/** * insert $campaigns orders data to database * @param array $campaigns * @param int $order_id */ function insert_campaign_data(&$campaigns, $order_id, $type) { foreach ($campaigns as $key => $campaign) { $campaign_id = insert_to_db('campaign_orders', array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => $type)); $insert_data = array(); foreach ($campaign as $store_id => $data) { $insert_data[] = array('parent_id' => $campaign_id, 'store_id' => abs((int) $store_id), 'type_1' => isset($data['0']) ? $data['0'] : 0, 'type_2' => isset($data['1']) ? $data['1'] : 0, 'type_3' => isset($data['2']) ? $data['2'] : 0, 'type_4' => isset($data['3']) ? $data['3'] : 0, 'material_id' => isset($data['4']) ? $data['4'] : 0, 'ophaeng_id' => isset($data['5']) ? $data['5'] : 0); } insert_multi_to_db('campaign_orders_items', $insert_data); } }
function createEvent($params) { $event_name = $params['eventName']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $event_info = select_from_db(array('name'), array('events'), array("name='{$event_name}'")); if (isset($event_info[0]['name'])) { echo '{"added":"none"}'; } else { $membershipRules = $params['membershipRules']; // $groupId = isset($params['groupId'])?$params['groupId']:'0'; $event_id = insert_to_db(array('access' => $membershipRules, 'name' => $event_name), 'events'); insert_to_db(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'event_id' => $event_id), 'user__has__event'); echo '{"added":"event"}'; } }
function process_file() { global $_POST; global $global_error_message; $result = 0; printdebug("!!! START !!!"); $filename = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $error_message = ""; printdebug("name: {$filename}"); printdebug("type: " . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['type']); printdebug("size: " . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['size']); printdebug("tmp: " . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']); printdebug("error: " . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['error']); $lat = $_POST['lat']; $lon = $_POST['lon']; $author = $_POST['author']; if (isset($_POST['ref'])) { $ref = $_POST['ref']; } else { $ref = "none"; } $note = $_POST['note']; printdebug("ref: " . $ref); printdebug("note: " . $note); printdebug("before lat:lon:author - {$lat}:{$lon}:{$author}"); $author = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9_ěščřžýáíéĚŠČŘŽÁÍÉúůÚľĽ .]/', '', $author); $note = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9_ěščřžýáíéĚŠČŘŽÁÍÉúůÚľĽ .]/', '', $note); $lat = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]/', '', $lat); $lon = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]/', '', $lon); $ref = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.]/', '', $ref); printdebug("after lat:lon:author - {$lat}:{$lon}:{$author}"); $file = basename($filename); $target_path = "uploads/" . $file; $final_path = "img/guidepost/" . $file; printdebug("target: {$target_path}"); $error_message = "OK"; if ($_FILES['uploadedfile']['error'] == "1") { $error_message = "soubor je prilis velky"; $result = 0; } if (file_exists($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'])) { printdebug("soubor byl uspesne uploadnut do tmp\n"); $result = 1; } else { printdebug("cannot upload file\n"); $error_message = "nepodarilo se uploadnout soubor"; $result = 0; } if ($author == "") { $error_message = "author nezadan"; $result = 0; } if ($author === "android" or $author === "autor") { $error_message = "zmente vase jmeno"; $result = 0; } #sanitize filename if (strpos($filename, ';') !== FALSE) { $error_message = "spatny soubor strednik"; $result = 0; } if (strpos($filename, '&') !== FALSE) { $error_message = "spatny soubor divnaosmicka"; $result = 0; } $file_parts = pathinfo($filename); $ext = $file_parts['extension']; if ($ext !== "jpg" && $ext !== "JPG") { $error_message = "spatny soubor, pouzijte jpeg " . $file_parts['extension']; $result = 0; } if (file_exists("img/guidepost/{$file}")) { $error_message = "file already exists ({$file}), please rename your copy"; $result = 0; } if ($result) { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { printdebug("File '{$file}' has been moved from tmp to {$target_path}"); if (!$lat && !$lon) { printdebug("soubor byl poslan se souradnicemi 0,0 -> exifme"); $command = "/var/www/mapy/exifme.pl '{$target_path}' '{$author}' img/guidepost/ '{$ref}' '{$note}'"; $out = system($command, $errlvl); printdebug("command:output(exit code) - {$command}:{$out}({$errlvl})"); if (!$errlvl) { $result = 1; } else { $result = 0; $error_message = "poslano latlon 0,0 a nepodarilo se zjistit souradnice z exif" . $out; printdebug("exifme error {$error_message}"); } } else { printdebug("soubor byl poslan se souradnicemi ve formulari"); if (!copy("uploads/{$file}", "img/guidepost/{$file}")) { $error_message = "failed to copy {$file} to destination ... "; $result = 0; } else { $ret_db = insert_to_db($lat, $lon, $final_path, $file, $author, $ref, $note); if ($ret_db) { if (!unlink("uploads/{$file}")) { printdebug("{$file} cannot be deleted from upload, inserted successfuly"); } } else { $error_message = "failed to insert to db" . $global_error_message; $result = 0; } } } printdebug("error message:" . $error_message); } else { $error_message = "Chyba pri otevirani souboru, mozna je prilis velky"; $result = 0; } } else { printdebug("Upload refused: " . $error_message); } if ($result == 0 and $error_message == "") { $error_message = "Divna chyba"; } if (get_param("source") == "mobile") { print "{$result}-{$error_message}"; } else { print " </head>\n"; print " <body>\n"; print "\n <div id='x'></div>\n <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\n \$('#x').text('*** OK ***');\n \$('#x').hide();\n \$('#x').show('highlight',{color: 'lightgreen'},'2000');\n\n parent.stop_upload(" . $result . ",'" . $error_message . "', '" . $filename . "');\n </script>\n"; } printdebug("!!! END !!!"); return $result; }
function register($values) { $first_name = $values['first_name']['value']; $last_name = $values['last_name']['value']; $email = $values['email']['value']; $password = $values['password']['value']; $alias = $values['alias']['value']; $country = $values['country']['value']; $city = $values['city']['value']; $birthdate = $values['birthdate']['value']; $userinfo = select_from_db(array('alias', 'email'), array('users'), array("alias='{$alias}'")); if (isset($userinfo[0]['alias'])) { header('Location: ../index.php?p=1'); //Användarnamnet upptaget. } else { $user_id = insert_to_db(array('first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'alias' => $alias, 'birth_city' => $city, 'birth_country' => $country, 'birth_date' => $birthdate), 'users'); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id; //Sätter anändarid i en session $_SESSION['user_name'] = $alias; header('Location: ../index.php?p=startpage'); //Inloggad användare } }
echo $title . " processing " . $char . "(" . $count . "/94)(" . $count1 . "/94) Time: " . (time() - $startTime) / 60 . "mins \n"; $count1++; $count2 = 0; foreach ($list as $third) { echo $title . " processing " . $char . "(" . $count . "/94)(" . $count1 . "/94)(" . $count2 . "/94) Time: " . (time() - $startTime) / 60 . "mins \n"; $count2++; $count3 = 0; foreach ($list as $forth) { echo $title . " processing " . $char . "(" . $count . "/94)(" . $count1 . "/94)(" . $count2 . "/94)(" . $count3 . "/94) Time: " . (time() - $startTime) / 60 . "mins \n"; $count3++; $count4 = 0; foreach ($list as $fifth) { echo $title . " processing " . $char . "(" . $count . "/94)(" . $count1 . "/94)(" . $count2 . "/94)(" . $count3 . "/94)(" . $count4 . "/94) Time: " . (time() - $startTime) / 60 . "mins \n"; $count4++; foreach ($list as $sixth) { insert_to_db(6, chr($first) . chr($second) . chr($third) . chr($forth) . chr($fifth) . chr($sixth), md5(chr($first) . chr($second) . chr($third) . chr($forth) . chr($fifth), chr($sixth)), $link); } } } } } } $finishTime = time(); $timeUse = $finishTime - $overallStartTime; echo "total time used: " . $timeUse . " sec"; function insert_to_db($digits, $word, $md5, $link) { $md5 = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $md5); $word = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $word); mysqli_query($link, "insert into md5 values ('{$digits}', '{$word}', '{$md5}')"); }
if ($var = abs((int) $_POST['material'][$i])) { $insert['material_id'] = $var; } $valid_count = 7; } else { $valid_count = 6; } if (count($insert) == $valid_count) { $insert_array[] = $insert; } } //inserting order details to db insert_multi_to_db('additional_orders_items', $insert_array); $week_number = isset($_POST['week_number']) ? esc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($_POST['week_number'])))) : 1; if (empty($weeks)) { insert_to_db('orders_weeks', array('order_id' => $order_id, 'week_number' => $week_number, 'type' => $type_key)); } else { update_in_db('orders_weeks', array('week_number' => $week_number), 'id = ' . $weeks['id']); } $_SESSION['order_id'] = $order_id; header('location: /test/checkout'); exit; } import('store'); import('checkout'); $template_name = 'additional_' . $type; // if user clicked last button getting last order details and showing last order template if ('last' == get_url_param(3)) { $additional_orders = get_last_additional_banner_order($_SESSION['user']['id'], $type_key); if ($additional_orders) { $template_name .= '_last';
} if (isset($_POST['rollups']) && is_array($_POST['rollups']) && !empty($_POST['rollups'])) { $rollups =& $_POST['rollups']; clear_campaign_data($rollups, 1); if (!empty($rollups)) { if (!isset($order_id)) { $order_id = insert_to_db('orders', array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'])); } insert_campaign_data($rollups, $order_id, 3); $inserted = true; } } if ($inserted) { $week_number = isset($_POST['week_number']) ? esc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($_POST['week_number'])))) : 1; if (empty($weeks)) { insert_to_db('orders_weeks', array('order_id' => $order_id, 'week_number' => $week_number)); } else { update_in_db('orders_weeks', array('week_number' => $week_number), 'id = ' . $weeks['id']); } } if (isset($order_id)) { $_SESSION['order_id'] = $order_id; header('location: /test/checkout'); exit; } } $template_name = 'add'; $url = explode('/', $_GET['url']); if (isset($url[2]) && $url[2] == 'last') { $weeks = array(); $campaign_orders = get_campaign_last_order($_SESSION['user']['id']);
function exit_room($params) { $chat_room_id = $params['chat_room_id']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; insert_to_db(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'message' => "*** has left the chat ***", 'chat_room_id' => $chat_room_id), 'chat_messages'); $statement = "user_id = " . $user_id . " AND chat_room_id = " . $chat_room_id; delete_from_db("chat_rooms__got__users", $statement); }
<?php import('store'); if (isset($_POST['shop_name'])) { $insert = array(); if (!store_validate($insert)) { $error_msg = 'All fields must be filled'; } else { $hanging_methods = $insert['hanging_methods']; unset($insert['hanging_methods']); $id = insert_to_db('stores', $insert); if ($id) { $store_hanging_methods = array(); foreach ($hanging_methods as $value) { $store_hanging_methods[] = array('store_id' => $id, 'hanging_method_id' => $value); } insert_multi_to_db('stores_hanging_methods', $store_hanging_methods); $_SESSION['edit_store_msg'] = 'Store Successfully Created'; header('location: /store/edit/' . $id); die; } } } $hanging_methods = get_hanging_methods(); $template = set_template('store', 'index'); $link = THEME . 'template2.php'; require_once $link;
function add_user($values) { $first_name = $values['first_name']['value']; $last_name = $values['last_name']['value']; $email = $values['email']['value']; $password = $values['password']['value']; //Validering escapa å kontrollera rättigheter här insert_to_db(array('first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password), 'users'); header('Location: ../index.php'); }