コード例 #1
ファイル: formsController.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/yfqiaqia
 public function submit()
     $result = array('error' => 1, 'content' => '');
     $info['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? hy_check($_POST['name'], 'ur') : '';
     $info['email'] = isset($_POST['email']) ? hy_check($_POST['email'], 'e') : '';
     $info['phone'] = isset($_POST['phone']) ? hy_check($_POST['phone'], 'n') : '';
     $info['content'] = isset($_POST['content']) ? hy_substr($_POST['content'], '255') : '';
     $info['ip'] = hy_getIP();
     $info['created'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
     if ($info['name'] == '#@_error') {
         $result['content'] = '名字格式错误';
     if ($info['email'] == '#@_error') {
         $result['content'] = '邮件格式错误';
     if ($info['phone'] == '#@_error') {
         $result['content'] = '电话格式错误';
     $check = Model('forms')->check_ip(array('ip' => $info['ip'], 'table' => 'forms_log_1'));
     if (!$check) {
         $result['content'] = '你提交得太频繁了';
     $res = Model('forms')->insert($info, 'forms_log_1');
     if ($res) {
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $result['content'] = '添加成功';
     } else {
         $result['content'] = '系统繁忙';
コード例 #2
 public function index()
     $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
     $cache_id = $page . '-' . $_GET['code'] . '-' . $_GET['k'] . '-' . DEFAULT_LANG . '-' . session('user_id');
     $cfg[k] = hy_substr($_GET['k'], 20);
     $cache_id = sprintf('%X', crc32($cache_id));
     if (!$this->is_cached('list.html', $cache_id)) {
         $app = Model('app');
         if (!($id = $app->code_to_id($_GET['code']))) {
         $cat = $app->getTopClass($id);
         $this->assign('top', $cat);
         $art = Model('article');
         $cat = $app->getCurClass($id);
         $this->assign('cat', $cat);
         $config[c] = array('site_name' => $cat['name'] . '-' . $app->get_cfg('site_name'));
         $art_list = $art->get_art_list($page, $id, 4, $cfg);
         $this->assign('art_list', $art_list['data']);
         $this->assign('art_page', $art_list['pagelink']);
     $this->display('list.html', $cache_id);
コード例 #3
ファイル: WorksController.class.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/hp
  * 作品详情展示
 public function detail()
     $workid = I('get.workid');
     if (empty($workid)) {
     M('Works')->where(array('workid' => $workid))->setInc('clicknum');
     $detail = D('Works')->relation(true)->find($workid);
     if (!$detail) {
     //start yf
     $yf_thumb = array();
     $yf_pic = array();
     if (!empty($detail['all_pic'])) {
         $yf_arr = json_decode($detail['all_pic'], true);
         $yf_temp = array();
         foreach ($yf_arr as $k => $v) {
             $yf_thumb[] = $v;
             $yf_ex = explode("/", $v);
             $yf_ex[count($yf_ex) - 1] = str_replace("yf_", "", $yf_ex[count($yf_ex) - 1]);
             $yf_pic[] = implode("/", $yf_ex);
     } else {
         $yf_arr = array();
         $yf_thumb[] = $yf_pic[] = $detail['image'];
     $detail['pic_num'] = count($yf_thumb);
     $detail['thumb'] = implode(",", $yf_thumb);
     $detail['pic'] = implode(",", $yf_pic);
     $detail['WorksMaterials_count'] = count($detail['WorksMaterials']);
     $this->assign('data', $detail);
     $this->digallnum = $detail['goodnum'] + $detail['badnum'];
     if ($detail['goodnum'] == 0 && $detail['badnum'] == 0) {
         $dig['digavg'] = 0;
         $dig['goodprecent'] = 50;
         $dig['badprecent'] = 50;
     } else {
         $digavg = round($detail['goodnum'] / ($detail['goodnum'] + $detail['badnum']), 2);
         $dig['digavg'] = $digavg * 10;
         $dig['goodprecent'] = $digavg * 100;
         $dig['badprecent'] = (1 - $digavg) * 100;
     $this->dig = $dig;
     $this->digtype = M('Dig')->field('digtype,id')->where(array('userid' => $this->userid, 'status' => true, 'infoid' => $workid))->find();
     $this->favoritenum = getCount('UserFavorite', array('userid' => $this->userid, 'status' => true, 'infoid' => $workid));
     $this->rightad = parent::getAdvert(8, 3, 0, 2);
     $diguser = new Model();
     $diguerlist = $diguser->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'dig' => 'D', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('D.userid=U.userid and D.status=true and D.digtype=1 and D.infoid=' . $workid . '')->field('U.uavatar,U.openuid')->select();
     $this->assign('diglist', $diguerlist);
     $where['infoid'] = $workid;
     $where['type'] = 1;
     $where['parent_id'] = 0;
     $count = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     // $limitRows = 5; // 设置每页记录数
     $limitRows = C('YF_PAGE');
     $page = $this->ajaxpage($count, $limitRows, '#msg', 'ajax_div', 'ajax_page_div');
     $Model = new Model();
     $message = $Model->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message' => 'M', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('M.userid=U.userid and M.status=true and M.infoid=' . $workid . ' and M.type=1 and M.parent_id=0')->field('M.create_time,M.content,U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.uprovince,U.ucity,U.userid,M.id,M.touserid,U.ifrz')->order('M.create_time DESC')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     foreach ($message as $k => $v) {
         $child_temp = array();
         $child_temp = $Model->table(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message')->field('*')->where(array('parent_id' => $v['id']))->order('create_time ASC')->select();
         $message[$k]['childlist'] = array();
         if ($child_temp) {
             foreach ($child_temp as $yk => $yv) {
                 if ($yv['userid'] == 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $yf_user = array();
                     $yf_user = M('User')->field('openuid, nickname, uprovince, ucity, uavatar, ifrz')->where(array('userid' => $yv['userid']))->find();
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = $yf_user['nickname'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = $yf_user['openuid'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uprovince'] = $yf_user['uprovince'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ucity'] = $yf_user['ucity'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uavatar'] = $yf_user['uavatar'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ifrz'] = $yf_user['ifrz'];
                 if ($yv['touserid'] != 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $yv['touserid']))->find();
                 } else {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['openuid'] = 0;
             $message[$k]['childlist'] = $child_temp;
         $message[$k]['tempname'] = hy_substr($v['nickname'], 4, true);
         //$message[$k]['tempname'] = $v['nickname'];
         $message[$k]['touser'] = array();
         if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
             $message[$k]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $v['touserid']))->find();
     $this->msgcount = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     $this->msgtype = 1;
     $this->assign('msglist', $message);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     if (IS_AJAX) {
     $copylist = $Model->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'works' => 'W', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('W.userid=U.userid and W.status=true and W.type=2 and W.copyid=' . $workid)->field('U.openuid,U.nickname,U.uavatar,W.title,W.image,W.workid,W.create_time,W.title')->order('W.workid DESC')->limit(2)->select();
     $this->copylist = $copylist;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TryController.class.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/hp
 public function reportdetail()
     $aid = I('get.id');
     if (empty($aid)) {
     $data = M('TryReport')->where(array('status' => true, 'id' => $aid))->find();
     $model = new Model();
     $data = $model->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'try_report' => 'R', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'try_items' => 'I', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('I.tryid=R.tryid and U.userid=R.userid and R.status=true and R.id=' . $aid)->field('R.id,R.msgnum,I.title,I.price,I.buylink,U.openuid,U.uavatar,U.nickname,U.ifrz,R.create_time,R.content,R.image,R.otherpic')->find();
     $data['otherpic'] = explode('|', $data['otherpic']);
     if ($data) {
         $this->assign('data', $data);
     } else {
     $where['infoid'] = $aid;
     $where['type'] = 3;
     $where['parent_id'] = 0;
     $count = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     // $limitRows = 5; // 设置每页记录数
     $limitRows = C('YF_PAGE');
     $page = $this->ajaxpage($count, $limitRows, '#msg', 'ajax_div', 'ajax_page_div');
     $msgModel = new Model();
     $message = $msgModel->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message' => 'M', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('M.userid=U.userid and M.status=true and M.infoid=' . $aid . ' and M.type=3 and M.parent_id=0')->field('M.create_time,M.content,U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.uprovince,U.ucity,U.userid,M.id,M.touserid')->order('M.create_time DESC')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     //         foreach($message as $k=>$v){
     //             $message[$k]['touser']=M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid'=>$v['touserid']))->find();
     //         }
     foreach ($message as $k => $v) {
         $child_temp = array();
         $child_temp = $msgModel->table(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message')->field('*')->where(array('parent_id' => $v['id']))->order('create_time ASC')->select();
         $message[$k]['childlist'] = array();
         if ($child_temp) {
             foreach ($child_temp as $yk => $yv) {
                 if ($yv['userid'] == 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $yf_user = array();
                     $yf_user = M('User')->field('openuid, nickname, uprovince, ucity, uavatar, ifrz')->where(array('userid' => $yv['userid']))->find();
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = $yf_user['nickname'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = $yf_user['openuid'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uprovince'] = $yf_user['uprovince'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ucity'] = $yf_user['ucity'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uavatar'] = $yf_user['uavatar'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ifrz'] = $yf_user['ifrz'];
                 if ($yv['touserid'] != 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $yv['touserid']))->find();
                 } else {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['openuid'] = 0;
             $message[$k]['childlist'] = $child_temp;
         $message[$k]['tempname'] = hy_substr($v['nickname'], 4, true);
         //$message[$k]['tempname'] = $v['nickname'];
         $message[$k]['touser'] = array();
         if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
             $message[$k]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $v['touserid']))->find();
     $this->msgcount = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     $this->msgtype = 3;
     $this->assign('msglist', $message);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     if (IS_AJAX) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: CopyController.class.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/hp
  * 随拍作品详情
 public function detail()
     $workid = I('get.workid');
     if (empty($workid)) {
     M('Works')->where(array('workid' => $workid))->setInc('clicknum');
     $detail = D('Works')->relation(true)->find($workid);
     if (!$detail) {
     $img_temp = explode("/", $detail['image']);
     $img_temp[count($img_temp) - 1] = str_replace("yf_", "", $img_temp[count($img_temp) - 1]);
     $detail['image'] = implode("/", $img_temp);
     $this->assign('data', $detail);
     $user = M('User')->where(array('userid' => $detail['userid']))->field("openuid, nickname, uavatar")->find();
     $this->assign("user", $user);
     $copyinfo = M('Works')->where(array('workid' => $detail['copyid']))->field("title, image, userid")->find();
     $mname = M('WorksMaterials')->where(array('workid' => $detail['copyid']))->field("mname")->select();
     $copyinfo['materials'] = array();
     if ($mname) {
         $temp_mater = array();
         foreach ($mname as $mk => $mv) {
             $temp_mater[] = $mv['mname'];
         $copyinfo['materials'] = implode("、", $temp_mater);
         //$copyinfo['materials'] = "高筋粉(金像,焙食尚各一半)、细砂糖、可可粉、盐、干酵母、水(我们";
         $copyinfo['materials'] = hy_substr($copyinfo['materials'], 32, true);
     $copyinfo['donum'] = M('Works')->where(array('copyid' => $detail['copyid']))->count();
     $seven = time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
     $copyinfo['nownum'] = M('Works')->where("copyid=%d and create_time > %s", array($detail['copyid'], $seven))->count();
     $this->assign("copyinfo", $copyinfo);
     $copyuser = M('User')->where(array('userid' => $copyinfo['userid']))->field("nickname, openuid")->find();
     $this->assign("copyuser", $copyuser);
     $this->digallnum = $detail['goodnum'] + $detail['badnum'];
     $this->dignum = M('Dig')->where(array('userid' => $this->userid, 'status' => true, 'infoid' => $workid))->count();
     $this->favoritenum = getCount('UserFavorite', array('userid' => $this->userid, 'status' => true, 'infoid' => $workid));
     $this->rightad = parent::getAdvert(8, 3, 0, 2);
     $diguser = new Model();
     $diguerlist = $diguser->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'dig' => 'D', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('D.userid=U.userid and D.status=true and D.digtype=1 and D.infoid=' . $workid . '')->field('U.uavatar,U.openuid')->select();
     $this->assign('diglist', $diguerlist);
     //         $where['infoid']=$workid;
     //         $where['type']=1;
     //         $count = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     //         $limitRows = 10; // 设置每页记录数
     //         $page = $this->ajaxpage($count,$limitRows,'type=msg','ajax_div','ajax_page_div');
     //         $msgModel=new Model();
     //         $message=$msgModel
     //             ->table(array(
     //                     C('DB_PREFIX').'user_message'=>'M',
     //                     C('DB_PREFIX').'user'=>'U',
     //                 )
     //             )
     //             ->where('M.userid=U.userid and M.status=true and M.infoid='.$workid.' and M.type=1')
     //             ->field('M.create_time,M.content,U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.uprovince,U.ucity,U.userid,M.id,M.touserid')
     //             ->order('M.create_time DESC')
     //             ->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)
     //             ->select();
     //         foreach($message as $k=>$v){
     //             $message[$k]['touser']=M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid'=>$v['touserid']))->find();
     //         }
     $where['infoid'] = $workid;
     $where['type'] = 1;
     $where['parent_id'] = 0;
     $count = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     // $limitRows = 5; // 设置每页记录数
     $limitRows = C('YF_PAGE');
     $page = $this->ajaxpage($count, $limitRows, '#msg', 'ajax_div', 'ajax_page_div');
     $Model = new Model();
     $message = $Model->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message' => 'M', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('M.userid=U.userid and M.status=true and M.infoid=' . $workid . ' and M.type=1 and M.parent_id=0')->field('M.create_time,M.content,U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.uprovince,U.ucity,U.userid,M.id,M.touserid,U.ifrz')->order('M.create_time DESC')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     foreach ($message as $k => $v) {
         $child_temp = array();
         $child_temp = $Model->table(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message')->field('*')->where(array('parent_id' => $v['id']))->order('create_time ASC')->select();
         $message[$k]['childlist'] = array();
         if ($child_temp) {
             foreach ($child_temp as $yk => $yv) {
                 if ($yv['userid'] == 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $yf_user = array();
                     $yf_user = M('User')->field('openuid, nickname, uprovince, ucity, uavatar, ifrz')->where(array('userid' => $yv['userid']))->find();
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = $yf_user['nickname'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = $yf_user['openuid'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uprovince'] = $yf_user['uprovince'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ucity'] = $yf_user['ucity'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uavatar'] = $yf_user['uavatar'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ifrz'] = $yf_user['ifrz'];
                 if ($yv['touserid'] != 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $yv['touserid']))->find();
                 } else {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['openuid'] = 0;
             $message[$k]['childlist'] = $child_temp;
         $message[$k]['tempname'] = hy_substr($v['nickname'], 4, true);
         //$message[$k]['tempname'] = $v['nickname'];
         $message[$k]['touser'] = array();
         if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
             $message[$k]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $v['touserid']))->find();
     $this->msgcount = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     $this->msgtype = 1;
     // $this->msgcount=$count;
     $this->assign('msglist', $message);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     if (IS_AJAX) {
     $this->hbworksnum = getCount('Works', array('status' => true, 'type' => 1, 'userid' => $detail['userid']));
     $this->spworksnum = getCount('Works', array('status' => true, 'type' => 2, 'userid' => $detail['userid']));
     $this->isfans = getCount('UserFans', array('myid' => $this->userid, 'userid' => $detail['userid'], 'status' => true));
     $map['status'] = array('EQ', true);
     $map['userid'] = array('EQ', $detail['userid']);
     $map['workid'] = array('NEQ', $workid);
     $this->moresp = M('Works')->field('image,workid,type,title')->where($map)->limit(9)->select();
コード例 #6
  * 随拍作品详情
 public function detail()
     $workid = I('get.workid');
     if (empty($workid)) {
     $model = M('Suipai');
     $model->where(array('id' => $workid))->setInc('clicknum');
     $detail = $model->find($workid);
     $unionModel = new Model();
     $detail = $unionModel->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'suipai' => 'S'))->where('U.userid=S.userid and S.id=' . $workid)->field('U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.userid,U.ifrz,S.id,S.title,S.image,S.all_pic,S.content,S.clicknum,S.msgnum')->find();
     if (!$detail) {
     //start yf
     $yf_thumb = array();
     $yf_pic = array();
     if (!empty($detail['all_pic'])) {
         $yf_arr = json_decode($detail['all_pic'], true);
         $yf_temp = array();
         foreach ($yf_arr as $k => $v) {
             $yf_thumb[] = $v;
             $yf_ex = explode("/", $v);
             $yf_ex[count($yf_ex) - 1] = str_replace("yf_", "", $yf_ex[count($yf_ex) - 1]);
             $yf_pic[] = implode("/", $yf_ex);
     } else {
         $yf_arr = array();
         $yf_thumb[] = $yf_pic[] = $detail['image'];
     $detail['pic_num'] = count($yf_thumb);
     $detail['thumb'] = implode(",", $yf_thumb);
     $detail['pic'] = implode(",", $yf_pic);
     $this->assign('data', $detail);
     $this->fansnum = getCount('UserFans', array('userid' => $detail['userid'], 'status' => true));
     $this->rightad = parent::getAdvert(4, 3, 0, 1);
     $where['infoid'] = $workid;
     $where['type'] = 4;
     $where['parent_id'] = 0;
     //yf 0915
     $count = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     // $limitRows = 5; // 设置每页记录数
     $limitRows = C('YF_PAGE');
     $page = $this->ajaxpage($count, $limitRows, '#msg', 'ajax_div', 'ajax_page_div');
     $message = $unionModel->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message' => 'M', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('M.userid=U.userid and M.status=true and M.infoid=' . $workid . ' and M.type=4 and M.parent_id=0')->field('M.create_time,M.content,U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.uprovince,U.ucity,U.userid,M.id,M.touserid')->order('M.create_time DESC')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     //         foreach($message as $k=>$v){
     //             $message[$k]['touser']=M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid'=>$v['touserid']))->find();
     //         }
     foreach ($message as $k => $v) {
         $child_temp = array();
         $child_temp = $unionModel->table(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message')->field('*')->where(array('parent_id' => $v['id']))->order('create_time ASC')->select();
         $message[$k]['childlist'] = array();
         if ($child_temp) {
             foreach ($child_temp as $yk => $yv) {
                 if ($yv['userid'] == 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $yf_user = array();
                     $yf_user = M('User')->field('openuid, nickname, uprovince, ucity, uavatar, ifrz')->where(array('userid' => $yv['userid']))->find();
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = $yf_user['nickname'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = $yf_user['openuid'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uprovince'] = $yf_user['uprovince'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ucity'] = $yf_user['ucity'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uavatar'] = $yf_user['uavatar'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ifrz'] = $yf_user['ifrz'];
                 if ($yv['touserid'] != 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $yv['touserid']))->find();
                 } else {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['openuid'] = 0;
             $message[$k]['childlist'] = $child_temp;
         $message[$k]['tempname'] = hy_substr($v['nickname'], 4, true);
         //$message[$k]['tempname'] = $v['nickname'];
         $message[$k]['touser'] = array();
         if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
             $message[$k]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $v['touserid']))->find();
     $this->msgcount = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     $this->msgtype = 4;
     $this->assign('msglist', $message);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     if (IS_AJAX) {
     $this->hbworksnum = getCount('Works', array('status' => true, 'type' => 1, 'userid' => $detail['userid']));
     $this->spworksnum = getCount('Suipai', array('status' => true, 'userid' => $detail['userid']));
     $this->isfans = getCount('UserFans', array('myid' => $this->userid, 'userid' => $detail['userid'], 'status' => true));
     $map['status'] = array('EQ', true);
     $map['userid'] = array('EQ', $detail['userid']);
     $map['id'] = array('NEQ', $workid);
     $this->moresp = M('Suipai')->field('image,id')->where($map)->limit(6)->select();
コード例 #7
ファイル: articleController.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/sr
  * 添加文章数据
 public function new_art()
     $data = array('error' => 1, 'content' => '');
     $info['cat_id'] = yf_empty(intval($_POST['cat_id']), '', true);
     if ($_POST['summary'] === '' && $_POST['content'] != '') {
         $_POST['summary'] = hy_substr(str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', strip_tags($_POST['content'])), 200);
     if ($_POST['en_summary'] === '' && $_POST['en_content'] != '') {
         $_POST['en_summary'] = hy_substr(str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', strip_tags($_POST['en_content'])), 200);
     $en_summary = yf_empty($_POST['en_summary'], "", true);
     $info['summary'] = isset($_POST['summary']) ? CH_SC . $_POST['summary'] . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_summary . DIG_EC : '';
     $en_title = yf_empty($_POST['en_title'], '', true);
     $en_author = yf_empty($_POST['en_author'], '', true);
     $en_content = yf_empty($_POST['en_content'], '', true);
     $title = yf_empty($_POST['title'], Lang('KEY_EMPTY'));
     $info['title'] = isset($_POST['title']) ? CH_SC . $title . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_title . DIG_EC : '';
     $info['abstract'] = yf_empty($_POST['abstract'], '', true);
     $info['flags'] = is_array($_POST['flags']) ? implode(',', $_POST['flags']) : $_POST['flags'];
     $info['keywords'] = yf_empty($_POST['keywords'], '', true);
     $info['author'] = isset($_POST['author']) ? CH_SC . $_POST['author'] . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_author . DIG_EC : '';
     $info['source'] = yf_empty($_POST['source'], '', true);
     $info['content'] = isset($_POST['content']) ? CH_SC . $_POST['content'] . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_content . DIG_EC : '';
     $info['ordering'] = yf_empty($_POST['ordering'], 0, true);
     $info['hits'] = yf_empty($_POST['hits'], 0, true);
     $info['source_url'] = yf_empty($_POST['source_url'], '', true);
     $info['page_title'] = yf_empty($_POST['page_title'], '', true);
     $info['created'] = empty($_POST['created']) ? yf_time() : strtotime($_POST['created']);
     $info['thumb'] = yf_empty($_POST['thumb'], '', true);
     $info['is_show'] = yf_empty($_POST['is_show'], 1, true);
     if (!empty($_POST['photo'])) {
         $photo = is_array($_POST['photo']) ? $_POST['photo'] : array($_POST['photo']);
     } else {
         $photo = array();
     $info['form_id'] = yf_empty($_POST['form_id'], 0, true);
     $pattern = "/<[img|IMG].*?src=[\\'|\"](.*?(?:[\\.gif|\\.jpg|\\.png]))[\\'|\"].*?[\\/]?>/";
     preg_match_all($pattern, stripslashes($info['content']), $match);
     if ($match) {
         $file = array('name' => '', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => '', 'size' => '', 'error' => 0);
         foreach ($match[1] as $k => $v) {
             $pattern2 = '/^(file:\\/\\/).*$/';
             if (preg_match($pattern2, $v)) {
                 $file['name'] = basename($v);
                 $ex = explode(".", $file['name']);
                 $ext = end($ex);
                 switch ($ext) {
                     case "png":
                         $file['type'] = 'image/png';
                     case "jpeg":
                         $file['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
                     case "jpg":
                         $file['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
                     case "gif":
                         $file['type'] = 'image/gif';
                 $file['tmp_name'] = $v;
                 $thumb_url = Model('image')->upload_image($file, 'article/' . date('Ym'));
                 if ($thumb_url) {
                     $info['content'] = str_replace(addslashes($v), addslashes($thumb_url), $info['content']);
             } else {
                 if (empty($info['thumb'])) {
                     $info['thumb'] = $match[1][0];
     if (Model('article')->create_art($info, $photo)) {
         $data['content'] = Lang('SUCCESS_ADD');
         $data['error'] = 0;
     } else {
         $data['content'] = Lang('INVALID_OPERATION');
コード例 #8
ファイル: NewsController.class.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/hp
 public function read()
     $infoid = I('get.id');
     if (empty($infoid)) {
     M('News')->where(array('status' => true, 'id' => $infoid))->setInc('clicknum', 1);
     $data = M('News')->where(array('status' => true, 'id' => $infoid))->find();
     $this->assign('data', $data);
     $where['infoid'] = $infoid;
     $where['type'] = 5;
     $where['parent_id'] = 0;
     $count = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     //  $limitRows = 10; // 设置每页记录数
     $limitRows = C('YF_PAGE');
     $page = $this->ajaxpage($count, $limitRows, 'type=msg', 'ajax_div', 'ajax_page_div');
     $msgModel = new Model();
     $message = $msgModel->table(array(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message' => 'M', C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user' => 'U'))->where('M.userid=U.userid and M.status=true and M.infoid=' . $infoid . ' and M.type=5 and M.parent_id=0')->field('M.create_time,M.content,U.nickname,U.uavatar,U.openuid,U.uprovince,U.ucity,U.userid,M.id,M.touserid')->order('M.create_time DESC')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     //         foreach($message as $k=>$v){
     //             $message[$k]['touser']=M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid'=>$v['touserid']))->find();
     //         }
     foreach ($message as $k => $v) {
         $child_temp = array();
         $child_temp = $msgModel->table(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_message')->field('*')->where(array('parent_id' => $v['id']))->order('create_time ASC')->select();
         $message[$k]['childlist'] = array();
         if ($child_temp) {
             foreach ($child_temp as $yk => $yv) {
                 if ($yv['userid'] == 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $yf_user = array();
                     $yf_user = M('User')->field('openuid, nickname, uprovince, ucity, uavatar, ifrz')->where(array('userid' => $yv['userid']))->find();
                     $child_temp[$yk]['nickname'] = $yf_user['nickname'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['openuid'] = $yf_user['openuid'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uprovince'] = $yf_user['uprovince'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ucity'] = $yf_user['ucity'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['uavatar'] = $yf_user['uavatar'];
                     $child_temp[$yk]['ifrz'] = $yf_user['ifrz'];
                 if ($yv['touserid'] != 0) {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $yv['touserid']))->find();
                 } else {
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
                     $child_temp[$yk]['touser']['openuid'] = 0;
             $message[$k]['childlist'] = $child_temp;
         $message[$k]['tempname'] = hy_substr($v['nickname'], 4, true);
         //$message[$k]['tempname'] = $v['nickname'];
         $message[$k]['touser'] = array();
         if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
             $message[$k]['touser'] = M('User')->field('openuid,nickname')->where(array('userid' => $v['touserid']))->find();
     $this->msgcount = M('UserMessage')->where($where)->count();
     $this->msgtype = 5;
     $this->assign('msglist', $message);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     if (IS_AJAX) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: formsController.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/yfqiaqia
 public function submit()
     $result = array('error' => 1, 'content' => '');
     $info['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? hy_check($_POST['name'], 'ur') : '';
     $info['email'] = isset($_POST['email']) ? hy_check($_POST['email'], 'e') : '';
     $info['phone'] = isset($_POST['phone']) ? hy_check($_POST['phone'], 'n') : '';
     $info['content'] = isset($_POST['content']) ? hy_substr($_POST['content'], '255') : '';
     $info['ip'] = hy_getIP();
     $info['created'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
     if ($_POST['name'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['phone'] == '' || $_POST['content'] == '') {
         $result['content'] = '请填写完整';
     if ($info['name'] == '#@_error') {
         $result['content'] = '名字格式错误';
     if ($info['email'] == '#@_error') {
         $result['content'] = '邮件格式错误';
     if ($info['phone'] == '#@_error') {
         $result['content'] = '电话格式错误';
     $check = Model('forms')->check_ip(array('ip' => $info['ip'], 'table' => 'forms_log_1'));
     if (!$check) {
         $result['content'] = '你提交得太频繁了';
     $res = Model('forms')->insert($info, 'forms_log_1');
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     // Set mailer to use SMTP
     $mail->Host = C('smtp');
     // Specify main and backup server
     $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
     // Enable SMTP authentication
     $mail->Username = C('smtp_username');
     // SMTP username
     $mail->Password = C('smtp_password');
     // SMTP password
     $mail->From = C('smtp_email');
     //$mail->FromName = 'Vancca';
     $mail->AddAddress('*****@*****.**', 'Josh Adams');
     // Add a recipient
     $mail->WordWrap = 50;
     // Set word wrap to 50 characters
     $mail->Subject = '留言';
     $mail->Body = '<p>名称:' . $info['name'] . '</p><p>邮箱:' . $info['email'] . '</p><p>电话:' . $info['phone'] . '</p><p>留言:' . $info['content'] . '</p>';
     $mail->AltBody = '<p>名称:' . $info['name'] . '</p><p>邮箱:' . $info['email'] . '</p><p>电话:' . $info['phone'] . '</p><p>留言:' . $info['content'] . '</p>';
     if ($res) {
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $result['content'] = '添加成功';
     } else {
         $result['content'] = '系统繁忙';
コード例 #10
ファイル: goodsController.php プロジェクト: gzwyufei/yfqiaqia
 public function update_type()
     $this->admin_priv('edit_type', 2);
     $result = array('error' => 1, 'content' => '');
     $id = intval($_POST['type_id']);
     $type_name = isset($_POST['type_name']) ? hy_substr($_POST['type_name'], 7) : '';
     $insert_arr = array();
     $update_arr = array();
     if (is_array($_POST['name'])) {
         $attr_name = $_POST['name'];
     } else {
         $attr_name[] = $_POST['name'];
     foreach ($attr_name as $k => $v) {
         if ($v != '') {
             $en_name = isset($_POST['en_name']) ? $_POST['en_name'][$k] : '';
             $en_field = isset($_POST['en_field']) ? $_POST['en_field'][$k] : '';
             if ($_POST['attr_id'][$k] < 0) {
                 $insert_arr[$k]['type_id'] = $id;
                 $insert_arr[$k]['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? CH_SC . $v . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_name . DIG_EC : '';
                 $insert_arr[$k]['type'] = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'][$k] : 1;
                 $insert_arr[$k]['field'] = isset($_POST['field'][$k]) ? CH_SC . $_POST['field'][$k] . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_field . DIG_EC : '';
             } else {
                 $update_arr[$k]['id'] = $_POST['attr_id'][$k];
                 $update_arr[$k]['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? CH_SC . $v . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_name . DIG_EC : '';
                 $update_arr[$k]['type'] = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'][$k] : 1;
                 $update_arr[$k]['field'] = isset($_POST['field'][$k]) ? CH_SC . $_POST['field'][$k] . DIG_EC . EN_SC . $en_field . DIG_EC : '';
     $good = Model('goods');
     if (!$type_name) {
         $result['content'] = '标签不能为空';
     $tags = $good->update(array('type_name' => $type_name), array('table' => 'goods_type', 'id' => $id));
     if ($tags) {
         $res = true;
         if (!empty($insert_arr)) {
             $res = $good->insert($insert_arr, 'goods_spec');
         if (!empty($update_arr)) {
             $update_arr = array_values($update_arr);
             $id_arr = array();
             foreach ($update_arr as $k => $v) {
                 $id_arr[] = $v['id'];
             $res = $good->update($update_arr, array('table' => 'goods_spec', 'id' => $id_arr));
         if ($res) {
             $result['error'] = 0;
             $result['content'] = Lang('SUCCESS_EDIT');
         } else {
             $result['content'] = Lang('INVALID_OPERATION');
     } else {
         $result['content'] = '标签更新失败';
     //	$res=Model('goods')->update($info,array('table'=>'goods_attr','id'=>$id));
     if ($res) {
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $result['content'] = Lang('SUCCESS_EDIT');
     } else {
         $result['content'] = Lang('INVALID_OPERATION');
コード例 #11
  * yf 0921
  * 评论信息
 public function message()
     $model = M('UserMessage');
     $list1 = array();
     $list2 = array();
     $list3 = array();
     //$count1 = $model->where("ifread=0 and (touserid=".$this->userid." or (type=2 and infoid=".$this->userid."))")->count();
     $field1 = array('infoid', 'content', 'create_time', 'status', 'id', 'ifread', 'type', 'userid', 'touserid');
     $list1 = $model->field($field1)->where("ifread=0 and (touserid=" . $this->userid . " or (type=2 and infoid=" . $this->userid . "))")->select();
     //$count2 = $model->alias('A')->join(C('DB_PREFIX').'works B on A.infoid=B.workid', 'LEFT')->where("A.ifread=0 and A.type=1 and (A.touserid is NULL OR A.touserid<>".$this->userid.") and B.userid=".$this->userid)->count();
     $field2 = array('A.infoid', 'A.content', 'A.create_time', 'A.status', 'A.id', 'A.ifread', 'A.type', 'A.userid', 'A.touserid');
     $list2 = $model->alias('A')->join(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'works B on A.infoid=B.workid', 'LEFT')->field($field2)->where("A.ifread=0 and A.type=1 and (A.touserid is NULL OR A.touserid<>" . $this->userid . ") and B.userid=" . $this->userid)->select();
     //$count3 = $model->alias('A')->join(C('DB_PREFIX').'suipai B on A.infoid=B.id', 'LEFT')->where("A.ifread=0 and A.type=4 and (A.touserid is NULL OR A.touserid<>".$this->userid.") and B.userid=".$this->userid)->count();
     $field3 = array('D.infoid', 'D.content', 'D.create_time', 'D.status', 'D.id', 'D.ifread', 'D.type', 'D.userid', 'D.touserid');
     $list3 = $model->alias('D')->join(C('DB_PREFIX') . 'suipai B on D.infoid=B.id', 'LEFT')->field($field3)->where("D.ifread=0 and D.type=4 and (D.touserid is NULL OR D.touserid<>" . $this->userid . ") and B.userid=" . $this->userid)->select();
     $ypage = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['page']);
     $all_count = $this->get_msg_num();
     $count = $all_count['message'];
     $page = $this->Pages($count, 10);
     $pageurl = '?page=' . urlencode('[PAGE]');
     $page->url = __APP__ . '/user/index/message' . $pageurl;
     $arr = array();
     if ($list1) {
         $arr = array_merge_recursive($list1);
     if ($list2) {
         if ($arr) {
             $arr = array_merge_recursive($arr, $list2);
         } else {
             $arr = array_merge_recursive($list2);
     if ($list3) {
         if ($arr) {
             $arr = array_merge_recursive($arr, $list3);
         } else {
             $arr = array_merge_recursive($list3);
     //	$arr = array_merge_recursive($list1, $list2, $list3);
     usort($arr, function ($a, $b) {
         $al = $a['id'];
         $bl = $b['id'];
         if ($al == $bl) {
             return 0;
         return $al > $bl ? -1 : 1;
     $list = array();
     if ($arr) {
         $start = ($ypage - 1) * $page->listRows;
         for ($i = $start; $i < $start + $page->listRows; $i++) {
             if (!empty($arr[$i])) {
                 $list[] = $arr[$i];
         foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['type'] == 1) {
                 $list[$k]['msg'] = "在你的烘焙作品";
                 if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
                     $list[$k]['msg'] = "回复了你在烘焙作品";
             if ($v['type'] == 2) {
                 $list[$k]['msg'] = "在";
                 $list[$k]['openuid'] = M('User')->where(array('userid' => $v['infoid']))->getField('openuid');
                 if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
                     $list[$k]['msg'] = "回复了你在";
             if ($v['type'] == 3) {
                 $list[$k]['msg'] = "在你的试用报告";
                 if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
                     $list[$k]['msg'] = "回复了你在试用报告";
             if ($v['type'] == 4) {
                 $list[$k]['msg'] = "在你的随拍作品";
                 if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
                     $list[$k]['msg'] = "回复了你在随拍作品";
             if ($v['type'] == 5) {
                 $list[$k]['msg'] = "在你的新闻评论";
                 if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
                     $list[$k]['msg'] = "回复了你在新闻评论";
             if ($v['type'] == 6) {
                 $list[$k]['msg'] = "在你的活动评论";
                 if (!empty($v['touserid'])) {
                     $list[$k]['msg'] = "回复了你在活动评论";
             $list[$k]['content'] = hy_substr($v['content'], 25, true);
             if ($v['userid'] == 0) {
                 $user['nickname'] = "烘焙圈";
             } else {
                 $user = M('User')->where(array('userid' => $v['userid']))->field("nickname, uavatar, openuid")->find();
             $list[$k]['user'] = $user;
     $this->assign("all_count", $all_count);
     $this->assign("list", $list);
     $this->assign('url', 'message');
     $this->assign("act", "message");
     $this->assign("Page", $page->show());