コード例 #1
function mm_minimizablesections($sections, $roles = '', $templates = '', $minimized = '')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $site = $modx->config['site_url'];
    $widgetDir = $site . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/mm_minimizablesections/';
    $output = '';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'minimizablesections.css', 'html');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            $sections = makeArray($sections);
            $minimized = makeArray($minimized);
            $sections = array_map("prepareSection", $sections);
            $minimized = array_map("prepareSection", $minimized);
            $output .= "//---------- mm_minimizablesections :: Begin -----\n";
            $output .= '$j("' . implode(",", $sections) . '","#documentPane").addClass("minimizable").on("click",function(){
     var _t = $j(this);
    $j(".minimizable").filter("' . implode(",", $minimized) . '").addClass("minimized").next().hide();
            $output .= "//---------- mm_minimizablesections :: End -----\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: colors.php プロジェクト: radist/modx.evo.custom
 * mm_widget_colors
 * @version 1.2 (2013-12-11)
 * A widget for ManagerManager plugin that allows text field to be turned into a color picker storing a chosen hex value in the field on the document editing page.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $fields {comma separated string} - The name(s) of the template variables this should apply to. @required
 * @param $default {string} - Which color in hex format should be selected by default in new documents. This is only used in situations where the TV does not have a default value specified in the TV definition. Default: '#ffffff'.
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_widget_colors/1.2
 * @copyright 2013
function mm_widget_colors($fields, $default = '#ffffff', $roles = '', $templates = '')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        $output .= includeJsCss($modx->config['base_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/colors/farbtastic.js', 'html', 'farbtastic', '1.2');
        $output .= includeJsCss($modx->config['base_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/colors/farbtastic.css', 'html');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page, $mm_fields;
            // if we've been supplied with a string, convert it into an array
            $fields = makeArray($fields);
            // Does this page's template use any of these TVs? If not, quit.
            $tv_count = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $fields);
            if ($tv_count === false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_colors :: Begin -----\n";
            // Go through each of the fields supplied
            foreach ($fields as $tv) {
                $tv_id = $mm_fields[$tv]['fieldname'];
                $output .= '
$j("#' . $tv_id . '").css("background-image","none");
$j("#' . $tv_id . '").after(\'<div id="colorpicker' . $tv_id . '"></div>\');
if ($j("#' . $tv_id . '").val() == ""){
	$j("#' . $tv_id . '").val("' . $default . '");
$j("#colorpicker' . $tv_id . '").farbtastic("#' . $tv_id . '");
$j("#colorpicker' . $tv_id . '").mouseup(function(){
	// mark the document as dirty, or the value wont be saved
	$j("#' . $tv_id . '").trigger("change");
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_colors :: End -----\n";
コード例 #3
 * mm_ddYMap
 * @version 1.4.3 (2013-12-10)
 * @desc A widget for ManagerManager plugin allowing Yandex Maps integration.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $tvs {comma separated string} - TV names to which the widget is applied. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $w {'auto'; integer} - Width of the map container. Default: 'auto'.
 * @param $h {integer} - Height of the map container. Default: 400.
 * @param $hideField {boolean} - Original coordinates field hiding status (true — hide, false — show). Default: true.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddymap/1.4.3
 * @copyright 2013, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddYMap($tvs, $roles = '', $templates = '', $w = 'auto', $h = '400', $hideField = true)
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        //The main js file including
        $output = includeJsCss($modx->config['site_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/ddymap/jquery.ddMM.mm_ddYMap.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddYMap', '1.0.2');
        //The Yandex.Maps library including
        $output .= includeJsCss('http://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.0/?load=package.full&lang=ru-RU&onload=mm_ddYMap_init', 'html', 'api-maps.yandex.ru', '2.0');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page;
            $output = '';
            //if we've been supplied with a string, convert it into an array
            $tvs = makeArray($tvs);
            $usedTvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $tvs, '', 'id', 'name');
            if ($usedTvs == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddYMap :: Begin -----\n";
            //Iterate over supplied TVs instead of doing so to the result of tplUseTvs() to maintain rendering order.
            foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
                //If this $tv is used in a current template
                if (isset($usedTvs[$tv])) {
                    $output .= '
$j("#tv' . $usedTvs[$tv]['id'] . '").mm_ddYMap({
	hideField: ' . intval($hideField) . ',
	width: "' . $w . '",
	height: "' . $h . '"
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddYMap :: End -----\n";
コード例 #4
ファイル: ddgmap.php プロジェクト: radist/modx.evo.custom
 * mm_ddGMap
 * @version 1.2b (2014-05-14)
 * @desc Widget for ManagerManager plugin allowing Google Maps integration.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.1.
 * @param $tvs {comma separated string} - TV names to which the widget is applied. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $w {'auto'; integer} - Width of the map container. Default: 'auto'.
 * @param $h {integer} - Height of the map container. Default: 400.
 * @param $hideField {0; 1} - Original coordinates field hiding status (1 — hide, 0 — show). Default: 1.
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddgmap/1.2b
 * @copyright 2014, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddGMap($tvs, $roles = '', $templates = '', $w = 'auto', $h = '400', $hideField = true)
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        global $modx_lang_attribute;
        //The main js file including
        $output = includeJsCss($modx->config['site_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/ddgmap/jquery.ddMM.mm_ddGMap.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddGMap', '1.0');
        //The Google.Maps library including
        $output .= includeJsCss('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&hl=' . $modx_lang_attribute . '&callback=mm_ddGMap_init', 'html', 'maps.google.com', '0');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page;
            $output = '';
            $tvs = makeArray($tvs);
            $usedTvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $tvs, '', 'id', 'name');
            if ($usedTvs == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddGMap :: Begin -----\n";
            //Iterate over supplied TVs instead of doing so to the result of tplUseTvs() to maintain rendering order.
            foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
                //If this $tv is used in a current template
                if (isset($usedTvs[$tv])) {
                    $output .= '
$j("#tv' . $usedTvs[$tv]['id'] . '").mm_ddGMap({
	hideField: ' . intval($hideField) . ',
	width: "' . $w . '",
	height: "' . $h . '"
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddGMap :: End -----\n";
コード例 #5
ファイル: !template.php プロジェクト: AlexJS7/church.local
 * mm_widget_template
 * @version 1.0 (2013-01-01)
 * A template for creating new widgets
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://
 * @copyright 2013
function mm_widget_template($fields, $other_param = 'defaultValue', $roles = '', $templates = '')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        // We have functions to include JS or CSS external files you might need
        // The standard ModX API methods don't work here
        $output .= includeJsCss('/assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/template/javascript.js', 'html');
        $output .= includeJsCss('/assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/template/styles.css', 'html');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_fields, $mm_current_page;
            // if we've been supplied with a string, convert it into an array
            $fields = makeArray($fields);
            $tvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $fields);
            if ($tvs == false) {
            // Your output should be stored in a string, which is outputted at the end
            // It will be inserted as a Javascript block (with jQuery), which is executed on document ready
            // We always put a JS comment, which makes debugging much easier
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_template :: Begin -----\n";
            // Do something for each of the fields supplied
            foreach ($fields as $targetTv) {
                // If it's a TV, we may need to map the field name, to what it's ID is.
                // This can be obtained from the mm_fields array
                $tv_id = $mm_fields[$targetTv]['fieldname'];
            //JS comment for end of widget
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_template :: End -----\n";
            // Send the output to the browser
コード例 #6
 * mm_ddHTMLCleaner
 * @version 1.0.4 (2014-03-14)
 * @desc A widget for the plugin ManagerManager. It removes forbidden HTML attributes and styles from document fields and TVs when required.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $fields {comma separated string} - The name(s) of the document fields (or TVs) which the widget is applied to. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - Roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Templates IDs for which the widget is applying (empty value means the widget is applying to all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $validAttrsForAllTags {comma separated string} - Default: 'title,class'.
 * @param $validStyles {comma separated string} - Default: 'word-spacing'.
 * @param $validAttrs {string: JSON} - Default: '{"img":"src,alt,width,height","a":"href,target"}'.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddhtmlcleaner/1.0.4
 * @copyright 2014, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddHTMLCleaner($fields, $roles = '', $templates = '', $validAttrsForAllTags = 'title,class', $validStyles = 'word-spacing', $validAttrs = '{"img":"src,alt,width,height","a":"href,target"}')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        $widgetDir = $modx->config['site_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/mm_ddhtmlcleaner/';
        $output = includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'jquery.ddHTMLCleaner-0.2.min.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddHTMLCleaner', '0.2');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddHTMLCleaner.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddHTMLCleaner', '1.0.1');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_fields, $content;
            if ($content['contentType'] != 'text/html') {
            $fields = getTplMatchedFields($fields);
            if ($fields == false) {
            $selectors = array();
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                $selectors[] = $mm_fields[$field]['fieldtype'] . '[name=\\"' . $mm_fields[$field]['fieldname'] . '\\"]';
            $output = "//---------- mm_ddHTMLCleaner :: Begin -----\n";
            $output .= '
$j.ddMM.mm_ddHTMLCleaner.addInstance("' . implode(',', $selectors) . '", {
	validAttrsForAllTags: "' . $validAttrsForAllTags . '",
	validAttrs: ' . $validAttrs . ',
	validStyles: "' . $validStyles . '"
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddHTMLCleaner :: End -----\n";
コード例 #7
ファイル: accessdenied.php プロジェクト: stoler/offset-print
 * mm_widget_accessdenied
 * @version 1.1.1 (2013-12-11)
 * @desc A widget for ManagerManager plugin that allows access to specific documents (by ID) to be denied without inheritance on the document editing page.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $ids {comma separated string} - List of documents ID to prevent access. @required
 * @param $message {string} - HTML formatted message. Default: 'Access denied - Access to current document closed for security reasons.'.
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_widget_accessdenied/1.1.1
 * Icon by designmagus.com
 * Originally written by Metaller
 * @copyright 2013
function mm_widget_accessdenied($ids = '', $message = '', $roles = '')
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender' && useThisRule($roles)) {
        if (empty($message)) {
            $message = '<span>Access denied</span>Access to current document closed for security reasons.';
        $docid = (int) $_GET[id];
        $ids = makeArray($ids);
        $output = "//---------- mm_widget_accessdenied :: Begin -----\n";
        if (in_array($docid, $ids)) {
            $output .= includeJsCss($modx->config['base_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/accessdenied/accessdenied.css', 'js');
            $output .= '
$j("input, div, form[name=mutate]").remove(); // Remove all content from the page
$j("body").prepend(\'<div id="aback"><div id="amessage">' . $message . '</div></div>\');
$j("#aback").css({height: $j("body").height()} );
        $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_accessdenied :: End -----\n";
コード例 #8
ファイル: ddmaxlength.php プロジェクト: stoler/offset-print
 * mm_ddMaxLength
 * @version 1.1.1 (2013-12-10)
 * Widget for ManagerManager plugin allowing number limitation of chars inputing in fields (or TVs).
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $fields {comma separated string} - The name(s) of the document fields (or TVs) which the widget is applied to. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied. Default: ''.
 * @param $length {integer} - Maximum number of inputing chars. Default: 150.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddmaxlength/1.1.1
 * @copyright 2013, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddMaxLength($fields = '', $roles = '', $templates = '', $length = 150)
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        $widgetDir = $modx->config['site_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/ddmaxlength/';
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'ddmaxlength.css', 'html');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddMaxLength.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddMaxLength', '1.0');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_fields;
            $fields = getTplMatchedFields($fields, 'text,textarea');
            if ($fields == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMaxLength :: Begin -----\n";
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                $output .= '
$j("' . $mm_fields[$field]['fieldtype'] . '[name=' . $mm_fields[$field]['fieldname'] . ']").addClass("ddMaxLengthField").each(function(){
	$j(this).parent().append("<div class=\\"ddMaxLengthCount\\"><span></span></div>");
	max: ' . $length . ',
	containerSelector: "div.ddMaxLengthCount span",
	warningClass: "maxLengthWarning"
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMaxLength :: End -----\n";
コード例 #9
 * mm_widget_showimagetvs
 * @version 1.2.1 (2014-05-07)
 * @desc A widget for ManagerManager plugin that allows the preview of images chosen in image TVs to be shown on the document editing page.
 * Emulates showimagestv plugin, which is not compatible with ManagerManager.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.1.
 * @param $tvs {comma separated string} - The name(s) of the template variables this should apply to. Default: ''.
 * @param $maxWidth {integer} - Preferred maximum width of the preview. Default: 300.
 * @param $maxHeight {integer} - Preferred maximum height of the preview. Default: 100.
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_widget_showimagetvs/1.2.1
 * @copyright 2014
function mm_widget_showimagetvs($tvs = '', $maxWidth = 300, $maxHeight = 100, $thumbnailerUrl = '', $roles = '', $templates = '')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        //The main js file including
        $output = includeJsCss($modx->config['site_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/showimagetvs/jquery.ddMM.mm_widget_showimagetvs.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_widget_showimagetvs', '1.0.1');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page;
            $output = '';
            // Does this page's template use any image TVs? If not, quit now!
            $tvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $tvs, 'image');
            if ($tvs == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_showimagetvs :: Begin -----\n";
            // Go through each TV
            foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
                $output .= '
$j("#tv' . $tv['id'] . '").mm_widget_showimagetvs({
	thumbnailerUrl: "' . trim($thumbnailerUrl) . '",
	width: ' . intval($maxWidth) . ',
	height: ' . intval($maxHeight) . ',
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_showimagetvs :: End -----\n";
コード例 #10
 * mm_ddSelectDocuments
 * @version 1.2.2 (2014-02-14)
 * @desc A widget for ManagerManager that makes selection of documents ids easier.
 * @uses ManagerManager 0.6.
 * @uses ddTools 0.10.
 * @param $tvs {comma separated string} - TVs names that the widget is applied to. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - Roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Templates IDs for which the widget is applying (empty value means the widget is applying to all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $parentIds {comma separated string} - Parent documents IDs. @required
 * @param $depth {integer} - Depth of search. Default: 1.
 * @param $filter {separated string} - Filter clauses, separated by '&' between pairs and by '=' between keys and values. For example, 'template=15&published=1' means to choose the published documents with template id=15. Default: ''.
 * @param $max {integer} - The largest number of elements that can be selected by user (“0” means selection without a limit). Default: 0.
 * @param $labelMask {string} - Template to be used while rendering elements of the document selection list. It is set as a string containing placeholders for document fields and TVs. Also, there is the additional placeholder “[+title+]” that is substituted with either “menutitle” (if defined) or “pagetitle”. Default: '[+title+] ([+id+])'.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddselectdocuments/1.2.2
 * @copyright 2014, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddSelectDocuments($tvs = '', $roles = '', $templates = '', $parentIds, $depth = 1, $filter = '', $max = 0, $labelMask = '[+title+] ([+id+])')
    if (empty($parentIds) || !useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        $pluginDir = $modx->config['site_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/';
        $widgetDir = $pluginDir . 'widgets/ddselectdocuments/';
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'ddselectdocuments.css', 'html');
        $output .= includeJsCss($pluginDir . 'js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.min.js', 'html', 'jquery-ui', '1.10.3');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'jquery.ddMultipleInput-1.2.1.min.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMultipleInput', '1.2.1');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page;
            $tvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $tvs);
            if ($tvs == false) {
            $filter = ddTools::explodeAssoc($filter, '&', '=');
            //Необходимые поля
            preg_match_all('~\\[\\+([^\\+\\]]*?)\\+\\]~', $labelMask, $matchField);
            $fields = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($filter), array('pagetitle', 'id'), $matchField[1]));
            if (($title_pos = array_search('title', $fields)) !== false) {
                $fields = array_unique(array_merge($fields, array('menutitle')));
            //Рекурсивно получает все необходимые документы
            if (!function_exists('ddGetDocs')) {
                function ddGetDocs($parentIds = array(0), $filter = array(), $depth = 1, $labelMask = '[+pagetitle+] ([+id+])', $fields = array('pagetitle', 'id'))
                    //Получаем дочерние документы текущего уровня
                    $docs = array();
                    //Перебираем всех родителей
                    foreach ($parentIds as $parent) {
                        //Получаем документы текущего родителя
                        $tekDocs = ddTools::getDocumentChildrenTVarOutput($parent, $fields, false);
                        //Если что-то получили
                        if (is_array($tekDocs)) {
                            $docs = array_merge($docs, $tekDocs);
                    $result = array();
                    //Если что-то есть
                    if (count($docs) > 0) {
                        //Перебираем полученные документы
                        foreach ($docs as $val) {
                            //Если фильтр пустой, либо не пустой и документ удовлетворяет всем условиям
                            if (empty($filter) || count(array_intersect_assoc($filter, $val)) == count($filter)) {
                                $val['title'] = empty($val['menutitle']) ? $val['pagetitle'] : $val['menutitle'];
                                //Записываем результат
                                $tmp = ddTools::parseText($labelMask, $val, '[+', '+]', false);
                                if (strlen(trim($tmp)) == 0) {
                                    $tmp = ddTools::parseText('[+pagetitle+] ([+id+])', $val, '[+', '+]', false);
                                $result[] = array('label' => $tmp, 'value' => $val['id']);
                            //Если ещё надо двигаться глубже
                            if ($depth > 1) {
                                //Сливаем результат с дочерними документами
                                $result = array_merge($result, ddGetDocs(array($val['id']), $filter, $depth - 1, $labelMask, $fields));
                    return $result;
            //Получаем все дочерние документы
            $docs = ddGetDocs(explode(',', $parentIds), $filter, $depth, $labelMask, $fields);
            if (count($docs) == 0) {
            if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) {
                $jsonDocs = json_encode($docs, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
            } else {
                $jsonDocs = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/i', create_function('$matches', '$sym = mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", $matches[1]), "UTF-8", "UTF-16"); return $sym;'), json_encode($docs));
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddSelectDocuments :: Begin -----\n";
            foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
                $output .= '
$j("#tv' . $tv['id'] . '").ddMultipleInput({source: ' . $jsonDocs . ', max: ' . $max . '});
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddSelectDocuments :: End -----\n";
コード例 #11
 * @deprecated, use the includeJsCss()
function includeCss($url, $output_type = 'js')
    return includeJsCss($url, $output_type);
コード例 #12
 * mm_ddMultipleFields
 * @version 4.5.1 (2014-05-15)
 * @desc Widget for plugin ManagerManager that allows you to add any number of fields values (TV) in one document (values is written as one with using separator symbols). For example: a few images.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $tvs {comma separated string} - Names of TV for which the widget is applying. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Templates IDs for which the widget is applying (empty value means the widget is applying to all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $columns {comma separated string} - Column types: field — field type column; text — text type column; textarea — multiple lines column; richtext — column with rich text editor; date — date column; id — hidden column containing unique id; select — list with options (parameter “columnsData”). Default: 'field'.
 * @param $columnsTitle {comma separated string} - Columns titles. Default: ''.
 * @param $colWidth {comma separated string} - Columns width (one value can be set). Default: 180;
 * @param $splY {string} - Strings separator. Default: '||'.
 * @param $splX {string} - Columns separator. Default: '::'.
 * @param $imgW {integer} - Maximum value of image preview width. Default: 300.
 * @param $imgH {integer} - Maximum value of image preview height. Default: 100.
 * @param $minRow {integer} - Minimum number of strings. Default: 0.
 * @param $maxRow {integer} - Maximum number of strings. Default: 0 (без лимита).
 * @param $columnsData {separated string} - List of valid values in json format (with “||”). Default: ''.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddmultiplefields/4.5.1
 * @copyright 2014, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddMultipleFields($tvs = '', $roles = '', $templates = '', $columns = 'field', $columnsTitle = '', $colWidth = '180', $splY = '||', $splX = '::', $imgW = 300, $imgH = 100, $minRow = 0, $maxRow = 0, $columnsData = '')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    $site = $modx->config['site_url'];
    $widgetDir = $site . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/ddmultiplefields/';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        global $_lang;
        $output .= includeJsCss($site . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.min.js', 'html', 'jquery-ui', '1.10.3');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'ddmultiplefields.css', 'html');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddMultipleFields.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddMultipleFields', '1.1.1');
        $output .= includeJsCss('$j.ddMM.lang.edit = "' . $_lang['edit'] . '";', 'html', 'mm_ddMultipleFields_plain', '1', true, 'js');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page;
            if ($columnsData) {
                $columnsDataTemp = explode('||', $columnsData);
                $columnsData = array();
                foreach ($columnsDataTemp as $value) {
                    //Евалим знение и записываем результат или исходное значени
                    $eval = @eval($value);
                    $columnsData[] = $eval ? addslashes(json_encode($eval)) : addslashes($value);
                //Сливаем в строку, что бы передать на клиент
                $columnsData = implode('||', $columnsData);
            //Стиль превью изображения
            $stylePrewiew = "max-width:{$imgW}px; max-height:{$imgH}px; margin: 4px 0; cursor: pointer;";
            $tvsMas = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $tvs, 'image,file,text,email,textarea', 'id,type');
            if ($tvsMas == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMultipleFields :: Begin -----\n";
            foreach ($tvsMas as $tv) {
                if ($tv['type'] == 'image') {
                    $browseFuntion = 'BrowseServer';
                    $makeFieldFunction = 'makeImage';
                } else {
                    if ($tv['type'] == 'file') {
                        $browseFuntion = 'BrowseFileServer';
                        $makeFieldFunction = 'makeNull';
                    } else {
                        $browseFuntion = 'false';
                        $makeFieldFunction = 'makeNull';
                $output .= '
$j("#tv' . $tv['id'] . '").mm_ddMultipleFields({
	splY: "' . $splY . '",
	splX: "' . $splX . '",
	coloumns: "' . $columns . '",
	coloumnsTitle: "' . $columnsTitle . '",
	coloumnsData: "' . $columnsData . '",
	colWidth: "' . $colWidth . '",
	imageStyle: "' . $stylePrewiew . '",
	minRow: "' . $minRow . '",
	maxRow: "' . $maxRow . '",
	makeFieldFunction: "' . $makeFieldFunction . '",
	browseFuntion: ' . $browseFuntion . '
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMultipleFields :: End -----\n";
コード例 #13
 * mm_ddMultipleFields
 * @version 4.6 (2014-10-24)
 * @desc Widget for plugin ManagerManager that allows you to add any number of fields values (TV) in one document (values is written as one with using separator symbols). For example: a few images.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.3.
 * @param $tvs {comma separated string} - Names of TV for which the widget is applying. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Templates IDs for which the widget is applying (empty value means the widget is applying to all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $columns {comma separated string} - Column types: field — field type column; text — text type column; textarea — multiple lines column; richtext — column with rich text editor; date — date column; id — hidden column containing unique id; select — list with options (parameter “columnsData”). Default: 'field'.
 * @param $columnsTitle {comma separated string} - Columns titles. Default: ''.
 * @param $colWidth {comma separated string} - Columns width (one value can be set). Default: 180;
 * @param $splY {string} - Strings separator. Default: '||'.
 * @param $splX {string} - Columns separator. Default: '::'.
 * @param $imgW {integer} - Maximum value of image preview width. Default: 300.
 * @param $imgH {integer} - Maximum value of image preview height. Default: 100.
 * @param $minRow {integer} - Minimum number of strings. Default: 0.
 * @param $maxRow {integer} - Maximum number of strings. Default: 0 (без лимита).
 * @param $columnsData {separated string} - List of valid values in json format (with “||”). Default: ''. Example: '[['','No selected'],['0','No'],['1','Yes',1]]'
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddmultiplefields/4.5.1
 * @copyright 2014, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.biz
function mm_ddMultipleFields($tvs = '', $roles = '', $templates = '', $columns = 'field', $columnsTitle = '', $colWidth = '180', $splY = '||', $splX = '::', $imgW = 300, $imgH = 100, $minRow = 0, $maxRow = 0, $columnsData = '', $options = array())
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    if (is_array($options)) {
        $options = json_encode($options);
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    $site = $modx->config['site_url'];
    $widgetDir = $site . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/ddmultiplefields/';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        global $_lang;
        $output .= includeJsCss($site . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.min.js', 'html', 'jquery-ui', '1.10.3');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'ddmultiplefields.css', 'html');
        $output .= includeJsCss($widgetDir . 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddMultipleFields.js', 'html', 'jquery.ddMM.mm_ddMultipleFields', '1.1.1');
        $output .= includeJsCss('$j.ddMM.lang.edit = "' . $_lang['edit'] . '";$j.ddMM.lang.confirm_delete_record = "' . $_lang["confirm_delete_record"] . '";', 'html', 'mm_ddMultipleFields_plain', '1', true, 'js');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page;
            if ($columnsData) {
                $columnsDataTemp = explode('||', $columnsData);
                $columnsData = array();
                foreach ($columnsDataTemp as $value) {
                    //Евалим знение и записываем результат или исходное значени
                    $eval = @eval($value);
                    $columnsData[] = $eval ? addslashes(json_encode($eval)) : addslashes($value);
                //Сливаем в строку, что бы передать на клиент
                $columnsData = implode('||', $columnsData);
            //Стиль превью изображения
            $imgW = $imgW . (is_numeric($imgW) ? "px" : "");
            $imgH = $imgH . (is_numeric($imgH) ? "px" : "");
            $stylePrewiew = "max-width:{$imgW}; max-height:{$imgH}; margin: 4px 0; cursor: pointer;";
            $tvsMas = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $tvs, 'image,file,text,email,textarea', 'id,type');
            if ($tvsMas == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMultipleFields :: Begin -----\n";
            //For backward compatibility
            $columns = makeArray($columns);
            //Находим колонки, заданные как «field», теперь их нужно будет заменить на «image» и «file» соответственно
            $columns_fieldIndex = array_keys($columns, 'field');
            foreach ($tvsMas as $tv) {
                //For backward compatibility
                if ($tv['type'] == 'image' || $tv['type'] == 'file') {
                    //Проходимся по всем колонкам «field» и заменяем на соответствующий тип
                    foreach ($columns_fieldIndex as $val) {
                        $columns[$val] = $tv['type'];
                $output .= '
$j("#tv' . $tv['id'] . '").mm_ddMultipleFields({
	splY: "' . $splY . '",
	splX: "' . $splX . '",
	coloumns: "' . implode(',', $columns) . '",
	coloumnsTitle: "' . $columnsTitle . '",
	coloumnsData: "' . $columnsData . '",
	colWidth: "' . $colWidth . '",
	imageStyle: "' . $stylePrewiew . '",
	minRow: "' . $minRow . '",
	maxRow: "' . $maxRow . '",
	options: ' . $options . '
            if (!empty($columns_fieldIndex)) {
                $modx->logEvent(1, 2, '<p>You are currently using the deprecated column type “field”. Please, replace it with “image” or “file” respectively.</p><p>The plugin has been called in the document with template id ' . $mm_current_page['template'] . '.</p>', 'ManagerManager: mm_ddMultipleFields');
            $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMultipleFields :: End -----\n";
コード例 #14
ファイル: mm.inc.php プロジェクト: radist/modx.evo.custom
			// Whatever happens, hide the loading mask
<!-- ManagerManager Plugin :: End -->
    case 'OnTVFormRender':
        // Should we remove deprecated Template variable types from the TV creation list?
        $remove_deprecated_tv_types = $e->params['remove_deprecated_tv_types_pref'] == 'yes' ? true : false;
        if ($remove_deprecated_tv_types) {
            // Load the jquery library
            echo '<!-- Begin ManagerManager output -->';
            echo includeJsCss($jsUrls['jq']['url'], 'html', $jsUrls['jq']['name'], $jsUrls['jq']['version']);
            // Create a mask to cover the page while the fields are being rearranged
            echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
	var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
	$j("select[name=type] option").each(function(){
		var $this = $j(this);
		if(!($this.text().match("deprecated") == null)){
            echo '<!-- End ManagerManager output -->';
コード例 #15
ファイル: tags.php プロジェクト: AlexJS7/church.local
 * mm_widget_tags
 * @version 1.1.2 (2013-12-11)
 * Adds a tag selection widget to the specified TVs.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.
 * @param $fields {comma separated string} - The name(s) of the template variables this should apply to. @required
 * @param $delimiter {string} - The sign that separates tags in the field. Default: ','.
 * @param $source {comma separated string} - The names(s) of the template variables the list of tags should come from. This allows the list of tags to come from a different field than the widget. By default it uses all the TVs listed in “fields” parameter. Default: =$fields.
 * @param $display_count {boolean} - Display the number of documents using each tag (in brackets after it). Default: false.
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - The templates that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @event OnDocFormPrerender
 * @event OnDocFormRender
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_widget_tags/1.1.2
 * @copyright 2013
function mm_widget_tags($fields, $delimiter = ',', $source = '', $display_count = false, $roles = '', $templates = '')
    if (!useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    $output = '';
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormPrerender') {
        $output .= includeJsCss($modx->config['base_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/tags/tags.js', 'html', 'mm_widget_tags', '1.0');
        $output .= includeJsCss($modx->config['base_url'] . 'assets/plugins/managermanager/widgets/tags/tags.css', 'html');
    } else {
        if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender') {
            global $mm_current_page, $mm_fields;
            // if we've been supplied with a string, convert it into an array
            $fields = makeArray($fields);
            // And likewise for the data source (if supplied)
            $source = empty($source) ? $fields : makeArray($source);
            // Does this page's template use any of these TVs? If not, quit.
            $field_tvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $fields);
            if ($field_tvs == false) {
            $source_tvs = tplUseTvs($mm_current_page['template'], $source);
            if ($source_tvs == false) {
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_tags :: Begin -----\n";
            // Go through each of the fields supplied
            foreach ($fields as $targetTv) {
                $tv_id = $mm_fields[$targetTv]['fieldname'];
                // Make an SQL friendly list of fields to look at:
                //$escaped_sources = array();
                //foreach ($source as $s){
                //	$s=substr($s,2,1);
                //	$escaped_sources[] = "'".$s."'";
                $sql_sources = implode(',', $source_tvs[0]);
                // Get the list of current values for this TV
                $sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM ' . $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues') . ' WHERE tmplvarid IN (' . $sql_sources . ')';
                $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
                $all_docs = $modx->db->makeArray($result);
                $foundTags = array();
                foreach ($all_docs as $theDoc) {
                    $theTags = explode($delimiter, $theDoc['value']);
                    foreach ($theTags as $t) {
                // Sort the TV values (case insensitively)
                uksort($foundTags, 'strcasecmp');
                $lis = '';
                foreach ($foundTags as $t => $c) {
                    $lis .= '<li title="Used ' . $c . ' times">' . jsSafe($t) . ($display_count ? ' (' . $c . ')' : '') . '</li>';
                $html_list = '<ul class="mmTagList" id="' . $tv_id . '_tagList">' . $lis . '</ul>';
                // Insert the list of tags after the field
                $output .= '
//mm_widget_tags for “' . $targetTv . '” (' . $tv_id . ')
$j("#' . $tv_id . '").after(\'' . $html_list . '\');
                // Initiate the tagCompleter class for this field
                $output .= 'var ' . $tv_id . '_tags = new TagCompleter("' . $tv_id . '", "' . $tv_id . '_tagList", "' . $delimiter . '");' . "\n";
            $output .= "//---------- mm_widget_tags :: End -----\n";
コード例 #16
ファイル: mm.inc.php プロジェクト: AlexJS7/church.local
			// Whatever happens, hide the loading mask
<!-- ManagerManager Plugin :: End -->
    case 'OnTVFormRender':
        // Should we remove deprecated Template variable types from the TV creation list?
        $remove_deprecated_tv_types = $e->params['remove_deprecated_tv_types_pref'] == 'yes' ? true : false;
        if ($remove_deprecated_tv_types) {
            // Load the jquery library
            echo '<!-- Begin ManagerManager output -->';
            echo includeJsCss($jsUrls['jq'], 'html', 'jquery', '1.9.1');
            // Create a mask to cover the page while the fields are being rearranged
            echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
	var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
	$j("select[name=type] option").each(function(){
		var $this = $j(this);
		if( !($this.text().match("deprecated")==null)){
            echo '<!-- End ManagerManager output -->';