コード例 #1
ファイル: smts.php プロジェクト: muthulatha/iem
$day1 = isset($_REQUEST['day1']) ? intval($_REQUEST['day1']) : date("d", $d2);
$hour1 = isset($_REQUEST['hour1']) ? intval($_REQUEST['hour1']) : 0;
$year2 = isset($_REQUEST['year2']) ? intval($_REQUEST['year2']) : date("Y", $now);
$month2 = isset($_REQUEST['month2']) ? intval($_REQUEST['month2']) : date("m", $now);
$day2 = isset($_REQUEST['day2']) ? intval($_REQUEST['day2']) : date("d", $now);
$hour2 = isset($_REQUEST['hour2']) ? intval($_REQUEST['hour2']) : date("H", $now);
$opt = isset($_REQUEST['opt']) ? $_REQUEST['opt'] : '1';
$sselect = networkSelect("ISUSM", $station);
$y1 = yearSelect2(2012, $year1, "year1");
$m1 = monthSelect($month1, "month1");
$d1 = daySelect2($day1, "day1");
$h1 = hourSelect($hour1, "hour1");
$y2 = yearSelect2(2012, $year2, "year2");
$m2 = monthSelect($month2, "month2");
$d2 = daySelect2($day2, "day2");
$h2 = hourSelect($hour2, "hour2");
$ar = array("1" => "3 Panel Plot", "2" => "Just Soil Temps", "3" => "Daily Max/Min 4 Inch Soil Temps", "4" => "Daily Solar Radiation", "5" => "Daily Potential Evapotranspiration");
$oselect = make_select("opt", $opt, $ar);
$img = sprintf("smts.py?opt=%s&station=%s&year1=%s&year2=%s" . "&month1=%s&month2=%s&day1=%s&day2=%s&" . "hour1=%s&hour2=%s", $opt, $station, $year1, $year2, $month1, $month2, $day1, $day2, $hour1, $hour2);
$t->content = <<<EOF
<ol class="breadcrumb">
 <li><a href="/agclimate/">AgClimate Network</a></li>
 <li class="active">Soil Moisture Plots</li>

<h3>Soil Moisture and Precipitation Timeseries</h3>

<p>This application plots a timeseries of soil moisture and precipitation from
a ISU Soil Moisture station of your choice.  Please select a start and end time
and click the 'Make Plot' button below.
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: muthulatha/iem
include "../../../config/settings.inc.php";
define("IEM_APPID", 78);
include_once "../../../include/myview.php";
$t = new MyView();
$t->title = "School Network Data Download";
include "../../../include/forms.php";
include "../../../include/imagemaps.php";
$nselect = networkMultiSelect(array("KCCI", "KIMT", "KELO"), '', array(), 'station[]');
$y1 = yearSelect2(2002, date("Y"), "year1");
$m1 = monthSelect(date("m"), "month1");
$d1 = daySelect2(date("d"), "day1");
$h1 = hourSelect(0, "hour1");
$y2 = yearSelect2(2002, date("Y"), "year2");
$m2 = monthSelect(date("m"), "month2");
$d2 = daySelect2(date("d"), "day2");
$h2 = hourSelect(0, "hour2");
$t->content = <<<EOF
<h3 class="heading">SchoolNet Data Download</h3>

<p>With this form, you can download schoolnet data.  The 
archive starts on <b>12 Feb 2002</b> for stations that were online at that
time.  You may want to consult a 
<a href="/sites/networks.php?network=KCCI&format=html">listing</a>
of when the IEM started to archive data from a site.  Data from the current
day is not dumped into this archive until Midnight.  This means that the most
recent data is from yesterday.</p>

<form method="GET" action="worker.php">

コード例 #3
ファイル: asi.php プロジェクト: muthulatha/iem
$t->title = "Atmospheric Structure Instrumentation";
$t->thispage = "networks-other";
$channels = array("ch1" => "Wind Speed @48.5m [m/s]", "ch2" => "Wind Speed @48.5m [m/s]", "ch3" => "Wind Speed @32m [m/s]", "ch4" => "Wind Speed @32m [m/s]", "ch5" => "Wind Speed @10m [m/s]", "ch6" => "Wind Speed @10m [m/s]", "ch7" => "Wind Direction @47m [deg]", "ch8" => "Wind Direction @40m [deg]", "ch9" => "Wind Direction @10m [deg]", "ch10" => "Air Temperature @3m [C]", "ch11" => "Air Temperature @48.5m [C]", "ch12" => "Barometer @48.5m [mb]");
$c = "";
while (list($key, $ch) = each($channels)) {
    $c .= sprintf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>", $key, $ch);
$nselect = networkSelect("ISUASI", $station);
$ys = yearSelect2(2012, $syear, "syear");
$ms = monthSelect($smonth, "smonth");
$ds = daySelect2($sday, "sday");
$hs = hourSelect($shour, "shour");
$ye = yearSelect2(2012, $eyear, "eyear");
$me = monthSelect($emonth, "emonth");
$de = daySelect2($eday, "eday");
$he = hourSelect($ehour, "ehour");
$t->content = <<<EOF
<h3 class="heading">Atmospheric Structure Data</h3>

<p>The IEM is collecting and providing data from an instrumentation project
that outfitted two towers with wind and temperature sensors.  
(Insert more details here).

<h3>Plots of this data</h3>
<form method="GET" name="plot">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="plot" />

<strong>Select station:</strong>{$nselect}
