コード例 #1
ファイル: pmDelete.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl
 private function randomKeyMatch()
     global $site;
     $randomKeyValue = '';
     $randomKeyName = '';
     if (isset($_POST['key_name'])) {
         $randomKeyName = htmlent_decode($_POST['key_name']);
         if (isset($_POST[$randomKeyName])) {
             $randomKeyValue = htmlent_decode($_POST[$randomKeyName]);
     return $randomkeysmatch = $site->validateKey($randomKeyName, $randomKeyValue);
コード例 #2
ファイル: export2.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl

// this is plain text!
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
require realpath('../CMS/siteinfo.php');
$site = new siteinfo();
$connection = $site->connect_to_db();
// display teams
$query = 'SELECT `teams`.`id`,`teams`.`name` FROM `teams`,`teams_overview`' . ' WHERE `teams_overview`.`teamid`=`teams`.`id` AND `teams_overview`.`deleted`<>' . sqlSafeStringQuotes(2);
if (!($result = @$site->execute_silent_query('teams,teams_overview', $query, $connection))) {
    $site->dieAndEndPage('It seems like the team profile can not be accessed for an unknown reason.');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo 'TE: ' . $row['id'] . ', ' . htmlent_decode($row['name']) . "\n";
$query = 'SELECT `id`,`teamid`,`name` FROM `users`' . ' WHERE `users`.`status`=' . sqlSafeStringQuotes('active');
if (!($result = @$site->execute_silent_query('users', $query, $connection))) {
    $site->dieAndEndPage('It seems like the player profile can not be accessed for an unknown reason.');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo 'PL: ' . $row['teamid'] . ', ' . $row['id'] . ', ' . htmlent_decode($row['name']) . "\n";
// done with outputting stats
コード例 #3
ファイル: pmAdd.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl
 function sanityCheck(&$confirmed)
     global $config;
     global $tmpl;
     global $db;
     // < 0: undefined, 0: edit screen, 1: preview, 2: send, > 2: undefined
     if ($confirmed < 0 || $confirmed > 2) {
         // changed undefined values to a defined state
         $confirmed = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['userid']) && intval($_GET['userid']) > 0) {
         $this->pm->addUserID($_GET['userid'], true);
     if (isset($_GET['teamid']) && intval($_GET['teamid']) > 0) {
         $this->pm->addTeamID($_GET['teamid'], true);
     if (isset($_GET['reply']) && isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) > 0) {
         // add all original recipients and author or only original author to default recipients
         // find out if original message was readable for user
         $query = $db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pmsystem_msg_users` WHERE `msgid`=? AND `userid`=?');
         $db->execute($query, array($_GET['id'], user::getCurrentUserId()));
         $rows = $db->fetchRow($query);
         // silently drop on no permisson issue
         // message to self may be listed twice, for inbox and outbox
         // TODO: output error
         if (count($rows) > 0 && $rows['COUNT(*)'] > 0) {
             $query = $db->prepare('SELECT `subject`, `message` FROM `pmsystem_msg_storage`' . ' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1');
             $db->execute($query, $_GET['id']);
             $row = $db->fetchRow($query);
             if (count($row) > 0) {
                 // quote old message
                 $this->pm->setContent(rtrim('> ' . str_replace("\n", "\n> ", htmlent_decode($row['message'])), "\n") . "\n\n");
             if (strcmp($_GET['reply'], 'all') === 0) {
                 // add original author to recipients
                 $origAuthorQuery = $db->prepare('SELECT `name` FROM `users`' . ' WHERE `id`=(SELECT `author_id` FROM `pmsystem_msg_storage`' . ' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1');
                 $db->execute($origAuthorQuery, intval($_GET['id']));
                 while ($row = $db->fetchRow($origAuthorQuery)) {
                 // prepare further recipients queries
                 $usersQuery = $db->prepare('SELECT `name`' . ' FROM `pmsystem_msg_recipients_users` LEFT JOIN `users`' . ' ON `pmsystem_msg_recipients_users`.`userid`=`users`.`id`' . ' WHERE `msgid`=?');
                 $teamsQuery = $db->prepare('SELECT `name`' . ' FROM `pmsystem_msg_recipients_teams` LEFT JOIN `teams`' . ' ON `pmsystem_msg_recipients_teams`.`teamid`=`teams`.`id`' . ' WHERE `msgid`=?');
                 // add users to recipients
                 $db->execute($usersQuery, intval($_GET['id']));
                 while ($row = $db->fetchRow($usersQuery)) {
                 // add teams to recipients
                 $db->execute($teamsQuery, intval($_GET['id']));
                 while ($row = $db->fetchRow($teamsQuery)) {
             } elseif (strcmp($_GET['reply'], 'author') === 0) {
                 // only 1 author, thus no loop
                 $query = $db->prepare('SELECT `name` FROM `users`' . ' WHERE `id`=(SELECT `author_id` FROM `pmsystem_msg_storage`' . ' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1');
                 $db->execute($query, intval($_GET['id']));
                 $row = $db->fetchRow($query);
     if ($confirmed > 0 || isset($_POST['editPageAgain'])) {
         // no need to check for a key match if no content was supplied
         if (!$this->randomKeyMatch($confirmed)) {
             // editing cancelled due to random key mismatch
             $confirmed = 0;
             return 'nokeymatch';
         if (isset($_POST['subject']) && strlen(strval($_POST['subject'])) > 0) {
         if (isset($_POST['content']) && strlen(strval($_POST['content'])) > 0) {
         // add all set team recipients
         $i = 0;
         while (isset($_POST['teamRecipient' . $i])) {
             // user requested removal of a recipient -> do not send now
             if (isset($_POST['removeTeamRecipient' . $i])) {
                 $confirmed = 0;
             // exclude team recipients that are requested to be removed
             if (isset($_POST['teamRecipient' . $i]) && !isset($_POST['removeTeamRecipient' . $i])) {
                 $this->pm->addTeamName($_POST['teamRecipient' . $i], $confirmed > 0 && !isset($_POST['addTeamRecipient']) && !isset($_POST['addPlayerRecipient']) && !isset($_POST['editPageAgain']));
         // add new team recipient if requested explicitly or implicitly
         if (isset($_POST['teamRecipient'])) {
             $this->pm->addTeamName($_POST['teamRecipient'], $confirmed > 0);
         // do not send the message if adding team was explicitly requested
         if (isset($_POST['addTeamRecipient'])) {
             $confirmed = 0;
         // add all set player recipients
         $i = 0;
         while (isset($_POST['playerRecipient' . $i])) {
             // user requested removal of a recipient -> do not send now
             if (isset($_POST['removePlayerRecipient' . $i])) {
                 $confirmed = 0;
             // exclude player recipients that are requested to be removed
             if (isset($_POST['playerRecipient' . $i]) && !isset($_POST['removePlayerRecipient' . $i])) {
                 $this->pm->addUserName($_POST['playerRecipient' . $i], $confirmed > 0 && !isset($_POST['addPlayerRecipient']) && !isset($_POST['editPageAgain']));
         // add new player recipient if requested explicitly or implicitly
         if (isset($_POST['playerRecipient'])) {
             $this->pm->addUserName($_POST['playerRecipient'], $confirmed > 0);
         // do not send the message if adding player was explicitly requested
         if (isset($_POST['addPlayerRecipient'])) {
             $confirmed = 0;
     if ($confirmed > 0 && $this->pm->countUsers() < 1 && $this->pm->countTeams() < 1) {
         $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'A PM can not be sent without any recipients set.');
         $confirmed = 0;
     // check for too long or too short message
     // first ask config on database
     $dbCharset = $config->getValue('db.userInputFieldCharset');
     if ($dbCharset === true) {
         $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'FATAL ERROR: Config value db.userInputFieldCharset returned true.');
         $db->logError('FATAL ERROR: Config value db.userInputFieldCharset returned true. ' . 'Check if it is set in settings file. ' . 'It must return a string containing DB field charset for user input.');
         $confirmed = 0;
     // fallback to UTF-8 if not set
     if ($dbCharset === false) {
         $dbCharset = 'UTF-8';
     // do the actual message length check
     $len = mb_strlen($this->pm->getContent(), $dbCharset);
     if ($len < 1) {
         $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'A message must not be empty.');
         $confirmed = 0;
     if ($len > 4000) {
         $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'A message must not be longer than 4000 characters.');
         $confirmed = 0;
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: bz-owl-db-updater.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl
function updateVersion4()
    global $db;
    status('Replace player in table names with user ');
    $db->SQL('RENAME TABLE `players` TO `users`');
    $db->SQL('RENAME TABLE `players_passwords` TO `users_passwords`');
    $db->SQL('RENAME TABLE `players_profile` TO `users_profile`');
    status('Renaming several table fields to lower case');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `CMS` CHANGE `requestPath` `request_path` VARCHAR(1000)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'/\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `matches` CHANGE `team1ID` `team1_id` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `matches` CHANGE `team2ID` `team2_id` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `matches_edit_stats` CHANGE `team1ID` `team1_id` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `matches_edit_stats` CHANGE `team2ID` `team2_id` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_profile` CHANGE `UTC` `utc` TINYINT(2)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    status('Creating new cms_bans table');
    $db->SQL('CREATE TABLE `cms_bans` (
				 `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
				 `ip-address` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
				 `expiration_timestamp` varchar(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' COMMENT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00 means a ban won\'\'t expire\',
				 PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    status('Creating new users_rejected_logins table');
    $db->SQL('CREATE TABLE `users_rejected_logins` (
				 `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
				 `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
				 `ip-address` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
				 `forwarded_for` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
				 `host` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
				 `timestamp` varchar(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',
				 `reason` enum(\'unknown\',\'fieldMissing\',\'emptyUserName\',\'emptyPassword\',\'tooLongPassword\',\'tooLongUserName\',\'passwordMismatch\',\'missconfiguration\') DEFAULT NULL,
				 PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
				 ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT=\'Log failed logins with their reason\'');
    status('Creating new users_permissions table');
    $db->SQL('CREATE TABLE `users_permissions` (
				 `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
				 `userid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
				 `permissions` varchar(1023) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
				 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
				 KEY `userid` (`userid`),
				 CONSTRAINT `users_permissions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
				 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT=\'Applies to local login only at the moment\'');
    status('Adjusting foreign keys in users_profile table');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_profile` DROP FOREIGN KEY `users_profile_ibfk_1`');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_profile` CHANGE `playerid` `userid` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_profile` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE');
    status('Adjusting foreign keys in users_passwords table');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_passwords` DROP FOREIGN KEY `users_passwords_ibfk_1`');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_passwords` CHANGE `playerid` `userid` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `users_passwords` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE');
    status('Adjusting foreign keys in visits table');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `visits` DROP FOREIGN KEY `visits_ibfk_1`');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `visits` CHANGE `playerid` `userid` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    status('| If you hardcoded logout path into webserver config you must remove that path now. That path is now set in CMS table. |');
    $db->SQL('INSERT INTO `CMS` (`request_path`, `title`, `addon`) VALUES (\'Logout/\', \'Logout\', \'logoutSystem\')');
    status('| If you hardcoded Online User path into webserver config you must remove that path now. That path is now set in CMS table. |');
    $db->SQL('INSERT INTO `CMS` (`request_path`, `title`, `addon`) VALUES (\'Online/\', \'Online users\', \'onlineUserSystem\')');
    		status('| If you hardcoded Matches path into webserver config you must remove that path now. That path is now set in CMS table. |');
    		$db->SQL('INSERT INTO `CMS` (`request_path`, `title`, `addon`) VALUES (\'Matches/\', \'Matches\', \'matchServices\')');
    status('Renaming CMS table to cms_paths');
    $db->SQL('RENAME TABLE `CMS` TO `cms_paths`');
    // delete maintenance log file, new version uses database instead
    global $installationPath;
    if (file_exists($installationPath . 'CMS/maintenance/maintenance.txt')) {
        status('Resetting maintenance date');
        $db->SQL('Update `misc_data` SET `last_maintenance`=\'0000-00-00\'');
        if (!unlink($installationPath . 'CMS/maintenance/maintenance.txt')) {
            status('Could not delete file ' . $installationPath . 'CMS/maintenance/maintenance.txt');
            return false;
        $maintDir = scandir($installationPath . 'CMS/maintenance/');
        if ($maintDir !== false && count(scandir($maintDir)) === 0 && rmdir($maintDir)) {
            status('Deleted empty maintenance folder');
        } else {
            status('Could not delete maintenance folder');
            return false;
    status('Renaming any_teamless_player_can_join to team_open');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `teams_overview` CHANGE `any_teamless_player_can_join` `open` TINYINT(1)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'1\'');
    status('Removing leading and trailing whitespace from team names, unescape team names in db');
    $query = $db->SQL('SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `teams`');
    $updateQuery = $db->prepare('UPDATE `teams` SET name=:name WHERE id=:id');
    while ($row = $db->fetchRow($query)) {
        if (!$db->execute($updateQuery, array(':id' => array((int) $row['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT), ':name' => array(htmlent_decode(trim($row['name'])), PDO::PARAM_STR)))) {
            status('Unable to execute update query on team name: ' . $row['name']);
            return false;
    status('Updating invitations table: rename column invited_playerid to userid');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `invitations` DROP FOREIGN KEY `invitations_ibfk_1`');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `invitations` DROP FOREIGN KEY `invitations_ibfk_2`');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `invitations` CHANGE `invited_playerid` `userid` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    status('Updating teams profile: Add cached value for total matches played');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `teams_profile` ADD `num_matches_total` INT(11)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'  AFTER `teamid`');
    $query = $db->SQL('SELECT * FROM `teams_profile`');
    while ($row = $db->fetchRow($query)) {
        $total = (int) $row['num_matches_won'] + (int) $row['num_matches_draw'] + (int) $row['num_matches_lost'];
        $db->SQL('UPDATE `teams_profile` SET `num_matches_total`=' . $total . ' WHERE `teamid`=' . $row['teamid']);
    status('Updating teams_overview: Dropping old num_matches_played column');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `teams_overview` DROP `num_matches_played`');
    status('Updating teams_overview: Column member_count is now 0 by default');
    $db->SQL('ALTER TABLE `teams_overview` CHANGE `member_count` `member_count` INT(11)  UNSIGNED  NOT NULL  DEFAULT \'0\'');
    return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: edit.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl
     $location = (int) $row['location'];
     $timezone = (int) $row['UTC'];
     $user_comment = $row['raw_user_comment'];
     $admin_comments = $row['raw_admin_comments'];
     $logo_url = $row['logo_url'];
 // show some sort of comment because one would expect some profile text
 // admin comments in contrary should not be set often and thus just ignore the default to make sure it does not get set by accident
 if (strcmp($user_comment, '') === 0) {
     $user_comment = 'No profile text has yet been set up';
 // admins may change user names
 if (isset($_SESSION['allow_ban_any_user']) && $_SESSION['allow_ban_any_user']) {
     echo '<p><label class="player_edit" for="edit_player_name">Change callsign:</label> ';
     $site->write_self_closing_tag('input id="edit_player_name" type="text" name="callsign" maxlength="50" size="60" value="' . htmlent_decode($callsign) . '"');
     echo '</p>';
 // location
 $query = 'SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `countries` ORDER BY `name`';
 if (!($result = @$site->execute_query('countries', $query, $connection))) {
     $site->dieAndEndPage('Could not retrieve list of countries from database.');
 echo '<p><label class="player_edit" for="edit_player_location">Change country:</label> ';
 echo '<select id="edit_player_location" name="location">';
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
     echo '<option value="';
     echo htmlspecialchars($row['id']);
     if ($location === (int) $row['id']) {
         echo '" selected="selected';
コード例 #6
ファイル: editor.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl
 function edit()
     global $entry_edit_permission;
     global $config;
     global $site;
     global $tmpl;
     global $user;
     // initialise variables
     $confirmed = 0;
     $content = '';
     // set their values in case the POST variables are set
     if (isset($_POST['confirmationStep'])) {
         $confirmed = intval($_POST['confirmationStep']);
     if (isset($_POST['editPageAgain']) && strlen($_POST['editPageAgain']) > 0) {
         // user looked at preview but chose to edit the message again
         $confirmed = 0;
     if (isset($_POST['staticContent'])) {
         $content = htmlent_decode($_POST['staticContent']);
     // sanity check variabless
     $test = $this->caller->sanityCheck($confirmed);
     switch ($test) {
         case true && $confirmed === 1:
             $tmpl->assign('submitText', 'Write changes');
             // user may decide not to submit after seeing preview
             $tmpl->assign('editAgainText', 'Edit again');
             // use this as guard to prevent selection of noperm or nokeymatch cases
         // use this as guard to prevent selection of noperm or nokeymatch cases
         case strlen($test) < 2:
         case 'noperm':
             $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'You need write permission to edit the content.');
         case 'nokeymatch':
             $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'The magic key does not match, it looks like you came from somewhere else or your session expired.');
     // there is no step lower than 0
     if ($confirmed < 0) {
         $confirmed = 0;
     // increase confirmation step by one so we get to the next level
     if ($confirmed > 1) {
         $tmpl->assign('confirmationStep', 1);
     } else {
         $tmpl->assign('confirmationStep', $confirmed + 1);
     switch ($confirmed) {
         case 1:
         case 2:
             $status = $this->caller->writeContent($content);
             if ($status === true) {
                 if ($tmpl->getTemplateVars('MSG') === null) {
                     $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'Changes written successfully.' . $tmpl->linebreaks("\n\n"));
             } else {
                 $tmpl->assign('MSG', 'Failed writing changes. The underlying error message was: ' . $status . $tmpl->linebreaks("\n\n"));
             $tmpl->assign('submitText', 'Add another entry');
             if ($config->getValue('bbcodeLibAvailable')) {
                 $tmpl->assign('notes', 'Keep in mind to use BBCode instead of HTML or XHTML.');
             } else {
                 if ($config->getValue('useXhtml')) {
                     $tmpl->assign('notes', 'Keep in mind the home page currently uses XHTML, not HTML or BBCode.');
                 } else {
                     $tmpl->assign('notes', 'Keep in mind the home page currently uses HTML, not XHTML or BBCode.');
             $tmpl->assign('submitText', 'Preview');
     $randomKeyName = $this->caller->randomKeyName . microtime();
     // convert some special chars to underscores
     $randomKeyName = strtr($randomKeyName, array(' ' => '_', '.' => '_'));
     $randomkeyValue = $site->setKey($randomKeyName);
     $tmpl->assign('keyName', $randomKeyName);
     $tmpl->assign('keyValue', htmlent($randomkeyValue));
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: laiello/bz-owl
         $player_name = $row['name'];
     // PMComposer needs some classes to be already set up.
     // It will be easier when this file is replaced with an add-on.
     require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/CMS/classes/config.php';
     global $config;
     $config = new config();
     require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/CMS/classes/db.php';
     global $db;
     $db = new database();
     require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/CMS/add-ons/pmSystem/classes/PMComposer.php';
     $pmComposer = new pmComposer();
     $pmComposer->setSubject("Invitation to team {$team_name}");
     // TODO: do not assume that BBCode is enabled
     $pmComposer->setContent("Congratulations, you were invited by {$player_name} to join team " . htmlent_decode($team_name) . "!\n\n[URL=\"" . basepath() . "Teams/?join={$invited_to_team}\"]Click here to accept the invitation.[/URL]\n\nYou must leave your current team before accepting an invitation to a new team.\n\nThe invitation will expire in 7 days.");
     $pmComposer->setTimestamp(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     echo '<div class="static_page_box">' . "\n";
     echo '<p>The player was invited successfully.</p>' . "\n";
     // invitation and notification was sent
 if ($allow_invite_in_any_team || $leader_of_team_with_id > 0) {
     echo '<div class="static_page_box">' . "\n";
     echo '<form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="post" action="?invite=' . htmlentities(urlencode($profile)) . '">' . "\n";
     echo '<div>';
     $site->write_self_closing_tag('input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1"');
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
     // display team picker in case the user can invite a player to any team