function tagpatch_u($p, $o, $res = '') { //$p='type'; $p = utf8_decode($p); $r = sql('ib,msg', 'qdd', 'kv', 'val="' . $p . '"'); //id>'.$p.' limit 10000 foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $r[$k] = tri_tag($v); foreach ($r[$k] as $ka => $va) { if ($va) { $ra[$va] += 1; $rb[$k][] = $va; } } } //p($rb); foreach ($ra as $k => $v) { $idtag = sql('id', 'qdt', 'v', 'cat="' . $p . '" and tag="' . $k . '"'); if (!$idtag) { $idtag = insert('qdt', '("","' . $p . '","' . $k . '")'); } $rtag[$k] = $idtag; } foreach ($rb as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $ka => $va) { $idtag = $rtag[$va]; $ex = sql('id', 'qdta', 'v', 'idart="' . $k . '" and idtag="' . $idtag . '"'); if (!$ex) { insert('qdta', '("","' . $k . '","' . $idtag . '")'); } } } $ret = $p . ':' . sql('count(id)', 'qdt', 'v', '') . '-' . sql('count(id)', 'qdta', 'v', ''); return $ret; }
function addUser() { $arr = $_POST; $arr['pubTime'] = time(); $path = "../uploads"; $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path); $totalCap = $arr['capacity'] + getCityCapById($arr['cId']); $sql = "update biogas_city set totalCap=" . $totalCap . " where id=" . $arr['cId']; mysql_query($sql); //更新城市的总池容 $res = insert("biogas_user", $arr); $uid = getInsertId(); if ($res && $uid) { if ($uploadFiles && is_array($uploadFiles)) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { $arr1['uid'] = $uid; $arr1['albumPath'] = $uploadFile['name']; addAlbum($arr1); } } $mes = "<p>添加成功!</p><a href='addUser.php' target='mainFrame'>继续添加</a>|<a href='listUser.php' target='mainFrame'>查看用户列表</a>"; } else { $mes = "<p>添加失败!</p><a href='addUser.php' target='mainFrame'>重新添加</a>"; } return $mes; }
function emailcheck() { $dbc = connectToDB("leeawg"); $join_name = $_POST['name']; $join_email = $_POST['email']; $join_username = $_POST['username']; $join_password = $_POST['password']; $join_securepw = sha1($join_password); $join_age = $_POST['age']; $q_emailCheck = "SELECT email FROM account WHERE email = '{$join_email}';"; $q_usernameCheck = "SELECT user_id FROM account WHERE user_id = '{$join_username}';"; $emailCheck_result = performQuery($dbc, $q_emailCheck); $emailCheck_duplicate = mysqli_fetch_array($emailCheck_result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $usernameCheck_result = performQuery($dbc, $q_usernameCheck); $usernameCheck_duplicate = mysqli_fetch_array($usernameCheck_result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (mysqli_num_rows($usernameCheck_result) == 0 && mysqli_num_rows($emailCheck_result) == 0) { //echo "no duplicate :)"; $query = "INSERT INTO account (user_id,password,name,age,email)\n\t\tVALUES ( '{$join_username}', '{$join_securepw}', '{$join_name}', '{$join_age}', '{$join_email}' )"; insert($dbc, $query); } if (mysqli_num_rows($emailCheck_result) > 0) { errorform('email'); } if (mysqli_num_rows($usernameCheck_result) > 0) { errorform('username'); } }
function addCity() { $arr = $_POST; $city_get = getTemp($arr['city']); $city_info['city'] = $arr['city']; $city_info['pinyin'] = $city_get['pinyin']; $city_info['pubDate'] = $city_get['date']; $city_info['longitude'] = $city_get['longitude']; $city_info['latitude'] = $city_get['latitude']; $city_info['altitude'] = $city_get['altitude']; $city_info['pId'] = $arr['pId']; $city_info['totalCap'] = 0; $cName = $city_info['city']; $pinyin = $city_info['pinyin']; $str = "<?php" . "\r\n" . "require_once '../lib/mysql.func.php';\r\n" . "require_once '../lib/temp.func.php';\r\n" . "\r\n" . "mysql_connect(\"localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock\",\"root\",\"\");\r\n" . "mysql_set_charset(\"utf8\");\r\n" . "mysql_select_db(\"biogas\");\r\n" . "\r\n" . "\$res = getItem('" . $cName . "');\r\n" . "\$res_insert = array();\r\n" . "\$res_insert['date'] = \$res['date'];\r\n" . "\$res_insert['l_tmp'] = \$res['l_tmp'];\r\n" . "\$res_insert['h_tmp'] = \$res['h_tmp'];\r\n" . "insert(\$res['pinyin'].\"_tmp\", \$res_insert);"; $filename = '../tmp_update/' . $pinyin . '_update.php'; if (insert("biogas_city", $city_info)) { createTable($city_info['pinyin']); //(1) 创建城市温度表 file_put_contents($filename, $str); //(2) 创建温度更新脚本 chmod($filename, 0777); $mes = "添加成功!<br/><a href='addCity.php'>继续添加!</a>|<a href='listCity.php'>查看列表!</a>"; } else { $mes = "添加失败!<br/><a href='addCity.php'>重新添加!</a>|<a href='listCity.php'>查看列表!</a>"; } return $mes; }
/** *添加评论 */ function addComm() { $mes = array(); $parent_id = addslashes($_POST['parent_id']); $pro_id = addslashes($_POST['pro_id']); $sender_id = $_SESSION['id']; $receiver_id = addslashes($_POST['receiver_id']); if ($receiver_id == '') { $receiver_id = 0; } $content = addslashes($_POST['text']); $comm = array('parent_id' => $parent_id, 'pro_id' => $pro_id, 'sender_id' => $sender_id, 'receiver_id' => $receiver_id, 'content' => $content, 'status' => 0, 'reg_time' => time()); if (insert("tuhao_comm", $comm)) { $id = getInsertId(); $sql = "select * from tuhao_comm where id={$id}"; $row = fetchOne($sql); $sql1 = "select pro_name from tuhao_pro where id={$row['pro_id']}"; $sql2 = "select head_photo from tuhao_info where user_id={$row['sender_id']}"; $sql3 = "select username from tuhao_user where id={$row['sender_id']}"; $sql4 = "select username from tuhao_user where id={$row['receiver_id']}"; $sender = fetchOne($sql3); $receiver = fetchOne($sql4); $proName = fetchOne($sql1); $src = fetchOne($sql2); $row['sender_author'] = $sender['username']; $row['receiver_author'] = $receiver['username']; $row['goods_name'] = $proName['pro_name']; $row['src'] = "uploads/" . $src['head_photo']; $row['comments'] = array(); $mes = array('mes' => '评论成功', 'code' => 1, 'data' => $row); } else { $mes = array('mes' => '评论失败', 'code' => 0); } echo json_encode($mes); }
function register($name, $username, $password) { $message = []; if (empty($name) || empty($username) || empty($password)) { $message[] = "Please all fields are required"; } else { $passlength = strlen($password); if ($passlength >= 5 && $passlength <= 20) { $query_run = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE \n\t \t`username`='{$username}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($query_run) >= 1) { $message[] = "Username already exists!"; } if (count($message) == 0) { // no errors $password = md5($password); if (insert('users', ['name' => $name, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password])) { $message[] = "Thank you for joining! <a href='login.php'>Click here to log in</a>"; } } } else { $message[] = "Password characters out of required range( 5 - 20 )"; } } return $message; }
function insert_reply_flagged($plcrno, $mno, $flag_note, $cboxes, $date_time) { $res = insert('fs_plcm_rflag', array('plcrno', 'mno', 'rflag_option', 'rflag_note', 'rflag_date'), array($plcrno, $mno, $flag_note, $cboxes, $date_time), 'rflagno'); if ($res) { echo "reply comment flag successfully added!"; } }
/** * Zeigt ein Formular zum erstellen einer Seite an */ function create() { global $msg, $mysql; if (isset($_POST['content'])) { if (!insert($_POST['title'], $_POST['content'], $_POST['firstpage'], $_POST['files'])) { return; } $msg->error("Bitte füllen Sie alle Felder aus."); } $q = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM " . _PREFIX_ . "files"); while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $files .= "<option value=" . $o->id . ">" . $o->name . "</option>"; } $qFirstPage = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM " . _PREFIX_ . "pages WHERE firstpage=1"); if ($o = @mysql_fetch_object($qFirstPage)) { $curFirstPage = 'Die momentane Startseite ist: ' . $o->title; } /** * Die Bilderliste auslesen und erstellen */ $qImages = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM " . _PREFIX_ . "images"); $imageTpl = @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../template/editor.images.tpl"); while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($qImages)) { $images .= str_replace(array("%name%", "%fullurl%", "%thumburl%"), array($o->name, IMAGE_DIR . $o->file, IMAGE_DIR . $o->file_t), $imageTpl); } // Template ausfüllen --> $template = @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../template/editor.tpl"); $template = str_replace(array("%cur_firstpage%", "%title%", "%content%", "%file%", "%images%"), array($curFirstPage, $_POST['title'], $_POST['content'], $files, $images), $template); // <-- Template ausfüllen return $template; }
function month_total_fee($month) { $year = explode('-', $month)[0]; $mon = explode('-', $month)[1]; //获取需要的月份相应交费记录并计算总费用 $sql = "select fee,date,dueDate from hh_fee"; $rows = fetchAll($sql); $total = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $day1 = $row['date']; $day2 = $row['dueDate']; $fee = $row['fee']; $T = ceil($fee / days_dis($day1, $day2)); //$T为 该笔学费每天的收入 $days = month_days($day1, $day2, $month); if ($days) { $total = $days * $T + $total; } } $arr = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $mon, 'total' => $total); //如果已存在相应日期记录,则进行更新操作,否则进行插入 $sql = "select count(total) from hh_totalFee where year={$year} and month={$mon}"; $result = fetchOne($sql)['count(total)']; if ($result >= 1) { update('hh_totalFee', $arr, "year={$year} and month={$mon}"); } else { insert('hh_totalFee', $arr); } }
function view_post() { $data = $_POST['data']; $data['post_id'] = $this->params[0]; $data['comment_author'] = 'Gunnar'; insert('comment', $data); }
function add_new_score($name, $score) { $name = addslashes($name); $score = addslashes($score); $sql = "insert into scores(name, score) values ('{$name}', '{$score}')"; insert($sql); }
public function add() { $this->form_validation->set_rules('name', 'Company Name', 'trim|required'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->template->load('admin', 'admin/company/add'); } else { $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/company/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; $config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE; $this->upload->initialize($config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('image')) { $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); if (strip_tags($error['error'], '') != 'You did not select a file to upload.') { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', $error['error']); redirect('admin/company/add'); } } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $image = $data['upload_data']['file_name']; } $name = $this->input->post('name'); $about_company = htmlentities($this->input->post('about_company')); if (!empty($image)) { $file_path = 'uploads/company/' . $image; } else { $file_path = 'uploads/defaults/test.jpg'; } $data_add = array('company_name' => $name, 'about_company' => $about_company, 'logo' => $file_path, 'is_delete' => 0); insert('company_mst', $data_add); $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'Company has been Successfully Created.'); redirect('admin/company'); } }
function importSlice($wikiIdstart, $wikiIdEnd, $start, $slice) { global $dbs, $startFrom; $res = $dbs->select(array('pages'), array('page_id', 'page_wikia_id', 'page_last_edited', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(page_last_edited) as page_last_edited_unix'), array("page_namespace = " . NS_FILE, "page_wikia_id BETWEEN {$wikiIdstart} and {$wikiIdEnd}", "page_last_edited BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME({$startFrom}) and NOW()"), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_latest ASC', 'OFFSET' => $start, 'LIMIT' => $slice)); while ($row = $dbs->fetchRow($res)) { insert($row); } }
function addarticle($table,$arr){ if(insert("dw_article",$arr)){ echo "添加文章成功,你可以<a href='add_article.php'>继续添加</a>|<a href='list_article.php'>查看文章列表</a"; } else{ echo "添加失败<a href='list_article.php'>查看文章列表</a"; } }
function edit_post() { $data = $_POST['data']; $data['user_id'] = $this->params[0]; $data['active'] = isset($data['active']) ? 1 : 0; insert('user', $data); header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . 'users/view/' . $this->params[0]); }
function POST_index() { // Check if the controller's table already exists in the database // $table_names_are_singular = true; # currently plural names are not supported $name_plural = $_POST['name_plural']; $name_singular = $_POST['name_singular']; $table_name = $name_plural; $table_prefix = $name_singular; if (q("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_name}'")) { // Show error echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . "The table {$name_plural} already existed. Aborting." . '</div>'; } else { // SQL injection protection global $db; $table_name_escaped = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $table_name); $table_prefix_escaped = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $table_prefix); // Add table to database q("CREATE TABLE `{$table_name_escaped}` (\n `{$table_prefix_escaped}_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Autocreated',\n `{$table_prefix_escaped}_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Autocreated',\n PRIMARY KEY (`{$table_prefix_escaped}_id`)\n ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;"); // Print banner // Add 2 rows to database insert($table_name, array($table_prefix . '_name' => $name_singular . " #1")); insert($table_name, array($table_prefix . '_name' => $name_singular . " #2")); // Add controller from template (substituting module for controller's name) $content = file_get_contents('system/scaffolding/controller_template.php'); $content = $this->replace_preserving_case("modules", $name_plural, $content); $content = $this->replace_preserving_case("module", $name_singular, $content); $controller_file = "controllers/{$name_plural}.php"; $fp = fopen($controller_file, "wb"); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); chmod($controller_file, 0666); /** Add views **/ $views = ['index', 'view', 'edit']; // Create views directory $dirname = "views/{$name_plural}"; if (!is_dir($dirname)) { mkdir($dirname, 0755); } // Create each view foreach ($views as $view) { $content = file_get_contents("system/scaffolding/view_{$view}_template.php"); $content = $this->replace_preserving_case("modules", $name_plural, $content); $content = $this->replace_preserving_case("module", $name_singular, $content); $view_file = "views/{$name_plural}/{$name_plural}_{$view}.php"; $fp = fopen($view_file, "wb"); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); chmod($view_file, 0666); } // Add files to git exec("git add controllers/*"); exec("git add views/*"); // Prevent git running under developer's user account having permission issues when commiting this file exec("chmod -R a+rwX *"); echo '<div class="alert alert-success">' . 'The module <a href="' . BASE_URL . $table_name . '">' . $table_name . '</a> was created.</div>'; } }
function insert_ads_info($client_name, $company_name, $link, $file_ext) { $q = insert('ads', array('admin_no', 'client_name', 'company_name', 'link', 'ext', 'date_uploaded'), array(1, $client_name, $company_name, $link, $file_ext, "2012-01-01"), 'ano'); if ($q) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function insert_vote($openId, $workId) { $dataArr = array(); $dataArr['openId'] = $openId; $dataArr['workId'] = $workId; $dataArr["creatTime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $bRusult = insert(LOG_TABLE, $dataArr); return $bRusult ? true : false; }
function addnav(){ $arr=$_POST; if(insert("dw_nav",$arr)){ echo "添加成功,你可以<a href='nav_config.php'>马上查看</a>"; } else{ echo "添加失败<a href='='nav_config.php'>查看分类</a"; } }
protected static function delete() { global $current_user; if ($current_user['is_admin']) { insert('DELETE FROM user WHERE id=' . $_POST['id']); } else { self::$failure = 'you are not admin'; } }
function save_comment($plno, $mno, $comment, $dtime) { if (strlen($comment) > 0) { insert('posted_looks_comments', array('plno', 'mno', 'date_', 'msg'), array($plno, $mno, $dtime, tcleaner($comment)), 'plcno'); // echo "<span style='color:green'> succesfully post comment </span>"; } else { // echo " <span style='color:red' > failled to post comment </span>" ; } }
function insert_flagged_info() { $plcno = $_GET['plcno']; $mno = $_SESSION['mno']; $flag_date = date("Y-m-d h:m:s"); $flag_option = $_GET['cbox']; $flag_note = $_GET['flag_note']; insert('fs_cflag', array('mno', 'plcno', 'flag_option', 'flag_note', 'flag_date'), array($mno, $plcno, $flag_option, tcleaner($flag_note), $flag_date), 'flagno'); }
function addclass(){ $arr=$_POST; if(insert("dw_class",$arr)){ echo "添加成功,你可以<a href='add_class.html'>继续添加</a>|<a href='class.php'>查看分类</a"; } else{ echo "添加失败<a href='class.php'>查看分类</a"; } //return $mes; }
function edit1($word) { $list1 = delete($word); $list2 = insert($word); $list3 = transpose($word); $list4 = replace($word); $union = array_merge($list1, $list2, $list3, $list4); $union = array_unique($union); return $union; }
function pupdate($arg) { mysql_select_db('nutrition'); $sql = "delete from nutri0 where barcode='{$arg['oldbarcode']}'"; mysql_query($sql); $sql = "delete from nutri1 where barcode='{$arg['oldbarcode']}'"; mysql_query($sql); $p = array($arg['type'], $arg['description'], $arg['barcode'], $arg['per'], $arg['energykj'], $arg['energykc'], $arg['protein'], $arg['carb'], $arg['sugar'], $arg['fat'], $arg['saturates'], $arg['fibre'], $arg['sodium'], $arg['hydrodised']); insert($p); }
/** * 添加分类的操作 * @return string */ function addCate() { $arr = $_POST; if (insert("imooc_cate", $arr)) { $mes = "分类添加成功!<br/><a href='addCate.php'>继续添加</a>|<a href='listCate.php'>查看分类</a>"; } else { $mes = "分类添加失败!<br/><a href='addCate.php'>重新添加</a>|<a href='listCate.php'>查看分类</a>"; } return $mes; }
/** * 添加分类的操作 * @return string */ function addCate() { $arr = $_POST; if (insert("tigris_user_type", $arr)) { $mes = "Add success!<br/><a href='addCate.php'>Add more</a>|<a href='listCate.php'>View list</a>"; } else { $mes = "Add failed!<br/><a href='addCate.php'>Add again</a>|<a href='listCate.php'>View list</a>"; } return $mes; }
function addProv() { $arr = $_POST; if (insert("biogas_prov", $arr)) { $mes = "添加成功!<br/><a href='addProv.php'>继续添加!</a>|<a href='listProv.php'>查看列表!</a>"; } else { $mes = "添加失败!<br/><a href='addProv.php'>重新添加!</a>|<a href='listProv.php'>查看列表!</a>"; } return $mes; }
/** * 添加商品 * @return string */ function addPro() { //POST来信息存储在$arr数组中 $arr = $_POST; //发布时间,定义为当前时间 $arr['pubTime'] = time(); //存储路径为uploads $path = "./uploads"; //调用上传文件函数 $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path); //判断是否有值 if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) { //遍历数组产生缩略图并存储进各目录中,这里../image_50代表根目录下的image_50文件夹 foreach ($uploadFiles as $key => $uploadFile) { thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name'], 50, 50); thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name'], 220, 220); thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name'], 350, 350); thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name'], 800, 800); } } //调用插入函数 $res = insert("imooc_pro", $arr); //得到刚刚执行的insert操作产生的ID $pid = getInsertId(); //判断是否insert成功 if ($res && $pid) { //循环uploadFiles里的值,获得id、albumPath并插入数据库中 foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { $arr1['pid'] = $pid; $arr1['albumPath'] = $uploadFile['name']; //调用里的addAlbum函数 addAlbum($arr1); } $mes = "<p>添加成功!</p><a href='addPro.php' target='mainFrame'>继续添加</a>|<a href='listPro.php' target='mainFrame'>查看商品列表</a>"; } else { //若不成功,删除对应文件 foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { if (file_exists("../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { //若不成功,删除对应文件 unlink("../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name']); } } $mes = "<p>添加失败!</p><a href='addPro.php' target='mainFrame'>重新添加</a>"; } return $mes; }
function addAdmin() { $arr = $_POST; $arr['password'] = md5($_POST['password']); if (insert("imooc_admin", $arr)) { $mes = "添加成功! <br /><a href='addAdmin.php'>继续添加</a>| <a href='listAdmin.php'>查看管理员列表</a>"; } else { $mes = "添加失败!<br /><a href='addAdmin.php'>重新添加</a>"; } return $mes; }