コード例 #1

	$variation = variation();
	$action = value("action", "", "");
	$clt = value("clt", "NUMERIC", "");
	if ($action == "" && value("changevariation", "", "") != "") {
	  $action = value("acstate");
	  $clt = initValueEx("clt", "clt", "", "NUMERIC");
	$go = value("go", "NOSPACES", "");
	$pnode = initValueEx("pnode", "pnode", "0", "NUMERIC");

	//// ACL Check ////
	$aclf = aclFactory($pnode, "folder");
	if (! $aclf->hasAccess($auth->userId)) {
		$pnode = "0";
		$aclf = aclFactory(0, "folder");
		if (! $aclf->hasAccess($auth->userId))
		   header("Location: ". $c["docroot"]."modules/common/noaccess.php?sid=$sid&guid=$pnode");
	//// ACL Check ////

    $clnid = value("clnid");
コード例 #2
	if ($action == $lang->get('resetcli') && $aclf->checkAccessToFunction("B_RESET_CL_INST")) {
		$spid = value("spid");

		$sql = "UPDATE sitepage SET CLNID=0 WHERE SPID = $spid";
		$query = new query($db, $sql);
		$action = "editobject";
		$go = "CREATE";
		$processing = "no";
		$page_state = "start";

	if ($action == "newpage" && $aclf->checkAccessToFunction("ADD_SITEPAGE")) {
		if ($go == "insert")
			$page_action = "INSERT";
		$mid = initValueEx("mid", "mid", "0");
		$form = new stdEDForm($lang->get("sp_newpage"), "i_edit.gif");
		$cond = $form->setPK("sitemap", "MENU_ID");
		$form->add(new IconSelectInput($lang->get("tmpl_name", "Select a template"), "sitemap", "SPM_ID", "sitepage_master", "NAME", "SPM_ID", "DESCRIPTION", $c["spmthumbdocroot"], "THUMBNAIL", "DELETED=0 AND VERSION=0", $cond, "type:dropdown", "MANDATORY"));
		$oname = new TextInput($lang->get("stname", "Select a name to identify this page in the sitemap"), "sitemap", "NAME", $cond, "type:text,width:200,size:32", "MANDATORY&UNIQUE");
		$oname->setFilter("PARENT_ID = $mid");
		$form->add(new SitemapPosition($lang->get("pos_in_menu"), "sitemap", "POSITION", $cond, 0, $mid));			
		$form->add(new Label("lbl", $lang->get("cr_content", "Create Content for this page?"), "standard"));
		$form->add(new Checkbox("createpage", "1", "standard", true));
		$form->add(new ActionField("newpage"));
		$form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("sitemap", "PARENT_ID", $cond, $mid, "NUMBER"));
		$form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("sitemap", "DELETED", $cond, 0, "NUMBER"));
		$form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("sitemap", "IS_DISPLAYED", $cond, 1, "NUMBER"));