コード例 #1

$apply = httpget('apply');
if ($apply == 1) {
    $ocn = httppost('clanname');
    $ocs = httppost('clanshort');
    $clanname = stripslashes($ocn);
    $clanname = full_sanitize($clanname);
    $clanname = preg_replace("'[^[:alpha:] \\'-]'", "", $clanname);
    $clanname = addslashes($clanname);
    httppostset('clanname', $clanname);
    $clanshort = full_sanitize($ocs);
    $clanshort = preg_replace("'[^[:alpha:]]'", "", $clanshort);
    httppostset('clanshort', $clanshort);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " WHERE clanname='{$clanname}'";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $e = array(translate_inline("%s`7 looks over your form but informs you that your clan name must consist only of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or dashes.  Also, your short name can consist only of letters. She hands you a blank form."), translate_inline("%s`7 looks over your form but informs you that you must have at least 5 and no more than 50 characters in your clan's name (and they must consist only of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or dashes), then hands you a blank form."), translate_inline("%s`7 looks over your form but informs you that you must have at least 2 and no more than 5 characters in your clan's short name (and they must all be letters), then hands you a blank form."), translate_inline("%s`7 looks over your form but informs you that the clan name %s is already taken, and hands you a blank form."), translate_inline("%s`7 looks over your form but informs you that the short name %s is already taken, and hands you a blank form."), translate_inline("%s`7 asks for the %s gold to start the clan, but you seem to be unable to produce the fees."), translate_inline("%s`7 asks for the %s gold and %s gems to start the clan, but you seem to be unable to produce the fees."), translate_inline("%s`7 asks for the %s gems to start the clan, but you seem to be unable to produce the fees."), translate_inline("She takes your application, and stamps it \"`\$DENIED`7\"."));
    if ($clanname != $ocn || $clanshort != $ocs) {
        output_notl($e[0], $registrar);
        addnav("Return to the Lobby", "clan.php");
    } elseif (strlen($clanname) < 5 || strlen($clanname) > 50) {
        output_notl($e[1], $registrar);
        addnav("Return to the Lobby", "clan.php");
    } elseif (strlen($clanshort) < 2 || strlen($clanshort) > 5) {
        output_notl($e[2], $registrar);
        addnav("Return to the Lobby", "clan.php");
    } elseif (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        output_notl($e[3], $registrar, stripslashes($clanname));
コード例 #2
     httppostset('requirevalidemail', "1");
     output("`brequirevalidemail has been set since blockdupemail was set.`b`n");
 if ((int) httppost('requirevalidemail') == 1 && (int) httppost('requireemail') != 1) {
     httppostset('requireemail', "1");
     output("`brequireemail has been set since requirevalidemail was set.`b`n");
 $defsup = httppost("defaultsuperuser");
 if ($defsup != "") {
     $value = 0;
     while (list($k, $v) = each($defsup)) {
         if ($v) {
             $value += (int) $k;
     httppostset('defaultsuperuser', $value);
 $tmp = stripslashes(httppost("villagename"));
 if ($tmp && $tmp != $settings['villagename']) {
     debug("Updating village name -- moving players");
     $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET location='" . httppost("villagename") . "' WHERE location='" . addslashes($settings['villagename']) . "'";
     if ($session['user']['location'] == $settings['villagename']) {
         $session['user']['location'] = stripslashes(httppost('villagename'));
     debug("Moving companions");
     $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("companions") . " SET companionlocation = '" . httppost("villagename") . "' WHERE companionlocation = '" . addslashes($settings['villagename']) . "'";
 $tmp = stripslashes(httppost("innname"));
 if ($tmp && $tmp != $settings['innname']) {
コード例 #3
    $op = "";
    httpset("op", "");
} elseif ($op == "save") {
    $subop = httpget("subop");
    if ($subop == "") {
        $buff = array();
        $mount = httppost('mount');
        if ($mount) {
            while (list($key, $val) = each($mount['mountbuff'])) {
                if ($val > "") {
                    $buff[$key] = stripslashes($val);
            $buff['schema'] = "mounts";
            httppostset('mount', $buff, 'mountbuff');
            list($sql, $keys, $vals) = postparse(false, 'mount');
            if ($id > "") {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("mounts") . " SET {$sql} WHERE mountid='{$id}'";
            } else {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("mounts") . " ({$keys}) VALUES ({$vals})";
            if (db_affected_rows() > 0) {
                output("`^Mount saved!`0`n");
            } else {
                output("`^Mount `\$not`^ saved: `\$%s`0`n", $sql);
    } elseif ($subop == "module") {
function claneditor_run()
    global $session;
    $dt = httpget("dt");
    $op = httpget('op');
    if ($dt != "") {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " WHERE clanid='{$dt}'";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        $claninfo = db_fetch_assoc($result);
        if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $op = "";
    $ranks = array(CLAN_APPLICANT => "`!Applicant`0", CLAN_MEMBER => "`#Member`0", CLAN_OFFICER => "`^Officer`0", CLAN_LEADER => "`&Leader`0", CLAN_FOUNDER => "`\$Founder");
    $args = modulehook("clanranks", array("ranks" => $ranks, "clanid" => $dt));
    $ranks = translate_inline($args['ranks'], "clan");
    addnav("List Clans", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=list");
    addnav("Create a New Clan", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=new");
    if ($op == "" || $op == "list") {
        page_header("Clan Listing");
        rawoutput("<table border='0' padding='0'><tr><td>");
        $sql = "SELECT MAX(" . db_prefix("clans") . ".clanid) AS clanid, MAX(clanname) AS clanname,count(" . db_prefix("accounts") . ".acctid) AS c FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " LEFT JOIN " . db_prefix("accounts") . " ON " . db_prefix("clans") . ".clanid=" . db_prefix("accounts") . ".clanid AND clanrank>" . CLAN_APPLICANT . " GROUP BY " . db_prefix("clans") . ".clanid ORDER BY c DESC";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            output("`%Karissa`7 steps in as if by magic, listing the clans for you.`n");
            output("`@`bList of Clans:`b`0`n`n");
            $v = 0;
            $memb_n = translate_inline("(%s members)");
            $memb_1 = translate_inline("(%s member)");
            rawoutput('<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="left">');
            output_notl("<tr class='trhead'><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>", translate_inline("`b`&Name of Clan`b"), translate_inline("`&`iNumber of Members`i"), true);
            for ($i = 0; $i < db_num_rows($result); $i++) {
                $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
                if ($row['c'] == 0) {
                    $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " WHERE clanid={$row['clanid']}";
                } else {
                    rawoutput('<tr class="' . ($v % 2 ? "trlight" : "trdark") . '"><td>', true);
                    if ($row['c'] == 1) {
                        $memb = sprintf($memb_1, $row['c']);
                    } else {
                        $memb = sprintf($memb_n, $row['c']);
                    output_notl("&#149; <a href='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=mview&dt=%s'>%s</a></td><td>%s`n", $row['clanid'], full_sanitize(htmlentities($row['clanname']), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")), $memb, true);
                    addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=mview&dt={$row['clanid']}");
            rawoutput("</table>", true);
        } else {
            output("`7There are no clans in the database.`n`c");
        output_notl("<br>[<a href='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=new'>%s</a>]", translate_inline("Create a New Clan"), true);
        addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=new");
    } elseif ($op == "new") {
        page_header("Clan Creation");
        $apply = httpget('apply');
        if ($apply == 1) {
            $id = httpget("id");
            $ocn = httppost('clanname');
            $ocs = httppost('clanshort');
            $clanname = stripslashes($ocn);
            $clanname = full_sanitize($clanname);
            $clanname = preg_replace("'[^[:alpha:] \\'-]'", "", $clanname);
            $clanname = addslashes($clanname);
            httppostset('clanname', $clanname);
            $clanshort = full_sanitize($ocs);
            $clanshort = preg_replace("'[^[:alpha:]]'", "", $clanshort);
            httppostset('clanshort', $clanshort);
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " WHERE clanname='{$clanname}'";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            $e = translate_inline("`%Karissa`7 hands you a form to start a clan.");
            $e1 = translate_inline("`%Karissa`7 looks over your form but informs you that your clan name must consist only of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or dashes.  Also, your short name can consist only of letters. She hands you a blank form.");
            $e2 = translate_inline("`%Karissa`7 looks over your form but informs you that you must have at least 5 and no more than 50 characters in your clan's name (and they must consist only of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or dashes), then hands you a blank form.");
            $e3 = translate_inline("`%Karissa`7 looks over your form but informs you that you must have at least 2 and no more than 5 characters in your clan's short name (and they must all be letters), then hands you a blank form.");
            $e4 = translate_inline("`%Karissa`7 looks over your form but informs you that the clan name %s is already taken, and hands you a blank form.");
            $e5 = translate_inline("`%Karissa`7 looks over your form but informs you that the short name %s is already taken, and hands you a blank form.");
            if ($ocs == "" && $ocn == "" && !httppostisset('clanname') && !httppostisset('clanshort')) {
            } elseif ($clanname != $ocn || $clanshort != $ocs) {
            } elseif (strlen($clanname) < 5 || strlen($clanname) > 50) {
            } elseif (strlen($clanshort) < 2 || strlen($clanshort) > 5) {
            } elseif (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                output_notl($e4, stripslashes($clanname));
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " WHERE clanshort='{$clanshort}'";
                $result = db_query($sql);
                if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                    output_notl($e5, stripslashes($clanshort));
                } else {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("clans") . " (clanname,clanshort) VALUES ('{$clanname}','{$clanshort}')";
                    $clid = db_insert_id();
                    $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET clanid='{$clid}',clanrank='" . CLAN_LEADER . "' WHERE acctid='{$id}'";
                    $subj = "New Clan!";
                    $msg = array("%s`0`^ has made you a new clan!", $session['user']['name']);
                    systemmail($id, $subj, $msg);
                    output("`%Karissa`7 looks over your form, and finding that everything seems to be in order, she takes your fees, stamps the form \"`\$APPROVED`7\" and files it in a drawer.`n`n");
                    output("Congratulations, you've created a new clan named %s!", stripslashes($clanname));
        } elseif ($apply == 0) {
        } else {
            output("`7You teleport to the Clan Hall...");
            output("`7You approach `%Karissa`7 and mention that you would like to start a new clan.");
            output("She tells you that there are three requirements to starting a clan.");
            output("First, you have to decide on a full name for your clan.");
            output("Second, you have to decide on an abbreviation for your clan.");
            output("Third you have to decide on the person that should run the clan.");
            $e = translate_inline("`n`n\"`5If you're ok with these three requirements, please fill out the following form,`7\" she says, handing you a sheet of paper.");
    } else {
        if ($op != "deleteclan") {
            page_header("The Clan of %s", full_sanitize($claninfo['clanname']));
            output("`n`c`^`bThe Clan of %s`b`c`n`n", full_sanitize($claninfo['clanname']));
        } else {
            page_header("Clan Deletion");
        if ($op == "mview") {
            $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid={$claninfo['motdauthor']}";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            $motdauthname = $row['name'];
            $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid={$claninfo['descauthor']}";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            $descauthname = $row['name'];
            output("`&`bCurrent MoTD:`b `#by %s`2`n", $motdauthname);
            output_notl(nltoappon($claninfo['clanmotd']) . "`n`n");
            commentdisplay("", "clan-{$claninfo['clanid']}", "Speak into their Clan", 25, "projects");
            modulehook("collapse{", array("name" => "collapsedesc"));
            output("`&`bCurrent Description:`b `#by %s`2`n", $descauthname);
            output_notl(nltoappon($claninfo['clandesc']) . "`n");
            $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS c, clanrank FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']} GROUP BY clanrank DESC";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            // begin collapse
            modulehook("collapse{", array("name" => "clanmemberdet"));
            output("`n`bMembership Details:`b`n");
            $leaders = 0;
            while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                output_notl($ranks[$row['clanrank']] . ": " . $row['c'] . "`n");
                if ($row['clanrank'] >= CLAN_OFFICER) {
                    $leaders += $row['c'];
            $noleader = translate_inline("`^There is currently no leader!  Promoting %s`^ to leader as they are the highest ranking member (or oldest member in the event of a tie).`n`n");
            if ($leaders == 0) {
                //There's no leader here, probably because the leader's account
                $sql = "SELECT name,acctid,clanrank FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE clanid={$dt} ORDER BY clanrank DESC, clanjoindate";
                $result = db_query($sql);
                $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET clanrank=" . CLAN_LEADER . " WHERE acctid='" . $row['acctid'] . "'";
                output_notl($noleader, $row['name']);
            // end collapse
        } elseif ($op == "deleteclan") {
            if (httpget("sop") == "yes") {
                //notify users of the deletion of the clan
                $sql = "SELECT acctid FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE clanid={$dt}";
                $result = db_query($sql);
                $subj = array("Deletion of %s", $claninfo['clanname']);
                $msg = array("The clan you were in, %s, has closed its doors.\nSorry for any inconvenience.", $claninfo['clanname']);
                while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                    systemmail($row['acctid'], $subj, $msg);
                //change the clan if a user is in this clan
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET clanid=0,clanrank=" . CLAN_APPLICANT . ",clanjoindate='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE clanid={$dt}";
                //change the current users clan if this user was in that clan
                if ($session['user']['clanid'] == $dt) {
                    $session['user']['clanid'] = 0;
                    $session['user']['clanrank'] = CLAN_APPLICANT;
                    $session['user']['clanjoindate'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
                //drop the clan.
                $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("clans") . " WHERE clanid={$dt}";
                module_delete_objprefs('clans', $dt);
                $op = "";
                httpset("op", "");
                $dt = "";
                output("That clan has been wiped.`n");
                output("`@Users within the clan have been notified.");
            } else {
                output("`%`c`bAre you SURE you want to delete this clan?`b`c`n");
                $dc = translate_inline("Delete this clan? Are you sure!");
                rawoutput("[<a href='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=deleteclan&sop=yes&dt={$dt}' onClick='return confirm(\"{$dc}\");'>{$dc}</a>]");
                addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=deleteclan&sop=yes&dt={$dt}");
        } elseif ($op == "editmodule" || $op == "editmodulesave") {
            $mdule = httpget("mdule");
            if ($op == "editmodulesave") {
                // Save module prefs
                $post = httpallpost();
                while (list($key, $val) = each($post)) {
                    set_module_objpref("clans", $dt, $key, $val, $mdule);
            rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=editmodulesave&dt={$dt}&mdule={$mdule}' method='POST'>");
            module_objpref_edit("clans", $mdule, $dt);
            addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=editmodulesave&dt={$dt}&mdule={$mdule}");
        } elseif ($op == "updinfo") {
            page_header("Update Clan Information");
            $clanmotd = substr(httppost('clanmotd'), 0, 4096);
            if (httppostisset('clanmotd') && $clanmotd != $claninfo['clanmotd']) {
                if ($clanmotd == "") {
                    $mauthor = 0;
                } else {
                    $mauthor = $session['user']['acctid'];
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET clanmotd='{$clanmotd}',motdauthor={$mauthor} WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']}";
                $claninfo['clanmotd'] = stripslashes($clanmotd);
                output("Updating MoTD`n");
                $claninfo['motdauthor'] = $mauthor;
            $clandesc = httppost('clandesc');
            if (httppostisset('clandesc') && $clandesc != $claninfo['clandesc']) {
                if ($clandesc == "") {
                    $claninfo['descauthor'] = 0;
                    $dauthor = 0;
                } else {
                    $dauthor = $session['user']['acctid'];
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET clandesc='" . addslashes(substr(stripslashes($clandesc), 0, 4096)) . "',descauthor={$dauthor} WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']}";
                output("Updating description`n");
                $claninfo['clandesc'] = stripslashes($clandesc);
                $claninfo['descauthor'] = $session['user']['acctid'];
            $customsay = httppost('customsay');
            if (httppostisset('customsay') && $customsay != $claninfo['customsay']) {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET customsay='{$customsay}' WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']}";
                output("Updating custom say line`n");
                $claninfo['customsay'] = stripslashes($customsay);
            $clanname = httppost('clanname');
            if ($clanname) {
                $clanname = full_sanitize($clanname);
            $clanshort = httppost('clanshort');
            if ($clanshort) {
                $clanshort = full_sanitize($clanshort);
            if (httppostisset('clanname') && $clanname != $claninfo['clanname']) {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET clanname='{$clanname}' WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']}";
                output("Updating the clan name`n");
                $claninfo['clanname'] = $clanname;
            if (httppostisset('clanshort') && $clanshort != $claninfo['clanshort']) {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET clanshort='{$clanshort}' WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']}";
                output("Updating the short clan name`n");
                $claninfo['clanshort'] = $clanshort;
            $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid={$claninfo['motdauthor']}";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            $motdauthname = $row['name'];
            $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid={$claninfo['descauthor']}";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            $descauthname = $row['name'];
            output("`&`bCurrent MoTD:`b `#by %s`2`n", $motdauthname);
            output_notl(nltoappon($claninfo['clanmotd']) . "`n");
            output("`&`bCurrent Description:`b `#by %s`2`n", $descauthname);
            output_notl(nltoappon($claninfo['clandesc']) . "`n");
            rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=updinfo&dt={$dt}' method='POST'>");
            addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=updinfo&dt={$dt}");
            output("`&`bMoTD:`b `7(4096 chars)`n");
            rawoutput("<textarea name='clanmotd' cols='50' rows='10'>" . htmlentities($claninfo['clanmotd'], ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "</textarea><br>");
            output("`iLong Name:`i ");
            rawoutput("<input name='clanname' value=\"" . htmlentities($claninfo['clanname'], ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\" maxlength=50 size=50>");
            output("`n`iShort Name:`i ");
            rawoutput("<input name='clanshort' value=\"" . htmlentities($claninfo['clanshort'], ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\" maxlength=5 size=5>");
            output("`n`&`bDescription:`b `7(4096 chars)`n");
            if (httppost('block') > "") {
                $blockdesc = translate_inline("Description blocked for inappropriate usage.");
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET descauthor=4294967295, clandesc='{$blockdesc}' where clanid='" . $claninfo['clanid'] . "'";
                output("Blocking public description`n");
                invalidatedatacache("clandata-" . $claninfo['clanid'] . "");
                $claninfo['blockdesc'] = "";
                $claninfo['descauthor'] = 4294967295.0;
            } elseif (httppost('unblock') > "") {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("clans") . " SET descauthor=0, clandesc='' where clanid='" . $claninfo['clanid'] . "'";
                output("Unblocking public description`n");
                invalidatedatacache("clandata-" . $claninfo['clanid'] . "");
                $claninfo['clandesc'] = "";
                $claninfo['descauthor'] = 0;
            $blocked = translate_inline("The clan has been blocked from posting a description.`n");
            if ($claninfo['descauthor'] == 4294967295.0) {
                output_notl("`b`%" . $blocked . "`b");
            rawoutput("<textarea name='clandesc' cols='50' rows='10'>" . htmlentities($claninfo['clandesc'], ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "</textarea><br>");
            output("`n`&`bCustom Talk Line`b `7(blank means \"says\" -- 15 chars max)`n");
            rawoutput("<input name='customsay' value=\"" . htmlentities($claninfo['customsay'], ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\" maxlength=\"15\"><br/>");
            $save = translate_inline("Save");
            rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value=\"{$save}\">");
            $snu = htmlentities(translate_inline("Save & Unblock public description"), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1"));
            $snb = htmlentities(translate_inline("Save & Block public description"), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1"));
            if ($claninfo['descauthor'] == "4294967295") {
                rawoutput("<input type='submit' name='unblock' value=\"{$snu}\" class='button'>");
            } else {
                rawoutput("<input type='submit' name='block' value=\"{$snb}\" class='button'>");
        } elseif ($op == "membership") {
            output("This is the clans current membership:`n");
            $setrank = httpget('setrank');
            $who = httpget('who');
            if ($setrank > "") {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET clanrank={$setrank} WHERE login='******'";
            $remove = httpget('remove');
            if ($remove > "") {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET clanrank=" . CLAN_APPLICANT . ",clanid=0,clanjoindate='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE login='******' AND clanrank<={$session['user']['clanrank']}";
                //delete unread application emails from this user.
                //breaks if the applicant has had their name changed via
                //dragon kill, superuser edit, or lodge color change
                $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE login='******'";
                $row = db_fetch_assoc(db_query($sql));
                $subj = serialize(array($apply_short, $row['name']));
                $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("mail") . " WHERE msgfrom=0 AND seen=0 AND subject='{$subj}'";
            $sql = "SELECT acctid,name,login,clanrank,laston,clanjoindate,dragonkills,level FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE clanid={$claninfo['clanid']} ORDER BY clanrank DESC,clanjoindate";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            rawoutput("<table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>");
            $rank = translate_inline("Rank");
            $name = translate_inline("Name");
            $lev = translate_inline("Level");
            $dk = translate_inline("Dragon Kills");
            $jd = translate_inline("Join Date");
            $lo = translate_inline("Last On");
            $ops = translate_inline("Operations");
            $promote = translate_inline("Promote");
            $demote = translate_inline("Demote");
            $remove = translate_inline("Remove From The Clan");
            $confirm = translate_inline("Are you sure you wish to remove this member from the clan?");
            rawoutput("<tr class='trhead'><td>{$rank}</td><td>{$name}</td><td>{$lev}</td><td>{$dk}</td><td>{$jd}</td><td>{$lo}</td>" . ($session['user']['clanrank'] > CLAN_MEMBER ? "<td>{$ops}</td>" : "") . "</tr>", true);
            $i = 0;
            $tot = 0;
            while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $tot += $row['dragonkills'];
                rawoutput("<tr class='" . ($i % 2 ? "trlight" : "trdark") . "'>");
                $link = "bio.php?char=" . $row['acctid'] . "&ret=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                rawoutput("<a href='{$link}'>", true);
                addnav("", $link);
                output_notl("`&%s`0", $row['name']);
                rawoutput("</td><td align='center'>");
                output_notl("`^%s`0", $row['level']);
                rawoutput("</td><td align='center'>");
                output_notl("`\$%s`0", $row['dragonkills']);
                output_notl("`3%s`0", $row['clanjoindate']);
                output_notl("`#%s`0", reltime(strtotime($row['laston'])));
                rawoutput("[ <a href='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}&setrank=" . ($row['clanrank'] + 1) . "&who=" . rawurlencode($row['login']) . "'>{$promote}</a> | ");
                addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}&setrank=" . ($row['clanrank'] + 1) . "&who=" . rawurlencode($row['login']));
                rawoutput("<a href='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}&setrank=" . ($row['clanrank'] - 1) . "&who=" . rawurlencode($row['login']) . "'>{$demote}</a> | ");
                addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}&setrank=" . ($row['clanrank'] - 1) . "&who=" . rawurlencode($row['login']));
                rawoutput("<a href='runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}&remove=" . rawurlencode($row['login']) . "' onClick=\"return confirm('{$confirm}');\">{$remove}</a> ]");
                addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}&remove=" . rawurlencode($row['login']));
            output("`n`n`^This clan has a total of `\$%s`^ dragon kills.", $tot);
        if ($dt != "" && isset($claninfo)) {
            addnav("Clan Options");
            addnav("Main View", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=mview&dt={$dt}");
            addnav("Update Clan Information", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=updinfo&dt={$dt}");
            addnav("Delete this Clan", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=deleteclan&dt={$dt}");
            addnav("Update Members", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=membership&dt={$dt}");
            addnav("Module Prefs");
            module_editor_navs("prefs-clans", "runmodule.php?module=claneditor&op=editmodule&dt=" . $claninfo['clanid'] . "&mdule=");