public function get_authtoken($node, $openid) { $data = array('api_id' => $this->module['config']['authid'], 'api_key' => $this->module['config']['authkey'], 'node' => $node, 'openid' => $openid); $auth_token = ihttp_post($this->get_auth_token, json_encode($data)); $auth_token = json_decode($auth_token['content'], true); return $auth_token; }
public function receive() { global $_W; $type = $this->message['type']; //这里定义此模块进行消息订阅时的, 消息到达以后的具体处理过程, 请查看WORMWOOD文档来编写你的代码 if ($type != "text" && $type != "image" && $type != "voice") { return; } $file = IA_ROOT . '/source/modules/mechat/function.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return array(); } include_once $file; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE `weid`=:weid"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':weid' => $_W['weid'])); if ($row) { $pdata = array("ToUserName" => $this->message['tousername'], "FromUserName" => $this->message['fromusername'], "CreateTime" => $this->message['createtime'], "MsgType" => $this->message['msgtype'], "Content" => $this->message['content'], "MsgId" => $this->message['msgid']); if ($type == "voice") { $pdata["MsgType"] = "text"; $pdata["Content"] = "系统:微信公众号粉丝发送语音消息,系统暂不能接收请客服处理。"; } $dat = array('unit' => $row["name"], 'msg' => json_encode($pdata)); $dat2 = iunserializer($row["cdata"]); $actoken = account_mechat_token(array("weid" => $_W['weid'], "access_token" => $dat2["access_token"], "appid" => $dat2["appid"], "appsecret" => $dat2["appsecret"])); $url = sprintf($this->gateway['mechat_receive'], $actoken); $content = ihttp_post($url, $dat); } }
private function xiaojo() { $data = array('chat' => $this->message['content'] . "^" . time(), 'db' => $this->module['config']['xjdb'], 'pw' => $this->module['config']['xjpw'], 'from' => $this->message['from'], 'to' => $this->message['to']); $api = ""; $data = ihttp_post($api, $data); return $data; }
private function GetRouterInter($jktype, $postarr) { $arrResult = array('flag' => 0, 'result' => '', 'token' => '', 'debug' => ''); $url = $this->jk_url[$jktype]; $jsnpostarr = json_encode($postarr); load()->func('communication'); $rsp = ihttp_post($url, $jsnpostarr); $dat = $rsp['content']; //获取接口情况 if (!empty($dat)) { $result = json_decode($dat, true); if (!is_array($result)) { $arrResult['flag'] = 0; $arrResult['result'] = '接口返回参数不是JSON格式'; $arrResult['debug'] = $dat; } else { if ($result[$this->jk_ret_par[$jktype][0]] == 0) { $arrResult['flag'] = 1; $arrResult['result'] = $result[$this->jk_ret_par[$jktype][1]]; } elseif ($result[$this->jk_ret_par[$jktype][0]] < 0) { $arrResult['flag'] = -1; $arrResult['result'] = $this->errcodetrans($result[$this->jk_ret_par[$jktype][2]]); $arrResult['debug'] = $jsnpostarr; } else { $arrResult['flag'] = 0; $arrResult['result'] = '返回状态异常,请联系路由器接口提供方'; } } } else { $arrResult['flag'] = 0; $arrResult['result'] = '接口无响应'; $arrResult['debug'] = $url; } return $arrResult; }
public function getnode_info($node) { $node = intval($node); $data = array('api_id' => $this->module['config']['nodeid'], 'api_key' => $this->module['config']['nodekey'], 'node' => $node); $item = ihttp_post($this->retrieve_node, json_encode($data)); $item = json_decode($item['content'], true); return $item; }
public function menuCreate($menu) { $dat = json_encode($menu); $dat = urldecode($dat); $token = $this->fetch_token(); $url = "{$token}"; $content = ihttp_post($url, $dat); return $this->menuResponseParse($content); }
public function doDisplay() { //这个操作被定义用来呈现主导航栏上扩展菜单,每个模块只能呈现一个扩展菜单,有更多选项,请在页面内使用标签页来表示 global $_W, $_GPC; $mechat = array(); if (checksubmit('submit')) { $file = IA_ROOT . '/source/modules/mechat/function.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return array(); } include_once $file; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE `weid`=:weid"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':weid' => $_W['weid'])); if ($row) { $dat = iunserializer($row["cdata"]); $pass = $dat["pass"]; if ($_GPC['mechat-pass'] != $pass) { $pass = md5($_GPC['mechat-pass']); } $mechat = array("name" => $_GPC['mechat-user'], "pass" => $pass, "appid" => $_GPC['mechat-appid'], "appsecret" => $_GPC['mechat-appsecret']); $access_token = array("token" => $dat["access_token"]["token"], "expire" => $dat["access_token"]["expire"]); $update = array("name" => $_GPC['mechat-user'], "cdata" => iserializer($mechat), "access_token" => $access_token); pdo_update($this->tablename, $update, array('weid' => $_W['weid'])); } else { $pass = md5($_GPC['mechat-pass']); $mechat = array("name" => $_GPC['mechat-user'], "pass" => $pass, "appid" => $_GPC['mechat-appid'], "appsecret" => $_GPC['mechat-appsecret']); $access_token = array("token" => "", "expire" => ""); pdo_insert($this->tablename, array("weid" => $_W['weid'], "name" => $_GPC['mechat-user'], "cdata" => iserializer($mechat), "access_token" => $access_token, "createtime" => TIMESTAMP)); } //exit(json_encode($_W)); $dat = array("unit" => $_GPC['mechat-user'], "password" => $pass, "wxAppid" => $_W['account']['key'], "wxAppsecret" => $_W['account']['secret']); $actoken = account_mechat_token(array("weid" => $_W['weid'], "access_token" => $access_token, "appid" => $_GPC['mechat-appid'], "appsecret" => $_GPC['mechat-appsecret'])); $url = sprintf("", $actoken); $content = ihttp_post($url, $dat); $dat2 = $content['content']; $result = @json_decode($dat2, true); if ($result["errcode"] == "0") { message('恭喜,微信服务号与美洽企业帐号绑定成功!', create_url('index/module/display', array('name' => 'mechat')), 'success'); } else { message("微信服务号与美洽企业帐号绑定错误. <br />参数: " . json_encode($dat) . "<br />错误代码为: {$result['errcode']} <br />错误信息为: {$result['errmsg']}"); } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE `weid`=:weid"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':weid' => $_W['weid'])); if ($row) { $mechat["name"] = $row["name"]; $dat = iunserializer($row["cdata"]); $mechat["pass"] = $dat["pass"]; $mechat["appid"] = $dat["appid"]; $mechat["appsecret"] = $dat["appsecret"]; } include $this->template('display'); }
private function notify($params) { $access = $this->fetchAccess(); $url = '' . $access; $params = json_encode($params); $content = ihttp_post($url, $params); if (is_error($content)) { return $content; } else { return @json_decode($content['content'], true); } }
public function Seed_tmplmsg($openid, $tmplmsgid, $rid, $params) { global $_W; $reply = pdo_fetch("select title,starttime,endtime FROM " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_reply") . " where rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); $exchange = pdo_fetch("select awardingstarttime,awardingendtime FROM " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_exchange") . " where rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); $listtotal = pdo_fetchcolumn("select xuninum+fansnum as total from " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_reply") . " where rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); $tmplmsg = pdo_fetch("select * FROM " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_tmplmsg") . " where id = :id", array(':id' => $tmplmsgid)); $fans = pdo_fetch("select * FROM " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_fans") . " where rid = :rid and from_user = :from_user", array(':rid' => $rid, ':from_user' => $openid)); $fans['realname'] = empty($fans['realname']) ? stripcslashes($fans['nickname']) : $fans['realname']; if (!empty($tmplmsg)) { if ($params['do'] == 'index') { $appUrl = $this->createMobileUrl('entry', array('rid' => $rid, 'entrytype' => 'index'), true); } else { $appUrl = $this->createMobileUrl($params['do'], array('rid' => $rid), true); } $appUrl = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . substr($appUrl, 2); $str = array('#活动名称#' => $reply['title'], '#参与人数#' => $listtotal, '#活动时间#' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $reply['starttime']) . '至' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $reply['endtime']), '#兑奖时间#' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $exchange['awardingstarttime']) . '至' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $exchange['awardingendtime']), '#奖品名称#' => $params['prizerating'] . '-' . $params['prizename'], '#粉丝昵称#' => stripcslashes($fans['nickname']), '#真实姓名#' => $fans['realname'], '#现在时间#' => date('Y-m-d H:i', time()), '#奖品数量#' => $params['prizenum']); $datas['first'] = array('value' => strtr($tmplmsg['first'], $str), 'color' => $tmplmsg['firstcolor']); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { if (!empty($tmplmsg['keyword' . $i]) && !empty($tmplmsg['keyword' . $i . 'code'])) { $datas[$tmplmsg['keyword' . $i . 'code']] = array('value' => strtr($tmplmsg['keyword' . $i], $str), 'color' => $tmplmsg['keyword' . $i . 'color']); } } $datas['remark'] = array('value' => strtr($tmplmsg['remark'], $str), 'color' => $tmplmsg['remarkcolor']); $data = json_encode($datas); load()->func('communication'); load()->classs('weixin.account'); $accObj = WeixinAccount::create($_W['acid']); $access_token = $accObj->fetch_token(); if (empty($access_token)) { return; } $postarr = '{"touser":"******","template_id":"' . $tmplmsg['template_id'] . '","url":"' . $appUrl . '","topcolor":"' . $tmplmsg['topcolor'] . '","data":' . $data . '}'; $res = ihttp_post('' . $access_token, $postarr); //添加消息发送记录 $tmplmsgdata = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'from_user' => $openid, 'tmplmsgid' => $tmplmsgid, 'tmplmsg' => $postarr, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('stonefish_bigwheel_fanstmplmsg', $tmplmsgdata); //添加消息发送记录 return true; } return; }
public function receive() { global $_W, $_GPC; $type = $this->message['type']; //这里定义此模块进行消息订阅时的, 消息到达以后的具体处理过程, 请查看WORMWOOD文档来编写你的代码 $set = $this->module['config']; if (!isset($set['guanzhupp'])) { $set['guanzhupp'] = '0'; } if (!isset($set['huoyuepp'])) { $set['huoyuepp'] = '0'; } if ($set['guanzhupp'] != '0' || $set['huoyuepp'] != '0') { $openid = $this->message['fromusername']; $atype = 'weixin'; $account_token = "account_{$atype}_token"; $account_code = "account_weixin_code"; $token = $account_token($_W['account']); $url = sprintf("", $token, $openid); $content = ihttp_get($url); $dat = $content['content']; $re = @json_decode($dat, true); $dataoi['openid'] = $openid; $content3 = ihttp_post(sprintf("", $token), json_encode($dataoi)); $groupid = @json_decode($content3['content'], true); } //退订 if ($this->message['event'] == 'unsubscribe') { pdo_update('fans', array('follow' => 0, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP), array('from_user' => $this->message['fromusername'], 'weid' => $GLOBALS['_W']['weid'])); } elseif ($this->message['event'] == 'subscribe' && $set['guanzhupp'] == '0') { fans_update($this->message['fromusername'], array('weid' => $GLOBALS['_W']['weid'], 'follow' => 1, 'from_user' => $this->message['fromusername'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP)); } elseif ($set['huoyuepp'] == '0') { fans_update($this->message['fromusername'], array('weid' => $GLOBALS['_W']['weid'], 'follow' => 1, 'from_user' => $this->message['fromusername'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP)); } else { fans_update($this->message['fromusername'], array('weid' => $GLOBALS['_W']['weid'], 'follow' => 1, 'from_user' => $this->message['fromusername'], 'nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'gender' => $re['sex'], 'groupid' => $groupid['groupid'], 'residecity' => $re['city'], 'resideprovince' => $re['province'], 'nationality' => $re['country'], 'avatar' => $re['headimgurl'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP)); } }
private function submitNotify() { $access = $this->core->fetchAccess(); $pars = array(); $pars['order_id'] = $this->message['orderid']; $url = "{$access}"; $content = ihttp_post($url, json_encode($pars)); if (!is_error($content)) { $trade = @json_decode($content['content'], true); if (is_array($trade) && $trade['errcode'] == '40001') { $access = $this->core->fetchAccess(true); $url = "{$access}"; $content = ihttp_post($url, json_encode($pars)); if (!is_error($content)) { $trade = @json_decode($content['content'], true); } } if (is_array($trade) && $trade['errcode'] == '0') { $trade = $this->convertTrade($trade['order']); $ret = $this->core->submitNotify($this->message['from'], $trade); print_r($ret); } } }
public function sendtempmsg($template_id, $url, $data, $topcolor) { global $_W, $_GPC; //取TOKEN $from_user = $this->getFromUser(); // $tokens= $this->get_weixin_token(); $tokens = $this->get_weixin_token(); if (empty($tokens)) { return; } // $postarr = '{"touser":"******","template_id":"' . $template_id . '","url":"' . $url . '","topcolor":"' . $topcolor . '","data":' . $data . '}'; $res = ihttp_post('' . $tokens, $postarr); //$res = $res['content']; // $res = $res['content']; // $res = json_decode($res, true); return true; }
$id = pdo_insertid(); } else { pdo_update("xcommunity_announcement", $data, array('id' => $id, 'weid' => $_W['weid'])); } //是否启用模板消息 if ($_GPC['status'] == 2) { load()->classs('weixin.account'); load()->func('communication'); $obj = new WeiXinAccount(); $access_token = $obj->fetch_available_token(); $templates = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM" . tablename('xcommunity_notice_setting') . "WHERE uniacid='{$_W['uniacid']}'"); $key = 'template_id_' . $_GPC['enable']; $template_id = $templates[$key]; $openids = pdo_fetchall("SELECT openid FROM" . tablename('xcommunity_member') . "WHERE weid='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND regionid='{$member['regionid']}'"); $url = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/index.php?i={$_W['uniacid']}&c=entry&id={$id}&op=detail&do=announcement&m=xfeng_community"; foreach ($openids as $key => $value) { $data = array('touser' => $value['openid'], 'template_id' => $template_id, 'url' => $url, 'topcolor' => "#FF0000", 'data' => array('first' => array('value' => $_GPC['title']), 'time' => array('value' => $_GPC['datetime']), 'location' => array('value' => $_GPC['location']), 'reason' => array('value' => $_GPC['reason']), 'remark' => array('value' => $_GPC['remark']))); $json = json_encode($data); $url = '' . $access_token; $ret = ihttp_post($url, $json); } } message('提交成功', $this->createMobileUrl('announcement', array('op' => 'display')), 'success'); } } elseif ($op == 'verify') { //公告状态 $status = $_GPC['status']; pdo_query("update" . tablename("xcommunity_announcement") . " set status='{$status}' where id =:id and weid=:weid", array(':id' => $id, ':weid' => $_W['weid'])); message('操作成功', referer(), 'success'); } include $this->template('announcement');
} else { if ($op == 'download') { $tmpdir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/' . date('ymd'); $f = file_get_contents($tmpdir . '/file.txt'); $upgrade = json_decode($f, true); $files = $upgrade['files']; $auth = $this->getAuthSet(); $path = ""; foreach ($files as $f) { if (empty($f['download'])) { $path = $f['path']; break; } } if (!empty($path)) { $resp = ihttp_post(EWEI_SHOP_AUTH_URL, array('type' => 'download', 'ip' => $auth['ip'], 'id' => $auth['id'], 'code' => $auth['code'], 'domain' => $auth['domain'], 'path' => $path)); $ret = @json_decode($resp['content'], true); if (is_array($ret)) { $path = $ret['path']; $dirpath = dirname($path); if (!is_dir(IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/' . $dirpath)) { mkdirs(IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/' . $dirpath, '0777'); } $content = base64_decode($ret['content']); file_put_contents(IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/' . $path, $content); $success = 0; foreach ($files as &$f) { if ($f['path'] == $path) { $f['download'] = 1; break; }
private function destroy_card($content) { // 获取公众号的 access_token load()->classs('weixin.account'); $access_token = WeiXinAccount::fetch_available_token(); // 生成post请求的url地址 $url = '' . $access_token; // post请求的内容 $posts = '{"code":' . $content . '}'; // 加载文件: load()→func('communication') load()->func('communication'); // 向处理卡券的模块提交post请求,并返回数据,可以尝试对结果打印 $result = ihttp_post($url, $posts); // print_r($result); // 对返回的数据中的['content']进行json_decode处理 $res = json_decode($result['content'], true); // 获取返回的错误码 $errcode = $res["errcode"]; // 获取返回的card_id $card_id = $res["card_id"]; // 根据返回的错误码进行相应的处理 switch ($errcode) { case '0': $message = '消费成功!卡券信息为:' . $this->reply_kaquanDetail($card_id); break; case '40099': $message = '该卡券已经被销毁!请重新输入' . $str . '进行销卡'; break; case '40078': $message = '不合法的卡券状态!请重新输入“销卡”进行销卡'; break; default: $message = '出现错误,无法销毁!请重新输入“销卡”进行销卡'; break; } $this->endContext(); // 返回消息内容 return $this->respText($message); }
$url = "{$token}"; $pars = array(); $pars['page_ids'][0] = intval($id); $resp = ihttp_post($url, json_encode($pars)); if (is_error($resp)) { return $resp; } $ret = @json_decode($resp['content'], true); if (is_array($ret) && $ret['errcode'] == '0') { return true; } return error(-1, $resp['content']); } /** * 上传图片素材 * @param $file string 要上传的文件 * @return string */ public function mediaUpload($file) { $file = IA_ROOT . '/attachment/' . $file; $token = $this->getAccessToken(); $url = "{$token}"; $body = array(); if (function_exists('curl_file_create')) { $body['media'] = curl_file_create($file); } else { $body['media'] = '@' . $file; } $resp = @ihttp_request($url, $body); if (is_error($resp)) { return $resp;
public function sendmessage($content, $openid) { global $_W, $_GPC; $weid = $_W['weid']; $cfg = $this->module['config']; $appid = $cfg['appid']; $secret = $cfg['secret']; $img = $_W['attachurl'] . $cfg['kefuimg']; $id = $_W['openid']; //当前粉丝$openid为发送者 $res = $this->getusers($weid, $id); load()->classs('weixin.account'); $accObj = WeixinAccount::create($_W['account']['acid']); $access_token = $accObj->fetch_token(); $token2 = $access_token; $title = $res['nickname'] . '给你发来新消息了!'; $fans = pdo_fetch('SELECT salt,acid,openid FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND openid = :openid', array(':uniacid' => $weid, ':openid' => $openid)); $pass['time'] = TIMESTAMP; $pass['acid'] = $fans['acid']; $pass['openid'] = $fans['openid']; $pass['hash'] = md5("{$fans['openid']}{$pass['time']}{$fans['salt']}{$_W['config']['setting']['authkey']}"); $auth = base64_encode(json_encode($pass)); $vars = array(); $vars['__auth'] = $auth; $vars['forward'] = base64_encode($this->createMobileUrl('hitmail', array('toname' => $res['nickname'], 'toopenid' => $id))); $url2 = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . murl('auth/forward', $vars); $data = '{ "touser":"******", "msgtype":"news", "news":{ "articles": [ { "title":"' . $title . '", "description":"' . $title . '", "url":"' . $url2 . '", "picurl":"' . $img . '", } ] } }'; $url = "" . $token2; load()->func('communication'); $it = ihttp_post($url, $data); }
public function sendMessage($data, $notice = false) { global $_W; $reply = pdo_fetch('select * from ' . tablename('xwz_queue_reply') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and rid=:rid limit 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':rid' => $data['rid'])); $type = pdo_fetch('select * from ' . tablename('xwz_queue_type') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and rid=:rid and id=:id limit 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':rid' => $data['rid'], ':id' => $data['typeid'])); $number = pdo_fetchcolumn('select count(*) from ' . tablename('xwz_queue_data') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and rid=:rid and typeid=:typeid and openid<>:openid and status=0 and id<:id ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':rid' => $reply['rid'], ':typeid' => $data['typeid'], ':openid' => $data['openid'], ':id' => $data['id'])); //发送通知 $sendtype = 0; // 0不发送 1 模板消息 2 客服消息 //如果是认证服务号模板消息,如果认证号订阅号,客服消息 load()->model('account'); $account = account_fetch($_W['uniacid']); if ($account['level'] == 4) { //认证服务号 $template_id = $reply['templateid']; if (!empty($template_id)) { $sendtype = 1; } else { $sendtype = 2; } } else { if ($account['level'] == 3) { //认证订阅号 $sendtype = 2; } } $url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=entry&m=xwz_queue&do=index&rid=' . $data['rid']; if ($sendtype == 1) { $data = json_encode(array('keyword1' => array('value' => $type['tag'] . $data['number']), 'keyword2' => array('value' => $type['title']), 'keyword3' => array('value' => $number . '位'), 'keyword4' => array('value' => $reply['heading']), 'keyword5' => array('value' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $data['createtime'])))); load()->classs('weixin.account'); $accObj = WeixinAccount::create($_W['uniacid']); $access_token = $accObj->fetch_token(); if (!empty($access_token)) { load()->func('communication'); $postarr = '{"touser":"******","template_id":"' . $template_id . '","url":"' . $url . '","data":' . $data . '}'; $res = ihttp_post('' . $access_token, $postarr); } } else { if ($sendtype == 2) { $content = $notice ? "排号进度通知" : "取号成功通知\n\n"; $content .= "号码:" . $type['tag'] . $data['number'] . "\n"; $content .= "类型:" . $type['title'] . "\n"; $content .= "前面还有:" . $number . "位\n"; $content .= "商家:" . $reply['heading'] . "\n"; $content .= "取号时间:" . date('Y-m-d H:i', $data['createtime']) . "\n\n"; $content .= "<a href='{$url}'>点击查看详情</a>"; $data = array("touser" => $data['openid'], "msgtype" => "text", "text" => array('content' => urlencode($content))); load()->classs('weixin.account'); $accObj = WeixinAccount::create($_W['uniacid']); $access_token = $accObj->fetch_token(); if (!empty($access_token)) { $url = "{$access_token}"; load()->func('communication'); $res = ihttp_request($url, urldecode(json_encode($data))); } } } }
public function doWebUnauth_user() { global $_W, $_GPC; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $node = intval($_GPC['node']); $openid = $_GPC['openid']; $data = array('api_id' => $this->module['config']['authid'], 'api_key' => $this->module['config']['authkey'], 'node' => $node, 'openid' => $openid); load()->func('communication'); $result = ihttp_post($this->unauth_user, json_encode($data)); $result = json_encode($result['content'], true); //print_r($result); if ($result['status'] == 0) { pdo_update('wdl_wifi_authentication', array('result' => '0'), array('id' => $id)); message('强制下线成功', referer(), 'success'); } else { message('强制下线失败,错误详情为' . $result['err_msg']); } }
global $_GPC, $_W; WeSession::start($_W['uniacid'], $_W['fans']['from_user'], 60); $mobile = $_GPC['mobile']; if ($_GPC['type'] == 'verify') { $member = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename("xcommunity_member") . "where weid='{$_W['uniacid']}' and mobile=:mobile", array(':mobile' => $mobile)); } else { $member = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename("xcommunity_business") . "where weid='{$_W['uniacid']}' and mobile=:mobile", array(':mobile' => $mobile)); } if (!empty($member)) { message('该号码已经注册,请更换号码,重新注册', referer(), 'success'); exit; } if ($mobile == $_SESSION['mobile']) { $code = $_SESSION['code']; } else { $code = random(6, 1); $_SESSION['mobile'] = $mobile; $_SESSION['code'] = $code; } //验证是否开启 if ($this->module['config']['verifycode'] || $this->module['config']['businesscode']) { $mobile = $_SESSION['mobile']; $tpl_id = $this->module['config']['resgisterid']; $tpl_value = urlencode("#code#={$code}"); $appkey = $this->module['config']['sms_account']; $params = "mobile=" . $mobile . "&tpl_id=" . $tpl_id . "&tpl_value=" . $tpl_value . "&key=" . $appkey; $url = ''; load()->func('communication'); $content = ihttp_post($url, $params); return $content; }
function sms_send($mobile = '', $content = '', $signature = '', $check = true) { global $_W; $setting = setting_load('sms'); load()->func('communication'); if (empty($setting['sms'])) { return error(1, "未设置短信接口,无法发送短信!"); } if (!empty($setting['sms']) && $setting['sms']['type'] == 'yimei') { if (empty($setting['sms']['url']) || empty($setting['sms']['password']) || empty($setting['sms']['serialNumber']) || empty($setting['sms']['sessionKey'])) { return error(1, "亿美短信接口配置不完整,无法发送短信!"); } } if (!empty($setting['sms']) && $setting['sms']['type'] == 'dxton') { if (empty($setting['sms']['dxton_username']) || empty($setting['sms']['dxton_pwd'])) { return error(1, "短信通接口配置不完整,无法发送短信!"); } } if (!empty($setting['sms']) && $setting['sms']['type'] == 'smscn') { if (empty($setting['sms']['smscn_uid']) || empty($setting['sms']['smscn_pwd'])) { return error(1, "云信接口配置不完整,无法发送短信!"); } } $config = $setting['sms']; $smsconfig = array("balance" => 0, "signature" => $_W['setting']['sitename']); $row = pdo_fetch("SELECT `notify` FROM " . tablename('uni_settings') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $row['notify'] = @iunserializer($row['notify']); if (!empty($row['notify']) && !empty($row['notify']['sms'])) { $smsconfig = $row['notify']['sms']; } if ($check) { if (intval($smsconfig['balance']) <= 0) { return error(1, "短信条数不足,请联系客服人员"); } } if (empty($signature)) { $signature = ""; } if ($config['type'] == 'yimei') { $content = "【" . $signature . "】" . $content; $sms = new SMSUtil($config['url'], $config['serialNumber'], $config['password'], $config['sessionKey'], array("proxyhost" => $config['proxyhost'], "proxyport" => $config['proxyport'], "proxyusername" => $config['proxyusername'], "proxypassword" => $config['proxypassword']), $config['timeout'], $config['response_timeout']); $err = $sms->send($mobile, $content); if (empty($err)) { $row['notify']['sms']['balance'] = intval($row['notify']['sms']['balance']) - 1; pdo_update('uni_settings', array('notify' => iserializer($row['notify'])), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); return true; } return error(1, $err); } else { if ($config['type'] == 'dxton') { $username = $config['dxton_username']; $pwd = $config['dxton_pwd']; $target = ""; $post_data = "account=" . $username . "&password="******"&mobile=" . $mobile . "&content=" . rawurlencode($content); $result = ihttp_request($target, $post_data); $xml = simplexml_load_string($result['content'], 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $result = (string) $xml->result; $message = (string) $xml->message; if ($result == '100') { $row['notify']['sms']['balance'] = intval($row['notify']['sms']['balance']) - 1; pdo_update('uni_settings', array('notify' => iserializer($row['notify'])), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); return true; } return error(1, $message); } else { if ($config['type'] == 'smscn') { $uid = $config['smscn_uid']; $pwd = md5($config['smscn_pwd'] . $uid); $target = ''; $content = "【" . $signature . "】" . $content; $post_data = "uid=" . $uid . "&pwd=" . $pwd . "&mobile=" . $mobile . "&content=" . urlencode($content); $result = ihttp_post($target, $post_data); if (is_array($result)) { $contents = explode("&", $result['content']); $codes = isset($contents[1]) ? explode("=", $contents[1]) : ''; $messsages = isset($contents[2]) ? explode("=", $contents[2]) : ''; if (is_array($codes)) { $code = $codes[1]; $message = $messsages[1]; if ($code == '100') { $row['notify']['sms']['balance'] = intval($row['notify']['sms']['balance']) - 1; pdo_update('uni_settings', array('notify' => iserializer($row['notify'])), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); return true; } return error(1, $message); } } return error(1, "发送短信失败!"); } } } }
public function jkvisit($type, $data) { $url = $this->jk_array[$type]; if (empty($url)) { message($type . '接口地址未设置'); } if (empty($data)) { message($type . '接口参数未设置,请到设置菜单设置!'); } load()->func('communication'); $jsondata = json_encode($data); $rsp = ihttp_post($url, $jsondata); $dat = $rsp['content']; $arrdat = json_decode($dat, true); $status = $arrdat['status']; if ($status <= -1 && $status >= -7) { message('错误代码[' . $status . '];错误信息' . $arrdat['err_msg'] . $this->errorinfo[$status]['des']); } return $arrdat; }
public function push_draw($touser, $content) { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->func('communication'); //获取平台信息 $wechat = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE uniacid=" . $_W['uniacid']); $token = unserialize($wechat['access_token']); $url = "" . $token['token']; $data = array(); $data['touser'] = $touser; $data['msgtype'] = 'text'; $data['text']['content'] = urlencode($content); $dat = json_encode($data); $dat = urldecode($dat); $result = ihttp_post($url, $dat); $final = json_decode($result); return $final; }
function cloud_schema() { $pars = _cloud_build_params(); $pars['method'] = 'application.schema'; $dat = ihttp_post('', $pars); $file = IA_ROOT . '/data/application.schema'; $ret = _cloud_shipping_parse($dat, $file); if (!is_error($ret)) { $schemas = array(); if (!empty($ret['schemas'])) { load()->func('db'); foreach ($ret['schemas'] as $remote) { $name = substr($remote['tablename'], 4); $local = db_table_schema(pdo(), $name); unset($remote['increment']); unset($local['increment']); if (empty($local)) { $schemas[] = $remote; } else { $diffs = db_schema_compare($local, $remote); if (!empty($diffs)) { $schemas[] = $remote; } } } } $ret['schemas'] = $schemas; } return $ret; }
public function sendtpl($openid, $url, $template_id, $content) { global $_GPC, $_W; load()->classs('weixin.account'); load()->func('communication'); $obj = new WeiXinAccount(); $access_token = $obj->fetch_available_token(); $data = array('touser' => $openid, 'template_id' => $template_id, 'url' => $url, 'topcolor' => "#FF0000", 'data' => $content); $json = json_encode($data); $url = '' . $access_token; $ret = ihttp_post($url, $json); }
public function fansBatchQueryInfo($data) { if (empty($data)) { return error(-1, '粉丝openid错误'); } foreach ($data as $da) { $post[] = array('openid' => trim($da), 'lang' => 'zh-CN'); } $data = array(); $data['user_list'] = $post; $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; $response = ihttp_post($url, json_encode($data)); if (is_error($response)) { return error(-1, "访问公众平台接口失败, 错误: {$response['message']}"); } $result = @json_decode($response['content'], true); if (empty($result)) { return error(-1, "接口调用失败, 元数据: {$response['meta']}"); } elseif (!empty($result['errcode'])) { return error(-1, "访问微信接口错误, 错误代码: {$result['errcode']}, 错误信息: {$result['errmsg']},错误详情:{$this->error_code($result['errcode'])}"); } return $result['user_info_list']; }
public function settingsDisplay($settings) { global $_W, $_GPC, $codeca, $ckey, $settings; load()->func('tpl'); load()->func('communication'); $settings = $this->module['config']; $a = array(); $is_set = '13000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; $a = ihttp_get($codeca . '&ac=0'); if (strlen($a['content']) > 5) { $a = @json_decode($a['content'], true); } if (strlen($a['set']) > 5) { $is_set = $a['set']; } if (empty($a) || $a['content'] != '3') { if (checksubmit() || $a['content'] == '0') { $akey = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('core_settings') . " WHERE `key` = 'copyright'"); $akey = iunserializer($akey['value']); $postarr = array('key' => $ckey['key'], 'ip' => $ckey['sip'], 'web' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'webname' => $akey['sitename']); $a = ihttp_post($codeca . '&ac=1', $postarr); if (strlen($a['content']) > 5) { $a = @json_decode($a['content'], true); } if ($a['content'] != '0' && !empty($a['t'])) { $postarr = array('codenane' => '微防伪授权码', 'code' => $a['t']); if ($ckey['code'] == 'abcd') { $postarr = array('key' => 'zm_fwfree', 'value' => iserializer($postarr)); pdo_insert('core_settings', $postarr); } else { pdo_update('core_settings', array('value' => iserializer($postarr)), array('key' => 'zm_fwfree')); } $ckey['code'] = $a['t'] . ''; } } if ($a['content'] != '3') { include $this->template('setting1'); exit; } } $settings['iscodeset'] = empty($settings['iscodeset']) ? "0" : $settings['iscodeset']; $settings['luck'] = empty($settings['luck']) ? "0" : $settings['luck']; $codeset = array(); $mk = array(); $mm = array(); $codeo = array(); if ($settings['iscodeset'] != 1) { $codeset = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('zmcn_fw_codeset') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $codeset['id'] = empty($codeset['id']) ? "0" : $codeset['id']; if (empty($codeset['k'])) { $codeset['k'] = 'a:3:{s:1:"k";a:5:{i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";i:3;s:0:"";i:4;s:0:"";i:5;s:0:"";}s:1:"m";a:5:{i:1;s:2:"FW";i:2;s:1:"7";i:3;s:1:"6";i:4;s:1:"5";i:5;s:2:"20";}s:1:"s";i:0;}'; $codeo = iunserializer($codeset['k']); } else { $codeo = iunserializer($codeset['k']); } } $set = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('zmcn_fw_set') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $luck = iunserializer($set['luck']); $settings = iunserializer($set['settings']); $set['id'] = empty($set['id']) ? "0" : $set['id']; if (checksubmit()) { if ($settings['iscodeset'] != 1) { if (strlen($_GPC['k1']) == 10 && strlen($_GPC['k2']) == 10 && strlen($_GPC['k3']) == 10 && strlen($_GPC['k4']) == 10 && strlen($_GPC['k5']) == 10) { $mmm1 = "FW"; $mm = array('1' => $mmm1, '2' => (int) $codeo['m']['2'], '3' => (int) $codeo['m']['3'], '4' => (int) $codeo['m']['4'], '5' => (int) $codeo['m']['5']); $mk = array('1' => (int) $_GPC['k1'], '2' => (int) $_GPC['k2'], '3' => (int) $_GPC['k3'], '4' => (int) $_GPC['k4'], '5' => (int) $_GPC['k5']); $coden = array('k' => $mk, 'm' => $mm, 's' => 0, 'key' => $ckey['key'], 'cid' => $_W['uniacid']); $insert = array('cid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'codeset' => iserializer($coden)); $a = ihttp_post($codeca . '&ac=2', $insert); if (strlen($a['content']) > 5) { $a = @json_decode($a['content'], true); } if ($a['content'] == '3' && ($a['codeset'] = '666')) { if ($_GPC['codesetid'] == 0) { $insert = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'm1' => $mmm1, 'k' => iserializer($coden), 'act' => 0, 'rid' => 0); pdo_insert('zmcn_fw_codeset', $insert); } else { $insert = array('m1' => $mmm1, 'k' => iserializer($coden), 'rid' => 0); pdo_update('zmcn_fw_codeset', $insert, array('id' => (int) $_GPC['codesetid'])); } $pp = pdo_fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('zmcn_fw_batch') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND m1 = :m1 AND batch = :batch", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':m1' => $mmm1, ':batch' => '8888888')); if (empty($pp)) { $insert = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'm1' => $mmm1, 'batch' => '8888888', 'product' => '微防伪演示商品', 'addtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'lasttime' => TIMESTAMP, 'factory' => $_W['account']['name'], 'remark' => '系统保留演示专用'); pdo_insert('zmcn_fw_batch', $insert); } } } } if ($_GPC['isluck'] == 1) { $lucks = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; ++$i) { $lucks[$i] = array('n' => $_GPC['luck' . $i . 'n'], 'm' => (int) $_GPC['luck' . $i . 'm'], 'i' => (int) $_GPC['luck' . $i . 'i'], 't' => $_GPC['luck' . $i . 't']); } $insert = array('luck' => iserializer($lucks)); pdo_update('zmcn_fw_set', $insert, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); } if ($_GPC['iscodeset'] == 0) { $iscodeset = 0; } else { $iscodeset = 1; } if ('1' == $is_set[3]) { $wapcss = $_GPC['wapcss']; } else { $wapcss = 'default'; } $insert = array('upperlimit' => empty($_GPC['upperlimit']) ? "0" : $_GPC['upperlimit'], 'ishistory' => empty($_GPC['ishistory']) ? "0" : $_GPC['ishistory'], 'isint' => empty($_GPC['isint']) ? "0" : $_GPC['isint'], 'isluck' => empty($_GPC['isluck']) ? "0" : $_GPC['isluck'], 'isapi' => empty($_GPC['isapi']) ? "0" : $_GPC['isapi'], 'islink' => empty($_GPC['islink']) ? "0" : $_GPC['islink'], 'ischuanhuo' => empty($_GPC['ischuanhuo']) ? "0" : $_GPC['ischuanhuo'], 'iscodeset' => $iscodeset, 'tongzi' => $_GPC['tongzi'], 'apikey' => $_GPC['apikey'], 'inttype' => $_GPC['inttype'], 'wapcss' => $wapcss, 'istixe' => $_GPC['istixe'], 'wxmobid' => $_GPC['wxmobid'], 'luckname' => $_GPC['luckname'], 'link' => $_GPC['link'], 'welcometxt' => $_GPC['welcometxt'], 'factory' => $_GPC['factory'], 'ftel' => $_GPC['ftel'], 'dtel' => $_GPC['dtel'], 'link' => $_GPC['link'], 'logo' => $_GPC['logo'], 'banner' => $_GPC['banner'], 'suc_one' => $_GPC['suc_one'], 'suc_two' => $_GPC['suc_two'], 'suc_three' => $_GPC['suc_three'], 'con_msg' => $_GPC['con_msg'], 'welcome' => $_GPC['welcome'], 'script' => $_GPC['script'], 'template_id' => $_GPC['template_id'], 'profile' => $_GPC['profile']); $this->saveSettings($insert); $insert = array('settings' => iserializer($insert)); pdo_update('zmcn_fw_set', $insert, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $data1 = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'type' => 1, 'summary' => 'setting', 'uid' => $_W['uid'], 'addtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'ip' => $_W['clientip'], 'remark' => '更新系统设置'); pdo_insert('zmcn_fw_history', $data1); message('保存成功', '?c=' . $_GPC['c'] . '&a=' . $_GPC['a'] . '&do=' . $_GPC['do'] . '&m=' . $_GPC['m'] . '&tab=' . $_GPC['tab'], 'success'); } $dirs = getSubDirs(MODULE_ROOT . '/template/mobile/'); include $this->template('setting'); }
public function sendtempmsg($template_id, $url, $data, $topcolor, $tousers = '') { load()->func('communication'); load()->classs('weixin.account'); $access_token = WeAccount::token(); if (empty($access_token)) { return; } $postarr = '{"touser":"******","template_id":"' . $template_id . '","url":"' . $url . '","topcolor":"' . $topcolor . '","data":' . $data . '}'; $res = ihttp_post('' . $access_token, $postarr); return true; }
public function menuCreate($menu) { $dat = $this->menuBuildMenuSet($menu); $token = $this->fetch_token(); if (is_error($token)) { return $token; } $url = "{$token}"; $content = ihttp_post($url, $dat); return $this->menuResponseParse($content); }
/** * 模板消息 * 接口已开放 * */ private function SendTpl($openid, $info, $type, $res) { load()->func('communication'); require_once 'template_conf_ap.php'; require_once 'template_conf_auth.php'; require_once 'template_conf_re.php'; require_once 'template_conf_cd.php'; require_once 'template_conf_fl.php'; global $_W; $access_token = WeAccount::token(); $apply = json_decode($apply, true); // $this->saveSettings($apply); $auth = json_decode($auth, true); // $this->saveSettings(auth); $refu = json_decode($refu, true); // $this->saveSettings($refu); $credit = json_decode($credit, true); // $this->saveSettings($credit); $full = json_decode($full, true); // $this->saveSettings($full); //post URL $url = '' . $access_token; //POST data if ($type == 'apply') { $data = array('touser' => $openid, 'template_id' => $apply['apply_tid'], 'url' => $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=1&c=entry&do=ptjindex&m=hypernet_iptj', 'topcolor' => '#FF0000', 'data' => array('first' => array('value' => $apply['apply_first'], 'color' => $apply['apply_fcolor']), 'keynote1' => array('value' => $apply['apply_keynote1'], 'color' => $apply['apply_kfcolor']), 'keynote2' => array('value' => '请联系雇主确认....', 'color' => '#000'), 'remark' => array('value' => $apply['apply_remark'], 'color' => $apply['apply_mkcolor']))); } else { if ($type == 'auth') { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i'); $data = array('touser' => $openid, 'template_id' => $auth['auth_tid'], 'url' => $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=1&c=entry&do=ptjindex&m=hypernet_iptj', 'topcolor' => '#FF0000', 'data' => array('first' => array('value' => $auth['auth_first'], 'color' => $apply['auth_first']), 'keyword1' => array('value' => $info['name'], 'color' => '#000'), 'keyword2' => array('value' => $info['phone'], 'color' => '#000'), 'keyword3' => array('value' => $date, 'color' => '#000'), 'remark' => array('value' => $auth['auth_remark'], 'color' => $auth['auth_mkcolor']))); } else { if ($type == 'refuse') { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i'); $data = array('touser' => $openid, 'template_id' => $refu['refu_tid'], 'url' => $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=1&c=entry&do=ptjindex&m=hypernet_iptj', 'topcolor' => '#FF0000', 'data' => array('first' => array('value' => $refu['refu_first'], 'color' => $refu['refu_fcolor']), 'keyword1' => array('value' => $info['name'], 'color' => '#000'), 'keyword2' => array('value' => $info['phone'], 'color' => '#000'), 'keyword3' => array('value' => $date, 'color' => '#000'), 'remark' => array('value' => $refu['refu_remark'], 'color' => $refu['refu_mkcolor']))); } else { if ($type == 'credit1') { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data = array('touser' => $openid, 'template_id' => $credit['credit_tid'], 'url' => $_W['siteroot'] . 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