification Helper::sendMailNotification(trim(ipRequest()->getPost('zone_name')), trim(ipRequest()->getPost('name')), $stamp, trim(ipRequest()->getPost('text')), trim(ipRequest()->getPost('email')), trim($pageTitle), trim($vcode)); //$actionUrl = ipActionUrl(array('sa' => 'FormExample.showSuccessMessage')); //$status = array('redirectUrl' => $actionUrl); $status = array('status' => 'ok'); //success return new \Ip\Response\Json($status); } }
public static function getRssItems($languageCode) { $sql = "SELECT FROM " . ipTable('page') . " AS p\n LEFT JOIN " . ipTable('page_storage') . " AS s ON\n WHERE s.`key`='rssFeed' AND s.`value`=1 AND p.`languageCode`='" . esc($languageCode) . "'\n ORDER BY p.`createdAt` DESC"; $rssPageIds = ipDb()->fetchColumn($sql); $items = array(); foreach ($rssPageIds as $pageId) { $pageContent = self::getPageContent($pageId); if (isset($pageContent['text']) && $pageContent['text']) { $item['url'] = ipHomeUrl() . ipPage($pageId)->getUrlPath(); $item['description'] = $pageContent['text']; if (isset($pageContent['heading']) && $pageContent['heading']) { $item['title'] = $pageContent['heading']; } else { $item['title'] = ipPage($pageId)->getTitle(); } $items[] = $item; } } return $items; }
public static function xmlOutput() { $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; $xml .= '<urlset xmlns="">'; $pages = self::getAllPageIds(); $urls = array(); foreach ($pages as $pageId) { $page = ipPage($pageId); if (!$page || in_array($page->getLink(), $urls)) { continue; } $urls[] = $page->getLink(); $xml .= '<url>'; $xml .= '<loc>'; $xml .= $page->getLink(); $xml .= '</loc>'; $xml .= '<lastmod>'; $xml .= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($page->getUpdatedAt())); $xml .= '</lastmod>'; $xml .= '</url>'; } $xml .= '</urlset>'; return $xml; }
public function getPageTree() { $language = ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage(); $sitemap = array(array('text' => $language->getAbbreviation(), 'type' => 'language', 'icon' => 'fa fa-flag-o', 'state' => array('opened' => true), 'children' => array())); $menuList = \Ip\Internal\Pages\Model::getMenuList($language->getCode()); foreach ($menuList as $menu) { $page = ipPage($menu['id']); $children = array('text' => $menu['title'], 'icon' => 'fa fa-folder-o', 'li_attr' => (object) array('data-url' => $page->getLink()), 'children' => array()); foreach ($page->getChildren() as $child) { $children['children'][] = $this->_addPageToTree($child); } $sitemap[0]['children'][] = $children; } $data = array('status' => 'success', 'sitemap' => $sitemap); return new \Ip\Response\Json($data); }
/** * @param \Ip\Form $form * @param array $postData * @param array $data */ public function sendEmail($form, $postData, $data) { $contentData = array(); $websiteName = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle'); $websiteEmail = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'); $from = $websiteEmail; $files = array(); foreach ($form->getFields() as $field) { if ($field->getType() == \Ip\Form\Field::TYPE_REGULAR) { if (!isset($postData[$field->getName()])) { $postData[$field->getName()] = null; } $title = $field->getLabel(); $value = $field->getValueAsString($postData, $field->getName()); $contentData[] = array('fieldClass' => get_class($field), 'title' => $title, 'value' => $value); } if (get_class($field) == 'Ip\\Form\\Field\\Email') { $userFrom = $field->getValueAsString($postData, $field->getName()); if ($userFrom != '') { $from = $userFrom; } } if (get_class($field) == 'Ip\\Form\\Field\\File') { $uploadedFiles = $field->getFiles($postData, $field->getName()); $originalNames = $field->originalFileNames($postData, $field->getName()); foreach ($uploadedFiles as $key => $uploadedFile) { $files[] = array($uploadedFile, $originalNames[$key]); } } } $content = ipView('helperView/email_content.php', array('values' => $contentData))->render(); $emailData = array('content' => $content); $email = ipEmailTemplate($emailData); //get page where this widget sits :) $fullWidgetRecord = \Ip\Internal\Content\Model::getWidgetRecord($postData['widgetId']); $pageTitle = ''; if (isset($fullWidgetRecord['revisionId'])) { $revision = \Ip\Internal\Revision::getRevision($fullWidgetRecord['revisionId']); if (!empty($revision['pageId'])) { $pageTitle = ipPage($revision['pageId'])->getTitle(); } } $subject = $websiteName . ': ' . $pageTitle; $emailQueue = new \Ip\Internal\Email\Module(); if (!empty($data['sendTo']) && $data['sendTo'] == 'custom') { if (empty($data['emails'])) { $data['emails'] = ''; } $emailList = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $data['emails']); } else { $emailList = array($websiteEmail); } foreach ($emailList as $listItem) { $emailQueue->addEmail($from, '', $listItem, '', $subject, $email, false, true, $files); } $emailQueue->send(); }
public function updatePage() { ipRequest()->mustBePost(); $data = ipRequest()->getPost(); if (empty($data['pageId'])) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Missing required parameters"); } $pageId = (int) $data['pageId']; $page = ipContent()->getPage($pageId); if (!$page) { throw new \Ip\Exception("Page doesn't exist"); } $answer = array(); if (strtotime($data['createdAt']) === false) { $answer['errors']['createdAt'] = __('Incorrect date format. Example:', 'Ip-admin', false) . date(" Y-m-d"); } if (strtotime($data['updatedAt']) === false) { $answer['errors']['updatedAt'] = __('Incorrect date format. Example:', 'Ip-admin', false) . date(" Y-m-d"); } if ($data['alias'] != $page->getAlias()) { if (Model::getPageByAlias($page->getLanguageCode(), $data['alias'])) { $answer['errors']['alias'] = __('This alias is already occupied', 'Ip-admin'); } } $data['isVisible'] = !empty($data['isVisible']); $data['isDisabled'] = !empty($data['isDisabled']); $data['isSecured'] = !empty($data['isSecured']); $data['isBlank'] = !empty($data['isBlank']); if ($page->getUrlPath() == $data['urlPath']) { unset($data['urlPath']); } if (empty($answer['errors'])) { Model::updatePageProperties($pageId, $data); ipEvent('ipFormUpdatePageSubmitted', array($data)); $answer['status'] = 'success'; $answer['newPageUrl'] = ipPage($pageId)->getUrlPath(); } else { $answer['status'] = 'error'; } return new \Ip\Response\Json($answer); }
public static function getPages($parentId, $cat, $pag, $options = array()) { $categories = array(); $ids = array($parentId); if ($cat) { $result = self::getCategories($parentId); if (!empty($result)) { $ids = $result['ids']; $categories = $result['categories']; } } $idsStr = implode(',', $ids); $table = ipTable('page'); $start = $pag['limit'] * ($pag['page'] - 1); $results['pagination'] = $pag; $limit = "LIMIT {$start}, {$pag['limit']}"; switch (!empty($options['order']) ? $options['order'] : 0) { case 1: $order = "ORDER BY `createdAt` ASC"; break; case 2: $order = "ORDER BY `pageOrder` DESC"; break; case 3: $order = "ORDER BY `pageOrder` ASC"; break; default: $order = "ORDER BY `createdAt` DESC"; break; } $where = "WHERE `parentId` IN ({$idsStr}) AND `isVisible` = 1 AND `isDeleted` = 0"; $sql = "SELECT `id`, `parentId`, `title`, `urlPath`, `createdAt` FROM {$table} {$where} {$order} {$limit}"; $pages = ipDb()->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($pages as &$page) { $page['urlPath'] = ipPage($page)->getLink(); $page = self::getPageIntro($page, $options); } $results['categories'] = $categories; $results['pages'] = $pages; $results['pagination']['count'] = self::getPageCount($where); return $results; }
/** * Change URL path of page * * @param string $pageId * @param string $newUrlPath * @return bool|null */ protected static function changePageUrlPath($pageId, $newUrlPath) { $pageBeforeChange = ipPage($pageId); if (ipGetOption('Config.trailingSlash', 1)) { if (mb_substr($newUrlPath, -1) != '/') { $newUrlPath .= '/'; } } else { if (mb_substr($newUrlPath, -1) == '/') { $newUrlPath = mb_substr($newUrlPath, 0, -1); } } if ($newUrlPath == $pageBeforeChange->getUrlPath()) { return false; } $allocatedPath = UrlAllocator::allocatePath($pageBeforeChange->getLanguageCode(), $newUrlPath); ipDb()->update('page', array('urlPath' => $allocatedPath), array('id' => $pageId)); $pageAfterChange = ipPage($pageId); $oldUrl = $pageBeforeChange->getLink(); if (substr($oldUrl, -1) == '/') { $oldUrl = substr($oldUrl, 0, -1); } $newUrl = $pageAfterChange->getLink(); if (substr($newUrl, -1) == '/') { $newUrl = substr($newUrl, 0, -1); } ipEvent('ipUrlChanged', array('oldUrl' => $oldUrl, 'newUrl' => $newUrl)); return null; }
public static function getPageUrl($pageId) { return ipPage($pageId)->getLink(); }