function ColumnsWidget() { $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'ColumnsWidget', 'description' => 'Add columns in the presentation page'); $control_ops = array('width' => 350, 'height' => 350); // making widget window larger $this->WP_Widget('columns_widget', 'Espresso Column', $widget_ops, $control_ops); $this->iced_mochas = iced_mocha_get_theme_options(); // reading theme options }
function espresso_theme_ajax_init() { // loading our theme settings $iced_mochas = iced_mocha_get_theme_options(); foreach ($iced_mochas as $key => $value) { ${"{$key}"} = $value; } if (is_front_page() && $iced_mocha_frontpage == "Enable") { $the_query = new WP_Query(array('posts_per_page' => $iced_mochas['iced_mocha_frontpostscount'])); } else { return; } // Enqueue JS wp_enqueue_script('espresso_theme_ajax_more', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/ajax.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true); // Max number of pages $page_number_max = $the_query->max_num_pages; // Next page to load $page_number_next = get_query_var('paged') > 1 ? get_query_var('paged') + 1 : 2; // Add some parameters for the JS. wp_localize_script('espresso_theme_ajax_more', 'espresso_theme_ajax_more', array('page_number_next' => $page_number_next, 'page_number_max' => $page_number_max, 'page_link_model' => get_pagenum_link(9999999), 'load_more_str' => __('More posts', 'iced_mocha'), 'content_css_selector' => '#content', 'pagination_css_selector' => '.pagination, .navigation')); }
<?php /** * The template for displaying Comments. * * The area of the page that contains both current comments * and the comment form. The actual display of comments is * handled by a callback to iced_mocha_comment which is * located in the includes/theme-comments.php file. * * @package Iced Mocha * @subpackage iced_mocha * @since iced_mocha 0.5 */ $iced_mochas = iced_mocha_get_theme_options(); foreach ($iced_mochas as $key => $value) { ${"{$key}"} = is_array($value) ? $value : esc_attr($value); } $iced_mocha_comclass = ''; if (!comments_open() && get_comments_number() < 1 && ($iced_mocha_comclosed == "Hide everywhere" || is_page() && $iced_mocha_comclosed == "Hide in pages" || is_single() && $iced_mocha_comclosed == "Hide in posts")) { $iced_mocha_comclass = "hideme"; } ?> <div id="comments" class="<?php echo $iced_mocha_comclass; ?> "> <?php if (get_comments_number() < 1) { } else { if (post_password_required()) {
function iced_mocha_customjs() { $iced_mochas = iced_mocha_get_theme_options(); foreach ($iced_mochas as $key => $value) { ${"{$key}"} = is_array($value) ? $value : esc_attr($value); } echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'var espresso_theme_global_content_width = ' . $iced_mocha_sidewidth . ';'; echo 'var espresso_theme_toTop_offset = ' . ($iced_mocha_sidewidth + $iced_mocha_sidebar) . ';'; if (is_rtl()) { echo 'var espresso_theme_toTop_offset = ' . ($iced_mocha_sidewidth + $iced_mocha_sidebar) . ';'; } if ($iced_mocha_customjs != "") { echo PHP_EOL . htmlspecialchars_decode($iced_mocha_customjs, ENT_QUOTES); } echo '</script>'; }
function iced_mocha_mobile_body_class($classes) { $iced_mochas = iced_mocha_get_theme_options(); if ($iced_mochas['iced_mocha_mobile'] == "Enable") { $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $keys = 'mobile|android|mobi|tablet|ipad|opera mini|series 60|s60|blackberry'; if (preg_match("/({$keys})/i", $browser)) { $classes[] = 'mobile'; } // mobile browser detected } return $classes; }
/** * Frontpage helper functions * Creates the custom css for the presentation page * * @package iced_mocha * @subpackage Functions */ function iced_mocha_presentation_css() { $iced_mochas = iced_mocha_get_theme_options(); foreach ($iced_mochas as $key => $value) { ${"{$key}"} = $value; } ob_start(); echo '<style type="text/css">'; if ($iced_mocha_fronthideheader) { ?> #branding {display: none;} <?php } if ($iced_mocha_fronthidemenu) { ?> #access, .topmenu {display: none;} <?php } if ($iced_mocha_fronthidewidget) { ?> #colophon {display: none;} <?php } if ($iced_mocha_fronthidefooter) { ?> #footer2 {display: none;} <?php } if ($iced_mocha_fronthideback) { ?> #main {background: none;} <?php } if ($iced_mocha_fpslider_topmargin) { ?> .slider-wrapper {padding-top: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpslider_topmargin; ?> px;} <?php } ?> .slider-wrapper { width: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderwidth; ?> px ; max-height: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderheight; ?> px ; } .slider-shadow { /* width: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderwidth; ?> px ; */ } #slider{ width: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderwidth; ?> px ; max-height: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderheight; ?> px ; <?php if ($iced_mocha_fpslider_bordersize) { ?> border:<?php echo $iced_mocha_fpslider_bordersize; ?> px solid <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderbordercolor; ?> ; <?php } ?> } .theme-default .nivo-controlNav {top:-<?php echo $iced_mocha_fpslider_bordersize + 33; ?> px;} #front-text1 h1, #front-text2 h1{ color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fronttitlecolor; ?> ; } #front-columns > div { width: <?php switch ($iced_mocha_nrcolumns) { case 0: break; case 1: echo "100"; break; case 2: echo "47.5"; break; case 3: echo "30"; break; case 4: echo "21.2"; break; } ?> %; } #front-columns > div.column<?php echo $iced_mocha_nrcolumns; ?> { margin-right: 0; } .column-image img { height:<?php echo $iced_mocha_colimageheight; ?> px;} .column-image img { max-width:<?php echo $iced_mocha_colimagewidth; ?> px; max-height:<?php echo $iced_mocha_colimageheight; ?> px;} .nivo-caption { background-color: rgba(<?php echo espresso_theme_hex2rgb($iced_mocha_fpslidercaptionbg); ?> ,0.7); } .nivo-caption, .nivo-caption a { color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_fpslidercaptioncolor; ?> ; } .theme-default .nivo-controlNav, .theme-default .nivo-directionNav a { background-color:<?php echo $iced_mocha_fpsliderbordercolor; ?> ; } .slider-bullets .nivo-controlNav a { background-color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_sidetitlebg; ?> ; } .slider-bullets .nivo-controlNav a:hover { background-color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_menucolorbgdefault; ?> ; } .slider-bullets .nivo-controlNav {background-color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_accentcolora; ?> ; } .slider-numbers .nivo-controlNav a { color:<?php echo $iced_mocha_fpslidercaptioncolor; ?> ;background-color:<?php echo $iced_mocha_fpslidercaptionbg; ?> ;} .slider-numbers .nivo-controlNav a:hover { color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_accentcolora; ?> ; } .slider-numbers .nivo-controlNav { color:<?php echo $iced_mocha_accentcolora; ?> ;} .column-image h3{ color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_contentcolortxt; ?> ; background-color: rgba(<?php echo espresso_theme_hex2rgb($iced_mocha_contentcolorbg); ?> ,0.6); } .columnmore { background-color: <?php echo $iced_mocha_backcolormain; ?> ; } #front-columns h3.column-header-noimage { background: <?php echo $iced_mocha_contentcolorbg; ?> ; } <?php echo '</style>'; $iced_mocha_presentation_page_styling = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $iced_mocha_presentation_page_styling; }