コード例 #1
        $post['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = $ch;
        $code = '<center>';
        $code .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . (isset($_GET["audl"]) ? "?audl=doum" : "") . "\">{$nn}";
        $code .= "<h4>Type the two words:<br><img src=\"{$imgfile}\"> <br>here:<input name=\"captcha\" type=\"text\" >{$nn}";
        $code .= "<input name=\"link\" value=\"{$Referer}\" type=\"hidden\">{$nn}";
        $code .= '<input type="hidden" name="post" value="' . urlencode(serialize($post)) . '">' . $nn;
        $code .= "<input name=\"hf\" value=\"ok\" type=\"hidden\">{$nn}";
        $code .= "<br><input name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\"></h4>";
        $code .= "</form></center>";
        $js_code = "" . $nn;
        if (!$wait) {
            print $code . $nn . $nn . $js_code . "{$nn}</body>{$nn}</html>";
        } else {
            insert_new_timer($wait, rawurlencode($code), "You will download as a Free User.", $js_code);
    if (!$nofinish) {
        $Url = parse_url($LINK);
        $FileName = basename($Url["path"]);
        $page = geturl($Url["host"], $Url["port"] ? $Url["port"] : 80, $Url["path"], $Referer, 0, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
        preg_match('/Location: *(.+)/i', $page, $redir);
        if (strpos($redir[1], "http://") === false) {
            html_error("Server problem. Please try again after", 0);
        $redirect = rtrim($redir[1]);
        $Url = parse_url($redirect);
        insert_location("{$PHP_SELF}?filename=" . urlencode($FileName) . "&host=" . $Url["host"] . "&path=" . urlencode($Url["path"] . ($Url["query"] ? "?" . $Url["query"] : "")) . "&referer=" . urlencode($Referer) . "&email=" . ($_GET["domail"] ? $_GET["email"] : "") . "&partSize=" . ($_GET["split"] ? $_GET["partSize"] : "") . "&method=" . $_GET["method"] . "&proxy=" . ($_GET["useproxy"] ? $_GET["proxy"] : "") . "&saveto=" . $_GET["path"] . "&link=" . urlencode($LINK) . ($_GET["add_comment"] == "on" ? "&comment=" . urlencode($_GET["comment"]) : "") . "&auth=" . $auth . ($pauth ? "&pauth={$pauth}" : "") . (isset($_GET["audl"]) ? "&audl=doum" : ""));
コード例 #2
    if ($options['images_via_php'] === true) {
        $code = str_replace($access_image_url, $PHP_SELF . "?image=" . urlencode(trim(cut_str($code, '<img src="', '">'))) . "&referer=" . urlencode($Url["scheme"] . "://" . $Url["host"] . "/"), $code);
    $FileAddr = trim(cut_str($code, '<form name="dl" action="', '"'));
    $Href = parse_url($FileAddr);
    $FileName = basename($Href["path"]);
    if (!$FileAddr) {
        html_error("Error getting download link");
    $code = str_replace($FileAddr, $PHP_SELF . (isset($_GET["audl"]) ? "?audl=doum" : ""), $code);
    $capthatag = cut_str($code, 'here: <input', '>');
    $capthatag = cut_str($capthatag, 'name="', '"');
    preg_match_all("/http:\\/\\/dl(.*).rapidshare.de\\/(.*)" . $FileName . "/iU", $code, $matches);
    if (!$matches) {
        html_error("Error getting available server's list");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
        $Url = parse_url($matches[0][$i]);
        $code = str_replace("document.dl.action='" . $matches[0][$i], "document.dl.host.value='" . $Url["host"], $code);
    $code = str_replace("</form>", $nn, $code);
    $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"" . urlencode($FileName) . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"link\" value=\"" . urlencode($LINK) . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"referer\" value=\"" . urlencode($Referer) . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"saveto\" value=\"" . $_GET["path"] . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"host\" value=\"" . $Href["host"] . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"path\" value=\"" . urlencode($Href["path"]) . "\">{$nn}";
    $code .= ($_GET["add_comment"] == "on" ? "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"comment\" value=\"" . urlencode($_GET["comment"]) . "\">{$nn}" : "") . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . ($_GET["domail"] ? $_GET["email"] : "") . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"partSize\" value=\"" . ($_GET["split"] ? $_GET["partSize"] : "") . "\">{$nn}";
    $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"method\" value=\"" . $_GET["method"] . "\">{$nn}<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"proxy\" value=\"" . ($_GET["useproxy"] ? $_GET["proxy"] : "") . "\">{$nn}" . ($pauth ? "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pauth\" value=\"" . $pauth . "\">{$nn}" : "");
    $code .= "</form>";
    $code = str_replace('type="submit"', 'type="submit" onclick="return check()"', $code);
    $js_code = "<script language=\"JavaScript\">" . $nn . "function check() {" . $nn . "var imagecode=document.dl.{$capthatag}.value;" . $nn . "var path=document.dl.path.value;" . $nn;
    $js_code .= 'if (imagecode == "") { window.alert("You didn\'t enter the image verification code"); return false; }' . $nn . 'else {' . $nn . 'document.dl.path.value=path+escape("?' . $capthatag . '="+imagecode);' . $nn . 'return true; }' . $nn . '}' . $nn . '</script>' . $nn;
    insert_new_timer($countDown, rawurlencode($code), "Download-Ticket reserved.", $js_code);