コード例 #1
ファイル: youtube.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
function youtubeSearch($title)
    $trailers = array();
    $title = normalize($title);
    $trailerquery = $title . " trailer";
    $youtubeurl = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?client=" . YOUTUBE_CLIENT_ID . "&key=" . YOUTUBE_DEVELOPER_KEY . "&v=2&" . "q=" . urlencode($trailerquery) . "&start-index=1&max-results=10";
    $resp = httpClient($youtubeurl, true);
    if (!$resp['success']) {
        return $trailers;
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($resp['data']);
    // obtain namespaces
    $namespaces = $xml->getNameSpaces(true);
    foreach ($xml->entry as $trailer) {
        $media = $trailer->children($namespaces['media']);
        $yt = $media->group->children($namespaces['yt']);
        $id = $yt->videoid;
        // API filtering code removed
        $trailers[] = array('id' => (string) $id, 'src' => (string) $trailer->content['src'], 'title' => (string) $trailer->title);
        if (count($trailers) >= 10) {
    return $trailers;
コード例 #2
 function getContent($path)
     $cont = null;
     if (preg_match("/^http:\\/\\//", $path)) {
         $path = rawurldecode($path);
         $t = explode("/", $path);
         for ($i = 3; $i < count($t); $i++) {
             $t[$i] = rawurlencode($t[$i]);
         $path = implode("/", $t);
         $response = httpClient($path, 0, '', 15, null, "Referer: " . dirname($path) . "\r\n", false, false);
         if (preg_match("/^HTTP\\/1.\\d 30[12].*?\n/s", $response['header'])) {
             preg_match("/Location:\\s+(.*?)\n/s", $response['header'], $matches);
             if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                 // get redirection target
                 $location = trim($matches[1]);
                 $response = httpClient($location, 0, '', 15, null, "Referer: " . dirname($location) . "\r\n", false, false);
         if (preg_match("/^.*? 200 .*?\n/s", $response['header'])) {
             $cont = $response['data'];
         } else {
     } else {
         $cont = implode('', file($path));
     return $cont;
コード例 #3
ファイル: google.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Search an image on Google
 * Searches for a given title on the google and returns the found links in
 * an array
 * @param   string    The search string
 * @return  array     Associative array with id and title
function googleSearch($title)
    global $CLIENTERROR;
    global $cache;
    $page = 1;
    $data = array();
    $data['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
    do {
        $url = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&rsz=large&q=" . urlencode($title) . "&start=" . count($data);
        $resp = httpClient($url, $cache);
        if (!$resp['success']) {
            $CLIENTERROR .= $resp['error'] . "\n";
        $json = json_decode($resp['data']);
        #       dump($resp['data']);
        #       dump($page);
        #       dump($json);
        // prevent caching  invalid responses
        if ($json->responseStatus != 200 && $cache) {
            $cache_file = cache_get_filename($url, CACHE_HTML);
        foreach ($json->responseData->results as $row) {
            #       dump($row);
            $res = array();
            $res['title'] = $row->width . 'x' . $row->height;
            // width x height
            $res['imgsmall'] = $row->tbUrl;
            // small thumbnail url
            $res['coverurl'] = $row->url;
            // resulting target url
            $data[] = $res;
    } while ($page++ < 3);
    #   dump($data);
    return $data;
コード例 #4
 // get list of all used images
 if (empty($wishlist)) {
     $SQL .= ' WHERE mediatype != ' . MEDIA_WISHLIST;
 $result = runSQL($SQL);
 foreach ($result as $video) {
     if (empty($video['imdbID'])) {
     $engine = engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']);
     if ($engine == 'imdb') {
         echo "Fetching recommendations for {$video['title']} (IMDB Id {$video['imdbID']})<br/>\n";
         $url = 'http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt' . $video['imdbID'] . '/recommendations';
         $resp = httpClient($url, true);
         if (!$resp['success']) {
             echo $resp['error'] . "<br/>";
         preg_match_all('#<a href="/title/tt(\\d+)/">(.+?)</a>#i', $resp['data'], $ary, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         foreach ($ary as $recommend) {
             $title = $recommend[2];
             $id = $recommend[1];
             if (preg_match('/<img/', $title)) {
             $rating = '';
             if (preg_match("#{$id}.+?<b>(\\d+\\.\\d+)</b>#i", $resp['data'], $match)) {
                 $rating = $match[1];
                 // matching at least required rating?
コード例 #5
ファイル: filmweb.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Parses Actor-Details
 * Find image and detail URL for actor, not sure if this can be made
 * a one-step process?
 * @author  Victor La <*****@*****.**>
 * @param  string  $name  Name of the Actor
 * @return array          array with Actor-URL and Thumbnail
function filmwebActor($name, $actorid)
    global $filmwebServer;
    // search directly by id or via name?
    $resp = httpClient(filmwebActorUrl($name, $actorid), 1);
    $ary = array();
    if (preg_match('/<a class="searchResultTitle" href="(.+?)">/i', $resp['data'], $m)) {
        $resp = httpClient($m[1], true);
    // now we should have loaded the best match
    if (preg_match('/<img src="http:\\/\\/gfx.filmweb.pl\\/p\\/(.+?)"/i', $resp['data'], $m)) {
        $ary[0][0] = 'http://gfx.filmweb.pl/p/' . $m[1];
        $ary[0][1] = 'http://gfx.filmweb.pl/p/' . $m[1];
        return $ary;
    } else {
        return null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: allocine.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Parses Actor-Details
 * Find image and detail URL for actor, not sure if this can be made
 * a one-step process?  Completion waiting on update of actor
 * functionality to support more than one engine.
 * @author  Douglas Mayle <*****@*****.**>
 * @author                Andreas Goetz <*****@*****.**>
 * @param  string  $name  Name of the Actor
 * @return array          array with Actor-URL and Thumbnail
function allocineActor($name, $actorid)
    global $allocineServer;
    if (empty($actorid)) {
    $url = 'http://www.allocine.fr/personne/fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=' . urlencode($actorid) . '.html';
    $resp = httpClient($url, 1);
    $single = array();
    if (preg_match('/src="([^"]+allocine.fr\\/acmedia\\/medias\\/nmedia\\/[^"]+\\/[0-9]+\\.jpg)[^>]+width="120"/', $resp['data'], $single)) {
        $ary[0][0] = $url;
        $ary[0][1] = $single[1];
        return $ary;
    } else {
        return null;
コード例 #7
ファイル: amazonaws.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Fetches the data for a given Amazon ID (equals ISBN)
 * @author  Andreas Goetz <*****@*****.**>
 * @param   int   IMDB-ID
 * @return  array Result data
function amazonawsData($id)
    global $amazonAWSUrl, $cache;
    global $CLIENTERROR;
    $url = aws_signed_request(array('Operation' => 'ItemLookup', 'ItemId' => $id, 'ResponseGroup' => 'Large'));
    $resp = httpClient($url, $cache);
    #   dump($resp);
    if ($resp['success']) {
        $xml = load_xml($resp['data']);
        #       dump($xml);
        $data = awsNodeData($xml->Items->Item[0]);
        #		dump($data);
    } else {
        $CLIENTERROR .= $resp['error'] . "\n";
    // utf-8 according to HTTP response but simplexml complains?
    // utf-8 is already forced by load_xml
    $data['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
    return $data;
コード例 #8
ファイル: trace.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
function request($urlonly = false)
    global $urlid, $url;
    // get or post?
    $pass = $_POST ? $_POST : $_GET;
    // don't use $_REQUEST or cookies will screw up the query
    foreach ($pass as $key => $value) {
        switch ($key) {
            case $urlid:
                $url = html_entity_decode(urldecode($value));
            case session_name():
            case 'videodbreload':
            case 'iframe':
                if ($request) {
                    $request .= "&";
                $request .= "{$key}={$value}";
    // going directly to trace.php without options?
    if (!$url) {
        $url = 'http://www.imdb.com';
    // remove session identifier before request is sent or caching will not work
    $url = preg_replace("/&" . SID . "\$/", "", $url);
    // workaround for fishy IMDB URLs
    $url = preg_replace("/\\&amp;/", "&", $url);
    // don't fetch, just find target
    if ($urlonly) {
        return $url;
    // append request parameters
    if ($_POST) {
        $post = $request;
    } elseif ($request) {
        $url .= "?" . $request;
    // encode possible spaces, use %20 instead of +
    $url = preg_replace('/ /', '%20', $url);
    $response = httpClient($url, $_GET['videodbreload'] != 'Y', array('post' => $post));
    // url after redirect
    if ($response['success'] != true) {
        $page = 'Error: ' . $response['error'];
        if ($response['header']) {
            $page .= '<br/>Header:<br/>' . nl2br($response['header']);
    } else {
        if (!$cache) {
            putHTTPcache($url . $post, $response);
        $page = $response['data'];
    return $page;
コード例 #9
ファイル: lookup_barcode.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Add a DVD/Video to VideoDB via the barcode on the box
 * (c) 2004 GPL'd
 * @package Contrib
 * @author  Andrew Pritchard <*****@*****.**>
 * @version $Id: lookup_barcode.php,v 1.4 2007/09/08 09:17:16 andig2 Exp $
require_once './core/functions.php';
$notFound = 0;
if (isset($_GET['barcode'])) {
    // Base URL for the search
    $url = 'http://s1.amazon.co.uk/exec/varzea/sdp/sai-condition/';
    // Add our post options and get the data
    $post = 'sdp-sai-asin=' . $_GET['barcode'];
    $amazon_data = httpClient($url, 0, $post);
    // If it succeeds....
    if ($amazon_data['success'] == 1) {
        if (preg_match("/<b class=\"sans\">(.*)<\\/b>/", $amazon_data['data'], $matches)) {
            if ($matches[1] == 'Identify the exact item you&//039;re selling') {
                $notFound = 1;
            } else {
                $media_type = 1;
                $title = urlencode($matches[1]);
                if (preg_match("/http:\\/\\/www.amazon.co.uk\\/exec\\/obidos\\/ASIN\\/(.*)\\//", $amazon_data, $matches)) {
                    $asin_number = "ASIN: {$matches['1']}";
                } else {
                    $asin_number = 'ASIN not found';
                if (preg_match("/alt=\"VHS\"/", $amazon_data['data'], $matches)) {
                    $media_type = 6;
コード例 #10
function googleSearch($title)
    $googleServer = "http://images.google.com";
    $resp = httpClient($googleServer . '/images?q=' . urlencode($title) . '&hl=ru&imgsz=small|medium|large|xlarge', 1);
    $result = array();
    if (preg_match_all('{<a href="/imgres\\?imgurl=(.*?)&amp;.*?&amp;h=(\\d+)&amp;w=(\\d+).*?<img[^>]*src=(.*?)[\\s>]}i', $resp['data'], $data, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $info = array();
            $url = rawurldecode($row[1]);
            $info['coverurl'] = (preg_match('/^http/', $url) ? "" : "http://") . $url;
            // resulting target url
            $info['imgsmall'] = trim($row[4], '"\'');
            // small thumbnail url
            $info['w'] = $row[3];
            // width
            $info['h'] = $row[2];
            $result[] = $info;
    return $result;
コード例 #11
ファイル: httpclient.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Downloads an URL to the given local file
 * @param   string  $url    URL to download
 * @param   string  $local  Full path to save to
 * @return  bool            true on succes else false
function download($url, $local)
    $resp = httpClient($url);
    if (!$resp['success']) {
        return false;
    return @file_put_contents($local, $resp['data']) !== false;
コード例 #12
ファイル: add_tv_series.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
function fetchTomeInfos($url)
    if (!stristr($url, 'http://')) {
        $url = 'http://www.tvtome.com/' . ucfirst($url) . '/';
    //Firstly, look up the episode lists.
    $eplist = $url . "eplist.html";
    $ephome = $url . "index.html";
    echo "Retrieving Episode List... ";
    $resp = httpClient($eplist, true);
    preg_match_all('/<tr align="center"><td align="right" valign=top class="small">.*?<\\/td><td nowrap valign=top class="small">(.*?)<\\/td><td valign=top class="small">.*?<\\/td><td valign=top align="right" class="small" nowrap>(.*?)<\\/td><td>&nbsp;<\\/td><td class="small" align="left" valign=top><a href=".*?">(.*?)<\\/a><\\/td><\\/tr>/si', $resp[data], $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
    // 1 - Epnum, 2 - Air Date, 4 - Ep Name
    $epdata = array();
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($matches[1]); $x++) {
        $epnums = explode("-", $matches[1][$x]);
        $epdata[$x]['season'] = trim($epnums[0]);
        $epdata[$x]['episode'] = trim($epnums[1]);
        $epdata[$x]['date'] = trim($matches[2][$x]);
        $epdata[$x]['title'] = trim($matches[3][$x]);
    echo "Done. \n <br />";
    echo "Retrieving Series Image... ";
    //Then we grab the shows image from the shows home page.
    $resp = httpClient($ephome, true);
    if (preg_match('/<img src="(\\/images\\/shows.+?)"/i', $resp['data'], $matches)) {
        $spic = "http://www.tvtome.com" . $matches[1];
        echo "Done. \n <br /><hr />";
    //Finally, generate the form using this data. (Episode details are retrieved using tvtome.php by Andreas Gohr)
    $lastsea = $epdata[count($epdata) - 1]['season'];
    $lastep = $epdata[count($epdata) - 1]['episode'];
    <form method="post" name="list" id="list">

    <input type="hidden" name="seasons" value="<?php 
    echo $lastsea;
" />
    <input type="hidden" name="bodyurl" value="<?php 
    echo $url;
guide.html" />
    <input type="hidden" name="episodes" value="<?php 
    echo $lastep;
" />
    <center><table cellpadding="3" border="1" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#dddddd; width:90%;">
            <td colspan="3"><center>Series Picture:</center></td>
            <td colspan="2"><center><img src="<?php 
    echo $spic;
" /><br /> <input type="text" name="s_pic" value="<?php 
    echo $spic;
" style="width:100%;" /></center></td>
            <td colspan="3">Series Title: (i.e Stargate SG-1)</td>
            <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="s_title" style="width:100%;" /></td>

            <td><a href="#" onClick="javascript:toggle()">Add To Collection</a></td>

    $ids = array();
    foreach ($epdata as $ep) {
        $id = 'c_' . trim($ep[season]) . 'x' . trim($ep[episode]);
        $ids[] = $id;
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
        echo $id;
" id="<?php 
        echo $id;
" /></td>
        echo $ep['season'];
        echo $ep['episode'];
        echo $ep['title'];
<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
        echo $ep['title'];
" name="t_<?php 
        echo $ep[season] . 'x' . $ep[episode];
" /></td>
        echo $ep['date'];
<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
        echo $ep['date'];
" name="d_<?php 
        echo $ep[season] . 'x' . $ep[episode];
" /></td>

    <script language="javascript">
    function toggle()
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        echo "document.forms['list'].elements['{$id}'].checked = !document.forms['list'].elements['{$id}'].checked;\n";
        return false;

    </table><br />
    <input type="hidden" name="save" value="1">
    <input type="submit" value="Add Selected Episodes" /></center>

コード例 #13
ファイル: tvtome.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
function fetchTomeSeasonInfos($url)
    $response = httpClient($url, true);
    if (!$response['success']) {
        $CLIENTERROR .= $resp['error'] . "\n";
    // get show id
    if (preg_match('|/show/(\\d*)/episode_listings\\.html|', $url, $match)) {
        $showid = $match[1];
    //get the main body
    preg_match('|<div class="table-styled">(.*)</div>\\s*<div class="table-nav"|si', $response[data], $matches);
    $body = $matches[1];
    //get episodes
    preg_match_all('|<td class="f-bold">[^<]*<a href="([^"]*summary\\.html[^"]*">[^<]*)</a>[^<]*</td>[^<]*<td class="ta-c"|si', $body, $matches);
    $ep = 1;
    $episodes = array();
    //get infos;
    foreach ($matches[1] as $episode) {
        // Episode in season
        $episodes[$ep][number] = $ep;
        //title and url
        preg_match_all('/(http.*summary.html)[^"]*">(.*)/si', $episode, $fields);
        $episodes[$ep][subtitle] = $fields[2][0];
        // URL code
        preg_match('|/episode/(\\d*)/|si', $fields[1][0], $match);
        $episodes[$ep][tvcomid] = 'tvcom:' . $showid . '-' . $match[1];
    return $episodes;
コード例 #14
     foreach ($films_to_update as $filmid) {
         if (!isset($updated_films[$filmid])) {
             $_RESULT["films_to_update"][] = $filmid;
 } else {
     $sql = "SELECT ID, CreateDate, imdbID FROM films WHERE ID={$film}";
     $result = mysql_query($sql);
     if ($result && ($field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
         preg_match("/(\\d+)/i", $field["imdbID"], $matches);
         $imdbid = (int) $matches[1];
         $createdate = date('Ymd', strtotime($field["CreateDate"]));
         $filmid = $field["ID"];
         $response = httpClient($service_url . "?action=getimdbrating&l=" . md5($config['customer']['login']) . "&imdbid={$imdbid}&filmid={$filmid}&createdate={$createdate}", 0, '', 15, null, '', false, false);
         if (!preg_match("/^.*? 200 .*?\n/s", $response['header'])) {
             $_RESULT["errors"][] = 'Server returned wrong status.';
         } else {
             $answer = preg_split("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", $response['data']);
             if ((int) trim($answer[0])) {
                 $imdbrating = (int) trim($answer[1]);
                 $sql = "UPDATE films SET ImdbRating={$imdbrating}, UpdateDate=NOW() WHERE ID={$film}";
                 $result = mysql_query($sql);
             } else {
                 for ($i = 1; $i < count($answer); $i++) {
                     $_RESULT["errors"][] = trim($answer[$i]);
コード例 #15
ファイル: dvdfr.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Fetches the data for a given Dvdfr-ID
 * @param   int   IMDB-ID
 * @return  array Result data
function dvdfrData($imdbID)
    global $dvdfrServer;
    global $CLIENTERROR;
    $data = array();
    // result
    $ary = array();
    // temp
    $para['useragent'] = 'VideoDB (http://www.videodb.net/)';
    // fetch mainpage
    $resp = httpClient(dvdfrContentUrl($imdbID), 1, $para);
    // added trailing / to avoid redirect
    if (!$resp['success']) {
        $CLIENTERROR .= $resp['error'] . "\n";
    // add encoding
    $data['encoding'] = get_response_encoding($resp);
    // See http://www.dvdfr.com/api/dvd.php?id=2869 for output
    // Titles
    preg_match('#<titres>\\s*<fr>(.+?)</fr>\\s*<vo>(.+?)</vo>#is', $resp['data'], $ary);
    $data['title'] = mb_convert_case(dvdfrCleanStr($ary[1]), MB_CASE_TITLE, $data['encoding']);
    $data['subtitle'] = mb_convert_case(dvdfrCleanStr($ary[2]), MB_CASE_TITLE, $data['encoding']);
    // I found: <div class="dvd_titleinfo">USA, Royaume-Uni , 2004<br />R&D TV, Sky TV, USA Cable Entertainment</div>
    preg_match('#<listePays>\\s*<pays.*?>(.+?)</pays>#is', $resp['data'], $ary);
    $data['country'] = dvdfrCleanStr($ary[1]);
    preg_match('#<annee>(\\d+)</annee>#is', $resp['data'], $ary);
    $data['year'] = dvdfrCleanStr($ary[1]);
    // Cover URL
    preg_match('#<cover>(.*?)</cover>#i', $resp['data'], $ary);
    $data['coverurl'] = trim($ary[1]);
    // Runtime
    preg_match('#<duree>(\\d+)</duree>#i', $resp['data'], $ary);
    $data['runtime'] = $ary[1];
    // Director (only the first one)
    preg_match('#<star type="R.*?alisateur" id="\\d+">(.*?)</star>#i', $resp['data'], $ary);
    $data['director'] = dvdfrCleanStr($ary[1]);
    // Plot
    preg_match('#<synopsis>(.*?)</synopsis>#is', $resp['data'], $ary);
    if (!empty($ary[1])) {
        $data['plot'] = $ary[1];
        // And cleanup
        $data['plot'] = preg_replace('/[\\n\\r]/', ' ', $data['plot']);
        $data['plot'] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $data['plot']);
        $data['plot'] = dvdfrCleanStr($data['plot']);
    // maps dvdfr category ids to videodb category names
    $category_map = array("1" => "Action", "2" => "Animation", "61" => "", "3" => "Adventure", "72" => "", "81" => "Musical", "4" => "Comedy", "5" => "Drama", "6" => "Musical", "74" => "Romance", "7" => "Music", "8" => "", "9" => "Short", "10" => "Documentary", "78" => "Documentary", "11" => "Music", "12" => "", "13" => "Documentary", "14" => "Drama", "73" => "Drama", "15" => "Adult", "16" => "Action", "17" => "Sci-Fi", "30" => "Musical", "83" => "Sport", "18" => "War", "19" => "Musical", "20" => "History", "21" => "Horror", "22" => "Comedy", "23" => "Animation", "24" => "Adult", "25" => "Music", "79" => "", "26" => "Music", "27" => "Action", "28" => "", "57" => "", "29" => "Documentary", "32" => "Music", "71" => "Music", "31" => "Music", "33" => "War", "34" => "Crime", "54" => "", "76" => "Music", "55" => "Music", "56" => "Sci-Fi", "60" => "", "75" => "", "58" => "", "59" => "", "62" => "", "63" => "Sport", "82" => "Sport", "64" => "Music", "65" => "", "66" => "Thriller", "67" => "Music", "68" => "Music", "69" => "Documentary", "70" => "Western", "Science Fiction" => "Sci-Fi");
    // Genres (as Array)
    if (preg_match_all('#<categorie>(.*?)</categorie>#i', $resp['data'], $ary, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0) {
        $count = 0;
        while (isset($ary[1][$count])) {
            $data['genres'][] = $category_map[dvdfrCleanStr($ary[1][$count])];
    // Cast
    if (preg_match('#<stars>(.*)</stars>#is', $resp['data'], $Section)) {
        preg_match_all('#<star type="Acteur" id="(\\d+)">(.*?)</star>#i', $Section[1], $ary, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ary[0]); $i++) {
            $cast .= dvdfrCleanStr($ary[2][$i]) . '::::dvdfr' . dvdfrCleanStr($ary[1][$i]) . "\n";
            #$cast  .= "$actor::$character::$imdbIdPrefix$actorid\n";
        $data['cast'] = dvdfrCleanStr($cast);
    #// Convert ISO to UTF8
    #$encoding = $data['encoding'];
    #foreach( $data as $k => $v ) {
    #  $data[$k] = mb_convert_encoding(trim($v),'UTF-8',$encoding);
    return $data;
コード例 #16
ファイル: refetchAllInfos.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
     if (empty($video['imdbID'])) {
     // raise per movie execution timeout limit if safe_mode is not set in php.ini
     $id = $video['id'];
     $imdbID = $video['imdbID'];
     $engine = engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']);
     $fieldlist = "";
     foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $param) {
         if (preg_match('/^(update_.*)/', $param, $fieldname)) {
             $fieldlist .= "&" . $fieldname[1] . "=1";
     $url = $baseUrl . "/edit.php?id=" . $id . "&engine=" . $engine . "&save=1&lookup=" . $lookup . $fieldlist;
     $resp = httpClient($url, false, array('cookies' => $_COOKIE, 'no_proxy' => true, 'no_redirect' => true));
     if (!$resp['success']) {
         $CLIENTERRORS[] = $video['title'] . " (" . $video['diskid'] . "/" . engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']) . "): " . $resp['error'];
     } else {
         $CLIENTOKS[] = $video['title'] . " (" . $video['diskid'] . "/" . engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']) . ")";
 if (isset($resetDI) && $resetDI == "true") {
     // fix lent table after upper temp. changes
     $SELECT = "SELECT diskid FROM " . TBL_LENT . " WHERE diskid like 'TMP%'";
     $lentResult = runSQL($SELECT);
     foreach ($lentResult as $lentRow) {
         $diskid = preg_replace('/^TMP/', '', $lentRow['diskid']);
         $UPDATE = "UPDATE " . TBL_LENT . " SET diskid = '" . $diskid . "' WHERE diskid = 'TMP" . $diskid . "'";
コード例 #17
ファイル: imdb.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Parses Actor-Details
 * Find image and detail URL for actor, not sure if this can be made
 * a one-step process?
 * @author                Andreas Goetz <*****@*****.**>
 * @param  string  $name  Name of the Actor
 * @return array          array with Actor-URL and Thumbnail
function imdbActor($name, $actorid)
    global $imdbServer;
    global $cache;
    // search directly by id or via name?
    $resp = httpClient(imdbActorUrl($name, $actorid), $cache);
    $ary = array();
    // if not direct match load best match
    if (preg_match('#<b>Popular Names</b>.+?<a\\s+href="(.*?)">#i', $resp['data'], $m) || preg_match('#<b>Names \\(Exact Matches\\)</b>.+?<a\\s+href="(.*?)">#i', $resp['data'], $m) || preg_match('#<b>Names \\(Approx Matches\\)</b>.+?<a\\s+href="(.*?)">#i', $resp['data'], $m)) {
        if (!preg_match('/http/i', $m[1])) {
            $m[1] = $imdbServer . $m[1];
        $resp = httpClient($m[1], true);
    // now we should have loaded the best match
    // only search in img_primary <td> - or we get far to many useless images
    preg_match('/<td.*?id="img_primary".*?>(.*?)<\\/td>/si', $resp['data'], $match);
    if (preg_match('/.*?<a.*?href="(.+?)"\\s*?>\\s*<img\\s+.*?src="(.*?)"/si', $match[1], $m)) {
        $ary[0][0] = $m[1];
        $ary[0][1] = $m[2];
    return $ary;
コード例 #18
function searchPersonOzon($name, $first = true)
    $ozonurl = "http://www.ozon.ru";
    $response = httpClient($ozonurl . "/?context=search&type=person&text=" . urlencode($name), 0, '', 15, null, '', false, false);
    $res = array();
    $contents = $response['data'];
    preg_match_all("/<big><a href=\"(.*?)\".*?class=\"bigger\">(.*?)<\\/a><\\/big>/is", $contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($matches as $value) {
        if ($first) {
            return "http://www.ozon.ru" . $value[1];
        } else {
            $res[] = array("http://www.ozon.ru" . $value[1], $value[2]);
    return $res;
コード例 #19
ファイル: ofdbscraper.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
function ofdbscraperGetActorId($name)
    global $ofdbscraperServer;
    // try to guess the id -> first actor found with this name
    $url = $ofdbscraperServer . '/view.php?page=liste&Name=' . urlencode(html_entity_decode_all($name));
    $resp = httpClient($url, $cache);
    if (!$resp['success']) {
        $CLIENTERROR .= $resp['error'] . "\n";
    $resp['data'] = preg_replace('/[\\r\\n\\t]/', ' ', $resp['data']);
    return preg_match('#view.php?page=person&id=([0-9]+)#i', $resp['data'], $ary) ? $ary[1] : 0;
コード例 #20
ファイル: isohunt.php プロジェクト: Boris-de/videodb
 * Search an image on isohunt
 * Searches for a given title on the isohunt and returns the found links in
 * an array
 * @param   string    The search string
 * @return  array     Associative array with id and title
function isohuntSearch($title)
    global $CLIENTERROR;
    global $isohuntServer;
    $data = array();
    $url = $isohuntServer . '/js/rss/' . urlencode($title);
    $resp = httpClient($url, 1);
    if (!$resp['success']) {
        $CLIENTERROR .= $resp['error'] . "\n";
    // add encoding
    $data['encoding'] = get_response_encoding($resp);
    $xml = @simplexml_load_string($resp['data']);
    SimpleXMLElement Object
        [@attributes] => Array
                [version] => 2.0
        [channel] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                [title] => isoHunt > All > scrubs
                [link] => http://isohunt.com
                [description] => BitTorrent search feeds > All > scrubs
                [language] => en-us
                [category] => All
                [ttl] => 60
                [image] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                        [title] => isoHunt > All > scrubs
                        [url] => http://isohunt.com/img/buttons/isohunt-02.gif
                        [link] => http://isohunt.com/
                        [width] => 157
                        [height] => 45
                [lastBuildDate] => Sun, 22 Mar 2009 22:47:21 GMT
                [pubDate] => Sun, 22 Mar 2009 22:47:21 GMT
                [item] => Array
                        [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                [title] => Scrubs. S08E12. HDTV. XviD  [3/9]
                                [link] => http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/72045453/scrubs?tab=summary
                                [guid] => http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/72045453/scrubs?tab=summary
                                [enclosure] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                        [@attributes] => Array
                                                [url] => http://isohunt.com/download/72045453/scrubs.torrent
                                                [length] => 354292859
                                                [type] => application/x-bittorrent
                                [description] => <h3>Bit Torrent details:</h3>Category: TV<br>Original site: http://thepiratebay.org/<br>Size: 337.88 MB, in 2 files<br><br>Seeds: 3 &nbsp; | &nbsp; Leechers: 9 &nbsp; | &nbsp; Downloads: 16<p>Description:<br>Torrent downloaded from http://thepiratebay.org
                                [pubDate] => Fri, 20 Mar 2009 22:55:22 GMT
    if (is_object($xml)) {
        foreach ($xml->channel->item as $row) {
            $res = array();
            $res['title'] = (string) $row->title;
            #        $res['imgsmall']   = $img;
            #        $res['coverurl']   = $img;
            $res['url'] = (string) $row->link;
            $res['torrent'] = (string) $row->enclosure['url'];
            $res['filesize'] = (string) $row->enclosure['length'];
            $res['subtitle'] = sizetostring($res['filesize'], 1);
            $res['plot'] = (string) $row->description;
            if (preg_match('#(Seeds: .+?)<#', $res['plot'], $m)) {
                $res['sl'] = $m[1];
            #       dump($res);
            $data[] = $res;
    #   dump($data);
    return $data;