コード例 #1
function install_check_table_conflicts($database_name, $webtag, $check_forum_tables, $check_global_tables, $remove_conflicts)
    // Database connection.
    if (!($db = db::get())) {
        return false;
    // SQL to get a list of existing tables in the database.
    $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM `{$database_name}`";
    // Execute query.
    if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) {
        return false;
    // Check there are some existing tables in the database.
    if ($result->num_rows < 1) {
        return false;
    // Get the existing tables as an array.
    while ($table_data = $result->fetch_row()) {
        $existing_tables[] = $table_data[0];
    // Get arrays of global and forum tables.
    install_get_table_names($global_tables, $forum_tables);
    // Prefix the forum tables with the webtag
    array_walk($forum_tables, 'install_prefix_webtag', $webtag);
    // Construct the final array we'll use to check.
    $check_tables_array = array_merge($check_global_tables ? $global_tables : array(), $check_forum_tables ? $forum_tables : array());
    // array_intersect can find our duplicates.
    $conflicting_tables_array = array_intersect($existing_tables, $check_tables_array);
    // Check if we should remove conflicts automatically.
    if ($remove_conflicts === true && sizeof($conflicting_tables_array) > 0) {
        $sql = sprintf('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`', implode('`, `', array_map(array($db, 'escape', $conflicting_tables_array))));
    // Return either the conflicting table names or false.
    return sizeof($conflicting_tables_array) > 0 ? $conflicting_tables_array : false;
コード例 #2
function install_check_table_conflicts($database_name, $webtag, $check_forum_tables, $check_global_tables, $remove_conflicts)
    if (!($db = db::get())) {
        return false;
    $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM `{$database_name}`";
    if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) {
        return false;
    if ($result->num_rows < 1) {
        return false;
    $existing_tables = array();
    while (($table_data = $result->fetch_row()) !== null) {
        $existing_tables[] = $table_data[0];
    install_get_table_names($global_tables, $forum_tables);
    foreach ($forum_tables as $key => $forum_table) {
        $forum_tables[$key] = install_prefix_webtag($forum_table, $webtag);
    $check_tables_array = array_merge($check_global_tables ? $global_tables : array(), $check_forum_tables ? $forum_tables : array());
    $conflicting_tables_array = array_intersect($existing_tables, $check_tables_array);
    if ($remove_conflicts === true && sizeof($conflicting_tables_array) > 0) {
        $sql = sprintf('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`', implode('`, `', array_map(array($db, 'escape'), $conflicting_tables_array)));
    return sizeof($conflicting_tables_array) > 0 ? $conflicting_tables_array : false;