コード例 #1
ファイル: news.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_news_displayNews($adm, $lnk, $num)
    section_news_doSelectForm($lnk, $num);
    if ($adm) {
        echo '<center><BR>' . htmlURLbutton('ADD News', 'newsadmin', 'id=0', ADMBUT);
    $res = sqlQuery('select *, unix_timestamp(newsdate) as utime from ' . TBL_NEWS . " order by newsdate desc limit {$num}");
    echo "<table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>";
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        if ($obj->utime > $_SESSION['last_login']) {
            echo '<TR class=new>';
        } else {
            echo '<TR>';
        echo '<td><i>' . $obj->newsdate . '</i></td><td align=right>';
        if ($adm) {
            htmlMiniTable(array("<i>By:</i>{$obj->authorname}", htmlURLbutSmall('Edit', 'newsadmin', "id={$obj->id}", ADMBUT)));
        } else {
            echo "<i>By:</i> {$obj->authorname}";
        echo '</td></tr><TR><TD colspan=2>' . text_disp($obj->text) . '</td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan=2 align=center><hr></td></tr>';
    echo "</table>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: links.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_links_displayLinks($adm)
    if ($adm) {
        echo '<center>' . htmlURLbutton('ADD New Link', 'linkadmin', 'id=0', ADMBUT) . '</center><BR>';
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . TBL_LINKS . ' order by ord, name');
    echo "<table align=center width=95% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>";
    $row = 0;
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        $c = $row++ % 2 ? 'rowodd' : 'roweven';
        echo "<tr class={$c}><td width=25%><a href=\"{$obj->url}\" target=\"_blank\">{$obj->name}</a></td>\n      <td>" . text_disp($obj->comment) . '</td>';
        if ($adm) {
            echo "<TD>[{$obj->ord}]</td><TD>" . htmlURLbutSmall('Edit', 'linkadmin', "id={$obj->id}", ADMBUT) . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo "</table>";
コード例 #3
ファイル: teaminfo.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_teaminfo()
    require_once 'lib/common.php';
    $s_teamid = $_SESSION['teamid'];
    $s_logedin = isAuthenticated();
    $s_level = $_SESSION['level'];
    $s_playerid = $_SESSION['playerid'];
    $id = addslashes($_GET['id']);
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT name, comment, leader, logo, status, score, \n                     unix_timestamp(status_changed) as status_changed, unix_timestamp(created) as ucreated\n    FROM l_team WHERE id='{$id}'");
    $team = mysql_fetch_object($res);
    if (!$team) {
        echo '<BR><CENTER>Specified team does not exist<BR>';
    echo '<TABLE align=center><TR><TD>' . htmlURLbutton('Opponent summary', 'oppsumm', "id={$id}") . '</td>';
    // Join this team if opened, and if we are logged and not belonging to any team
    if ($s_logedin && !$s_teamid && $members < 20 && $team->status == "opened") {
        echo '<TD>' . htmlURLbutton('Join Team', 'jointhisteam', "id={$id}") . '</td>';
    // Send a message to all the team members
    if ($s_logedin && $team->status != 'deleted') {
        echo '<TD>' . htmlURLbutton('Send BZmessage', 'sendmessage', "tid={$id}") . '</td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
    if ($team->status == 'deleted') {
        echo '<div class=feedback>';
        if ($team->status_changed) {
            echo "<br><center>This team was deleted on " . gmdate('Y-m-d', $team->status_changed) . "</center>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><center>This team is deleted.</center>";
        echo '</div>';
    echo '<BR><table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
    <tr><td class=teamName align=center>' . $team->name . '<BR></td></tr>';
    // Logo if any
    if ($team->logo != "") {
        echo '<tr><td align=center>
    <table><TR><TD bgcolor=white><img src="' . $team->logo . '"></td></tr></table>
    // Ratings
    $act45 = teamActivity($id, 45);
    $act90 = teamActivity($id, 90);
    echo '<tr><td> <TABLE align=center>
    <TR><TD width=50% align=right>Created:</td><td width=10></td><td width=50%>' . gmdate('Y-m-d', $team->ucreated) . '</td></tr>
    <TR><TD align=right>Rating:</td><td></td><td>' . displayRating($id) . '</td></tr>
    <TR><TD align=right>Activity:</td><TD></td><td>' . sprintf('%1.2f / %1.2f', $act45, $act90) . '</td></tr>
     <TR><TD colspan=3 align=center>  Average number of games played per day<BR>
     <NOBR>(exponential moving average over last 45 / 90 days)</nobr></td></tr>';
    echo '</td></td></table></td></tr>';
    // Matches statistics
    $sta1 = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select ifnull(sum(if(score1>score2,1,0)),0) win,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score1=score2,1,0)),0) draw,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score1<score2,1,0)),0) loss\n    from " . TBL_MATCH . " where team1={$id}"));
    $sta2 = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select ifnull(sum(if(score2>score1,1,0)),0) win,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score2=score1,1,0)),0) draw,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score2<score1,1,0)),0) loss\n    from " . TBL_MATCH . " where team2={$id}"));
    $win = $sta1->win + $sta2->win;
    $draw = $sta1->draw + $sta2->draw;
    $loss = $sta1->loss + $sta2->loss;
    echo "<tr><td align=center><hr>\n  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center><tr>\n  <td align=center>Wins</td><td align=center>&nbsp;&nbsp;Draws&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align=center>Losses</td></tr><tr>\n  <td align=center>{$win}</td><td align=center>{$draw}</td><td align=center>{$loss}</td>\n  </tr></table>\n  <hr></td></tr>";
    // Comment if any
    if ($team->comment != "") {
        echo '<tr><td><ul>' . nl2br($team->comment) . '</ul><hr></td></tr>';
    // Players list
    $i = 0;
    if (SHOW_PLAYER_ACTIVE > 0) {
        $activeDays = SHOW_PLAYER_ACTIVE;
    } else {
        $activeDays = 0;
    $res = mysql_query("select id, callsign, comment, status, C.flagname, \n    last_login > subdate(now(), INTERVAL {$activeDays} DAY) as active\n    from l_player\n    left join bzl_countries C on country = C.numcode\n    where team=" . $id . "\n    order by active desc,callsign");
    $members = 0;
    echo '<TR><TD><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center>';
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        if (++$i & 1) {
            $cl = "rowEven";
        } else {
            $cl = "rowOdd";
        echo "<tr class='{$cl}' valign=middle>";
        echo "<TD align=right><a href='index.php?link=playerinfo&id={$obj->id}'>{$obj->callsign}</a></td><TD>";
        if ($obj->id == $team->leader) {
            echo '&nbsp;<img TITLE="Team Leader" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'leader.gif">';
        echo '</td><TD>';
        if ($obj->active) {
            echo '&nbsp;<img TITLE="Active player (has logged into this site recently)" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'active.gif">';
        echo '</td><TD width=10></td>';
        echo '<TD>' . smallflag($obj->flagname) . '</td>';
        if ($s_logedin && (isFuncAllowed('teamadmin::edit_any_team') || $s_playerid == $team->leader)) {
            if ($obj->id != $team->leader) {
                // Link to ban a player from a team
                echo '<td align=center>' . htmlURLbutSmall('BAN', 'banplayer', "playerid={$obj->id}&teamid={$id}&f_ok_x=2", ADMBUT) . '</form></td></tr>';
            } else {
                echo '<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        } else {
            echo '<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        echo "\n";
    echo '</td></tr></table>';
    // Show last fights
    $sql = "SELECT  t1.id, t1.name, f.score1, t2.id, t2.name, f.score2, f.tsactual, unix_timestamp(f.tsactual) tstamp_ts \n" . "FROM " . TBL_MATCH . " f, l_team t1, l_team t2 " . "WHERE (f.team1 = '{$id}' OR f.team2 = '{$id}') " . " AND f.team1 = t1.id " . " AND f.team2 = t2.id " . "ORDER BY f.tsactual DESC " . "LIMIT 11 ";
    $res = sqlQuery($sql);
    $tmp = '';
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        if ($count < 11) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['last_login']) && $_SESSION['last_login'] < $row[7]) {
                $new1 = "<font color=\"red\">";
                $new2 = "</font>";
            } else {
                $new1 = '';
                $new2 = '';
            if ($count % 2) {
                $cl = "rowEven";
            } else {
                $cl = "rowOdd";
            $tmp .= "<tr class=\"{$cl}\">";
            $tmp .= '<td align="right">' . $new1 . $row[6] . $new2 . '</td>';
            if ($row[0] != $id) {
                $oppid = $row[0];
                $oppname = stripslashes($row[1]);
                $oppscore = $row[2];
                $teamscore = $row[5];
            } else {
                $oppid = $row[3];
                $oppname = stripslashes($row[4]);
                $oppscore = $row[5];
                $teamscore = $row[2];
            $tmp .= "<td>{$new1}";
            $oppname = '<a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $oppid . '&' . SID . '">' . $new1 . $oppname . $new2 . '</a>';
            if ($oppscore < $teamscore) {
                $tmp .= "<b>Won</b> against {$oppname}";
            } elseif ($oppscore > $teamscore) {
                $tmp .= "<b>Lost</b> against {$oppname}";
            } else {
                $tmp .= "<b>Tie</b> against {$oppname}";
            $tmp .= " ({$row[2]} - {$row[5]})";
            $tmp .= "{$new2}</td>";
            $tmp .= "</tr>\n";
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td align=center>&nbsp;<br><b>';
    if ($count == 1) {
        echo 'Last match';
    } else {
        if ($count == 11) {
            echo 'Last 10 matches, view them all <a href="index.php?link=fights&id=' . $id . '&' . SID . '">here</a>';
        } elseif ($count == 0) {
            echo "No matches played";
        } else {
            echo "Last {$count} matches";
    echo '</b><BR><BR></td></tr><TR><TD>';
    echo "<table align=center border=0>{$tmp}</table>";
    // Or... edit your team if you are a leader or ad admin, or with a password if you are a member
    // Team members can't change the password, though...
    // Unless ofcause the team is deleted
    if ($team->status == 'deleted') {
        if ($team->status_changed) {
            echo "<br><center>This team is deleted as of " . gmdate('Y-m-d', $team->status_changed) . "</center>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><center>This team is deleted.</center>";
    } else {
        if ($s_logedin && (isFuncAllowed('teamadmin::edit_any_team') || $s_teamid == $id)) {
            if (!isFuncAllowed('teamadmin::edit_any_team') && $s_playerid != $team->leader) {
                // Team member, need password
                echo '<form method=post>
          <input type=hidden name=link value=teamadmin>
          <input type=hidden name=id value=' . $id . '>
          <br><center>Enter team password <input type=password size=8 maxlength=8 name=f_password> and 
          ' . htmlFormButton('Edit Team', 'f_edit_x') . '
            } else {
                $invites = sqlQuery("SELECT *, l_player.callsign FROM bzl_invites,  l_player\n            WHERE teamid={$id} AND expires > NOW() AND bzl_invites.playerid = l_player.id");
                if (mysql_num_rows($invites) > 0) {
                    echo '<BR><HR>Invitations currently active:<BR><TABLE>';
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($invites)) {
                        echo '<TR><TD width=25></td><TD>' . playerLink($row->playerid, $row->callsign) . "</td><TD width=10></td><TD>(expires: {$row->expires})</td></tr>";
                    echo '</table><HR>';
                // Team leader or admin, let's go
                echo '<center><BR>
        ' . htmlURLbutton('Edit Team', 'teamadmin', "id={$id}", ADMBUT) . '
        ' . htmlURLbutton('Dismiss Team', 'dismissteam', "id={$id}", ADMBUT);
コード例 #4
ファイル: teams.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_teams()
    require_once "lib/common.php";
    $s_logedin = isAuthenticated();
    $s_teamid = $_SESSION['teamid'];
    $tacts = teamActivity(null, 45);
    echo '<BR>';
    $res = sqlQuery("\n    SELECT  l_team.id, l_team.name, l_team.logo, l_team.score, \n        player2.callsign leader, player2.id leaderid, \n        l_team.status, count(distinct l_player.callsign) numplayers,\n        l_team.active = 'yes' activeteam, l_team.matches, l_team.matches > 0 sorter\n    FROM  l_team, l_player player2, l_player\n    WHERE player2.id = l_team.leader \n     AND l_team.status != 'deleted' \n     AND l_player.team = l_team.id\n    GROUP BY l_team.name, l_team.leader, l_team.status, l_team.score\n    ORDER BY  sorter desc, activeteam desc, l_team.score desc,  l_team.name");
    echo "<table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>\n      <tr class=tabhead align=center>\n      <td>Name</td><td>Leader</td><td colspan=2>Members</td>\n      <td colspan=2>Rating</td><td>Join</td><TD>Activity</td></tr>";
    $separated = 0;
    $rownum = 0;
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        if ($obj->activeteam == 0 && $separated == 0) {
            $separated = 1;
            echo '<tr><td align=center colspan=10><hr><b>Inactive Teams</b></td></tr>';
            $rownum = 1;
        if ($obj->sorter == 0 && $separated == 1) {
            $separated = 2;
            echo '<tr><td align=center colspan=10><hr><b>Did not play any match</b></td></tr>';
            $rownum = 1;
        if ($obj->logo != '') {
            $logo = '<img src="' . THEME_DIR . 'islogo.gif">';
        } else {
            $logo = ' ';
        if ($s_teamid == $obj->id) {
            $c = 'myteam';
        } elseif ($obj->status == 'deleted') {
            $c = 'deletedteam';
        } else {
            if ($rownum % 2) {
                $c = 'rowOdd';
            } else {
                $c = 'rowEven';
        echo "<TR class='{$c}' valign=middle>";
        $teamname = substr($obj->name, 0, 35);
        $act = $tacts[$obj->id];
        echo '<td><a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $obj->id . '">' . $teamname . '</a></td>
    <td><a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $obj->leaderid . '&' . SID . '">' . $obj->leader . '</a></td>
    <td align=center>' . $obj->numplayers . '</td><td>' . $logo . '</td>
    <td align=left>' . displayRating($obj->id) . '</td>';
        if ($separated) {
            echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        } else {
            echo '<td align=center>(' . $obj->matches . ')</td>';
        // Print join or joinnot, not forgetting we may already belong to a team
        echo '<TD align=left>';
        if ($s_logedin) {
            if (!$s_teamid) {
                switch ($obj->status) {
                    case 'opened':
                        if ($obj->numplayers < 20) {
                            echo htmlURLbutSmall('JOIN', 'jointeam', "id={$obj->id}") . '</td>';
                        } else {
                            echo '&nbsp;[Closed]</td>';
                    case 'closed':
                        echo '&nbsp;[Closed]</td>';
                        echo 'Deleted.</td>';
            } else {
                if ($s_teamid == $obj->id) {
                    //          if( $_SESSION['playerid'] != 2074 ) // Dont allow Admir to leave (SC request)
                    echo htmlURLbutSmall('Abandon', 'leaveteam', "id={$obj->id}&leader={$obj->leaderid}") . '</td>';
                } elseif ($obj->status == 'closed') {
                    echo '&nbsp;[Closed]</td>';
                } elseif ($obj->status == 'deleted') {
                    echo 'deleted.</td>';
                } else {
                    echo '</td>';
        } elseif ($obj->status == 'closed') {
            echo '&nbsp;[Closed]</td>';
        } else {
            echo '</td>';
        $act = sprintf('%1.2f', $tacts[$obj->id]);
        echo "<TD align=center>{$act}</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    // Create a new team, if logged in and not a team member
    if ($s_logedin && !$s_teamid) {
        echo '<br><center>
    ' . htmlURLbutton('Create New Team', 'createteam', null) . '</center>';
コード例 #5
ファイル: bzforums.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_bzforums()
    require_once 'lib/common.php';
    $allowDelete = isFuncAllowed('post_delete');
    $allowNew = isFuncAllowed('post_new');
    $allowReply = isFuncAllowed('post_reply');
    $allowEdit = isFuncAllowed('post_edit');
    $allowLock = isFuncAllowed('topic_lock');
    $allowSticky = isFuncAllowed('topic_sticky');
    $allowTDelete = isFuncAllowed('topic_delete');
    $allowViewDeleted = isFuncAllowed('topic_view_deleted');
    $showRoles = isFuncAllowed('show_roles');
    $link = 'bzforums';
    $utcNOW = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    // Variables:
    //   top = which post is first on the page i think
    $vars = array('top', 'threadid', 'forumid', 'id', 'action');
    foreach ($vars as $var) {
        ${$var} = $_REQUEST[$var];
    // Get and print the forum title
    if (isset($forumid)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select title, status from l_forum where id={$forumid}"));
        echo 'Forum: <a href="index.php?link=' . $link . '&' . SID . '">
      <font size=+1>BZforums</font></a><font size=+1><i>&nbsp;/&nbsp;</i></font>
      <a href="index.php?link=' . $link . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&' . SID . '">
      <font size=+1>' . $row->title . '</font></a><hr>';
        if ($row->status != 'Open') {
            print "This forum is not accessible. Sorry";
    // check if we need to change permissions (eg, disallow reply/post for locked topics)
    if (isset($threadid)) {
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        $row = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select status, is_sticky from l_forumthread where id={$threadid}"));
        if ($row->status == 'locked' && !isAdmin()) {
            $allowNew = false;
            $allowReply = false;
        } elseif ($row->status == 'deleted' && !$allowViewDeleted) {
            errorPage('This topic is deleted');
        $threadstatus = $row->status;
        $threadsticky = $row->is_sticky;
    // Perform deletion
    if ($allowDelete && $action == 'delete2' && $id != '') {
        $id = intval($id);
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM l_forummsg WHERE msgid = '{$id}' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        // Check if there is any message left for that thread
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT count(1) FROM l_forummsg WHERE threadid = '{$threadid}'") or die(mysql_error());
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
        if ($row[0] == 0) {
            // No messages in thread: deleting thread - jumo to threadlist
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM l_forumthread WHERE id = '{$threadid}' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
            header("Location: index.php?link=bzforums&forumid={$forumid}");
        $action = '';
    } elseif ($action == 'lock') {
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        if (!$allowLock) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to lock topics");
        mysql_query("UPDATE l_forumthread SET status = 'locked', status_by = {$_SESSION['playerid']}, \n                  status_at = '{$utcNOW}' WHERE id = '{$threadid}' and status != 'locked' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $action = '';
        $threadstatus = 'locked';
    } elseif ($action == 'revive') {
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        if (!$allowLock && $threadstatus == 'locked') {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to unlock topics");
        if (!$allowTDelete && $threadstatus == 'deleted') {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to undelete topics");
        mysql_query("UPDATE l_forumthread SET status = 'normal', \n                 status_by = {$_SESSION['playerid']}, status_at = '{$utcNOW}' WHERE id = '{$threadid}' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $action = '';
        $threadstatus = 'normal';
    } elseif ($action == 'deletetopic') {
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        if (!$allowTDelete) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to delete topics");
        mysql_query("UPDATE l_forumthread SET status = 'deleted', status_by = {$_SESSION['playerid']}, \n                 status_at = '{$utcNOW}' WHERE id = '{$threadid}' and status != 'deleted' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $action = '';
        $threadstatus = 'deleted';
    } elseif ($action == 'sticky') {
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        if (!$allowSticky) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to use sticky");
        mysql_query("UPDATE l_forumthread SET is_sticky = 1 WHERE id = '{$threadid}' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $action = '';
        $threadsticky = 1;
    } elseif ($action == 'unsticky') {
        $threadid = intval($threadid);
        if (!$allowSticky) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to use sticky");
        mysql_query("UPDATE l_forumthread SET is_sticky = 0 WHERE id = '{$threadid}' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
        $action = '';
        $threadsticky = 0;
    } elseif ($action == 'new' || $action == 'reply' || $action == 'edit') {
        if ($action == 'new' && !$allowNew) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to post new topics");
        } elseif ($action == 'reply' && !$allowReply) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to reply");
        } elseif ($action == 'edit' && !$allowEdit) {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to edit");
        echo '<form method=post name="post" action="index.php">' . SID_FORM;
        echo '<input type=hidden name=threadid value=' . $threadid . '>';
        echo '<input type=hidden name=link value="' . $link . '">';
        echo '<input type=hidden name=forumid value=' . $forumid . '>';
        echo '<input type=hidden name=id value=' . $id . '>';
        echo '<input type=hidden name=top value=' . $top . '>' . snFormInit();
        echo '<table border=0 align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>';
        echo '<tr class=tablehead><td colspan=2 align=center>';
        if ($action == 'new') {
            echo 'New Topic';
        } elseif ($action == 'reply') {
            echo 'New Reply';
        } else {
            echo "Edit message";
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td>Subject: </td><td>';
        if ($action == 'new') {
            print '<input type=text name=subject size=50 maxlength=80>';
        } else {
            $row = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject from l_forumthread where id={$threadid}"));
            echo '<i>' . $row->subject . '</i>';
        print '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td valign="top">Message</td><td>';
        if ($action == 'edit') {
            $id = intval($id);
            $row = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select msg from l_forummsg where msgid={$id}"));
            print '<textarea cols=50 rows=10 name=forummsg>' . htmlspecialchars($row->msg) . '</textarea>';
        } else {
            print '<textarea cols=50 rows=10 name=forummsg></textarea>';
        print '</td></tr>';
        // Form buttons
        echo '<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>' . htmlFormButton('OK', 'save_' . $action) . '&nbsp' . htmlFormButton('Cancel', 'cancel', CLRBUT) . '</td></tr>';
        print '<tr><td>Smiley:</td><td align="middle">';
        $res = mysql_query("select image, code from l_smiley GROUP BY image") or die(mysql_error());
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
            print '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:document.post.forummsg.value += \' ' . $row->code . '\'"><img border=0 src="' . THEME_DIR . 'smilies/' . $row->image . '" border=0/></a> ';
        print "</tr>";
        echo '</table></form>';
    } elseif (isset($_POST['save_new'])) {
        $forummsg = section_bzforums_stripExtraLF($_POST['forummsg']);
        $subject = $_POST['subject'];
        // New topic
        if ($allowNew) {
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO l_forumthread (id,forumid,creatorid,subject) VALUES(0, {$forumid}, {$_SESSION['playerid']}, '" . $subject . "')") or die(mysql_error());
            $threadid = mysql_insert_id();
            mysql_query("insert into l_forummsg(msgid,threadid,fromid,msg,datesent)  \n                    values(0, {$threadid}, {$_SESSION['playerid']}, '" . $forummsg . "', '{$utcNOW}')") or die(mysql_error());
        } else {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to post new topics");
    } elseif (isset($_POST['save_reply'])) {
        $forummsg = section_bzforums_stripExtraLF($_POST['forummsg']);
        if ($allowReply) {
            snCheck('bzforums', "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}");
            mysql_query("insert into l_forummsg(msgid,threadid,fromid,msg,datesent) \n                   values(0, {$threadid}, {$_SESSION['playerid']}, '" . $forummsg . "', '{$utcNOW}')");
        } else {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to reply");
    } elseif (isset($_POST['save_edit'])) {
        $forummsg = section_bzforums_stripExtraLF($_POST['forummsg']);
        if ($allowReply) {
            $id = intval($id);
            snCheck('bzforums', "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}");
            //      mysql_query("UPDATE l_forummsg SET msg = '$forummsg' WHERE msgid = '$id'");
            mysql_query("UPDATE l_forummsg SET msg = '{$forummsg}', status = 'edited', \n                  status_by = {$_SESSION['playerid']}, status_at = '{$utcNOW}' WHERE msgid = '{$id}'");
        } else {
            errorPage("You are not allowed to edit");
    if (isset($threadid)) {
        // Display a thread
        // Control buttons
        // 06/28/2002: $POSTSPERPAGE posts/page max.
        if (!isset($top)) {
            $top = 0;
            $newtop = 0;
        if ($top == "") {
            $top = 0;
            $newtop = 0;
        if ($action == '') {
            echo '<TABLE align=right><TR>';
            if ($allowReply && $threadstatus != 'deleted') {
                echo '<td>' . htmlURLbutton('Add Reply', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&action=reply&top={$top}") . '</td>';
            if ($allowLock && $threadstatus != 'locked') {
                echo '<td>' . htmlURLbutton('Lock topic', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&action=lock&top={$top}", ADMBUT) . '</td>';
            if ($allowTDelete && $threadstatus != 'deleted') {
                echo '<td>' . htmlURLbutton('Delete topic', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&action=deletetopic&top={$top}", ADMBUT) . '</td>';
            if ($allowLock && $threadstatus == 'locked' || $allowTDelete && $threadstatus == 'deleted') {
                echo '<td>' . htmlURLbutton('Revive topic', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&action=revive&top={$top}", ADMBUT) . '</td>';
            if ($allowSticky) {
                if ($threadsticky) {
                    echo '<td>' . htmlURLbutton('Remove sticky', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&action=unsticky&top={$top}", ADMBUT) . '</td>';
                } else {
                    echo '<td>' . htmlURLbutton('Make sticky', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&action=sticky&top={$top}", ADMBUT) . '</td>';
            echo '</tr></table><BR clear=all>';
        $temp = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select count(msgid) num from l_forummsg where threadid={$threadid}"));
        $numpost = $temp->num;
        $numpages = floor(($numpost + $POSTSPERPAGE - 1) / $POSTSPERPAGE);
        $curpage = $top / $POSTSPERPAGE + 1;
        $res = sqlQuery("select msgid, msg, datesent, l_forummsg.status, status_at, l_player.id pid, \n      player2.callsign as editedby, l_player.callsign, r.name as role\n      from (l_forummsg, l_player, bzl_roles r)\n      LEFT JOIN l_player player2  ON  player2.id = status_by\n      where threadid={$threadid}\n      and fromid = l_player.id\n      and l_player.role_id = r.id\n      order by datesent\n      limit {$top}, {$POSTSPERPAGE}");
        // Table header
        $sub = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject, status from l_forumthread where id={$threadid}"));
        echo '<table align=center border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>';
        if ($threadsticky) {
            $status = '<b>Sticky</b> ';
        } else {
            $status = '';
        if ($sub->status == 'locked') {
            $status .= '<b>Locked</b> ';
        } elseif ($sub->status == 'deleted') {
            $status .= '<b>Deleted</b> ';
        echo '<tr class=tabhead><td colspan=3><font size=+1>' . $status . '<i>' . smileys($sub->subject) . '</i></font>';
        // Display pages if multiple pages and not adding a post
        if ($numpages > 1 && !isset($addpost)) {
            echo '<div align=right>';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $numpages; $i++) {
                if ($i == $curpage) {
                    echo $i . '&nbsp;';
                } else {
                    $newtop = ($i - 1) * $POSTSPERPAGE;
                    echo '<a href="index.php?link=' . $link . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&top=' . $newtop . '&' . SID . '">' . $i . '</a>&nbsp;';
            echo '</div>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr class=tablehead><td>Author</td><td>Message</td></tr>';
        $cf = 1;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
            echo '<tr class=forum' . $cf . '>';
            echo '<td valign=top rowspan="' . ($allowDelete ? 2 : 1) . '"><a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $row->pid . '&' . SID . '">' . $row->callsign . '</a>';
            if ($showRoles) {
                print " <small>({$row->role})</small>";
            echo '<br><font size=-2>(' . $row->datesent . ')</font></td>';
            $msgbody = smileys(wordwrap(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row->msg)), 75, " ", true));
            // DMP 19oct2007: Added wordwrap to break annoyingly long lines
            $highlight = false;
            // Setup available commands
            // Comamnds: If a ALL key exists, it will be the only one showed, otherwise all elements is shown
            $commands = array();
            if ($allowDelete) {
                if ($action == 'delete' && $id == $row->msgid) {
                    $highlight = true;
                    $commands['ALL'] = 'Confirmation: ' . htmlLink('Delete', 'bzforums', 'action=delete2&id=' . $row->msgid . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&top=' . $top) . ' OR ' . htmlLink('Cancel?', 'bzforums', 'id=' . $row->msgid . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&top=' . $top);
                } else {
                    $commands[] = htmlLink('[delete]', 'bzforums', 'action=delete&id=' . $row->msgid . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&top=' . $top);
            if ($allowEdit) {
                $commands[] = htmlLink('[edit]', 'bzforums', 'action=edit&id=' . $row->msgid . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&top=' . $top);
            if ($highlight) {
                echo '<td valign=top><font color=red>' . $msgbody . '</font>';
            } else {
                echo '<td valign=top>' . $msgbody;
            if ($row->status == 'edited') {
                echo "<BR><small>(Message edited by {$row->editedby} at: {$row->status_at})</small>";
            echo '</td></tr>';
            // Show commands if any
            if (count($commands)) {
                // if action is set dont show i$commands unless it contains 'ALL'
                if ($action != '' && isset($commands['ALL']) || $action == '') {
                    echo '<tr><td align="right" colspan="2" valign=top><small>' . (isset($commands['ALL']) ? $commands['ALL'] : join(' ', $commands)) . '</small></td></tr>';
                } else {
                    echo '<tr></tr>';
            $cf = 3 - $cf;
        echo '</table>';
        if ($curpage < $numpages) {
            echo '<CENTER><BR>' . htmlURLbutSmall("NEXT Page", $link, "forumid={$forumid}&threadid={$threadid}&top=" . $curpage * $POSTSPERPAGE);
    } else {
        if (isset($forumid) && !isset($addpost)) {
            // Display specific forum
            // Control buttons
            if ($allowNew) {
                echo '<div align=right>' . htmlURLbutton('New Topic', $link, "forumid={$forumid}&action=new&top={$top}") . '</div>';
            if ($allowViewDeleted) {
                $viewClause = '';
            } else {
                $viewClause = "AND l_forumthread.status != 'deleted' ";
            $res = mysql_query("select l_forumthread.id,l_forumthread.subject, l_player.id pid, \n          l_player.callsign, max(l_forummsg.datesent) ds, \n          unix_timestamp(max(l_forummsg.datesent)) datesent_ts,\n          l_forumthread.status, \n          l_forumthread.status_at,\n          splayer.callsign as status_by, l_forumthread.is_sticky\n        from (l_forumthread, l_forummsg, l_player, l_player l_player2)\n        left join l_player splayer  ON (splayer.id = l_forumthread.status_by)\n        where l_forumthread.forumid={$forumid}\n          and l_forumthread.creatorid = l_player.id\n          {$viewClause}\n          and l_forumthread.id = l_forummsg.threadid\n          and l_player2.id = l_forummsg.fromid\n        group by l_forumthread.id, l_forumthread.subject, l_player.id, l_player.callsign\n        order by l_forumthread.is_sticky DESC, ds desc") or die(mysql_error());
            // Table header
            echo '<table align=center border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>';
            echo '<tr class=tabhead><td width=50%>Topic</td><td align=center>Replies</td><td 
          align=center>Last Comment</td><td align=center>Started by</td></tr>';
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
                // Get the last author for this topic
                $la = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select l_player.id pid, l_player.callsign\n          from l_player, l_forummsg\n          where threadid = {$row->id}\n          and fromid = l_player.id\n          order by datesent desc\n          limit 0, 1"));
                $nr = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select count(*)-1 num\n          from l_forummsg\n          where threadid = " . $row->id));
                echo '<tr><td>';
                if ($row->is_sticky == 1) {
                    print '<b>STICKY</b> ';
                if ($row->status == 'locked') {
                    echo '<b>LOCKED</b>; ';
                } elseif ($row->status == 'deleted') {
                    echo '<b>DELETED</b>; ';
                echo '<a href="index.php?link=' . $link . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $row->id . '&' . SID . '">';
                if (empty($row->subject)) {
                    $row->subject = '(no subject)';
                if (isset($_SESSION['last_login']) && $_SESSION['last_login'] < $row->datesent_ts) {
                    echo '<font color="red"><b>' . smileys($row->subject) . '</b></font></a>';
                } else {
                    echo smileys($row->subject) . '</a>';
                $numpages = floor(($nr->num + 1 + $POSTSPERPAGE - 1) / $POSTSPERPAGE);
                if ($numpages > 1) {
                    echo '&nbsp;(<img src="' . THEME_DIR . '/multipage.gif">&nbsp;';
                    for ($i = 2; $i <= $numpages; $i++) {
                        $t = ($i - 1) * 10;
                        echo '<a href="index.php?link=' . $link . '&top=' . $t . '&forumid=' . $forumid . '&threadid=' . $row->id . '&' . SID . '">' . $i . '</a>&nbsp;';
                    echo ')';
                if ($row->status != 'normal') {
                    if (!$row->status_by) {
                        $row->status_by = 'SYSTEM';
                    echo "<br /><small>by {$row->status_by} at {$row->status_at}</small>";
                echo '</td>
        <td align=center>' . $nr->num;
                echo '</td>
        <td align=center>' . $row->ds . '<br>by <a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $la->pid . '&' . SID . '">' . $la->callsign . '</a></td>
        <td align=center><a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $row->pid . '&' . SID . '">' . $row->callsign . '</a></td>
            echo '</table>';
        } elseif ($action == '') {
            // Display forums list
            $res = mysql_query("select l_forum.id, l_forum.title, ifnull(max(l_forummsg.datesent),'n/a') md, count(l_forummsg.msgid) num,\n          unix_timestamp(max(l_forummsg.datesent)) as datesent_ts\n          from l_forum \n          left join l_forumthread on (l_forum.id = l_forumthread.forumid AND l_forumthread.status != 'deleted')\n          left join l_forummsg on l_forumthread.id = l_forummsg.threadid\n          where l_forum.status = 'open'\n          group by l_forum.id, l_forum.title\n          order by title") or die(mysql_error());
            echo '<table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
      <tr class=tabhead><td>Forums</td><td align=right># Posts</td><td align=center>Last Comment</td></tr>';
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
                echo '<tr><td><a href="index.php?link=' . $link . '&forumid=' . $row->id . '&' . SID . '">';
                if (isset($_SESSION['last_login']) && $_SESSION['last_login'] < $row->datesent_ts) {
                    echo "<font color=\"red\">" . $row->title . "</font>";
                } else {
                    echo $row->title;
                echo '</a></td><td align=center>' . $row->num . '</td><td align=center>' . $row->md . '</td></tr>';
            echo '</table>';
コード例 #6
ファイル: fights.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_fights()
    //$_SESSION['new_match'] = 0;
    if (isset($_GET['days'])) {
        $numdays = $_GET['days'];
    } else {
        $numdays = DEFAULTDAYS;
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $teamid = $_GET['id'];
    } else {
        $teamid = -1;
    if (isset($_GET['season_id']) && ENABLE_SEASONS) {
        $season_id = $_GET['season_id'];
        $numdays = null;
    } else {
        $season_id = -1;
    if (isFuncAllowed('entermatch::edit_match') || isFuncAllowed('entermatch::delete_match')) {
        $admin = true;
    if (isset($_GET['det'])) {
        $detail = $_GET['det'];
    if (!isFuncAllowed('match_detail')) {
        $detail = 0;
    if ($admin) {
        $utFreeze = section_fights_queryGetFreezeDate();
    $qwhere = '';
    if ($teamid >= 0 || $numdays != 0 || $season_id > -1) {
        $qwhere = "WHERE ";
        $and = false;
        if ($teamid >= 0) {
            $qwhere = 'WHERE (l_team1.id = \'' . intval($_GET['id']) . '\' OR l_team2.id = \'' . intval($_GET['id']) . '\') ';
        } else {
            $qwhere = "WHERE ";
        if ($numdays != 0) {
            if ($teamid >= 0) {
                $qwhere = $qwhere . "\nAND ";
            $qwhere = $qwhere . "tsactual > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$numdays} day)";
        if ($season_id > -1) {
            $qwhere = $qwhere . ($and ? "\nAND " : " ") . "season = {$season_id}";
            $and = true;
    if ($detail == 0) {
        $res = sqlQuery($sql = "SELECT matchtab.id, tsactual, team1, l_team1.name name1, score1, team2, \n        l_team2.name name2, score2, unix_timestamp(tsenter) as tsenter_unix,\n      matchtab.id as matchid, l_team1.status stat1, l_team2.status stat2, season, matchtab.mlength\n      FROM " . TBL_MATCH . " matchtab\n      left join l_team l_team1 on l_team1.id = team1\n      left join l_team l_team2 on l_team2.id = team2\n      {$qwhere} ORDER BY tsactual desc");
    } else {
        $res = sqlQuery("SELECT matchtab.id, tsactual, team1, l_team1.name name1, score1, team2, \n        l_team2.name name2, score2, unix_timestamp(tsenter) as tsenter_unix,\n        player1.callsign enteredby, tsenter, identer,\n        player2.callsign editedby, tsedit, idedit, matchtab.id as matchid,\n        oldrankt1, oldrankt2, newrankt1, newrankt2, l_team1.status stat1, l_team2.status stat2,\n\tmatchtab.mlength, season\n      FROM " . TBL_MATCH . " matchtab\n      left join l_team l_team1 on l_team1.id = team1\n      left join l_team l_team2 on l_team2.id = team2\n      left join l_player player1 on player1.id = identer\n      left join l_player player2 on player2.id = idedit\n      {$qwhere} ORDER BY tsactual desc");
    if ($season_id < 1) {
        section_fights_pageStartRegular($teamid, $numdays, $detail);
    } else {
    $show_mlength = count(explode(',', VALID_MLENGTH)) > 1;
    $numGames = 0;
    $last_season = -1;
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        if (++$numGames % 2) {
            $cl = "rowOdd";
        } else {
            $cl = "rowEven";
        $style = null;
        if (isset($_SESSION['last_login']) && $_SESSION['last_login'] < $obj->tsenter_unix) {
            $style = LINK_NEW;
        if (ENABLE_SEASONS && $season_id < 1 && $last_season != $obj->season) {
            $season = sqlQuerySingle("SELECT startdate,enddate FROM l_season WHERE id = {$obj->season} AND id > 1");
            if ($season) {
                echo "<tr style='background-color:darkred;color:white;'><td>Season: </td><td colspan=7>{$season->startdate} - {$season->enddate}</td></tr>";
            } else {
                echo "<tr style='background-color:darkred;color:white;'><td colspan=8 align=\"center\">Off season</td></tr>";
            $last_season = $obj->season;
        echo "<tr class=\"{$cl}\"><td><a name=\"{$obj->id}\" href=\"#{$obj->id}\">" . substr($obj->tsactual, 0, -3) . '</a>';
        if ($show_mlength) {
            print " [{$obj->mlength}] ";
        print '<td align=right><nobr>&nbsp;';
        echo teamLink($obj->name1, "{$obj->team1}", $obj->stat1, $style);
        echo '</td><TD>&nbsp;<b>vs.</b>&nbsp;</td><TD>';
        echo teamLink($obj->name2, "{$obj->team2}", $obj->stat2, $style);
        print '&nbsp</nobr><td align=center>' . $obj->score1 . '</td><td>-</td><td align=center>' . $obj->score2 . '&nbsp;</td>';
        print '<td>';
        if ($admin && strtotime($obj->tsactual) > $utFreeze) {
            echo htmlURLbutSmall('EDIT', 'editmatch', "mid={$obj->matchid}", ADMBUT);
        print "</td></tr>\n";
        if ($detail != 0) {
            $enteredBy = '?';
            if ($obj->identer != 0) {
                $enteredBy = $obj->enteredby;
            echo "<TR class=\"{$cl}\"><td></td><td class=\"dim\" colspan=5 align=left>\n        * Entered AT: {$obj->tsenter}, BY: {$enteredBy}</td></tr>\n";
            if ($detail > 1 && $obj->idedit != 0) {
                echo "<TR class=\"{$cl}\"><td></td><td colspan=5 class=\"dim\" align=left>\n        * Edited AT: {$obj->tsedit}, BY: {$obj->editedby}</td></tr>\n";
            if ($detail > 2 && $obj->oldrankt1 != 0) {
                echo "<TR class=\"{$cl}\"><td></td><td class=\"dim\" colspan=5 align=left>\n          * {$obj->name1} rank changed from {$obj->oldrankt1} to {$obj->newrankt1}</td></tr>\n\n          <TR class=\"{$cl}\"><td></td><td class=\"dim\" colspan=5 align=left>\n          * {$obj->name2} rank changed from {$obj->oldrankt2} to {$obj->newrankt2}</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<TR><TD colspan=8><HR></td></tr>\n    <TR><td></td><TD colspan=2>Number of matches shown:</td><td>{$numGames}</td><td colspan=4></td></tr>\n    <TR><TD colspan=8><HR></td></tr>\n    </td></tr></table>";