コード例 #1
ファイル: plugin.php プロジェクト: gcorral/hivequeen
 * Sanitizes plugin data, optionally adds markup, optionally translates.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @access private
 * @see get_plugin_data()
function _get_plugin_data_markup_translate($plugin_file, $plugin_data, $markup = true, $translate = true)
    // Sanitize the plugin filename to a HQ_PLUGIN_DIR relative path
    $plugin_file = plugin_basename($plugin_file);
    // Translate fields
    if ($translate) {
        if ($textdomain = $plugin_data['TextDomain']) {
            if ($plugin_data['DomainPath']) {
                load_plugin_textdomain($textdomain, false, dirname($plugin_file) . $plugin_data['DomainPath']);
            } else {
                load_plugin_textdomain($textdomain, false, dirname($plugin_file));
        } elseif (in_array(basename($plugin_file), array('hello.php', 'akismet.php'))) {
            $textdomain = 'default';
        if ($textdomain) {
            foreach (array('Name', 'PluginURI', 'Description', 'Author', 'AuthorURI', 'Version') as $field) {
                $plugin_data[$field] = translate($plugin_data[$field], $textdomain);
    // Sanitize fields
    $allowed_tags = $allowed_tags_in_links = array('abbr' => array('title' => true), 'acronym' => array('title' => true), 'code' => true, 'em' => true, 'strong' => true);
    $allowed_tags['a'] = array('href' => true, 'title' => true);
    // Name is marked up inside <a> tags. Don't allow these.
    // Author is too, but some plugins have used <a> here (omitting Author URI).
    $plugin_data['Name'] = hq_kses($plugin_data['Name'], $allowed_tags_in_links);
    $plugin_data['Author'] = hq_kses($plugin_data['Author'], $allowed_tags);
    $plugin_data['Description'] = hq_kses($plugin_data['Description'], $allowed_tags);
    $plugin_data['Version'] = hq_kses($plugin_data['Version'], $allowed_tags);
    $plugin_data['PluginURI'] = esc_url($plugin_data['PluginURI']);
    $plugin_data['AuthorURI'] = esc_url($plugin_data['AuthorURI']);
    $plugin_data['Title'] = $plugin_data['Name'];
    $plugin_data['AuthorName'] = $plugin_data['Author'];
    // Apply markup
    if ($markup) {
        if ($plugin_data['PluginURI'] && $plugin_data['Name']) {
            $plugin_data['Title'] = '<a href="' . $plugin_data['PluginURI'] . '">' . $plugin_data['Name'] . '</a>';
        if ($plugin_data['AuthorURI'] && $plugin_data['Author']) {
            $plugin_data['Author'] = '<a href="' . $plugin_data['AuthorURI'] . '">' . $plugin_data['Author'] . '</a>';
        $plugin_data['Description'] = hqtexturize($plugin_data['Description']);
        if ($plugin_data['Author']) {
            $plugin_data['Description'] .= ' <cite>' . sprintf(__('By %s.'), $plugin_data['Author']) . '</cite>';
    return $plugin_data;
コード例 #2
ファイル: media.php プロジェクト: gcorral/hivequeen
 * Builds the Caption shortcode output.
 * Allows a plugin to replace the content that would otherwise be returned. The
 * filter is 'img_caption_shortcode' and passes an empty string, the attr
 * parameter and the content parameter values.
 * The supported attributes for the shortcode are 'id', 'align', 'width', and
 * 'caption'.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param array  $attr {
 *     Attributes of the caption shortcode.
 *     @type string $id      ID of the div element for the caption.
 *     @type string $align   Class name that aligns the caption. Default 'alignnone'. Accepts 'alignleft',
 *                           'aligncenter', alignright', 'alignnone'.
 *     @type int    $width   The width of the caption, in pixels.
 *     @type string $caption The caption text.
 *     @type string $class   Additional class name(s) added to the caption container.
 * }
 * @param string $content Shortcode content.
 * @return string HTML content to display the caption.
function img_caption_shortcode($attr, $content = null)
    // New-style shortcode with the caption inside the shortcode with the link and image tags.
    if (!isset($attr['caption'])) {
        if (preg_match('#((?:<a [^>]+>\\s*)?<img [^>]+>(?:\\s*</a>)?)(.*)#is', $content, $matches)) {
            $content = $matches[1];
            $attr['caption'] = trim($matches[2]);
    } elseif (strpos($attr['caption'], '<') !== false) {
        $attr['caption'] = hq_kses($attr['caption'], 'post');
     * Filter the default caption shortcode output.
     * If the filtered output isn't empty, it will be used instead of generating
     * the default caption template.
     * @since 0.0.1
     * @see img_caption_shortcode()
     * @param string $output  The caption output. Default empty.
     * @param array  $attr    Attributes of the caption shortcode.
     * @param string $content The image element, possibly wrapped in a hyperlink.
    $output = apply_filters('img_caption_shortcode', '', $attr, $content);
    if ($output != '') {
        return $output;
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'align' => 'alignnone', 'width' => '', 'caption' => '', 'class' => ''), $attr, 'caption');
    $atts['width'] = (int) $atts['width'];
    if ($atts['width'] < 1 || empty($atts['caption'])) {
        return $content;
    if (!empty($atts['id'])) {
        $atts['id'] = 'id="' . esc_attr(sanitize_html_class($atts['id'])) . '" ';
    $class = trim('hq-caption ' . $atts['align'] . ' ' . $atts['class']);
    if (current_theme_supports('html5', 'caption')) {
        return '<figure ' . $atts['id'] . 'style="width: ' . (int) $atts['width'] . 'px;" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . do_shortcode($content) . '<figcaption class="hq-caption-text">' . $atts['caption'] . '</figcaption></figure>';
    $caption_width = 10 + $atts['width'];
     * Filter the width of an image's caption.
     * By default, the caption is 10 pixels greater than the width of the image,
     * to prevent post content from running up against a floated image.
     * @since 0.0.1
     * @see img_caption_shortcode()
     * @param int    $caption_width Width of the caption in pixels. To remove this inline style,
     *                              return zero.
     * @param array  $atts          Attributes of the caption shortcode.
     * @param string $content       The image element, possibly wrapped in a hyperlink.
    $caption_width = apply_filters('img_caption_shortcode_width', $caption_width, $atts, $content);
    $style = '';
    if ($caption_width) {
        $style = 'style="width: ' . (int) $caption_width . 'px" ';
    return '<div ' . $atts['id'] . $style . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . do_shortcode($content) . '<p class="hq-caption-text">' . $atts['caption'] . '</p></div>';
コード例 #3
ファイル: kses.php プロジェクト: gcorral/hivequeen
 * Strips all of the HTML in the content.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param string $data Content to strip all HTML from
 * @return string Filtered content without any HTML
function hq_filter_nohtml_kses($data)
    return addslashes(hq_kses(stripslashes($data), 'strip'));